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Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rates for HF in US National Hospital Discharge Survey. 1979-2006 Fang J et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:428-34

Cumulative Incidence of Heart Failure According to BMI Kenchaiah S. N Engl J Med 2009;119:44-52

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Cumulative incidence of heart failure total cohort of Patients (n=2314) older than 50 years free from heart failure, MI and valvular disease at baseline by the presence or absence of metabolic syndrome since 1970 Ingelsson E et al. Heart 2006;92:1409-1413

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Incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation according to BMI Normal weight: BMI <25, overweight: 25 BMI<30 mild obesity 30 BMI<35, moderate severe obesity: BMI 35 Echahidi N et al. Circulation 2007;116:I213-219

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Screening of atherosclerosis

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Management Therapeutic Lifestyle Change body weight management Exercise Dietary control Control ; progression to diabetes Blood pressure control : ACEI, ARB Dyslipidemia management : statin, fibrate, nicotinic acid PPAR-alpha, gamma agonist Collagen linkage breaker Others

Proportion of IHD events potentially preventable Proportion of IHD events potentially preventable from optimal control of BP, LDL-C and HDL-C in men and women Wong ND et al. Am J Cariol 2003;91:1421-6

Conclusion Metabolic syndrome is important portion of cardiometabolic disease spectrum. ; atherosclerosis, cardiac function, arrhythmia, vascular function Additive information and value about CVD ; prediction for incident cardiovascular disease Management of obesity and metabolic risk factors Therapeutic life style change and drug treatment for the prevention of cardiovascular disease


CHD, CVD, total mortality rates in US adults NHANES II Follow-Up Study (n=6,255, mean follow-up 13.3 years P<0.05 Age, gender, and risk-factor adjusted Malik S et al. Circulation 2004;110:1245-50

CHD, CVD, total mortality rates in US adults NHANES II Follow-Up Study (n=6,255, mean follow-up 13.3 years Malik S et al. Circulation 2004;110:1245-50

Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Cardiovascular Events After Myocardial Infarction Malik Levantesi G et al. JACC 2005;46:277-283

Mőnster Heart Study (PROCAM) Schulte H et al. Atherosclerosis 1999;144:199-209