Your First Grammar GRAMMAR BEAN 4 정답 및 해설 wide

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step 1-1


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로



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Your First Grammar GRAMMAR BEAN 4 정답 및 해설 wide

01 My Grammar Note p.9 1. more beautiful 2. largest 3. than 4. the p.10-11 A 1. longer 2. biggest 3. smaller 4. better 5. cheapest 6. most famous 7. taller-tallest 8. younger-youngest 9. more-most 10. heavier-heaviest 11. faster-fastest 12. more interesting -most interesting 13. larger - largest 14. worse - worst 15. more popular - most popular B 1. O 2. V 3. O 4. O 5. V 6. O C 1. smaller 2. tallest 3. fatter 4. hottest 5. more important 6. easiest 7. less 8. laziest 비교급과최상급 1 p.12-15 A 1. higher 2. the most expensive 3. safer 4. the happiest 5. the richest 6. shorter 7. more famous 8. the most popular 9. the youngest 10. slower 11. the best 12. the longest 13. the funniest 14. easier 15. the worst B 1. 1) taller than 2) shorter than 3) the tallest 2. 1) cheaper than 2) more expensive than 3) the most expensive 3. 1) smaller than 2) bigger than 3) the smallest C 1. 1) long 2) longer 2. 1) beautiful 2) most beautiful 3. 1) sad 2) saddest 4. 1) fatter 2) fattest D 1. faster than 2. bigger than 3. worse than 4. the most popular 5. the best 6. more important E 1. the laziest 2. faster than 3. lighter than 4. the youngest 5. hotter than 6. more difficult than 7. the most beautiful 8. better than 9. the longest p.16-17 A 1. is colder than fall 2. is smaller than Jejudo 3. is the largest country 4. is the highest mountain B 1. is younger than David 2. is taller than Billy C 1. My room is darker than the living room. 2. Who is the richest person in the world? 3. He was the bravest of all the soldiers. 4. Today is warmer than yesterday. D 1. the fastest 2. faster than 3. the slowest Wrap-up Test p.18-20 1. 3 2. 2 3. 2 4. 4 5. 2 6. 1 7. 2 8. 4 9. I m the shortest student in my class. 10. higher than 1. 124는모두 -er을붙여비교급을만들지만, famous 는앞에 more를붙여서만든다. 2. good better best

bad worse worst 3. 빈칸에는각각비교급, 최상급이들어가야한다. 4. 최상급표현 : the + 최상급 + in/of ~ 5. 2 I m younger than Alice. 6. 앞에 more 가있으므로, smart 는들어갈수없다. smart 의비교급은 smarter 이다. 7. 의미상 ( 장소등 ) 에서 를뜻하는 in 이알맞다. of 는 ~ 중에서 를뜻한다. 8. 4 heavyer heavier 9. the + 최상급 + in ~: ~ 에서가장 한 10. 높은 은 high 로표현하며, high 의비교급은 higher 이다. My Grammar Note p.23 1. much longer 2. the, the 3. and 4. one, one 02 비교급과최상급 2 p.26-29 A 1. a larger, much / a large, very 2. piano well, very / piano better, much 3. is sweet, very / is sweeter, much B 1. darker, darker 2. colder and colder 3. fatter and fatter 4. more, more popular C 1. 3 2. 2 3. 4 4. 3 5. 1 6. 4 D 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b E 1. 1) tall 2) much taller 2. 1) famous 2) more and more famous 3. 1) dangerous 2) much more dangerous 4. 1) larger 2) the largest 5. 1) the hottest 2) much hotter 3) hotter and hotter F 1. much more comfortable 2. much smarter 3. the most popular 4. weaker and weaker 5. the more G 1. much taller 2. the largest 3. more 4. much smarter 5. the longest rivers 6. the better p.24-25 A 1. very 2. much 3. very 4. much 5. much B 1. better 2. more 3. the more 4. warmer and warmer 5. more C 1. one of the best 2. one of the largest 3. one of the smallest islands 4. one of the most famous actors D 1. faster 2. much faster 3. the fastest 4. slower 5. the slowest p.30-31 A 1. Brazil is larger than India. 2. China is much larger than India. 3. India is the smallest country 4. China is one of the largest countries B 1. 1) much heavier than 2) This book is much more difficult than that book. 2. 1) smaller, smaller 2) The earth is getting warmer and warmer. 3. 1) the highest 2) A whale is one of the biggest animals 정답및해설 -

