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특별강연 I 12:30 12:50 좌장 : 가톨릭의대주진덕 The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Fibromyalgia 경북의대전영훈 / 18 Images in Pain Practice 좌장 : 조선의대임경준 13:30 13:50 척추수술후유의해야할영상의학적소견 김찬병원영상의학과방선우 / 21 13:50 14:10 어깨수술후유심히봐야할영상의학적소견 경상의대영상의학과문진일 / 25 14:10 14:30 Thermography 와척추질환 조선의대김상훈 / 28 14:30 14:50 Bone Scan을알아보자 부산의대핵의학과김근영 / 33 14:50 15:00 Discussion 15:00 15:30 Tips for Neuromodulation 좌장 : 서울의대김용철 15:30 15:50 Technical Tips for SCS 중앙보훈병원최락민 / 37 15:50 16:10 Technical Tips for PNS 서울의대이창순 / 42 16:10 16:30 Using Radiofrequency as a Neuromodulation 조선의대이현영 / 43 16:30 16:40 Discussion 16:40 17:00 Room B ( 컨벤션센터 3 층 ) IASP 2018 Global Year for Excellence in Pain Education 좌장 : 부산의대신상욱 08:30 08:50 초음파교육의현재현황및앞으로의방향 원광의대김연동 / 44 08:50 09:10 임상에서통증교육의현황보고 계명의대홍지희 / 45 09:10 09:30 통증외래에서펠로및전공의교육의실제 ( 분당서울대병원 ) 서울의대최은주 / 46 09:30 09:50 통증외래에서펠로및전공의교육의실제 ( 서울성모병원 ) 가톨릭의대김영훈 / 47 09:50 10:00 Discussion 10:00 10:30 특별강연 II 12:30 12:50 좌장 : 울산의대임정길 An Update on the Role of Opioids in the Management of Chronic Mixed pain 가톨릭의대김영훈 / 49 - iv -

Cancer Pain & Hospice Care 좌장 : 고려의대이미경 13:30 13:50 Modifying WHO Ladder with Opioid Treatment Strategies 서울의대문지연 / 50 13:50 14:10 Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy 울산의대서정훈 / 53 14:10 14:30 Pain Management for Cancer Pain 국립암센터김대현 / 55 14:30 14:50 연명의료결정법과그시행지침에관하여 충남의대호흡기내과문재영 / 60 14:50 15:00 Discussion 15:00 15:30 스포츠통증 좌장 : 조선의대소금영 15:30 15:50 TENS, Massage and Relaxation 을지의대이강근 / 62 15:50 16:10 Pharmacological Treatments of Sports Pain 연세의대박상준 / 69 16:10 16:30 Surgical Treatments of Sports Pain 전주본병원정형외과송하헌 / 71 16:30 16:40 Discussion 16:40 17:00 Room C ( 컨벤션센터 3 층 ) Zoster Related Issues 좌장 : 연세의대윤경봉 08:30 08:50 Current States of Herpes Zoster in Korea 고려의대김현중 / 85 08:50 09:10 Update of Interventions for Zoster associated Pain 가톨릭의대김응돈 / 87 09:10 09:30 Zoster Vaccination 부산의대감염내과이수진 / 90 09:30 09:50 09:50 10:00 Zoster 시의피부과적인관리 (Dressing, Oint 제제, etc.) 경상의대피부과정의창 / 92 Discussion 10:00 10:30 특별강연 III 12:30 12:50 좌장 : 성균관의대심우석 Tapentadol as the New Standard for Treating Moderate -Severe Pain 한림의대홍성준 / 93 - v -

