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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

Subject : 귀사의 일익번창하심을 진심으로 기원합니다.



(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.

CONTENTS 표지 설명 자기만의 독특한 남성적 카리스 마를 내면화시킨 배우 최민수. 그가 SBS 주말극장 태양의 남 쪽 을 통해 2년여 만에 브라운 관에 복귀했다. 선 굵은 서사의 중심 인물이 되어 돌아온 그가 벌써부터 화제의 중심인물로 떠 올랐다. 사진 서창식 H


ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST (CA-6215) Ref No. Part No. Description Value Qty AMP B'D ( B ) C1406 C CAP NPP POLY 152J 2J 152P 2 C140




A St udy on Opt i mum De s i gn of Cor ona Di s c har ge Oz oni z e r Us i ng Me di um Fr e que nc y and Ce r ami c Di s c har ge r 2002 8

A St udy on Opt i mum De s i gn of Cor ona Di s c har ge Oz oni z e r Us i ng Me di um Fr e que nc y and Ce r ami c Di s c har ge r 2002 8

A St udy on Opt i mum De s i gn of Cor ona Di s c har ge Oz oni z e r Us i ng Me di um Fr e que nc y and Ce r ami c Di s c har ge r 2002 8.

2002 8

.,,,,,,. 0.3, 0.5, 0.7mm 0.3mm 8.7g/ hr. 3.5KV 900Hz. 8.7g/ hr 44g/ hr 4 1.6A, 1.7A. 10-15LPM, 5-10LPM.. Scale, Air preparation 45 30%., 10. - i -

A B S T RA CT T his r esearch purport s to calculate the design fact or and oper ational condition of cor ona discharge ozonizer, which is the large scale ozone pr oduction method. T ow ards this end, the said r esearch sought to calculate the optimum operational condition by studying the factor s that need to be t aken into con sider ation during the pr ocess of configuring and designing ozone pr oduction sy st em that u se ceramic dischar ge tube and medium frequency and by ex amining the effect of oper ating based on these factor s. T he resear ch factor s of this study ar e dischar ge gap, operation v oltage, frequency, air sour ce injection v olume, oxygen sour ce injection v olume, dew point, and coolant temper atur e. T o ev aluate the ozone pr oduction char act eristics fr om dischar ge gap, test w as conducted with discharge gaps of 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7mm. A s a result, ozone production v olume w as most out standing at a narrow discharge gap of 0.3mm. T he operating v oltage and fr equency under this dischar ge gap condition, show ed the best characteristics at 3.5KV and 900Hz. A s a result of comparative testing of air source and oxy gen sour ce injection, compared to 8.7g/ hr as feed air, ov er 4 times incr ease in ozone pr oduction w as manifested at the instance of oxy gen source. And the increase in con sumption v olume m anifested out standing yield w ith 1.7A at the instance of oxygen source and 1.6A at the in st ance of air source. In addition, the r esult s of the test on the ozone pr oduction char acteristics fr om the flux variation of air and oxygen sour ce, show ed that the - ii -

setting up of condition s at appr oximately 10-15LPM as feed air at the instance of oxygen source, 5-10LPM of source air or oxygen injection is recommendable. Effect from dew point did not manifest short - term effect. In case of air source, dischar ge, nitr ogen form s into nitric oxide m atter due t o the reactions with oxy gen and ozone under the electric energy condition. And scale is formed under the humidity dischar ge tube. Operation testing during 45 day s after the separ ation of Air prepar ation sy stem manifested approxim ately 30% decr ease in ozone production v olume. And the ozone pr oduction v olume test based on coolant temper atur e show ed that the ozone production v olume decr eased drastically as the coolant temperature incr eased. T hu s, it is recommendable to configur e a coolant circulation sy st em at under 10. - iii -

ABST RACT List of T able List of Figure 1 1 2 3 2. 1 3 2. 2 7 2. 3 10 2. 4 11 3 13 3. 1 13 3. 2 22 3. 3 24 3. 3. 1 24 - iv -

