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1 J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 한국식품영양과학회지 46(1), 115~122(2017) 저나트륨한식메뉴에대한소비자기호도평가 부고운 1 백재은 2 배현주 1 1 대구대학교식품영양학과 2 부천대학교식품영양과 Evaluation on the Consumer Preference of Low-Sodium Korean Food Goun Boo 1, Jae-Eun Paik 2, and Hyun-Joo Bae 1 1 Department of Food and Nutrition, Daegu University 2 Department of Food and Nutrition, Bucheon University ABSTRACT This study was conducted to develop low-sodium Korean food recipes and evaluate consumer acceptability of low-sodium Korean food. A total of 137 consumers assessed the overall acceptability based on a 9-point scale. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS package program (ver 20.0). The results of this study are summarized as follows: According to the results of the consumer preference evaluation of low-sodium Korean food, overall acceptability of all menus was over five out of nine points (overall average 6.25). Overall acceptability was highest for grilled beef ribs (7.88), followed by bulgogi (7.63), sauteed dry anchovy (7.46), and simmered beef in soy sauce (7.45). On the other hand, overall acceptability was lowest in blanched and seasoned spinach (5.04). According to the results of Pearson s correlation analysis, overall acceptability was positively related with menu preference of 27 menus, including seasoned and simmered chicken (P<0.001), fiddledhead namul (P<0.001), and grazed lotus roots and burdock (P<0.001). To sum up, overall acceptability of all items used in the consumer preference evaluation was more than five points out of nine. Therefore, low-sodium recipe for Korean food can be effectively applied in commercial or non-commercial foodservice cafeterias. Key words: low-sodium Korean food, consumer preference, overall acceptability, foodservice cafeteria 서 한국인의나트륨섭취량은 2010년이후감소하고있으나 2014년국민건강영양조사자료에의하면나트륨을 1일목표섭취량인 2,000 mg 이상섭취하고있는사람이 80% 이상으로개선이필요한것으로나타났다 (1). 나트륨의과잉섭취는고혈압이나심부전, 뇌출혈, 뇌졸중등의질병뿐만아니라 (2-5) 골다공증과요로결석등도유발한다고알려지면서 (6) 전세계적으로나트륨저감화정책이적극적으로추진되고있다. 식품의약품안전처에서는 2020년까지나트륨섭취량을현수준의 10% 이상줄이는것을목표로하고있다. 이에소비자를대상으로나트륨저감화실천행동교육과저나트륨조리법개발 보급, 식품제조 가공업체를대상으로제품의나트륨함량저감화와저나트륨제품의생산확대등의저나트륨사업을추진하고있으며, 단체급식분야에서는저나트륨급식주간운영, 건강삼삼급식소지정등을, 외식산업 Received 30 September 2016; Accepted 21 December 2016 Corresponding author: Hyun-Joo Bae, Department of Food and Nutrition, Daegu University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 38453, Korea bhj@daegu.ac.kr, Phone: 론 분야에서는나트륨자율표시제확대와저나트륨실천음식점선정사업등을추진해왔다 (7). 우리나라는예로부터음식의간을하기위해소금외에다양한종류의장류를이용해왔다. 장류는국 찌개 탕류나반찬류의간을맞추고음식의색을낼뿐만아니라감칠맛을내는조미료로널리사용해왔다 (8). 그러나장류의제조과정에서다량의소금이사용되므로장류를이용한음식을과다섭취할시에는나트륨섭취량이증가할수있다 (9,10). 따라서한식메뉴의나트륨양을저감화하기위해서는저염장류의개발뿐만아니라이를조리에이용하는저나트륨한식메뉴조리법의개발과보급이필요하다고생각된다. 특히한국음식은일부메뉴를제외하고는조리하는과정에서전체적으로음식의간을완료하기때문에섭취하는사람이음식의간을조절하면서먹기어려우므로음식조리과정에서조리하는사람이나트륨이포함된조미양념류의첨가량을조절할필요가있다. 저나트륨식이란하루소금섭취량을 5 g( 나트륨 2,000 mg) 정도로제한하는식사를말한다. 저나트륨식을위한한식레시피개발에대한선행연구를살펴보면식품의약품안전처에서저나트륨한식레시피를인터넷홈페이지를통해제공하고있으나일상적으로만들어먹는한식메뉴가아닌