Room D ( 컨벤션센터 3 층 ) Legal Issues ( 장애진단관련이슈들 ) 좌장 : 고신의대김두식 08:30 08:50 만성통증장애인정에대한외국및국내의현황 : (Migraine, Neuropathic Pain, PTSD, and CRPS) 아주의대최종범 / 96 08:50 09:10 CRPS 환자에서 AMA 에따른신체장애율과적용사례 가톨릭의대문호식 / 100 09:10 09:30 CRPS 환자에서맥브라이드노동능력상실율과적용사례 전남의대이형곤 / 101 09:30 09:50 CRPS 환자에서통증상태하관절운동범위측정과장애평가 인제의대재활의학과엄미자 / 107 09:50 10:00 Discussion 10:00 10:30 Room E ( 컨벤션센터 3 층 ) English Session I: US Guided Procedure 좌장 : 부산의대김경훈 08:30 08:50 Knee 가톨릭의대김유나 / 121 08:50 09:10 Shoulder 성균관의대박지연 / 125 09:10 09:30 Head & Neck 서울의대이호진 / 129 09:30 09:50 Lower Extremity 부산의대최은지 / 133 09:50 10:00 Discussion 10:00 10:30 English Session II: S-Poster 좌장 : 순천향의대유시현 13:30 13:45 Evans blue reduces neuropathic pain behavior by inhibiting spinal ATP release 1 Department of Medical Science, Chungnam National University School of Medicine, Daejeon, 35015, Republic of Korea, 2 and Pain Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital, Daejeon, 35015, Republic of Korea, 3 Department of Anatomy, Brain Research Institute, Chungnam National University School of Medicine, Daejeon, 35015, Republic of Korea Yuhua Yin 1,2,3, Jinpyo Hong 3,, Juhee Shin 1, Do Hyeong Gwon 1, Hyeok Hee Kwon 1, Nara Shin 1, Hyo Jung Shin 1, Sun Yeul 2, Dong Woon Kim 1,3, Won-hyung 2 / 163 - vi -

13:45 14:00 14:00 14:15 14:15 14:30 14:30 14:45 14:45 15:00 Addressing the Risks of Long-Term Opioid Therapy in Chronic Noncancer Pain: A National Survey in Korea National University Hospital College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2 Department of Integrated Cancer Care Center, Seoul National University Cancer Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea Anyela Marcela Castaneda Anaya 1, Yong-Chul Kim 1, Chang-soon 1, Jee Youn Moon 1,2 / 164 Comparison of injectate spread and nerve involvement between retrolaminar and erector spinae plane blocks 연세대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실, 연세대학교의과대학해부학교실 1 강효정ㆍ양헌무 1 ㆍ윤경봉ㆍ박상준ㆍ김신형 / 167 The influence of epidural needle gauge on contrast spread in caudal block 성균관대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 오민석ㆍ심우석ㆍ이진영 / 168 Interventional Pain Treatments for the Management of Oncologic Patients With Thoracic Spinal Tumor Related Pain Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York Presbyterian Hospital -The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell Discussion Leia Rispoli / 170 15:00 15:30 English Session III: Fluoroscopic Guided Procedure 좌장 : 서울의대이상철 15:30 15:50 C-Spine 가톨릭의대오진영 / 135 15:50 16:10 L-Spine 고려의대김정은 / 141 16:10 16:30 Knee & Shoulder 경북의대이혜림 / 145 16:30 16:40 Discussion 16:40 17:00 전시홀 ( 컨벤션센터 3 층 ) Morning Demonstration I 진행 : 가톨릭의대권소영 08:10 08:30 Percutaneous Epidural Adhesiolysis using Racz Catheter / 150 - vii -

