Wedding Menu
Western KRW 69,000 (VAT included ) Freshly baked breads served with butter Tomato Caprese,Mozzarella Cheese balsamic Vinegar with Basil Pesto sauce 바질페스토소스와치즈를곁들인토마토카프리제 Asparagus soup, Herb with Crouton 아스파라거스수프와허브크루통 Grilled beef tenderloin, white fish & tomato sauce, potato Gratin chef s seasonal vegetables with Thyme sauce 쇠고기안심 ( 호주산 ) 과으깬감자, 토마토소스의소스를곁들인계절야채, 포트와인소스 Chija, Beetroot Sauerkrout with Pickled Jalapeno 사워크라우트 ( 치자, 비트 ) 와할라피뇨 Seasonal Fruits Eclairs with exotic coulis 열대과일소스의에끌레어와계절과일
Western KRW 72,000 (VAT included ) Freshly baked breads served with butter Marinated crabmeat salad with tomato salsa, balsamic reduction 게살샐러드와토마토살사, 발사믹소스 Asparagus soup, herb Cappuccino 아스파라거스수프, 허브카프치노 Grilled beef tenderloin red wine roemary Sauce & king Prawn Cajun Powder with Almond Potato, chef s vegetables 쇠고기안심 ( 호주산 ) 과케이준양념의새우구이, 아몬드포테이토를곁들인주방장특선야채 Chija, Beetroot Sauerkrout with Pickled Jalapeno 사워크라우트 ( 치자, 비트 ) 와할라피뇨 Panacota with seasonal Fruit sauce 파나코타와계절과일소스
Western KRW 77,000 (VAT included ) Freshly baked breads served with butter Smoked salmon with creamy horseradish, shrimp, Scallop vegetable sprouts 훈제연어와홀스레디쉬크림, 새우, 가리비와채소순, 홀스레디쉬크림 Mushroom soup, with Croutons 버섯수프와크루통 Grilled beef Tenderloin Port wine sauce Fresh abalone Steak with Potato Souffle Chef's Seasonal vegetables 쇠고기안심 ( 호주산 ) 구이와전복, 포테이토수플레, 더운야채를곁들인포트와인소스 Assorted seasonal lettuce baby sprout, with walnut tomato and Red wine dressing 토마토와순야채, 호두를올린샐러드와레드와인드레싱 Cranberry Lemon Cake with exotic coulis 크랜베리레몬케익
Modern Korean KRW 72,000 (VAT included ) Poached Shrimp, Fresh ginseng Sliced Baby sprout salad with chilli sauce 칠리소스를곁들인새우와인삼, 어린순야채 Sweet squash porridge with Kidney Bean Puree 단호박비단죽 Citron sherbet 유자샤벳 Grilled marinated beef Chuck flap, kalbi sauce, Fried Kimchi rice with salmon chef s Seasonal vegetables 갈비양념에재운쇠고기살치살 ( 미국산 ) 과연어구이, 김치볶음밥을곁들인주방장특선야채 Kimchi & pickle 김치와피클 Green tea cak, strawberry coulis 녹차케이크, 딸기소스
Modern Korean KRW 77,000 (VAT included ) Marinated Shrimp Octopus, Yukhoe, raw beef with baby Sprout Lime pearl 새우, 문어, 육회와라임향의순야채 Red Ginseng Silk poridge 홍삼비단죽 Hallabong sherbet 한라봉샤벳 Grilled marinated beef rib Kalbi sauce with Herbs rice, Fresh Abalone & Chef s Vegetable 석쇠에구운쇠고기 ( 미국산 ) 갈비살과소스, 명이나물밥, 신선한전복구이 Kimchi & pickle 김치와피클 Sweet potato mousse, tropical coulis 고구마무스케이크, 열대과일소스
