News Focus Alzheimer's takes unbearable toll on families Tragic cases involving dementia patients family members are not uncommon these days. Dementia

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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

야쿠르트2010 9월재출

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216 동북아역사논총 41호 인과 경계공간은 설 자리를 잃고 배제되고 말았다. 본고에서는 근세 대마도에 대한 한국과 일본의 인식을 주로 영토와 경계인 식을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 이 시기 대마도에 대한 한일 양국의 인식을 살펴볼 때는 근대 국민국가적 관점에서 탈피할

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004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik


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2 佛敎學報 第 48 輯 서도 이 목적을 준수하였다. 즉 석문의범 에는 승가의 일상의례 보다는 각종의 재 의식에 역점을 두었다. 재의식은 승가와 재가가 함께 호흡하는 공동의 場이므로 포 교와 대중화에 무엇보다 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 믿음을 지니고 있었다. 둘째




공급 에는 권역에 두개의 프라임 오피스가 준공 되었다. 청진구역 2,3지구에는 광화문 D타워가 준공되어 대림에서 약 50%를 사용하며 나머지 50%는 임대마케팅을 진행 중이다. 메트로타워는 GS건설의 사옥에서 매각 이후 2013년 4분기에 리모델링을 시작하여, 에 완공

우리들이 일반적으로 기호

272 石 堂 論 叢 49집 기꾼이 많이 확인된 결과라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이야기의 유형이 가족 담, 도깨비담, 동물담, 지명유래담 등으로 한정되어 있음도 확인하였 다. 전국적인 광포성을 보이는 이인담이나 저승담, 지혜담 등이 많이 조사되지 않은 점도 특징이다. 아울



아태연구(송석원) hwp



News Focus Alzheimer's takes unbearable toll on families Tragic cases involving dementia patients family members are not uncommon these days. Dementia patients pose an unbearable burden on their families amid a lack of social support for them. Experts call for the overhaul of the whole system for the care of dementia patients. The support system for dementia patients has grown in size, but when you take a close look into it, it still has many problems in terms of content and quality, said Lee Jin-myung, a director of the Alzheimer s Association, a gathering of patients families. The number of the patients has grown 680 percent over the past seven years, according to data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The number of dementia patients stood at 534,000 in 2012, up from 445,000 in 2009. This number is expected to top 1 million by 2024 given the growth trend over the past years. Dementia patients are evaluated for the severity of their illness, and only those given the top one of three grades can benefit from insurance. The insurance program is far from enough for the families of dementia patients. After finding conditions of nursing homes too poor, some families take their dementia-struck members home. Current laws require nursing homes to assign one caregiver for two and half patients. At a patient s home, at least one family member would be devoted to the patient. The suffering of caregivers is an important issue that Korea must tackle because it can cause family tragedies including suicide, murder, physical abuse and neglect, experts say. The U.S. isn t much different from Korea in terms of the burden upon families in nursing dementia patients. According to a 2013 report by the U.S. Alzheimer s Association, unpaid caregivers mostly family members and some relatives and friends accounted for 80 percent of care for dementia patients. Tragic 비극적인 / dementia 치매 / uncommon 드문 / overhaul 점검 / quality 질 / severity 심각성 / insurance 보험 / assign 배정하다 / suicide 자살 / physical abuse 학대 / neglect 냉담 가족에게견디기힘든희생이요구되는치매치매환자들의가족들이관련된비극적인상황들은요즘세상에드물게볼수있는일이아니다. 치매환자들은사회적인지원의부족이한창인가운데견딜수없는부담을가족들에게안겨준다. 전문가들은치매환자들의관리를위한전체적인시스템에대한점검을요청한다. 치매환자들을위한지원시스템은규모가줄어들어왔으며자세히검토해보면여전히컨텐츠적인면과질적인면에서여전히많은문제를가지고있다, 고환자들의가족의모임인치매협회의이진명임원이말했다. 보건복지부의자료에따르면환자의수는지난 7년동안 680% 증가했다고한다. 치매환자의수는 2009년의 445,000명에서증가한 534,000명을 2012년에기록했다. 환자들의수는지난몇년동안의성장트렌드에따르면 2024년에 1백만명으로증가할것으로기대된다. 치매환자들은그들의병의심각성에따라평가받으며 3단계의가장최고단계만이보험혜택을받을수있다. 이보험프로그램은치매환자들의가족에게는한참충분치못하다. 양로원의상태가좋지못하다는것을알고난후몇몇가족들은그들의치매환자들을집에서간병한다. 현재법은양로원에서 2.5명의환자들에게한명의간병인을배정하기를요구한다. 환자들의가정에서는적어도한명의가족이환자의간병에몰두해야만한다. 전문가들은간병인의고통은자살, 살인, 학대와냉담등의가족의비극을초래하기때문에한국이해결해야하는아주심각한문제라고말했다. 1

