변화근 Fish Fauna of Mt. Juheul Department of Biology Education, Seowon University, Cheongju , Korea To clarify the structures and functions of ec

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변화근 Fish Fauna of Mt. Juheul Department of Biology Education, Seowon University, Cheongju 361-742, Korea To clarify the structures and functions of ecosystem and to establish the methods for the conservation of natural resources in the Mt. Juheul, the author surveyed fish fauna at 8 stations from August, 2011. The collected species during the surveyed period were 13 species belonging to 5 families. Korean endemic species was Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Squalidus gracilis majimae, Microphysogobio yaluensis, Zacco koreanus, Cobitis hankugensis, Niwaella multifasciata, Liobagrus mediadiposalis, Coreoperca herzi and Odontobutis platycephal which showed a ratio of 69.2% in all collected species. According to relative abundance in the studies area, Z. koreanus and Rhynchocypris oxycephalus dominated. This species of Zacco platypus, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and C. hankugensis were rare in the surveyed areas, which occupied less than 0.5% in relative abundance. Dominant species was Z. koreanus (St. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8) and R. oxycephalus(st. 4, 6). According to analysis of community based on the diversity, evenness and richness indices, fish community seems to the more stable in St. 8. Assessment for ecological healthiness of the river, Station 2, 3, 7, 8 has excellent condition (A) and station 1, 4, 5, 6 has good condition (B). 서 론 (1,106m), (1,440m), (1,162m), (1,058m), (1,111m). 5.3km 2 ( 0.517km 2, 4.4484km 2, 0.247km 2, 0.052km 2 ), 1,176mm,..

,. 1978 ( ),.,,,,.. 조사방법 1. 조사기간 2011 8 19 22. 2. 조사지점,. 8 (Fig. 1). St. 1 : (E128 04'30.6", N36 46'20.2") St. 2 : (E128 04'54.8", N36 44'50.3") St. 3 : (E128 09'21.3", N36 47'48.4") St. 4 : (E128 07'40.7", N36 47'25.1") St. 5 : (E128 09'18.5", N36 46'59.4") St. 6 : (E128 08'00.1", N36 45'50.7") St. 7 : (E128 08'50.1", N36 44'59.5") St. 8 : (E128 04'54.8", N36 44'50.3") 3. 어류채집방법 ( 5 5mm) ( 4 4mm)., 10%. (, 1939;, 1977;, 2002;, 1993;, 2005;, 2002), Nelson(2006). 4. 어류의군집분석 (McNaughton, 1967), (Margalef, 1958), (Pielou, 1966), (Margalef, 1958). 2, McNaughton's dominance index(di) (McNaughton, 1967).

DI=(n1+n2) / N DI :, N :, n1, n2 : 1, 2 Margalef(1958) (information theory) Shannon-Wiever function(pielou, 1966).. ln H' :, S :, P i : i ni/n (N :, n i : ).. Pielou(1966). E=H / ln(s) E :, H':, S :

. Margalef(1958). RI=(S 1) / ln(n) RI :, S :, N : 5. 수리, 하상및수변조사 ( ),,,., Cummins(1962). 6. 하천건강성평가 2011, ( 1 : 100,000). 결과및고찰 1. 조사지개황 2011 8 (Table 1). 100cm, St. 4, 6 30cm, St. 7 St. 8 20 100cm. 30m, St. 5 10 30m. (, boulder), (cobble), (pebble).. Stations Items Depth(cm) Width(m) Major bottom materials * (B : C : P : G : S) 1 20 50 10 15 4 : 3 : 2 : 1 2 30 80 5 15 3 : 3 : 2 : 2 3 20 50 3 10 3 : 3 : 3 : 1 4 10 30 2 4 6 : 3 : 1 5 20 50 10 30 2 : 2 3 : 2 : 1 6 10 20 1 2 5 : 3 : 2 7 30 100 10 15 4 : 4 : 2 8 20 100 10 20 2 : 3 : 3 : 2 * B : Boulder (>256mm), C : Cobble (64 256mm), P : Pebble (16 64mm), G : Gravel (2 16mm), S : Sand (0.06 2mm)

