아뮤즈부쉬 푸아그라 ( 프랑스산오리고기 ), 카르파치오 ( 국내산쇠고기한우 ), 광어 ( 국내산 ), 도미 ( 국내산 ), 장어 ( 국내산 ), 오징어 ( 국내산 ) 초리조 돼지고기 ( 스페인산 ) 베이컨 돼지고기 ( 스페인산 ) 스테이크소스 쇠고기 ( 호주산, 뉴질랜드산, 국내산한우섞음 ), 쇠고기사골 ( 호주산 ) 육수 닭고기 ( 국내산 ) 연두부 콩 ( 국내산 ) 곡물 쌀 ( 국내산 ) 닭고기, 쇠고기, 돼지고기, 난류 ( 가금류 ), 우유, 메밀, 땅콩, 호두, 대두, 밀, 고등어, 게, 새우, 오징어, 조개류 ( 굴, 전복, 홍합포함 ), 복숭아, 토마토, 아황산염등은알러지를유발할수있으며그외알러지가있는고객께서는미리말씀해주시기바랍니다. Chicken, Beef, Pk, Eggs, Milk, Buckwheat, Peanuts, Walnuts, Soybeans, Wheat, Mackerel, Crab, Shrimp, Squid, Shellfish(including Oyster, Abalone, and Mussel), Peach, Tomato, and Sulfites can cause allergic symptoms. Please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies dietary issues.
Sommelier s Recommendations 6 Glasses Jules Tayl, Pinot Noir, Marlbough, New Zealand 2015 (90ml) Cdier Sauterne, France 2008 (75ml) M.Chapoutier, Banyuls Vin doux Naturel, Roussillon, France 2015 (60ml) \ 133,000 4 Glasses Cdier Sauterne, France 2008 (75ml) \ 97,000 3 Glasses \ 77,000
Chef s Tasting Amuse Bouche Osetra Caviar with Citrus Puree on Humpback Shrimp Tartare 시트러스퓌레와오세트라캐비아를올린꽃새우타르타르 Little Octopus Mariné with Beluga Lentil, Paprika, and Garlic Chizo Vinaigrette 벨루가렌틸, 파프리카와마늘초리조비네그레트를곁들인돌문어마리네 Honey and Rosemary Flaved Sweet Pumpkin Cream Soup with Bacon Ragoût 베이컨라구를넣은꿀로즈메리풍미의단호박크림수프 Slow-cooked Codfish with Tomato Fondue, Seaweed, Saffron Emulsion, and Shrimp Salt 토마토퐁듀, 해초, 사프란에멀전과새우소금을곁들인부드럽게익힌대구 Seared Langoustine with Snow Crab Risotto, Endive, and Vin Blanc Sauce 대게리소토, 엔다이브와뱅블랑소스의랑구스틴구이 Sautéed Australian Veal Sweetbread with Crisp Quinoa, Eggplant Puree, and Tropical Fruit Sauce 바삭한퀴노아, 가지퓌레와과일소스를곁들인호주산송아지목살구이 Char-grilled Kean Beef Ribeye with Red Wine Braised Shallot and Vegetables Parisienne 레드와인에졸인샬롯과파리지엔채소를곁들인국내산쇠고기한우등심숯불구이 Continental Cheese Cellar Selection 콘티넨탈치즈셀러셀렉션 Seasonal Fruit Consommé, Compote, Jelly, Sherbet 제철과일콘소메, 콤포트, 젤리, 셔벗 Chocolate Fondant with Vanilla Sauce and Chocolate Terrine with Hazelnut Crystalline 바닐라소스의초콜릿퐁당과헤이즐넛크리스탈린을곁들인초콜릿테린 Mignardises \ 260,000 10% service charge and 10% tax has been added. 상기금액은 10% 의봉사료와 10% 의세금이포함된금액입니다.