치매환자를간병하는가족들의부담적인면에있어서미국도한국과별로다르지않다. 미국치매협회의 2013 보고에따르면대부분의가족구성원들과몇몇친척들과친구들인돈을받지 않는간병인들은치매환자의 80% 를차지한다고한다. Another school drops Kyohak history book Cheongsong High School in North Gyeongsang Province has withdrawn its earlier decision to select Kyhak Publishing s Korean history textbook. Critics say the book contains content glorifying former authoritarian leaders and justifying Japan s colonization of Korea. This latest move follows the decision by some 20 other high schools nationwide to withdraw the controversial book. The head of Cheongsong High School s policy-setting committee Kang Jong-chang said, When the school initially decided to use Kyohak s text book, it didn t go through any discussion with the committee, so we requested the school to withdraw its decision. He said the committee members realized that the textbook has a conservative bias and contains many factual errors. Hanmin High School in Paju, Gyeonggi Province is so far the only school to stick to its choice of Kyohak s textbook. A school official said a final decision about whether to stand by their decision or not will be made in March. Meanwhile Seoul Digitech High School said it chose Kyohak s textbook together with another history textbook published by Liber School in order to teach a balanced historical view to students. Critic 비평가 / glorify 칭송하다 / authoritarian 독재적인 / colonization 식민지화 / controversial 논란이있는 / factual 사실의 / meanwhile 한편 / balanced 균형잡힌 / historical 역사적인 또다른학교가교학사역사책을거절하다경상북도에있는청송고등학교가교학사가출판한한국역사교과서를채택하는것을철회하였다. 비평가들은이전의독재적인대통령을칭송하는일본의한국식민지화를정당화하는컨텐츠를담고있다고말한다. 최근의이런움직임은다른 20개의국내고등학교들이논란이있는교과서를철회하는결정을따른다. 청송고등학교의정책담당대표인강종창위원은 학교가처음교학사의교과서를사용하도록결정할때위원회와어떠한토론도거치지않았기때문에우리는학교에이결정을철회하라고요청하였다. 그는위원회멤버들이교과서가보수적인편견과많은사실적오류를담고있다는것을알아차렸다고말했다. 경기도파주에위치한한민고등학교는교학사의교과서를사용하는단하나의학교였다. 학교의한임원은그교과서를계속이용할것인지아니면하지않을지에대한마지막결정을 3월에내릴것이라고말했다. 한편서울디지텍고등학교는학생들에게 균형잡힌 역사적관점을가르치기위하여리버스쿨이출판한다른역사교과서와함께교학사의교과서를선택하였다고말했다. Entertainment Hallyu couple is born Lee Seung-gi, 26, and Yoona, 23, of Girls Generation confirmed they are dating, becoming the first celebrity couple revealed in the new year. 2

The news broke on Dispatch, which had followed the couple for three months. The two have been dating since September. With the news, Yoona becomes the first of the nine Girls Generation members to declare her dating status. Lee has always referred to Yoona as his ideal type. The singer s agency SM Entertainment said that the two stars are currently getting to know each other. Lee s agency Hook Entertainment said that they were not aware of specific details, but confirmed the two are dating. Confirm 확인하다 / break on 나타나다 / status 상태 / declare 선언하다 / currently 현재 / specific 구체적인 / detail 세부사항 한류커플탄생이승기 (26) 과소녀시대의윤아 (23) 가사귀는사이라고인정하며올해첫연예인커플로밝혀졌다. 이뉴스는커플을세달간따라다닌디스패치가먼저밝혀냈다. 이둘은 9 월부터데이트를해왔다. 뉴스와함께윤아는소녀시대멤버아홉명중처음으로그녀의열애사실을선언한멤버가되었다. 이가수의소속사 SM 엔터테인먼트는이둘의현재상태에대해 서로를알아가는중 이라고말했다. 이승기의소속사후크엔터테인먼트에서는구체적인세부사항에대해서는알지못하지만둘이사귀는것은인정했다고말했다. How Song Kang-ho ruled Korean cinema in 2013 Song Kang-ho s filmography almost overlaps with the list of the definitive works in Korean cinema in the past 20 years both in art-house fare and mass-market hits. While Song s status as the country s most influential cinematic actor, he went on and made 2013 his most commercially-successful year anyway. Critics say the secret to Song s success is simple: his acting is very, very good. "He has a realistic, understated delivery that is very powerful and convincing. He just disappears into his role. He can be a detective, an anonymous middle-class father, a face reader and lawyer. He is not your traditional, good-looking movie star, but he is what you really call an actor. His talent is prolonging his success because great directors such as Bong, Park and Kim Ji-woon are always eager to work with him. Definitive 최고의, 확실한 / art-house 예술적인 / mass-market 대중시장 / status 상태 / influential 영향력 있는 / commercially 상업적으로 / successful 성공적인, 성공한 / detective 형사 / anonymous 익명의 / traditional 전통적인 / prolong 연장하다 2013 영화계를지배한송강호송강호의필모그래피는거의지난 20 년간예술적인작품들과대중시장히트모두를비롯한한국영화계최고작품들의목록들로쌓여있다. 송강호가국내에서가장영향력있는영화배우의상태를가지며그는어쨌든계속해서 2013 년을그의상업적으로가장성공한해로만들었다. 평론가들은송강호의성공의비결은간단하다고말했다 : 그의연기는매우, 매우좋다. 그는매우힘있고설득력있는현실적이고절제된전달력을갖고있다. 그는그의역할속으로사라진다. 그는형사가될수도있고, 익명의중산층의아빠가될수도있으며관상을보는사람도될수있고, 변호사도될수가있다. 그는당신의전통적인, 잘생긴영화배우는아니지만그는당신이 3