2 116 부고운 백재은 배현주 퓨전스타일의레시피가많고 (11), 초등학교의나트륨저감화를위한조리법개발연구결과 (12) 에서는저나트륨메뉴의가짓수가적어실생활에다양하게활용하기에는어려움이있다. 또한, 단체급식소나외식업소를대상으로저나트륨메뉴를연구한내용은주로제공음식의나트륨양또는염도를분석한연구 (13-15) 가대부분으로, 저나트륨한식메뉴를개발하여소비자기호도를평가한연구는부족하다. 따라서본연구에서는대표적인한식메뉴에대해저나트륨조리법을개발한후소비자기호도조사를실시하여단체급식소나외식업소등에서의저나트륨한식메뉴의활용가능여부를평가해보고자하였다. 재료및방법저나트륨한식조리법개발방법저나트륨레시피개발을위한대표한식메뉴는관련연구 (16,17) 의메뉴선정방식을참고하여선정하였다. 주식류는비빔밥, 국수장국, 비빔국수, 떡국등을, 국류는쇠고기미역국, 북어국, 쇠고기무국, 콩나물국, 시금치된장국, 배추된장국, 오이미역냉국등을, 찌개 탕 전골류는된장찌개, 콩비지찌개, 순두부찌개, 동태찌개, 육개장, 갈비탕, 버섯전골등을, 찜 편육류는쇠갈비찜, 돼지갈비찜, 닭찜, 북어찜, 사태편육등을, 구이류는쇠갈비구이, 떡갈비구이, 조기양념구이, 북어구이, 더덕구이등을, 볶음류는불고기, 돼지고기볶음, 낙지볶음, 오징어볶음, 궁중떡볶이, 멸치볶음, 마른새우볶음등을, 조림류는쇠고기장조림, 갈치조림, 고등어조림, 연근우엉조림등을, 전류는육원전, 동태전, 표고버섯전등을, 생채류는도라지오이생채, 상추겉절이, 봄동겉절이, 도토리묵무침, 골뱅이무침등을, 숙채류는잡채, 탕평채, 시금치나물, 취나물, 고사리나물, 냉이나물, 가지나물, 숙주나물, 얼갈이배추된장무침등을, 장아찌류는깻잎장아찌, 마늘종장아찌, 양파장아찌등총 60종을나트륨저감화레시피개발대상메뉴로선정하였다. 저나트륨한식레시피개발시에는전통한식조리법을바탕으로하여누구나쉽게조리할조리방법을적용하였다. 그리고식재료본연의맛을최대한살리기위해음식의간은최소한으로하였고, 음식의간은소금을사용하지않고선행연구 (17) 에서개발한저염국간장, 저염간장, 저염된장 ( 찌개용 ), 저염된장 ( 무침용 ), 저염고추장 ( 말린국화꽃추출물첨가 ) 을사용했다. 조리시사용한저염장류염도는저염국간장이 12%, 저염진간장이 7.7%, 저염된장 ( 찌개용 ) 이 7.4%, 저염된장 ( 무침용 ) 은 4.4%, 저염고추장이 3.6% 로, 시판장류염도의 43~72% 에해당하는수준이었으며, 평가대상메뉴조리시저염장류는조리의마지막단계에서첨가하였다. 또한, 국 찌개 탕류등국물요리조리시에는멸치다시마국물이나쇠고기, 무, 버섯, 채소등을이용하여육수나국물을만들어서음식의맛을내고음식의간은최소한으로하였 으며, 생선은절인생선을사용하지않았고, 채소나버섯등을볶을때양념을하지않고볶아서전체염도를낮추었다. 그리고찜이나조림요리에저염간장을사용하여색깔이연해진경우음식의색깔을내기위해흑설탕을사용하였고, 나트륨저감화에따른음식맛저하를개선하기위해멸치, 다시마, 버섯등의천연조미료를사용하였으며, 배즙, 식초, 설탕, 마늘, 생강, 청양고추, 건고추, 깨, 참기름등을이용하여양념하였다. 또한, 상차림시에초간장, 초고추장등을추가로제공할필요가없도록해당음식의조리법작성시적정한기본간을포함하여재료별분량을기재하였다. 그리고평가대상음식의영문표기는한식의표준영문표기를제시한참고문헌 (18,19) 을기준으로작성하였다. 저나트륨한식메뉴의염도측정방법저나트륨조리법으로만든한식메뉴의염도측정시염도계는음식온도를자동보정하는기능이있는실험실용염도계 (SALT A-Ⅱ, Gi-Won Hi-Tech, Seoul, Korea) 를사용하였다. 각메뉴조리후블렌더로균질화하고각시료를적정배수로희석하여여과지에거른후염도 (%) 를 3회측정하여평균값을얻은다음그측정값에희석배수를곱하여염도를산출하였다. 또한, 염도계사용전표준 NaCl 용액을사용하여검량곡선 (y=0.963x+0.012) 을작성한후염도측정치를보정하여최종결과값으로제시하였다. 소비자기호도평가방법저나트륨조리법을이용하여조리한한식메뉴에대한소비자기호도를평가하기위해 2014년 6월 16일 ~18일 3일간서울 경기와대구 경북지역에거주하는성인남녀총 137 명을대상으로소비자기호도조사를시행하였고메뉴별평가대상은성인남녀로구성한 50명이상으로선정하였다. 평가대상시료는연구진이저나트륨조리법을적용하여 1일 20종의메뉴를평가장소옆의조리실에서직접만들어서 3일동안총 60가지메뉴를소비자기호도평가직전에조리완료하여순차적으로평가하였으며, 평가시조리한시료와밥, 물을함께개인별로트레이에담아제공하였다. 그리고소비자기호도평가시작전소비자평가단에게연구목적과평가척도사용법에대해연구자가직접설명하였으며각시료를평가하기전에제공된물로입안을충분히헹구도록하였다. 소비자기호도설문지는성별, 연령, 평소짜게먹는정도, 저나트륨한식메뉴총 60가지에대한전체적인수응도, 평소각메뉴에대한기호도, 평가음식의간 ( 짠맛 ) 정도를평가하는문항으로구성하였다. 전체적인수응도는제공메뉴의외관, 향, 맛등을전체적으로평가했을때급식소식단으로제공시먹을의향이있는지를 9점척도 (1: 매우그렇지않다 ~9: 매우그렇다 ) 로평가하였고, 평소짜게먹는정도는 5점척도 (1: 싱겁게먹는다 ~5: 짜게먹는다 ) 로, 평소각메뉴에대한기호도는 7점척도 (1: 매우싫다 ~7: 매우좋다 )

