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(Regular Paper) 24 1, 2019 1 (JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) https://doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2019.24.1.105 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) a), b), c) A Study on the Configuration of Pre-install Applications on Smartphone for Customer Needs Bo Huem Yeon a), Won Young Kang b), and Seong Jhin Choi c),, 25 ~35 ( ) 30 ( ). 2014 1,..,,.. Abstract Current Android smartphones include about 25 to 35 essential applications(unerasable) related to function and operation of the android smartphone itself and about 30 optional applications(removable) provided by carriers, Google and manufacturers. These applications were not able to be removed until the announcement of the smartphone applications pre-install guide from the government in January 2014, so there were memory limitations in installing new applications, causing consumer complaints by consuming data during the auto-update process of the pre-installed applications. After the announcement, we were able to delete optional applications but the complaints about the data consumption still did not disappear. Therefore, in this paper, we carried out the customer survey and analyzed the behavior information such as how carriers are operating pre-installed applications and what kind of applications customer prefers and how many applications customer wants to be pre-installed. And we proposed how to configure pre-install applications on smartphone for customer needs. Keyword : Pre-installed applications, Essential applications, Optional applications, Customer behavior information a) IT (Department of Public Policy and Information Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology) b) NID (Department of Nano IT Design Fusion, Seoul National University of Science and Technology) c) IT(Department of Electronic and IT Media Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology) Corresponding Author : (Seong Jhin Choi) E-mail: ssjchoi@seoultech.ac.kr Tel: +82-2-970-6428 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6495-3826 Manuscript received September 12, 2018; Revised December 31, 2018; Accepted December 31, 2018. Copyright 2016 Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers. All rights reserved. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and not altered.

(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019). 2014 1 23. 16GB,, [1]. 2014 1 [2] () ().,,, 15, LG 30 20 65-70. 10, 15, 4. (2014 4 ). 64GB. [3].,,,,,.,..,,. 4,,. 1...,, 64 [4]. SKT 69, KT 65, LG U+ 64.,,,,,,, 19, 3. LG 1 SKT 25 LG U+ 20, KT 21. SKT. SKT. 11 11 11, OK (Syrup) 1. 2 7 SKT 1.

1. LG Table 1. Pre-install applications of carriers on LGE smartphones Category LGU+ (20 items) SKT (25 items) KT (21 items) Video * Video portal Oksusu olle tv mobile U+ professional baseball App store One Store One Store One Store Cloud U+Box cloudberry Customer center U+ Customer center Mobile t world Customer center T smart bill Smart paystub Security Pill T Guard Pill Phone call U+ call guide HuHu U+ T Telephone HuHu T contact information SK international call 00700 KT show-me Bell-ring Music bell-ring smart bell-ring Music Jini music Melon Jini music Navigation One navi T map One navi Payment Benefit IPTV Paynow T pay Smart wallet Syrup wallet Clip U+ micro payment KT handphone payment Mobile T money My own refrigerator U+ tv family broadcasting T membership T life T data coupon Syrup gift cone Syrup table OK cashbag IoT IoT@Home Smarthome KT membership KT family box Certification U+ certification KTcertification Shopping Children Care Contents Banking The others U+Page 11th avenue 11th avenue shopping deal kids nate cymera K shopping G market KT accessory shop Media pack K-tune K-bank

(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) 2. LG LG Table 2. Pre-install applications of LGE and Google on LGE smartphones LG electronic app (30 items) calender address book telephone gallery message set-up camera high quality recording Google app (14 items) Chrome Play store drive document spreadsheet presentation Gmail Play music 8,, 55-57, SKT 57, KT 55, LG U+ 57. 17 LG U+ SKT 20, KT 18. LG 20, 2014 1,,. 20. music work download LG mobile switch alarm/watch file manager LG pay smart doctor TV update center calculator Facebook Instagram LG electronic service gift pack SmartWorld LG health quick help Q memo+ shinhan pan (application card) LG electronic remote consultations safe sinmungo * photo Play movie YouTube map Duo Google 2. 60-100,..,. (Push). 1., 7((A1784-32~256) S8(SM-G950N), LG G6(LGM-G600L)., 2.

