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Chapter 1 11,,,, 1980 Adept Robotics, Staubli Robotics, Fanuc RoboticsN o r t h America, Inc

2,, 12 ( c r a n e ),,,, ( ),, 13 (Japanese Industrial Robot Association: J I R A)

3 1 1, (a) Kuhnezug ( K u h n e z u g Fordertechnik GmbH ), (b) (seam) Fanuc S-500 (Fanuc Robotics, North America, Inc ) 1: : 2: : 3: : 2 4: : 5: : 6: : (Robotics Institute of America: R I A) 3 6 (Française de Robotique: A F R) A : B :

4 C :, D : C 14,,,,,,,,,, 15,, Karel Č a p e k Rossum s Universal Robots[ 1 ] Flash Gordon, Metropolis, Lost in S p a c e, The Day The Earth Stood StillThe Forbidden Planet[2] R2D2, C3PO Č a p e k, rabota, 2, (numerically controlled),

5 (electric eyes), : 1922 Karel Č a p e krossum s Universal Robots, R a b o t a 1956 George Devol, E c k e r tm a u c h l e y (ENIAC) 1952 M I T NC, 1954 George Devol 1955 D e n a v i th a r t e n b e r g (homogeneous transformation matrices) 1961 George DevolUnimate robots 2, 988, 237 1962 Unimation G M ( G e n e r a l M o t o r s ) U n i m a t i o n 1967 U n i m a t e MarkII, 1968 S h a k e ystanford Research Institute, S R I 1972 I B M IBM 7565 1973 Cincinnati Milacron T3 1978 U n i m a t i o n G MPUMA 1982 G M F a n u cgmfanuc W e s t i n g h o u s e Unimation, S t a u b l i 1983 1990 A B BCincinnati Milacron,

,,,,,,, [ 3 ] : 6 16

7 17 : (Manipulator, or Rover), ( 1 2) (End Effector) ( ) ( 1 2) ( g r i p p e r ) (end effector),, 1 2 Fanuc M-410iWW (end effector) (Fanuc Robotics, North America, Inc )

8, P L C ( A c t u a t o r ), 6 ( S e n s o r s ),,,, ( C o n t r o l l e r ) ( a c t u a t o r ), 3 5 (,, ) ( ) ( P r o c e s s o r ),, (operating system) ( S o f t w a r e ),

9,, 18, (Cartesian axes) x, y, z, 3 3 3 (x, y, z) ( o p e r a t o r ) 3 3 6 6 x, y, z 3, 5 x, y, z x, y

10 1 3 A Fanuc P-15 robot Fanuc Robotics, North America, Inc 7 7, 7 1 3, 6,, ( ) 3 ( h u m e r u s )

11 1, 3,, (pronate and supinate) 7 7? 1, 0, 30, 60, 90, 6 35, 4, 5, (z ) x y 2,, z 05 35, 2 1, 0 5 35

12 19,,, ( r e v o l u t e ) ( p r i s m a t i c ) 110 1 4 P, R, S P R S 3 3 P 3 R ( C a r t e s i a n )/ ( R e c t a n g u l a r )/ ( G a n t r y ) 3 P 3, ( C y l i n d r i c a l ) R 2 P, ( S p h e r i c a l ) 2 R P ( A r t i c u l a t e d )/ ( A n t h r o p o m o r p h i c ) 3 R (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm S C A R A ) S C A R A 1 5

13 1 4 1 5 Adept SCARA (Adept Technology, Inc ) SCARA x-y

14, z ( c o m p l i a n c e ) 111 ( 1 6 ): 1 6,,

15 (World Reference Frame) x, y, z x x, (Joint Reference Frame), (,, ), (Tool Reference Frame) x ', y ', z ' ( l o c a l f r a m e ) 1 6 x x ' x ' x ' x, x ' x ' 112 (programming mode) (Physical Setup), P L C ( P r o g r a m m a b l e

16 Logic Controllers) (Lead Through or Teach Mode) (teach peudant) ( ) (point to point), (Continuous Walk-Through Mode), (Software Mode) (Ifthen ) 113 : ( P a y l o a d ), Fanuc Robotics LR Mate 86, 6 6 M-16i 594, 35 ( R e a c h )

17, ( d e x t e r o u s ) ( n o n d e x t e r o u s ) / ( P r e c i s i o n / V a l i d i t y ) (feedback device) 0 001 / ( R e p e a t a b i l i t y / V a r i a b i l i t y ) 100, 0 05 0 001 114, ( l i n k ) [4],

