september 2016 S t o r i e s from LOTTE

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을


해외취업 가이드


여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

3-1. Philplus TEL Basic Cebu Package [ 기간 ] 이용기간 ~ ( 최종체크인 2/29) 판매기간 ~ [Philplus TEL 포함사항 ] [Philplus TEL 불포함사항


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롯데 채팅 롯데제과 홍보담당 노혜빈 사원님, 롯데하이마트 사업개발팀 유철기 대리님, 롯데하이마트 마케팅팀 정준모 사원님이 대화에 참여하셨습니다 롯데제과 노혜빈 사원 안녕하세요. 롯데하이마트를 예전에는 길에 있는 로드숍으로만 마 주했던 것 같은데 요즘은 롯데마트 안에도

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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정



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PowerPoint Presentation




september 2016 S t o r i e s from LOTTE

special event <Four Luxury Gifts> Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul Gift Card 300,000 ~ 400,000 / Lotte Hotel Seoul/World La Seine Family Coupon 200,000 ~ 330,000 Lotte Hotels & Resort Gift Certificate 50,000, 100,000 He:on Bedding Package 180,000 ~ 2,600,000 <Fresh Meats> Premium Hanwoo 850,000 ~ 950,000 Luxury Hanwoo 300,000 ~ 600,000 Frozen Hanwoo Set 180,000 ~ 330,000 Lamb Chop Set 300,000 Thrifty Meat Set 260,000 <Seafood> Jeju Chujado Corvina Set 250,000 ~ 1,800,000 Tilefish Set 250,000 ~ 300,000 Jeju Silver Cutlass Fish Set 400,000 & Silver Cutlass & Mackerel Set 250,000 <Specialties> ( ) Yakseon Gongjinbo (Gongjindan) 1,000,000 Luxury Shiitake 200,000 ~ 400,000 ( ) Ki Soondo Luxury Soy Sauce (Hot Pepper Paste) Set 170,000 Pickled Natural Pine Mushroom 160,000 ~ 400,000 Honey Set 100,000 ~ 220,000 DelicaHans Hamper 150,000 ~ 400,000 <Fruits> Assorted Persimmon Set 200,000 ~ 250,000 Cheongdo Persimmon 140,000 & Apples & Pears Set 170,000 ~ 180,000 2016 LOTTE HOTEL CHUSEOK LUXURY GIFT SETS 롯데호텔델리카한스에서정성을담은추석명품선물세트를준비했습니다. 품격있는선물로소중한지인에게감사의마음을전하세요. Lotte Hotel s DelicaHans has prepared luxury gift sets for this Chuseok, the Korean Thanksgiving. There is no better way to show your gratitude for the special ones in your life. <Liquors> 13 Louis XIII Jeroboam 40,000,000 Bordeaux Grand Cru Classe Magnum Set 25,500,000 1989 Bordeaux Grand Cru Classe 1989 Set 17,000,000 Grange Penfolds Series 4,800,000 Premium Bourgogne Wine Set 3,500,000 Hwayo Extra Premium 190,000 Cheonggamju 120,000 Lotte Hotel DelicaHans 8 16 ~ 9 13 +82 2 317 7148/7149 +82 2 411 7753 Dates Aug. 16 ~ Sept. 13 Information Lotte Hotel Seoul +82 2 317 7148/7149 Lotte Hotel World +82 2 411 7753,. The above list is only partial, and the photographed images may differ from actual products. 3. Please place your order at least three days in advance, with the exception of wine, to ensure freshness.,,,,. The availability, price, selling period and shipping fees vary among chain hotels. Please check with each DelicaHans location for more information. 130 131

