UNIT New Cultures, New New Friends. Friends! 02 새로운 문화들, 새로운친구들 A Lesson With an Irish Teacher 아일랜드인선생님과의수업 Paragraph 1 1~ 에대하여 2대략 + 숫자 (= around, approximately) 1 In English class, we had a special lesson about Irish culture. 1 영어수업시간에, 우리는아일랜드의문화에대한특별한수업을가졌습니다. ~ 에대하여 2 A tall man visited our class and gave a lesson about his country. 2 키큰남자가우리반을방문했습니다, 그리고그의나라에대한수업을했습니다. 과거진행형 현재분사 3 He was wearing a green T-shirt. 3 그는녹색티셔츠를입고있었습니다. = To understand his accent at first was not easy. = became accustomed to 4 It was not easy to understand his accent at first, but we got used to it little by little. 가주어 진주어 명사적용법 : ~ 하는것 bit by bit = gradually 점차 = 4 처음에그의악센트를이해하는것은쉽지않았습니다, 그러나우리는그것에조금씩익숙해졌습니다. Paragraph 2 1 Hi, my name is Patrick O Neill. 1 안녕하세요, 제이름은패트릭오닐입니다. Ireland, Dublin 2 I m from Dublin, Ireland. 2 저는아일랜드, 더블린출신입니다. 부사적용법 ( 감정의원인 ): ~ 해서 it s 4 I m happy to tell you about my country and its culture. 4 저는여러분에게우리나라와그것의문화에대하여말하게되어서기쁩니다. 여러가지 it 1 대명사 : It is my bag. ( 그것 ) 2 상황 : How is it going? 3 비인칭주어 ( 날씨, 날짜, 요일, 시간, 명암, 거리 ) 그것 It is Sunday today. 4 가주어 it : It is not easy to master English. It is true that Tom told lies. 5 가목적어 it He made it a rule to go jogging in the morning. I started to teach English at a Korean high school 2 years ago. + I am still teaching there. have been ~ing 현재완료진행형 ( 계속 ) since two years ago 3 I have been teaching English at a Korean high school for two years. for 2 years ago 3 저는 2년동안한국의고등학교에서영어를가르쳐오고있습니다. since 2 years 현재완료 : have pp 1 경험 : ever( 유경험 ), never( 무경험 ), once(1 번 ), twice(2 번 ), ~ times(~ 번 ), before( 전에 ), been to, seen 2 계속 : for 3 years( 동안 ), since 3 years ago( 이래로 ), have been ~ing(~ 하는중 ), how long, how many years, lived, studied 현재완료 : have pp 3 완료 : just( 막 ), already( 이미 ), yet?( 벌써?), not ~ yet( 아직 ), finished, done, completed 4 결과 : have lost( 지금도없음 ), have gone( 지금여기없음, 3 인칭만 ) 5 현재완료 : asince 가없는명백한과거 bjust now, right now cwhen( 언제 ) Paragraph 3 a lot of 1 Mr. O Neill told us a lot about Ireland. 1 오닐선생님은우리에게아일랜드에대하여많이말씀하셨습니다. 1과거 2지나간 3지나서 2 Ireland was one country in the past. 2 아일랜드는과거에하나의나라였습니다. They divide it into Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 3 But now it is divided into Northern Ireland and the Republic of lreland. 3 그러나이제그것은북아일랜드와아일랜드공화국으로나뉘어있습니다. 1 중 3 영어천재 ( 김진완 )
지이다영어교실 moruhaka@naver.com http://moruhaka.tistory.com British 4 Northern Ireland is now part of the United Kingdom, but still keeps its Irish culture. 1그럼에도 2정지한 3조용한 4훨씬 (+ 비교급 ) 5여전히 Check Up What city is Mr. O'Neill from in Ireland? He is from Dublin. Paragraph 4 사역동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형 1 Now, let me tell you about a special day for us. 1 이제, 저는여러분께우리에게특별한하루에대해말씀드리겠습니다. celebrates 2 Every March 17, Irish people all over the world celebrate St. Patrick s Day. 2 매년 3 월 17 일마다, 전세계의아일랜드사람들은성패트릭축일을기념합니다. We started to celebrate this day more than 1,000 years ago. + We are still celebrating the day. for 1000 years ago since 1000 years 3 Actually, we havee been celebrating this day for more than 1,000 years. 