18 1 7 1 7 115 Cobol, Basic, C Fortran, [5 7] ( i n t e r p r e t e r ) ( c o m p i l e r )

19 Unimation V A L I B MA M L [ 8, 9 ], (object code) A L, [ 5 ]: (Microcomputer Machine Language Level) (Point-to-Point Level) (F u n k y Cincinnati MilacronT 3 ) (branch) (Primitive Motion Level) Unimation V A L (Structured Programming Level) (Task-Oriented Level) 1980 I B M A u t o p a s s

20,,,, Autopass V A L - I I 1979 U n i - m a t i o n P u m a,, a, A P P R O ( )D E P A R T M O V E M O V E S 5 V A L - I I 1 PROGRAM TEST 2 SPEED 30 ALWAYS 3 height=50 a 4 MOVES p1 p 1 5 MOVE p2 p 2 6 REACTI 1001 1h i g h ( ) 7 BREAK 8 DELAY 2 2 9 IF SIG(1001) GOTO 100 1 h i g h ( ) 100 high 10 OPEN 11 MOVE p5 p 5 12 SIGNAL 2 2

21 13 APPRO p6, height p 6 a( ) 14 MOVE p6 p 6 15 CLOSEI 16 DEPART height z 17 MOVES p1 p 1 18 TYPE all done 19 END I B MAML(A Manufacturing Language) 3P3R,,, ( g r i p p e r ) <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7> 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 7 x, y, z JX, JY, JZ JR, JR, JYRoll, Pitch Y a w( ) J G A M L MOVE DMOVE MOVE (1, 10) x 10 DMOVE (1, 10) x 10 AML 10 SUBR(PICK-PLACE); 20 PT1: NEW <4, -24, 2, 0, 0, -13>; 30 PT2: NEW <-2, 13, 2, 135, -90, -33>; 40 PT3: NEW <-2, 13, 2, 150, -90, -33, 1>; 50 SPEED (02); ( 20% ) 60 MOVE (ARM,00);

22 70 MOVE(<1,2,3,4,5,6>,PT1); 1 80 MOVE(7,3); 3 90 DMOVE(3, -1); z 1 100 DMOVE(7, -15); 1 5 110 DMOVE(3, 1); z 1 120 MOVE(<JX, JY, JZ, JR, JP, JY>, PT2); 2 130 DMOVE(JZ, -3); z 3 140 MOVE(JG,3); 3 150 DMOVE(JZ,11); z 11 160 MOVE(ARM,PT3); p 3 170 E N D ; 116,,,,, : ( 1 8), ( 1 9),,

23 1 8 Staubli, ( Staubli Robotics ) 1 9 Staubli ( Staubli Robotics ) 1 10 AM120 Fanuc ( Fanuc Robotics, North America, Inc )

24 1 11 P200 Fanuc ( Fanuc Robotics, North America, I n c ) ( e n d - e f f e c t o r ), 1 10 ( 1 11), 1 12 BMW Staubli RX FRAMS (Flexible Robotic Absolute Measuring System) ( Staubli Robotics )

25, X, ( 1 12), CAD(Computer-Aided Design),,,, (rivet),,,,,,,,, 1 13 1 13 Fanuc LR Mate 200i ( Fanuc Robotics, North America, Inc )

26, (deburring),, VCR,,, R o b o d o c (total-joint-replacement) CAT, [ 10 ] da Vinci Surgical Robot ( F D A : Food Drug Administration) [ 11 ], [12], 1993, 8 D a n t e [13],,, [14], [ 15 17]

27 1 14 6 Arm ( Western Space and Marine, Inc ),, C e c i l, 5,000[psi] 1 14 6 Arm Arm (master system), (slave system) ( f o r c e ) ( f e e d b a c k ), 117, 6 8 [20,21], [22], [ 23, 24 ], [25],, [26], [ 27 ] Odetics, Inc Odex [28]

28 [28], rationale [29] ( a n i m a t r o n i c s ),, [30], [31], M i c r o - E l e c t r o - M e c h a n i c a l - S y s t e m ( M E M S),,, MEMS, MEMS [32,33] 118,,,, (United Auto Workers: U A W) [ 34, 35 ],

