a n T H E Friday 18 January 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.R

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a n Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org 공동체의상호작용은친근감, 존중, 공손함, 다양성그리고포괄적인언어로특징지어집니다. (2018-19 공동체목표 ) 학생그리고학부모님께, 겨울방학마지막주와개학후일주일, 이렇게 2주동안채용박람회로인해자리를비웠다다시학교로돌아와니정말좋습니다. 누군가가자리를비우고돌아온후배가순조롭게출항을하였고그간있었던일을하나도놓치지않았다는것을안다면무척기분이좋을것입니다. 제가학교를비운동안수고를해주신 Mr. Stride와 Mr. Conway 께감사드립니다. 더불어이자리를빌려 2학기시작과함께한신입생과그들가족에게따듯한환영인사를전하고싶습니다. 이후언제든학교에오실일이있으면제사무실에들러인사를해주시고여러분가족이학교에적응하는데어떠한도움이필요하시면알려주시기바랍니다. 신입생학부모오리엔테이션이 1월 30일수요일에있으니많은신입생학부모님께서참석해주셨으면합니다. 상세내용은추후공지될예정입니다. 오늘모든학생들이 1 학기성적보고서를받아가정으로가지고갔을것입니다. 자녀와함께그간의성과를축하하고 2 학기목표를정하는시간을가져보시기바랍니다. 모든학생들의학업성과에축하인사를전합니다. 안타깝게도지독한독감바이러스 ( 인플루엔자 A) 가공동체내유행하고있으니몸이좋지않은아이는집에서잘쉬도록함으로써 바이러스가전파되지않도록해주십시오. 충분한휴식과수분섭취가무엇보다중요합니다. 다음주 3일동안아동보호컨설터트이신 Ms. Susie March를우리학교에맞이하게되었다는소식을지난주에전해드렸습니다. 수지는목요일에는학생, 학부모와금요일과토요일에는스태프와함께일할것입니다. 시간및장소를포함한학생 / 학부모워크샵과관련한상세정보는다음주월요일이메일공지를통해모든가정에전달될것입니다. 다음주금요일은전체스태프가수지와함께전문성개발을위한활동에참여함으로인해학생들은수업이없습니다. 이번주초한학부모님께서학교건물내의공기정화시스템이 PM2.5 레벨을안전한수준으로유지하고있는지물어오셨습니다. 아시다시피학교전체에종합적인공기정화시스템을가동하고있으며매일실내외여러곳에서여러차례 AQI를점검하며시스템의효율성을모니터링합니다. 올해실내가장높은 AQI 수치는 33이었으며이는 그린 혹은양호함의경계가되는 50보다훨씬낮은수치이며평균적으로 10 미만으로나타납니다. 저희시스템은외부측정값의 20% 미만을유지하도록설계되었습니다. 따라서외부측값이 AQI 200 인날의경우는 40 이하를예상하나일반적으로외부값의 10% 정도에가깝게유지되고있으며필터를막교체했을 경우는이보다도낮습니다. 더불어평소학교버스를이용하지않는학생혹은학부모가학교버스탈경우어떻게해야하는지에 대한문의역시있었습니다. 이는다소복잡한문제이기도하나기본적으로아래와같은조건들이적용됩 니다 : 학교버스좌석은해당버스이용을등록한학생을위한것이며어떠한경우라도이들학생들에게우선권이부여됩니다. 학교버스이용을등록한학생이특별한상황에서다른버스를이용할경우이를요청해야하며안내데스크로부터승차권 (Bus Pass) 을발급받아야합니다. i s w o r l d s c h o o l a c c r e d i t e d b y a n d I S T

Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org 학교버스이용을등록하지않은학생혹은학부모는자리여유가있을경우버스를이용할수있으나반드시한빌딩안내데스크에알리고승차권을받은후이용가능합니다. 사전에승차권을받지않은학부모는등교차량을이용할수없으며버스도우미역시이를거부할것입니다. 봉사를위해학교를방문하시는학부모는버스이용이가능하나역시안내데스크로부터승차권을미리받아야합니다. 만약정기적으로 ( 예를들어매주특정한날 ) 버스를이용하고자하는학생혹은학부모님은승차표 (Bus Ticket, 40 RMB/ 편도 ) 를안내데스크에서구입할수있습니다. 신임교사채용을위해런던에서열리는마지막채용박람회에참여하기위해다음주자리를비우게되었으며제가부재중인동안에는중고등부교장 Mr. Conway께서저의직무를대행해주실것입니다. 즐거운주말보내십시오! 감사합니다, Steve Moody 학교장