사실은 = in fact = in reality = as a matter of fact = over 3 사실은, 우리는이날을 1000 년이상동안기념해오고있습니다. every / each + 단수명사 + 단수동사 4 On this day, there is a big parade, and everyone wears green. 4 이날에, 큰행렬이있습니다, 그리고모두가녹색을입습니다. won t : 시간조건부사절에서현재가미래를대신 5 You re not Irish if you don t wear green on this day. Unless you wear green on this day. 5 당신은아일랜드인이아닙니다, 만약당신이이날에녹색을입지않는다면말입니다. Paragraph 5 1 We watched a short video about St. Patrick s Day. 1 우리는성패트릭축일에대한짧은영상을보았습니다. was 과거진행형 현재분사 2 In the video, people were celebrating their special holiday. 2 영상에서, 사람들은그들의특별한명절을기념하고있었습니다. every / each + 단수명사 + 단수동사 3 Everyone was wearing green. 1심지어 2평평한 3균등한 4짝수의 4 Even some people s faces were green. 4 심지어몇몇사람들의얼굴은녹색이었습니다. Paragraph 6 After we watched the video, = After watching the video, 1 After the video, Mr. O Neill taught us a chant. 1 영상을본후에, 오닐선생님은우리에게챈트를가르쳐주셨습니다. to: 나머지 for: make, buy (bought), build, cook, find, get, order, sing... of: ask, beg, demand, inquire, require... Mr. O Neill taught a chant to us. 접속사 2 그는아일랜드의많은아이들이그것을좋아한다고 2 He said (that) many children in Ireland love it. child loves 말씀했습니다. 중 3 영어천재 ( 김진완 ) 2
UNIT 02 New Cultures, New Friends! 새로운문화들, 새로운친구들 3 The chant was very simple. 3 그챈트는매우간단했습니다. = To chant along with him was easy. 명사적용법 : ~ 하는것 4 So, it was easy to chant along with him. = thus = therefore 그래서 4 그래서, 그를따라서노래부르는것이쉬웠습니다. Paragraph 6 1 Miss Mary Mac, Mac, Mac 메리맥양은 2 All dressed in black, black, black 온통검정색으로차려입었네. 3 With silver buttons, buttons, buttons 은색단추가달린 4 All down her back, back, back. 그녀등뒤에줄줄이 5 She cannot read, read, read 그녀는읽을수없네. 6 She cannot write, write, write 그녀는쓸수없네. 7 But she can clean, clean, clean 그러나그녀는청소할수있네. 8 Her father s pipe, pipe, pipe. 그녀의아버지의파이프를 Check Up How long have Irish people been celebrating St. Patrick Day? They have been celebrating it for more than 1,000 years. Paragraph 1 1그러고나서 2그때 3그러면관계대명사주격 + be 동사생략가능 calling 1 Then Mr. O Neill introduced a traditional Irish sport (which is) called Gaelic football. 1 그러고나서오닐선생님은갤릭축구라불리는전통적인아일랜드스포츠를소개해주셨습니다. = He showed a video of a Gaelic football match to us. 2 He showed us a video of a Gaelic football match. match 1경기 2성냥 3짝 4어울리다 2 그는우리에게갤릭축구경기의영상을보여주셨습니다. Paragraph 1 One of (the 최상급 ) 복수명사 ~ 중의하나 단수취급 1 Gaelic football is one of the most popular sports in Ireland. 1 갤릭축구는아일랜드에서가장인기있는스포츠중의하나입니다. every / each + 단수명사 2 There are fifteen players on each team. 2 각각의팀에는 15 명의선수가있습니다. = The players can use not only their feet but also their hands. 부사적용법 ( 목적 ): ~ 위하여 3 The players can use their hands as well as their feet to handle the ball. 3 선수들은공을다루기위해서그들의발뿐만아니라 = in order to handle the ball 그들의손도사용할수있습니다. = so as to handle the ball = in order that they can handle the ball excited = so that they may handle the ball 4 It s very exciting. = for the purpose of handling the ball 4 그것은매우흥미진진합니다. = with a view to handling the ball 3 중 3 영어천재 ( 김진완 )
