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온달은조선사대부요리를뿌리로하여궁중음식의찬품단자를재해석하고이를온달고유의색채로완성하였습니다. 전통을현대에담아선보이는온달의모든메뉴는옛문헌의고증을바탕으로, 장인의손끝에서우러나는깊은맛에어머니의마음과정성을더해현대적감각으로구현했습니다. Ondal reinterprets a royal cuisine menu based on the original recipe from the household of the Joseon gentry and its uniqueness brings the menu to perfection. All the menus are organized around historical research out of literatures from the past. Discover a unique flavor created by the artisan and traditions in modern times, along with true sincerity like the mother s heart.

온달에서는국내산돼지고기, 닭고기, 오리고기, 조피볼락 ( 우럭 ), 광어, 뱀장어 ( 민물장어 ), 미꾸라지, 갈치, 고등어, 참돔, 배추김치 ( 배추, 고추가루 ), 쌀 ( 밥, 죽, 누룽지 ), 콩 ( 두부류, 콩국수, 콩비지 ), 꽃게, 참조기, 오징어와러시아산명태, 중국산낙지를사용하여고객여러분께제공하고있습니다. 반찬, 냉채에사용되는소고기는국내산한우를사용합니다 Ondal uses Korean pork, chicken, duck meat, jacopever (rockfish), flatfish, eel (freshwater eel), loach, hairtail, mackerel, red sea-bream, cabbage kimchi (cabbage, chili powder), rice (steamed rice, porridge, scorched rice), bean (bean curd, cold bean-soup noodles, pureed soybean soup), blue crab, yellow corvina, squid; Russian pollack and Chinese small octopus to serve guests. Korean hanwoo beef is used for making side dishes and cold salad. 특정음식에대해알러지가있으시거나특별히원하시는메뉴가있으시면사전에말씀해주시기바랍니다. If you are allergic to any ingredients in particular or wish to make a special order, please advise one of our staff in advance.

S P E C I AL P R O M O T I O N ONDAL 남도음식한상차림 Table d hote in Southwestern Cuisine 2019. 3. 1( 금 ) ~ 2019. 4. 30( 화 ) 한식당 온달 에서총 16 여가지에이르는찬들로구성된 남도음식한상차림 프로모션을선보입니다. 각종제철야채와전라남도현지에서공수해온싱싱한해산물로정갈하게차려진한상차림에서 남도요리의깊은맛을느껴보세요. Our Korean restaurant, Ondal, is launching the Table d hote in Southwestern Cuisine promotion which comes with a total of 16 side dishes. Enjoy the rich taste of the Southwestern Korean cuisine with the table d hote neatly prepared with various seasonal vegetables and fresh seafood airlifted from the producing center in Jeollanam-do. MENU 특선죽, 병어구이, 간제미회무침, 전복초, 매생이전, 봄나물장떡, 홍어삼합, 쌈야채, 낙지탕탕이, 청국장찌개, 동죽조개미역국과 진지, 후식 Special Porridge, Grilled Butterfish, Seasoned Young Skate, Stewed Abalone, Seaweed Fulvescens Pancake, Spring Greens Patty, Fermented Skate and Steamed Pork Slices Served with Kimchi, Vegetable for Wrapping, Chopped Live Octopus, Rich Soybean Paste Stew, Duck Clam Sea Mustard Soup, Steamed Rice, Dessert 세금및봉사료포함 유료멤버십 10% 할인또는워커힐리워즈멤버십포인트적립가능 제휴카드할인및쿠폰사용불가 \ 85,000 (2 인이상주문가능 ) 온달에서는국내산돼지고기, 닭고기, 오리고기, 조피볼락 ( 우럭 ), 광어, 뱀장어 ( 민물장어 ), 미꾸라지, 갈치, 고등어, 참돔, 배추김치 ( 배추, 고추가루 ), 쌀 ( 밥, 죽, 누룽지 ), 콩 ( 두부류, 콩국수, 콩비지 ), 꽃게, 참조기, 오징어와러시아산명태, 중국산낙지를사용하여고객여러분께제공하고있습니다. 반찬, 냉채에사용되는소고기는국내산한우를사용합니다