3 저나트륨한식의소비자기호도평가 117 로, 소비자기호도평가각메뉴의간 ( 짠맛 ) 에대한평가는 9점척도 (1: 매우싱겁다 ~7: 매우짜다 ) 를사용하여평가하였다. 각메뉴를시식하면서평가하기전평가자의인적사항과평소식습관과평가대상메뉴에대한평소개인별기호도에대한설문조사를시행하고, 각메뉴를순차적으로제공하면서직접먹어본후각메뉴에대한전체적인수응도와음식의간 ( 짠맛 ) 을평가하도록하였다. 통계분석방법저나트륨한식메뉴의소비자기호도조사설문지는 SPSS 통계프로그램 (ver. 20.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) 을사용하여통계분석하였다. 소비자기호도평가자의성별과연령은빈도분석을하거나평균과표준편차를구했으며, 성별에따른전체적인수응도차이를분석하기위해 t 검정을시행하였다. 또한, 메뉴별로전체적인수응도와음식의간에대한평가, 평소각메뉴에대한기호도, 평소짜게먹는정도, 평가자의연령간의상관관계를분석하기위해피어슨상관관계분석 (Pearson s correlation analysis) 을하였다. 결과및고찰저나트륨한식메뉴의염도저나트륨한식조리법개발메뉴에대해염도계로염도를측정한결과 ( 데이터미제시 ) 주식류중비빔밥은 0.55%, 국수장국은 0.24%, 비빔국수는 0.38%, 떡국은 0.40% 였고, 국류중쇠고기미역국은 0.25%, 북어국은 0.28%, 쇠고기무국은 0.42%, 콩나물국은 0.26%, 시금치된장국은 0.67%, 배추된장국은 0.57%, 오이미역냉국은 0.30% 였다. 국의측정염도가 0.25~0.67% 로이는교육부 (20) 의학교급식국염도권고기준인 0.8%, 유치원 초등학교국염도권고기준인 0.6% 와비교할때낮거나비슷한수준이었다. 찌개 탕 전골류중된장찌개는 0.58%, 콩비지찌개는 0.26%, 고추장찌개는 0.67%, 순두부찌개는 0.42%, 동태찌개는 0.34%, 육개장은 0.48%, 갈비탕은 0.49%, 버섯전골은 0.26% 등으로찌개 탕 전골류도국류보다염도가높지않았다. 또한, 찜 편육류중쇠갈비찜은 0.76%, 돼지갈비찜은 0.69%, 닭찜은 0.80%, 북어찜은 1.13%, 사태편육은 0.59% 였고, 구이류중쇠갈비구이는 0.67%, 떡갈비구이는 0.52%, 조기양념구이는 0.95%, 북어구이는 1.21%, 더덕구이는 0.70% 였고, 볶음류중불고기는 0.76%, 돼지고기볶음은 0.90%, 낙지볶음은 0.94%, 오징어볶음은 1.03%, 궁중떡볶이는 0.44%, 멸치볶음은 4.53%, 마른새우볶음은 1.94% 였으며, 조림류중에서쇠고기장조림은 1.21%, 갈치조림은 1.30%, 고등어조림은 0.99%, 연근우엉조림은 1.21% 였다. 그리고전류중육원전은 0.83%, 동태전은 0.88%, 표고버섯전은 0.61% 였고, 생채류중도라지오이생채는 0.44%, 상추겉절이는 0.88%, 봄동겉절이는 0.96%, 도토리묵무침 은 0.80%, 골뱅이무침은 1.11% 였으며, 숙채류중에잡채는 0.76%, 탕평채는 0.54%, 시금치나물은 0.79%, 취나물은 1.14%, 고사리나물은 0.71%, 냉이나물은 0.92%, 가지나물은 0.86%, 숙주나물은 0.58%, 얼갈이배추된장무침은 1.15 % 였고, 장아찌류중깻잎장아찌는 3.15%, 마늘종장아찌는 1.44%, 양파장아찌는 1.38% 였다. 전주지역음식점의운영자를대상으로한연구 (15) 에서음식점에서제공되는반찬의염도가 보통이다 가 78.0%, 싱겁다 가 13.4%, 짜다 가 8.7% 라고응답하였으나, 외식영양성분성분표 (21) 의 1회제공량기준으로나트륨의 1일영양소기준치를살펴보면쇠고기미역국은 95%, 근대된장국은 74%, 미역오이냉국은 72%, 시금치된장국은 69%, 상추겉절이는 50%, 북어찜은 45% 로한종류의반찬만으로도나트륨의 1일영양소기준치의 50% 를상회하는경우가다수였다. 따라서외식업소에서몇가지반찬과함께한끼식사를할경우나트륨 1일영양소기준치를초과하는것은흔한상황이라고판단된다. 그러나본연구에서개발한한식메뉴의저나트륨레시피의염도와나트륨줄이기실천음식점운영 관리를위한지침서 (22) 에서제안하고있는나트륨상한기준의염도를비교해보면쇠갈비찜 (0.70%) 이상한기준을약간상회하는것을제외하고떡국은염도 0.4% 로상한기준과동일하며, 쇠고기미역국 (0.5%), 쇠고기무국 (0.6%), 콩나물국 (0.5%), 시금치된장국 (0.8%), 오이미역냉국 (0.7%), 콩비지찌개 (0.7 %), 순두부찌개 (0.8%), 동태찌개 (0.6%), 육개장 (0.7%), 갈비탕 (0.5%), 북어찜 (1.4%), 떡갈비구이 (0.7%), 불고기 (1.0 %), 돼지고기볶음 (1.2%), 낙지볶음 (1.0%), 오징어볶음 (1.1 %), 마른새우볶음 (2.2%), 쇠고기장조림 (2.7%), 갈치조림 (1.1%), 고등어조림 (1.1%), 동태전 (1.1%), 도라지오이생채 (1.2%), 상추겉절이 (1.1%), 골뱅이무침 (1.2%) 등의나트륨상한염도관리기준은본연구의저나트륨음식의염도를상회하는수준이므로본연구에서개발한저나트륨한식조리법이 나트륨줄이기실천음식점 에서효과적으로활용될수있을것으로기대된다. 소비자기호도조사대상자의일반특성저나트륨한식메뉴의소비자기호도평가자의일반특성은 Table 1과같다. 평가자는남자가 21.9%, 여자가 78.1% 였고, 평균연령은 21.2 세로최소만 18세에서최대만 34세였다. 평소짜게먹는정도를조사한결과 짜게먹는다 가 3.6%, 약간짜게먹는다 가 42.3%, 보통으로먹는다 가 38.7%, 약간싱겁게먹는다 가 13.2%, 싱겁게먹는다 가 2.2% 등이었다. 이는경기지역대학생대상연구 (23) 에서음식의간에대한선호도결과 보통 이 58.7% 로가장높았고 짜게 가 33.9%, 싱겁게 가 7.3% 순이었던것에비해서는싱겁게먹는인원이다소많았으나, 부산지역대학생대상연구 (24) 와비교했을때는 보통이다 가 45.8%, 약간짜다 가 33.6%, 싱겁다 가 16.9%, 매우싱겁다 가 1.9%, 매