29 119,,,,, 1 Čapek, Karel, Rossum s Universal Robots, translated by Paul Selver, Doubleday, New York, 1923 2 Valenti, Michael, A Robot Is Born, Mechanical Engineering, June 1996, pp 50 57 3 Bonney, M C, and Y F Yong, editors, Robot safety, IFS Publications, Ltd, UK, 1985 4 Wiitala, Jared M, B J, Rister, and J P Schmiedler, A More Flexible Robotic Wrist, Mechanical Engineering, July 1997, pp 78 80 5 Bonner, Susan, K G Shin, A Comprehensive Study of Robot Languages, IEEE Computer, December 1982, pp 82 96 6 Kusiak, Andrew, Programing, Off-Line Languages, International Encyclopedia of Robotics: Applications and Automation, Richard C Dorf, Editor, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988, pp 1235 1250 7 Gruver, William, Programming, High Lever Languages, International Encyclopedia of R o b o t i c s: Applications and Automation, Richard C Dorf, Editor, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988, pp 1203 1234 8 Unimation, Inc, VAL-II Programming Manual, Version 4, Pittsburgh, 1988 9 IBM Corp, AML Concepts and User s Guide, 1983 10 Salisbury, Kenneth, Jr, The Heart of Microsurgery, Mechanical Engineering, December 1988, pp 46 51

30 11 da Vinci Surgical Robot, cited in the Today Show, NBC News, July 13, 2000 12 Stanford Rehabilitation Center, Stanford University, California 13 Leary, Warren, Robot Named Dante To Explore Inferno of Antarctic Volcano, The New York Times, December 8, 1992, p B7 14 http://wwwjplnasagov/pictures/ 15 Wernli, Robert L, Robotics Undersea, Mechanical Engineering, August 1982, pp 24 31 16 Asker, James, Canada Gives Station Partners A Hand And An Arm, Aviation Week & Space Technology, December 1997, pp 71 73 17 Puttre, Michael, Space-Age Robots Come Down to Earth, Mechanical Engineering, January 1995, pp 88 89 18 Trovato, Stephen A, Robot Hunts Sludge and Hoses It Away, Mechanical Engineering, May 1988, pp 66 69 19 Telerobot Control for Microsurgery, NASA Tech Briefs, October 1997, p 46 20 Yeaple, Judith A, Robot Insects, Popular Science, March 1991, pp 52 55 and 86 21 Freedman, David, Invasion of the Insect Robots, D i s c o v e r, March 1991, pp 42 50 22 Thakoor, Sarita, B Kennedy, A Thakoor, Insectile and Vemiform Exploratory Robots, NASA Tech Briefs, November 1999, pp 61 63 23 Snakelike Robots Would Maneuver in Tight Spaces, NASA Tech Briefs, August 1988, pp 36 37 24 Terry, Bryan, The Robo-snake, Senior Project Report, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA, June 2000 25 O Conner, Leo, Robotic Fish Gotta Swim, Too, Mechanical Engineering, January 1995, p 122 26 Chalmers, Peggy, Lobster Special, Mechanical Engineering, September 2000, pp 82 84 27 Lipson, Hod, J B Pollack, The Golem Project: Automatic Design and Manufacture of Robotic Lifeforms, http://golem03cs-ibrandiesedu/indexhtml 28 Corrado, Joseph K, Military Robots, Design News, October 83, pp 45 66 29 Low-Cost Minesweeping, Mechanical Engineering, April 1996, p 66 30 #2 Acorn Centre, 30 34 Gorst Road, Park Royal, London NW10 6LE, England e-mail: i n f o @ g e m s - f i g u r e s c o u k 31 Sanders, John K, S B Shooter, The Design and Development of an Animatronic Eye, p r o - ceedings of DETC98/MECH:25th ASME Biennial Mechanisms Conference, September 1998 32 O Conner, Leo, MEMS: Microelectromechanical System, Mechanical Engineering, Feb

31 1992, pp 40 47 33 O Conner, Leo, H Hutchinson, Skyscrapers in a Microworld, Mechanical Engineering, March 2000, pp 64 67 34 Coates, V T, The Potential Impacts of Robotics, Paper number 83 WA/TS-9, A m e r i c a n Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1983 35 Albus, James, Brains, Behavior, and Robotics, Byte Books, McGraw-Hill, 1981 1 P 1 1 (work space) ( b a s e ) P 1 1 2 P 1 2 ( b a s e ) P 1 2

32 3 P 1 3 ( b a s e ) P 1 3