국가공인자격검정 2015 년제 1 회무역영어 3 급시험문제 무단전재금함 2015 년 4 월 5 일시행 대한상공회의소 형별 B 형제한시간 90 분수험번호성명 < 제 1 과목 > 영문해석 [1~2] 다음서한을읽고물음에답하시오. The Vernacular Papers in

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192 法 學 硏 究 第 17 輯 第 2 號 < 국문초록 > 선하증권의 한계점을 극복하기 위해 실무에서 널리 화물선취보증장(L/G:Letter of Guarantee)제도가 이용되고는 있다. 그러나 수입상으로서는 추가적인 비용이 발생하고, 직접 은행을 방문해서 화물선취

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년제 3 회무역영어 3 급시험문제 제 1 과목명 : 영문해석제 2 과목명 : 영작문제 3 과목명 : 무역실무 < 응시자유의사항 >

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해


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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이



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무역실무 하동호



Product A4

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국제 경영 전략

슬라이드 제목 없음


무역계약, 대금결제 하동호

레이아웃 1


182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연

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공급 에는 3권역 내에 준공된 프라임 오피스가 없었다. 4분기에는 3개동의 프라임 오피스가 신규로 준공 될 예정이다.(사옥1개동, 임대용 오피스 2개동) 수요와 공실률 2014년 10월 한국은행이 발표한 자료에 따르면 한국의 2014년 경제성장률 예측치는 3.5%로 지

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- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS

A B C D E F RRC350 RRC Roteo 35

May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil


가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에



국가공인자격검정 2015 년제 1 회무역영어 3 급시험문제 무단전재금함 2015 년 4 월 5 일시행 대한상공회의소 형별 B 형제한시간 90 분수험번호성명 < 제 1 과목 > 영문해석 [1~2] 다음서한을읽고물음에답하시오. The Vernacular Papers in India reported this morning that the trade union of the railway between Bombay and Ganganagar are likely to go on a strike very soon. If they do, the transport of raw cotton to the ginning factories on the outskirts of Bombay may be seriously affected even though we try to use trucks for the conveyance. We think it only fair to keep our customers in your territory (i.e. Korea) informed so that they may prepare themselves for the worst. You (i.e. the Selling Agents) will get in touch with our customers to advise them which way the wind is blowing. 1. 밑줄친부분이의미하는것은? 1 of this situation 2 of our marketplace 3 on the worst situation 4 on the outskirts of our territory 2. What is the intent of this letter? 1 Informing of shipping advice 2 Warning of the delay of shipment 3 Asking for payment 4 Informing of cancellation of shipping 3. 다음문장의해석으로잘못된것은? 1 Your prompt acknowledgement would be appreciated. 귀사께서신속하게확인해주시면감사하겠습니다. 2 Korea Exchange Bank will inform you of their credit standing. 한국외환은행이귀사에게동상사의대변잔액을통지할것입니다. 3 We are pleased to place an order for vending machines with you. 당사는자동판매기를귀사에게주문하는바입니다. 4 Would you please open a confirmed L/C as soon as possible? 확인신용장을즉시개설해주시겠습니까? [4~6] 다음문장의해석으로올바른것을고르시오. 4. Some import-restricted items require dozens of procedures to clear the customs in the importing country. 1 몇개의수입제한품목들은수입국에서통관하는데많은절차가필요합니다. 2 수입국의세관에서몇개의수입허용품목들은많은관세를납부하는절차가필요합니다. 3 몇개의수입제한품목들은수입국의세관에서통관절차를밟는데필요한많은관세를납부해야합니다. 4 몇개의수입제한품목들은수입국에서통관하는데많은절차를피해야하는어려움이있습니다. 5. We are expecting to hear from you as to a remittance against your July accounts overdue. 1 당사는만기일이지난귀사의 7 월계정에대한결제완료를통지합니다. 2 당사는만기일이지난귀사의 7 월계정에대한송금소식을기다리고있습니다. 3 당사는만기일이도래한귀사의 7 월계정에대한송금소식을기다리고있습니다. 4 당사는만기일이도래한귀사의 7 월계정에대한결제완료통지는잘받았습니다. 6. You must refer to the general terms and conditions on the reverse side of the contract. 1 귀사는계약서이면에있는특별약관을조회해야합니다. 2 귀사는계약서이면의일반적인참조를하여배서해야합니다. 3 귀사는이면의일반거래조건계약서를참조할수있습니다. 4 귀사는계약서이면에있는일반거래조건을참고해야합니다. 7. 다음서한이의도하는내용은? We have no connections in your city and are looking for importers with whom we can establish business relations. We should appreciate it if you would supply us with some names of firms of household products. 1 거래처소개의뢰 3 신용조회 2 거래처추천 4 신용조회회신 8. 다음문장에서설명하고있는가격조건은? The seller delivers when the goods are on board the vessel nominated by the buyer. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. 1 CIF 2 FAS 3 FOB 4 CFR 3 급 B 형 - 1