special event GET A TASTE OF PIERRE S BARSEASON 2 SASHIMI TABLE D'HOTE 롯데호텔서울피에르바에서는저녁 6시 ~ 9시까지해피아워특별프로모션을선보입니다. 친구혹은연인과함께김렛Gimlet, 포For, 롱아일랜드아이스티Long Island Iced Tea, 모히토라임 Mojito Lime으로다채롭게구성한칵테일 4종세트메뉴를즐겨보세요. Lotte Hotel Seoul s Pierre s Bar will run a special Happy Hour promotion from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.. Bring your friends or loved ones and enjoy our cocktail set menu of Gimlet, For, Long Island Iced Tea and Mojito Lime. 롯데호텔제주정통일식레스토랑모모야마에서제주의신선한계절사시미를맛볼수있는특별한프로모션을준비했습니다. 호텔셰프가정성껏만든사시미정식과함께제주여행을즐겨보세요. Lotte Hotel Jeju s authentic Japanese restaurant, Momoyama, has prepared a special promotion featuring fresh, inseason sashimi of Jeju. Enjoy a trip to Jeju and top it off with our delicious sashimi offering prepared by hotel chefs. Lotte Hotel Jeju Momoyama Lotte Hotel Seoul Pierre s Bar 9 30 50,000 / 1 +82 2 317 7183/7184 Price 50,000 / per person Information +82 2 317 7183/7184 9 30 82,000 +82 64 731 4230 Menu & Price 82,000 Seasonal delicacy Momoyama special steamed egg Chef s picks for seasonal sashimi Grilled seasonal fish Tempura udon or tempura soba dessert Information +82 64 731 4230 132 133

Gourmet Seoul La Seine Seoul Peninsula LASEINE COLLECTION 롯데호텔서울라세느에서뷔페의진수를선보입니다. 엄 SAPORI D'ITALIA! BRUNCH BUFFET 선된식재료를사용한코너별와우 Wow 메뉴와롯데호 이탈리아의맛!, 롯데호텔서울페닌슐라의이탤리언정 텔조리장의스페셜메뉴를놓치지마세요. 통브런치메뉴와달콤한디저트를맛보며여유로운주 Lotte Hotel Seoul s La Seine will show you how 말을만끽하세요. a buffet should be done. Don t miss our Wow With authentic Italian brunch menu and deli menus, prepared with carefullychosen ingre cious desserts, Lotte Hotel Seoul s Peninsula dients, on every corner and our hotel chefs brings you the Taste of Italy on a relaxing special recommendations. weekend. 9 27 (18:00~22:00) Dates Sept. 27(18:00~22:00) 11 27 (, 11:30 ~ 14:30) Dates Until Nov. 27 (weekends and holidays, 11:30 ~ 14:30) 150,000 Price 150,000 49,000 Price 49,000 +82 2 317 7171/7172 Information +82 2 317 7171/7172 +82 2 317 7121/7122 Information +82 2 317 7121/7122 World Toh Lim Jeju Mugunghwa GOURMET DIMSUM SPECIAL FLOWERS BLOOM 롯데호텔월드중식당도림에서셰프찰리정과탄유웬 2016 년대한민국조리기능장김광태셰프의특선메뉴 이선보이는다채로운고메딤섬특선을즐겨보세요. 를롯데호텔제주무궁화에서만나보세요. 깊은맛이일 Come visit Lotte Hotel World s Chinese restau 품인다채로운한식의향연을오감으로즐겨보세요. rant Toh Lim for Gourmet Dim Sum Special Chef Kim Gwangtae, the 2016 Korea Mas prepared by chefs Charlie Jung and Tan You ter Craftsman Chef, will prepare a special wen. menu just for Lotte Hotel Jeju s Mugunghwa. Inspired by mugunghwa, the national f lower of Korea, this exquisite Korean feast will satisfy all your senses. 9 30 12 31 Dates Until Dec. 31 (Room) 120,000 Menu & Price Charlie Jung Special (Room) 120,000 160,000 / 2 Price 160,000 / for two (Hall) 75,000 Tan Youwen Special (Hall) 75,000 210,000 / 3 210,000 / for three +82 2 411 7800 Information +82 2 411 7800 260,000 / 4 260,000 / for four +82 64 731 4220 Information +82 64 731 4220 134 135

