God s Early Warning System 22/1/17 (Joel 1:1-4; 2:1-19, 28-32; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10) An early warning system can be so valuable, can t it? For examp

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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관


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212 영상기술연구 세대라고 할 수 있다. 이 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대란 60년대 일본의 영화사에서 과거세대와는 단 절된 뉴웨이브 의 흐름이 있었는데 오늘날의 뉴웨이브 세대를 뛰어넘는다는 의미에서 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대로 불린다. 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대 감독들의 경향은 개인적이고 자유분

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: (LiD) - - * Way to



An early warning system can be so valuable, can t it? For example warning against a missile attack, a cyclone or an approaching tsunami. By revelation in his Word, the Bible, God always gives an early warning. It is a mark of his love that he warns the nations what awaits them in the future. 조기경고체계는굉장히가치있는것일수있습니다, 그렇지않습니까? 예를들면미사일공격이나싸이클론, 혹은다가오는스나미에대응한경고가그렇습니다. 하나님은언제나성경말씀안의계시들을통해조기경고를보내고있습니다. 이는하나님이만민에게미래에무엇이그들을기다리고있는지를경고하는것으로하나님의사랑의표시입니다. When Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser quoted George Bernard Shaw, saying, Life wasn t meant to be easy, the Australian electorate did not elect him again because we simply can t take too much reality. His statement was too real, and we don t want to hear reality from our leaders. God never allows us to escape from reality. For those who look to religion for an escape from the realities of life, the God of the Bible will constantly disappoint. The scandal of his revelation is that it tells us realistically how things are and what we can expect in the future. God s early warning system is in operation. Are you paying attention? 호주의수상, 말콤프레이저가조오지버나드쇼의말 삶은쉽지않게되어있습니다 을인용하면서말했을때, 호주유권자들은우리가간단히너무벅찬현실을감당할수없다는이유로그를다시뽑아주지않았습니다. 그의발언은너무도현실적이었고, 그래서우리는우리의리더들로부터그런현실을듣기를원하지않는다는것입니다. 삶의현실에대한도피로종교를찾는사람들에게는, 성경에있는하나님의말씀은그들에게지속적으로실망을줄것입니다. 하나님의계시들에대한반감은그것이우리에게현실적으로어떻게모든것이존재하고있고, 무엇을우리가미래에기대할수있는지를말하고있다는것입니다. 하나님의조기경고체계는작동중에있습니다. 여러분은주목하고있습니까? In one short book of 3 chapters, the prophet Joel gives us the big picture of God s purpose and plan. He shows us the old covenant in operation (1:1-2:27), he foreshadows the new covenant (2:28-32) and takes us to the end of history to the great and final day of the Lord involving, as it does, judgment for the nations and salvation for the people of God (3:1-21). 3 장의한짧은책에서선지자요엘은하나님의목적과계획의큰그림을우리에게보여주고 있습니다. 그는우리에게옛언약이여전히작동중임을보여줍니다 (1:1-2:27), 그는새언약을 예언하고 (2:28-32) 역사의끝 - 하나님이온민족에대한심판과하나님의백성을위한구원과 연관된위대한그마지막날로우리를데리고갑니다 (3:1-21). The name Joel means Yahweh is God. Nothing else is known about him and it is difficult to precisely date his prophecy, although it is probably around the mid 8 th Ccentury BC. The immediate concern was a plague of locusts which was widespread and was having a devastating effect on the land of Judah. Joel used this catastrophe to call the people of God to repent, declare a fast and call on the name of the Lord (1:13-19). Whatever the natural causes of the locust plague, Joel saw it as part of the judgment of God on his people and called upon them to respond by calling out to God in repentance. He goes on in the second chapter to describe the invasion of locusts even more vividly, as if they were a mighty army: numberless and devastating and the Lord thundered at the head of 1