9. 다음중약자를풀어쓴것으로잘못짝지어진것은? 1 DAT : Delivered At Terminal 2 DAP : Delivered At Port 3 CFR : Cost and Freight 4 CIF : Cost, Insurance and Freight [10~11] 다음통신문을읽고물음에답하시오. Thank you for your sample and price list. As stated in our last meeting, we are very interested in distributing your goods in Korea. (1)We would like to cooperate to produce the goods as soon as possible. Kindly include any other information you feel would be (2)pertinent. We have some very promising contacts for this product in our country. Thank you in advance for your prompt action. 10. 밑줄친 (1) 의해석으로올바른것은? 1 당사는가능한빨리생산하도록협조하고싶습니다. 2 가능한빨리생산하도록노력해주십시오. 3 협력한다면곧제품을생산할수있을것입니다. 4 협조하기위하여가능한빨리생산하겠습니다. 11. 밑줄친 (2) 와의미가가장가까운것은? 1 important 2 enclosed 3 relevant 4 immediate [12~13] 다음문장의밑줄친부분과의미가다른것을 고르시오. 12. We instructed our bank to open an L/C in your favor for this order. 1 issue 2 amend 3 arrange 4 establish 13. Samples are free of charge. 1 for free 2 at a trivial cost 3 provided for nothing 4 provided without charge [14~15] 다음은서한내용의일부이다. 물음에답하시오. It appears that we have not received any remittance from you, (A)in spite of having sent you our (B)statements regularly every month. 14. 밑줄친 (A) 의의미로올바른것은? 1 ~ 에도불구하고 2 ~ 에대하여 3 ~ 를기본으로 4 ~ 와관련하여 15. 밑줄친 (B) 의의미로올바른것은? 1 설명서 2 진술서 3 청산서 4 청구서 16. 다음 ( ) 안에들어갈표현으로올바른것은? ( ) means any arrangement, however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour a complying presentation. 1 Confirmation 3 Letter of Credit 2 Presentation 4 Draft [17~18] 다음서한을읽고물음에답하시오. We appreciate your inquiry dated July 18. We have just e-mailed the following offer to you. Item : Ladies Silk Stockings Quality : Our Sample No. 250, incarnadine, (A)assorted sizes Quantity : 2,000 doz. Price : US$15.00 per doz. CIF Incheon Shipment : During October Payment : Draft at 30 days after sight under Confirmed Credit (B)We recognize the urgency of your inquiry, but since all the mills are working to capacity, our shipment right now is difficult but it is possible two months later. (i.e. October) This is the best offer we can make and market here is strong and goods are out of stock. 17. 밑줄친 (A) 와바꾸어쓸수없는단어는? 1 fixed 3 manifold 2 diverse 18. 밑줄친 (B) 의해석으로올바른것은? 4 multifarious 1 귀사의주문수량이많다는것은알고는있습니다. 그러나모든공장이전량가동중이기때문에 2 당사는귀사가주문에대해모든공장이급하다고할지라도전력을다해가동하는것이기때문에 3 귀사의문의가급하다는것을알고는있습니다. 그러나당사는모든공장이완전가동하고있기때문에 4 당사의모든공장이완전가동중이기때문에주문이급하게필요하다할지라도 19. 다음용어의의미로틀린것은? 1 Cash On Delivery : 상품인도결제방식 2 Cash Against Documents : 서류상환결제방식 3 Concurrent Payment Base : 사후지급결제방식 4 Documents Against Acceptance : 인수인도조건 20. 다음문장의해석으로틀린것은? [A] Our credit inquiry reveals that [B] the bank affords them [C] a credit line including L/C opening [D] on a unsecured basis. 1 [A] 당사의신용조회결과에의하면 2 [B] 은행은동상사에게제공하고있습니다. 3 [C] 신용장발행을포함한수신을 4 [D] 무담보로 21. 밑줄친부분과바꾸어쓸수없는것은? To cover your account up to August 10, we enclose a check for US$8,000.00. 1 In settlement of 3 To claim 2 To balance 4 In payment of 3 급 B 형 - 2