, (St. 1),. 2. 어류상 5 13 436 (Table 2)... (Coreoleuciscus splendidus), (Squalidus gracilis majimae), (Microphysogobio yaluensis), (Zacco koreanus), (Cobitis hankugensis), (Niwaella multifasciata), (Liobagrus mediadiposalis), (Coreoperca herzi), (Odontobutis platycephal) 9 69.2%. 35.0 45.0%(, 1980).,,. (Cyprinidae) 7 (53.8%), (Cobitidae) 3 (23.1%). (Amblycipitidae), (Coreoperca herzi), (Odontobutidae) 1(7.7%).,. 89.7%. St. 1 3 86.,,. St. 2 4 83, St. 3 6 53.,. St. 4 4 51, St. 5 3 31, St. 6 (Rhynchocypris oxycephalus) 1. 7 8 37, St. 8 11 52.,,,,. 1978 (, 1978) 8. 8, (Pungtungia herzi), (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus),,,. 1978. 13 (62.4%), (24.1%), (6.0%)..

0.5% (Zacco platypus),, (Fig. 2). 3. 우점종 (Table 3). St. 4 6,.. (St. 1, 2, 5), (St. 3, 7), (St. 4), (St. 8). 4. 군집구조 Table 4. 0.71 1.00.. 0 1.41.,,. 0 0.74, St. 3. 0 2.53.

This study Species / Stations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1978 Cyprinidae( ) Pungtungia herzi( ) 1 2 Coreoleuciscus splendidus() 1 2 Squalidus gracilis majimae( ) 3 Microphysogobio yaluensis( ) 2 1 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus( ) 7 11 7 31 5 43 1 Zacco platypus( ) 2 Zacco koreanus() 76 69 27 15 25 26 34 Cobitidae() Misgurnus anguillicaudatus( ) 1 Cobitis hankugensis() 1 Niwaella multifasciata( ) 2 Amblycipitidae() Liobagrus mediadiposalis() 1 1 1 1 2 Centropomidae( ) Coreoperca herzi() 5 1 2 1 Odontobutidae() Odontobutis platycephala( ) 3 2 12 4 2 3 No. of family 2 3 5 3 2 1 5 5 2 No. of species 3 4 6 4 3 1 8 11 8 No. of individual 86 83 53 51 31 43 37 52 : Korean Endemic species, 1978 : Choi and Jeon Stations Dominant species (%) Sub-dominant species (%) 1 Zacco koreanus 88.4 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus 8.1 2 Zacco koreanus 83.1 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus 13.3 3 Zacco koreanus 50.9 Odontobutis platycephala 22.6 4 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus 60.8 Zacco koreanus 29.4 5 Zacco koreanus 80.6 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus 16.1 6 Rhynchocypris oxycephalus 100.0 7 Zacco koreanus 70.3 Odontobutis platycephala 5.4 8 Zacco koreanus 65.4 Squalidus gracilis majimae 5.8

