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Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you


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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C

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55호 1면

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and


2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628


수능 CAT

[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~






3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적




#1_초급 본문

October 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.8 울긋불긋 가을이야기 목차 From Editor 앉아서 떠나는 여행 Guidance 그림책 읽어주는 기술 Homeschool 다양한 세계문화 알아보기 Study Trip 올 가을!풍요로운 낭만축


6단계 08권 TG

71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370

Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.

Just Grammar Starter Level 3-º»¹®.PDF

step 1-1

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유

서론 34 2



바르게 읽는 성경





Lesson 7 Small Steps for a Better Tomorrow You should recycle them. You know what? It s warm today. There is a symbol for wild animals and plants. We should love the earth. Words bath bathe ex. My brother is taking a bath. bottle cloudy cloud company ex. Many companies help WWF. cool die dead dying earth energy environment ex. A clean environment is very important to us. farmer finally at last gift present grow grew healthy unhealthy health important unimportant inside outside lastly less little meal more many, much natural nature ex. Some farmers grow fruits and vegetables in a natural way. product protect protection ex. We should protect wild animals. recycle recycling 114 save sick ill strange sunny symbol touch vegetable wall warm cool washer waste wild windy wind Phrases after all ex. After all, we should love the earth. all over the world ex. We can see this all over the world. and so on ex. You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, and so on in the USA. in use ex. The washing machine is in use. that kind of ex. We should use products with that kind of symbol. these days ex. The rain is bad these days. throw away ex. Don t throw away the garbage in the river. turn off turn on ex. Can I turn off the computer?

Words 01 warm 02 symbol 03 cool 04 farmer 05 dying 06 wild 07 energy 08 strange 09 finally 10 waste 11 less 12 grow 13 important 14 washer 15 gift 16 more 17 inside 18 protect 19 lastly 20 bath 21 vegetable 22 wall 23 cloudy 24 bottle 25 environment 26 sunny 27 healthy 28 company 29 windy 30 earth 31 die 32 save 33 product 34 meal 35 touch 36 natural 37 sick 38 recycle Phrases 39 these days 40 all over the world 41 turn off 42 and so on 43 that kind of 44 after all 45 throw away 46 in use p.185 Lesson 7 115 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 116 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Phrases 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 p.185

1 2 3 4 5 It s very (wild / windy) today. Do not go out. Look at the boy. He looks (healthy / important). We should (protect / recycle) bottles and cans. There is a lot of (nature / waste) in the park. Let s (save / touch) energy and protect our environment. 6 This product uses energy. 7 What s the like today? 8 Few trees in the desert. 9 A polluted can harm wildlife. 10 Wash your hands before each. after all these days turn off all over 11 many wild animals are dying. 12 His name is known the world. 13 Mr. Kim will not come. 14 Why don t you the radio? It s noisy. 15 sunny cloudy windy snow rainy 16 lastly cool sick natural important 17 farmer meal warm company symbol p.185 look at bottle a lot of desert polluted harm radio noisy Lesson 7 117 I have a lot of old newspapers. You should recycle them. You should ~. I think you should ~. You had better ~. should must, have to, ought to You should get up early. You should not touch strange animals. I think you shouldn t get up late. You must not be late. You d better not meet Mr. Jones now. Thanks, I will. I think I should. I ll keep that in mind. 1 I got a fish! Look at this. Well, it s too small. You it back. You young animals. 2 What you? A bird house. I m going to take it to the mountain tomorrow. That ll be good for the birds. Yeah. You know what? I have just the right music for this weather. What is it? You know what? 118

p.185 Guess what? / Can you guess? Listen, there s something I have to tell you. 3 Guess? John will come to the party. John It s surprising. 4 Let s play soccer. But it s raining, and it s windy. You? Soccer games are really fun in the rain. What is the weather like today? It s warm today. it it warm, cold, cool, hot, windy, sunny, snowy, rainy, foggy, stormy rain, snow, blow What swhat isthe weather like? / How show isthe weather? It s sunny. It s windy. It s warm. It s cloudy. It s cold. It s rainy. 5 What is the weather like today? and snowy. 6 like over there? and cloudy. How s? Lesson 7 119 p.185 Nice bike! 1. your bike to school, Chris? Chris Yes, Jina. And my father also goes to work 2.. Really? 3. interesting. Bike riders like me are usually healthy. And bikes 4., too. Cars use 5., but bikes do not. You re right. But 6. in the streets. Don t worry. You 7.? This is wonderful weather for bike riders. Yeah. 8. and. Great for a bicycle race. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) OK. Thanks. All right. No problem. Mom, where can I put these cans and bottles? Don t put the cans and bottles in the same box. You should find different boxes for each. There are boxes for them next to the tree. 120