정말배우라고부르는사람이다. 봉준호, 박찬욱, 김지운과같은대단한감독들이항상그와함께 일하고싶어하기때문에그의재능은그의성공을연장시키고있다. Joseon founding seen in unique angle The founding of Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910) has been a popular theme in period TV dramas. KBS is starting another one, aiming to duplicate the resounding success of the 1996 Tears of Dragon that covered the same period. After two years of prepration, Jeong Do -jeon airs on 9:40 p.m. on weekends. It is the longest-running period piece from KBS this year with 60 episodes. The broadcaster is hoping to give criticisms against historical dramas that have come to rely too much on fiction rather than facts. We have been eager to produce this project for a long time, Jang Seong-hwan, a KBS executive said during a press conference in Seoul. These days, schools don t give due respect to history education and period dramas are more about fictionalized history. As a public broadcaster, we felt that we had a duty to create dramas that promote a proper awareness of history. Unique 독특한 / angle 각도 / preparation 준비 / criticism 비판, 비난 / historical 역사적인 / eager 간절히 바라는 / press conference 기자회견 / fictionalized 소설, 허구 / duty 의무 독특한각도에서본조선의건국조선왕조 (1392-1910) 의건국은 TV 드라마에서많이사용된주제다. KBS 가 1996 년같은시대를다루는 용의눈물 의성공을다시이루는것을목표로또다른드라마를시작한다. 2 년의준비기간후, 정도전 은주말 9 시 40 분에에방송된다. 이것은올해 KBS 에서제작해 60 개의에피소드로이루어진대하드라마다. 이프로는사실보다허구에너무많이의존한역사드라마들을상대로비판하길희망하고있다. 우리는이프로젝트를제작하기를오랫동안바래왔다, KBS 장승환감독이서울에서열린기자회견에서말했다. 요즘, 학교에서는역사교육에당연한존경을표하고있지않고시대극도영화화된역사에가깝다. 공공방송국으로서우리는역사에대한제대로된인식을알리기위한드라마를만들어야할의무를느꼈다. Sports / Health S. Korea to be represented for every luge event at Sochi Winter Olympics South Korea will be represented in every event in the luge competition at the upcoming Winter Olympics in Russia for the first time, the sport's national governing body said. An official with the Korea Luge Federation said the International Luge Federation (FIL) has informed the South Korean governing agency that the country has qualified for the men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles and team relay events. South Korea has sent athletes in the men's singles event in each of the past four Winter Games, starting with Nagano in 1998, but this is the first time the country has secured Olympic spots in all events. Under the FIL's Olympic qualification rules, athletes must have earned enough world ranking points by Dec. 31, 2013, to qualify for Sochi. The FIL also reserved the right to reallocate unused quota positions to "next ranked qualified athletes" in each discipline, based on its review to ensure that the athletes' technical level and experience are "acceptable to FIL." 4

South Korea is expected to field its largest-ever Winter Games delegation in Sochi next month. Luge 루지, 경주용썰매 / competition 경기 / inform 알리다 / qualify 참가자격을얻다 / earn 얻다 / reallocate 재분배하다 / acceptable 용인될만한 / delegation 대표단 대한민국이소치동계올림픽모든루지경기에참여하다대한민국은돌아오는러시아의동계올림픽에서처음으로모든루지경기에참여할것이라고스포츠국가이사회가말했다. 한국루지연맹의한임원은국제루지연맹 (FIL) 이대한민국남자싱글, 여자싱글, 남자더블그리고팀릴레이경기에참여자격을얻었다고연맹에게알렸다고말했다. 대한민국은 1998년나가노를시작으로지난 4번의동계올림픽남자싱글경기에선수들을내보냈었지만올림픽의모든경기에내보내는것은처음이다. FIL의올림픽참가자격법칙에따르면선수들은소치에참가하기위하여 2013년 12월 31일까지세계랭킹점수를충분히얻어야만한다. FIL는또한선수의 FIL에용인될만한 기술적인수준과경험을보장하는보고서에기반을둔매규율에 다음순위에오른자격있는선수 를사용되지않은한도자리에재분배할권리를유보해두었다. 대한민국은다음달에소치로이제까지중가장큰규모의동계올림픽대표단을내보낼것으로기대된다. Electric blankets can cause burns Amid rising gas prices, electric blankets are favorite items for many to warm themselves through the winter night. However, sleeping on these can cause burn injury. According to Hallym University Medical Center, low-temperature burn injuries are common in winter, and can be more serious than one can imagine. According to the Hallym University Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital, which treats most of the burn patients in the country, low-temperature burn patients increase sharply from mid November. The low-temperature burn is no less serious. According to the hospital, 80 percent of the patients sustain third-degree burn where both the outer and underlying layers of skin are damaged. As one is exposed to the heat longer though at lower temperature, the burn is deep though narrow in size. The burn is common on the hips or thighs, which are in contact with the electric blankets. The skin goes through necrosis and turns white. Usually, the victim doesn t feel particular pain though they have numbness, and often they don t even know that they sustained a burn. Hence, it is likely that a few days have already passed when they come to hospital, but 80 percent of them would need skin transplant. Prof. Hur Jun at the hospital thus advised immediately going to a burn clinic when they feel numbness or the skin has turned white. The doctor advised putting something a bedding or a blanket on the electric blanket, to avoid direct contact. Also, one should choose the product that can be trusted, such as those automatically turning off after some time, instead of simply choosing cheaper ones. Injury 상처, 피해 / serious 심각한 / sharply 급격하게 / expose 노출하다 / narrow 좁은 / thigh 허벅지 / necrosis 괴사 / numbness 마비 / transplant 이식 / immediately 즉시 / bedding 침구 / automatically 자동으로 5