Athletics News Our U19 Basketball teams faced a tough challenge last weekend at their annual ISAC tournament. With both teams finishing the season seeded 4th, they needed to win their first match to move on to the semi-finals. Our Girls struggled in the first half of the match, with TIS showing solid defensive play and making the most of their offensive attack. Our girls worked hard to bring the game within three points in the 4th quarter but feel short at the final buzzer. It was a valuable learning experience for the girls and they are ready to redeem themselves as a fighting contender at the upcoming ACAMIS tournament in Macau. Our boys also needed to win their first match, and did so convincingly against YCIS on home court. The boys then faced their rival team TEDA, who continued to dominate the court despite our best efforts. After a tough semi-final loss, our boys went on to put up a strong fight against HIS in a 6-point loss. The boys showed admirable resilience and sportsmanship on and off the court. Good luck to both teams in their quest for gold at the ACAMIS U19 Basketball Championships in Macau next weekend!!! The U14 MS Volleyball teams had a successful match against TIS on Tuesday. Both teams remained consistent in their serving and defensive play in front of an enthusiastic home crowd. Congrats on the girls (2-1) and boys (2-0) on a solid win! That concludes ISCOT competition for this season, with teams now practicing for their upcoming ISAC tournaments. Please be sure to check all transport and scheduling information shared by the Activities Office and good luck to our student-athletes! Congratulations to our Middle school Robotics teams students on competing in their first ACAMIS Robotics event, also a first for IST! Our students performed incredibly well and have earned a spot in the ACAMIS Robotics Championships in Shanghai next month. Thank you to Mr. Diegel for his time and mentorship and we look forward to celebrating more Robotics success soon! Our chess enthusiasts will also see action with the upcoming elementary chess ISCOT tournaments. Wellington College will host the event on Saturday, January 29th and all parents are welcome to attend to support our students. Please note transportation and general information sent via email to parents of participating students. Good luck to all! CCAs a friendly reminder to please ensure your child attends their designated CCA. Those who are not registered must exit campus or be supervised by a parent. Please note the assigned pick up locations and communicate any absences as early as possible. Thank you in advance for your support.

Save the Date: HS U19 Basketball: Monday Jan 14th practice Friday Jan 18th TIS @ IST Monday Jan 21st practice Wednesday Jan 23rd to Sunday Jan 27th ACAMIS Macau MS U14 Volleyball: Saturday Jan 19th ISAC Boys @ TIS / Girls @ IST MS U13 Volleyball: Tuesday Jan 22nd & Thursday Jan 24th practice Saturday Jan 26th ISAC Boys @ BIBA / Girls @ DCB MS U12 Volleyball: Tuesday Jan 22nd & Thursday Jan 24th practice Saturday Jan 26th ISAC Girls @ BCIS Saturday, January 19th - Grade 3 to 5 ISCOT Chess Tournament @ Wellington College

IST Library & Information Literacy Center 우리의사명 IST 도서관은우리공동체가비판적으로사고하고, 폭넓은독서를하고, 윤리적으로행동하고, 창의력을발휘할수있도록영감을주는친근한곳이며더불어정보에접근할수있는권리를보호합니다. 프레스리더 (PressReader) 수천개의뉴스와잡지를하나의앱에서보실수있습니다. IST 와이파이에접속후 PressReader 앱을이용하거나 pressreader.com 을방문하시면됩니다. 처음이용할경우반드시 IST 와이파이를연결해야합니다. 잡지는여러다른언어와주제로이용가능합니다. 궁금한점이있으신분은 IST 도서관으로오셔서스태프를찾아주시기바랍니다. 2 월소식 World Slam Poetry 우승자인 Harry Baker 가 2 월말학교를방문합니다. 어셈블리와별도세션을통해학생들을만날것이며시의기술과글쓰기를이용해자신을표현하는방법등을알려줄것입니다. 더불어학생들이자신의시재능을뽐낼수있는슬램포이트리쇼도열릴것입니다. 그의책인 The Sunshine Kid 를구입가능하며그가학교를방문했을때사인을받을수도잇습니다. 학부모북클럽 2019 년 1 월 30 일수요일오전 10 시 다음학부모북클럽선정도서는가즈오이시구로 (Kazuo Ishiguro) 의나를보내지마 (Never Let Me Go) 입니다. 현재도서관에는몇권의영문반을소장하고있으며기타언어도구입할예정입니다. 만약개인소장용으로책을구입하고자하시는분은도서관스태프인 Ms. Lisa Fang 을찾아주십시오. 토론과함께다과도함께즐기실수있습니다. 여러분의많은참여기다립니다. Library hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 to 4:30 Friday 7:30 to 3:30 Visit our website at https://istianjinlibrary.net

IST PFO TOUR Tianjin Museum of Modern History & Lunch at YY Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019; 9:30am 3pm Bus leaves from IST at 9:30 and returns to IST by 3 pm Museum visit is free; Cost of lunch @YY Beer House to be paid individually To join tour, email aurel.vergnes@gmail.com or scan QR code to join WeChat group

