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가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에


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2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

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어법성 판단 문제

#1_초급 본문

2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승




< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해



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새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의

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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운


Unit Five: Conversation Three.


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유





_KF_Bulletin webcopy

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정




71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370

55호 1면


Lesson 7 Four Days in Austria Do you enjoy...? How was...? You should have seen... We walked to the house where Mozart was born. as if I felt as if I were the kid in the movie. along among anywhere arrive depart Australia Austrian break bright dark central middle chance choir ex. He sings in the school choir. classical competition ex. Who s winning the competition? delicious direction ex. You re going in the wrong direction. elder enter exist ex. I know Santa Claus doesn t exist. fall -s fantastic film folk ex. Arirang is the most popular folk song in Korea. impressive ex. Your acting was very impressive. later practice prize rest romantic scene 126 score shine ex. The sun shines brightly. sign someday subway surf temple ex. People pray for peace at the temples. tour toward ex. The man was walking toward me. travel trip whole ex. I ate the whole cake. a bit ex. I m a bit tired. as if as soon as ex. I ll give you a call as soon as I come back. ask for be born be held ex. The animation festival will be held in May. business trip find out for a while in fact in the near future on cloud nine ex. They were on cloud nine when they won the finals. this time

01 choir 02 someday 03 classical 04 score 05 fantastic 06 competition 07 later 08 surf 09 chance 10 delicious 11 temple 12 prize 13 rest 14 tour 15 impressive 16 Australia 17 film 18 trip 19 sign 20 scene 21 direction 22 central 23 Austrian 24 elder 25 subway 26 travel 27 anywhere 28 fall 29 bright 30 folk 31 among 32 toward 33 enter 34 practice 35 arrive 36 along 37 romantic 38 whole 39 break 40 exist 41 shine 42 be held 43 ask for 44 for a while 45 a bit 46 find out 47 in fact 48 business trip 49 as soon as 50 as if 51 in the near future 52 on cloud nine 53 be born 54 this time p.201 Lesson 7 127 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 -s 23 24 25 26 27 28 128 p.201 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

1 warm : cool dark : 2 go : come depart : 3 culture : cultural center : 4 China : Chinese Austria : 5 express : expression compete : 6, she changed her mind. 7 Your dream will come true. 8 Please let me have a second. 9 Her new song is becoming popular teenagers. 10 I have to leave the office. scene elder trip surf 11 My brother is a high school student. 12 We were enjoying the snowy. 13 You can the Internet until I come back. 14 How was your to Chicago last week? be held ask for find out a bit 15 I d like to your forgiveness. 16 The last winter Olympics in Vancouver. 17 This book is difficult for me to understand. 18 I ll the truth about this rumor. p.201 cultural expression compete come true popular teenager leave office snowy until forgiveness truth rumor Lesson 7 129 A: Do you enjoy watching movies? B: Yes, I do. Do you enjoy -ing? enjoy Do you enjoy ~? Yes, I do. No, I don t. Not really. Do you enjoy watching movies? / Do you likeloveto watch movies? Are you interested in sports? / Do you have an interest in sports? What are you interested in? / What do you like to do? What kind of books do you like? I enjoy playing the piano. / I likeloveto play the piano. I have an interest in art. I don t enjoy swimming. / I have no interest in swimming. 1 A: I got back China last night. I traveled there for three days. 3 B: Oh, really? Do you enjoy? A: Yes. I to travel. 2 A: B: Yes, I do. A: do you like? B: A: How was your trip to Japan? B: It was great. How was ~? How was ~? greatok, good How was your birthday party? Have you ever seen this movie? 130

p.201 It was great. We sang and danced together. Yes, I have. / No, I haven t. I have been to New York twice. I have never eaten a taco. 3 A: your subway tour of Seoul? B: It. 4 A: Gangwon-do? B: There were a lot of great places to visit. You traveled Gangwon-do last summer, didn t you? A: Yes, I did. I went to Seoraksan, and. A: Did you visit Disneyland? B: No, I didn t. A: You should have visited it. should have shouldn t have You should have met him. You shouldn t have wasted your money. 5 A: something wrong? B: I m very cold. A: You a sweater. 6 A: Did you see Donggang? B: A: Oh,. It was so clear and beautiful. Lesson 7 131 p.201 A: That s a really nice bag! 1. get it? B: I bought it in Australia. I went there 2. my uncle. A: Really? 3. your trip? B: It was wonderful. Sydney was 4.. A: Wow. 5., I went to Australia last year, but I Sydney. B: Oh, you 6. to Sydney. It is a really exciting city. A: Yeah, but I went there with my father 7., so we didn t have time to see Sydney. B: That s too bad. By the way, do you 8.? A: Yes, I do. In fact, I 9. around the world someday. A: I went mountain climbing yesterday. (A) Good. Maybe next time, I could join you. (B) Bukhansan. It was very hot, but the view from the mountain was very beautiful. (C) Which mountain did you go to? (D) Oh, do you enjoy climbing? B: Yes, I do. I go climbing almost every weekend. 132