4. 1) much older than 2) My computer is much faster than yours[your computer]. 5. 1) The more, the more 2) The more I learn, the more I forget. C 1. the more I exercised 2. much fatter 3. the fattest girls 03 to부정사 My Grammar Note p.37 1. to 2. 명사, to 3. 형용사, to 4. 부사, to p.38-39 Wrap-up Test p.32-34 1. 2 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 1 6. 3 7. 4 8. shorter and shorter 9. one of the most popular singers 10. much smarter than 1. 비교급앞에 much를써서비교급의의미를강조할수있다. 2. one of the + 최상급 + 복수명사 : 가장 ~ 한 중하나비교급 + and + 비교급 : 점점더 ~ 한 3. more and more: 점점더많은 4. the + 비교급, the + 비교급 : ~ 할수록점점더 하다 5. 1 It s getting darker and darker. 6. 3 one of the 뒤에는최상급을쓴다. 7. than은 ~ 보다 의뜻이므로비교급과함께쓴다. 4 ~ 에서 의의미인 in이알맞다. 8. 비교급 + and + 비교급 : 점점더 ~ 한 9. one of the + 최상급 + 복수명사 : 가장 ~ 한 중하나 10. 비교급을강조할때는 much( 훨씬 ) 를쓴다. A 1. O 2. O 3. X 4. X 5. O 6. X 7. X 8. X 9. O 10. O B 1. 1) cooks 2) to cook 2. 1) to eat 2) eats 3. 1) to listen 2) listen 4. 1) got 2) to get C 1. the time to learn 2. something to drink 3. nothing to eat 4. enough money to buy 5. work to do D 1. to buy some food 2. to write an email 3. to catch the train 4. to play baseball 5. to visit Canada A 1. likes swim 2. time say 3. came see 4. decided be 5. turn wash 6. bakery buy p.40-43 B 1. to see 2. to arrive 3. to fix 4. to pass 5. to visit

C 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. c 11. a 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. c D 1. decided to keep 2. learn to swim 3. wanted to marry 4. began to clean 5. expect to hear 6. time to exercise 7. a magazine to read 8. money to take 9. nothing to say 10. something to drink E 1. He came to the restaurant to eat dinner. 2. We used the map to find the hotel. 3. I am going to the library to study for my exam. 4. She went to the bathroom to wash her hands. 5. She turned on the computer to play some games. F 1. to travel 2. to meet 3. to stay 4. O 5. to see 2) They are waiting for someone to fix their car. 5. 1) to meet her friends 2) Brian often goes to the Internet Café to play games. C to play, to be, to win Wrap-up Test p.46-48 1. 2 2. 4 3. 2 4. 4 5. 3 6. 1 7. 4 8. 4 9. the first man to climb 10. My plan is to get there early. 1. 의미상 보기를, 보는것을 이되어야하므로 to부정사가와야한다. ( 명사역할 ) 2. decided의목적어로 to부정사가와야하므로빈칸에는동사원형이들어가야한다. 4 saved save 3. 134 ~ 하기위해 ( 부사역할 ) 2 ~ 하는것 ( 명사역할 ) 4. 123 ~ 하는것 ( 명사역할 ) 4 ~ 할 ( 형용사역할 ) 6. want의목적어로는 to부정사나명사가올수있다. 1 eat pizza to eat pizza p.44-45 7. 4 ~ 해야할숙제 가많다는의미이므로 do 앞에 to 를써서 homework 를꾸며주어야한다. A 1. I hope to make foreign friends. 2. I want to travel around the world. 3. Andy plans to buy a new car. 4. His dream is to be a singer. 5. We decided to move to another city. B 1. 1) to lose weight 2) Peter is saving to buy a bicycle. 2. 1) to open the door 2) I need a hint to solve the riddle. 3. 1) to learn Japanese 2) Mia went to New York to see musicals. 4. 1) to fix my computer (do to do) 8. want는일반동사이므로 do를써서의문문을만들어야하며 want 뒤에는목적어로 to부정사가와야한다. 9. climb 앞에 to를써서명사 (the first man) 를꾸며주어야한다. 10. be동사 + to부정사 의형태로 ~ 은 ~ 하는것이다 라는의미이다. 정답및해설 -