수라상SURA SET 왕,왕비에게아침,저녁으로차려올렸던밥상식전먹거리 Appetizer 진미삼품냉채 Three-ingredient Chilled Salad 명태어만두맑은탕과백김치 Clear Soup with Pollack Dumpling and White Kimchi 궁중진구절판 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Nine Colorful Delicacies with Thin Crepe and Mustard Sauce in a Royal Court Style 독도새우와모둠어숙회 Shrimp from Dokdo Island and Assorted Parboiled Fish 육전, 갑오징어전, 새우전 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Pan-fried Battered Beef, Squid, and Shrimp 청어알을곁들인한우육회 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Raw Korean Beef Slices with Herring Roe 매생이소스를곁들인제주옥돔전복구이 Grilled Sea Bream and Abalone from Jeju Island with Seaweed Sauce 한우살치살, 장향양갈비구이와송이구운야채 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Korean Beef Chuck Flap Tail, Grilled Soy Sauce Flavored Lamb Chops with Pine Mushrooms and Vegetables 전복비빔밥 / 평양식물냉면 / 도가니탕 / 성게알미역국중택 1 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ), 진지 Bibimbap with Abalones, Pyeongyang-style Cold Buckwheat Noodles/ Ox Knee Soup/ Sea Urchin Roe and Seaweed Soup. (The dish of your choice will be served.),steamed Rice 궁중병과와과일, 전통차 Korean Dessert Cookies, Fruit, and Traditional Tea \ 250,000 상기메뉴는 2인분이상주문가능합니다. Above menu requires a minimum order of two.

진연상JINYEOU SET 왕족에경사가있을때베푸는잔치에서차려올렸던밥상식전먹거리 Appetizer 진미삼품냉채 Three-ingredient Chilled Salad 조리장특선죽 Chef s Special Porridge 궁중진구절판 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Nine Colorful Delicacies with Thin Crepe and Mustard Sauce in a Royal Court Style 모둠어회와숙회 Assorted Raw Fish Slices and Parboiled Seafood 육전, 갑오징어전, 새우전 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Pan-fried Battered Beef, Squid, and Shrimp 바닷가재동국장을곁들인해물어만두 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Seafood Dumpling in Lobster Soup Sauced with Dongguk Soy Paste 저온숙성한우등심구이와송이구운야채 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Grilled Low-temperature Ripened Korean Beef Sirloin with Pine Mushrooms and Vegetables 전복비빔밥 / 평양식물냉면 / 도가니탕 / 성게알미역국중택 1 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ), 진지 Bibimbap with Abalones, Pyeongyang-style Cold Buckwheat Noodles, Ox Knee Soup, or Sea Urchin Roe and Seaweed Soup (The dish of your choice will be served), Steamed Rice 궁중병과와과일, 전통차 Korean Dessert Cookies, Fruit, and Traditional Tea \ 165,000 상기메뉴는 2인분이상주문가능합니다. Above menu requires a minimum order of two.

진찬상JINCHAN SET 나라에경사또는행사가있을때궁중에서열렸던잔치에서차려올렸던밥상진미삼품냉채 Three-ingredient Chilled Salad 조리장특선죽 Chef s Special Porridge 궁중진구절판 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Nine Colorful Delicacies with Thin Crepe and Mustard Sauce in a Royal Court Style 모둠어회와숙회 Assorted Raw Fish Slices and Parboiled Seafood 매생이소스를곁들인전복찜 Steamed Abalone with Seaweed Fulvescens Sauce 강된장을곁들인메로구이 Grilled Patagonian Toothfish with Soybean Paste Stew 한우너비아니와송이구운야채 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Grilled Marinated Beef, Pine Mushrooms and Vegetables 전복비빔밥 / 평양식물냉면 / 도가니탕 / 성게알미역국중택 1 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ), 진지 Bibimbap with Abalones, Pyeongyang-style Cold Buckwheat Noodles, Ox Knee Soup, or Sea Urchin Roe and Seaweed Soup, (The dish of your choice will be served.),steamed Rice 궁중병과와과일, 전통차 Korean Dessert Cookies, Fruit, and Traditional Tea \ 135,000 상기메뉴는 2인분이상주문가능합니다. Above menu requires a minimum order of two.

온달상ONDAL SET 진미삼품냉채 Three-ingredient Chilled Salad 조리장특선죽 Chef s Special Porridge 궁중진구절판 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Nine Colorful Delicacies with Thin Crepe and Mustard Sauce in a Royal Court Style 대구전, 새우전, 해물완자전 Pan-fried Battered Codfish, Shrimp, and Seafood Ball 매생이소스를곁들인전복찜 Steamed Abalone with Seaweed Fulvescens Sauce 저온숙성한우등심구이와송이구운야채 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Grilled Low-temperature Ripened Korean Beef Sirloin with Pine Mushrooms and Vegetables 평양식물냉면 / 비빔밥 / 된장찌개 / 김치찌개중택 1, 진지 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Pyeongyang-style Cold Buckwheat Noodles/ Bibimbap/ Soybean Paste Stew/ Kimchi Stew (The dish of your choice will be served), Steamed Rice 궁중병과와과일, 전통차 Korean Dessert Cookies, Fruit, and Traditional Tea \ 115,000 상기메뉴는 2인분이상주문가능합니다. Above menu requires a minimum order of two. 점심시간대한정으로판매합니다.