Gourmet ULSAN Toh Lim Jeju Pungcha Lounge BUSINESS LUNCH SPECIAL TERRACE GARDEN 롯데호텔울산도림에서정통중국요리를경험할수있는 롯데호텔제주에서는별이빛나는제주의가을하늘아 런치특선을준비합니다. 가족모임, 상견례, 비즈니스모 래시원한생맥주한잔의여유를즐길수있는테라스 임등소중한자리의품격을높여드립니다. 가든을운영합니다. 가을밤, 낭만적인시간을보내보세 Lotte Hotel Ulsan s Toh Lim will serve you a 요. lunch special that lets you enjoy authentic Chi Lotte Hotel Jeju will operate Terrace Garden, nese food. It ll add much class to your family where you can sit back with cold draft beers gatherings or business meetings. and take in the beautiful view of the Jeju night skies. Visit us for some romantic autumn nights. 11 30 Dates Until Nov. 30 9 30 57,000 Price 57,000 25,000 Menu & Price Chop steak 25,000 +82 52 960 4280/4281 Information +82 52 960 4280/4281 30,000 Cheese platter 30,000 13,000 Heineken on draft 13,000 9,000 Kloud on draft 9,000 +82 64 731 4260 Information +82 64 731 4260 World Lounge & Brasserie Busan The Lounge & Dinning WEEKEND BRUNCH HEALTHY SMOOTHIE 달콤한디저트와향기로운커피한잔, 이보다더행복한 롯데호텔부산라운지 & 이탤리언더라운지앤다이닝은 시간이있을까요? 마카롱, 브라우니, 케이크, 타르트등 한잔에자연그대로의영양을담은건강스무디 4 종을 30 여종의다양한디저트로여유로운주말을느껴보세 선보입니다. 남녀노소부담없이즐길수있는건강한스 요. 무디를더라운지앤다이닝에서만나보세요. If you have sweet desserts and fine coffee, you Lotte Hotel Busan s The Lounge & Dining couldn t ask for a better time. We have lined up brings you four types of healthy smoothie. Our some 30 desserts, with macarons, brownies, offerings of nutritious smoothies are for every cakes and tartes, for your relaxing weekend. one. 12 31 Dates Until Dec. 31 9 30 39,000 Price Adults 39,000,,, 17,000 / 1 Menu & Price Adzuki beans, green tea, ripe persimmon, blueberry yogurt 23,000(49~ 6) Children 23,000(49 months ~ 6th grade) +82 51 810 6430 smoothies 17,000 / each +82 2 411 7751/7752 Information +82 2 411 7751/7752 Information +82 51 810 6430 136 137