Combination KRW 72,000 (VAT included ) Freshly baked breads served with butter Sesame crusted seared tuna, vegetable sprouts with mango salsa 흑임자크러스트의참치와망고살사 Chinese style crab meat soup 중식풍의게살수프 Grilled Lamb chop Herb rosemary Sauce, & Fresh Salmon teriyaki sauce with cube Roasting Potato chef s vegetables 양갈비구이와 ( 호주산 ) 로즈마리소스데리야끼소스의연어구이, 감자를곁들인주방장야채 Mixed cucumber pickle with Jalapeno pepper 할라피뇨와오이피클 Camembert cheese mousse, vanilla bourbon sauce 치즈무스케이크, 바닐라버번소스
Combination KRW 77,000 (VAT included ) Avocado Puree on Scallop Cajun flavored shrimp, baby sprout, fresh leaves 아보카도퓨레와관자살, 케이준향의새우구이, 새싹야채 Freshly baked breads served with butter Abalone, Pine Mushroom soup 전복송이수프 Grilled marinated Herb Lamb chop with Mint Sauce, Pan fried Seabass Tomato sauce with Mushroom Rosotto & Chef s Seasonal vegetables 양갈비구이와 ( 호주산 ) 민트소스, 로스팅감자를곁들인농어와주방장계절야채 Blueberry mousse, kiwi coulis 블루베리무스, 키위소스
Chef s Special KRW 85,000 (VAT included ) Freshly Baked Breads Served with Butter Tataki of tuna & scallop, spiced with coriander chilli wasabi cream Fresh leaves 신선한야채를곁들인코리안더관자와와사비크림소스의참치 Pumpkin porridge with Red bean 호박비단죽과팥 Lime Sherbet 라임샤벳 Fillet of Beef Tenderloin Ablone, dutch potato, & Polenta chef vegetables, Smooth Cream Peppercorn sauce 부드러운페퍼콘향의쇠고기한우안심과전복, 폴렌타를곁들인주방장추천야채 Mixed Lettuce Parmesan Cheee with balsamic dressing 신선한상추와파마산치즈발사믹드레싱 Raseberry choco dome with exotic coulis 열대과일소스의라스베리초쿄돔 Coffee or Tea
Chef s Special KRW 100,000 (VAT included ) Freshly Baked Breads Served with Butter Marinated lobster Meat, king crab with mango salsa and Champagne vinaigrette dressing 망고살사와샴페인비네거드레싱을곁들인바다가재와게살 Chinese style abalone soup & golden winter mushroom 황금버섯을가미한중식풍의전복스프 Grilled seabass fish, bisque sauce 농어구이와비스크소스 Mango sherbet 망고샤벳 Korean beef tenderloin, abalone steak & Herb Port wine Sauce, assorted paprika Saffron risotto with chef's seasonal vegetables 쇠고기한우안심구이 (+) 와전복구이, 샤프런리조또를곁들인계절야채 Fresh Romaine lettuce baby sprout with Bokbunja dressing 복분자드레싱을곁들인신선한로메인상추와샐러드 Classqui Opera, vanilla bourbon sauce 클래식오페라, 바닐라버번소스 Coffee or Tea
Chef s Special KRW 129,000 (VAT included ) Gold leafed scallops, Pomegrante vinegar Ablone with, Calliflower puree 컬리플라워퓨레와금가루를올린전복홍초케비어 Yield Mushroom soup with paprika puff pastry 페스트리를곁들인버섯수프 Mero with Ratatoullie Tomato sauce 메로구이와라따뚜이토마토소스 Lemon sorbet 레몬셔벳 Fillet of Korean beef tenderloin, with Cabernet sauvignon wine sauce chef's seasonal vegetables & grill lobster Lemon butter sauce 한우 (++) 안심구이와레몬버터소스의바다가재와계절야채 Romaine lettuce Baby sprout salad with blue berry vinaigrette 로메인상추샐러드, 블루베리드레싱 Red Ginseng Cream cheese dome with exotic coulis 열대과일소스의홍삼크림치즈 Home made assorted pralines 홈메이드초콜릿모둠 Coffee or Tea