his army of locusts (2:11). Again Joel calls on the people of Judah to return to God with all their hearts, with fasting and weeping and mourning (2:12-13). 요엘이라는이름은 여호와는하나님이다 라는뜻입니다. 아마도그가예언했던시기가기원전 8 세기중반쯤이되었겠지만, 그외에는아무것도그에관하여알려진바없고, 그래서구체적으로그 날짜들을대는것이어렵습니다. 그당시의당면한근심은유다의땅에온통퍼져있고유다의땅에 파괴적인효과를가져오고있는메뚜기떼의재앙이었습니다. 요엘은이재앙을사람들을회개토록 하고, 금식을정하고, 여호화의이름을부르짖게하는하나님의부르심 (1;13-19) 으로 이용하였습니다. 그메뚜기떼의재앙을일으킨자연적원인이무엇이든, 요엘은그것을하나님이 그의백성에게내린심판의일부분으로보았고, 사람들이회개하며하나님께부르짖음으로 반응하도록촉구했습니다. 그는그메뚜기떼의침입을보다생생하게묘사하기위해마치그것들이 군대인것처럼 2 장에서이어갑니다 : 무수한파괴적인군대 그리고하나님은그메뚜기떼군대의 앞에서우레같은소리를발하십니다 (2:11). 요엘은다시유다사람들에게금식하고울부짖고 통곡함으로그들의모든마음을하나님께다시돌리기를촉구합니다 (2:12-13). Joel doesn t identify the nature of the people s sin. The people of God are probably in a drowsy, apathetic state they are going through the motions but have lost their love for Yahweh. God will not allow them to languish in such a state, nor will he allow his people today to continue as neither hot nor cold (Revelation 3:16). And so he calls them to come, to return to him. He will pursue and confront them in their half-heartedness. Their repentance is the condition of their restoration, but not the cause of it. Who knows?, says Joel, He (God) may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing (2:14a). They shouldn t trust in their repentance for salvation, but in God alone who can restore them. It is God s grace alone that saves and restores we cannot rely on our own works, even works of repentance. 요엘은사람들의죄성을인정하지않습니다. 하나님의백성들은아마도나른하고냉담한상태 그들은그들은마지못해하는시늉은하지만여호와에대한그들의사랑은잃어버리고있었습니다. 하나님은그들이그런상태로시들해지는것을허락하지않을것이고, 오늘날그의백성이 차거나 덥지도않은 ( 계시록 3:16) 상태를지속하는것도허락하지않을것입니다. 그래서하나님은그들이 오기를, 그에게다시돌아오기를요구하십니다. 그는반쪽의마음으로섬기는자들을쫓아대적하실 것입니다. 그들의회개는그들의회복의조건이지만회복의이유는아닙니다. 누가알겠느냐? 혹시 주께서마음을돌이키시고애석하게여겨뒤에복을끼치실까하노라 라고요엘은 2:14 절에 말합니다. 그들은오직하나님홀로만이회복케하는분이심으로구원을위해그들의회개를 믿어서는안됩니다. 구원은우리를구하시고회복하시는오직하나님의은혜인것입니다 그것은 우리는우리가한일, 심지어회개의행위에달려있는것이아닙니다. So Joel includes two descriptions of God s judgment, and two calls to repent and return. God s people in Judah are like the people of Israel at Mount Sinai who had made a golden calf to worship. God s word to Moses at that time had been: The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation (Exodus 34:5-7). So Joel reminds the people of God s gracious character: Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in 2