3. Table 3. Pre-install applications of carriers on SEC smartphones Category LGU+ (20 items) SKT (20 items) KT (18 items) Video Video portal Oksusu olle tv mobile U+ professional baseball App store One Store One Store One Store Cloud U+ Box Cloudberry U+ Customer center mobile t world Customer center Customer center T smart bill smart paystub Security Pill T Guard Pill U+ call guide HuHu U+ T Telephone HuHu Phone call T contact information Bell-ring Music bell-ring music bell-ring Music Jini music Melon Jini music Navigation One navi T map One navi Payment Benefit Pay now T pay Smart wallet Syrup wallet Clip U+ micro payment Mobile T money My own refrigerator T membership KT membership T life T data coupon KT family box Syrup gift cone OK cashbag IPTV IoT U+tv family broadcasting IoT@Home Certification U+ certification KT certification Shopping Contents Banking * U+Page 11th avenue 11th avenue shopping deal nate G market KT accessory shop Media pack K-tune K-bank

(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) 4. Table 4. Pre-install applications of SEC and Google on SEC smartphones Samsung Electronic App. (26 items) Phone Calendar Camera Clock Contacts Gallery Messages My Files Samsung Notes Galaxy s Settings Samsung Connect DMB Email Internet Calculator PEN.UP Samsung Gear Samsung Members Samsung Pay Samsung Health Voice Recorder Word Excel PowerPoint OndDrive * Google App. (11 items) Google Play Store Chrome Gmail Maps YouTube Duo Photos Drive Play movies & TV Play Music 5 LG 4, 5.,. 1,,, 4-5. 3. LG 3, 2. 3-4,. LG, 1, (, ). 3... 3-5. 2 LG. 3 5. A Table 5. Video applications usage status of A carrier preinstall smartphone model opening date opening number video app user number 17. 5. 17. 6. 17. 7. utilization of the next month O O Galaxy S8 G6 17. 5. 3,036 969 948-31.2% 17. 6. 2,198-660 688 31.3% 17. 5. 4,233 1,023 1,009-23.8% 17. 6. 3,583-880 872 24.3% X iphone 7 17. 5. 1,827 87 80-4.4% 17. 6. 1,454-86 85 5.8%

1. LG Fig. 1. Layout of pre-install applications on LGE smartphones 2. Fig. 2. Layout of pre-install applications on SEC smartphones...,., APK(Android Application Package). (Fullpackage) APK

(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019). 4. [5], 27-39,. 10 (LG G6 2-13 ),,, /,.. 2. 6. 2017 9 4 14 SKT 300, LG U+ 300. 2017 9 4 5. SKT LG U+ SKT, LG U+. 6. Table 6. Customer survey design Category survey target Design Contents LGU+/SKT customer 1.. survey target App survey method response personnel sampling error SKT pre-install App 26 items, LG U+ pre-install App 20 items panel survey by mobile App SKT 300 person, LG U+ 300 person ±5.66% P (95% confidence level). 1 :? 2 :,? 20, SKT LG U+,,.. respondent demographics male and female : 50%, each 10s-50s : 20%. 1. LG U+ LG U+, 7 20 30% 5,,,,,. / / / 85.3%. 3.

45%. 36%, 43%.. 1 4.9 25%, 8.1 40%. 7. 5.2,,. 2. SKT SKT, 8 26 30% 12. 7. LG U+ Table 7. Pre-install applications usage behavior of LG U+ No 1 App. Name U+ customer center 1) Need of pre- install app 2) Using 3) Know, but not using 4) Don t know, so not using 1) Need of pre-install app. (rate) 2) using (rata) 3) Know, but not using (rate) 4) Don t know, so not using (rate) 220 256.0 34.0 10.0 73.3% 85.3% 11.3% 3.3% category customer center 2 pill 156 140.0 120.0 40.0 52.0% 46.7% 40.0% 13.3% security 3 video portal 97 135.0 115.0 50.0 32.3% 45.0% 38.3% 16.7% video 4 HuHu 128 107.0 103.0 90.0 42.7% 35.7% 34.3% 30.0% call 5 One Store 67 104.0 148.0 48.0 22.3% 34.7% 49.3% 16.0% app store 6 U+ BOX 88 81.0 133.0 86.0 29.3% 27.0% 44.3% 28.7% Cloud 7 U+ certification 137 74.0 74.0 152.0 45.7% 24.7% 24.7% 50.7% certification 8 smart wallet 71 66.0 136.0 98.0 23.7% 22.0% 45.3% 32.7% approval 9 mobile T money 93 63.0 198.0 39.0 31.0% 21.0% 66.0% 13.0% approval 10 Jini music 35 27.0 80.0 27.0 11.7% 20.1% 59.7% 20.1% music 11 my own refrigerator 55 25.0 58.0 51.0 18.3% 18.7% 43.3% 38.1% benefit 12 call guide 66 44.0 130.0 126.0 22.0% 14.7% 43.3% 42.0% phone call 13 U+Page 25 40.0 90.0 170.0 8.3% 13.3% 30.0% 56.7% contents 14 one navigation 72 39.0 95.0 166.0 24.0% 13.0% 31.7% 55.3% navigation 15 U+ micro payment 90 17.0 63.0 54.0 30.0% 12.7% 47.0% 40.3% approval 16 music bell-ring 48 35.0 168.0 97.0 16.0% 11.7% 56.0% 32.3% bell-ring 17 IoT@Home 15 32.0 109.0 159.0 5.0% 10.7% 36.3% 53.0% IOT 18 Paynow 47 30.0 166.0 104.0 15.7% 10.0% 55.3% 34.7% approval 19 20 U+ professional baseball TV family broadcasting 22 16.0 123.0 161.0 7.3% 5.3% 41.0% 53.7% video 14 13.0 89.0 198.0 4.7% 4.3% 29.7% 66.0% IPTV