Morning Demonstration II 진행 : 건국의대김재헌 08:10 08:30 Clinical Experience of HD / LD Stimulation Parameter in SCS / 152 Workshop I Ultrasound Workshop 진행 : 가톨릭의대한윤정, 가톨릭의대박정현 09:00 10:00 바로쓰는 Live 실전초음파 Workshop (Shoulder & Knee) / 153 US-guided Injection for Shoulder Pain US-guided Injection for Knee Pain Workshop II TPI & PNB 기초 ( 통증주사치료의시작 준비부터수기까지 ) 진행 : 전북의대손지선, 원광의대김연동 10:00 11:00 주사치료의기초와이학적검사법 / 156 통증치료말초신경차단술소개및약제사용, 수기의원리및기초모형과함께하는두경부, 견부신경치료 ( 강의 20분 ) 1 Basics of Needle Manipulation & Injectants 2 Basic Anatomy & Physical Examination 3 Common Peripheral Nerve Block & Injection in Cervical & Shoulder ( 실습 40 분 ) Workshop for Injection Trigger Point Injection Peripheral Nerve Block & Stellate Ganglion Block Joint & Bursa Injections 602 호 ( 컨벤센센터 6 층 ) Workshop III C-arm Workshop 진행 : 서울의대남상건, 서울의대최은주 09:00 10:00 C-arm Workshop / 159 (10분) 1 Protection 의도구와착용시연 (10분) 2 C-arm 의구조와작동법 (40분) Workshop for C-arm Guided Injection in Lumbar Level 1 Lumbar Epidural Block 2 Transforaminal Epidural Block 3 Medial Branch Block 4 Facet Joint Block - viii -

포스터발표일자 :2018 년 5 월 26 일 ( 토 ) 장소 : 컨벤션센터 3 층전시홀 17:00 18:00 일반연제동물실험초음파및고주파신경차단법두경부통증요하지통증 1 요하지통증 2 신경병증성통증암성통증, 수술후통증통증진단, 평가, 약물치료법, 기타 1 통증진단, 평가, 약물치료법, 기타 2 가톨릭의대박수석고려의대이혜원경북의대김건식한림의대임소영대구파티마병원이상곤인제의대김영재동아의대이종환울산의대김영기경상의대이헌근경북의대전영훈 - ix -

포스터발표 컨벤션센터 3 층전시홀 17:00 18:00 동물실험좌장 : 가톨릭의대박수석 1. Effect of Sec-O-glucosylhamaudol on Mechanical Allodynia in a Rat Model of Postoperative Pain and Pain Medicine, Chosun University Hospital, 2 and Pain Medicine, School of Medicine, Chosun University Woo Young 1 Kyung Jun Lim 1,2 Ki Tae Jung 1,2 2. Analgesic Effects of soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitor in K/BxN serum transfer arthritis model 1 The Catholic Uiversity of Korea, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, 2 Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, 3 University of California, San diego Jung Hyun Park 1 Hae Jin 2 Soo Seog Park 1 Tony L Yaksh 3 Hue Jung Park 2 3. The Effect of Epidural Polydeoxyribonucleotide(PDRN) in a Rat model of Lumbar foraminal stenosis National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Republic of Korea, 2 Department of Pathology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Republic of Korea Ho-Jin 1 Eunjoo 1 Francis Sahngun Nahm 1 Ghee Young Choe 2 Pyung Bok 1 4. The antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect of anti-tnf-α receptor II antibody in the pain models of mouse 울산대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 Jong Yeon Park In Gu Jun Kyoung-Sun Kim Won-Yeon Jung Chang-Hun Cho 5. Cytotoxic Activity and Subset Populations of Peripheral Blood Natural Killer Cells in Patients with Chronic Pain 1 전남대학교대학원의과학과, 2 전남대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 양지훈 1 ㆍ김만영 2 ㆍ최정일 1,2 17:00 18:00 초음파및고주파좌장 : 고려의대이혜원 6. Pulsed radiofrequency of greater occipital nerve for migraine in pregnancy and Pain Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea - x - Jiyeon Park Woo Seog Sim Jin Young Ji Won