1 (1) A: Do you computer games? B: really. (2) A: Is there something wrong? B: I cut my finger. A: You more careful. 2 A: was the movie? B: It was terrible. 3 A: B: Yes. It s very interesting. Do you love taking photos? Do you like taking photos? Do you enjoy taking photos? Are you interested in taking photos? Where are you going to take photos? 4 A: Didn t you see the soccer game on TV? B: No, I was busy doing my homework. A: It was very exciting. That sounds great. Excellent. You made it. I love to play soccer. You should have seen it. I m going to see the game. wrong careful terrible take a photo be busy -ing excellent Lesson 7 133 5 A: Have you ever read this novel? B: No, I haven t. 6 A: How was your trip to Gangwon-do? B: It was nice. There were a lot of great places to visit. You traveled Gangwon-do last summer, didn t you? A: Yes, I did. I went to Seoraksan, and it was fantastic. B: Did you see Donggang, too? A: Yes, I did. B: Oh, you should have seen it. It was so clear and beautiful. [7~9] Jake: That s a really nice bag! Where did you get it? Suji: I bought it in Australia. I went there to visit my uncle. Jake: Really? How was your trip? Suji: It was wonderful. Sydney was especially beautiful. Jake: Wow. You know, I went to Australia last year, but I couldn t visit Sydney. Suji: Oh, you to Sydney. It is a really exciting city. Jake: Yeah, but I went there with my father on a business trip, so we didn t have time to see Sydney. Suji: That s too bad. By the way, do you enjoy traveling? Jake: Yes, I do. In fact, I want to travel around the world someday. 7 don t have to go shouldn t go didn t want to go should have gone shouldn t have gone 8 Why did Suji go to Australia? Answer in English. 9 Jake enjoys. 134 p.201 novel fantastic clear Australia trip business trip by the way someday

He can t forget the day when his baby was born. The room where we stayed was very clean. This is the house. The singer lives in this house. This is the house where the singer lives. whenwherewhyhow the time when in/on/at which the place where in/at which the reason why for which the way how in which He remembers the year. He graduated from high school in that year. He remembers the year when he graduated from high school. He remembers the year in which he graduated from high school. the way the way how I don t like the way. He treats people in the way. I don t like the way he treats people. I don t like how he treats people. I don t like the way in which he treats people. cf. I don t like the way how he treats people. when why how 1 This is I solved the problem. 2 Tell me the reason you quit the job. 3 I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day we first met. 4 The town where I live is near the sea. The town I live is near the sea. Lesson 7 135 p.201 as if He feels as if he were a foreigner. She talked as if she didn t like dogs. 1. as if if be were as if In fact, ~ He talks as if he were rich. In fact, he is not rich. He talked as if he were rich. In fact, he was not rich. 2. as if had He talks as if he had loved Susan. In fact, he didn t love Susan. He talked as if he had loved Susan. In fact, he hadn t loved Susan. 5 The man was a student. But he talked to me as if he (is / were ) a teacher. 6 She talks as if she (saw / had seen ) the scene. 7 John John is talking as if he (watched / had watched ) the game. 8 In fact, he doesn t know everything. He talks. 9 She acted as if she were surprised at the news. In fact,. 10 In fact, Nicole didn t buy the cake. Nicole talks as if. 136

[1~2] 1 This is the restaurant. The service is very good here. This is the restaurant the service is very good. 2 I miss the last summer. My family traveled France last summer. I miss the last summer my family traveled France. 3 I feel as if I fly in the sky. I feel as if I flew in the sky. I felt as if I fly in the sky. I felt as if I flew in the sky. I felt as if I had flown in the sky. 4 April 5th is the day. We plant trees on the day. April 5th is the day we plant trees. April 5th is the day on we plant trees. [5~6] 5 Tell me the way how you made this wooden box. 6 The dog is looking at the book as if he can read it. service miss plant wooden Lesson 7 137 7 He asked me I wanted to go. This is the library I borrow books. how why when where which 8 This is the park where I go for jogging. Now is the time when you go to bed. I know the reason why my mom is angry. I remember the date which they married. This is how Jessica solved the problem. 9 A: Is Sam rich? B: No, he isn t. But he spends money he were rich. 10 Please call me when you get home. Babies cry when they are hungry. I felt so angry when you broke my glasses. She was reading when he came to the house. Chuseok is the day when we celebrate a good harvest. 11 This is the tree the koala lives in. This is the tree which the koala lives in. This is the tree where the koala lives. This is the tree in which the koala lives. This is the tree where the koala lives in. 138 p.201 borrow marry spend celebrate harvest koala

Four Days in Austria This summer break was really special to me. I had a chance to visit Austria. My mother is a member of a choir, and the choir went to Austria for a competition. My elder sister and I went with them. August 3 the members of the choir We flew 12 hours from Incheon to Vienna (Wien). I was a bit tired, but I was very excited to be in Vienna, the city of music. We arrived in Vienna at around 7 p.m. and went to a hotel. We had schnitzel and potato salad for dinner. It was very delicious. from A to BAB ate August 4 I went to the Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum) with my sister. As soon as I entered the museum, I found there were so many there were wonderful pictures. Among them, the paintings by Rubens were very impressive. After we had lunch, we walked toward the Danube Tower (Donauturm). It was good to see the beautiful scenes along the Danube River (Donau). From the top of the tower, we could see the whole city. It was wonderful. I was sorry that mom couldn t come with us. She had to practice for the competition and has to didn t have time to tour Vienna with us. T F 1 I went to Austria with my club members. ( T / F ) 2 We had schnitzel and potato salad in August 4. ( T / F ) 3 I saw Rubens s paintings at the Museum of Art History. ( T / F ) 4 I went to the Danube Tower with my mom. ( T / F ) chance choir competition elder a bit schnitzel as soon as enter among impressive toward whole practice Lesson 7 139 August 5 Today was the day of the competition. We drove to the place where the competition was held. There were already many people there. Mom s team be sang some Korean songs. People liked the songs very much. Mom s team won second prize. We were on cloud nine. August 6 We went to Salzburg. This time, mom and the other choir members came with us. Salzburg is the city where The Sound of Music was filmed. I love that in which be movie. Mirabell Garden (Mirabellgarten) is the place where the von Trapp kids sang and ran around in the movie. The garden was so beautiful. I sang a song and I felt as if I were one of the kids in the movie. Next, we walked to the house where Mozart was born. It is on the street of Getreidegasse. in which be There were many shops on the street, and every one of them had a classical There were the shops on the street but cute sign. The whole street looked so clean and beautiful. I bought some chocolate with a picture of Mozart on it. Later, I found out that I could buy the same chocolate almost anywhere in the town. The Austrians we met on the street were very nice. When we asked for directions, they kindly showed us the way. showed the way to us (who(m)that) 5 We were very ( happy / sad) at the end of the competition. 6 I (ran around / sang a song ) in Mirabell Garden. 7 The shops on the street had ( cute signs / pictures of Mozart). 8 We went to the house where Mozart was born (by bus / on foot ). 140 be held on cloud nine film run around as if be born classical sign later find out anywhere Austrian ask for direction

