a n i s T H E Friday 6 September 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 30035

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1 a n i s Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.R.China Tel: Fax: info@istianjin.net IST 공동체구성원들은원칙을따른다. 우리의결정과행동은정직, 성실그리고공정성을바탕으로하며긍정적인의도를갖고있다고간 주한다. ( 공동체목표 ) 어제는본교개교 25주년을기념하였으며 IST는 1994년 9월 5일무난따오에서프리케이 - 4학년 20명의학생들과함께시작하였습니다. 우리학교는개교이래믿을수없을정도로빠르게성장하고발전해왔지만그중심에는늘 학생의요구가가장우선이되는따뜻하고친근한학교 라는이념이있었습니다. 학교를위해많은기여와성원을보내주신모든공동체구성원여러분들께감사드리고싶습니다. 모르고계시는분들을위해우리학교의역사를간략하게소개해드리고자합니다! 1994년 9월 5일 : IST ( 그당시 TIST) 무난따오 6호에설립 1997년 8월 : IST가무난따오건너편에중등 (6-8학년) 캠퍼스를오픈하며학교를확장 1998년 8월 : IST 는 (1년후 ) 신화루에두번째초등 ( 킨더-1학년 ) 건물 2001년 1월 : IST가이곳웨이샨루 22호친빌딩로이전 2011년 8월 : 한빌딩개관 2019년 9월 5일 : IST 25번째생일을맞이하게되었습니다! 더불어학교초창기선구적인역할을했던몇분을소개하고자합니다 : Eric Larson ( 에릭라슨 ), IST의제1대학교장으로그당시저는부교장을역임했습니다. 지금 IST의모습이기도한따뜻하고가족적인분위기를가진포용적이고공동체중심의학교가무엇보다중요함을그로부터배웠습니다. Nick Bowley ( 닉볼리 ), 년까지제2대학교장을역임했습니다. 그가재임하는동안역시저는부교장으로있었으며그는포괄적인교육지침과지원정책및절차를바탕으로교육적방향을명확하게유지하는것에대한중요성을깨닫게해준영감을주는교육자였습니다. Jo Reston ( 조레스턴 ), 저의사랑스러운와이프이기도한그녀는 1996년무난따오시절부터저와함께일해왔으며항상미소짓는얼굴로우리학교의모든좋은것에대한모범이되어주었습니다. Jim Taylor ( 짐테일러 ), 1년뒤인 1997년부터중등부에서충실한교사로서그리고늘학생의요구를우선으로생각하는교육자로일해오고있습니다. 총 14 명의교직원들이무난따오에서부터 2001 년이곳웨이샨루캠퍼스로옮겨와일하고있습니다. l d s c h o o l a c c r e d i t e d b y a n d w o r I S T

2 Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.R.China Tel: Fax: 생일축하합니다 IST! 지난토요일 PFO 피크닉에서도역시학교개교기념일을축하했습니다. 정말많은가족이함께해주었고날씨또한환상적이었습니다! 우리 공동체모두가함께즐기고또특별한날이될수있도록애써준모든공동체구성원들과 PFO 위원회에게감사의인사를드립니다! 화요일오전에는공동체안전프레임프로토콜의일환으로지진대피훈련을실시했습니다. 전직원, 학생, 방문객들이아주신속하고조용하게 4 분 30 초만에건물에서대피한후학교운동장으로집합해주었습니다! 공동체안전프로토콜중또다른하나는바로비상연락망으로이는비상상황이생기거나혹은안개낀날과같이학교등교시간을늦춰야할경우등 30분이내에전체공동체에소식을전달해야할때사용됩니다. 모든가정에대한최근연락처를유지하고있는것이중요하기에전화번호, 메일주소, 자택주소등에변동이있을경우사무실주임인 Christina Song에게알려주셔야합니다. 이메일 (christina_song@istianjin. net) 혹은전화 ( ) 로연락주시면됩니다. 여러분의협조에감사드립니다. 학교캠퍼스보안을위해캠퍼스에출입하는모든성인들을대상으로한전자모니터링시스템을도입하게되었다는소식을얼만전알려드렸습니다. 모든학부모 ( 파란색 ) 와개인기사 ( 노란색 ) 들에게는새로운색상의전자태크가가능한카드가발급되었습니다. 다음주월요일부터학교정문과후문을통해들어오고나갈때 ( 아이래드에부착된 ) RFID 리더에새 ID 카드를대어야만합니다. 만약 ID 카드가없으신분은방문객등록을하셔야하며이는정문에서만가능합니다. 아동보호와공동체안전을위한저희의노력에협조해주셔서감사합니다. 9월 13일다음주금요일은중추절연휴로학교수업이없습니다. 즐거운중추절연휴되시기바라며맛있는문케이크 ( 월병 ) 도맛보시기바랍니다! 즐거운중추절연휴보내시기바랍니다! 中秋节快乐! Steve Moody 학교장