(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) LG U+ 5 SKT 7 LG U+ SKT, 2 ( T-world, T), 1 T ( ), 11 ( ), OK (), ( ), ( ) [6]. 8. SKT Table 8. Pre-install applications usage behavior of SKT No App. Name 1) Need of pre- install app 2) Using 3) Know, but not using 4) Don t know, so not using 1) Need of pre-install app. (rate) 2) using (rata) 3) Know, but not using (rate) 4) Don t know, so not using (rate) 1 mobile t world 199 261 33 6 66.3% 87.0% 11.0% 2.0% category customer center 2 T membership 211 218 57 25 70.3% 72.7% 19.0% 8.3% benefit 3 T Phone 180 209 76 15 60.0% 69.7% 25.3% 5.0% call 4 T map 200 202 85 13 66.7% 67.3% 28.3% 4.3% navigation 5 11th avenue 71 164 123 13 23.7% 54.7% 41.0% 4.3% shopping 6 T smart bill 144 163 103 34 48.0% 54.3% 34.3% 11.3% customer center 7 OK cashbag 100 160 99 41 33.3% 53.3% 33.0% 13.7% benefit 8 T contact information 157 159 90 51 52.3% 53.0% 30.0% 17.0% call 9 One Store 72 138 112 50 24.0% 46.0% 37.3% 16.7% app store 10 Syrup wallet 88 135 112 53 29.3% 45.0% 37.3% 17.7% approval 11 Oksusu 89 113 139 48 29.7% 37.7% 46.3% 16.0% video 12 Melon 73 95 181 24 24.3% 31.7% 60.3% 8.0% music 13 T certification 123 8 9 13 41.0% 26.7% 30.0% 43.3% certification 14 T Guard 86 79 104 117 28.7% 26.3% 34.7% 39.0% security 15 T data coupon 90 73 126 101 30.0% 24.3% 42.0% 33.7% benefit 16 11th avenue shopping deal 38 72 122 106 12.7% 24.0% 40.7% 35.3% shopping 17 nate 43 54 212 3.4 14.3% 18.0% 70.7% 1.1% contents 18 cymera 46 5 11 14 15.3% 16.7% 36.7% 46.7% etc. 19 gift cone 36 45 13.3 12.2 12.0% 15.0% 4.4% 4.1% benefit 20 T call helper 77 4 7 19 25.7% 13.3% 23.3% 63.3% call 21 cloudberry 55 37 62 201 18.3% 12.3% 20.7% 67.0% cloud 22 T life 37 35 52 213 12.3% 11.7% 17.3% 71.0% benefit 23 T pay 37 34 183 83 12.3% 11.3% 61.0% 27.7% approval 24 kids 44 2 3 25 14.7% 6.7% 10.0% 83.3% children Care 25 Syrup table 32 0 10 20 10.7% 0.0% 33.3% 66.7% benefit 26 Smarthome 27 0 6 24 9.0% 0.0% 20.0% 80.0% IOT