22. 다음밑줄친부분의해석으로올바른것은? All goods exported for our account are covered by the Open Policy taken out from the said insurance company. 1 아래의보험회사에서작성된보험가입증명서 2 상기의보험회사에서발행한포괄예정보험증권 3 아래의보험회사에서결제한포괄예정보험증권 4 상기의보험회사에서작성한보험가입증명서 23. 다음밑줄친부분의해석으로올바른것은? Payment should be made by an irrevocable L/C at sight or T/T in advance. 1 전신환사후지급 3 전신환사전지급 2 사후일반지급 4 우편환사전지급 24. 인코텀즈 2010 의가격조건을잘못해석한것은? 1 DAT : 도착터미널인도조건 2 FAS : 선측인도조건 3 FCA : 운송인인도조건 4 CIP : 도착장소인도조건 25. 다음문장의 ( ) 안에들어갈알맞은단어는? Because of a recent ( ) in the prices of the raw materials, we have raised the price of this article by 8%. 1 rise 3 turndown 2 reduction 4 setback < 제 2 과목 > 영작문 [26~27] 다음문장을영작할때옳은것을고르시오. 26. 환적이될것이라거나환적될수있다고표시하는항공운송서류는비록신용장이환적을금지하더라도수리될수있다. 1 An air transport document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit prohibits transhipment. 2 A shipping document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is unacceptable, even if the credit allows transhipment. 3 An air transport document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is unacceptable, even if the credit letter prohibits transhipment. 4 An air transport document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit permits transhipment. 27. 당사는손상된물품에대한귀사의클레임을받아들일수없습니다. 1 We are willing to accept your claim against the damaged goods. 2 Respecting the damaged goods, we would comply with your claim. 3 We cannot comply with your claim with regard to the damaged goods. 4 We cannot but agree with your claim for the damaged goods. [28~33] 다음을우리말로영작할때 ( ) 안에적합한 단어혹은어구가차례대로나열된것을고르시오. 28. 귀사의 2015 년 4월 5일자서한에대한답신으로아래의회사를귀사에기꺼이추천합니다. ( ) your letter of April 5, 2015, we are pleased to ( ) you the following firms. 1 In reply to - recommend 2 In response to - supply 3 In reference to - furnish 4 In addition to - introduce 29. 본건을해결하기위하여, 가격을 30% 할인하여동물품을인수해주실것을요청하는바입니다. ( ) adjust the matter, we ask you to accept the goods at a ( ) of 30%. 1 Due to - ratio 2 So as to - rate 3 In order to - reduction 4 According to - deduction 30. 당사의상품을협회적하약관 (B) 조건으로보험에가입해주십시오. Would you please ( ) our goods ( ) ICC(B)? 1 join - for 2 insure - on 3 negotiate - against 4 draw - upon 31. 당사는다음회사와밀접한거래관계를맺기를 바랍니다. We wish to ( ) into close business relations with the ( ) firm. 1 quit below 2 enter following 3 fulfill reading 4 get - above 32. 이메일로전자서명하신영수증을보내주시면감사하겠습니다. We shall be ( ) if you could send us a(n) ( ) with your electronic signature by E-mail. 1 obliged - receipt 2 compelled - invoice 3 grateful - reception 4 appreciated - bill of landing 33. 당사는지체된금액에대해귀사에게매년 10% 의이자를부과해야만합니다. We have to ( ) you an interest at the rate of 10% per annum for the amount ( ). 1 change - overdue 2 charge - overdue 3 credit - upon request 4 receive - without delay 3 급 B 형 - 3