1 (1) You? Mike sent me a card. Mike (2) What is there? 2 I don t feel good. I have a cold. You take a rest. can t will should shouldn t must not 3 What s the weather like today? = is the weather today? 4 Plants are important. Right. We should protect them. You should save energy. I think I should. I m late for school again. You should get up early. What s the weather like today? Today is Monday. You know what? Soccer games are really fun in the rain. Really? 5 I got a fish! Look at this. Well, it s too small. You should throw it back. send sent have a cold take a rest weather plant important save energy throw threw Lesson 7 121 6 How s the weather in Busan? It s windy. It s sunny. It s raining. It s crowded. It s very cold. 7 What shouldn t you do in the Sahara? (touch / animals / we / strange / shouldn t) [8~9] Boy: Mom, where can I put these cans and bottles? Mom: There are boxes for them next to the tree. Boy: OK. Thanks. Mom: Don t put the cans and bottles in the same box. You should find different boxes for each. Boy: All right.. 8 You have to find different boxes for each. You want to find different boxes for each. You d better not find different boxes for each. You must not find different boxes for each. You should have to find different boxes for each. 9 It s cool. Guess what? No problem. No way. You should do it. 122 p.185 windy the Sahara touch strange can bottle next to put put different

There is a cat in the living room. There are other interesting symbols about the environment. There isn t any water in the bottle. Are there many bags in the store? There isare There isare There is There are There there There is a book on the desk. There is a picture on the wall. There are a lot of balls in the box. There are two birds on the bench. be not be There isn taren t~. There isn t a cloud in the sky. There aren t any concerts in July. be there IsArethere ~? Yesthere isare No, there isn taren t Is there a lamp on the desk? Yes, there is. No, there isn t. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 There (is / are) a lot of pens on the desk. There is (a boy / two girls) on the stage. There are (a chair / four chairs) in the room. (Is / Are) there some food in the fridge? There (is / are) a lot of cookies in the box. (Is / Are) there many paper cups on the table? There (isn t / aren t) any concerts in July. Lesson 7 123 p.185 You should take care of the poor dog. We should use products with that kind of symbol. You shouldn t eat too much fast food. should must, ought to, had better We should protect the animals. We must protect the animals. We ought to protect the animals. should should notshouldn t You should not tell a lie. You ought not to tell a lie. You must not tell a lie. We shouldn t use much water. We ought not to use much water. We must not use much water. 8 earth / should / the / we / love 9 water / we / save / should 10 plant / should / trees / we 11 ask / should / help / people / you / for 12 not / use / should / we / paper cups 13 should / something / we / do 14 late / should / be / for / you / not / school 124

1 (1) (2) (3) You should (have / to have) breakfast every day. (Are / Am) there many students in the classroom? You (should not lie / should lie not) to your parents. [2~3] 2 There are many trees in the park. 3 You should throw it away. 4 There is interesting symbols about the environment. Interesting symbols about the environment is there. There are interesting symbols about the environment. An interesting symbol is there about the environment. Interesting symbols are there about the environment. 5 We don t have enough water. So we. have to keep our water should save our water shouldn t waste our water must use all our water must not use too much water 6 There some water in the bottle. There three pencils on the desk. is - is are - are is - are are - is are - were have breakfast student lie in the park throw away interesting symbol environment bottle desk Lesson 7 125 7 There are some milk in the fridge. 8 (take / should / the poor cat / of / you / care) 9 I think we should (recycling) paper, bottles, and cans. recycle recycling recycles recycled is recycling 10 There is a blackboard on the wall. There is a ball on the desk. There is a student in the classroom. There are three birds by the window. There are eight chairs in the classroom. 11 You should protect plants. Is there any others? We should love the earth. You should turn off lights not in use. There is a symbol for wild animals and plants. 126 p.186 fridge recycle blackboard on the wall protect turn off

