임베디드시스템설계강의자료 1 (2014 년도 1 학기 ) 김영진 아주대학교전자공학과

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임베디드시스템설계강의자료 1 (2014 년도 1 학기 ) 김영진 아주대학교전자공학과

Outline General-Purpose Systems Embedded Systems Embedded System Design Flow Embedded Processors Applications - 2 - Young-Jin Kim

General-Purpose (GP) Computer Providing a full scale of features and functionalities - MMU (memory management unit) - Math. co-processors (fast float-point operations) - Etc Designed for a variety of applications Providing interfaces to support a variety of external peripheral devices Large power consumption, heat production, and size Expensive to fabricate In the early days, embedded systems were commonly built using general-purpose processors - 3 - Young-Jin Kim

Anatomy of PC (PII, PIII) CPU BSB L2 FSB: Front Side Bus BSB: Back Side Bus SystemBus FSB (CPU Bus, Host Bus) Graphics AGP (800MB/s) Host to PCI Bridge Main Memory 100 MHz SDRAM PCI Bus PCI to USB Bridge LAN Disks USB Sound Keyboard/Mouse - 4 - Young-Jin Kim

Anatomy of PC (i7) QPI: QuickPath Interconnect IOH: I/O Hub DMI: Direct Media Interface SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface LPC: Low Pin Count - 5 - Young-Jin Kim

Abstraction in GP Computer Users Application programming using APIs Abstraction layer Operating Systems Provides APIs (Application Programming Interface) Abstraction layer Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Machine language Assembly language Hardware implementation Core0 Core1 L2 Cache - 6 - Young-Jin Kim

Why Abstraction? Human beings have limited capability of addressing complexity It facilitates Division of work Structured design - 7 - Young-Jin Kim

Hardware/Software Stack in GP Computer Applications (MS-office, Google Earth ) API (Application Program I/F) Operating System (Linux, Vista, Mac OS ) BIOS provides common I/Fs BIOS (AMI, Phoenix Technologies ) Application software Written in high-level language System software Compiler Translates code written in high-level language to machine code Operating System Handling input/output Managing memory and storage Scheduling tasks & sharing resources BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Computer Hardware (CPU, Chipset, PCIe cards...) ISA Interface between hardware and low-level software Hardware Processor, memory, I/O controllers - 8 - Young-Jin Kim

Embedded System? Embedded System is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions - Wikipedia In general, it does not provide programmability to users, as opposed to general purpose computer systems like PC 특정한기능을수행하도록기능별로특화된프로세서와입출력장치를내장하며, 이를제어하기위한프로그램이내장되어있는우리의일상생활에서사용되는각종전자기기, 가전제품, 제어장치등 - 9 - Young-Jin Kim

Embedded System 설계절차 시스템용도분석 하드웨어사양결정 프로세서, 메모리및주변장치선정 소프트웨어사양결정 OS 사용여부및 OS 선정 개발환경선정 회로도및 PCB 설계 하드웨어조립및시험 시스템소프트웨어설계 디바이스드라이버설계 어플리케이션설계 시스템통합시험 - 10 - Young-Jin Kim

Embedded System 설계절차예 Planning & Architect (modeling & simulation) ASIC/SoC design Hardware Design with CAD tools ASIC/SoC chip System prototype board Hardware debugging & Software development Final product ASIC: Application-Specific Integrated Circuit SoC: System-on-Chip - 11 -

Embedded System 의특징 특정한기능에부합하는최적화설계필요 제한된메모리, computing power 소형, 경량, 저전력 고신뢰성 가격에민감하다. 경량화최적화 저전력화 내구성, 안정성, 신뢰성이뛰어나야한다. Real-time 기능을필요로하는시스템이많다. 네트워크지원 마이크로프로세서 멀티미디어지원 Time-to-market 이중요 - 12 - Young-Jin Kim

Embedded Processor? Processor in an embedded system Categorized according to Domain of target applications General-purpose Domain-specific Application-specific Architecture RISC CISC Configurability Non-configurable Re-configurable

Domain of target applications - 14 - Young-Jin Kim

Tradeoffs due to Architectural Choice - 15 - Young-Jin Kim

A Spectrum of Options Now Microprocessor Consists of CPU core Microcontroller CPU core + memory + input/output peripherals 8051, ATMega128, ASIP (application-specific instruction-set processor) DSP Graphics Processor Network Processor Cryptoprocessor FPGA ASIC AP? http://samsungtomorrow.com/482-16 - Young-Jin Kim

Why ARM?

