한수지 47(6, 901-907, 014 Original Article Kor J Fish Aquat Sci 47(6,901-907,014 한국남해연안에분포하는눈볼대 (Doederleinia berycoides 의자원생태학적특성치 최정화 최승희 1 * 이동우 류동기 국립수산과학원, 1 한국해양수산연구원, 군산대학교 Population Ecology of Blackthroat Seaperch Doederleinia berycoides in the Southern Seas of Korea Jung Hwa Choi, Seung Hee Choi 1 *, Dong Woo Lee and Dong Ki Ryu Fisheries Resources Research Division, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Busan 619-705, Korea 1 Korea Ocean and Fisheries Institute, Busan 608-807, Korea Department of Marine Life and Aquaculture, Kunsan National University, Gunsan 573-701, Korea We investigated the population ecology of blackthroat seaperch, Doederleinia berycoides, from samples collected in the southern seas of Korea from January to December, 006. Population ecological parameters included survival rate, the instantaneous coefficient of natural and fishing mortality, and age at first capture. The survival rate (S of blackthroat seaperch was estimated as 0.4966 using the catch curve method. The instantaneous coefficient of total mortality (Z was 0.8598/year. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality (M was estimated as 0.4694/year. From the estimates of Z and M, the instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality (F was calculated as 0.3904/year. The age at first capture (t c, based on the Pauly method, was.87 years. Key words: Blackthroat seaperch, Doederleinia berycoides, Population ecological characteristics, Survival rate, Mortality 서론 (Doederleinia berycoides (Order Perciformes (Family Acropomatidae, (NFRDI, 004. (NFRDI, 005. 000 918 008 3,700, 009 3,450 010 3,100 (MIFFAF, 01. (Choi et al., 01; Cha et al., 010, Oh (009 Huh et al. (011.,.,., (Lee, 007., (t r (t c, 0 (t 0, (L (K, (M, (F (Z.. http://dx.doi.org/10.5657/kfas.014.0901 Kor J Fish Aquat Sci 47(6 901-907, December 014 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received 9 October 014; Revised 5 December 014; Accepted 15 December 014 *Corresponding author: Tel: +8. 51. 61. 811 Fax: +8. 51. 65. 639 E-mail address: vicky9437@nate.com Copyright 014 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 901 pissn:0374-8111, eissn:87-8815
90 최정화ㆍ최승희ㆍ이동우ㆍ류동기 생잔율과순간전사망계수 재료및방법 006 1 006 1., Choi et al. (01. (S 5., i P i i = 0 (InP i. Jackson's method (1939 (i (N i, k,. k N N i=1 i = 1 +N + + N k k-1 N N i=1 i 0 + N 1 + + N k-1 Heincke's method (1913 0 N 0. N i -N 0 N i (Ricker, 1975. 순간자연사망계수 Z = -InS (M 5., von Bertalanffy Alverson and Carney's method (1975. M = 3K e K(0.38 t max -1 K von Bertalanffy, t max. Pauly's method (1980. lnm = -0.107-0.084 lnw +0.6757 lnk+0.467 lnt, W (g. T. Rikhter and Efanov's method (1976. M = 1.51-0.155 T 0.70, T. NFRDI (005 7.5 cm 6.. von Bertalanffy Roff's method (1984. X T ( =, X = N N i i = T 1+ X N i +T N i N i InM = In3 + InL +lnk+ln(1- L T L -lnlt, X, Ni, T. Chapman and Robson's method (1960., L T. 99%, 1% (M 1% Alagaraja's method (1984. T N i +T-1 여기서 T= i Ni M = In(0.01 T m (Z e -Z., T m 99%. 순간어획사망계수
