장소별영어 미용실 여자커트 Part 1) 헤어디자이너편 강의노트 미용가운 / 망토 = cape [ 미용가운 ] 이것좀먼저입혀드릴께요. Let me put this on you first. 잡지들좀가져다드릴까요? Would you like me to bring some magazines for you? [ 좀더짧게!] Would you like some magazines? 머리에물뿌릴게요. I m gonna spray some water on your hair now. gonna 는 going to = ~ 을할것이다를빨리말했을때나는소리로비격식적표현! 가르마어디로타세요? Where do you part you hair? Which side do you part your hair? / Which side do you part your hair on? [ 손가락으로표시하며 ] 이만큼자를건데괜찮아요? I m going to cut this much. Is that okay with you? 그래도괜찮으시겠어요? Is that okay with you? [ 좀더짧게!] Okay? 뽀인트하나! 머리길이는어느정도를원하세요? How long do you want your hair to be? to be = 이다를빼도 OK! How long do you want your hair? 얼마나짧았음좋겠어요? How short would you like? 얼마큼자르면좋겠어요? How much would you like me to cut? [ 손가락으로표시하며!] This much? 1
머리길이를있는그래도유지하고싶으신건알겠는데지금보니깐머리끝이상한부분이꽤많아서잘라야될것같아요. 끝에서한 [ 손가락으로표시하며!] 이정도잘라도괜찮을까요? I know you want to keep your length as it is but I see some split ends that need to be cut. Would you mind if I cut this much [ 손가락으로표시하며!] at the end? [ 손님이가져오신 ] 사진다시보여주시겠어요? Can I see the picture again? 머리를아주짧게치고약간헝클어뜨린듯한자연스러운스타일원하시는거맞죠? You want a pixie cut with messy hair look, right? pixie cut = 제일짧은여자머리스타일 messy hair look = 헝클어뜨린듯한머리스타일 머리는어깨길이까지만자르고샤기컷해달라고하셨죠? You want to cut it to shoulder-length and have a shaggy cut, right? 턱까지오는 A라인보브단발원하시는거맞죠? So you want to get a chin-length, A-line bob cut, right? A-line bob cut = A라인보브단발뒤를풍성하게볼륨넣어자르는스타일 stacked = 쌓인 턱까지오는길이에뒤에볼륨을살린 A라인보브단발 stacked A-line bob graduated bob 턱까지오는길이에뒤에볼륨을살린 A라인보브단발원하시는거맞죠? So you want to get a chin-length, graduated bob cut, right? 길게층이들어가게자르는거맞죠? You want a long layered cut, right? long layered cut = 길게층들어간커트 층없이일자로자르는거맞죠? You want a one-length cut, right? You d like a straight cut, right? one-length cut = straight cut = 일자커트 여자커트종류는용어편에서상세히짚어드려요! 모불편하신거없으세요? Are you doing okay? How are you doing? 2
머리길이어때요? How s the length? 머리길이맘에들어요? How do you like the length? 조금더자를까요? Would you like me to cut a little bit more? 머리를조금만들어보시겠어요? Would you lift your head a little bit? Would you tilt your head back a little? 고개를좀숙여주세요. Would you tilt your head forward a little? Would you lower your head a bit? 조금만더요. A little bit more, please. 완전숙이세요. All the way down, please. 정면을보세요. Would you look straight ahead? 절보세요. Would you look at me? 잠깐만저좀보실래요? Would you look at me for a second? 뽀인트둘! Would you~ 란표현대신 Could you~ 를써도문제없음! Would you~? 대신 please 를넣어, 정면보세요 Please look straight ahead. 저좀보세요. Please look at me. 왼쪽으로머리를조금만기울이세요. Please tilt your head a little to the left. 3
오른쪽으로조금만기울이세요. Please tilt your head a little to the right. 왼쪽으로고개돌리세요. Look to your left, please. Turn your head to your left, please. 오른쪽으로고개돌리세요. Look to your right, please. Turn your head to your right, please. Look to your left. 너의왼쪽을봐. 왼쪽으로고개돌려. please 없이는자칫명령조로들릴수있음! Look to your left, please. 왼쪽으로고개돌려볼래요?, 왼쪽으로고개돌리세요. please 는 제발 이란뜻도있지만좀더정중하고공손하게얘기할때쓴다는점! 앞머리는자르지않는다고하셨죠? So you don t want to cut bangs, right? 앞머리는어떻게해드릴까요? What would you like me to do with your bangs? 이제앞머리자를거예요. 눈썹을스치는길이에일자로자르길원하시는거맞죠? I m gonna cut the bangs now. You want the brow-skimming straight bangs, right? brow-skimming = 눈썹을스치는 straight bangs = blunt bangs = 일자로자르는앞머리 걱정말아요. 조금씩자를게요. Don t worry. I ll cut them little by little. 많이자르지않을게요. I won t cut too much. 눈을감아주시겠어요? Could you please close your eyes? 눈감고계셔야해요. Please keep your eyes closed. 4
눈잠깐감아보실래요? 얼굴에붙은머리카락좀치워드릴게요. Could you close your eyes for a second? I m going to clean hair off your face. 뽀인트셋! 대화를시작하기좋은표현 = conversation starter 날씨에관한이야기 밖에날씨너무화창하고좋지않아요? Isn t it so nice and sunny outside? 너무덥죠? It s so hot, isn t it? 요새날씨가너무안좋죠? The weather s been so crappy lately, hasn t it? 요새비가멈추지않고계속와서언제쯤이나멈출까싶어요. It s been raining nonstop. I wonder when it s going to stop. 눈이이렇게많이오다니믿기지않아요 I can t believe how much it s snowing. 안부묻기 그동안어떻게지내셨어요? 별일없었어요? So how have you been? Anything new with you? [ 학생인손님께 ] 요즘학교다니는건어때요? So how s school? [ 직장인손님께 ] 일은어때요? How are things at work? 머리끝나고계획묻기 이거끝나고뭐별다른계획있어요? So do you have any plans after this? 주말계획묻기 주말에뭐특별한계획없어요? Any plans for this weekend? Anything special going on this weekend? 5