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ABOUT THE SHILLA SEOUL 일상이최고의순간이되는곳, 서울신라호텔입니다. 전통미와현대적감각을겸비한 Urban Lifestyle을제안합니다. 한국고유브랜드로서당당히세계속명문호텔반열에올라, 한국의예 ( 禮 ) 와격 ( 格 ) 을글로벌고객들에게알리고있습니다. 비즈니스업무는물론휴식, 미식, 레저등고객의모든일상이서울신라호텔과만나면빛나는순간이될것을약속드립니다. Where Every Moment Lasts. The Shilla Seoul offers an urban lifestyle combining traditional beauty and contemporary sensibility. As a brand native to Korea, The Shilla Seoul is on the list of world-famous hotels, showing the country s decorum and dignity to its guests from around the world. Whatever you seek in your daily life, whether it is business, rest, leisure or fine dining, you will find every moment of your stay with us wonderful.

AWARDS & ACCOLADES 세계리딩호텔연맹 The Leading Hotels of the World/LHW은 1928년에세워진호텔연맹체로, 전세계최고의하이엔드호텔 450여곳으로만엄선해회원사로운영하고있습니다. 서울신라호텔은 1979년개관과동시에가입이후현재까지서울에서유일하게 LHW 가입호텔자격을유지하고있습니다. The Leading Hotels of the World (LHW), a membership-based prestigious hospitality organization established in 1928, represents more than 450 of the world s finest luxury hotels. The Shilla Seoul joined the LHW at the same time as its opening in 1979 and is now the only LHW member hotel in Seoul. Travel & Leisure, Euromoney, Institute Investor 등저명한여행전문지와조사기관에서한국최고호텔로손꼽히고있습니다. 서울신라호텔은월드클래스호텔들과어깨를나란히하며우리나라를대표하는호텔브랜드로위상을넓혀가고있습니다. The Shilla Seoul has been recognized as one of Korea s finest hotels by renowned research agencies and travel magazines such as Travel & Leisure, Euromoney, and Institute Investor. The Korea s leading hotel brand, ranking with other world-class hotels, has extended its international status as a premier destination in the country.


STANDARD ROOM 생애최고의숙면을경험할수있는최상의수면환경, 그리고요트컨셉으로구성한프라이빗바. 서울신라호텔객실은세계적인디자이너피터리미디오스가담당했습니다. 시대를아우르는모던함 (Timeless Modern) 을모토로, 시간이흐를수록더욱빛나는절제된디자인을선보입니다. Each standard room provides an ideal environment for your sound sleep and features a yacht-concept private bar. The rooms of The Shilla Seoul were designed by world-renowned designer Peter Remedios. They are characterized by a simple and timeless modern design which becomes more attractive over time.

EXECUTIVE ROOM 이그제큐티브혜택이더해져편리한비즈니스업무환경과보다안락한휴식공간을 경험하실수있습니다. 23 층에서의신속한익스프레스체크인및이그제큐티브 라운지와미팅룸이용혜택을제공해드립니다. The addition of executive benefits ensures you a more convenient business-friendly environment and a more comfortable rest. Executive room guests can enjoy express check-in on the 23rd floor and are allowed to use the Executive Lounge and a meeting room.

SUITE ROOM 스위트룸은전세계국빈과 VIP 전용객실로유명합니다. 품격있는행사장소로도 활용도가높습니다. 고객의편의에맞게공간이구성되어있으며, 피터리미디오스의세심한디자인이돋보입니다. Suite rooms are especially for VIPs or state guests from around the world. Each suite is an elegant place to host special events. The space is organized for guests greatest convenience, with a meticulous design by Peter Remedios.