[34~35] 다음영작한것을읽고물음에답하시오. 귀도시의상공회의소가신발류수입업체로귀사를소개했습니다. 당사는귀사와거래를개설하고자편지를보냅니다. 당사는각종신발류수출업자로서삼십년이상거래해왔습니다. Your name has been ( A ) to us by the Chamber of Commerce in your city as importers of footwear. We are writing to you with a desire to ( B ) you. We have been doing business for over thirty years as exporters of all kinds of shoes. 34. 빈칸 (A) 에가장적합한표현은? 1 giving 2 introduced 3 recommending 4 written 35. 밑줄친부분의뜻을영작할때빈칸 (B) 에적합하지않은표현은? 1 cut off business relations with 2 enter into business relations with 3 do business with 4 open an account with 36. 다음문장을올바르게영작한것은? 이청약은선착순판매조건으로합니다. 1 This offer is subject to prior sale. 2 This offer is subject to sale or return. 3 This offer is subject to seller's final confirmation. 4 This offer is subject to approval. 37. 다음에서설명하는은행의명칭은? 가. A bank other than the issuing bank which undertakes on its own responsibility to pay, accept, or negotiate under credit. 나. The bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank s authorization or request. 1 Issuing Bank 3 Accepting Bank 2 Negotiating Bank 4 Confirming Bank [38~39] 밑줄친부분과같은의미를가진표현으로 올바른것을고르시오. 38. Unless the goods can be shipped by January 13, we will have to withdraw the order. 1 revoke 2 revise 3 conclude 4 remove 39. Thank you for your E-mail message of April 10 showing a deep interest in our Digital Door Locks. As suggested in your inquiry, we send you our samples by separate cover. 1 by return of post 2 via separately cover 3 by another mail 4 by special delivery 40. 다음문장을영작할때 ( ) 안에가장알맞은것은? 귀사의주문품은뉴욕으로출항예정인선박아리랑호에선적되었습니다. Your order was shipped by the S/S Arirang ( ). 1 scheduled to leave New York 2 due to sail for New York 3 due to arrive from New York 4 owing to destine for New York 41. 다음문장을영작할때 ( ) 안에알맞지않은것은? 귀사께서오늘아침전자우편으로 5월 11일에부산항을출항예정인 Honey Bee 호편에 500 입방미터의선복예약을약속한다는조치에대해감사드립니다. We ( ) for the arrangements you promised us by email this morning to reserve space of 500 CBM on the M/S Honey Bee which is due to leave from Busan on May 11. 1 are grateful 3 appreciate 2 are obliged to you 4 thank you 42. 다음주의표시를영어로잘못표현한것은? 1 깨지기쉬움 : Fragile 2 폭발물 : Explosive 3 접지말것 : Do Not Bend 4 세워둘것 : No Upside Down 43. 서신의각요소를작문한예로옳지않은것은? 1 Date : February 15, 2015 2 Inside Address : To Whom It May Concerns, 3 Complimentary Close : Very Truly Yours, 4 Enclosure Notations : Enc. 1 Price List 44. 다음용어를영어로올바르게표현한것은? 1 연계무역 : Continuous Trade 2 물물교환 : Barter Trade 3 중개무역 : Interruption Trade 4 제품환매 : Product Buying 45. 다음용어를영어로잘못표현한것은? 1 확인신용장 : confirmed L/C 2 보증신용장 : stand-by L/C 3 회전신용장 : red-clause L/C 4 내국신용장 : local L/C 46. 밑줄친부분에들어갈알맞은표현은? A: Is this Mr. Pitt's office? B: There's no one here by that name. What number do you call? A: Is this 1234-5678? B: A: I'm sorry to have bothered you. 1 You have the wrong number. 2 The line was cut off. 3 This number is out of service. 4 I'm afraid he's in a meeting. 3 급 B 형 - 4