3. 3. 2 25 4 28 4. 1 28 4. 2 29 4. 3 32 4. 4 33 4. 5 T est 35 4. 6 T est 38 5 40 42 - v -

List of T able T able. 1 Phy sicochemical char acteristics of ozone 5 T able. 2 Electrical potential of oxidation & deoxidation 6 T able. 3 Char acteristics of glaze component s 15 T able. 4 Char acteristics of ozone pr oducing part 15 T able. 5 Char acteristics of temper ature sen sor and flow indicator 16 T able. 6 Char acteristics of air prepar ation sy stem 19 T able. 7 Char acteristics of pow er supply sy stem 21 T able. 8 Char acteristics of measuring equipment s 23 T able. 9 Ozone pr oduction characteristics by v oltage & fr equency variation 30 T able. 10 Oper ational condition of low frequency ozonizer 32 T able. 11 Electric curr ent variation by air & oxygen 35 T able. 12 Ozone pr oduction characteristics without air pretreatment 37 - v i -

List of Fig ure Fig. 1 Structur e of ozone m olecules 3 Fig. 2 Resonance structure of ozone 4 Fig. 3 Diagr am of ozone gener ating sy st em 14 Fig. 4 Ozone pr oducing part 14 Fig. 5 Flow of air pr eparation sy stem 17 Fig. 6 Flow of pow er supply system 20 Fig. 7 Cooling water circulation system 27 Fig. 8 Ozone pr oduction char act eristics by dischar ging gap 28 Fig. 9 Ozone pr oduction char act eristics by v oltage and fr equency variation 31 Fig. 10 Ozone pr oduction char act eristics by air flow r ate variation 33 Fig. 11 Ozone pr oduction char act eristics by oxygen flow rat e variation 34 Fig. 12 Ozone pr oduction char act eristics by dew point v ariation 36 Fig. 13 Scale formation by nitr ogen oxidation 37 A ) Before operation - v ii -

B) After 45 day oper ation Fig. 14 Ozone pr oduction char act eristics by cooling w ater 38 - v iii -

1,,.,.. 1 ).,.. 1994 1,. 1 ). 3, 19,, - 1 -

16 2 ).,,.... - 2 -

2 2. 1 3 48g. T able. 1, Fig. 1 116.8, 1.278, Fig. 2 3,5,6,7 ),., 10 2% 1 20 10 /. 2 ) Fig. 1 Structure of ozone molecules - 3 -

Fig. 2 Resonance structur e of ozone. T able. 2. 20-30, T HM.,,., - 1 )., - 4 -

OH, OH 2,. T able. 1 Phy sicochemical char act eristics of ozone Parameter s Characteristics Symbol O 3 Molecular w eight 48 Formation Specific gr avity (air = 1) 1.658 Density (0, 1atm ) Solubility in water Photochemical reaction Electrical discharge 2.144 g/ L 1.09 g/ L(0 ) 0.57 g/ L(20 ) Melting point - 251 0.2 (760mmHg ) Boiling point - 112 0.3 (760mmHg ) Critical temperature Critical den sity Critical pr essur e Critical volume Vapor density (at 0 ) Liquid density (at - 183 ) Liquid viscosity (at - 183 ) Absorption w av elength Color Odor - 12.1 0.437 g/ ml 52.80 atm 0.147 L/ mol 2.144 g/ L 1.571 g/ L 1.55 0.22 cp 253.7nm None Pungent, Fresh 5ppm Obnoxious, Acrid 5ppm - 5 -

T able. 2 Electrical potential of oxidation & deoxidation (at 25 ) Oxidation & deoxidation agent EOP (VOLT ) Fluorine ( F ) 2.87 Hydroxyl radical ( OH ) 2.80 Atomic oxygen ( O ) 2.42 Ozone ( O3 ) 2.07 Hydrogen peroxide ( H 2O2 ) 1.78 Potassium permanganate ( KMnO4 ) 1.70 Hyper chlorite ( HOCl ) 1.49 Chlorine ( Cl2 ) 1.36 Chlorine dioxide ( ClO2 ) 1.27 Oxy gen (molecular ) ( O2 ) 1.23-6 -