전기담요가화상을초래할수있다기름값이오르면서전기담요는겨울밤을따뜻하게나기위한사람들의최고의상품이되었다. 하지만전기담요위에서자는것은피해를초래할수있다. 한림대학교의료진에따르면낮은온도의화상은겨울에아주흔히일어나는일이며상상할수있는것보다더욱심각할수있다고한다. 국내에서가장많은화상환자들을치료하는한림대학교한강성심병원에따르면 11월중반부터낮은온도화상환자들의수는급격히증가한다. 낮은온도의화상은심각하지않은것이아니다. 병원에따르면 80% 의환자들은바깥쪽과안쪽의피부층이상처를입은 30도의화상을가지고있다. 누군가가낮은온도의열에오랫동안노출되면크기는좁고화상은깊다. 화상은전기담요에닿는엉덩이나허벅지에흔하다. 피부는괴사하며하얗게변한다. 피해자는마비가와서특정한고통을느끼지못하고종종화상을가지고있는것을모르기도한다. 이런이유로그들이병원에오는것은몇일이지난후이지만그들중 80% 는피부이식을받아야한다. 병원의전허박사는피부에마비가느껴지거나하얗게변하면바로화상클리닉에갈것을조언하였다. 의사는직접적인접촉을막기위해서침구나담요를전기담요위에놓을것을조언했다. 또한저렴한것을구매하는대신일정시간후에저절로꺼지는등의믿을수있는제품을구매하여야만한다. Culture / Science LG boss calls for 'sense of urgency' LG Chairman Koo Bon-moo visited an LG exhibition hall in hopes of spreading a sense of urgency to his executives and employees. The move came a few days after the chairman urged employees in his New Year s message to do everything they can to help the company out of its current slump. LG can lose competitiveness in key products at any moment amid challenging situations. We have no time to hesitate. You should be faster and think about what s next, Koo said. We have to escape from the mindset of suppliers. We have to make efforts to provide the best service in marketing and distribution, as well as the quality of our products, to fully satisfy customers, he added. The group s top three units LG Electronics, LG Display and LG Chem are experiencing tough times, analysts said. Urgency 위급, 위기 / competitiveness 경쟁력 / challenging 도전적인 / hesitate 망설이다 / mindset 사고방식 / supplier 공급자 / quality 품질 LG 회장 위기감을 부르다 LG 구본무회장이그의고위간부들과직원들에게위기감을알리기위해 LG 전시장에방문했다. 이러한방문은구회장이회사가현재슬럼프에서벗어날수있도록도울수있는모든것을하는그의새해메시지를직원에게전하고며칠후다. LG 는도전적인상황가운데서금방이라도주요상품들에대한경쟁력을잃을수있다. 우리는망설일시간이없다. 여러분들은더빨라야하고다음이무엇일까생각해야한다, 라고구회장이말했다. 6