47. 신용조회회신내용중일부이다. 밑줄친 3 번문장을영작한것으로옳지않은것은? 1. We have dealt with them for 31 years as of April, 2015. 2. The terms of payment were almost an L/C base. 3. ( 현재채무액은무시할수있을만큼적다.) 4. Reputation : They are of good repute among leading exporters in this locality. 5. Remarks : Their financial standing is sound. 1 Current owned money is significant. 2 Current owned money is of little importance. 3 Current owned money is trifling. 4 Current owned money is negligible. [48~49] 다음은 SWIFT 신용장내용중구비서류에대한 내용이다. 물음에답하시오. 46A documents required - SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN TRIPLICATE. SIGNED PACKING LIST IN TRIPLICATE. (A) 무고장선적해양선하증권원본전통 MADE OUT TO ORDER, ENDORSED IN BLANK. MARKED FREIGHT PREPAID. NOTIFY APPLICANT WITH FULL ADDRESS AND (B)MENTIONING THIS DC NO. 48. 밑줄친 (A) 부분을영문으로올바르게표현한것은? 1 ALL SETS ORIGIN CLEAN ON BOARD MARINE BILLS OF 2 FULL SET ORIGINAL CLEAN RECEIVED MARINE BILLS OF 3 FULL SET ORIGINAL CLEAN ON BOARD MARINE BILLS OF 4 FULL SET ORIGINAL UNCLEAN SHIPPED MARINE BILLS OF 49. 밑줄친 (B) 부분을다른용어로대체할때사용할수없는것은? 1 ISSUING 2 SHOWING 3 REPRESENTING 4 INDICATING 50. 아래 ( ) 안에공통으로들어갈단어는? They have ( ) this amount to your credit. We are pleased to acknowledge your order ( ) on March 1. 1 attached 3 opened 2 agreed 4 placed < 제 3 과목 > 무역실무 51. 운송인이다수의화주로부터물품을인수하여개별적으로체결하는운송계약으로서정기선을주로이용하는운송계약에해당하는것은? 1 정기용선계약 2 개품운송계약 3 나용선계약 4 항해용선계약 52. 수출상과수입상이체결하는무역계약의특성에관한일반적인설명으로옳지않은것은? 1 무역계약은당사자가합의하여야유효한거래로서낙성계약이다. 2 무역거래는수출상과수입상이대금과물품을교환하는유상거래이다. 3 무역계약은계약의상대방이확실히결정되어야하는부합계약이다. 4 무역계약서는형식의제한없이작성할수있는불요식계약이다. 53. 국제거래에는계약당시에예측할수없는많은위험요소가있기때문에사전에거래상대방과시장에관한조사를하는것이바람직하다. 이때거래의주체로서상대방에관한필수조사항목으로옳지않은것은? 1 기업평판 2 교육 / 종교 3 재정상태 4 영업능력 54. 수출상이대금을청구하기위하여제출하는일반적인선적서류에포함되지않는것은? 1 packing list 2 purchase note 3 commercial invoice 4 on board Bill of Lading 55. 무역계약의조건을정형화하여만든무역국제규칙은? 1 신용장통일규칙 (UCP) 2 인코텀즈 (Incoterms) 3 오퍼장 (Offer Sheet) 4 견적서 (Proforma Invoice) 56. 무역거래를위한해외시장조사시수출시장의환경조사가필요하다. 조사내용중경제적환경이라고할수있는것은? 1 인구증가율, 종교 2 정치상황, 정치적안전성 3 1 인당국민소득, 생산구조 4 무역관리법규, 문화제도 57. 우리나라무역관련 3대법규로옳지않은것은? 1 대외무역법 2 외국환거래법 3 무역관리법 4 관세법 58. 발행목적이매매계약에의한대금결제에있지않고지급보증등금융서비스제공을목적으로하는신용장은? 1 irrevocable credit 2 stand-by credit 3 local credit 4 transferable credit 59. 저급품질을의미하는표현은? 1 Different Quality 3 Fair Quality 2 Inferior Quality 4 Non Quality 60. 수출자가승낙기간을지정하고그기간내에수입자가승낙, 회답할것을조건으로하는청약은? 1 Counter Offer 2 Firm Offer 3 Conditional Offer 4 Free Offer 3 급 B 형 - 5