4 118 부고운 백재은 배현주 Table 1. General characteristics of the subjects Variables N (%) Gender Male Female 30 (21.9) 107 (78.1) Age (yrs) 21.2±3.6 1) Preference of salty taste 1) Mean±SD. Unsalty Slightly unsalty Neither unsalty nor salty Slightly salty Salty 3(2.2) 18 (13.2) 53 (38.7) 58 (42.3) 5(3.6) Total 137(100.0) 우짜다 가 1.7% 로유사한수준이었다. 소비자의성별에따른소비자기호도차이분석평가대상저나트륨한식메뉴총 60가지의전체적인수응도와평가자의성별에따른전체적인수응도의차이를분석한결과는 Table 2와같다. 9점척도로수응도를평가했을때쇠갈비구이 (7.88), 불고기 (7.63), 멸치볶음 (7.46), 쇠고기장조림 (7.45), 육원전 (7.38), 돼지갈비찜 (7.35), 고등어조림 (7.32), 떡갈비구이 (7.31), 깻잎장아찌 (7.28), 연근우엉조림 (7.24), 조기양념구이 (7.23), 동태전 (7.15), 닭찜 (7.02), 돼지고기볶음 (7.00) 등이 7점이상으로평가되었고전체적인수응도가가장낮은메뉴는시금치나물 (5.04) 이었다. 또한, 음식군별로전체적인수응도가가장높은메뉴는비빔밥 (6.61), 쇠고기무국 (6.18), 된장찌개 (6.91), 돼지갈비찜 (7.35), 쇠갈비구이 (7.88%), 불고기 (7.63), 쇠고기장조림 (7.45), 육원전 (7.38), 도토리묵무침 (6.61), 탕평채 (6.31), 깻잎장아찌 (7.28) 였다. 전체메뉴의수응도평균은 6.25점으로본연구에서개발한저나트륨한식조리법으로만든메뉴가모두보통 (5점) 이상으로평가되었다. 이는영양 ( 교 ) 사를대상으로저나트륨식단을개발하여수응도를조사한연구 (12) 에서전체적으로맛이싱겁다는불평이가장높은비율로조사되었던결과와다소차이가있었다. 또한, 성별에따른전체적인수응도차이분석결과남자가여자보다유의적으로높은메뉴로는떡국 (P<0.001), 콩비지찌개 (P<0.05), 육개장 (P<0.05), 더덕구이 (P<0.05), 오징어볶음 (P<0.01), 멸치볶음 (P<0.001), 고등어조림 (P<0.05), 도토리묵무침 (P<0.05), 탕평채 (P<0.001), 마늘종장아찌 (P< 0.001) 등이었다. 서울지역남녀대학생을대상으로한식선호도조사연구결과 (25) 남자의기호도가여자의기호도보다높은메뉴는멸치볶음과더덕구이였고, 전북지역산업체근로자를대상으로한연구 (26) 에서육개장, 생선조림, 오징어볶음, 멸치볶음의기호도가남자가여자보다높았으므로성별에따른수응도는각메뉴의기호도차이에영향을받았다고생각된다. 소비자의연령과식습관, 소비자의전체적인수응도간의상관관계분석소비자가평가한평가대상메뉴별전체적인수응도와음식의간, 평소각메뉴의기호도, 평소짜게먹는정도, 소비자의연령간의상관관계분석결과는 Table 3과같다. 저나트륨메뉴의전체적인수응도와평소메뉴별기호도간에유의적인양 (+) 의상관관계가있는메뉴는비빔밥 (P<0.05), 떡국 (P<0.05), 콩나물국 (P<0.05), 시금치된장국 (P<0.05), 콩비지찌개 (P<0.05), 동태찌개 (P<0.05), 닭찜 (P<0.001), 북어구이 (P<0.05), 더덕구이 (P<0.05), 돼지고기볶음 (P< 0.05), 낙지볶음 (P<0.05), 오징어볶음 (P<0.05), 멸치볶음 (P<0.01), 마른새우볶음 (P<0.001), 고등어조림 (P<0.05), 연근우엉조림 (P<0.001), 육원전 (P<0.05), 동태전 (P<0.05), 표고버섯전 (P<0.05), 봄동겉절이 (P<0.05), 취나물 (P<0.01), 고사리나물 (P<0.001), 냉이나물 (P<0.001), 얼갈이배추된장무침 (P<0.01), 깻잎장아찌 (P<0.05), 마늘종장아찌 (P< 0.01), 양파장아찌 (P<0.01) 등총 27개메뉴였다. 이메뉴들은평소개인별기호도가높았으므로전체적인수응도평가점수도유의적으로높게평가되었다고판단된다. 음식기호도조사관련 Lee와 Park(27) 의연구에서주식류중비빔밥, 국 탕류에서된장국, 콩나물국, 주메뉴에서닭찜, 돼지고기볶음, 오징어볶음, 부메뉴에서육원전의기호도가높았고, Kim과 Chae(28) 의연구에서비빔밥, 된장국, 돼지고기볶음의기호도가높았었는데본연구에서도이들메뉴의기호도가전체적인수응도와유의적으로상관성이높다는것을알수있었다. 따라서저나트륨메뉴개발시단체급식소급식대상자나외식업소고객의기호도가높은메뉴를대상으로한다면기호도가낮은메뉴의나트륨함량을저감화했을때에비해저나트륨개발메뉴의전체적인수응도가유의적으로높을것으로예상한다. 본연구에서개발한저나트륨메뉴별전체적인수응도평가점수와평가음식의짠맛정도간의상관관계분석결과에서는비빔밥 (P<0.001), 비빔국수 (P<0.001), 떡국 (P<0.001), 쇠고기미역국 (P<0.05), 콩나물국 (P<0.05), 시금치된장국 (P<0.001), 배추된장국 (P<0.01), 오이미역냉국 (P<0.001), 순두부찌개 (P<0.01), 동태찌개 (P<0.01), 육개장 (P<0.01), 버섯전골 (P<0.01), 떡갈비구이 (P<0.05), 북어구이 (P<0.01), 돼지고기볶음 (P<0.05), 궁중떡볶이 (P<0.001), 멸치볶음 (P< 0.05), 마른새우볶음 (P<0.05), 고등어조림 (P<0.05), 표고버섯전 (P<0.05), 잡채 (P<0.01), 탕평채 (P<0.05), 취나물 (P<0.01), 고사리나물 (P<0.01), 가지나물 (P<0.05), 숙주나물 (P<0.001) 등총 26개메뉴가유의적인양 (+) 의상관관계가있었다. 특히이들메뉴중쇠고기미역국, 배추된장국, 오이미역냉국, 순두부찌개, 육개장, 버섯전골, 떡갈비구이, 궁중떡볶이, 잡채, 탕평채, 가지나물, 숙주나물등은다른변수와상관관계가없고, 소비자기호도를평가한음식의짠맛정도항목만유의적인상관관계를보였다.