Sommelier s Recommendations 4 Glasses Cdier Sauterne, France 2008 (75ml) \ 97,000 3 Glasses \ 77,000 2 Glasses Château de Tracy, Pouilly Fumé, Loire, France 2015 (100ml) Gandolini Las 3 Maria, Maipo Valley, Chile 2011 (100ml) \ 60,000
Découverte Amuse Bouche Osetra Caviar with Citrus Puree on Humpback Shrimp Tartare 시트러스퓌레와오세트라캐비아를올린꽃새우타르타르 Little Octopus Mariné with Beluga Lentil, Paprika, and Garlic Chizo Vinaigrette 벨루가렌틸, 파프리카와마늘초리조비네그레트를곁들인돌문어마리네 Slow-cooked Codfish with Tomato Fondue, Seaweed, Saffron Emulsion, and Shrimp Salt 토마토퐁듀, 해초, 사프란에멀전과새우소금을곁들인부드럽게익힌대구 Seared Langoustine with Snow Crab Risotto, Endive, and Vin Blanc Sauce (\ 20,000 extra) 대게리소토, 엔다이브와뱅블랑소스의랑구스틴구이 (\ 20,000 추가 ) Char-grilled Australian Rack of Lamb with Beet, Celeriac, and Gastrique 비트, 셀러리악과가스트리크를곁들인호주산양갈비숯불구이 Char-grilled Kean Beef Ribeye with Red Wine Braised Shallot and Vegetables Parisienne (\ 40,000 extra) 레드와인에졸인샬롯과파리지엔채소를곁들인국내산쇠고기한우등심숯불구이 (\ 40,000 추가 ) Continental Cheese Cellar Selection 콘티넨탈치즈셀러셀렉션 Seasonal Fruit Consommé, Compote, Jelly, Sherbet 제철과일콘소메, 콤포트, 젤리, 셔벗 Chestnut Mousse with Snow Nuts, Citron Croquant, and Lavender Ice Cream 스노우너츠, 시트롱크로캉과라벤더아이스크림을곁들인밤무스 Mignardises \ 180,000 10% service charge and 10% tax has been added. 상기금액은 10% 의봉사료와 10% 의세금이포함된금액입니다.
연두부 콩 ( 국내산 ) 곡물 쌀 ( 국내산 ) 닭고기, 쇠고기, 돼지고기, 난류 ( 가금류 ), 우유, 메밀, 땅콩, 호두, 대두, 밀, 고등어, 게, 새우, 오징어, 조개류 ( 굴, 전복, 홍합포함 ), 복숭아, 토마토, 아황산염등은알러지를유발할수있으며그외알러지가있는고객께서는미리말씀해주시기바랍니다. Chicken, Beef, Pk, Eggs, Milk, Buckwheat, Peanuts, Walnuts, Soybeans, Wheat, Mackerel, Crab, Shrimp, Squid, Shellfish(including Oyster, Abalone, and Mussel), Peach, Tomato, and Sulfites can cause allergic symptoms. Please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies dietary issues.
Vegetarian DINNER Amuse Bouche Mixed Tomato Carpaccio with Honey Lemon Dressing 허니레몬드레싱의토마토카르파치오 Asparagus and Avocado Salad with Passion Fruit Vinaigrette 패션프루트비네그레트의아스파라거스와아보카도샐러드 Wild Mushroom Consommé with Silken Beancurd 연두부를곁들인야생버섯콘소메 Grain Cake and Garden Vegetables with Sliced Black Truffle 블랙트러플을곁들인곡물케이크와가든채소 Continental Vegan Cheese Selection 콘티넨탈채식치즈셀렉션 Seasonal Fruit Consommé, Compote, Jelly, Sherbet 제철과일콘소메, 콤포트, 젤리, 셔벗 Chestnut Mousse with Snow Nuts, Citron Croquant, and Lavender Ice Cream 스노우너츠, 시트롱크로캉과라벤더아이스크림을곁들인밤무스 Mignardises \ 180,000 10% service charge and 10% tax has been added. 상기금액은 10% 의봉사료와 10% 의세금이포함된금액입니다.