7. New Treatment for Intractable Calcific Tendinopathy: US guided Laser lithotripsy Yoon's Pain Clinic Jeong Ho Rho Keon Jung Yoon 8. Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation of Genicular Nerves in Patient with Persistent Knee Pain after Total Knee Arthroplasty and Pain Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea Sookyung Seong-Soo Jeong-Hun Jeong-Gil Jin-Woo Suh m Shin 9. The comparison of two methods of anterolateral intraarticular injection of the knee with ultrasound in 90 degree flexion and Pain Medicine, Chonbuk National University Medical School Ji Seon Son A Ram Doo Young Jin Han Jin Wook 17:00 18:00 신경차단법좌장 : 경북의대김건식 10. The influence of local anesthesia depth on procedural pain during fluoroscopically-guided lumbar TFESI 연세대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 최낙철ㆍ윤경봉ㆍ김신형박상준ㆍ백인찬 11. Comparison of fluoroscopy- and non-image guided interlaminar epidural block: A matched paired analysis and Pain Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 2 and Pain Medicine, National Police Hospital Kyung-Don Hahm 1 Young Joong Suh 1 Syn-Hae Yoon 2 Seong-Soo 1 12. Rosacea treatment with stellate ganglion block 인하대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 원종헌ㆍ김나은ㆍ최우희김윤정ㆍ차영덕ㆍ김병건 13. Ultrasound-guided cervical sympathetic block with botulinum toxin type-a for pain relief in patient with optic neuritis St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea Donggyu Han Yujung Jungwon Baek Yun-Joung Han Hae Jin Hue Jung Park Young Hoon Kim - xi -

14. Ultrasound-guided axillary nerve block: a comparative study of interfascial injection and perivascular injection St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea Yujung Ji Seob Kim Jungwon Baek Yun-Joung Han Hae Jin Hue Jung Park Young Hoon Kim 15. The successful application of the erector spinae plane block for the management of zoster-associated pain: a case series 가톨릭대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 정시욱ㆍ김유미ㆍ김대우권소영ㆍ인장혁주진덕ㆍ박유정 17:00 18:00 두경부통증좌장 : 한림의대임소영 16. Traction therapy For Neck Pain with Disc Herniation tractionr (Pilot study) and Pain Medicine, Dongkang Medical Center, and Pain Medicine, Gangneung Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine Kwan-sub Kim Sang-yun Jeon Young-Ki Kim 1 17. Crowned dens syndrome - A case report - 충남대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 김여정ㆍ고영권ㆍ이원형신용섭ㆍ노찬이승훈ㆍ박현우 18. 자발성두개내저혈압환자에서의 Epidural fibrin glue patch - 증례보고 - 건국대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 이윤구ㆍ임정애우남식ㆍ김재헌 19. Anatomical analysis of the distribution patterns of occipital cutaneous nerves and the clinical implications 1 연세대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실, 2 연세대학교의과대학해부학교실 박경은 1 ㆍ양헌무 2 ㆍ윤경봉 1 박상준 1 ㆍ김신형 1 20. Transnasal sphenopalatine ganglion block 후안면의체온변화관찰 1 아주대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실, 2 인하대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 박형배 1 ㆍ김나은 2 ㆍ정해원 1 장혁수 1 ㆍ김선옥 1 ㆍ이세련 1 길호영 1 ㆍ최종범 1 - xii -