우리는공급자의사고방식에서벗어나야한다. 우리는소비자들을완벽히만족시키기위해우리제품의품질을최대로끌어올리며마케팅과배급에최고의서비스를제공하는노력을해야한다, 고그가덧붙였다. 이그룹의가장잘나가는세유닛은 LG 전자, LG 디스플레이, LG 화학-힘든시기를겪고있다고분석가들이말했다. KT to review business projects in Africa KT plans to review its business projects in Africa as its new CEO Hwang Chang-gyu wants to focus on bolstering the firm s competitiveness in the domestic telecommunication business, said KT officials who are close to the matter. That suggests it is likely that Hwang, who will take office in March, will fold or scale down the company s business in Rwanda and other countries on the continent, depending on the outcome of the review. Under the leadership of outgoing Chairman Lee Suk-chae, KT signed an agreement in March 2013 to invest $140 million in the African country to build a fourth-generation (4G) mobile network that will serve 95 percent of the country s population. KT is now in talks with the Kenyan government to establish a joint venture to build a 4G LTE mobile broadband. Review 검토하다, 보고서 / bolster 강화하다 / fold 접다 / scale down 축소하다 / population 인구 / depend ~ 에달려있다, 좌우되다 / outcome 결과 KT 가아프리카사업프로젝트를검토하다 KT 는황창규신임 CEO 가회사의국내텔레커뮤니케이션사업의경쟁력을강화하는데초점을맞추기를바라며아프리카사업프로젝트사업을검토할계획이라고이일에관련이깊은 KT 직원이말했다. 3 월부터취임하는황 CEO 가르완다와대륙의다른나라들에서진행되는사업을보고서의결과에따라접거나축소할것으로보인다. 물러나는이석채전 CEO 의지도아래, KT 는 2013 년 3 월아프리카국가들에 95 퍼센트의인구가사용할수있는 4 세대모바일네트워크를짓기위해 1 억 4 천달러를투자했다. KT 는이제 4G LTE 모바일브로드밴드를짓기위한합작투자를위해케냐정부와이야기중이다. Feature Arirang to be featured in Sydney festival Various cultural events related to Arirang, the traditional Korean folk song, will take place at the 3rd Sydney Koreatown Festival in Australia on Feb. 1. The event will mark the first anniversary of the folk song s inscription on UNESCO s Intangible Cultural Heritage list in December in 2012. The folk song has thousands of variations which have been handed down from generation to generation in various regions. It has also inspired numerous cultural genres such as films, novels and stage art as it expresses Koreans unique sentiment of han, representing the pent-up distress and sorrow in the nation s tragic history. The festival committee said that it will organize diverse cultural shows with the theme of Arirang in the Lunar New Year s celebration. Inscription 적힌글, 등재 / intangible 무형의 / variation 변주곡 / region 지역 / numerous 수많은 / pent-up 억눌린 / distress 괴로움 / sorrow 슬픔 / tragic 비극의 7

아리랑이시드니페스티벌의주제가되다한국전통민속노래인아리랑에관련된다양한문화적행사가 2 월 1 일오스트리아의세번째시드니코리아타운페스티벌에서열린다. 이행사는 2012 년 12 월유네스코의무형문화유산으로등재된민속노래의 1 주년을기념하기위한것이다. 다양한지역에서대대로전해져내려온이민속노래는수천개의변주곡이있다. 또한나라의비극적인역사에서억눌린괴로움과슬픔을대표하는한국고유의정서한을표현하며영화, 소설, 무대미술등에수많은감동을주었다. 이행사위원회는구정에아리랑의주제로다양한문화적쇼를주최할것이라고말했다. The Korean art sector has some heavy-hitting exhibitions for the New Year The programs of major institutions such as the National Museum of Contemporary (MMCA) and the National Museum of Korea (NMK) are top-heavy with programs featuring top artistic talent from here and abroad. After years of anticipation, the MMCA opened its Seoul branch late last year near Gyeongbok Palace to complement its main museum in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province. The Seoul museum, which aims to be to the Korean capital what the Museum of Modern Art is to New York, is determined to open the year with a bang. A retrospective of Iranian video artist and film director Shirin Neshat and special exhibition on some of Asia s leading female artists highlight the institution s program for the early year. Exhibition 전시회 / talent 재능 / abroad 해외의 / anticipation 기대 / complement 보충 / determine 결정하다 /retrospective 회고의 / female 여성 / highlight 강조하다 한국예술분야, 새해를맞이해몇몇의거물급전시회를열다국립현대미술관과국립중앙박물관같은주요기관의프로그램들이국내와해외에서최고의예술적재능을갖고있는거물급프로그램을연다. 몇년의고대후, 국립현대미술관은지난해경복궁근처에경기도과천에있는주박물관을보충할서울지점을열었다. 뉴욕에있는뉴욕현대미술관처럼한국수도를목표로한서울박물관은폭발적인새해를열기로결정했다. 이란비디오아티스트이자영화감독인시린네샤트의회고전과아시아를이끄는몇몇의여성아티스트로강조된특별전시회가올해초기관의프로그램으로열린다. Business 'Big Brother' law upsets mobile users Mobile phone users are upset about a Big Brother law in the making, calling on carriers to act. SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus were careful regarding the ruling Saenuri Party s effort to revise a law to allow the National Intelligence Service (NIS) to hack mobile phones. Our customers feel very sensitive as they don t want their private life to be placed under the watch of the government, a KT official said. So we are very cautious in making any comment about this. Customers, analysts, civic groups and the main opposition Democratic Party all balked at the idea that gives the NIS full access to all communications on mobile devices. As the government has an infamous track record of misusing monitoring laws in the mid 2000s they badly need to do pin-pointed tapping of criminal suspects or national security law violations, SK Securities analyst Lee Dong- 8