평강PYEONGKANG SET 진미삼품냉채 Three-ingredient Chilled Salad 조리장특선죽 Chef s Special Porridge 전복돌구이 Stone-Plate Grilled Abalone 피문어, 참소라초무침 Octopus and Seashells with Vinegar Dressing 강된장을곁들인메로구이 Grilled Patagonian Toothfish with Soybean Paste Stew 저온숙성한우너비아니와송이구운야채 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Grilled Low-temperature Ripened Korean Beef Sirloin with Pine Mushrooms and Vegetables 상\ 95,000 평양식물냉면 / 비빔밥 / 된장찌개 / 김치찌개중택 1, 진지 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Pyeongyang-style Cold Buckwheat Noodles, Bibimbap/ Soybean Paste Stew/ Kimchi Stew (The dish of your choice will be served), Steamed Rice 궁중병과와과일, 전통차 Korean Dessert Cookies, Fruit, and Traditional Tea 상기메뉴는 2인분이상주문가능합니다. Above menu requires a minimum order of two. 점심시간대한정으로판매합니다.

와인특가프로모션ONDAL WINE PROMOTION 오차가비아와인은칠레에서 165 년이상의역사를가지고있는전세계 30 개국이상의나라에서사랑받는와인입니다. 적당한떫은맛과스파이시한향이조화를이루는합리적인가격의와인으로고객님들의자리를한껏빛내보세요. * 온달상차림또는프로모션메뉴이용시가능 * 할인또는적립불가 오차가비아그랑레세르바까. 쇼 OCHAGAVIA Gran Reserva C/S Tasting Note 품종 : 100% 까베르네쇼비뇽원산지 : 마이포 - 칠레색 : 루비레드향 : 라즈베리, 딸기류의향과함께오크숙성향맛 : 부드러운떫은맛과목넘김이편한와인 Tip! 이와인은중간정도의탄닌으로특히양념갈비나등심과드실때최상의궁합을보입니다. 750ml \ 85,000 \ 60,000 오차가비아멜롯 OCHAGAVIA Merlot Tasting Note 품종 : 멜롯 100% 원산지 : 센트럴 - 칠레색 : 루비레드향 : 자두, 라즈베리, 딸기류의향맛 : 부드러운맛과목넘김이편한와인궁합 : 불고기등의양념된고기 Tip! 이와인은부드러운탄닌으로누구나부담없이즐길수있는와인입니다. 375ml \ 40,000 \ 30,000

반상차MEAL SET MENU 제주갈치조림 Braised Jeju hairtail in spicy sauce 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 제주갈치조림 진지와탕 림\ 82,000 Braised Jeju hairtail in spicy sauce Steamed rice and soup 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes 도가니꼬리곰탕 Ox Knee tail soup 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 도가니꼬리곰탕과진지 ( 육수 : 국내산한우 / 소고기 : 국내산한우, 호주산 ) Ox Knee tail soup and steamed rice 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes SIGNATURE DISH \ 75,000

돌솥비빔밥 갈비포함 Hotstone pot bibimbap grilled marinated beef short ribs included 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 양념갈비구이 ( 소고기 : 미국산 ) Grilled marinated beef short ribs 돌솥비빔밥과탕 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Hotstone pot bibimbap and soup 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 5 종 5 kinds of side dishes \ 75,000 자소엽간장게장 Soy Sauce Marinated Crab 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 자소엽간장게장 Soy Sauce Marinated Crab 진지와탕 Steamed rice and soup 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes 완도산생전복죽 Live abalone porridge (product from Wando-gun) 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 완도산생전복죽 Live abalone porridge (product from Wando-gun) 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes \ 75,000 \ 60,000 SIGNATURE DISH

한우불고기 Hanwoo Beef Bulgogi 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 신선모둠야채 Assorted fresh vegetables 한우불고기 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Hanwoo Beef Bulgogi 진지와탕 Steamed rice and soup 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 5 종 5 kinds of side dishes \ 68,000 차돌박이된장찌개 Soybean paste stew with brisket 김치찌개 Kimchi stew 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 차돌박이된장찌개와진지 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Soybean paste stew with brisket and steamed rice 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 김치찌개와진지 Kimchi stew and steamed rice 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes \ 35,000 \ 35,000