04 동명사 to be 4. stopped smoking 5. finished eating 6. enjoy relaxing 7. decided to learn 8. expected to see 9. gave up fixing 10. enjoys having My Grammar Note p.51 1. -ing 2. 명사 3. is 4. to 부정사, 동명사 p.58-59 p.52-53 A 1. reading 2. Speaking 3. Eating 4. listening 5. playing 6. Seeing, believing B 1. 1) watching 2) watch 2. 1) tell 2) telling 3. 1) dances 2) dancing 4. 1) drives 2) driving C 1. b 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. c D 1. talking 2. to go 3. taking, to take 4. playing, to play 5. to meet 6. brushing, to brush 7. shopping, to shop 8. to get A 1, 3, 5, 6 p.54-57 B 1. washing 2. is 3. walking 4. barking 5. is 6. watching 7. playing C 1. eating 2. Learning 3. playing 4. reading 5. Traveling 6. Riding D 1. Climbing mountains 2. riding horses 3. taking photographs 4. running for an hour E 1. eating 2. watching 3. to meet 4. barking 5. to be 6. to cook F 1. to see 2. traveling 3. O 4. isn t 5. to buy 6. reading 7. to speak G 1. want to stay 2. kept calling 3. hope A 1. Learning a new language is interesting. 2. Driving in the rain is dangerous. 3. Becoming a famous actress is her dream. 4. Getting up early is a good habit. B 1. 1) buying 2) We gave up waiting for John. 2. 1) smiling 2) Jane kept asking the same question. 3. 1) doing 2) He finished writing a letter to Amy. 4. 1) watching 2) I avoid eating chicken late at night. 5. 1) dancing 2) We enjoyed listening to music at the party. C 1. I enjoy traveling. 2. I want to go with you. 3. But we have to start learning[to learn] English first. Wrap-up Test p.60-62 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 2 5. 4 6. 3 7. 2 8. 2 9. 2 10. finished playing the guitar 1. 의미상 읽는것 이되어야하므로 Reading 또는 To read가알맞다. 2. 124 동명사, 3 현재진행형 3. 123 현재진행형, 4 동명사