PACKAGE LOTTE HOTEL OFFERS SEOUL Gourmet Package (exclusive for the new wing) 370,000 신관디럭스룸 2인 + 조식뷔페 2인 + 무궁화혹은페닌슐라석식코스 2인 + 달팡Darphin 스킨정품 1개 + 수영장, 사우나및피트니스센터무료 New Wing Deluxe Room for two + Breakfast buffet for two + Dinner course at Mugunghwa or Peninsula for two + Darphin Skin product (1 each) + Free access to swimming pool, sauna and fitness center Dates ~ 9. 30 Information +82 2 759 7311 MOSCOW Bali Paradise 요금별도문의 Call for more information on rates 발리식마사지 60분 ( 만다라스파 ) + 뷔페조식 + 체크아웃시간연장 ( 오후 4시 ) + 와인 1병및 VIP 어메니티 ( 아트리움스위트또는그이상급의객실예약시 ) + 피트니스클럽무료이용 60minute Bali massage (Mandara Spa) + Breakfast buffet + Late checkout (4 p.m.) + A bottle of wine and VIP amenities (for guests in Atrium Suites or higher class) + Free access to fitness club Dates ~ 12. 31 Information +7 495 287 0500 Special offer for guests on weekends WORLD Cocomong Character Room Package 320,000 코코몽캐릭터패밀리트윈룸 + 라세느조식뷔페 2인 ( 어른 1, 어린이 1) + 코코몽키즈랜드 2시간입장권 ( 어른 1, 어린이 1) + 코코몽여행용세트 1개증정 Cocomong Character Family Twin Room + La Seine breakfast buffet for two (one adult, one child) + Ticket to Cocomong Kids Land (2 hours. One adult, one child) + Cocomong Travel Kit (1ea) Dates ~ 9. 30 Information +82 2 411 7777 Saigon Weekend Getaway Ð 2,490,000 ~ 디럭스룸 + 아트리움카페조식 + 오후 3시까지레이트체크아웃 + 호텔무료셔틀서비스 ( 사전예약필수, 오페라하우스, 중앙우체국, 벤탄마켓행 ) + 무료 WiFi 이용가능 + 피트니스센터 ( 건식ㆍ습식사우나 ) 및수영장무료이용 + 호텔레스토랑 10% 할인혜택 Deluxe Room + Breakfast at Atrium Cafe + Late checkout (3 p.m.) + Free hotel shuttle (reservation required: Opera House, Central Post Office, Ben Thanh Market) + Free WiFi + Free access to fitness center (including dry and wet saunas) and swimming pool + 10% discount at hotel restaurants Dates ~ 10. 31 Information +84 8 3823 3333 BUSAN Two Some Two Rooms 400,000~ 디럭스패밀리룸 ( 커넥팅룸 ) 2실 + 조식뷔페 4인 1회 + 룸서비스치킨 or 피자 + 맥주 3캔 Deluxe Family Rooms (Connecting Room) + Breakfast buffet for four (one serving) + Room service chicken or pizza + Three cans of beer Dates ~ 12.31 Information +82 51 810 1100 HANOI Fancy Your Stay 요금별도문의 Call for more information on rates 일자별 Best Available Rate + 그릴Grill 63 뷔페조식 Best Available Rate for each day+ Breakfast buffet at Grill 63 Dates ~ 12.31 Information +84 4 3333 1000 JEJU Brick Kids Camp 420,000~ 디럭스레이크뷰패밀리트윈룸 2박 + 조식 1회 (3인 / 4인 ) + 풀사이드브런치뷔페 1회 (3인 / 4인 ) + ACE 미션브릭캠프 1인 1회 + ACE 키즈프로그램 1인 1회 + 해온패밀리세트 1회 + 레오파이어린이튜브 1개 (4인 / 2개 ) + 피트니스클럽무료 + 무료주차대행서비스 ( 체크인시 1회 ) + JDC 공항면세점 10% 할인권제공 Deluxe Lake View Family Twin Room (two nights) + Breakfast (three guests/four guests) + Poolside Brunch Buffet (three guests/four guests) + ACE Mission Brick Camp for one + ACE Kids Program for one + He:on Family Set + Leopie Children s Tube (1ea) (two per four) + Free access to fitness club + Free valet parking service (upon checkin) + 10% discount coupon at JDC Duty Free Shop Dates ~ 9. 30 Information +82 1577 0360 1, 2 The listed rate is for one night. The package is for stays of at least two nights. GUAM Good Morning $ 270 ~ 객실 + 2인성인조식포함 ( 라세느 ) Guest room + Breakfast for two adults (La Seine) Dates ~ 2017. 3. 31 Information +1 671 646 6811 L7 HOTEL OFFERS Lotte Hotel Jeju Brick Kids Camp Package ULSAN Whale Character Room Package 170,000 고래캐릭터룸 ( 패밀리트윈 ) + 고래박물관입장권 3매 ( 어른 2, 어린이 1) + 한사토이고래인형 ( 랜덤제공, 최초 1회제공 ) + 키즈워시어메니티 3종 ( 객실내비치 ) Whale Character Room (Family Twin) + Three tickets to Whale Museum (two adults, one child) + Hansa Toy Whale Doll (Random selection) + Kids Washing Amenities (3 types. Provided in guest rooms) Dates ~ 9. 30 Information +82 52 960 1000 First come, first serve MYEONGDONG Yeouya (Girls Night Out)( 女友夜 ), L7 197,000 ~ 스탠다드패밀리트윈룸 (3인기준 ) + L7 브레드모닝딜리버리 3인세트 + 루프톱바플로팅 L7 시그너처칵테일 3잔 + 페이셜마스크팩 3매 + 인스탁스폴라로이드미니 1대대여 & 필름 10매 Standard Family Twin Room (for three) + L7 Bread Morning Delivery Set for three + Three L7 signature cocktails at rooftop bar Floating + Facial Mask Pack (3 ea) + Instax Polaroid Mini rental & 10 films Dates ~ 12.31 Information +82 2 6310 1000 A tax of 10 percent and a service charge of 10 percent will be added to prices listed above. Visit Lotte Hotels & Resorts homepage ( for more information and additional benefits. Prices are listed in Korean won (), the U.S. dollar ($), the Russian ruble ( ), and the Vietnamese dong (Ð) 138 139