3 독서도우미 ( 가정에서자녀의책읽기도와주기 ) 지난주블레이즈에서는독자로서의바람직한자세들을소개해드렸습니다. 이번호블레이즈는도우미들이초급독자들에게 의미있는독서를하도록도와줄수있는몇가지팁들을알려드리겠습니다. 1. 책에대한간단한대화를통해독자가이야기에집중하도록도와주세요. 이때책제목과삽화등을이용하면좋습니다. 2. 독자가책을올바르게읽거나실수를고쳤다면가볍게칭찬을해주세요 3. 독자에게도움을주기전에 5초정도멈춰서생각하세요 4. 독자가도움을요청한다면다음과같은방법을시도하세요 첫째 ) 의미적인측면에서의실수를저질렀을때 이야기의의미에관련된질문을해주세요단어사용이적합하지않을경우넌저시알려주세요 예시책 : 차가길을따라질주했다독자 : 차가김을따라질주했다도우미 : 확실히 길 와 김 은비슷하게생겼지만, 차는보통어디서다니지? 독자 : 길에서다녀요도우미 : 좋아! 다시해보자 둘째 ) 이야기의해석에영향을주지않는실수를저질렀을때 사소한실수라면신경쓰지않아도괜찮습니다. 아니라면잠시멈추고도움을주세요 독자에게찬찬히단어를살펴보도록해주세요. 단어가어떤음절로시작하는지, 독자가알고있는다른단어들과비슷한지물어보세요. 두번정도시도한다음에독자에게답을알려주세요. 예시책 : 아이들이차안으로뛰어들어갔다독자 : 아이들이차안으로들어갔다도우미 : 좋아, 문맥상으로의미파악이잘되네. 아이들은차안으로들어가긴했지만 들어갔다 라는표현은아니야. 다시한번볼까? ( 뛰어들어갔다 를손가락으로가리킨다 ) 독자 : 뛰어들어갔어요도우미 : 아주좋아, 맞았어 셋째 ) 독자가모르는단어와맞닥뜨리고도말을하지않을때 : 5초정도기다리세요 독자가다시한번문장초반을살펴보고맞추도록해주세요. 또는단어를건너뛰고문장의끝까지읽은다음문맥상의흐름으로의미를이해하는지보세요. 독자에게의미적으로맞고, 또이해하지못하는단어와비슷하게시작하는단어를넣어보도록해주세요. 예시책 : 서커스에는사자와말, 그리고광대가있었다독자 : 에는 (5 초정도기다린다 ) 도우미 : 끝까지읽어볼까? 독자 : 사자와말, 그리고광대가있었다도우미 : 그럼주어는뭘까? 사자랑말이랑광대를볼수있는곳은어디지? 독자 : 서커스요? 도우미 : 맞았어! 이제다시읽어보자 1. 책을읽는동안독자가잘이해하지못하는아이디어들을스스로설명하고, 다음장면에서어떤일이일어날지예측하거나이야기의내용에관한질문들을하도록해주세요. ( 비단도우미뿐만이아니라독자들도책에관한질문을하게하세요 ) 2. 책을다읽고난후간단히이야기에관한대화를나누세요. 독자가스스로읽은것에관한이야기를하거나줄거리를요약해서말하도록도와주세요. 인물, 사건, 배경, 혹은주제에관한이야기모두좋습니다. 번역 - 11 학년최예은