4. decide, want, promise 뒤에는목적어로 to부정사를써야한다. 5. plan과 want 뒤에는 to부정사를, enjoy 뒤에는동명사를쓴다. like 뒤에는 to부정사와동명사모두쓸수있다. 6. keep 뒤에는동명사, promise 뒤에는 to부정사를목적어로쓴다. 7. 2 seeing to see 8. 동명사가문장의주어로쓰일때는단수취급한다. 9. ~ 하는것을멈추다, 그만두다 의의미를나타내야하므로 stop 뒤에동명사를쓴다. stop to drive는 운전을하기위해멈추다 의뜻이다. 10. 동사 finish 뒤에는동명사를쓴다. B 1. in the sea 2. at the museum 3. in the bottle 4. in my pocket 5. at the new mall 6. at a restaurant C 1. in 2. on 3. under 4. in front of 5. next to 6. from 7. between 8. at 9. from 10. behind D 1. on 2. in 3. at 4. under 5. between, and 6. behind 7. in 8. next to 9. in front of 10. from, to E 1. in 2. on 3. me 4. in 5. at 6. in F 1. next to the bakery 2. a lake behind my house 3. a glass door in front of you 4. between a tree and a bench 5. from home to the Seoul Tower 05 My Grammar Note p.65 1. 전치사 2. 목적격, him 3. in, at, at, in p.66-67 A 1. in 2. at 3. in 4. at 5. in 6. in 7. at 8. at B 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. e C 1. in 2. on 3. in front of 4. next to 5. between 6. in front of 7. in 8. on 전치사 1: 장소 / 위치 p.68-71 A 1. is the sofa 2. stay home 3. Spanish Mexico 4. met the fountain 5. girl the tree 6. building this street p.72-73 A 1. Emily is sleeping on the sofa. 2. I saw many stars in the sky. 3. My best friend lives in Incheon. 4. There is a computer on the desk. 5. The train arrived at the station. B 1. 1) under the tree 2) There are many fish under the sea. 2. 1) in front of us 2) He is singing in front of many people. 3. 1) between the earth and the moon 2) What is the distance between Seoul and Tokyo? 4. 1) next to my house 2) The bookstore is next to my school. 5. 1) from his home to the station 2) Did you take a taxi from the airport to the hotel. 정답및해설 -

C 1. in front of the hospital 2. between the hospital and the church 3. next to a big tree 4. in front of the church B 1. after 2. before 3. before 4. after C 1. with 2. about 3. to 4. with 5. from 6. for D 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c Wrap-up Test p.74-76 1. 3 2. 2 3. 3 4. 1 5. 3 6. 2 7. 4 8. 2 9. between, and 10. from, to 1. 3 in front of: ~ 앞에 2. 특정장소를가리킬때는전치사 at을쓴다. 3. on: ~ 위에 4. 국가혹은공간을가리킬때는전치사 in을쓴다. 5. 124 under, 3 at 6. 전치사뒤에는명사나대명사의목적격이온다. 7. in front of: ~ 앞에 8. 2 next next to 9. between A and B: A와 B 사이에 10. from A to B: A에서 B까지 p.82-85 A 1. at 10:30 2. in 1756 3. on Tuesdays 4. in the morning 5. on his birthday 6. at night B 1. at 2. after 3. before 4. for C 1. in 2. at 3. on 4. by 5. about 6. with 7. for 8. from 9. to 10. between D 1. with 2. about 3. to 4. by 5. with 6. for 7. at 8. before 9. for 10. after E 1. on 2. in 3. on 4. to 5. by 6. at F 1. She came home before dark. 2. Paul is talking about his hobby. 3. I practice the drums from 5 to 6 p.m. 4. Kelly eats snacks between breakfast and lunch. 06 My Grammar Note p.79 1. in, at, on 2. on, on 3. by, for, to, with 4. to, to 전치사 2 : 시간및기타 p.80-81 A 1. in 2. on 3. at 4. in 5. on 6. in 7. in 8. at 9. in 10. at 11. on 12. at p.86-87 A 1. I will have a party on my birthday. 2. Jake went to Paris by airplane. 3. Amy sent an e-mail to her friend. 4. Jessica eats bread with warm milk. B 1. 1) in, for 2) He stayed in Japan for three weeks. 2. 1) at, in 2) I watch TV at 8 in the evening. 3. 1) about 2) Mina likes seeing movies about sports. 4. 1) for, after 2) I bought this book for