2. 2,,,,,,,,. ) (6-15KV ),. 7,8 ) O 2 e - O O e - O 2 e - O 2 O O 2 O M O 3 M O 2 O 2 O 3 O, 2, (25 ). - 7 -

).,,.. 7 ) 3H 2 O O 3 + 6H + + 6e - E 0 = 1.6 VH 2H 2 O O 2 + 4H + + 4 e - E 0 = +1.23 V 1 2H + + 2e - H 2 E 0 = + 0.0 VJ ) 130-175nm 175-242nm. 7 ) O 2 + h O + O ( = 130-175nm ) O 2 + h O + O ( = 130-242nm ) - 8 -

,,. ).,. X. 9 ) ),,,. 9 ) - 9 -

2. 3, ) ( Low frenquency type ) 50-60Hz 8-15Kv, 8,9 ).,. (1.3% ),. ) ( Medium frenquency type ) 600-1500Hz 2-6Kv, 8,9,10 ). 19,,, PCI 2 ).. (2-3% by air ). ) ( High frenquency type ) 1500Hz 2-3Kv. 6-12% 10,11 ),,,. - 10 -

2. 4,,,, 8,9,10,1 1 ).,,,. ). ),,,,,.,, NO, NO2, NO3, N 2O5, N 2O 8,12 ).,,, 13,15 ).,, 2Bar - 11 -

13,15 ).,, N 2O5, N 2O 8,13 )., 13,15 ).. Scale, 13 )...,.,. Air preparation,. - 12 -

3 3. 1 Fig. 3., Air preparation., Fig. 4. Pipe. 3 1, 2, 3. 3 700 50 T able. 3. + T ube. T ube T able. 4. - 13 -

Fig. 3 Diagr am of ozone gener ation sy stem Fig. 4 Ozone producing part - 14 -

T able 3. Char act eristics of glaze component s (unit : w t % ) F ir st glaze S econd glaze T hird glaze Com ponent Cont ent s Com ponent Cont ent s Com ponent Content s SiO2 75.4 SiO2 58 SiO2 69.7 Al2O3 6.02 A l2o3 5.15 Al2O3 4.81 F e2o3 0.58 F e2o3 0.2 F e2o3 0.26 CaO 5.95 CaO 1.44 CaO 5.39 M go 0.27 M go 1.06 M go 0.24 K 2O 2.13 K 2O 4.05 K 2O 2.23 N a2o 3.88 Na2O 9.06 Na2O 13.7 T io2 0.2 T io2 14.1 T io2 0.61 B 2O3 0.35 P 2O 6.19 B 2O3 0.66 BaO 1.11 ZnO 0.21 BaO 0.12 CoO 0.33 CoO 1.22 CuO 0.73 CuO 0.24 Mn O 0.23 NiO 0.45 NiO 1.45 ZrO2 0.09 ZnO 0.85 T able 4. Char act eristics of ozone pr oducing part Item T ube Discharging tube Ozone producing part Ch aract eris tic s Outer size 73.5 T hickn ess 5.45T Length 500m m Outer size 60.2 Ceram ic thickn ess 700 50 Length 495m m Outer size 250 Length 900m m - 15 -

T ube Check. Check Flow indicator. Flow indicator T able. 5. T able. 5 Char act eristics of temper atur e sen sor and flow indicat or Ite m Ch arac teris tic s T emperature sen sor Flow indicator (w ater ) Flow indicator (air ) Maker Model Range Maker Model Range Maker Model Range LG T 4Y1-10 - 50 Dwy er RMA series 0-30 LPM Dwy er RMA series 0-100 LPM - 16 -