61. 신용장거래원칙으로옳지않은것은? 1 매매계약과는독립된거래이므로그의구속을받지않는다는독립성의원칙 2 실제물품의일치여부가아니라신용장에서요구한서류만을가지고판단하는추상성의원칙 3 신용장의조건과엄밀히일치하는서류만을수리하는엄밀일치의원칙 4 한번발행된신용장은양도할수없다는양도불능의원칙 62. 결제방식의설명으로옳은것은? 1 CWO - 매수인에게가장유리한조건으로주문불을나타낸다. 2 CAD - 서류상환급으로운송서류와상환으로수출대금을결제받는방식이다. 3 D/P - 수출업자쪽에서보면외상이므로 D/A 보다손실의위험이많다. 4 COD - 매도인에게는가장유리한조건이지만매수인은상품을인수하지못할위험이있다. 63. 신용장에서통상적으로요구하는선하증권으로옳지않은것은? 1 무고장선하증권 2 본선적재선하증권 3 운송주선인발급선하증권 4 지시식선하증권 64. 무역계약의성립단계가순서에맞게연결된것은? 1 Circular letter - Inquiry - Offer - Acceptance 2 Inquiry - Circular letter - Offer - Acceptance 3 Inquiry - Offer - Circular letter - Acceptance 4 Circular letter - Inquiry - Offer Mere Inquiry - Acceptance 65. 각국의 FTA 협정에서가장중요시되는서류는? 1 선하증권 3 원산지증명서 2 검사증명서 4 관세송장 70. 제반수수료와관련하여부담의무자가잘못된것은? 1 신용장통지수수료 - 수출상 2 신용장개설수수료 - 수입상 3 매입시환가료 - 수입상 4 확인수수료 - 수출상 71. 무역에관계하는당사자를연결한것으로옳지않은것은? 1 beneficiary - 수익자 2 shipper - 화주 3 issuing bank - 개설은행 4 consignee - 송화인 72. 목재나냉동어류의거래에서사용되는품질결정방법은? 1 DEQ 2 GMQ 3 FAQ 4 USQ 73. 청약 (offer) 에대한승낙 (acceptance) 으로무역계약이성립된다는법리의논거는무역계약의어떠한성질때문인가? 1 유상계약성 2 쌍무계약성 3 임의계약성 4 낙성계약성 74. 한국의수출상과미국의수입상사이에분쟁이발생한다면분쟁을해결하기에가장복잡한조건은? 1 FOB Busan Sugar 500 L/T 2 FOB Busan Sugar 500 M/T 3 CIF NewYork Port Sugar 500 S/T 4 CIF NewYork Airport Sugar 500 t 75. Incoterms 2010 에포함되지않은거래규칙으로옳은것은? 1 DAT 2 DDP 3 DDU 4 DAP 66. Incoterms 및 UCP 등의국제무역규칙을제정한조직은? 1 WTO 2 KCCI 3 ICC 4 IMF 67. 해상운송과관련된법 ( 규약 ) 으로옳지않은것은? 1 Hague Visby Rules 2 Hamburg Rules 3 Warsaw Convention 4 Hague Rules 68. 클레임의해결방법으로옳지않은것은? 1 화해 2 추심 3 조정 4 알선 69. 추심거래에서수입상에게대금을지급받는역할을하는은행은? 1 Nego Bank 3 Issuing Bank 2 Collecting Bank 4 Remitting Bank 3 급 B 형 - 6