Inside Mozart s house we saw the piano he used, the scores written by him, and the letters he wrote to his family. I felt as if I could meet and talk to Mozart there. (whichthat) (whichthat) (whichthatwere) as if After we had a late lunch and rested for a while, we went to Hohensalzburg Castle (Festung Hohensalzburg). We saw the snow on the Alps, and it made us feel cool. The scene was so beautiful that we stayed there for a long time. so ~ that... make I had a wonderful time in Austria. I won t forget the two cities I visited, (whichthat) Vienna and Salzburg. They were so clean, bright, and romantic. I hope I can visit them again and travel around Austria in the near future. T F 9 We took pictures of Mozart s family. ( T / F ) 10 We had lunch at Hohensalzburg Castle. ( T / F ) Think & Write I went to Seoraksan last summer. I went there with my mom and dad. It took four hours to get there by bus. We stayed there for two days. Seoraksan is It takes to a place where people can experience the natural beauty of the mountains in in which by to Seoraksan all four seasons. I hiked to the top of the mountain, Daecheongbong, with my mom and dad. When we reached it, I felt as if I were on the top of the world. I as if had a great time, and I want to visit Seoraksan again someday. 11 When did the writer go to Seoraksan?. 12 How long did it take to get to Seoraksan by bus?. p.202 score rest for a while for a long time romantic in the near future natural beauty reach someday Lesson 7 141 1 This summer break was really 2 My mother is a a choir, and the choir went to Austria. 3 We 12 hours Incheon Vienna (Wien). 4 I was a bit tired, but I was very in Vienna, the city of music. 5 I entered the museum, I found there were so many wonderful pictures. 6, the paintings by Rubens were very impressive. 7 After we had lunch, we the Danube Tower (Donauturm). 8 was good the beautiful scenes along the Danube River (Donau). 9 I was mom come with us. 10 She practice for the competition and didn t have Vienna with us. 11 We drove to the place the competition 12 This time, mom and came with us. 142 1. 2. 3. 12 4. 5. 6. Rubens 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12...

13 Salzburg is the city The Sound of Music 14 Mirabell Garden (Mirabellgarten) is movie. the von Trapp kids sang and ran around in the 15 I sang a song and I felt I one of the kids in the movie. 16, we walked to the house where Mozart 17 on the street, and every one of them had a classical but cute sign. 18 I bought some chocolate a picture of Mozart 19 we asked for directions, they kindly the way. 20 Inside Mozart s house we saw the piano he used, the scores to his family., and the letters he wrote 21 we had a late lunch and rested (Festung Hohensalzburg)., we went to Hohensalzburg Castle 22 The scene was beautiful we stayed there for a long time. 23 I won t forget the, Vienna and Salzburg. 24 I hope I can visit them again and travel around Austria p.202 13. The Sound of Music 14. von Trapp 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Lesson 7 143 7 Danube 144....

Words + Reading SalzburgThe Sound of Music Mirabell von Trapp Vienna Salzburg p.202 Lesson 7 145 1 impressive : making you feel admiration, because they are very good : 2 : to give out light : 3 : to come into something : 4 : a journey for pleasure in which several places are visited : 5 : a short period of time when you stop what you are doing : 6 : a large amount of water falling down from a height : 7 : traditional and typical of the ordinary people of a country : 8 : beautiful in a way that makes you think of love : 9 : traditional in style or idea : 10 : a possibility of something happening : 11 : a building used for the worship of a god or gods : 12 : a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other : 13 : an underground railway system in a city : 14 : a group of people who sing together in church services or public performances : 15 : a written representation of a musical composition (showing all the vocal and instrumental parts) : impressive choir chance fall(s) tour break classical enter romantic score shine temple folk competition subway (A)(B)(C) Inside Mozart s house we saw the piano he used, the (A) plays / scores written by him, and the letters he wrote to his family. I felt as if I could meet and talk to Mozart there. After we had a late lunch and (B) rested / lasted for a while, we went to Hohensalzburg Castle (Festung Hohensalzburg). We saw the snow on the Alps, and it made us feel cool. The (C) sin / scene was so beautiful that we stayed there for a long time. (A) (B) (C) plays rested sin plays rested scene scores lasted sin scores rested scene scores lasted scene (A) (B) (C) 146

pp.202~203 Grammar + Reading 1 1 I had a chance visiting Austria. 2 As soon as I entered the museum, I found there was so many wonderful pictures. 3 I was sorry to mom couldn t come with us. 4 We drove to the place where the competition held. 5 Salzburg is the city when The Sound of Music was filmed. 6 I sang a song and I felt as if I am one of the kids in the movie. 7 The whole street looked so clean and beautifully. 8 The Austrians we met on the street was very nice. 9 The scene was so beautiful as we stayed there for a long time. 10 It took four hours getting there by bus. 11 When we reached at it, I felt as if I were on the top of the world. 12 I had a great time, and I want visiting Seoraksan again someday. We arrived in Auckland in the morning. It was a beautiful sunny day. We were all exciting because we heard that there were many fun places in and near Auckland. First, we went to Extreme Edge. It is a famous place where people can go rock climbing. At first I was scared, but after several tries, I learned how to do it. It was really exciting. Then we went to the next place, Mount Eden. Lesson 7 147 1 central center beautiful beauty romantic romance compete competition popular popularity 2 The snow falls fast. The falls are 50 feet high. The books fall onto the floor. The leaves are starting to fall. Why do the apples fall off the tree? 3 Our team won by of 3 1. We studied the piano s written by Beethoven. 4 The Book Exhibition will be on August 7th. written held got asked put 5 You will find his secret. I thought about the question a while. of in of from for in out from out for 148 6 A: B: It was fantastic. When is your trip to New York? How did you go to New York? Why don t you take a trip? How was your trip to New York? Where are you going to take a trip? 7 Do you like to read novels? Do you enjoy reading novels? Do you love to read novels? Are you interested in reading novels? What kind of novel do you want to read? 8 A: Is there something wrong? B: I m so sleepy. A: You should sleep more last night. You should not sleep more last night. You should be sleeping more last night. You should have slept more last night. You shouldn t have slept more last night. 9 A: Can I speak to Suho? B: This is he. A: Hi, this is Amanda. What are you doing? B: I just got back from my trip to Daegu. I saw a soccer game at Daegu Stadium. A: Right. There was a big game today! How was the game? B: I went to the stadium by bus.