love, and he relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing grain offerings and drink offerings for the Lord your God (2:13-14). 그래서요엘은하나님의심판에관한두가지의설명과회개하고돌아오게할두가지부르심을포함시킵니다. 유다에있던하나님의사람들은시나이산에서우상숭배를위한금송아지를만들었던이스라엘사람들과비슷합니다. 그당시모세에게주어진하나님의말씀은이러했습니다 : 여호와로다여호와로다자비롭고은혜롭고노하기를더디하고인자와진실이많은하나님이로라. 인자를천대까지베풀며악과과실과죄를용서하나형벌받을자는결단코면죄하지않고아비의악을자여손삼사대까지보응하리라 ( 출애굽 34:5-7). 이러함으로요엘은그사람들께하나님의인자하신성품을상기시킵니다 : 너희는옷을찢지말고마음을찢고너희하나님께돌아올찌어다. 그는은혜로우시며자비로우시며노하기를더디하시며인애가크시사뜻을돌이켜재앙을내리지아니하시니라. 주께서혹시마음과뜻을돌이키시사그뒤에복을끼치사너희하나님여호와께소제와전제를드리게하지아니하실는지누가알겠느냐? (2:13-14). God s response to the people s penitence is set out in the second half of chapter 2 (vv.18-27). Out of jealousy for his land, ruined as it is, and out of pity for his people, God will replenish all they have lost to the locusts: Be glad, O people of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your God He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil. I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten (2:23-25). They will never be shamed again and will know that Yahweh is their God: Then you will know that I am in Israel, that I am the Lord your God, and that there is no other; never again will my people be shamed (2:27). 하나님의백성의회개에대한반응은 2 장중간두번째에열거돼있습니다 (18-27). 여호와께서자기 땅을위하여중심이뜨거우시며그백성을긍휼히여기시어, 그는메뚜기떼들에게잃었던모든것을 다시채우실것입니다 : 시온의자녀들아, 너희는너희의하나님여호와로인하여기뻐하고 즐거워할찌어다... 그가풍성한비를내리시되전처럼가을과봄에내리실것이로다. 마당에는밀이 가득하고독에는새포도주와기름이넘치리로다 내가그메뚜기떼가수년간먹었던것을 갚아주리니... (2:23-25). 그들은결코다시수치를당하지않고여호와가그들의하나님임을알게될 것입니다 : 그런즉내가이스라엘가운데있어너희하나님이되고다른이가없는줄을너희가알 것이라 ; 내백성이영영히수치를당하지아니하리로다 (2:27). All that Joel has so far described is a reminder of God s faithfulness to his covenant. As God had said to the people of Israel through Moses just before they entered the Promised Land: See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess (Deuteronomy 30:15-16). Yahweh graciously redeemed his people from Egypt, and then he gave them the law as the means by which they were to live before him as his redeemed people. God reminded them as he gave them the law, I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery (Deuteronomy 5:6). So now, by sending the locust plague, God was keeping covenant with his people. He had promised to bless their obedience and to curse their disobedience. Even though this promise was 800 years old by the time of Joel, God was being true to his threat to curse. But even here he was merciful he would curse them, but had no pleasure in carrying out the curse. Thus in the opening section of the book (1:1-2:27), Joel describes the curse of the old covenant working out in the lives of God s people, Judah. 3

요엘이지금까지서술했던모든것은하나님이그의언약에대해신실하시다는것을상기시키고있습니다. 하나님이그이스라엘백성이약속의땅에들어가기바로직전에모세를통해그들에게말씀하신것처럼 : 보라내가오늘날생명과복과사망과화를네앞에두었나니, 곧내가오늘날너를명하여네하나님여호와를사랑하고그모든길로행하며그명령과규례와법도를지키라하는것이라. 그리하면네가생존하며번성할것이요또네하나님여호와께서네가가서얻을땅에서네게복을주실것임이니라 ( 신명기 30:15-16). 하나님은은혜롭게이집트에서그의백성을구원하셨고그다음구원된백성으로서하나님앞에그들이살아가는수단으로율법을주셨습니다. 하나님은그들에게그가그율법을준것에대해이렇게상기시켰습니다, 나는너를종되었던땅, 애굽에서인도해낸하나님여호와로다 ( 신명기 5:6). 그래서이제는메뚜기떼의재앙을보냄으로써하나님은그의백성과의언약을지키고있는것입니다. 그는순종하는자들을축복하고불순종하는자들을벌한다고약속하셨습니다. 비록요엘의시기는이약속을한지 800 년이나되었지만하나님은벌하리라는위협을사실화한것입니다. 그러나하나님은여기서도자비롭습니다 그는그들을벌했지만그벌을수행하는것을전혀즐겨하지않았습니다. 