Tom after school. 5. 1) with 2) Kate wrote a letter with a new pen. C on, in, at, with, for Wrap-up Test p.88-90 1. 4 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 2 6. 3 7. 4 8. 3 9. about 10. with, after 1. 4 요일앞에는전치사 on 을쓴다. 2. 구체적인시간이나장소의한지점을가리킬때는전 치사 at 을쓴다. 3. 특정한날을나타내거나, ~ 위에 라는의미를갖는전 치사는 on 이다. 4. 123 ~ 을위해, 4 ~ 동안 5. 134 ~ 로 ( 목적지 ), 2 ~ 에게 6. to + 목적지, by + 교통수단, on + 요일 7. 1 in + 계절 2 by + 교통수단 3 in + 월 8. before: ~ 전에 10. with: ~ 와함께, after: ~ 후에 07 접속사 p.94-95 A 1. big and white 2. Tuesday or Wednesday 3. She was sad, but she didn't cry. 4. Let s go out after the rain stops. 5. My plan is traveling around Europe when I am 20. 6. I like Sunday because I don t have to go to school. B 1. and 2. but 3. or 4. but 5. so 6. and 7. so C 1. because 2. before 3. when 4. Because 5. After 6. when 7. before D 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. c p.96-99 A 1. apples strawberries 2. diligent, she 3. Seoul in 4. dark, we 5. light I 6. you I m B 1. 3 2. 1 3. 3 4. 1 5. 1 C 1. or 2. but 3. so 4. because 5. when 6. and D 1. and 2. after[after] 3. before 4. When[when] E 1. When 2. before 3. because 4. when 5. but 6. so 7. before 8. because 9. After F 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 3 G 1. after 2. she was late 3. so 4. sang 5. and My Grammar Note p.93 1. 접속사 2. but, or, so, 명사, 형용사 3. when, before, because p.100-101 A 1. because I was tired 2. but I am short 3. so I ate some ice cream 4. coffee and cake 5. or in the afternoon 정답및해설 -

B 1. You must brush your teeth after you eat chocolate. 2. When it is raining, I like watching TV at home. 3. I didn t wear a jacket because it was warm. 4. Can I read a comic book before I do my homework? 5. I always feel sick after I ride a roller coaster. 6. When I was young I sometimes had terrible dreams. C but, so, when Wrap-up Test p.102-104 1. 4 2. 3 3. 4 4. 2 5. 4 6. 4 7. 2 8. after[after] 9. because he is sick 10. had lunch before I came here 1. when은문장과문장을연결해주는접속사이다. 2. so: 그래서 ( 결과 ), because: ~ 이기때문에 ( 원인 ) 3. 123 ~ 할때 ( 접속사 ), 4 언제 ( 의문사 ) 4. before는전치사와접속사두가지로쓰일수있으므로, 뒤에는 ( 대 ) 명사나문장이올수있다. 5. but: 그러나, so: 그래서 6. 4 접속사 or에의해연결되는부분이 go out이므로 watching이아닌 watch TV가돼야한다. (watching watch) 7. when: ~ 할때 8. after가전치사로쓰일때는뒤에명사가오고, 접속사로쓰일때는뒤에문장이온다. 9. because: ~ 이기때문에 10. before: ~ 하기전에 08 My Grammar Note p.107 1. 동사원형 2. Don t 3. ~ 하자, not 4. Why, How p.108-109 A 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c B 1. Look 2. Bring 3. Turn 4. Don t eat 5. Never go 6. Don t play 7. Never cross C 1. see 2. make 3. play 4. be 5. not go 6. Let s not D 1. Let s 2. Shall we 3. Why don t you 4. How about 5. What about 명령문 / 제안문 p.110-113 A 1. Clean 2. Don t[never] eat 3. Don t[never] worry 4. Be B 1. Let s 2. Let s 3. Let s not 4. Let s 5. Let s 6. Let s not 7. Let s not C 1. Why don t, go 2. Let s play 3. Shall we 4. about taking D 1. Listen to me carefully. 2. Let s go to the movies tonight. 3. Don t[never] be late for the meeting again. 4. Why don t you help that little child? 5. Wear a seat belt when you drive. E 1. Don t[never] be 2. Turn 3. Don t[never] send 4. Let s not ride 5. Let s buy 6. What[How] about having 7. we dance 8. Why don t we swim 10