4 IST Library & Information Literacy Center 우리의사명 IST 도서관은우리공동체가비판적으로사고하고, 폭넓은독서를하고, 윤리적으로행동하고, 창의력을발휘할수있도록 영감을주는친근한곳이며더불어정보에접근할수있는권리를보호합니다. IST 개교 25 주년을축하합니다!!! 도서관곳곳에숨어있는재미 도서관소식도서관과같이조용한곳에서일하고있으면어딘가에서들리는재미있는소리를들을수있습니다 마치숨어있는책을찾는것과같습니다 ( 소리가어디에서나는거지?) 오늘초등점심시간저는 (Shannon) 대출데스크에서일을하고있는동안어딘가에서속삭이는소리를들렸습니다. 학생들이책선반사이혹은선반뒤어디에선가책을읽고있지않을까하는생각이들었습니다. 이러한모습은늘제생활의활력소가되지만속삭임은계속되었습니다. 그러다도서관뒤편에서마침내그속삭임이어디에서나는지발견하였습니다. 논픽션섹션에서 3 명의소년들이책을쌓아놓고함께읽고있었으며이는저를미소짓게만들었습니다. 그래서저는이들학생들의사진을몇장찍었습니다. 학부모북클럽 9 월 11 일수요일오전 9 시 모든학부모님을학부모북클럽에초대합니다. 매달책을읽은후함께모여토론하는시간을갖습니다. 다은선정도서는 Liv Constantine 의마지막패리시부인 (The Last Mrs. Parrish). 도서관에는영문원서와중문번역본이있습니다. 오셔서함께토론도하시고다과도즐기시기바랍니다. 책을읽지않으신분도확인합니다! 늘즐거운독서되시기바랍니다! Library hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 to 4:30 Friday 7:30 to 3:30 Visit our website at Follow us on Instagram: ist_library

5 Athletics: Congratulations to our HS Volleyball teams who enjoyed a solid win over visiting competitors TIS. Both teams have been working hard in practice to build on past success and improve their fitness, fundamental skills and strategic play. Thank you to coaches Mrs. Inghram, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Yang and Mr. Taylor for mentoring our teams this season! Our U19 Boys started the 2019 season with a strong performance against TIS on Monday. The team won three straight games in a best-of-5 match. The boys team is using a defensive specialist called a libero this year, which is proving to be an asset to the group. Skill work is currently focused on serving and serve receive, as we aim to improve upon our 80% serve completion rate against TIS. We are looking forward to a good season; come see some exciting volleyball and support your IST Blaze! Coach Inghram The girls had a good start to the season in their first match against TIS. They have been working hard towards improving their passing and serving, building team dynamics and learning the rotation system. The girls won 3-1 with great serving from Seo Hyun Mo and athletic play from Ellie McMulkin. We look forward to using the next few weeks to prepare for the ISCOT tournament and are pleased with our progress! - Coach Yang Our U14 and U12 Football teams enjoyed a sunny afternoon of football following the IST 25th anniversary celebrations on Thursday. It was great to have the community cheering from the sidelines and we hope parents will continue to attend matches throughout the season! Well done to all three teams on a strong performance against TIS! Our MS Football teams have their first ISAC tournament event of the year with THIS hosting the boys and IST hosting the girls. Travel information was shared with all players at practice and via to parents and students on Tuesday. Please ensure students are on time, prepared with proper kit and have money for food if needed. Good luck to both teams!


7 The PFO would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came on Saturday to the IST 25th anniversary picnic. We hope you had as much fun as we did! We would in particular like to say a special thank you to the following people who gave their time to create stalls, photo booths, get soaked by young kids and offer their help as and when. You guys rock! The entire maintenance team and Adam Miss Titalis Mrs Chaudhry Ella Ross 6G Alexandra Genberg 6G MYP student volunteers Sonia Zhuang, 7M You Yang Zhao, 7C Stella Zhao, 7M CAS volunteers Yeong Ung Park, 11C Tae Gyun Kim, 11 C Hyeok Kim, 11C Jun Seo Mun, 11C Nick Rothweiler, 11C Carolina Couto, 11C Grainne Uckermann, 11C Maolja Kuipers, 11C Sean Kum, 11C Jae Min Kim, 11C Jeong Min Ha, 11C Ye Eun Choi, 11C Ji Hyeon Kwag, 11C Teresa Wei, 11C Chae Rin Lim, 11C Nancy Kang, 11C Julia Yang, 11C Ye Jin Lee, 11C