ARM Processor Roadmap (1)

ARM Processor Roadmap (2)

ARM Architecture

임베디드시스템응용분야 정보가전 : 세탁기, 오디오, 인터넷냉장고, HDTV 등 제어분야 : 공장자동화, 가정자동화, 로봇제어, 공정제어등 정보단말 : 핸드폰, PDA, 스마트폰, 네비게이션, MP3, PMP, DivX 플레이어, 디지털카메라등 네트워크기기 : 교환기, Router, 공유기, 홈게이트웨이등 게임기기 : 가정용게임기 (PS2, XBox), 지능형장난감등 항공 / 군용 : 비행기, 우주선, 로켓, 야전이동단말 (GPS, GIS) 물류 / 금융 : ATM, RFID, 물류단말, 영업단말등 차량 / 교통 : 자동차, ITS 등 사무, 의료 : 전화기, 프린터, Heart pacer, 수술로봇, 증강현실장비 - 21 - Young-Jin Kim

정보단말기 정보단말기 단순한통화중심의이동전화기에서각종정보검색, 오락, 메시징등의복합기능이수행되는디지털정보단말기기로발전 단말기기각각의기능에맞는마이크로프로세서, 메모리, 운영체제, 응용프로그램등으로구성 앞으로는다양한단말기기가하나의기기로통합될것으로예상됨 핸드폰, PDA, 스마트폰, MP3 플레이어, PMP, 게임기기등 - 22 - Young-Jin Kim

게임기 고성능프로세서탑재 마이크로소프트의 Xbox 소니의 playstation 2 닌텐도게임보이어드밴스 (nintendo gameboy advance) 32-Bit ARM 프로세서 2.9인치 TFT 스크린 32,768 색상을지원하는휴대형게임장치 - 23 - Young-Jin Kim

물류 / 금융 / 사무용기기 물류 / 금융 물류 : POS 단말기 금융 : 자동현금입출금기혹은 ATM 단말기 사무용기기 -> OA ( Office Automation ) 프린터, 스캐너, 팩스, 복사기, 이들의기능을하나로모은복합기등 - 24 - Young-Jin Kim

공장자동화 공장자동화 : FA ( Factory Automation ) 특정기계나장비를통해생산과정을자동적으로관리하는시스템 센서와제어시스템, 로봇등으로구성하여무인시스템을구축 공장자동화및로봇은실시간시스템과임베디드시스템발전의원동력 생산성증대 : 인건비감소, 오류감소, 품질의균일화, 생산기간단축 로봇, conveyor belt - 25 - Young-Jin Kim

우주 / 항공 항공기 보통수백개의프로세서탑재 우주왕복선 Pathfinder: 실시간운영체제인 VxWorks 가탑재된것으로유명 대표적인실시간시스템의하나 영상처리, 통신등모든처리기능을복합적으로가짐 NASA Pathfinder (mission to MARS 1997) - 26 - Young-Jin Kim

교통 교통 자동차의엔진및각종제어시스템 (ECU: Electronic Control Unit), 무인자동화시스템 지능형교통시스템 (ITS : Intelligent Transport Systems) 등 V2V, V2I - 27 - Young-Jin Kim

Electronics and the Car More than 30% of the cost of a car is now in Electronics 90% of all innovations will be based on electronic systems Source: Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli - 28 - Young-Jin Kim

지능형장난감 지능형장난감 단순한장난감의형태에서지능성을갖는형태로변화 인간과의 interaction 이가능 - 29 - Young-Jin Kim

통신기기 디지털교환기, PABX (private automatic branch exchange) 등의음성서비스통신기기 라우터, 게이트웨이, 공유기등의유무선데이터통신장비 Set-top box - 30 - Young-Jin Kim

의료기기 Hearing Aids Pacemakers Systems Biology - 31 - Young-Jin Kim

USN (Ubiquitous Sensor Network) 센서네트워크기본개념 소형, 다수의센서노드 이들간의라우팅 다종, 다양한센서, 구동기 저전력및전력공급 센싱 Computing USN 기본개념 Sensing Node : 다종다양한센스정보를통합가능하며무선통신과컴퓨팅파워를갖춘초소형장치가핵심 현실세계와사물과환경속에스며들어자율적인망을형성하여 USN 구축 USN 의수명은기존의인프라보다수십배긴모델에서부터수시간만존재하는일시적인망모델로다양하여인프라의구축모델이다양한특징 Hierarchical, self-organizing network Communication Sensor Nodes Gateway Base station Patch Network - 32 - Young-Jin Kim

Seismic Building Monitoring Before - 33 - Young-Jin Kim

Seismic Building Monitoring After - 34 - Young-Jin Kim

Crop Monitoring and Control Old Method Trust nature Monitor local atmospheric conditions New ways Monitor soil temperature and moisture at various location Adjust irrigation schedule accordingly - 35 - Young-Jin Kim

Sales of Embedded Systems - 36 - Young-Jin Kim

새로운시대의가능성 - 임베디드 메인프레임 서버 CS PC 노트북 Web Computing 휴대전화 다목적프린터 1 대컴퓨터 : 1 인 PDA 모바일캠코더 정보가전 Ubiquitous Networking 인터넷냉장고 Internet Car 디지털 TV 비디오게임 다수컴퓨터 : 1 인 셋탑박스 Smart Home Exotic Networking 전자페이퍼 Cloud Computing Wearable Computers 사람 + 컴퓨터 + 사물 (Things to Things) 1 대컴퓨터 : 다수 (Server-to-Client) ~ 1980 ~ 2000 ~ 2010 ~ 2020-37 - Young-Jin Kim