F 1. Be 2. go 3. O 4. Turn off 5. Let s not 6. Don t[never] 7. take 8. O 9. playing 10. O 11. not send 12. take 13. O 14. buy 15. O 16. be 17. going Wrap-up Test p.116-118 1. 1 2. 4 3. 2 4. 3 5. 2 6. 4 7. 4 8. 3 9. Don t play computer games late. 10. Why don t we 1. Let s 로시작하는제안문의부정은 Let s 바로뒤에 A 1. Be quiet in the library. p.114-115 2. Don t eat anything late at night. 3. Let s go skating right now. 4. Let s not see that horror movie. 5. Why don t you try this toast? 6. How about traveling to France? B 1. Put the backpack on the table. 2. What about going to Everland? 3. Let s not pick these flowers. 4. Shall we have some tea? 5. Don t[never] worry about this problem. 6. Why don t we study together? 7. Let s eat cookies for dessert. not을붙인다. 2. 명령문은동사원형으로시작한다. 3. 부정명령문 : Don t[never] + 동사원형 ~ 제안표현 : What[How] about + ( 동 ) 명사 ~? 4. 문맥상 ~ 하지말아라 라는부정명령문이되어야하므로빈칸에는 Don t 또는 Never가적절하다. 5. 2 수영을하러가자는제안에동의한후에수영을하지말라고말하는것은어색하다. 6. 이가아파아무것도먹을수가없으므로치과에가라고하는말이적절하다. 7. 123 점심으로피자를주문하자. 4 우리왜점심으로피자를주문하지않았니? 8. 3 Let s eat not ~ Let s not eat ~ 9. 부정명령문 : Don t+ 동사원형 ~ 10. Let s go ~ 는 Why don t we ~? 로바꿔쓸수있다. C Classroom Rules Not run in the hallway. Keep the classroom clean. Never use cell phones in class. Listens carefully to your teacher. Let s don t fight with classmates. Wash your hands before eating lunch. 1. Don t[never] run in the hallway. 2. Listen carefully to your teacher. 3. Let s not fight with classmates. / Don t fight with classmates. 09 감탄문 / 부가의문문 My Grammar Note p.121 1. how, what 1 How 2 형용사, 명사 2. 부가의문문 1 긍정 3 대명사 p.122-123 A 1.? 2.! 3.! 4.? 5.! 6.? 정답및해설 - 11

B 1. What 2. What 3. How 4. What 5. What 6. How 7. How 8. What C 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. d D 1. isn t she 2. are they 3. doesn t he 4. didn t we 5. do you 6. can t she 7. will they 8. was he p.124-127 A 1. 2 2. 1 3. 2 4. 2 B 1. How tall the man is! 2. What an exciting movie! 3. How nice the car is! 4. What a lazy girl! C 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 3 5. 2 D 1. isn t it 2. does she 3. won t they 4. didn t he 5. aren t you 6. can you E 1. is, isn t she 2. can play, can t you 3. didn t buy, did he 4. likes, doesn t she 5. is, isn t he F 1. What a strange 2. How tall 3. How clear 4. What a lovely girl G 1. What a pretty 2. is, isn t it 3. How kind 4. help, won t you 5. What a sad H 1. can you 2. How stupid 3. O 4. won t you 5. What a lazy 6. didn t they 7. O p.128-129 A 1. How handsome 2. What delicious 3. How long 4. can swim, can t you 5. likes, doesn t he 6. won t pass, will she B 1. 1) are, aren t you 2) You are Japanese, aren t you? 2. 1) What a smart 2) What a cute puppy! 3. 1) knows, doesn t she 2) Danny knows my name, doesn t he? 4. 1) can t ride, can you 2) You can t read German, can you? C 1. How tall the tree is! 2. It has a lot of green leaves, doesn t it? 3. What a cute squirrel! / How cute the squirrel is! 4. It is collecting acorns, isn t it? Wrap-up Test p.130-132 1. 2 2. 3 3. 1 4. 4 5. 2 6. 4 7. 4 8. 4 9. didn t she 10. a nice picture it is 1. 134 How, 2 What 2. 조동사의부가의문문 : ~, 조동사 (+ not) + 대명사? 일반동사과거형의부가의문문 : ~, did (+ not) + 대명사? 3. 명사가없으면 how, 명사가있으면 what을이용해감탄문을만든다. 4. 4 be동사의과거형이쓰인문장으로 4의부가의문문은 wasn t he? 이다. 5. 2 doesn t he didn t he 6. 4 will을이용하여앞으로의일을묻는말에과거 (didn t) 로답하는것은어색하다. 7. 셀수있는명사 story가있으므로형용사앞에 a/ an을쓴다. 앞문장이과거이므로부가의문문도과거로쓴다. 8. What + (a/an) + 형용사 + 명사 (+ 주어 + 동사 )! 9. 일반동사의과거형이쓰인긍정의문장이므로부가의 12