8 Activities for Parents held at IST Weekly Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday am Yoga with Vicky 50rmb Blackbox am Yoga with Vicky 50rmb/class Clubhouse am Bollywood with Pia 50rmb/class Blackbox am Yoga with Vicky 50rmb Clubhouse am Pilates with Vicky 50rmb/class Elementary meeting room 9-10am Soccer for parents FREE IST Football pitch am Painting with Mrs Xu 100rmb Elementary meeting room am Zumba 40rmb/class Theatre 10am-12pm IST Baby Dragons Playgroup FREE Under 4 s PFO Room 10am-12pm Chinese painting 100 rmb/ class Elementart meeting room Painting with Mrs Xu IST baby Dragons Yoga/Pilates with Vicky Zumba Bollywood Dance Chinese painting Soccer Please Note* Zumba starts Tuesday 10th September Painting with Mrs Xu starts Monday 16th September Bollywood Dance starts Wednesday 18th September - all proceeds from the Þrst class will be donated by Pia to the PFO The elementary meeting room is opposite the PFO room

9 Come along to our monthly meet ups to discuss books and enjoy coffee & cakes! This months book is The Last Mrs Parrish by Liv Constantine. The library has a copy in Chinese and in English. Our next meeting is Wednesday September 11th at 10am in the Library. Even if you haven t read the book come along. Book suggestions welcome, hope to see you there! PARENT BOOK CLUB Scan and Join us here

10 Ceramics with Sophie Monday September 16th 9-12 Class content: Paint stamps and decals on porcelain biscuit ware Cost: 100 rmb Location: Ceramic room next to kitchen Any proþt is being donated to the PFO 10 people per class, Þrst come Þrst served *please note: any cancellations within 24 hours before the class commences will be charged

11 Starting Monday 16th September! Painting with Mrs Xu Monday rmb per person Elementary meeting room Teaching all disciplines of painting and artwork styles. Parents are encouraged to explore medias to discover their own style and inner artist. Join here!

12 Food Theme: Vegan cooking class Pasta different ways Menu: - Creamy pasta Alfredo - Creamy tahini-garlic sauce with soba noodles, chickpeas and pine nuts - Yellow curry noodles - Plum cake upside-down When: 18 September am till pm Where: IST elementary kitchen Hosts: Natalie Schroeder Cost: 100 RMB Please send an to: nattischroeder@yahoo.de Or join the WeChat group by scanning this QR code: Max 12 participants, first-come, first-served *please note: cancellation free within 24 h

13 Every Wednesday rmb per person Starting Wednesday 18th September! Pia is a trained classical dancer in three forms of Indian dance, Bhatathanatiyam, Kuchipudi and Kathak, Bollywood Dance class She had to leave her Taradi dance class behind in Shanghai to move to Tianjin and so she would love to spread the joy of Bollywood dancing with us all!

14 For IST Parents and Friends Come and Zumba every Tuesday at IST! 8.30am am In the Theatre 40rmb per person Dance into Shape this Autumn! Scan here to join us

15 Class content Classical and modern Chinese painting Cost 100rmb per time Location Opposite the PFO room Please Note Schedule classes one day in advance. No fewer than 3 students in each class

16 Vicky the instructor will be donating all proþt from this class to the Beichen Womens & Childrens Hospital courtesy of the T.I.C.C Join Yoga with Vicky here 20rmb per person Please wear pink! October 14th in the theatre Pink Ribbon Yoga event Followed by a Rafße

17 WHAT DO WE OFFER? Nursery-Grade 1 set menus (Price: RMB 25.00) This is fully table served. 1 regular set meals or 1 vegetarian set meal. A set meal consists of - Raw ready to eat vegetables and fruits - 1 meat/protein dishes with vegetables and starch - 1 drink (Yakult, milk or yoghurt). Note: - Nursery-Grade1 second servings will be provided by our team or teacher assistants at their table upon request of the child. - Morning snack provided to Nursery Grade1 Students at RMB 6.00 per person, Snack are only available for daily set lunch students. Elementary School set menus G2 - G5 RMB 30.00) Served from our main service lines. Daily 2 meat/ protein dishes (or vegetarian protein special) from our Western and Asian Counters(Free flow) Raw vegetables from our salad bar(free flow) Hot vegetables and starch (Free flow) Fruit of the day (Free flow) 1 Dessert 1 Drink 100% juice (add 2.00 RMB), milk, Yakult or yoghurt Note: Second servings will be provided by our team on the service line upon request of the child.