5 저나트륨한식의소비자기호도평가 119 Table 2. Results of difference analysis of consumer acceptability according to gender of the subjects Korean food Total Male Female t value Staple food Bibimbap Noodle in clear broth Mixed noodles Sliced rice pasta soup Soup Beef and seaweed soup Dried pollack soup Clear beef soup Soybean sprouts soup Spinach soup with soybean hot pasted Korean cabbage soup Chilled cucumber soup Stew, tang, beef and vegetables casserole Soybean paste stew Pureed soybean stew Gochujang stew Spicy soft bean curd stew Frozen pollack stew Spicy beef and leek soup Beef short ribs soup Mixed mushroom hot pot Steamed foods and pyeonyuk Braised short ribs Braised spareribs Seasoned and simmered chicken Steamed dry pollack Pressed and boiled beef shank slices Broiling and grilling foods Grilled beef ribs Grilled short rib meat patties Seasoned and grilled yellow corvina Grilled dried pollack Grilled deodeok Sauteing foods Bulgogi Stir-fried pork Stir-fried baby octopus Stir-fried squid Stir-fried rice pasta with vegetables Sauteed dry anchovy Sauteed dry shrimps Simmered and glazed dish Simmered beef in soy sauce Braised hairtail Braised mackerel Grazed lotus roots and burdock Pan fried meat and vegetables in egg batter Korean meatballs Pollack pancake Pan-fried shiitake mushroom Fresh vegetables with seasoning foods Bellflower roots and cucumber salad Korean lettuce salad Seasoned cabbage salad Seasoned acorn starch curd with vegetables Spicy freshwater snails 6.61±2.21 1) 5.92± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± *** * * * ** *** * *

6 120 부고운 백재은 배현주 Table 2. Continued Korean food Total Male Female t value Potherb Japchae Mung bean jelly mixed with vegetables and beef Blanched and seasoned spinach Chwi-namul Fiddlehead namul Naengi namul Eggplant namul Mung bean sprouts namul Seasoned winter grown cabbage with soybean paste Vegetables soaked in soy bean sauce Pickled wild sesame leaves Pickled garlic stems Pickled onions 5.26± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±2.19 1) Mean±SD: 9 point scale (1: strongly disliking 5: neither 9: strongly liking). * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P< ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± *** *** Table 3. Results of the correlation analysis between salty taste of sample, menu