EXECUTIVE LOUNGE 세계어느곳에서도찾을수없는퍼스트클래스급이그제큐티브라운지입니다. 누구나꿈꿔봤을펜트하우스응접실을컨셉으로피터리미디오스가디자인했습니다. 23층최상층에위치해남산과도심전경이그림처럼펼쳐지는공간입니다. 건강식조식, 라이트스낵, 오후의애프터눈티, 주류와다양한메뉴를제공하는해피아워등하루 4번다이닝서비스를즐겨보십시오. The Executive Lounge is a truly unique world-class lounge. It was designed by Peter Remedios to echo the idea of a penthouse living room. The lounge is located on the top floor(23rd floor) of the hotel, so it offers splendid panoramic views of Mt. Namsan and downtown Seoul. The Executive Lounge has dining services offered four times a day, a first in Korea. A healthy breakfast, light snack, afternoon tea, and happy hour all offer the hotel s best cuisine and refreshments.


URBAN ISLAND 어번아일랜드는차원이다른아웃도어라이프스타일을선사합니다. 도심속휴식의섬 컨셉으로, 해외리조트급의야외수영장을도심에서즐길수있습니다. 서울특급호텔최초로설비한온수풀은물론카바나와자쿠지등다채로운공간을경험해보십시오. Urban Island delivers an exceptional outdoor lifestyle. The outdoor swimming pool built on the concept of a hidden island downtown is a great place to enjoy a relaxing swim in the heart of the city. Urban Island features cabanas and Jacuzzis as well as a heated pool, the first of its kind available at a deluxe hotel in Seoul.

GUERLAIN SPA 겔랑스파는프랑스명품코스메틱의기술과서울신라호텔이만나최고의서비스를제공하는도심속데스티네이션스파입니다. 185년전통의파리겔랑본사노하우를전수받은스파전문가들이고객의취향과심신상태를고려해최적화된맞춤형프로그램을추천해드립니다. Guerlain Spa is a downtown destination that provides premium quality services through a combination of French luxury cosmetics technology and The Shilla Seoul s modern elements. Our spa professionals who have inherited knowhow from the 185 year history of Paris-based Guerlain recommend an optimal customized program in view of your preferences and your state of mind and body.

FITNESS 잭웰치, 조지소로스등세계최고의글로벌리더들이선택한뉴욕시타라스피트니스의운동시스템을운동시스템을제공합니다. 시타라스피트니스가독자적으로개발한맞춤형운동설계프로그램은물론, 최고의운동장비들을직접경험해보십시오. We offer the topnotch training programs of Sitaras Fitness in New York that global leaders such as Jack Welch and George Soros have chosen. Come and try Sitaras Fitness luxury training programs and a large selection of state-of-the-art exercise equipment.

SCULPTURE GARDEN 유명작가들이참여한 21 점의다양한조각상을감상할수있는조각공원입니다. 4 만 m 2 의녹지대를따라조성된 1.6km 의산책길을따라걸으며형형색색의사계절 풍경과평온한휴식을즐겨보십시오. The Sculpture Garden is a fascinating sculpture park in which a total of 21 awe-inspiring works designed by famous artists are on display. A 1.6kmlong pleasant promenade developed along the green field (40,000m 2 ) offers scenic seasonal views and promises great comfort and relaxation.


YEONG BIN GWAN 영빈관은전통한옥연회장으로, 한국호텔중유일하게서울신라호텔이보유하고 있습니다. 한옥의아름다운조형미가돋보이는 3 개의연회장, 그리고자연과 어우러진특별한행사를치를수있는내정및후정으로구성되어있습니다. Yeong Bin Gwan is Korea s only hanok(traditional Korean House)- style party room and is owned by The Shilla Seoul. It accommodates three gorgeous banquet halls and an inner garden and backyard in which a special event can be held with a scenic natural backdrop.

DYNASTY HALL 2012 서울핵안보정상회의특별만찬, G20 정상배우자만찬, 88 서울올림픽 IOC 총회, APEC, 남북장관급회담등주요국제행사가열린한국최고의연회장입니다. 6.2m의높은층고와넓은면적, 차별화된연회시스템, 숙련된서비스와노하우가돋보입니다. As the best banquet hall in Korea, Dynasty Hall has hosted a variety of major international events including 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit Dinner Party, Dinner Party for Spouses of G20 Leaders, IOC Session for 1988 Seoul Olympics, APEC and Inter-Korean Ministerial Talks. It is distinguished with a high ceiling(6.2m), spacious area, unique banquet system, customized services and extensive knowhow.