눈볼대의자원생태학적특성치 903 (Z (M (F. F = Z - M 어장가입연령및어구가입연령. (t r. (, t c Baranov catch equation, von Bertalanffy Pauly method. (, Z.. In C p = c - Z(t + t t, C p, t, t, c. Z (C p (S (C E C E = t e c-zt, (S S= C p C E. t S S t. 성장파라메타 결과 Choi et al. (01 (Table 1. 생잔율및순간전사망계수 006 1 006 1 (Table (S. (Fig. 1 0.4966, Heincke's method, Chapman and Robson's method 0.40, 0.3939, 0.3941 (Table 3. (Z 5 (z = -InS (Table 4. 0.7000/year, 0.9317/year. 5 0.8598/year. 순간자연사망계수 (M 5 (Table 5. von Bertalanffy Alverson and Carney's method (1975 Pauly's method (1980 0.7906/year 0.6571/year, Rikhter and Efanov's method (1976 0.539/year, Roff's method (1984 Table 1. Results of parameter estimations for growth equation of Doederleinia berycoides Parameters Pooled Female Male L (cm 34.0 34.71 7.37 W (g 674.10 713.85 353.91 K (year -1 0.530 0.557 0.3388 t 0 (year -0.871-0.078-0.736 In( 1-1 = T1 - T t( L 1 + L S i Table. Age composition of Doederleinia berycoides in south sea of Korea from January to December 006, L 1 L, T 1 T, T 1 T 50% (t c. t c = T 1 T Age (i P i Convert age (i InP i 0 0 1 1 0 01 5.3033 3 495 0 6.046 4 196 1 5.781 5 69 4.341 6 68 3 4.195
904 최정화ㆍ최승희ㆍ이동우ㆍ류동기 ln P i 10 8 6 4 ln P i = -0.6999i + 8.1337 (r = 0.90 Table 5. Estimated parameters of natural mortality by different methods of Doederleinia berycoides Methods Natural mortality (M, /year Alverson and Carney (1975 0.7906 Pauly (1980 0.6571 Rikhter and Efanov (1976 0.539 Roff (1984 0.1849 Alagaraja (1984 0.4605 Average 0.4694 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 Table 3. Estimates of survival rates by different methods of Doederleinia berycoides Methods 0.1849/year., Alagaraja's method (1984 0.4605/ year. 5 0.4694/year. 순간어획사망계수 Age (i Fig. 1. Estimation of survival rate of Doederleinia berycoides from the catch curve analysis using the Pauly (1980. Survival rates (S Catch-curve analysis (1980 0.4966 Jackson (1939 0.438 Heincke (1913 0.40 Average age (1975 0.3939 Chapman and Robson (1960 0.3941 Table 4. Estimated parameters of total mortality by different methods of Doederleinia berycoides Methods Total mortality (Z, /year Catch-curve analysis (1980 0.7000 Jackson (1939 0.851 Heincke (1913 0.9108 Average age (1975 0.9317 Chapman and Robson (1960 0.931 Average 0.8598 (F F - Z- M., (Z 0.8598/year (M 0.4694/year (F 0.3904/year. 어장가입연령및어구가입연령 (t r 6.8 cm 0.59, (t c Table 6 Pauly's method. von Bertalanffy growth equation Table 6. Length composition of Doederleinia berycoides in the southern sea from January to December 006, Pauly (1984 Length class (cm L1 L t( L 1 +L 14-15 1.8931 0.059 15-16.0990 0.17 10 16-17.316 0.99 19 17-18.5461 0.441 35 18-19.7901 0.601 58 19-0 3.0503 0.785 90 0-1 3.387 0.996 157 1-3.683 0.34 154-3 3.954 0.3531 108 3-4 4.3056 0.3878 100 4-5 4.6934 0.4300 83 5-6 5.134 0.486 45 6-7 5.6060 0.5498 35 7-8 6.1559 0.6389 7 8-9 6.7947 0.764 35 9-30 7.557 0.9455 6 30-31 8.507 1.453 18 31-3 9.7480 1.885 16 3-33 11.5765 3.5069 7 t C P
눈볼대의자원생태학적특성치 905 (Fig.,, (C E (C P 50%..87. 고찰,, (Zhang et al., 199. (Zhang et al., 199.,., (Lee, 007.,, 1.,. ln(c t / t 10 8 6 4 t c =.87 ln(c/ t = 8.154-0.6443 t (r = 0.97 0 4 6 8 10 1 14 Age (t Fig.. The selection give of Doederleinia berycoides from the length converted catch curve using the Pauly method (1984. Heincke (1913, N 0 (Zhang, 010. 5 0.3939~0.4966. 0.99. Zhang et al. (199 Lee et al. (013, Zhang (1996,, 5.,,, 1 5. 1 3~4., 1 5 5. (M. (, Z=M von Bertalanffy Alverson and Carney (1975 Alagaraja (1984 (Sohn et al., 013. Alagaraja (1984, Rikhter and Efanov (1976,.,., 5 0.1849~0.7906/year 0.4694/year 0.406/year (Choi et al., 004 0.6~0.458/
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