10 Do you like playing baseball, too? What do you like to do? Yes, I do. I enjoy playing soccer. (11~12) A: How was your trip to Gangwon-do? B: It was. There were a lot of great places to visit. You traveled Gangwon-do last summer, didn t you? A: Yes, I did. I went to Seoraksan, and it was fantastic. B: Did you see Donggang, too? A: No, I didn t. B: Oh, you should have seen it. It was so clear and beautiful. A: Really? Well, I hope I can go there someday. 11 nice great terrible very good exciting 12 I want to see it again I m sorry you saw it I m glad you didn t see it I m sorry you didn t see it I don t want you to see it 13 He treats me I were his daughter. that as as if but because 14 This is the place where the accident occurred. which in that in which of which for which 15 This is how he keeps in shape. This is the way he keeps in shape. This is the way how he keeps in shape. This is the way why he keeps in shape. This is the way for which he keeps in shape. 16 Jina spends money as if she were rich. In fact, Jina is rich. In fact, Jina was rich. In fact, Jina is not rich. In fact, Jina was not rich. In fact, Jina has been rich. Lesson 7 149 17 Sunday is the day when I can relax. Write down the time when the train arrives. Spring is the season when flowers bloom. He was taking a shower when I called him. I don t remember the date when the party was held. 18 John John talks if he knows everything in the world. John talks if he knew everything in the world. John talks as if he knows everything in the world. John talks as if he knew everything in the world. John talks as if he has known everything in the world. 19 He won t forget the day. His baby was born on the day. He won t forget the day 20 A: Does Jane come from Canada? B: No, she doesn t. But she is talking as if she comes from Canada as if she came from Canada as if she has come from Canada as if she had come from Canada as if she didn t come from Canada 150 (21~23) This summer break was really special to me. I had a chance to visit Austria. My mother is a member of a choir, and the choir went to Austria for a competition. My elder sister and I went with them. August 3 We flew 12 hours Incheon Vienna (Wien). I was a bit tired, but I was very excited to be in Vienna, the city of music. We arrived in Vienna at around 7 p.m. and went to a hotel. We had schnitzel and potato salad for dinner. It was very delicious. 21 I m glad to meet you. Did you want to come with me? We don t have time to see the museum. It s not easy to get up early every day. He grew up to be a movie director. 22 for to by to to from from to from by 23 I went to Austria for a dancing competition. My mother didn t allow me to go to Austria. We arrived at the airport at 12 o clock. Vienna is known as the city of music. I was so tired that I couldn t eat dinner...

(24~26) I went to the Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum) with my sister. As soon as I entered the museum, I found so many wonderful pictures. Among them, the paintings by Rubens were very impressive. After we had lunch, we walked toward the Danube Tower (Donauturm). It was good to see the beautiful scenes along the Danube River (Donau). From the top of the tower, we could see the whole city. It was wonderful. I was sorry that mom couldn t come with us. She had to practice for the competition and didn t have time to tour Vienna with us. 24 there is there are there was there were there being 25 It s ten to three. It was Sunday yesterday. It was raining this morning. It s impossible to get there in time. I picked up a pen and gave it to my sister. 26 Rubens (27~28) Today was the day of the competition. We drove to the place the competition was held. There were already many people there. Mom s team sang some Korean songs. People liked the songs very much. Mom s team won second prize. 27 why which where in where in which 28 We were nine. (29~32) Next, we walked to (where, was, Mozart, the house, born). It is on the street of Getreidegasse. There were many shops on the street, and every one of them had a classical but cute sign. The whole street looked so clean and beautiful. I bought some chocolate with a picture of Mozart on it. Later, I found out that I could buy the same chocolate almost anywhere in the town. The Austrians we met on the street were very nice. When we asked for directions, they kindly showed us the way. Inside Mozart s house we saw the piano he used, the scores written by him, and the letters he wrote to his family. I felt as if I could meet and to talk to Mozart there. Lesson 7 151 29 30 31 who whom which that where 32 (33~35) I went to Seoraksan last summer. I went there with my mom and dad. It took four hours to get there bus. We stayed there two days. Seoraksan is a place where people can experience the natural beauty of the mountains in all four seasons. I hiked to the top of the mountain, Daecheongbong, with my mom and dad. When we reached it, I felt. I had a great time, and I want to visit Seoraksan again someday. 152 p.203 33 by for by in in for in until from until 34 as if I am on the top of the world as if I were on the top of the world that I am on the top of the world that I were on the top of the world as if I had been on the top of the world 35 When did the writer go to Seoraksan? With whom did the writer go there? How often does the writer go there? How long did it take to get there? How many days did the writer stay there?