지이다영어교실 moruhaka@naver.com http://moruhaka.tistory.com Paragraph 1 1마지막의 2지난 3지속하다 = how we should say 명사적용법 1 In the last part of the class, Mr. O Neill taught us how to say Bye! in Irish. 1 수업의마지막부분에서, 오닐선생님은저희에게아일랜드어로 잘가세요 를말하는법을가르쳐주셨습니다. 2 We all said Slan! loudly and waved good-bye to him. 2 우리모두는 Slan! 이라고큰소리로말했습니다, 그리고그에게작별인사로손을흔들었습니다. Check Up What is traditional Irish football called? It is called Gaelic football. After You Read 1 Facts on Ireland 아일랜드에대한사실 2 1. Map : Northern Ireland is part of the U.K. 지도 : 북아일랜드는영국의일부입니다. 3 2. National Holiday : St. Patrick s Day, March 17 국경일 : 성패트릭축일, 3월 17일 4 3. Traditional Sport : 전통스포츠 : 갤릭축구 : 1팀은 15명의선수가있다. 그들은손과발을모두사용할수있다. Gaelic football : One team has 15 players. They can use both their hands and feet. Communication Task 1 A: I think (that) Jim and Mary took this picture in Antarctica. 내생각엔 Jim과 Mary가남극에서이사진을찍은것같아. 2 B: Why do you say that? 너는왜그렇게말하는데? = What makes you say that? = Why is that? 3 A: I can see a penguin. 나는펭귄을볼수있어. 4 A: This country s name starts with C. 이나라의이름은 C 로시작됩니다. 5 B: I wonder if this country is in Asia. 나는이나라가아시아에있는지궁금해. if / whether + 주어 + 동사 // 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 // 생각동사 (think, guess, suppose, believe, imagine) 의문사맨앞으로 6 A: It s in Asia. 그것은아시아에있어. 7 C: I wonder if people in this country speak English. 나는이나라사람들이영어를말하는지궁금해. 8 A: They don t speak English. 그들은영어를말하지않아. 9 D: I m curious to know the capital of this country. 나는이나라의수도를알고싶어. 부사적용법 ( 형용사수식 ) 1수도 2자본 3대문자의 10 A: It s Beijing. 그것은베이징 ( 북경 ) 이야. Before You Read 1 Tomorrow is St. Patrick s Day. 내일은성패트릭의날입니다. 2 Mr. Green s family wants to celebrate. 그린씨의가족은 celebrate하길원합니다. 3 They will divide their day into two. 그들은그들의하루를둘로 divide것입니다. 4 They are going to follow a big parade in the morning. 그들은오전에는큰 parade을따라다닐작정입니다. 5 In the afternoon, they will invite their friends over and have a party. 오후에는그들은그들의친구들을초대해서파티를열것입니다. 중 3 영어천재 ( 김진완 ) 4
UNIT 02 New Cultures, New Friends! 새로운문화들, 새로운친구들 Listen And Speak 1 1 W: I think Jiho loves animals. 내생각엔지호가동물을사랑하는것같아. 2 M: Why do you say that? 왜그렇게말하니? 3 W: He has many pets. 그는많은애완동물이있어. 1 M: I don't think Amy will like gimchi. 나는 Amy가김치를좋아할거라고생각하지않아. 2 W: Why is that? 그건왜인데? 3 M: She said that she doesn't like spicy food. 그녀는매운음식을좋아하지않는다고말했어. really interesting something 1 W: Dad, my friend Mei Ling told me something really interesting today. 아빠, 제친구 Mei Ling이오늘제게정말흥미로운무언가를말해줬어요. 2 M: Oh, what was it, Jimin? 오, 그게무엇이었니? 지민아? 3 W: She told me that people in China think (that) eight is a lucky number. 접속사그녀는제게중국사람들은 8이행운의숫자라고생각한다고말했어요. 4 M: Why is that? 그건왜그러니? 지시대명사 ( 저것 ) 5 W: Because it sounds like the Chinese word for "fortune." 왜냐하면그것이 부 에해당하는중국어낱말과같이소리가나기때문이에요. 6 M: That's really interesting. 그것참흥미롭구나. 7 W: And when she told me that red is a happy color in China, I was really glad. 접속사그리고그녀가제게중국에서빨간색이행복의색이라고말했을때, 저는정말기뻤어요. 8 M: Why do you say that? 너는왜그렇게말하니? 지시대명사 ( 저것 ) 9 W: I bought a red hairpin for her birthday. I'm going to give it to her this weekend. 저는그녀의생일선물로빨간머리핀을샀어요. 저는이번주말에그녀에게그것을줄거예요. 10 M: I'm sure (that) she'll like it a lot. 접속사나는그녀가그것을많이좋아할거라고확신한단다. Listen And Speak 2 1 W: I'm really curious about outer space. 나는바깥우주에대해정말호기심이있어. 2 M: What do you want to know about it? 너는그것에대해무엇을알기를원하니? 