17:00 18:00 요하지통증 1 좌장 : 대구파티마병원이상곤 21. Full recovery of near complete tear of anterior cruciate ligament without surgery - A case report St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea Yoo Na Kim Jungwon Baek Yun-Joung Han Young Hoon Kim Hae Jin Hue Jung Park 22. Relationship of Success Rate for Balloon Adhesiolysis with Clinical Outcome in Lumbar Radicular Pain: A Multicenter Study and Pain Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, 2 Department of Neurosurgery, Spine and Spinal Cord Research Institute, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, 3 Department of Neurosurgery, Spine and Joint Research Institute, Guro Teun Teun Hospital, 4 Department of Neurosurgery, Himchan Hospital, 5 Department of Neurosurgery, Yonsei Barun Hospitalal Gunn 1 Jun-Young Park 1 Dong Ah Shin 2 Gyu Yeul Ji 3 Jin Kyu Park 4, Sang Won 5 Kyung-Don Hahm 1 Seong-Soo 1 Jin-Woo Shin 1 23. Cervical Myelopathy in Forms of Lower Extremity Pain 분당서울대학교병원마취통증의학과 한웅기ㆍ이재우ㆍ정상민최은주ㆍ남상건ㆍ이평복 24. Comparison of Pain score and Treatment effect between Bolus and Continuous infusion method in epidural adhesiolysis National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Republic of Korea Jae-Woo Eunjoo Francis Sahngun Nahm Pyung Bok 17:00 18:00 요하지통증 2 좌장 : 인제의대김영재 25. Appropriate the amount of laser during epiduroscopic laser neural decompression (ELND) Pain center, Department of anesthesiology and pain medicine, Daejeon St. Mary s hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea Jinyoung Daehyun Oh Jo 26. Factors Associated with the Successful Outcome of Lumbar Nucleoplasty for the Treatment of Internal Disc Derangement 서울대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 노재문ㆍ김은경ㆍ유용재이창순ㆍ문지연ㆍ김용철 - xiii -

27. The effect of percutaneous plasma disc decompression for single level spinal stenosis 아주대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 장혁수ㆍ박형배ㆍ정해원김선옥ㆍ이세련길호영ㆍ최종범 28. Quadratus lumbolum syndrome mimicking the symptoms of lumbar radiculopathy: a case report and Pain Medicine, Kosin University College of Medicine Hui Young Kim Dong Hee Kang Sie Jeong Ryu Doo Sik Kim Yusom Shin 17:00 18:00 신경병증성통증좌장 : 동아의대이종환 29. An Epidemiologic Study of Young Men with CRPS: A Retrospective Chart Review of 200 Korean Patients National University Hospital, 2 National University Bundang Hospital Soohan Ro 1 Ho-Jin 2 Yong-Chul Kim 1 Sang Chul 1 Jee Youn Moon 1 30. Predictive Factors of Successful Cervical Nucleoplasty for the Treatment of Pain with Cervical Herniated Disk National University Hospital College of Medicine, Seoul, 2 National University Boramae Hospital, Seoul, 3 Integrated Cancer Management Center, Seoul National University Cancer Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea Hyun-Gul Song 1 Eun-kyoung Kim 1 Chang-soon 1 Yongjae Yoo 1 Sung Eun Sim 2 Yong-Chul Kim 1 Jee Youn Moon 1,3 31. Intrathecal morphine pump for pain relief in patient with transverse myelitis-induced neuropathic pain - A case report St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea Yujung Ji Seob Kim Jungwon Baek Yun-Joung Han Hae Jin Hue Jung Park Young Hoon Kim 32. 대상포진환자에서신경차단술에따른치료결과비교 아주대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 정해원ㆍ박형배ㆍ장혁수김선옥ㆍ이세련길호영ㆍ최종범 - xiv -

17:00 18:00 암성통증, 수술후통증좌장 : 울산의대김영기 33. The effect of gender and age on postoperative pain in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a restrospective study 동아대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 채경린ㆍ임우재ㆍ박상융이종환ㆍ정찬종 34. Effectiveness of epidural analgesia versus monitored anesthesia care for highintensity focused ultrasound treatment National University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2 Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea Se Eun Kim 1 Chang-soon 1 Jae Young 2 Jee Youn Moon 1 35. Predictors of analgesic efficacy of neurolytic celiac plexus block in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer 연세대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 최수연ㆍ윤덕미윤경봉ㆍ김신형 36. A randomized comparison of postoperative pain and complication after thyroidectomy under different anesthetic techniques 37. Erector spinae plane block for the pain control in patient with skin metastasis due to breast cancer - A case report and Pain Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine Department of Anaesthesiology St. Mary s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea l Kyung-Don Myung-Su Jun-Young Seong-Soo Hahm Jo Ji Seob Kim Yoo Na Kim Jungwon Baek Yun-Joung Han Hae Jin Hue Jung Park Young Hoon Kim 38. Preemptive Analgesic Effects of Popliteal Sciatic Nerve Block in Patients With Bilateral Hallux Valgus Surgery and Pain Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea Jae-Won Seong-Soo Doo-Whan Jong-Hyuk Kim Kim 39. The Effect of Background Infusion on Postoperative Pain and Related Adverse Effects in Oxycodone-Based Intravenous PCA 부산대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 이도원ㆍ김은수ㆍ김해규 - xv -