PACKAGE LOTTE CITY HOTEL OFFERS MAPO CITY Two Summer Nights 340,000 ~ 디럭스패밀리트윈 + 성인조식 2인 + 어린이조식 1인 + 클라우드맥주 6캔 & 아이스박스 + 나루치킨 BOX( 치킨 6조각 & 감자튀김 ) + 투숙기간내수영장무료이용 Deluxe Family Twin + Breakfast for two adults + Breakfast for one child + Six cans of Kloud beer & ice box + Naru Chicken Box (Six pieces of chicken & fries) + Free use of swimming pool during stay ULSAN CITY Two Night (two nights) 260,000 ~ 슈페리어룸 2박 + 조식 2인 (1회제공 ) + 석식 2인 (1회제공 ) + 웰컴드링크 2잔 (1회제공 ) + 울산시티투어순환형 2인 (1회제공 ) Supeior Room (two nights) + Breakfast for two (one serving) + Dinner for two (one serving) + Two welcome drinks (one serving) + Ulsan City Circular Tour for two (one trip) Dates ~ 12. 31 Information +82 52 960 1000 Dates ~ 9. 18 Information +82 2 6009 1000 2, 1 The package is exclusive for guests staying at least two nights. Reservation may not be changed to one night. 1 Except for breakfast, other benefits of the package are offered once during stay. GIMPO AIRPORT CITY KIDS PACKAGE 165,000 ~ 프리미어룸더블 / 패밀리트윈 + 롯데몰플레이타임 1 인 (2 시간 ) + 엔제리너스커피교환권 2 매 Premier Room Double/Family Twin + Lotte Mall Play Mall for one (two hours) + Two coffee vouchers at AngelInUs Coffee MYEONGDONG CITY Reply, Joseon 175,000 ~ 슈페리어룸더블 / 트윈 + 빌라드샬롯햄버거세트 2 인 + 고궁종합관람권 2 매 + 서촌통인시장도시락엽전 20 개 + 레이트체크아웃 14:00 Superior Room Double/Twin + Villa de Charlotte Hamburger Set for two + Two allaccess passes to palaces + 20 lunch box coins at Seochon Tongin Market + Late Checkout 14:00 Dates ~ 9. 18 Information +82 2 6112 1000 Dates ~ 12. 31 Information +82 2 6116 1000 JEJU CITY Falling in Jeju 180,000 ~ 이그제큐티브마운틴뷰룸 + C cafe 조식뷔페 2인 ( 박당제공 ) + LUSH 기프트박스 1ea + 제키스감귤초콜릿 1ea + 제주공항면세점 JDC 10% 할인권제공 + 김포롯데몰무료주차이용서비스제공 Executive Mountain View Room + C cafe Breakfast buffet for two (per night) + LUSH Gift Box 1ea + JeKiss Tangerine Chocolate 1ea + 10% discount coupon at JDC Duty Free Shop + Free parking at Gimpo Lotte Mall Dates ~ 10. 31 Information +82 64 730 1000 DAEJEON CITY Wine Dinner Buffet 155,000 스탠다드더블 / 트윈룸또는헐리우드더블룸 1박 ( 토요일 1박 ) + Wine Dinner Buffet 이용권 2매 (1층연회장 ) Standard Double/Twin Room or Hollywood Double Room one night (Saturday) + Wine Dinner Buffet for two (first floor banquet hall) Dates ~ 10. 29 Information +82 42 333 1000 : + Benefits: Semiwine buffet + Unlimited wine GURO CITY Breeze In The Terrace 150,000 ~ 스탠다드룸더블 / 트윈 + C cafe 단품메뉴중 2종선택 + 야외테라스맥주무제한 2인이용권 + 롯데시네마권 2매 Standard Room Double/Twin + Pick two dishes from C cafe menu + Unlimited beer coupon at outdoor terrace for two + Two tickets to Lotte Cinema Dates ~ 9. 30 Information +82 2 6210 1000 Lotte City Hotel Guro breeze in the terrace package A tax of 10 percent will be added to prices listed above. Visit Lotte Hotels & Resorts homepage ( for more information and additional benefits. 140 141