그럼으로이요엘서의도입부분 (1:1-2:27) 에서요엘이하나님의백성, 유다의삶속에서적용했던옛언약에대한재앙을설명한것입니다. In the second part of his prophecy (2:28-32), Joel says that the day is coming when God will bring about a whole new covenant with his people. God will pour out his Spirit on all his people, irrespective of their age (young or old), gender (men and women) or social standing (masters or servants). The Spirit will give them revelation through prophecy, dreams and visions. This revelation will be associated with days of opportunity now is the time of God s favour, now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2b) whereby everyone who responds to God s revelation by calling on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13). Such an offer of salvation is set in the immediate context of the coming Day of Judgment. The And afterward at the beginning of Joel 2:28 is actually over 700 years later than Joel s time. For Peter interprets what happens in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost following Jesus ascension ( All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them Acts 2:4) as the fulfilment of this event and uses Joel s key promise,.everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, among the survivors whom the Lord calls (2:32). Peter made Joel s prophecy the springboard for his gospel sermon on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:21-36). Such revelation in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost involved the explanation of Christ s death (Acts 2:23), his resurrection (Acts 2:24) and his rule (Acts 2:33-36). This new covenant would, as Joel prophesied, be established before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord (2:31). Indeed, these days of the Spirit and of the opportunity of salvation began on that Day of Pentecost and continue today. This new covenant, which supersedes the old covenant and is superior to it, includes God s pardoning his people s sin and then, in the person of the Holy Spirit, coming to live in his people s lives. Peter provided an excellent summary of the blessings of this new covenant when he exhorted the crowd on the Day of Pentecost, Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Like the old covenant the new covenant is based on God s grace, but now by his once and for all sacrifice, Jesus Christ has won forgiveness for our sin. His perfect righteousness is credited to us, so that in every way he is our substitute (Romans 3:24-25). And so, in the new covenant God keeps both his side of the contract, and our side of it. Our God is indeed mighty to save! 4

요엘의예언의두번째부분에서 (2:28-32), 그는하나님이그의백성과의새언약의전부를가져올때 그날이온다고했습니다. 하나님은나이 ( 어리든나이들었든 ), 성별 ( 남자든여자든 ), 사회적 위치 ( 주인이건종이건 ) 에관계없이모든그의백성위에그의영을쏟아부으실것입니다. 그영은 그들에게예언, 꿈환상을통해계시를주실것입니다. 이계시는기회의날들과연관되어있는데 지금은은혜받을만한때요, 지금은구원의날이로다 ( 고린도후서 6:2 후반 ) 하나님의이름을 부름으로써하나님의계시에반응하는자는구원에이를지어다 ( 로마서 10:13). 이러한구원의제안은 다가올심판의날의즉각적배경에놓여있습니다. 요엘의 2:28 절의시작에의 그리고그후 는사실 요엘의시대로부터 700 년도지난때입니다. 베드로는예수님의승천후오순절에예루살렘에서 일어난일을 ( 저희가다성령의충만함을받고성령이말하게하심을따라다른방언으로말하기를 시작하니라 사도행전 2:4) 이사건의완성으로해석했고, 요엘의중요한약속 ( 누구든지여호와의 이름을부르는자는구원을얻으리니이는여호와의말대로시온산과예루살렘에서피할자가있을 것임이요, 남은자중에나여호와의부름을받을자가있을것임이니라 (2:32)) 을인용했습니다. 베드로는요엘의계시를오순절날에관한그의복음설교를위한발판으로삼았습니다. 오순절에 예수살렘에서의그런계시는예수의죽음과 ( 사도행전 2:23), 그의부활 ( 행 2:24), 그리고그의 다스림 ( 행 2:23-36) 과연관되어있습니다. 실로성령과구원의기회에관한이날들은오순절날에 시작되었지만오늘날에도계속되고있습니다. 베드로는그가오순절날군중들에게권고할때새 언약의축복에관한훌륭한요약을제공했습니다, 너희는각각회개하여예수그리스도의이름으로 세례를받고죄사함을얻으라. 그리하면성령을선물로받으리라 ( 행 2:38). 옛언약처럼새언약도 하나님의은혜에기반을둔것이지만이제는예수님한명으로모든희생을대신하여우리죄를대한 용서를얻어낸것입니다. 