3 W: I want to know if there are other living things out there. 나는저바깥에다른생명체들이있는지를알고싶어. 1 W: I'm doing a project on Ireland. 나는아일랜드에대해과제를하는중이야. 2 M: Sounds interesting. 흥미롭게들린다. 3 W: Yeah, but I wonder if there are books on Ireland in the library. 응, 그러나나는도서관에아일랜드에대한책들이있는지궁금해. 4 M: Let's look together. 우리함께보자. 현재완료 ( 경험 ): ever, never, once, twice, ~times, before 1 M: Have you seen the new English teacher? 너새영어선생님뵈었니? 2 W: Yeah, I saw him in the teachers' office this morning. teachers s 응, 나는오늘아침에교무실에서그를뵈었어. 3 M: Do you know anything about the new teacher? I'm curious about him.. 5 중 3 영어천재 ( 김진완 )
지이다영어교실 moruhaka@naver.com http://moruhaka.tistory.com 너는새선생님에대해서어느것이라도알고있니? 나는그에대해호기심이있어. 4 W: Well, I heard that he's from South Africa. 음, 나는그가남아프리카출신이라고들었어. 부정문 any / 있냐없냐의문문 any / If절 any / 어떠한 ~ 라도 any 5 M: South Africa? I've never met anyone from South Africa before. 현재완료 ( 경험 ) 남아프리카? 나는전에남아프리카출신의어느누구도만난적이없어. I ve never met anyone, either. = Me, neither. = Neither have I. = Nor have I. 6 W: Same here. I wonder if he can speak Korean. 나도마찬가지야. 나는그가한국어를할수있는지궁금해. 7 M: I don't know, but we'll get to know more about him in English class. 나는모르겠어, 하지만우리가영어수업에서그에대해서좀더알게될거야. Focus on Language A Word Forms country 시골, 나라 / match 성냥, 경기, 맞수, 짝, 어울리다 / letter 글자, 편지 / character 등장인물, 성격, 캐릭터, 문자 B Useful Expressions 1 Hong Kong was once part of the UK. 홍콩은한때영국의일부였습니다. 2 In 1997, it waved good-bye to the UK, and is now part of China. 1997년에, 그것은영국에작별인사를하였습니다그리고이제중국의일부입니다. You will hear not only Chinese but also English. 3 So you will hear English as well as Chinese on the streets of Hong Kong. 그래서당신은홍콩의거리에서중국어뿐만아니라영어도듣게될것입니다. 4 If you learn the history of Hong Kong, you will get to know the city little by little. 만약당신이홍콩의역사를배운다면, 당신은그도시를조금씩조금씩알게될것입니다. C Grammar 1 It s not easy to talk with Mom. 엄마와이야기하는것은쉽지않아. 2 It s hard to understand them. 그들을이해하는것은힘들어. 3 It is easy to cook ramyeon. 라면을요리하는것은쉬워. 4 It is fun to read comic books. 만화책을읽는것은재밌어. 5 It is difficult to speak in front of many people. 많은사람들앞에서말하는것은어려워. 6 It is dangerous to ride a bike without a helmet. 안전모없이자전거를타는것을위험해. 7 It is important to protect the environment. 환경을보호하는것은중요해. 1 How long have you been standing here? 너는얼마나오랫동안여기서있었니? 2 It has been raining since 10 o clock. 10시부터비가계속내리고있다. 3 The boys have been reading comic books for about an hour. 그소년들은한시간동안만화책을읽고있다. 4 Their mother has been watching TV since 11 o clock. 엄마는 11시부터 TV를보고있다. 5 Their father has been using the computer since 10 o clock. 그들의아빠는 10시부터컴퓨터를하고있다. Writing Workshop 1 Do You Know about South Africa? 당신은남아프리카공화국에대해아시나요? 2 Hi, my name is Lucas. 안녕하세요, 제이름은 Lucas입니다. 3 I d like to introduce my country, South Africa. 저는우리나라, 남아프리카공화국을소개하고싶습니다. 중3영어천재 ( 김진완 ) 6