preference, preference of salty taste, and age of consumers and consumer acceptability of low-sodium Korean food Staple food Soup Stew, tang, beef and vegetables casserole Steamed foods and pyeonyuk Broiling and grilling foods Sauteing foods Korean food Bibimbap Noodle in clear broth Mixed noodles Sliced rice pasta soup Beef and seaweed soup Dried pollack soup Clear beef soup Soybean sprouts soup Spinach soup with soybean hot pasted Korean cabbage soup Chilled cucumber soup Soybean paste stew Pureed soybean stew Gochujang stew Spicy soft bean curd stew Frozen pollack stew Spicy beef and leek soup Beef short ribs soup Mixed mushroom hot pot Braised short ribs Braised spareribs Seasoned and simmered chicken Steamed dry pollack Pressed and boiled beef shank slices Grilled beef ribs Grilled short rib meat patties Seasoned and grilled yellow corvina Grilled dried pollack Grilled deodeok Bulgogi Stir-fried pork Stir-fried baby octopus Stir-fried squid Salty taste of sample ***1) *** *** * * *** ** *** ** ** ** ** * * * Menu preference * * * * * * *** * * * * * Preference of salty taste * Age (yrs) * * * * *

7 저나트륨한식의소비자기호도평가 121 Table 3. Continued Sauteing foods Korean food Stir-fried rice pasta with vegetables Sauteed dry anchovy Sauteed dry shrimps Salty taste of sample *** * * Menu preference ** *** Preference of salty taste Age (yrs) Simmered and glazed dish Pan fried meat and vegetables in egg batter Simmered beef in soy sauce Braised hairtail Braised mackerel Grazed lotus roots and burdock Korean meatballs Pollack pancake Pan-fried shiitake mushroom * * * *** * * * * * Fresh vegetables with seasoning foods Potherb Vegetables soaked in soy bean sauce 1) Pearson correlation coefficient. * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P< Bellflower roots and cucumber salad Korean lettuce salad Seasoned cabbage salad Seasoned acorn starch curd with vegetables Spicy freshwater snails Japchae Mung bean jelly mixed with vegetables and beef Blanched and seasoned spinach Chwi-namul Fiddlehead namul Naengi namul Eggplant namul Mung bean sprouts namul Seasoned winter grown cabbage with soybean paste Pickled wild sesame leaves Pickled garlic stems Pickled onions ** * ** ** * *** * 0, ** *** *** ** * ** ** ** * *** * * * 그리고전체적인수응도와평소음식의간 ( 짠맛 ) 정도간에상관관계분석결과에서는비빔국수와도토리묵무침이유의적인음 (-) 의상관관계를, 골뱅이무침은유의적인양 (+) 의상관관계를나타냈다. 또한, 전체적인수응도와평가자의연령간에유의적인양 (+) 의상관관계가있는메뉴는떡국 (P<0.05), 고추장찌개 (P<0.05), 버섯전골 (P<0.05), 쇠갈비찜 (P<0.05), 사태편육 (P<0.05), 고등어조림 (P<0.05), 표고버섯전 (P<0.05), 탕평채 (P<0.001), 취나물 (P<0.05), 냉이나물 (P<0.05), 마늘종장아찌 (P<0.05) 등이었다. 위의결과를종합해볼때저나트륨한식조리법개발메뉴에대한소비자기호도조사결과총 60가지메뉴의전체적인수응도가 보통 이상으로평가되었으므로본연구에서개발한저나트륨한식조리법은가정뿐만아니라단체급식소와외식업소등에서나트륨저감화식단을개발하고자할때효과적으로활용될수있다고생각된다. 