그의완벽한의가우리를보증해주었고, 그리하여그가어떤식으로든 우리의대체물이된것입니다 ( 롬 3:24-25). 그럼으로하나님은새언약안에서그약속에관한그의 입장과우리의입장모두를지키신것입니다. 우리하나님은실로구원의전능자이십니다! The third chapter of the book of Joel then takes us to the final day the great and terrible day of the Lord, the day of Christ s return as King and Judge. What does God tell us about that day through the prophet, Joel? It will be a Day of Judgment for the nations who have neglected to heed God s revelation. The nations will be judged for their treatment of God s people: I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold girls for wine that they might drink (3:2-3). God will repay them for what they have done. There is solidarity between God and his people to reject God s people is to reject God. God will enter into warfare with the nations and they are warned to prepare for war. But such preparation is futile for the Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble (3:16a). 요엘서의셋째장은우리를마지막날로데리고갑니다 하나님의위대하고도끔찍한날, 하나님이왕으로심판자로돌아오실그날. 하나님은그날에대해우리에게선지자, 요엘을통해무엇을말하고있습니까? 그날은하나님의계시를경청하지않고외면한모든족속들에대한심판의날이될것입니다. 그족속들은하나님의백성에대한그들의태도에대하여심판받을것입니다 : 내가만국을모두데리고여호사밧골짜기에내려가서내백성곧내기업된이스라엘을위하여거기서그들을국문하리니이는이스라엘의열국중에흩고나의땅을나누었음이며또제비뽑아내백성을취하고동남으로기생을바꾸며동녀로술을바꾸어마셨음이니라 (3:2-3). 하나님은그들에게그들이 5

했던것들에대해갚으실것입니다. 하나님과하나님의백성사이에는연대가있습니다 하나님의 백성을거부하는것은하나님을거부하는것입니다. 하나님은온민족과전쟁에돌입하실것이므로 그들에게그전쟁을준비하라고경고되고있습니다. 그러나그러한준비는 여호와가시온에서 부르짖고예루살렘에서목소리를발하리니하늘과땅이진동되리니 (3:16) 아무소용이없을 것입니다. On the other hand, God s salvation of his people stands out in stark contrast to this judgment just as the brilliance of a diamond set against the black velvet background brings out the brilliance of its lustre. Joel tells us in the second half of v.16 of chapter 3 that the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for them in that awful day. His salvation will consist of provision as we see in vv.17-18 of Joel 3: Then you will know that I, the Lord your God, dwell in Zion, my holy hill. Jerusalem will be holy, never again will foreigners invade her. In that day the mountains will drip new wine, and the hills will flow with milk; all the ravines of Judah will run with water. A fountain will flow out of the Lord s house and will water the valley of acacias. And his salvation will also consist of sin being pardoned (3:21). How is that possible? It is not that the sins of God s people are necessarily any less than those of the surrounding nations. Joel s prophecy was occasioned by a locust plague in Judah that was a warning by God of an even greater judgment to come precisely on Judah. Judah was not innocent. Nor is the church of Jesus Christ we are all guilty sinners. If we are saved, it will be, not because of our guiltlessness (which doesn t exist), but because of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, who on the cross of Calvary bore the guilt and suffered the consequences of our sin for us. 한편하나님의백성에대한하나님의구원은이심판날에극명한대조를이루며부각되는데요 마치 검은벨벳의바탕위에놓인다이아몬드의광채처럼그황홀한광채를나타내게될것입니다. 요엘은 3 장 16 절후반부에서그끔찍한날에 나여호와는내백성의피난처, 이스라엘자손의산성이 되리로다 라고우리에게말하고있습니다. 하나님의구원방식은공급을포함하고있는데요 우리가 요엘 3 장 17, 18 절에서그것을봅니다 : 그런즉너희가내가, 너희하나님여호와인줄알것이라. 