Stations Items Dominant Diversity Evenness Richness 1 0.97 0.43 0.39 0.45 2 0.96 0.56 0.41 0.68 3 0.74 1.32 0.74 1.26 4 0.90 0.94 0.68 0.76 5 0.97 0.58 0.53 0.58 6 1.00 0 0 0 7 0.76 1.17 0.56 1.94 8 0.71 1.41 0.59 2.53 Total 0.86 1.16 0.45 1.97 Mt. Cheodeung 0.60 2.07 0.64 3.57 Mt. Worak 0.66 1.72 0.58 2.64 Mt. Gyemyeong 0.73 1.29 0.80 0.83 Mt. Acha 0.60 1.69 0.77 1.88 Mt. Boryeon 0.71 1.78 0.66 2.49 Mt. Gungmang 0.65 1.57 0.66 1.69 Mt. Gwanggyo 0.83 1.06 0.46 1.80 Mt. Chilgap 0.49 2.23 0.71 3.48 Mt. Oseo 0.54 2.14 0.67 3.76 * Mt. Cheondeung : (2003), Mt. Wolak : (1996), Mt. Gyemyeong : (2004), Mt. Acha : (2006), Mt. Boryeon : (2007), Mt. Gungmang : (2008), Mt. Gwanggyo : (2009), Mt. Chilgap : (2010), Mt. Oseo : (2011) (St. 8) 2.0.,. St. 8,..,, (, 2010)., 0.86.,. 2.23, 1.06 (, 2010;, 2009).,.

1.1.6. 0.45, 0.80. 0.83, 3.76. 1.97. 5. 하천건강성평가, St. 1, St. 4, 5, 6 B. St. 2, St. 3, St. 7, St. 8 A., (B). (IBI).. 6. 특정적인종및제언..,,,.,,,.. Metric component / Stations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stream order 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 Total number of native species (M1) 63 6.3 12.5 6.3 6.3 0.0 12.5 12.5 Number of riffle benthic species (M2) 0.0 6.3 6.3 6.3 0.0 0.0 12.5 12.5 Number of sensitive species (M3) 6.3 12.5 12.5 12.5 6.3 6.3 12.5 12.5 Proportion individuals as tolerant species (M4) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Proportion individual as omnivores (M5) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Proportion individual as insectivores (M6) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Total number of individual (M7) 12.5 12.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 12.5 6.3 6.3 Proportion individual with anomalies (M8) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 IBI 75.0 87.5 87.5 81.3 68.8 68.8 93.8 93.8 Score B A A B B B A A

인용문헌. 1997.. 37 ()., pp. 21-520.,. 2002.., pp. 52-376.,,,,,. 2005.. ( ),. pp. 27-208.. 2011.. 9(1-2): 39-48.. 2009.. 7(1-2): 65-73.. 2008.. 6(1-2): 57-64.. 2007., 5(1-2): 81-89.. 2006.. 4(2): 145-150.. 2004.. 2(1-2): 79-87.. 2003.. 1(2-3): 67-80.,. 2010.. 8(1): 45-54.. 1980..,. pp. 14-49.. 1996.., pp. 185-212.. 1977..,.,. 1978.,. 15 : 197-208.,,,. 2002..,. pp. 29-191.. 1996.. pp. 67-78.. 1998.,.. 1939.. 6: 1-460. Cummins, K. W. 1962. An evalutation of some techniques for the collection and analysis of benthic samples with special emphasis on lotic waters. Am. Midl. Nat. 67: 477-504. Nelson. J. S. 2006. Fishes of the World(4th ed). John Wiely Sons, New York, p. 601. Margalef, R. 1958. Information theory in ecology. Gen. Syst. 3: 36-71. McNaughton, S. J. 1967. Relationship among functional properties of California grassland. Nature 216: 168-144. Pielou. 1966. Shannon's formula as a measure of specific diversity: its use and misuse. Amer. Nat. 100: 463-465. 요약, 8 2011 8. 5 13, (Coreoleuciscus splendidus), (Squalidus gracilis majimae), (Microphysogobio yaluensis), (Zacco koreanus), (Cobitis hankugensis), (Niwaella multi-

fasciata), (Liobagrus mediadiposalis), (Coreoperca herzi), (Odontobutis platycephal) 9 ( : 69.2%). (62.4%), (Rhynchocypris oxycephalus, 24.1%), (6.0%) 0.5% (Zacco platypus), (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus),. (St. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8) (St. 4, 6)., St. 8. St. 2, 3, 7, 8 (A), St. 1, 4, 5, 6. 검색어 : 어류상, 주흘산, 하천건강성평가