UNIT 02 New Cultures, New Friends! 새로운문화들, 새로운친구들 4 It isn t hard to find my country on a world map. 세계지도에서우리나라를찾는것은어렵지않습니다. 5 It is in in the south of Africa. 그것은아프리카의남쪽에있습니다. 6 The capital of my country is Pretoria. 우리나라의수도는 Pretoria입니다. 7 Many African languages are spoken in my country, but Afrikaans and English are also used. 우리나라에서는많은아프리카의언어들이말해집니다, 하지만 Afrikaans와영어도또한쓰입니다. 8 We have several national holidays. 우리는여러개의국경일이있습니다. 9 One of them is Freedom Day. 그것들중하나가자유의날입니다. 10 It is celebrated on April 27. 그것은 4월 27일에기념됩니다. 11 One interesting thing about my country is that About half of the world s gold is produced in South Africa.. 우리나라에대한한가지재미있는것은전세계의금의약절반이여기에서생산된다는것입니다. 12 If you d like to know more about my country, visit the website at http://www.gov.za. 만약당신이우리나라에대해좀더알고싶다면웹사이트 http://www.gov.za를방문하세요. Wrap Up 1 M1: Do you know the tall boy? 너는저키큰소년을아니? 2 M2: Yeah, he's Mark. Why do you ask? 응, 그는마크야. 왜묻니? 3 M1: I wonder if he can play basketball with us. Maybe we can play together. 나는그가우리와함께농구를할수있는지궁금해. 아마도우리는함께경기할수있을거야. 4 M2: Okay, let's ask him. 좋아, 그에게물어보자. 1 W: Bora is in a store. She has found a pretty shirt, but it looks a little small for her. 보라가가게안에있어. 그녀는예쁜셔츠를찾았어, 그러나그것은그녀에게약간작아보여. 2 M: I wonder if there is a bigger one. 저는더큰것이있는지궁금해요. 1 Can you read this Chinese word? 너는이중국어낱말을읽을수있니? 2 No, but I think Sujin can. 아니, 하지만내생각엔수진이가할수있어. 3 Why do you say that? 왜그렇게말하는데? 4 She lived in Beijing for two years. 그녀는 2년동안베이징에서살았어. 1 He is good at English. He is also good at math. 2 He is good at math as well as English. 그는영어뿐만아니라수학도능숙해. 1 A: I don t think Brian can come to school today. 나는브라이언이오늘학교에올수있다고생각하지않아. 2 B: Why is that? 그건왜? 3 A: He broke his arm yesterday. 그는어제팔이부러졌어. 1 The child began to cry an hour ago, and he is still crying. 그아이는한시간전에울기시작했다, 그리고여전히울고있다. 2 The child has been crying for an hour. 그아이는한시간동안계속울고있다. 7 중 3 영어천재 ( 김진완 )
지이다영어교실 moruhaka@naver.com http://moruhaka.tistory.com Phrases all day long 하루종일 all around the world 전세계에 b as well as a ~ 에더하여, ~ 과마찬가지로잘 (not only a but also b) get used to ~ 에익숙해지다 (get accustomed to) give a lesson ~ 을가르치다 (teach a lesson) little by little 조금씩 (bit by bit, by bits, by inches, drop by drop) look good on ~ 에게잘어울리다 wave good-bye to ~ 에게작별인사로손을흔들다 wear green 녹색옷을입다 Vocabulary button : small hard objects sewn on to shirts, coats, or other pieces of clothing. capital : the city or town where its government or parliament meets celebrate : to do something enjoyable because of a special occasion or to mark someone's success chant : to repeat the same words over and over again. continent : a very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia, that consists of several countries. curious : to be interested in something and want to know more about it. divide : to separate something into several parts or quantities fortune : good luck; a very large amount of money Gaelic : coming from or relating to Scotland and Ireland handle : to have the ability to deal with it successfully parade : a procession of people or vehicles moving through a public place in order to celebrate an important day or event pipe : a long, round, hollow object, usually made of metal or plastic, through which a liquid or gas can flow. penguin : a type of large black and white sea bird found mainly in the Antarctic. Notes 교과서본문은출판사및공동저자에게저작권이있습니다. 아이콘은 icons8.com에게저작권이있습니다. Copyright. 2015. Hwang Minkyu. All right reserved. 중 3 영어천재 ( 김진완 ) 8