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Ka Design of A Ka Band Rectangular Waveguide OrthomodeTransducer for Satellite Communication
Ka Design of A Ka-Band Rectangular Waveguide Orthomode Transducer for Satellite Communication
Contents Summary Ka Ka λ Spurious Response
Contents of Figures Figure λ
Contents of Table Table
Design of A Ka-Band Rectangular Waveguide Orthomode Transducer for Satellite Communication Hwang Ji-hye Department of Radio Engineering Graduate School, Chungbuk National University Cheongju, Chung-Buk, Korea Supervised by Professor Bierng-Chearl Ahn Summary Systematic methods are presented for the design of a rectangular waveguide orthomode transducer. Methodologies are critically reviewed for the design of the transition between the common waveguide and the straight waveguide port, and of side port structures. Design of coupling slot, impedance matching transformer are described in some detail for the design of the side port. Removal of spurious responses caused by the presence of the side port is discussed. Finally a sample design is presented for an orthomode transducer operating at 21 GHz and 31 GHz bands.
e $ e $ i 2 i PLF = e$ e$ = PE
1 e $ = $ $ ( x jy) 2 ( ) 1 e $ $ i = x jy 2 2 2 1 $ $ 1 $ $ 1 $ $ 1 $ $ 2 PLF = ( x jy) ( x jy) = ( x jy) ( x+ jy) = 1 = 1 2 2 2 2 ( ) 1 e $ $ i = x+ jy 2 2 2 1 $ $ 1 $ $ 1 $ $ 1 $ $ 2 PLF = ( x jy) ( x+ jy) = ( x jy) ( x jy) = 0 = 0 2 2 2 2
XPD = 20 log PLF (db) 10 90 o 90 o 1 o XPD = 20 log (sin1 o ) = 35.2 db 10 90 o
Ex Ex Ey Ey Ex Ey Ex Ey Ey
jφ1 b 0 0 0 1H e a1h j 2 b φ 1V 0 0 0 a e 1V = jφ b 1 2 e 0 0 0 a 2 b jφ 2 3 0 e 0 0 a3 b a isolation
WR-34 WR-51
22.8mm 8.38mm 8.38mm
a b c d WR-34 WR-34( 8.644.32 mm WR-34
-. 21GHz c a b
WR-34 d WR-34 d WR-34
λ λ quarter-wave transformer Γ λ/4 Z 0 Z 1 R L Z in λ λ R L Z 0 Z 1 λ λ Z 0 λ Γ Z in. Z Z RL + jz1 tan βl in = 1 Z + jr tan β l ( )( ) 1 L βl = 2π λ λ 4 = 2π tan βl 2 βl π (6)
Z in 2 Z1 Z1 R L = (7) Γ Z = Z Z 1 in 0 Z = ZR (8) 1 0 L λ λ WR-34 WR-51
WR51 a b c WR- 51(12.956.48 mm)
TE 10 λ g
WR-51 WR-51 b c WR-51
a=7.8,b=2 a=7,b=2 a=8.4,b=2 mm
a=7.8,b=2 a=7.8,b=3 a=7.8,b=1.6 mm
offset=0 offset<0 offset>0 offset=0.
A=8.82,B=3.2 A=8.82,B=3.2 A=8.82,B=3.2
Spurious Respons
Ka-band GHz GHz Ka-band WR-51 WR- 34. Ka-band
WR-34 waveguide calibration kit, WR- 34 20-30GHz WR-34 waveguide calibration kit TRL calibration. WR-34 calibration kit WR-34 calibration kit. WR-34 calibration kit. matched load
GHz db db db db 0-5 -10-15 m1 freq=30.60ghz db(s_1_1_)=-27.973 m2 freq=30.97ghz db(s_2_2_)=-23.417 db(s_2_1_) db(s_2_2_) db(s_1_1_) -20-25 -30 m1 m2-35 -40-45 -50 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.5 32.0 32.5 33.0 freq, GHz
0.0-0.1-0.2-0.3 m1 freq=30.66ghz db(s_2_1_)=-0.194 m1 m2 m2 freq=30.92ghz db(s_2_1_)=-0.210 db(s_2_1_) db(s_2_2_) db(s_1_1_) -0.4-0.5-0.6-0.7-0.8-0.9-1.0 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.5 32.0 32.5 33.0 freq, GHz
GHz db db db 0-5 -10 m1 freq=20.80ghz db(s_1_1_)=-20.408 m2 freq=21.20ghz db(s_2_2_)=-21.074-15 db(s_2_1_) db(s_2_2_) db(s_1_1_) -20-25 -30 m1 m2-35 -40-45 -50 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 freq, GHz
m1 freq=20.86ghz db(s_2_1_)=-0.394 m2 freq=21.14ghz db(s_2_1_)=-0.376 20.5 21.0 21.5 20.0 22.0-0.9-0.8-0.7-0.6-0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2-0.1-1.0 0.0 freq, GHz db(s_1_1_) db(s_2_2_) db(s_2_1_) m1 m2
Db 0-10 db(s_2_1_) db(s_2_2_) db(s_1_1_) -20-30 -40 m1 freq=20.84ghz db(s_2_1_)=-54.961 m2 freq=30.97ghz db(s_2_1_)=-57.722-50 -60 m1 m2-70 -80 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 freq, GHz
spurious response GHz GHz