Air preparation Flow Fig. 5. Compressor Filter (40 ) Filter (5 ) Refrigerant dryer Filter (0.01 ) Absorbent dryer Filter (1 ) F/ I Ozone producing part Fig. 5 Flow of air preparation sy stem Compressor, (5-10 / ), Filter (40 ). 25 5 Filter 0.01 Filter 2. 2 (A, B) 1Set 5.,,. A B Purge B, B A Purge A. - 17 -

Filter (1 ). Compressor Filter (1 ) 6.5-8 / 6.5 /. Reducing valve, Safety valve. Reducing valve 0.4-0.5 /, Air preparation T able. 6. - 18 -

T able. 6 Char act eristics of air prepar ation sy st em It em Ch arac teris tic s Compr essor Maker Model Capacity Maker Kyungw on in Korea BC- C151 9.9 /, 11Kw Hankison Refriger ant dry er Model HPRD- 25 Capacity Maker 42.9N / hr Sey ang in Kor ea Ab sorbent dryer Model DAH - 13 Filter (40 ) Filter (5 ) Filter (1 ) Capacity Maker Model Maker Model Maker Model 24N / hr Sey ang in Kor ea NH3700 Sey ang in Kor ea NH3200 Sey ang in Kor ea NH3100 Filter (0.01 ) Maker Sey ang in Kor ea Model NH 1300 Reducing valve Maker Model NIHONSEIKI SN3R31 Safety valve Maker T &E ENG Model GB6T 10-19 -

Flow Fig. 6. Inverter/ Conv erter T ransformer AC Reactor Ozone producing part Fig. 6 Flow of pow er supply system / ( ) T / R 1. T / R 1, AC Reactor T/ R Noise. T / R AC Reactor T able. 7. - 20 -

T able. 7 Char act eristics of pow er supply sy stem Item Ch aracte ris tic s Inv erter/ Conv ert er Maker Dimension Model Input pow er Output pow er Output fr equency Capacity Maker Dimension W oosin electronics 2100 500 500 SEA0104 380V 3P 4W 72-320V 500-1500 Hz 3KVA Samdai electronics 250 200 130 T ransformer Model SADT 0104 Input pow er 72-320V AC Reactor Output pow er Capacity Maker Dimension Model Capacity 1.5-5Kv 3KVA Samdai electronics 450 250 250 SADR0104 3KVA - 21 -

3. 2 Ozone monitor, T/ R Current amp Current probe. Check Ociloscope AC Reactor 1000 : 1 Probe. Dew point meter. Ozone moniter Current amp Ociloscope, T able. 8. - 22 -

T able. 8 Char act eristics of measuring equipm ent s It em Ch arac teris tic s Maker Moistur e met er LT D Dew point meter Model SW S- SD- 20 Dimension 75 140 150mm Range 0 - (- )80 Maker O3 T ech in Korea Ozone monitor Curr ent amp Model Dimension Range Maker Model Dimension Range Maker OZ- 1000D 180 430 360mm 0-60000 ppm by w eight T.M in USA 502A 120 150 400 0-50A T ektronix in USA Ociloscope Model T DS 220 Dimension 300 100 150mm Range 100MH z / 1GS/ S Maker T ektronix in USA Current probe Model A 6303 Magnification 10 : 1 High v oltage pr obe Maker Model T ektronix in USA P6015A Magnification 1000 : 1-23 -

3. 3.,., Check.. 3. 3. 1, / Current amp Ociloscope. Digital Flow indicator. Dew point meter. - 24 -

3. 3. 2 ) 0.3, 0.5, 0.7mm 3 3KV 500-1500Hz. Air flow rate 10LPM, - 40. 20 Flow rate 1LPM 20 1. ) ) / 2.5-5KV 0.5KV, 500-1500Hz 100Hz. Air flow rate 10LPM, - 4 0, 20 Flow rate 1LPM 20 1. ) ) ) / 10-40LPM 5LPM, 40-90LPM 10LPM - 25 -

