잘설해진말씀의경 [Subhasita sutta] (*1) 주해 (*1) 이법문은뭇삶들에게잘설해진가르침에따른실천을선양하고, 잘설해지지못한가르침에따른실천을막기위해설해진것이다. 이경이설해진상황은이경안에있으므로생략한다. 1. 이와같이나는들었다. 한때세존께서사왓티의제따바나에있는아나타삔디까승원에계셨다. 2. 그때세존께서는 수행승들이여 라고수행승들을부르셨다. 수행승들은세존께 세존이시여 라고대답했다. 3. 세존께서는이와같이말씀하셨다. [ 세존 ] 수행승들이여, 네가지특징을갖춘말은훌륭하게설해진것이지나쁘게설해지지않은것이며, 양식있는사람에의해비난받지않고질책당하지않는다. 어떠한것이그네가지인가. 수행승들이여, 여기서수행승들이훌륭하게설해진것만을말하고나쁘게설해진것은말하지않으며, 가르침만을말하고가르침이아닌것은말하지않으며, 사랑스런것만말하고사랑스럽지않은것은말하지않으며, 진실만을말하고거짓은말하지않으면, 수행승들이여, 그네가지특징을갖추고있는말은훌륭하게설해진것이고나쁘게설해지지않은것이며슬기로운사람에의해비난받지않고질책당하지않는다. 어떠한것이네가지인가? 4. 세존께서는이와같이말씀하셨다. 이처럼말씀하시고올바른길로잘가신님께서는스승으로서이와같이시로써말씀하셨다. 5. [ 세존 ] 첫째, 참사람 (*1) 은잘설해진것을최상이라고부른다. 둘째, 가르침만을말하고가르침이아닌것은말하지않는다.
셋째, 사랑스런것만을말하고사랑스럽지않은것은말하지않는다. 넷째, 진실한것만을말하고거짓은말하지않는다. 6. 그때존자왕기사가자리에서일어서서한쪽어깨에가사를걸치고세존께서계신곳을향해합장하고세존께이와같이말했다. [ 왕기사 ] 세상에존경받는님이시여, 시상이떠오릅니다. 올바로잘가신님이시여, 시상이떠오릅니다. [ 세존 ] 왕기사여, 시상을떠올려보게. 세존께서말씀하셨다. 그러자존자왕기사는세존의앞에서아름다운시를읊었다. 주해 (*1) 참사람을법 (dhamma) 을따르는진실한사람, 즉선한사람으로정의하고있다. 참사람의의미가선한사람보다의연이넓고깊다고볼수있다. 참고로북전의법구경에서는덕인 ( 德人 ), 일본의남전대장경에서는참사람을주로정사 ( 正士 ), 선사 ( 善士 ) 정인 ( 正人 ) 이라고번역하고있다. 그리고빠알리성전협회의번역성전에서는 착한사람 (a good man) 또는 가치있는사람, 훌륭한사람 (a worthy man) 또는 고귀한마음을지닌사람 (the noble minded person)' 이라고번역하고있다. 경전에서는오계를지키는차원의윤리적인간에대해서만언급한것이아니다. 즉삼매에들어상수멸정을성취하고해탈한아라한과붓다자신을지칭하기도한다. 따라서참사람이란네쌍으로여덟이되는무리 ( 四雙八輩 ) 를모두지칭한다고볼수있다. 7. [ 왕기사 ] 스스로를괴롭히지않고, 다른사람을다치게하지않는그러한말을해야합니다. 그것이정말잘설해진말입니다. 8. 사람들이즐거워하는말, 사랑스런말만을해야합니다. 다른사람에게불화를가져오지않고, 사랑스러운것에대해서만말해야합니다. 9. 진실은참으로불사의 (*1) 말이니, 그것은영원한가르침입니다. 진실속에, 유익함속에, 가르침속에참사람들이서있다고합니다. 10. 열반을성취하기위하여, 괴로움을종식시키기위하여, 부처님께서설하신안온한말씀 (*2)
그것은참으로말씀가운데최상입니다. 주해 (*1) 불사 ( 不死 ) 또는감로 ( 甘露 ) 라고불린다. 주해 (*2) 두려움이없고재난이없는것 을말한다. - 잘설해진말씀의경이끝났다. - ( 수바시따경 - Subhasita sutta- 잘설해진말씀의경, Sn3.3, 전재성박사역 ) 사진 : http://sayadawutejaniya.org/meditation-center/ Suttanipata 3. Mahāvaggo 3. 3 Subhāsitasuttaṃ Evaṃ me sutaṃ: ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṃ viharati jetavane -pe- bhagavā etadavoca: catūhi bhikkhave aṅgehi samannāgatā vācā subhāsitā hoti na dubbhāsitā, anavajjā ca ananuvajjā ca viññūnaṃ, katamehi catūhi: idha bhikkhave bhikkhu subhāsitaṃ yeva bhāsati no dubbhāsitaṃ dhammaṃ yeva bhāsati no adhammaṃ, piyaṃ yeva bhāsati no appiyaṃ, sacca yeva bhāsati no alikaṃ. Imehi kho bhikkhave catūhi aṅgehi samannāgatā vācā subhāsitā hoti na dubbhāsitā, anavajjā ca ananuvajjā ca vaññūnanti. Idamavoca bhagavā idaṃ vatvā sugato athāparaṃ etadavoca satthā: 452. Subhāsitaṃ uttamamāhu santo Dhammaṃ bhaṇe nādhammaṃ taṃ dutiyaṃ, Piyaṃ bhaṇe nāppiyaṃ taṃ tatiyaṃ Saccaṃ bhaṇe nālikaṃ taṃ catutthanti. [PTS Page 079] [\q 79/] Atha kho āyasmā vaṃgīso upaṭṭhāyāsanā ekaṃsaṃ cīvaraṃ katvā yena bhagavā tenañjaliṃ paṇāmetvā bhagavantaṃ etadavoca: paṭibhāti maṃ bhagavā paṭibhāti maṃ bhagavāti. Paṭibhātu taṃ vaṃgīsā'ti bhagavā avoca. Atha kho āyasmā vaṃgīso bhagavantaṃ sammukhā sāruppāhi gāthāhi abhitthavi. 453. Tameya bhāsaṃ bhāseyya yāyattātaṃ na tāpaye, Pareca na vihiṃsye sā ve vācā subhāsita.