예루살렘이거룩하리니다시는이방사람이그가운데로통행하지못하리로다. 그날에산들이단 포도주를떨어뜨릴것이며작은산들이젖을흘릴것이며유다모든시내가물을흘릴것이며 여호와의전에서생이흘러나와서싯딤골짜기에대리라. 또한그날의구원은죄의용서받음으로 구성되어있습니다 (3:21). 어떻게이것이가능할까요? 하나님의백성들이지은죄가그주변민족들이 지은죄보다적은것은아닐것입니다. 요엘의예언은다가올 구체적으로유다에 - 더큰심판에 대한하나님의경고로서유다에있었던메뚜기떼의재앙과연관되어있습니다. 유다는무죄가 아닙니다. 예수님의교회도아무죄가없는것이아닙니다 우리는모두유죄판결을받아야할 죄인입니다. 만일여러분이구원받았다면, 그것은우리가흠잡을데없어서가아니라 ( 그러한것은 존재하지도않습니다 ), 우리들의죄때문에갈보리십자가에서그죄값을감당하시고그처벌을 겪으신우리의구세주, 예수그리스도로인한것입니다. The Bible tells us that the wrath of God is as a consuming fire. Nevertheless, it need not touch those who are covered by the Lord Jesus Christ. There is refuge in him! The full wrath of God is revealed at two points in history: at the final judgment and at the cross of Christ, where it has already been poured out for those who trust in Jesus. If you wait until the final judgment, you will face the full fury of God s wrath alone and be condemned by Jesus. If you take refuge in Christ, he has faced your judgment for you. As Paul reminds us in Romans chapter 8,..there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 6

성경은우리에게하나님의분노는죄다태워버릴불과같다고합니다. 그럼에도불구하고그것은 예수로인해덮힘을입은사람들에게는접근할필요가없는것입니다. 예수님안에피난처가 있습니다! 하나님의최고의진노는역사의두개의시점에서드러납니다 : 마지막심판날과예수를 믿는모든사람들에게이미그의모든진노를쏟아부으신예수님의십자가에서입니다. This final day perspective of the prophet Joel is summed up by Paul in the passage we read from 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10. God is just and so will pay back, on the Day of the Lord, at Christ s return, those who trouble his people. Christ will be revealed as King of Kings with his mighty angels to punish those who have refused to obey the gospel and to call on his name. For them it will be the end of all that is worthwhile in life and they will be shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power forever. But also this Day of Judgment will be a day in which God s people will be vindicated. The key for God s people, for us as Christians, is not to be excluded from God s pardon and provision by unbelief. How do we show our belief? By repenting and returning to the Lord our God. 요엘의관점에서의그 마지막날 이란데살로니아후서 1:6-10 절말씀에서바울에의해요약된 것입니다. 하나님은공정하시고그래서예수님의재림, 여호와의그날에그의백성을괴롭게했던 사람들에게갚으실것입니다. 예수님은그의이름아래부름받고복음에순종하기를거부한사람들을 벌하시기위해능력의천사들과함께왕중의왕으로나타나실것입니다. 그들에게그날은그들이 삶에가치를둔모든것들에마지막이되고, 영원히 주의얼굴과그의힘의영광을떠나게될 것입니다. 그렇지만이심판의날은하나님의사람들에게는무죄선고를받는날입니다. 크리스천으로서의우리에게, 하나님의사람에게중요한점은믿지않는자들처럼하나님의용서와 공급으로부터배제되지않는다는것입니다. 그렇다면어떻게우리는우리의믿음을보여줄수 있을까요? 회개하고여호와하나님께돌아감으로. As Joel speaks of repentance in 2:12-13, his emphasis is on the heart. He wants a true repentance and not merely a formal one. True, Joel does speak of outward expressions: fasting and weeping and mourning. Outward expressions of an inward state are both right and valuable. But what Joel is against is outward expression that does not correspond with reality, for God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Therefore the people of God are to rend their hearts, not their garments. God wants us to be heartbroken over sin. Only that will actually turn us from sin and enable us to find God s favour again. 요엘이 2:12-13 절에서회개에관해말할때, 그가강조하고있는것은우리의마음이었습니다. 그는 그저형식적인것이아닌진정한회개를원했습니다. 