1 enter entrance exist existence excite excitement impress impressive compete competition 2 Don t your promise again. I worked all day without a. rest break fall reason keep 3 A: Do you enjoy listening to music? B: Yes. I love to listen to music. I always enjoy listening to music. I have no interest in music. I like to listen to pop music. I m interested in classical music. (4~5) A: your trip to Gangwon-do? B: It was nice. There were a lot of great places to visit. You traveled Gangwon-do last summer, didn t you? A: Yes, I did. I went to Seoraksan, and it was fantastic. B: Did you see Donggang, too? A: No, I didn t. B: Oh, you shouldn t have seen it. It was so clear and beautiful. A: Really? Well, I hope I can go there someday. 4 5 6 The girl is scared as if. she sees a ghost she is seeing a ghost she saw a ghost she has seen a ghost she had seen a ghost 7 The park I met Sally was peaceful. There are times I want to be alone. how when which when which where where when where which 8 This is the shop. which I bought my dress where I bought my dress where I bought my dress at which I bought my dress at the shop where I bought my dress at the shop Lesson 7 153 9 She is acting she me. 10 Now is the time when you leave. This is the way how Jiho solved the quiz. I know the reason why you decided to work here. This is the restaurant where I often go with my friends. Do you remember the date when they moved here? (11~12) I went to the Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum) with my sister. ( ) As soon as I entered the museum, I found there were so many wonderful pictures. ( ) After we had lunch, we walked toward the Danube Tower (Donauturm). ( ) It was good see the beautiful scenes along the Danube River (Donau). ( ) From the top of the tower, we could see the whole city. ( ) It was wonderful. I was sorry that mom couldn t come with us. She had to practice for the competition and didn t have time tour Vienna with us. 11 Among them, the paintings by Rubens were very impressive. 154 p.204 12 sees to tour to see toured seeing touring to see touring to see to tour (13~15) We went to Salzburg. This time, mom and the other choir members came with us. Salzburg is the city The Sound of Music was filmed. I love that movie. Mirabell Garden (Mirabellgarten) is the place the von Trapp kids sang and ran around in the movie. The garden was so beautiful. I sang a song and I felt as if I were one of the kids in the movie. Next, we walked to the house Mozart was born. It is on the street of Getreidegasse. There were many shops on the street, and every one of them had a classical but cute sign. The whole street looked so clean and beautiful. I bought some chocolate with a picture of Mozart on it. Later, I found out what I could buy the same chocolate almost anywhere in the town. The Austrians we met on the street were very nice. When we asked for directions, they kindly showed us the way. 13 14 which why when how where 15

1 nature : natural = : beautiful 2 We chatted for a while. I don t believe you this time. He asked for some food. I m trying to find out the solution. I went to Canada on a business trip. 3 fact, he didn t want to marry her. I hope to see you the near future. Inin Atat Forfor Asas Ofof (4~5) 4 A: How was your summer vacation? B: I traveled to Jeju-do with my family. Yes, it was. It was great! It was expensive! I don t quite get it. I couldn t agree more. 5 A: Is there something wrong? B: I m very cold. A: You can t bring a sweater. You are going to bring a sweater. You should not bring a sweater. You should have brought a sweater. You don t have to bring a sweater. 6 A: How was the movie? B: It was not bad. A: What kind of movie do you like? B: I like action movies. A: Are you interested in sports? B: Yes. I like to play the guitar. A: I m so hungry. B: You should have eaten breakfast. A: You traveled to Jeju-do last week, didn t you? B: Yes, I did. 7 A: What are you interested in? B: I m interested in foreign culture. A: So, do you enjoy watching foreign movies? B: Yes, I do. I m going to enjoy foreign culture. I have an interest in foreign culture. I d like to read about foreign culture. I have to study about foreign culture. I don t know much about foreign culture. Lesson 7 155 (8~9) A: You look very tired. ( ) B: I got back from China last night. I traveled there for three days. ( ) A: Oh, really? ( ) B: Yes. I love to travel. I went to the Great Wall of China. I also visited Beijing and ate Peking Duck. ( ) A: Did you go to Shaolin Temple? You always wanted to see real kung fu, right? ( ) B: True, but I didn t have time to go there. 8 Do you enjoy traveling? 9 Which is NOT true according to the dialog? B was in China two days ago. B saw the Great Wall of China. B went to Beijing. B ate Peking Duck. B saw kung fu at Shaolin Temple. 10 The hotel where we stayed was clean and comfortable. The hotel we stayed was clean and comfortable. at whom in that on which in which for which 156 11 A: Does Yunho know you? B: No, he doesn t. But he is acting as if he me. know knew knows has known didn t know 12 That s the reason I can t join you. That s the reason for I can t join you. why whom why which how why which that how which 13 Is there a place where we can swim? This is the office where my father works. We all wonder where she is from. I went to the museum where there were many beautiful paintings. We visited the house where Mozart was born.