Salad/Fruit Western From The Grill Station Monday 2019-01-21 Tuesday 2019-01-22 Wednesday 2019-01-23 Thursday 2019-01-24 Friday 2019-01-25 Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Fruit of the Day Chicken Fajita 墨西哥鸡肉卷 炒蔬菜 Roasted Potatoes 土豆角 Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Fruit of the Day Chicken Corden Bleu 奶酪鸡排 炒蔬菜 Mashed Sweet Potatoes 山芋泥 Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Fruit of the Day Chicken Burger 鸡肉汉堡 French Fries 薯条 Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Fruit of the Day Roasted Chicken Leg w/black Pepper Sauce 黑椒烤鸡腿肉 炒时蔬 Steamed Rice 米饭 Asian From The Wok/Noodle Station Hainan Chicken Leg 海南鸡腿 炒蔬菜 Steamed Rice 米饭 Fried Noodles with Pork 猪肉炒面 Carrot & Mushroom 炒胡萝卜蘑菇鸡蛋 Braised Pork Taiwan Style 台湾卤肉 炒蔬菜 Steamed Rice 米饭 Chicken Soup Noodles 鸡汤面 Boiled Vegetable 煮蔬菜 Vegetarian Soup Vegetable Quesadilla 墨西哥蔬菜饼 Spinach Soup 菠菜汤 Fried Noodles with Vegetable 蔬菜炒面 Cream of Broccoli 奶油西兰花汤 Vegetable Burger 蔬菜汉堡 Borch 罗宋汤 Vegetable Soup Noodles 蔬菜汤面 Tomato and Egg Soup 西红柿鸡蛋汤 Dessert Swiss Roll 瑞士卷 Mini Muffin 小玛芬 Mousse 木司 Carrot Cake 胡萝卜蛋糕 Nutritional reading over the week 每周营养分析 Nutritional reading over the week 营养建议 Energy 热量 (Kcal) Protein 蛋白质 (g) Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 (g Fat 脂肪 (g) 732 26 102 24 725 25 100 25 Snack Set Meal Monday 2019-01-21 Tuesday 2019-01-22 Wednesday 2019-01-23 Thursday 2019-01-24 Friday 2019-01-25 Yoghurt Fruit Cut Pizza (Salami and Cheese) 比萨 Sweet Corn and Broccoli 玉米粒西兰花 Carrot Cake Fruit Cut Pork Noodle 猪肉炒面 炒时蔬 Cookies Fruit Cut Seaweed with Rice Ham and Cheese 海苔米饭芝士火腿卷 Cherry Tomato 小西红柿 Banana Bread Fruit Cut Baked Beef Macaroni 小弯牛肉面 Stir Fry Zucchini and Corn 西葫玉米 Vegetable Sticks 蔬菜条 Vegetable Sticks 蔬菜条 Vegetable Sticks 蔬菜条 Vegetable Sticks 蔬菜条 Fruit Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Drinks Milk/Yoghurt/Yakult Milk/Yoghurt/Yakult Milk/Yoghurt/Yakult Milk/Yoghurt/Yakult Nutritional reading over the week 每周营养分析 Nutritional reading over the week 营养建议 Energy 热量 (Kcal) Protein 蛋白质 (g) Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 (g Fat 脂肪 (g) 728 24 101 24 725 25 100 25 Morning snack offer available at 6 rmb, Sanck are only available for daily set lunch consumers.

Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org Diary Dates Sports Dates 2019 년 1 월 18 일금요일 ~ 1 월 20 일월요일 CISSMUN @ 상해 2019 년 1 월 21 일월요일중고등부어워드어셈블리 2019 년 1 월 23 일수요일일본문화교류의날 2019 년 1 월 24 일목요일학부모 & 학생세이프가딩워크샵장학금신청마감일 2019 년 1 월 25 일금요일 ~ 1 월 26 일토요일전문성개발의날 ( 수업없음 ) 2019 년 1 월 28 일월요일 ~ 2 월 1 일금요일차이나위크 2019 년 1 월 30 일수요일신입생학부모오리엔테이션 IST 템플페어 & PFO 춘절바자회 HS U19 농구 : 1 월 21 일월요일 연습 1 월 23 일수요일 ~ 1 월 27 일일요일 - ACAMIS 마카오 MS U14 배구 : 1 월 19 일토요일 ISAC 남자 @ TIS / 여자 @ IST MS U13 배구 : 1 월 22 일화요일 & 1 월 24 일목요일 연습 1 월 26 일토요일 ISAC 남자 @ BIBA / 여자 @ DCB MS U12 배구 : 1 월 22 일화요일 & 1 월 24 일목요일 연습 1 월 26 일토요일 ISAC 여자 @ BCIS 1 월 19 일토요일 - 3-5 학년 ISCOT 체스토너먼트 @ 웰링턴 MS ISCOT 탁구토너먼트 @ 웰링턴 Welcome to the IST Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Program for the 2018-2019 school year CCA 시즌 2 와관련한아래일정을확인해주시기바랍니다 -- 2018년 11월 19일월요일시작 - 2019년 2월 22일금요일종료 : 총 10주간프로그램 궁금한사항이있으시면저희부서로연락주시기바랍니다. Ms. Amy 액티비티 & 스포츠부서주임교사 (amy_ozols@istianjin.net) Ms. Guo Ying 액티비티부서직원 - (Ying_Guo@istianjin.net) 액티비티사무실전화 : 022-28592003 / 내선 8150