요엘은진정성의외적표현으로 : 금식하고 울부짖고통곡하는것 을말했습니다. 내적상태의외적표현은모두옳고가치가있습니다. 그러나 하나님은그중심을보시기때문에 ( 사무엘상 16:7) 요엘은사실과상응하지않는외적표현에 반대합니다. 그러므로하나님의사람들은그들의옷이아니라마음을찢어야합니다. 하나님은 우리가죄에대하여우리의 마음이깨지기 를바라십니다. 그것만이우리를실제로죄에서돌려 다시하나님의은혜를찾는것을가능하도록하게할것입니다. What does repentance of this kind look like? First, it involves confession of the specific sins we have committed. Until we confess sins specifically, we are not really repenting. The second element in true repentance is contrition, that is, genuine sorrow for sin. David says in Psalm 51: The sacrifices 7

of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise (v.17). Contrition is deeper than regret. We may all regret something we have done but still not sorrow over it. Judas regretted his sin of betraying Jesus to such a degree that he returned the blood money given to him by the priests and then committed suicide. But he did not repent of his sin and so suffered for it. God desires that we sense our guilt and weep within for what our sins have done to defile ourselves, hurt and even destroy our neighbour and dishonour Christ. The final element of repentance is conversion, the point Joel most emphasizes, using the word return : Return to the Lord your God. You have turned away from God and now need to turn back. This is the essential meaning of repentance which comes from a Latin word that refers to a change of mind, a change so basic that a person s life is altered. In a Sunday school class one day a young boy said that repentance was being sorry for your sins. But a young girl added that it was being sorry enough to quit. She was right, wasn t she? Repentance is essentially an about-face. 이런종류의회개는어떻게보일까요? 우선그것은우리가지은구체적인죄에대한고백을 수반합니다. 우리가그죄를구체적으로고백할때까지우리는진정으로회개하고있는것이 아닙니다. 진정한회개의두번째요소는통회, 즉죄에대한진정한깊은슬픔입니다. 시편 51 절에서 다윗은 : 하나님의구하시는제사는상한심령이라하나님이여상하고통회하는마음을주께서 멸시치아니하시리이다 (17 절 ). 통회는후회보다더깊은것입니다. 우리는모두우리가했던것을 후회하기도하지만그것에대해깊이슬퍼하지는않습니다. 유다는예수를배반한죄를, 대제세장에게예수의피값으로받은돈을돌려주고난다음목숨을끊을정도로후회했습니다. 그러나그는그의죄를회개하지않았고그래서그는그죄로고난을겪었습니다. 하나님은우리가 우리의죄의식을인식하고우리의죄가우리를더럽히고, 우리이웃을상처주고심지어그들을 망가뜨리고, 예수를욕되게한부분들에흐느껴애통해야합니다. 회개의마지막요소, 돌아오라 라는단어를사용하며 - 여호와하나님께돌아오라 - 요엘이가장강조했던점은 전향입니다. 여러분은하나님으로부터멀어져갔고이제돌아올필요가있습니다. 이는마음의변화, 즉사람의삶을바꾸는가장기본적인변화로언급된라틴어에서기원된회개의필수적의미입니다. 주일학교에서어느날한어린남자아이가회개란죄에대해미안해하는것이라고말했습니다. 그러나한여자아이가그것은끊기에충분하도록미안해하는것이라고덧붙였습니다. 그아이가 맞습니다, 그렇죠? 회개란필수적으로뒤로돌아입니다. We are living in the gospel age these are days of opportunity. Call on the name of the Lord Jesus; obey the gospel; rend your hearts, not just your garments; return to the Lord who is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Today is the day of opportunity so do not harden your hearts by the unbelieving rejection of God s gospel. Be ready for Christ s return and the Day of Judgment so that it will indeed be a day of salvation and of rejoicing. 우리는복음의시대에살고있습니다 이때는기회의날들입니다. 예수님의이름으로부름받고, 복음에순종하고, 옷이아닌마음을찢고, 고마우시고자비가넘치시고화내기를더디하시고사랑이풍성하신하나님께돌아가십시요. 오늘이그기회의날입니다 하나님의복음을믿지않고거부함으로마음을딱딱하게굳어선안됩니다. 예수님의재림과그심판의날을준비하여그날이실제로구원과기쁨의날이되도록합시다. 아멘 Amen 8

Prepared by Rev. Grant Lawry, Canterbury Presbyterian Church, Canterbury, Melbourne, Australia for use of the Canterbury congregation 9