BANQUET 중 소규모회의를위한연회장 3 개 ( 라일락, 마로니에, 메이플 ) 를보유하고 있습니다. 품격있는디자인, 오랜노하우를겸비한서비스인력등으로행사성격에맞는완벽한연회를구현해드립니다. We have three elegant banquet halls(lilac, Marronnier and Maple) for a small meeting or conference. With a modern and refined design and professional manpower, we guarantee a perfect banquet customized to our clients needs.


PALSUN 전통과명성을바탕으로중국본토최고의광둥요리를그대로전해드립니다. 3저1고 ( 저지방, 저칼로리, 저콜레스테롤, 고단백 ) 의철학으로탄생한건강한중국요리를선보입니다. 중국국빈이극찬한것은물론국내외정재계인사들이즐겨찾는명실공히한국최고의중식당입니다. Based on its long tradition and high reputation, Palsun serves exquisite genuine Guangdong cuisines. We offer fresh, flavorful and healthy dishes under the principle of 3-low-1-high(low fat, low calorie, low cholesterol and high protein). As an unrivaled Chinese restaurant in Korea, it has attracted many top politicians and business leaders including China s high-ranking officials.

ARIAKE 한국최고의자연산식재료를직접공수해제철감각을살려만든일식요리를 선보입니다. 일본최고의스시명가로손꼽히는기요다스시의정통에도마에스시를비롯, 가이세키요리와프리미엄사케컬렉션이돋보입니다. Ariake offers genuine Japanese cuisine made from the freshest local ingredients. In particular, Ariake provides traditional Edomae sushi following the legacy of Japan s finest Kiyoda in Ginza along with a variety of kaiseki-ryori and a premium sake collection.

LA YEON 라연은 예 ( 禮 ) 와격 ( 格 ) 을갖추어차려낸최고의한식정찬 을컨셉으로, 전통의 맛을세심하고세련되게표현하고있습니다. 전국에서가장훌륭한제철식재료를공수하여, 정통조리법을바탕으로현대적으로재해석한메뉴를선보입니다. La Yeon serves authentic Korean cuisine under the concept of the finest Korean full-course menu prepared with the spirit of propriety and dignity. We offer attractive dishes which follow modern cooking needs based on authentic recipes.

CONTINENTAL 품격있는프렌치정찬을즐길수있는 VVIP 들의단골명소입니다. 최고급와인 600 여종으로구성된와인셀러가고객의사랑을받고있으며, 와인메이커스디너 등이개최되는와인의메카이기도합니다. Continental is one of the elite s most preferred restaurants, in which an exquisite French dinner can be enjoyed. The wine cellar stores about 600 different varieties of wine and Continental has even hosted the Winemaker s Dinner.

THE PARKVIEW 최고의식재료를엄선해라이브키친에서즉석에서조리해제공하는뷔페로 유명합니다. 건강식조식, 세계적인미식트렌드를엿볼수있는브런치, 품격있는디너등을선보이는아시아최고의 All Day Dining입니다. Using the freshest ingredients, a variety of delicious dishes are cooked right before your eyes. As the best all-day dinning buffet restaurant in Asia, it serves a healthy breakfast, stylish brunch from which the trendiest delicacies can be experienced and a truly elegant dinner.

THE LIBRARY 고품격라이프스타일을제안하는라운지 & 바입니다. 애플망고빙수, 애프터눈티 세트등국내외고객들의사랑을받은시그너처메뉴는물론, 국내최고의싱글몰트위스키셀렉션으로유명합니다. The Library offers an elegant and refined environment. It serves premium signature menues, such as the famous summer delight, Apple mango Bingsu and a traditional British Afternoon Tea and proudly presents Korea s best selection of single malt whiskey.