seop said by phone. Monitoring of mobile devices was allegedly stopped in 2005 when the NIS was found to have been involved in a series of illegal hacking of cellular phones, Jinbo Net, a progressive labor network, said on its webpage. On Jan. 3, Suh Sang-kee and 12 other Saenuri lawmakers submitted a revision to the relevant law that would oblige mobile carriers to allow NIS access to their facilities. It also legalizes the monitoring of all mobile conversations. Advanced countries such as the U.S. and Germany allowed court approved monitoring of mobile phones in the mid 1990s. Korea had a smart-phone penetration rate of 70 percent to 80 percent, compared to the U.S. s 50 percent as of June, according to NH Securities. Revise 개정하다 / private 사적인 / cautious 조심스러운 / balk 꺼리다 / infamous 악명높은 / violation 위반 / allegedly 전해진바에따르면 / submit 제출하다 / relevant 관련있는 / oblige 의무적으로해야하는 / facility 시설 / legalize 합법화하다 / penetration rate 보급률 독재자 법이모바일사용자들을화나게하다네트워크회사들에게조치를취할것을요구하며핸드폰사용자들이제정되고있는 독재자 법때문에화내고있다. SK 텔레콤, KT와 LG 유플러스는국가정보원이휴대폰을해킹하는것을허락하는법안을수정하는여당인새누리당의노력에대해조심스럽다. 우리의소비자들은그들의사적인삶이정부의감시아래놓여지기를원하지않기때문에매우민감하게느낀다, 고 KT임원이말했다. 그래서우리는뭐라고말하기가매우조심스럽다. 소비자들, 분석가들, 시민운동기구들과주야당인민주당이모두 NIS가휴대폰의모든통화에모든접근을가지는것을허가하는이생각에대해꺼려한다. 정부는 2000년도중반에감시법을잘못사용한악명높은실적을가지고있다 ; 그들은국가법위반이나전범용의자를지목하기위해그렇게해야만했었다고 SK 보안의이동섭분석가가전화를통해말했다. 휴대폰을감시하는것은 NIS가여러불법적인휴대폰해킹에관련되었다고밝혀진후 2005년에정지되었다고진보적인근로네트워크인진보넷이홈페이지에서말하였다. 1월 3일에서상기와 12명의다른새누리국회의원들이통신사들이 NIS를그들의시설에허락하도록하는관련법안의개정을제출하였다. 이는또한모든전화통화내역을감시하는것을합법화한다. 미국이나독일의선진국들은 1990년중반에법원이휴대폰을감시하도록허락하였다. 6월에한국은미국의 50% 에비하여 70-80% 의스마트폰보급률을가지고있었다고 NH 보안이말하였다. Drug makers eye overseas markets Korea s major pharmaceutical firms are turning their eyes to overseas markets in order to compensate for falling profits from domestic sales. Now we all know that we should seek to advance into overseas markets in order to make up for reduced profits due to drug price cuts, Lee gun-nyung, assistant manager at the investment relations team of Daewoong Pharmaceutical. 9

But it is very challenging to compete with global pharmaceutical firms. It is expected that pharmaceutical firms will see a huge drop in profits due to the government s schemes to reduce the price of drugs covered by medical insurance. In a recent survey on 30 pharmaceutical firms, 10 of them said they will see a drop in sales of between 10 billion and 20 billion won while five said they expected to see an over 20 billion won drop in sales due to the recent incentive system. The performance in overseas markets will be important for major local pharmaceutical firms to enhance their profitability, said Chung Bo-ra, an analyst at the securities firm. But market insiders said it would be difficult for most pharmaceutical firms here, which merely depend on the sales of generics, to advance into overseas markets, as they cannot compete with global pharmaceutical firms, which spend a huge amount of money on research and development for new drugs. Tapping into overseas markets would be an empty slogan for most pharmaceutical firms here, as they are too small to compete with pharmaceutical giants, said an official from a pharmaceutical firm. Pharmaceutical 제약의 / compensate 보상하다 / investment 투자 / insurance 보험 / incentive 보상의 / performance 성과 / profitability 수익성 / generics 일반적인상품 / tap 두드리다 제약회사들이해외시장을내다보다한국의주요제약회사들이국내판매의감소하는수익을보상하기위해해외시장에눈을돌리고있다. 이제우리는약품가격인하때문에감소한수익을메꾸려는목적을위해우리가해외시장으로나아가야만하는것을모두알고있다, 고대웅제약의투자관련팀이건녕보조매니저가말했다. 하지만세계적인약품회사와경쟁하는것은매우어렵다. 의료보험이적용되는약품의가격을내리는정부의계획때문에제약회사들이큰수익의손해를볼것으로예상된다. 30개의제약회사들을상대로이루어진최근설문조사에서최근보상시스템때문에 5개의회사가 200억원이상의판매감소를예상한다고말하는동안 10개의회사가 100억원에서 200 억원의판매감소를볼것이라고말했다. 해외시장에서의성과는그들의수익을향상시키기위해주요국내제약회사에게중요할것이다, 라고보안회사의정보라분석가가말했다. 하지만시장내부자들은일반적인약품의판매에만의존하는국내의대부분의제약회사들에게는신약을연구개발하기위해큰돈을쓰는세계적인제약회사들과겨루기위해해외로진출하는것이힘들것이라고말했다. 해외시장을두드리는것은대부분의거대제약회사들과경쟁하기에는너무규모가작은국내제약회사들에게는공허한슬로건이될수있다, 고한제약회사의직원이말했다. Society Man stuck with bottle, wires in stomach The man went to hospital in Fuzhou, capital of southeast China's Fujian Province, complaining of stomch pains. However, when doctors enquired about the cause the man claimed he had no idea what was responsible. An X-ray taken at a hospital in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China, showing the bottle and piece of wire in the man's abdomen. The man confessed that he inserted the bottle at home, but was then unable to remove it. 10