양념갈비구이 Grilled marinated beef short-ribs 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 양념갈비구이 ( 소고기 : 미국산 ) Grilled marinated beef short-ribs 진지와탕 Steamed rice and soup 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes 해물순두부찌개 Soft tofu stew with seafood 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 해물순두부찌개와진지 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Soft tofu stew with seafood and steamed rice 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes \ 78,000 \ 50,000 갈비찜 Braised beef short ribs 오늘의냉채 Cold dish of the day 갈비찜 ( 소고기 : 미국산 ) Braised beef short ribs 진지와탕 Steamed rice and soup 과일과전통차 Fruits and traditional tea 기본찬 4 종 4 kinds of side dishes \ 72,000 SIGNATURE DISH

A LA CARTE 제주갈치구이 Grilled hairtail from Jeju Island \ 88,000 일품요리SIGNATURE DISH 돼지고기김치적 Pork and Kimchi Shish Kebab \ 38,000 문어오징어초무침 Octopus and Squid Salad with Vinegar Dressing \ 50,000 모둠묵무침 Assorted Jelly Salad \ 50,000 고등어고추장구이 Grilled Mackerel with Red Pepper Paste \ 40,000 반상은별도추가입니다. 반상차림은냉채, 진지, 반찬, 후식이포함되어있습니다. Meal Set Menu is inclusive of cold dish, steamed rice, side dishes, and dessert.

일품요A LA CARTE 평양식물냉면 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Pyeongyang-style Cold Buckwheat Noodles 리\ 45,000 궁중버섯잡채 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Royal stir-fried glass noodles with mushrooms \ 40,000 해물파전 Seafood and green onion pancake \ 38,000 쇠고기육회 ( 소고기 : 국내산한우 ) Beef slices with sesame oil \ 66,000 수펙스김치 SUPEX kimchi \ 18,000 반상은별도추가입니다. 반상차림은냉채, 진지, 반찬, 후식이포함되어있습니다. Meal Set Menu is inclusive of cold dish, steamed rice, side dishes, and dessert.

DRINK MENU 음료화요 41% TRADITIONAL ALCOHOLIC DRINK 火尧 41% 200ml 39,000 화요 25% 火尧 25% 375ml 37,000 200ml 20,000 화요 17% 火尧 17% 375ml 27,000 200ml 15,000 화요 X PREMIUM 41% 火尧 X PREMIUM 41% 200ml 75,000 고창서해안복분자주 16% 高敞西岸覆盆子酒 500ml 130,000 강장백세주 15% 强壮百岁酒 700ml 75,000 설화 14% 雪花 700ml 85,000 설중매 ( 매실 ) 14% 雪中梅 360ml 30,000 호랑이막걸리 7% 虎濁酒 375ml 25,000

DRINK MENU 음료CHINESE LIQUORS 수정방 水井坊 38% 500ml 420,000 52% 500ml 520,000 금문고량주 58 金门高粱酒 58 58% 600ml 220,000 300ml 110,000 천진고량주 49 天津高粱酒 49 49% 560ml 140,000 280ml 80,000 JAPANESE LIQUORS 로죠하나아리 16% 小鼓路上有花葵 720ml 490,000 쿠보타준마이다이긴죠 15% 夂保田純米大吟醸 720ml 210,000 시라신켄 ( 보리소주 )25% 惒剣 ( 麦焼酎 ) 720ml 210,000 WHISKY 로얄살루트 21 년산 皇家礼炮 21 年 BTL 850,000 Glass 45,000 하이볼 high-ball 55,000

DRINK MENU BEER 380ml 19,000 음료Draft-suntory Asahi Cass, Kloud 330ml 17,000 330ml 12,000 WATER Evian Perrier-plain 9,000 9,000 DESIGNATED DRIVERS FAVORITE Freshly Seasonal Juice Freshly Orange Juice Coke, Zero Coke, Sprite Tonic Water, Club Soda, Ginger Ale 22,000 18,000 9,000 9,000

DRINK MENU CHAMPAGNE & SPARKLING WINE France 720,000 음료L333 Dom Perignon NV L348 Laurent perrier Brut NV M401 Roger Goulart Brut France 195,000 Spain 80,000 WHITE WINE M376 Louis Max Chablis St,Jean M392 Soave Sant Antonio France 120,000 Italy 75,000 RED WINE B056 Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon F196 Chateau Talbot 4eme Grand Cru Class U.S.A 525,000 France 230,000 C086 Bourgogne, Alex Gambal OCHAGAVIA Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon France 170,000 Chile 85,000 Chene Bleu Astralabe France 90,000 HALF WINE (375ML) OCHAGAVIA Merlot Chile 40,000 SIGNATURE WINE