또한, 저나트륨한식메뉴조리법은대국민나트륨섭취줄이기를위한실천적교육및홍보자료로활용할수있을것으로기대된다. 요약본연구에서개발한저나트륨조리법으로만든한식메뉴에대해단체급식소와외식업소에서의활용가능성을평가하고자소비자기호도조사를시행한결과는다음과같다. 메뉴별로성인남녀 50명이상을대상으로 9점척도로평가한결과전체적인수응도평균은 6.25점이었고, 쇠갈비구이 (7.88), 불고기 (7.63), 멸치볶음 (7.46), 쇠고기장조림 (7.45), 육원전 (7.38), 돼지갈비찜 (7.35) 순으로전체적인수응도가높았고시금치나물 (5.04) 이가장낮았다. 한편성별에따른전체적인수응도의차이분석결과떡국, 콩비지찌개, 육개장, 더덕구이, 오징어볶음, 멸치볶음, 고등어조림, 도토리묵무침, 탕평채, 마늘종장아찌등은남자의수응도가여자보다유의적으로높았다. 또한, 본연구에서개발한저나트륨한식에대한전체적인수응도와평소각메뉴에대한기호도간에는닭찜, 연근우엉조림, 고사리나물등총 27개메뉴가양 (+) 의상관관계가있었고, 평가음식의간 ( 짠맛 ) 의정도와전체적인수응도간에는비빔밥, 비빔국수, 떡국, 숙주나물

8 122 부고운 백재은 배현주 등총 26개메뉴가유의적인양 (+) 의상관관계가있었다. 그리고비빔국수와도토리묵무침은평소싱겁게먹을수록전체적인수응도가유의적으로높았으며, 전체적인수응도와연령간에는탕평채, 버섯전골, 쇠갈비찜등총 11개메뉴가양 (+) 의상관관계가있었다. 연구결과를종합해볼때평가대상전메뉴의전체적인수응도가 보통 수준이상으로평가되었으므로본연구에서개발한저나트륨한식조리법은가정뿐만아니라단체급식소와외식업소등에서효과적으로활용가능하다고판단된다. 감사의글 본연구는 2013년도농림수산식품부한식세계화용역연구사업 ( 한식우수성기능성사업 ) 의연구비지원 ( ) 에의해수행되었으며이에감사드립니다. REFERENCES 1. Ministry of Health and Welfare Korean national health and nutrition examination survey. go.kr/front_new/al/sal0301vw.jsp?par_menu_id=04&m ENU_ID=0403&CONT_SEQ=326126&page=1 (accessed Sep 2016). 2. He J, Gu D, Chen J, Jaquish CE, Rao DC, Hixson JE, Chen J, Duan X, Huang JF, Chen CS, Kelly TN, Bazzano LA, Whelton PK Gender difference in blood pressure responses to dietary sodium intervention in the GenSalt study. J Hypertens 27: Law MR, Frost CD, Wald NJ By how much does dietary salt reduction lower blood pressure?: Ⅰ-Analysis of observational data among populations. BMJ 302: Sanders PW Dietary salt intake, salt sensitivity, and cardiovascular health. Hypertension 53: de Wardener HE, MacGregor GA Harmful effects of dietary salt in addition to hypertension. J Hum Hypertens 16: Chobanian AV, Hill M National heart, lung, and blood institute workshop on sodium and blood pressure: a critical review of current scientific evidence. Hypertension 35: Kim JW Policy of low-sodium within foodservice operations. Plenary lecture presented at workshop of Korean Society of Community Nutrition. Seoul, Korea. p Park GS Cookwise approach of slow food: focused on traditional fermented sauces. Korean J Soc Food Cook Sci 20: Shin EK, Lee HJ, Lee JJ, Ann MY, Son SM, Lee YK Estimation of sodium intake of adult female by 24-hour urine analysis, dietary records and dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ 55). Korean J Nutr 43: Lim HS, Ko YS, Shin D, Heo YR, Chung HJ, Chae IS, Kim HY, Kim MH, Leem DG, Lee YK Sodium and potassium content of school meals for elementary and junior high school students in Daegu, Masan, Gwangju, and Jeju. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 42: Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Korean food recipes for low-sodium intake. seq=19107&mid=754&cmd=v (accessed Apr 2014). 