Out of panic he found a piece of steel wire and tried to hook the bottle out, but failed. Doctors were forced to operate to remove the bottle and wire and discovered that the man s bowel had been pierced in several places. Complain 호소하다, 불만을털어놓다 / stomach 배, 복부 / enquire 묻다 / confess 고백하다 / remove 제거하다 / insert 넣다, 삽입하다 / fail 실패하다 / bowel 창자 배에병과철사가있던남자중국푸젠성의성도인푸저우에한병원을찾은남자는복통을호소했다. 하지만의사는이남성에게원인을물었지만그는복통의원인을전혀모르겠다고말했다. 중국푸젠성의푸저우에있는엑스레이에서는남자의복부에있는병과철사가찍혀있었다. 그제서야이남성은집에서병을몸에삽입했었지만그것을빼낼수없었다고고백했다. 당황한그는하나의철사를발견했고병을낚으려했지만실패했다. 의료진은병과철사를제거하기위해수술을강행했고, 창자몇곳에구멍이난것을발견했다. Kenneth Bae s family criticizes Rodman for pro-nk comment Family of Korean-American detainee in North Korea Kenneth Bae criticized Dennis Rodman for defending the country s year-long seizure, sources said. In her statement, Terry Chung, Bae s sister, said there was nothing diplomatic about Rodman s trip. My family and I are outraged by Rodman s recent comments, said Chung. He is playing games with my brother s life. There is no diplomacy, only games, and at my brother s expense." Chung said she understands that Rodman wasn t going to advocate for her brother and that that s his choice. But she said, This isn t some game. Dennis Rodman can play all the publicity stunts he wants with his own self, but this isn t a game, said Chung. In his apology, Rodman mentioned he had been drinking prior to the interview and was afraid his basketball diplomacy was quickly falling apart. Detain 구금, 억류하다 / diplomacy 외교 / advocate 지지하다 / publicity stunt 떠들썩한관심, 활동 / mention 언급하다 / fall apart 다허물어지다 케네스배가족이북한을옹호하는발언을한로드먼을비난하다한국계미국인케네스배씨의가족이북한에 1 년여동안억류하는것을옹호하는발언을한데니스로드먼을비난했다. 배씨의여동생테리정의성명에로드먼의여행은 외교적이지않았다. 고말했다. 나의가족과나는로드먼의최근한말에분노했다, 라고정씨가말했다. 그는내오빠의삶을가지고게임을하고있다. 외교란없고게임만있으며나의오빠가값을치르고있다. 정씨는로드먼이그의오빠를지지하지않는것은그의선택이기때문에이해한다고말했다. 하지만그녀는 이것은일종의게임이아니다. 데니스로드먼은그의맘대로그가하고싶은떠들썩한활동을할수는있지만이것은게임이아니다, 라고정씨가말했다. 그의사과문에서로드먼은이전의인터뷰에서술에취했었고그의농구외교가 빠르게허물어질까 두렵다고말했다. 11

Story Getting Close to Tornadoes Weather experts are able to predict bad weather better than ever before thanks to satellites, high-altitude balloons and radar stations. But for many years these experts have incorrectly predicted tornado formation, giving false warnings about 75 percent of the time. So, scientists are working to improve their tornado predictions. They are getting close to the large and dangerous wind storms to see how they form. They believe that, if they know what a tornado looks like as it forms, they will lower their false prediction rate. Scientist Joshua Wurman was the first to put Doppler radar equipment on a vehicle and drive it into the path of a tornado. I invented the Doppler on Wheels back in the 1990s because I was frustrated that we couldn t see enough detail inside tornados and hurricanes. We had blurry images of all these things, and in order to really understand the physics -- the math of what s going on inside a tornado, how exactly are they forming, how strong are the winds right at the surface -- we need to get up very, very, close. Scientists are learning more about which storms develop into tornados by studying them from start to end. Mr. Wurman says that radar information has taught them that a wind surge could be what causes a storm to turn into a tornado. The scientific process is that we need to now observe that and repeat that observation in maybe a dozen or more other thunderstorms, and in maybe a dozen or more thunderstorms that aren t making tornados, to really see if that surge causes tornados and if there is no surge, whether there is no tornado. Predict 예측하다 / incorrectly 부정확하게 / equipment 장비 / blurry 흐릿한 / exactly 정확히 / surface 표면 / develop 개발하다 / observe 관찰하다 / scientific 과학적인 / thunderstorm 뇌우 ( 폭풍우 ) 토네이도와가까워지기날씨전문가들은인공위성과고공열기구풍선그리고전파탐지소들덕분에좋지않은날씨를그어느때보다도잘예측할수있다. 그러나수년간이전문가들이토네이도의형성에대해부정확하게예측을하는바람에그들이내린전체경고의 75% 는잘못된것이었다. 그래서과학자들은토네이도예측을개선하기위해노력하고있다. 그들은토네이도가어떻게형성되는지보기위해거대하고위험한폭풍에가까이접근하고있다. 그들은토네이도가형성이될때어떤모습인지알수있다면잘못된예측비율을낮출수있다고믿고있다. 과학자조슈아워맨 (Joshua Wurman) 씨는처음으로도플러레이더장비를자동차에싣고토네이도의길안으로운전해들어간사람이다. 저는토네이도와허리케인속의세부적인요소들을충분히볼수없다는사실이너무나불만스러웠기때문에 1990 년대에도플러온휠 (Doppler on Wheels) 을발명했습니다. 우리는이모든것들의흐린사진을갖고 12