18 MS/HS food offer WHAT DO WE OFFER? A retail concept oriented environment as MS/HS students are young adults who need choices, brands/concepts and freedom in deciding the composition of their lunch. We propose a different service concept that blends and merges the A la Carte and Set Menu offers into one single frame. Students will have several stations to choose from, each station serving daily dishes bound into a concept (e.g. Grill, Wok, Western, and Asian, etc.). As such, each customer can chose between paying the basic fare for the main dish (A la Carte) or upgrading the chosen main dish into a Set Menu or a Deal price lower than the sum of the different components. The upgrade allows a drink + dessert or Fruit + salad or Soup in a separate plate. Examples: Chicken curry + Rice 22 RMB Upgrade 10RMB (Drink + salad or soup + Fruit or Dessert) Set Menu Deal 32 RMB

19 Salad/Fruit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Seasonal Fresh Salad Bar Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Western From The Grill Station Asian From The Wok/Noodl e Station Vegetarian Soup Chili Con Carne 墨西哥炒牛肉馅 Steamed Black Beans 蒸黑豆 Steamed Rice 米饭 Allergy: beef, pepper, onion, cumin, cajun seasoning, black beans Sauteed Chicken balls with Honey 蜂蜜鸡肉球 Chicken Schnitzel 炸鸡排 Salami Cheese Pizza 萨拉米芝士比萨 Hawaiian Waikiki Meatballs 夏威夷肉丸 Stir fry Vegetable 炒蔬菜 Stir fry Vegetable 炒蔬菜 Stir fry Vegetable 炒蔬菜 Roasted Potatoes 烤土豆 Allergy: chicken, breadcrumb Noodles with Beef Soup 牛肉面 Roasted Potatoes 土豆角 Allergy: flour, salami, cheese, tomato sauce Chicken Curry 咖喱鸡 Steamed Rice 米饭 Allergy: beef, oyster sauce, pineapple, sugar, onion, pepper Bibimbap 韩式拌饭 Stir fry Vegetable 炒时蔬 Boiled Vegetable 煮蔬菜 Stir fry Vegetable 炒时蔬 Steamed Rice 米饭 Steamed Rice 米饭 Allergy: brown sugar, onion, soya sauce, flour Fried Vegetables 炸蔬菜 Tomato and Egg Soup 西红柿鸡蛋汤 Allergy: beef, flour, onion, sugar Noodles with Vegetable Soup 蔬菜面 Pumpkin Soup 南瓜汤 Steamed Rice 米饭 Allergy:onion,potato,carrot, curry paste, coconut milk Vegetable Curry 咖喱蔬菜 Egg and Seaweed Soup 鸡蛋紫菜汤 Allergy: onion, pepper, mushroom, bean sprouts, egg, chili paste Vegetable Mixed Rice 蔬菜拌饭 Minestrone 通心粉汤 Dessert Banana Bread 香蕉包 Cookies 饼干 Swiss Roll 瑞士卷 Apple Pie 苹果派 Nutritional reading over the week 每周营养分析 Nutritional recommendation 营养建议 Energy 热量 (Kcal) Protein 蛋白质 (g) Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 (g) Fat 脂肪 (g) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Snack Yoghurt Fruit Cut Carrot Cake Fruit Cut Mini Pizza Fruit Cut Vegetable Pie Fruit Cut Cheese Sandwich Fruit Cut Set Meal Sauteed Chicken w/ Broccoli 西兰花炒鸡肉 Vegetable Sticks 蔬菜条 Steamed Rice 米饭 Pork Rolls 猪肉卷 Sweet Corn and Vegetables 玉米粒炒蔬菜 Vegetable Sticks 蔬菜条 Baked Fusilli w/meat ball in Bolognese Sauce 螺旋面配牛肉丸 Stir Fry Zucchini and Corn 西葫玉米 Vegetable Sticks 蔬菜条 Chicken Fingers 炸鸡条 Vegetable Sticks 蔬菜条 Steamed Rice 米饭 Allergy: Broccoli, carrot, soya sauce Allergy: flour, pork, soya sauce, green garlic Allergy: Beef, onion, tomato sauce Allergy: chicken, breadcrumb Fruit Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Fruit of the Day Drinks Milk/Yoghurt/Yakult Milk/Yoghurt/Yakult Milk/Yoghurt/Yakult Milk/Yoghurt/Yakult Nutritional reading over the week 每周营养分析 Nutritional recommendation 营养建议 Energy 热量 (Kcal) Protein 蛋白质 (g) Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 (g) Fat 脂肪 (g) Morning snack offer available at 6 rmb, Snack are only available for daily set lunch consumers.