EVENTS & NEWS LOTTE HOTEL TOPS HOTEL CATEGORY AT 2016 KSPBI FOR 5TH STRAIGHT YEAR LOTTE HOTEL WINS HOTEL CATEGORY AT KSSQI FOR 4TH STRAIGHT YEAR 2016 5 1. LVOC(Lotte Hotel Voice of the Customer) CS Star. Lotte Hotel has finished first in the hotel category for the fifth straight year at the 2016 Premium Brand Index, developed jointly by the Korean Standards Association and the management research institute at Seoul National University. With Lotte Hotel Voice of the Customer, launched under the slogan Lotte Hotel is All About Service, and CS Star program, Lotte Hotel offers the type of service unparalleled in its quality. 7 6 KSSQI 3.3 87.8 4 1. 3 5 2. On July 6, Lotte Hotel finished first in the hotel category for the fourth straight year at the KSSQI Certification Award Ceremony, with an 87.8 points, 3.3 higher than last year. The rankings were based on evaluations by foreign and domestic guests who have visited hotels at least twice between March and May. ETHER'S SOLO EXHIBITION <e show>.,,,.. Lotte Hotels & Resorts Gallery hosts a solo exhibition by the contemporary artist Ether. He uses a wide range of objects, such as used wooden plate, vinyl, acrylic pieces and toys, and mixes them with all types of materials for colorful products. Each of Ether s works delivers a unique message, and shows how the artist reaches out to the world. Ether is an artist who tries to show the public the way he sees and understands the world. LOTTE HOTEL JEJU HE:ON ROOFTOP TERRACE OPENS 8 5, &. 2,. On Aug. 5, He:on, the largest outdoor spa and garden for all seasons in Jeju, opened brand new Rooftop Terrace. Come to the pool side cafe for a cocktail and take in the sunset on the second floor terrace. Lotte Hotel Jeju is the perfect place to heal your mind and body. Place Lotte Hotels & Resorts Gallery, first floor, Main wing, Lotte Hotel Seoul Dates Until September 28 (10:00 ~ 19:00) Admission Free Information +82 2 759 7152 142 143

HEALTH WATER AS MEDICINE 선선한바람이불기시작하는초가을의문턱, 9월입니다. 시원한날씨에자칫건강관리에소홀할수있지만환절기일수록특히신경써야합니다. 쉽게건강을관리할수있는방법중하나가바로 물마시기 입니다. 성인은하루 8잔의물이적당하다고익히알려져있지만, 커피와각종음료에떠밀려물을잘마시지않게되고또규칙적으로먹는게여간까다로운게아니어서충분히물마시기를지키는경우가많지않습니다. 하지만일어나자마자마시는물한잔은밤새축적된노폐물을체외로배출하고신진대사를촉진시키며혈액순환을원활하게하는데큰도움이된다고하니아침공복에첫잔은절대잊지마세요. 어떻게마시느냐도중요하지만어떤것을마시느냐도중요합니다. 환절기에기운없고몸이처지는기분을느끼는경우가많은데요, 이럴때는인삼과오미자를넣고달인물을추천합니다. 인삼의사포닌성분이면역기능을향상시키고피로를풀어주는데효과적이기때문입니다. 오미자는여름내지친호흡기와폐의기운을북돋아줘인삼과함께섭취하면특히좋습니다. 급작스럽게변한날씨에기력이쇠해땀이많이난다면황기를끓여마셔보세요. 황기는몸에지나치게수분이많은이를치료하는약재로사용해체내수분과전해질의균형을맞춰주는데도움을줍니다. It s commonly known that an adult should drink eight glasses of water each day. But we often choose coffee or other beverages over water, and it s not so easy as it seems to drink water regularly. We may not drink enough water, but if you had to drink one glass a day, make sure it is the first thing in the morning. It will cleanse your body of waste, increases metabolism and helps with blood circulation. What you drink is as important as how you drink it. When the seasons change, you may feel lethargic, and we d recommend boiling water with ginseng and omija. Saponins in ginseng will boost your immune system and help you beat fatigue. Omija is great for your respiratory organs, and goes well with ginseng. If the sudden change in temperature brings you down, then try boiling milk vetch root. It is used to treat excess water in the body, and helps you maintain balance between water and electrolyte in your body. BCR 144