454. Piyavācameva bhāseyya yā vācā patinanditā, Yaṃ anādāya pāpāni paresaṃ bhāsate piyaṃ. 455. Saccaṃ ve amatā vācā asa dhammo sanantano, Saveca atthe ca dhamme ca āhu santo patiṭṭhitā. 456. Yaṃ buddho bhāsatī vācaṃ khemaṃ nibbānapattiyā, Dukkhassantakiriyāya sā ve vācānamuttamāti. Subhāsitasuttaṃ niṭṭhitaṃ. http://awake.kiev.ua/dhamma/tipitaka/2sutta-pitaka/5khuddaka- Nikaya/05Suttanipata/3-maha-vagga-p.html Suttanipāta III MAHĀVAGGA 3. Subhāsitasutta Well spoken words. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One lived in the monastery offered by Anāthapindika in Jeta's grove in Sāvatthi. The Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: O! Bhikkkus, words endowed with four factors become faultless good words not censured by the wise. What are the four. Here the bhikkhu speaks only suitable words, not the unsuitable. Speaks righteous words and not the unrighteous. Speaks pleasant words and not unpleasant words. Speaks the truth and not lies. Words endowed with these four factors become faultless, good words not censured by the wise. The Blessed One further said thus: 450. The appeased said that speaking suitable words is noble, speaking righteous words is the second Speaking pleasant words is the third and speaking the truth is the fourth. Then venerable Vangīsa got up from his seat, arranged the robe on one shoulder, clasping hands towards the Blessed One said, It occurs to me venerable sir." The Blessed One said If so explain Vangīsa" Then venerable Vangīsa explained it with meaningful verses in the presence of the Blessed One.
451. Always speak words that do not hurt yourself, So also do not hurt others, such are suitable words. 452. Speak pleasant words, over which you could rejoice, Speak words pleasantly without evil following them. 453. Truth is the deathless word, that is the ancient law, The appeased get established in the truth, essence and righteousness. 454. If the Enlightened One spoke words for appeasement and extinction And for the ending of unpleasantness, those are the most noble words." http://awake.kiev.ua/dhamma/tipitaka/2sutta-pitaka/5khuddaka- Nikaya/05Suttanipata/3-maha-vagga-e.html