14 In fact, she is not rich. She talks as if she were rich. In fact, Tom likes you. Tom acts. (15~17) This summer break was really special to me. I had a chance to visit Austria. My mother is a member of a choir, and the choir went to Austria for a competition. My elder sister and I went with them. August 3 We flew 12 hours from Incheon to Vienna (Wien). I was a bit tired, but I was very excited to be in Vienna, the city of music. We arrived in Vienna at around 7 p.m. and went to a hotel. We had schnitzel and potato salad for dinner. It was very delicious. 15 plan party camp vacation project 16 To see is to believe. I hope to see you again soon. He was surprised to see me. Seho called me to ask about our homework. He must be a fool to do such a thing. 17 It took from Incheon to Vienna by plane. (18~19) Today was the day of the competition. We drove to (where, was, the place, the competition, held). There were already many people there. Mom s team sang some Korean songs. People liked the songs very much. Mom s team won second prize. We were on cloud nine. 18 Rearrange the words in the parentheses to make a sentence. 19 We were surprised. It was very cloudy. We were very happy. It was nine o clock. We were very proud of them. Lesson 7 157 (20~22) Inside Mozart s house we saw the piano he used, the scores written by him, and the letters he wrote to his family. I felt as if I could meet and talk to Mozart there. After we had a late lunch and rested for a while, we went to Hohensalzburg Castle (Festung Hohensalzburg). We saw the snow on the Alps, and it made us feel cool. The scene was beautiful we stayed there for a long time. I had a wonderful time in Austria. I won t forget the two cities I visited, Vienna and Salzburg. They were so clean, bright, and romantic. I hope I can visit them again and travel around Austria in the near future. 20 the scores which written by him the scores that written by him the scores who were written by him the scores which was written by him the scores which were written by him 21 so as too to so that too that as that 22 The writer liked Vienna and Salzburg because. she saw the snow there she could meet Mozart there they made her feel cool they were clean, bright, and romantic she could travel there in the near future 158 p.204 (23~25) This weekend, I am going to visit my uncle living in Namwon. I went there a lot when I was very young, but I have not been there in the last few years. Namwon is the place where the famous Chunhyangjeon was set. Places such as Gwanghallu and Ojakgyo, were the settings of old Korean stories, are also famous. When I visited those places, I felt as if I were the hero in those stories. Namwon is also not very far from Jirisan, a beautiful mountain. During the trip, I am going to go to the mountain with my uncle. 23 and when which that where 24 When was the event held? Sunday is the day when I get up late. Be careful when you use the scissors. This is the time when the concert starts. Do you know when our new teacher will come? 25

1 China Chinese Germany German France French India Indian Australia Austrian 5 A: How was your trip? B: I learned how to rock climb. I m sure. That s fine with me. It was exciting! You did a good job. It was not far from here. 2 classical: traditional in style or idea chance: a possibility of something happening fantastic: extremely good; excellent rest: to relax, sleep or do nothing temple: a group of people who sing together in church services or public performances 6 Did you visit Insa-dong? You should have visited it. It was great. No, I didn t. How was your subway tour of Seoul? 3 (7~9) 4 he saw a policeman, he began to run away. (4~5) A: B: Yes, I do. I go climbing almost every weekend. Do you enjoy climbing? What are you interested in? Do you like to watch movies? Where did you go last weekend? What are you planning to do for the weekend? Jake: That s a really nice bag! Where did you get it? Suji: I bought it in Australia. I went there to visit my uncle. Jake: Really? How was your trip? Suji: It was wonderful. Sydney was especially beautiful. Jake: Wow. You know, I went to Australia last year, but I couldn t visit Sydney. Suji: Oh, you Sydney. It is a really exciting city. Jake: Yeah, but I went there with my father on a business trip, so we didn t have time to see Sydney. Suji: By the way, do you enjoy traveling? Jake: Yes, I do. In fact, I want to travel around the world someday. Lesson 7 159 7 have gone to have been to must have gone to should have gone to shouldn t have gone to 8 Same here. That s too bad. That s wonderful! I wish you luck. I don t get it. 9 Suji bought a bag in Australia. Jake visited Australia to see his uncle. Jake didn t have time to tour Sydney. Jake s father visited Australia on a business trip. Jake is interested in traveling. 10 I won t forget the day. I rode a bike for the first time on the day. I won t forget the day and I rode a bike for the first time. I won t forget the day which I rode a bike for the first time. I won t forget the day how I rode a bike for the first time. I won t forget the day when I rode a bike for the first time. I won t forget the day on when I rode a bike for the first time. 160 11 Jina walks as if. But she isn t a model. she is a model she isn t a model she were a model she has been a model she were not a model 12 Tell me the reason you were late. This is he memorizes English words. why that why how how which how why why which 13 I like winter I can go skiing. I like winter in I can go skiing. 14 A: Is Megan rich? B: No, she isn t. But she is buying things as she has a lot of money if she had a lot of money as if she had a lot of money as if she didn t have a lot of money because she has a lot of money.

(15~17) I went to the Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum) my sister. As soon as I entered the museum, I found there were so many wonderful pictures. Among them, the paintings Rubens were very impressive. After we had lunch, we walked the Danube Tower (Donauturm). was good to see the beautiful scenes along the Danube River (Donau). the top of the tower, we could see the whole city. It was wonderful. I was sorry that mom couldn t come with us. She had to practice the competition and didn t have time to tour Vienna with us. 15 with by toward For for 16 17 Which is NOT true according to the passage? I found so many wonderful pictures in the Museum of Art History. Rubens s paintings were very impressive. After having lunch, we went to the Danube Tower. We could see the beautiful scenes along the Danube River. Mom came to the Danube Tower after she finished practicing. (18~19) We went to Salzburg. This time, mom and the other choir members came with us. Salzburg is the city where The Sound of Music film. I love that movie. Mirabell Garden (Mirabellgarten) is the place where the von Trapp kids sang and ran around in the movie. The garden was so beautiful. I sang a song and (I, felt, the kids, as, I, if, were, one, of) in the movie. 18 is filming to film was filmed was filming has filmed 19 (20~21) Next, we walked to the house where Mozart was born. It is on the street of Getreidegasse. There were many shops on the street, and every one of them had a classical but cute sign. The whole street looked so clean and beautiful. I bought some chocolate with a picture of Mozart on it. Later, I found out that I could buy the same chocolate almost anywhere in the town. The Austrians we met on the street were very nice. Mom s team won second prize. When we asked for directions, they kindly showed us the way. Lesson 7 161 20 of which in which for which on which from which 21 (22~23) After we had a late lunch and rested for a while, we went to Hohensalzburg Castle (Festung Hohensalzburg). We saw the snow on the Alps, and it made us (A) feel / to feel cool. The scene was so beautiful (B) as / that we stayed there for a long time. I had a wonderful time in Austria. I won t (C) forget / forgot the two cities I visited, Vienna and Salzburg. They were so clean, bright, and romantic. I hope I can visit them again and travel around Austria in the near future. 22 (A)(B), (C) (A) (B) (C) feel as forget feel that forget feel that forgot to feel as forget to feel that forgot 162 p.204 23 (24~25) We arrived in Auckland in the morning. It was a beautiful sunny day. We were all excited because we heard that there were many fun places in and near Auckland. First, we went to Extreme Edge. It is a famous place when people can go rock climbing. At first I was scared, but after several tries, I learned how to doing it. It was really excited. Then we went to the next place, Mount Eden. It was covered with beautiful green grass. The clear, blue sky and the green grass made such a beautiful scene. I felt as if I am in heaven. Finally, we visited Mission Bay. The beach was very clean and the sand was shining in the sun. We swam and played games in the water. I had so much fun. I will never forget New Zealand. 24 25 Which did NOT the writer do according to the passage? rock climbing visiting Mount Eden learning to dive swimming playing games