12. Shin JH Perception of dietitians for reduced sodium intake in food service and development of sodium-restricted recipes. MS Thesis. Catholic University of Daegu, Gyeongsan, Korea. p Kim JA, Kim YH, Ann MY, Lee YK Measurements of salinity and salt content by menu types served at industry foodservice operations in Daegu. Korean J Community Nutr 17: Park MJ Analysis of salt content in the foods of a industry foodservice operation and eat-out restaurants in the Daegu area, and development plan for a low-sodium diet. MS Thesis. Kyungpook National University, Deagu, Korea. p Lee KJ, Song MR Salinity of Kimchi and soups/stews, and the acceptability and attitudes of restaurant owners toward salt in the Jeonju area. Korean J Food Cult 24: Boo GU, Bae HJ Survey on menu preferences of adults for Korean food made from Korean traditional sauces. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 45: Lee YK, Seo JS, Bae HJ Development of Korean menus and recipes for low intake of sodium using low sodium sauces. Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Seoul, Korea. p Jeon HJ The dictionary of Korean food terminology. Kyomunsa, Paju, Korea. p The Korea Foundation Korean food guide in English. Cookand, Seoul, Korea. p Ministry of Education A guideline for sodium reduction of school foodservice. view.do?boardid=318&lev=0&statusyn=w&s=moe&m= &opType=N&boardSeq=52712 (accessed May 2016). 21. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Nutrition facts of eat-out food. =20256&cmd=v (accessed Sep 2016). 22. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Foodservice management manual for appling low-sodium menu. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Cheonju, Korea. p Chung EJ, Shim E Salt-related dietary behaviors and sodium intakes of university students in Gyeonggi-do. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 37: Kang MJ, Choi KB, Lyu ES Differences in sodiumintake related dietary behaviors and correlation analysis according to salty taste preference of university students in Busan area. Korean J Food Cook Sci 31: Hong HO, Lee JS Survey on Korean food preference of college students in Seoul: Focused on the staple food and snack. J Nutr Health 39: Park NE A study on meal menu preference for industrial workers in Jeonbuk area. MS Thesis. Wonkwang University, Iksan, Korea. p Lee KH, Park ES School food service satisfaction and menu preferences of high school students: Focused on Iksan, Cheonbuk. Korean J Community Nutr 15: Kim KJ, Chae IS A survey of foodservice satisfaction and menu preference of high school boarding students in Jeju. J Nutr Health 47:

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