문문은과거시제부정으로쓴다. 10. picture 가단수이므로앞에관사 a 를쓴다. 10 My Grammar Note p.135 1. Isn t she, Don t you, Can t you 2. or 1 or 2 Which, or, Who, or p.136-137 A 1. Doesn t 2. Isn t 3. Don t 4. Isn t 5. Don t 6. Aren t 7. Didn t B 1. Yes 2. they are 3. Yes 4. I can t 5. you didn t 6. she does 7. No C 1. Do 2. Which 3. or 4. or 5. Who 6. Which D 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. e p.138-141 A 1. Doesn t 2. Wasn t 3. Aren t they 4. Doesn t he 5. Isn t it 6. Can t you 7. Didn t Chris B 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. e C 1. Aren t you 2. Don t you 3. Aren t they 4. Which, or 5. Does, or 6. Who is, or 7. Is, or 8. Didn t you, I 9. Wasn t, Yes, was 부정의문문 / 선택의문문 10. Can t you, No, can t D 1. you, Yes, did 2. Which do, or 3. No, it isn t 4. No, she can t 5. Did, or 6. Yes, it is 7. Who, or 8. No, he doesn t 9. Which, or E 1. 1 2. 2 3. 2 4. 3 F 1. Isn t 2. Which 3. or 4. Don t 5. or 6. No, he isn t. A 1. Don t you like music? p.142-143 2. Didn t she tell the truth? 3. Do you go to school by bus or by subway? 4. Who is your girlfriend, Emma or Olivia? 5. Which season do you like better, summer or winter? B 1. 1) Can t 2) Can t he eat carrots? 2. 1) Aren t 2) Isn t she late for the meeting? 3. 1) Which, or 2) Which do you want, cheese or butter? 4. 1) Who, or 2) Who solved the problem, you or Jessica? C 1. Didn t[did] you like my cookies? 2. Yes, I did. 3. Which do you want Wrap-up Test p.144-146 1. 2 2. 4 3. 3 4. 1 5. 2 6. 4 7. 3 8. 2 9. Don t you like, Yes, I do 10. Which do you want, cake or ice cream? 1. 부정의문문은동사의부정형을이용하며이때축약형을쓴다. 2. 일반동사가쓰인과거시제의부정의문문이므로 Didn t가적절하다. 선택의문문이므로 or가들어가야한다. 정답및해설 - 13

3. B의대답으로보아빈칸에는 Do 또는 Don t가들어가야한다. 4. B가 A의말에동의하고있으므로긍정의대답이들어가야한다. 5. 어떤것이더좋은지묻는선택의문문이므로의문사 Which가들어가야한다. 6. 선택의문문의대답은 yes/no로하지않고, 제시된것중에하나를택해답한다. 7. 3 사람에관한선택의문문이므로 Who가들어가야한다. 8. 일반동사가쓰인과거시제의부정의문문이므로 Didn t로시작해야한다. 9. 일반동사가쓰인현재시제의부정의문문이므로 Don t 로시작한다. 이어지는말로보아긍정의대답이적절하다. 10. 의문사가있는선택의문문은 의문사 + 동사 + 주어 ~, A or B? 의어순으로쓴다. 14