,,, LG U+. 26.7 %, 41% LG U+. 1 10.4 40%, 9 35%. 7.9,. 1., LG U+ SKT. LG U+ 31.3%, SKT 39.1%. SKT 1. 24.7%, 24.5%. / 65.8%, 69.5%. LG U+ 75.6%, SKT 60.1% 1/3,, ( - )[8].. SKT LG U+,,,.,,, ( / ), ( ).,, 8. 1. 30% 1....,,.,,..,. APK.,

116 방송공학회논문지 제24권 제1호, 2019년 1월 (JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) 고객 입장에서는 원하는 앱을 선별적으로 설치하게 함으로 써 기존의 배터리 소모, 저장 공간 차지 등의 불만을 해결해 주는 것이다. 또한 일정수의 고객사용 비중 조건을 정해주 어 선탑재 후 일정 기간이 지나도록 해당 사용 비중에 도달 하지 못하면, 선탑재 대상에서 제외토록 권고하는 방법도 있을 것이다. 본 연구를 통해 스마트폰 선탑재 앱에 대한 이용행태를 분석하여 고객들을 폭 넓게 이해하고자 하였으며, 법적 효 력은 없지만 정부 기관의 앱 선탑재 가이드를 통해 선탑재 앱과 관련된 소비자들의 불편이 현저히 개선하는 효과를 거두었던 그 가이드의 추가 개선과제를 제시하여 스마트폰 이용자들의 편의를 도모하고자 하였다. 참 고 문 헌 (References) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] K. H. Bae, Antitrust issues arising from Pre-installation of Google Play on Android smartphones, Law & Technology, Vol.12, No.2, pp.108-119, Mar. 2016. Internet Policy Division, Guideline for Pre-install Applications on Smartphone, Press Release, Ministry of Science and ICT, Jan, 23, 2014. Wang Hae na, The government's lack of support for revising the pre-installed app guidelines, etomato, Oct. 2017. Domestic Smartphone Manufacturers(SEC, LGE), Status of pre-installed apps by smartphone, Homepage of each company, 2017. Carriers of Japan and The United States(NTT Docomo, KDDI, Soft-bank, Verizon Wireless, AT&T, T-mobile, Sprint), Pre-installed apps by smartphone, Homepage of each company, 2017. Yoojung Kim, The Impact of Brand Awareness, Perceived Switching Cost, User Loyalty on Purchase Intention : Moderator as a Purchase Experience, Internet e-commerce research, Vol.15, No.1, pp.75-94, 2015. M. Wang, A comparative Study on Affecting Factors of Smart Phone paid/free Application User s continuance Intention, Graduate School of Chonnam National University Master's Thesis, 2015. Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk, Handbook of the Fundamentals of Financial Decision Making, World Scientific, Chapter 6, 2013. 저자소개 연보흠 - 년 : 서울과학기술대학교 정보통신대학 전자공학과 학사 년 : 서강대학교 경영전문대학원 경영학 석사 년 ~ 현재 : 서울과학기술대학교 IT정책전문대학원 방송통신정책전공 박사과정 년 ~ 2003년 : 효성 ITX 마케팅전략팀장 년 ~ 2014년 : LG 유플러스 제휴마케팅팀 부장 년 ~ 2016년 : LG 유플러스 O2O사업 및 핀테크서비스 팀장 년 ~ 현재 : LG 유플러스 모바일서비스 전략팀장 : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3510-0090 주관심분야 : 5G 이동통신서비스, 모바일 Application, 모바일 방송, 빅데이터 1997 2004 2016 1998 2003 2015 2017 ORCID 강원영 - 년 : Fairleigh Dickinson University Computer Art and Design전공 학사 년 : 광운대학교 정보콘텐츠대학원 미디어영상콘텐츠전공 석사 년 ~ 현재 : 서울과학기술대학교 NID융합기술대학원 방송통신융합전공 박사과정 : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3277-2657 주관심분야 : VOD, 디지털통신, 차세대방송통신기술, 비디오 2009 2015 2016 ORCID

- 1991 8 ( ) - 1992 ~ IT - 1997 ~ 1998 : Malaysia Saint Univ. Visiting Professor - 1999 ~ 2000 : Oklahoma Stata Univ. Visiting Professor - 2004 6-2006 ~ 2007-2008 12-2013 ~ 2015-2015 ~ 2015 KBS - 2015 ~ - ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6495-3826 -,,