1 A: B: It was great. I went to Australia with my family. 2 A: Do you enjoy reading books? B: Not really. (enjoy) (3~4) Minho: How was your trip to Gangwon-do? Yuna: It was nice. There were a lot of great places to visit. You traveled Gangwon-do last summer, didn t you? Minho: Yes, I did. I went to Seoraksan, and it was fantastic. Yuna: Did you see Donggang, too? Minho: No, I didn t. Yuna: Oh, I m sorry you didn t see it. It was so clear and beautiful. Minho: Really? Well, I hope I can go there someday. 3 should have 4 Q: Where did Minho go in Gangwon-do and how was it? A: 5 Michael Jackson Dance. (6~7) 6 I visited the museum. My sister worked there. 7 We don t know the reason. The meeting was canceled for the reason. (8~9) as if A: Does Insu speak English well? B: Yes, he does. He can speak English he were American. as if 8 A: Does Mary know you? B: No, she doesn t. But she is talking 9 A: Does Peter love Susan? B: Yes, he does. But he acts Lesson 7 163 (10~11) 10 The park what I took a walk was quiet. 11 Do you remember the old days which we were in high school? (12~13) Next, we walked to the house where Mozart was born. It is on the street of Getreidegasse. (there, on, shops, were, the street, many), and every one of them had a classical but cute sign. The whole street looked so clean and beautiful. I bought some chocolate with a picture of Mozart on it. Later, I found out that I could buy the same chocolate almost anywhere in the town. The Austrians we met on the street were very nice. When we asked for directions, they kindly showed us the way. 12 13 How did the whole street look? (14~15) I went to Seoraksan last summer. I went there with my mom and dad. It took four hours to get there by bus. We stayed there for two days. Seoraksan is a place where people can experience the natural beauty of the mountains 164 p.205 in all four seasons. I hiked to the top of the mountain, Daecheongbong, with my mom and dad. When we reached it,. I had a great time, and I want to visit Seoraksan again someday. 14 (were) 15 How did the writer go to Seoraksan? 16-1 This is the way how he fixed his bike. 16-2 (I, my bag, the shop, bought, where) was really nice. 16-3 Can you tell me?..

Lesson 7 Four Days in Austria p. 127 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -s 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 p. 128 01 subway 02 temple 03 sign 04 scene 05 along 06 central 07 enter 08 among 09 romantic 10 trip 11 toward 12 someday 13 folk 14 travel 15 practice 16 Australia 17 bright 18 tour 19 prize 20 arrive 21 break 22 fall 23 classical 24 exist 25 fantastic 26 later 27 elder 28 competition 29 impressive 30 whole 31 direction 32 score 33 anywhere 34 Austrian 35 choir 36 chance 37 surf 38 film 39 delicious 40 shine 41 rest 42 in fact 43 a bit 44 as if 45 be held 46 find out 47 business trip 48 for a while 49 this time 50 ask for 51 as soon as 52 be born 53 on cloud nine 54 in the near future p. 129 1 bright 2 arrive 3 central 4 Austrian 5 competition 6 Later 7 someday 8 chance 9 among 10 for a while 11 elder 12 scene 13 surf 14 trip 15 ask for 16 were held 17 a bit 18 find out pp. 130~131 1 fromtravelinglovelike 2 Do you enjoy watching movies?what kind of moviesi like action movies. 3 How waswas great 4 How was your trip toit was was fantastic 5 Is thereshould have brought 6 No, I didn should have seen it p. 132 1 Where did you 2 to visit 3 How was 4 especially beautiful 5 You knowcouldn t visit 6 should have gone 7 on a business trip 8 enjoy traveling 9 want to travel (C) (B) (A) (D) pp. 133~134 1 (1) enjoy playingnot (2) should have been 2 How 3 4 5 6 7 8 She went there to visit her uncle. 9 traveling 2 How was ~? 3 4 should have 5 Have you ever 6 B A No, I didn t. 8 9 do you enjoy traveling? Jake Yes, I do. pp. 135~136 1 how 2 why 3 on which 4 in which 5 were 6 had seen 7 had watched 8 as if he knew everything 9 she was not surprised at the news 10 she had bought the cake pp. 137~138 1 where 2 when 3 4 whenwhich 5 the way how the way how 6 can could 7 8 9 as if 10 11 1 here the restaurant where 2 last summer 201 the last summer when 3 as if felt flew 4 on the day the day on the day when on which 5 the way how 6 as if could 7 where where 8 the date married at the date which when at which 9 as if 10 the day 11 wherein which which pp. 139~141 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 happy 6 sang a song 7 cute signs 8 on foot 9 F 10 F 11 Last summer 12 Four hours pp. 142~143 1 special to me 2 member offor a competition 3 flewfromto 4 excited to be 5 As soon as 6 Among them 7 walked toward 8 Itto see 9 sorry thatcouldn t 10 had totime to tour 11 wherewas held 12 the other choir members 13 wherewas filmed 14 the place where 15 as if, were 16 Nextwas born 17 There were many shops 18 withon it 19 Whenshowed us 20 written by him 21 Afterfor a while 22 sothat 23 two cities I visited 24 in the near future pp. 144~145 1 I had a chance to visit Austria. 2 We arrived in Vienna at around 7 p.m. and went to a hotel. 3 I was a bit tired, but I was very excited to be in 202 Vienna, the city of music. 4 My mother is a member of a choir, and the choir went to Austria for a competition. 5 When we asked for directions, they kindly showed us the way. 6 As soon as I entered the museum, I found there were so many wonderful pictures. 7 We had schnitzel and potato salad for dinner. 8 We drove to the place where the competition was held. 9 After we had lunch, we walked toward the Danube Tower. 10 From the top of the tower, we could see the whole city. 11 She had to practice for the competition and didn t have time to tour Vienna with us. 12 This time, mom and the other choir members came with us. 13 Salzburg is the city where The Sound of Music was filmed. 14 I bought some chocolate with a picture of Mozart on it. 15 Mirabell Garden is the place where the von Trapp kids sang and ran around in the movie. 16 Next, we walked to the house where Mozart was born. 17 The whole street looked so clean and beautiful. 18 There were many shops on the street, and every one of them had a classical but cute sign. 19 Later, I found out that I could buy the same chocolate almost anywhere in the town. 20 The Austrians we met on the street were very nice. 21 I felt as if I could meet and talk to Mozart there. 22 I won t forget the two cities I visited, Vienna and Salzburg. 23 We saw the snow on the Alps, and it made us feel cool. 24 The scene was so beautiful that we stayed there for a long time. pp. 146~147 Words + Reading 2 shine 3 enter 4 tour 5 break 6 fall(s) 7 folk 8 romantic 9 classical 10 chance 11 temple 12 competition 13 subway 14 choir 15 score