20 Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.R.China Tel: Fax: Diary Dates Sports Dates 2019 년 9 월 13 일금요일중추절연휴 2019 년 9 월 16 일월요일 ~ 9 월 20 일금요일중고등부수학여행 2019 년 9 월 18 일수요일 PFO 위원회모임 2019 년 9 월 23 일월요일 ~9 월 27 일금요일커먼리드 (G5-8): 독서장려, 독서토론프로그램 2019 년 9 월 25 일수요일 PFO 학부모모임 2019 년 9 월 30 일월요일 ~ 10 월 4 일금요일국경절연휴 2019 년 10 월 14 일월요일 ~ 10 월 18 일금요일도서관주간 2019 년 10 월 16 일수요일 ~ 10 월 17 일목요일학부모교사컨퍼런스 ( 오후 / 저녁 ) 9 월 7 일토요일 MS THIS / IST 9 월 9 일월요일 HS 배구연습 9 월 10 일화요일 MS 축구경기 IST ( 홈경기 ) 9 월 11 일수요일 MS 배드민턴연습 9 월 12 일목요일 MS 축구경기 IST ( 홈경기 ) & MS 배드민턴연습 9 월 13 일금요일중추절연휴 ( 연습없음 ) 9 월 16 일월요일 - 9 월 20 일금요일중고등부수학여행 ( 연습없음 ) 9 월 21 일토요일 ISCOT MS TGA Welcome to the IST Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Program for the school year CCA 세션 1 일정은아래와같습니다 : 2019 년 8 월 26 일월요일 ~ 11 월 1 일금요일 궁금한점이있으신분은언제든저희에게연락주시기바랍니다. Ms. Amy 액티비티 & 스포츠부서주임교사 (amy_ozols@istianjin.net) Ms. Guo Ying 액티비티담당직원 (Ying_Guo@istianjin.net) 액티비티사무실 : / 내선 8150

a n T H E Friday 20 September 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P

a n T H E Friday 20 September 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P a n Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org IST 공동체구성원들은원칙을따른다. 우리의결정과행동은정직, 성실그리고공정성을바탕으로하며긍정적인의도를갖고있다고간

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a n i s T H E Friday 15 March 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P

a n i s T H E Friday 15 March 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P a n i s Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org 공동체의상호작용은친근감, 존중, 공손함, 다양성그리고포괄적인언어로특징지어집니다.

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a n T H E Friday 18 January 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.R

a n T H E Friday 18 January 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.R a n Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org 공동체의상호작용은친근감, 존중, 공손함, 다양성그리고포괄적인언어로특징지어집니다.

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a n i s T H E Friday 27 September 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 3003

a n i s T H E Friday 27 September 2019 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 3003 a n i s Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org IST 공동체구성원들은원칙을따른다. 우리의결정과행동은정직, 성실그리고공정성을바탕으로하며긍정적인의도를갖고있다고간주

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a n T H E Friday 23 November 2018 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.

a n T H E Friday 23 November 2018 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P. a n Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org 공동체의상호작용은친근감, 존중, 공손함, 다양성그리고포괄적인언어로특징지어집니다.

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a n T H E Friday 12 October 2018 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.R

a n T H E Friday 12 October 2018 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin P.R a n Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org 공동체의상호작용은친근감, 존중, 공손함, 다양성그리고포괄적인언어로특징지어집니다.

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a n i s T H E Friday 19 October 2018 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin

a n i s T H E Friday 19 October 2018 BLAZE Working Learning Acting TOGETHER W e e k l y Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin a n i s Weishan South Road, Shuanggang, Jinnan District Tianjin 300350 P.R.China Tel: 86 22 28592001 Fax: 86 22 28592007 Email: info@istianjin.net www.istianjin.org 공동체의상호작용은친근감, 존중, 공손함, 다양성그리고포괄적인언어로특징지어집니다.

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