PASTRY BOUTIQUE 명품주얼리부티크를연상시키는디스플레이와각분야장인의손길로만든 패스트리및베이커리를만나보실수있습니다. 고객건강을세심하게고려하면서도뛰어난풍미를지닌건강식베이커리로도유명합니다. A selection of fresh bread is displayed just like a luxury jewelry boutique. You can taste homemade pastries and other delicious baked foods. This bakery is famous for healthy and flavorful homemade breads.


ARCADE 패션, 시계, 주얼리등각분야에서국내최초로입점한세계최고명성의명품은 물론, 최고급혼수제품을만나보실수있습니다. 가장최신의세계적인명품트렌드를프라이빗하게즐겨보십시오. The finest wedding goods as well as the world s most luxurious brands in fashion, watches and jewelry are located in our Arcade. Come and witness the world s latest trends in a private and comfortable space.

DUTY FREE 신라면세점은명품부티크를포함한패션, 주얼리, 화장품, 시계등 500 여종의 세계유명럭셔리브랜드를다양하게구비하고있습니다. 트렌디한감각이돋보이는신라면세점에서품격있는쇼핑을즐겨보십시오. The Shilla Duty Free offers a wide variety of luxury brand items (approximately 500 different brand names) in fashion, cosmetics and watches. It promises a comfortable and pleasant shopping experience in a stylish and refreshing atmosphere.

SERVICE GUIDE SERVICE GUIDE ACCOMMODATION 총 464 개객실 ACCOMMODATION A total of 464 rooms STANDARD 246 실, EXECUTIVE 180 실, SUITE 38 실 246 Standard Rooms, 180 Executive Rooms and 38 Suites GUEST SERVICES 24시간룸서비스초고속인터넷유 무선무료 GUEST SERVICES 24 hour room service High-speed wired/wireless internet available for free 220V, 110V 전압사용가능 110V and 220V outlets 객실내생수 2 병및티, 커피무료제공 2 Bottles of complimentary water, Free coffee and teabags 피트니스, 실내수영장무료이용 (13 세이상입장가능 ) Complimentary use of the fitness club and 투숙기간내무료주차 indoor swimming pool(admission: aged 13 and over) Free parking during stay BUSINESS FACILITIES BUSINESS CENTER( 운영시간 06:30~22:00) 통역및번역, 복사, 비서업무, 팩스, 인터넷사용 BUSINESS FACILITIES BUSINESS CENTER(Service hours: 06:30-22:00) 미팅룸 (8/10/14 인실 ) : PC, LCD 프로젝터, 화상회의설비, Language interpretation and translation services, photocopying, 슬라이드프로젝터 OHP, 스피커폰 secretarial support, faxing and internet access Meeting rooms(8, 10 and 14 people): PC, LCD projector, EXECUTIVE LOUNGE( 운영시간 06:30~22:00) slide projector OHP, speaker phone, and video conference equipment 신속한익스프레스체크인 / 체크아웃 EXECUTIVE LOUNGE(Service hours: 06:30-22:00) RESTAURANT & BARS 팔선, 아리아께, 라연, 콘티넨탈, 더파크뷰, Express check-in/check-out service 더라이브러리, 패스트리부티크 RESTAURANT & BARS Palsun, Ariake, La Yeon, Continental, The Parkview, LOCATION 인천공항 : 택시 & 호텔리무진서비스 (60 분소요 ) The Library, and Pastry Boutique KAL 리무진 (90 분소요 ) LOCATION INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 김포공항 : 택시 & 호텔리무진서비스 (45 분소요 ) Taxi & hotel limousine services(travel time: 60 minutes) KAL limousine(travel time: 90 minutes) GIMPO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Taxi & hotel limousine services(travel time: 45 minutes)

249, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100-856, Korea Tel 82-2-2233-3131 Fax 82-2-2230-3769