있었는데토네이도속에서일어나고있는수학적요소들과이것이정확하게어떻게형성되는지, 바로표층에서의바람의강도는어느정도인지를포함한물리적인측면을제대로이해하기위해서우리는아주가까이접근을해야합니다. 과학자들은토네이도를철두철미하게연구함으로써이것으로발전하는폭풍은어떤것인지에대해더배우고있다. 워맨씨는 폭풍으로인한고조 ( 高潮 ) 가폭풍이토네이도로바뀌게만드는요인이될수있다는사실을전파탐지기의정보를통해알게되었다고말한다. 이과학적과정은우리가이제이것을관찰하고이관측을열두번도더넘는뇌우 ( 雷雨 ) 에서반복해야한다는것입니다. 또토네이도를만들지않는열두번도더넘는뇌우 ( 雷雨 ) 에서도관찰을반복해야하는데이는실제로그고조가토네이도를유발하는지, 그리고고조 ( 高潮 ) 가없을시에는토네이도또한존재하지않는지보기위해서입니다. Words and Their Stories : Fireworks! The expression "fireworks" gets its meaning from the fireworks that people shoot into the sky when yellows and greens and whites The expression also means a great show of noisy anger, or something exciting. another kind of fireworks can be any event or activity that is especially exciting. One such event is falling in love. If anything can produce fireworks, it is a sweetheart's kiss or the touch of a lover's hand. Often movie or television cartoons show fireworks to represent the excitement of a kiss. Many other countries around the world also enjoy the tradition of exploding fireworks on special days. In Australia, the city of Sydney begins each new year with a fireworks show at midnight. China is the birthplace of fireworks. Large fireworks shows were held often during earlier times in China. Now, people use small fireworks to help celebrate weddings and birthdays. France also has a great fireworks tradition. A large fireworks show always takes place on Bastille Day, which celebrates the beginning of the French Revolution. The French city of Cannes holds an international fireworks competition each year in July and August. In India, people have been using fireworks for more than 500years. A great Indian fireworks show takes place during the religious celebration of Diwali, every autumn. Expression 표현 / anger 분노 / noisy 시끄러운 / midnight 자정, 한밤중 / celebrate 기념하다 / competition 대회 / religious 종교의 / autumn 가을 영단어와그이야기들 : 불꽃놀이! 불꽃놀이 (fireworks) 라는표현의의미는사람들이큰행사를기념할때하늘로쏘는폭죽으로부터유래했다. 폭죽들이폭발하며밝은빨강과파랑, 노랑과초록및흰색으로어두운밤하늘을채운다. 이표현은크게노함을과장스럽게표현하는것이거나또는뭔가신나는것을의미하기도한다. 특별히신나는일이나활동도또다른종류의불꽃이될수있다. 그런일중하나가사랑에빠지는것이다. 만약불꽃을만들 13

수있는것이무언가가있다고한다면, 그것은바로연인의키스나사랑하는이의손길일것이다. 종종영화나 TV 만화에서는키스의흥분을표현하기위해불꽃을보여준다. 많은세계여러나라들에서도역시특별한날에불꽃놀이를하는전통을즐긴다. 호주의시드니는매년 1 월 1 일을자정불꽃놀이로시작한다. 중국은불꽃놀이를탄생시킨국가다. 이전시대에는대규모의불꽃놀이가자주열렸었다. 이제사람들은결혼식과생일축하를돕기위해작은폭죽을사용한다. 프랑스에도거대한불꽃놀이를하는전통이있다. 프랑스혁명의시작을기념하는프랑스혁명 ] 기념일 (Bastille Day) 에는항상큰불꽃놀이가열린다. 프랑스의도시칸 (Cannes) 은매년 7 월과 8 월, 국제불꽃놀이대회를개최한다. 인도인들은 500 년이넘는기간동안폭죽을사용해왔다. 인도의훌륭한불꽃놀이는매년가을, 디왈리 (Diwali) 종교축제기간중펼쳐진다. 14