Grammar + Reading 1 I had a chance to visit Austria. 2 As soon as I entered the museum, I found there were so many wonderful pictures. 3 I was sorry that mom couldn t come with us. 4 We drove to the place where the competition was held. 5 Salzburg is the city where The Sound of Music was filmed. 6 I sang a song and I felt as if I were one of the kids in the movie. 7 The whole street looked so clean and beautiful. 8 The Austrians we met on the street were very nice. 9 The scene was so beautiful that we stayed there for a long time. 10 It took four hours to get there by bus. 11 When we reached it, I felt as if I were on the top of the world. 12 I had a great time, and I want to visit Seoraksan again someday. pp. 148~152 1 2 3 score 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 when his baby was born 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 on cloud 29 the house where Mozart was born 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 2 3 score 4 be held 5 find out for a while 7 8 should have 9 It was very excitinggreat. 10 11 terrible 12 13 as if 14 in the place in which 15 the way how the way in which 16 as if as if she were rich spends 17 18 talks as if knew 19 when 20 as if 21 a chance 23 Vienna, the city of music 24 there were 25 to a pen 26 27 where in which 28 on cloud nine 29 the house wheremozartwas born 30 and could talk 31 met whowhomthat 32 33 by bus for two days 34 as if 35 203 pp. 153~154 1 2 3 4 How was 5 6 7 8 9 as ifknew 10 11 12 13 Next 14 15 1 2 break 4 How was ~? 5 A B Oh, you should have seen it. 6 as if 7 where when 8 the shop where at which 9 as if know 10 the way how 12 to see time to to tour 13 Next 14 where 15 found out that pp. 155~158 1 beauty 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 as if he didn t like you 15 16 17 12twelvehours 18 the place where the competition was held 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 nature natural beautiful beauty 2 ask for 3 in fact in the near future 4 How was ~? It was ~ 5 should have 204 6 Yes. 7 be interested in ~ have an interest in ~ 8 es. I love to travel. 9 B 10 whereinatwhich that 11 as if 12 the reason why for which 13 where where 14 like didn t like 15 break vacation 16 to 17 We flew 12 hours from Incheon to Vienna (Wien). 12 18 the place where the competitionwas held 19 on cloud nine 20 be the scores which that 21 so that 22 They were so clean, bright, and romantic. They Vienna and Salzburg 23 which that 24 25 pp. 159~162 1 2 3 As soon as 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 whenwhich 14 15 16 It 17 18 19 I felt as if I were one of the kids 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 2 temple 3 as soon as 5 6 7 Jake 9 Jake 10 on the day when the day 11 as if she were a model 12 the reason why how 13 winter when in which 14 as if 15 From the top of the tower 16 to see It 17 18 film The Sound of Music was filmed 19 I felt as if one of the 20 Mozart was born in the house in which 22 (A) make feel (B) so ~ that that (C)won t forget 23 24 where exciting as if were 25 Mount Eden pp. 163~164 1 How was your winter vacation? 2 I enjoy playing basketball. 3 Oh, you should have seen it. 4 He went to Seoraksan, and it was fantastic. 5 as if you were Michael Jackson 6 I visited the museum where my sister worked. 7 We don t know the reason why the meeting was canceled. 8 as if she knew me 9 as if he didn t love her 10 The park wherein whichi took a walk was quiet. 11 Do you remember the old days whenin whichwe were in high school? 12 There were many shops on the street 13 It looked so clean and beautiful. 14 I felt as if I were on the top of the world 15 HeShewent thereto Seoraksanby bus. 16-1 This is the way he fixed his bike. This is how he fixed his bike. 16-2 The shop where I bought my bag was really nice. 16-3 (the reason) why you didn t come to the party 1 How was ~? 2 enjoy -ing 3 should have 4 5 as if 6 the museum there where 7 the reason why [8~9] as if 10 I took a walk the park wherein which 11 we were in high school the old days whenin which 12 there were 13 The whole street looked so clean and beautiful. 14 as if 15 It took four hours to get there by bus. 16-1 the way how 16-2 the shop where 16-3 the reason why the reason 205