. - 40, 20 Flow rate 1LPM 20 1. ) Fig. 14 99.9% 10-40LPM 5LPM, 40-90LPM 10LPM. - 40, 20 Flow rate 1LPM 20 1. ) T est - 5 - (- )50-5. Air flow rate 10LPM, 20 Flow rate 1LPM 20 1. Set Air preparation, Air preparation. Air preparation 45 Scale. - 26 -

) T est ) - ) Pump 5-40 5. Fig. 7. 1,. 20. Fig. 7 Cooling w at er circulation sy st em - 27 -

4 4. 1, 0.3mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm. 3.5KV 500-1500Hz. 0.3mm 8.46g/ hr, 0.5mm 8.31g/ hr. 0.7mm 7.18g/ hr Fig. 8. Fig. 8 Ozone production characteristics by discharging gap - 28 -

. 4. 2 4. 1 0.3mm, 2.5-4.5KV, 500-1500Hz 500V, 100Hz. T able. 9 2.5-3.5KV 4KV 700Hz. - 29 -

T able. 9 Ozone production char acteristics by voltage & fr equency variation KV 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Hz 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 g/ hr 2.16 2.49 2.88 3.04 3.3 3.27 3.48 NGD A 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 NGD KV 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hz 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 g/ hr 4.9 5.48 6.03 6.35 6.68 6.77 7.12 7.21 7.11 6.92 6.92 A 0.8 0.9 0.9 1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 KV 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Hz 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 g/ hr 7.75 8.47 8.54 8.68 8.7 8.54 8.28 8.07 7.93 7.7 NGD A 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 2 NGD KV 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hz 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 g/ hr 7.24 7.38 NGD A 1.4 1.6 NGD KV 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Hz 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 g/ hr 7.13 5.85 NGD A 1.7 2.4 NGD KV : Voltage, Hz: Frequency, g/ hr : Ozone production A : Curr ent, NGD: Not good dischar ge 2.5KV 1200Hz - 30 -

Fig. 9. Fig. 9 Ozone pr oduction characteristics by v oltage and frequency variation T able. 10,,.,. - 31 -

T able. 10 Operational condition of low fr equency ozonizer Dischar ging tube length (mm ) 1200 Ozone pr oduction (g/ hr ) 3.5/ ea Oper ation v oltage(kv ) 9-10 Oper ation fr equency (Hz) 60 Operation curr ent (A/ ea ) 1.2 4. 3, 10-40LPM 5LPM 40-90LPM 10LPM. Fig. 10 50LPM. 0.3mm 3.5KV/ 900Hz,. - 32 -

Fig. 10 Ozone production characteristics by air flow rate variation Fig. 10 Air preparation 15LPM, Air preparation Air preparation 70%. 4. 4, 0-33 -

- 40LPM 5LPM, 40-90LPM 10LPM 99%. Fig. 11 4.8. Fig. 11 Ozone production char acteristics by oxy gen flow r ate v ariation 21%, 99%., T able. 11 99%, - 34 -

., Air prepar - ation. T able 11. Electric curr ent v ariation by air & oxy gen Flow rate (LPM ) Current (A ) by oxy gen Current (A ) by air 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 4. 5 T e s t - 50 - (- )50-5. Fig. 12. - 35 -

Fig. 12 Ozone production characteristics by dew point variation - 40,. Set Air preparation Air preparation 45, Fig. 13. - 36 -

(A ) Before oper ation (B) After 45 day oper ation Fig. 13 Scale formation by nitrogen oxidation 79% Scale. Scale 45 30% T able. 12. T able. 12 Ozone production char acteristics w ithout air pr etr eatm ent Initial operation 45 day later Ozone pr oduction (g/ hr ) 0.9 0.62-37 -

4. 6 T e s t, 5-40 5. 1 Fig. 14. Fig. 14 Ozone production characteristics by cooling w ater t emperature variation. - 38 -

10. - 39 -

5. 1. 0.3mm 15g/ hr. 2. 3.5KV / 900Hz. 3. 50LPM, 40LPM. Air preparation. 4. 4. 5. - 40 -

, Scale Scale, - 40-40 Scale. 6., 10. - 41 -

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