17:00 18:00 통증진단, 평가, 약물치료법, 기타 1 좌장 : 경상의대이헌근 40. The Experience of Low Concentration BotoxR Injection in Posterior Neck and Shoulder Pain Could Not Be Diagnosed and Pain Medicine, Gyeongsang National University Changwon Hospital Jiyoung Park Seong-Ho Ok Jeong Yeol Han Miyeong Park Eun Hui Seo Yeon A Kim 41. Pain loss after amnesia: a fmri case study 가톨릭대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 최소정ㆍ백순주ㆍ우준석성춘호ㆍ전진영ㆍ문호식 42. 통증주사치료에대한환자들의인식 건국대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 신보미ㆍ김재헌 43. Retrospective outcome evaluation of cervical nucleoplasty using digital infrared thermographic imaging and Pain Medicine, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Chung-Ang University Hospital, 2 Department of Neurosurgery, Kim Young Soo Spine Hospital 김석훈 1 ㆍ김도형 2 ㆍ김영수 2 강현 1 ㆍ문현용 1 ㆍ신화용 1 44. Trans-sacral epiduroscopic laser ablation for lumbar intraspinal facet cyst 성균관대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 강세희ㆍ심우석ㆍ이진영 45. Motion analysis with open source IOT development platform and deep learning model for pain clinic Department of Anesthesiology and pain medicine, VHS medical center(seoul Bohun medical center) Jaeyoung Yusun Jaedo Rakmin Yang 46. Kambin s triangle approach for percutaneous transforaminal epidural adhesiolysis with inflatable balloon catheter Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Pain center of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Sangmin Jeong Hojin Eunjoo Francis Sahngun Nahm Pyung-Bok - xvi -

17:00 18:00 통증진단, 평가, 약물치료법, 기타 2 좌장 : 경북의대전영훈 47. Virtual reality distraction during urological surgery under spinal anesthesia: A randomized controlled trial National University Hospital Euna Oh Jee Youn Moon Won Ho Kim Jung-Yoon Jaeyeon Chung Sang-Hwan Ji Soohan Ro 48. Risk of cancer after herpes zoster and Pain Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea Yul Seong-Soo Jong-Hyuk Jeong-Gil Oh m 49. Transforaminal blood patch for the treatment of post dural puncture headache 가톨릭대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 전은화ㆍ김대우ㆍ권소영인장혁ㆍ주진덕ㆍ박유정 50. Comparing Epidural catheter and Racz catheter for treatment of C1-2 cerebrospinal fluid leak l and Pain Medicine, St. Vincent's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul Yu Na Yu Mi Kim Si Wook Chung Jin Deok Joo Dae Woo Kim Yoo Jung Park So Young Kwon 51. A survey of disinfection method and current state of contamination in ultrasound equipment in 10 tertiary hospitals and Pain Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital Joon-Ho Se-Kwang Yong-Ik Park Kim 52. Genitofemoral nerve block after neurolytic lumbar sympathetic ganglion block -A case Report- & Pain Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Hwarim Yu Narhyun Min Hyun-young Noh Hwanho Jung Do Hyeong Kim Youn-Woo 53. Paravertebral block for Pain control of Costovertebral arthropathy 연세대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실 서재희ㆍ윤경봉김신형ㆍ박상준 - xvii -