Small Steps for a Better Tomorrow Ms. Johnson: Do you know this symbol? It s for recycling. We can see this all = This symbol can over the world. There are other interesting symbols about the = all around the world There are environment. Hojin, can you tell us more? tell us more 4 Hojin: Some farmers grow fruits and vegetables in a natural way. Then they get this symbol for their products. = some farmers Ms. Johnson: Good. How about you, Semin? Semin: Products with this symbol use less energy. You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, and so on in the USA. Ms. Johnson: Very good. We should use products with that kind of symbol. Are there any others? There are ~. Jina: Yes, there is a symbol for wild animals and plants. It s about their protection. WWF in this symbol means World Wildlife Fund. Many companies help WWF. Ms. Johnson: Thank you. Good job, everyone. A clean environment is very important to us. After all, we should love the earth. We have only one. and so forth = ought to / must there is protect grew n a ~ way What about you? little manya lot of / lots of cf. much Well done / Excellent must symbol recycling environment grow natural product energy washer and so on protection wildlife fund company important after all Lesson 7 127 1 this symbol? 2 It s. 3 We can see this the world. 4 other interesting symbols about the. 5 Can you? 6 Some grow fruits and vegetables. 7 Then they get this symbol for. 8 Products with this symbol use. 9 You it TVs, computers, washers, in the USA. 10 We products with that kind of symbol. 11 any others? 12 for animals and. 13 their. 14 WWF this World Wildlife Fund. 15 Many WWF. 16 A clean environment is to us. 17, we should love the earth. 128 p.186 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TV 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. WWF 15. WWF 16. 17.

Words + Reading WWF TV p.186 Lesson 7 129 1 2 3 farmer : a person who owns or manages a farm : : a thing that represents or stands for another : : having or showing good health : 4 5 6 : the planet on which we live : : a business organization : : to put through a particular process so that it is fit to use again : 7 : a washing machine : 8 : to prevent someone or something from being harmed or damaged : 9 10 : an act of washing the body in a bath : : something produced : earth protect symbol product recycle bath washer company healthy farmer Ms. Johnson: How about you, Semin? Semin: Products with this symbol use less energy. You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, and so on in the USA. Ms. Johnson: Very good. We should use (A) products / productions with that kind of symbol. Are there any others? Jina: Yes, there is a symbol for wild animals and plants. It s about their (B) protect / protection. WWF in this symbol means World Wildlife Fund. Many companies help WWF. Ms. Johnson: Thank you. Good job, everyone. A clean (C) energy / environment is very important to us. After all, we should love the earth. We have only one. (A) products productions products products productions (B) protect protect protection protection protection (C) energy environment energy environment environment 130

p.186 Grammar + Reading 1 What s the weather there? 2 We should plants trees. 3 There are a lot of waste around us. 4 The rain is bad these day. 5 There is enough not water. 6 Is there any others? 7 You should turn off lights in not use. 8 There is not many trees. 9 Our earth is sick and we should did something. 10 There are a yellow bird in the garden. Ms. Johnson: Do you know this symbol? It s for recycling. We can see this all over the world. There are other interesting symbols about the environment. Hojin, can you tell us less? Hojin: Some farmers grow fruits and vegetables in a natural way. Then they get this symbol for their products. Ms. Johnson: Good. How about you, Semin? Semin: Products with this symbol use less energy. You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, and so on in the USA. Ms. Johnson: Very good. Lesson 7 131 1 clean - dirty cold - hot short - tall present - gift inside - outside 2 to put through a particular process so that it is fit to use again use recycle grow protect product 3 Turn the radio. It s noisy. We should take our shoes here. 4 all, we decided to go to the concert. In Out Around After Through 5 snowy - gloves rainy - umbrella windy - coat cold - swimsuit sunny - sunglasses 132 6 I have a fever. You should get some rest. 7 What s the weather like in China? It s warm. It s snow. It s sunny. It s raining. It s windy. (8~9) 8 I m usually late for school. You should. see a doctor recycle them take a rest get up early protect them 9 What are you doing? You what? I m going to make a kite. are have get know grow

10 Yeah. We should protect wild animals. What are you making? That ll be good for the birds. A bird house. I m going to take it to the mountain tomorrow. 11 I broke my cup. You should buy a new one. Is there a chair next to the table? Yes, there is. How many balls are there in the box? No, there aren t. How do you go to school? I walk to school. What s the weather like today? It s very hot. 12 I got a fish! Look at this. Well, it s too small. You throw it back. You protect young animals. OK. may should would shouldn t are going to 13 What s the weather like in London? = in London? 14 There are in the park. children many trees a lot of dogs a tennis court some benches 15 Is there some water to drink? Yes, it is. No, it isn t. Yes, there is. Yes, there are. No, there aren t. 16 I feel tired. I didn t sleep well last night. (go / should / early / to / you / bed) Lesson 7 133 (17~18) 17 There is a lot of in the park. We can see empty bottles, cans and plastic bags everywhere. nature energy people product waste 18 Yesterday, I was at Peter s birthday party. There many of my friends at the party. is are was were did 19 Is there a bank around here? There is a book on the desk. There are much dolls in the box. You should keep the traffic rules. You should not take pictures here. 20 (1) I feel hungry. I want gimbap. (2) Fast food isn t good for our health. We should eat fast food. 134 21 It is very cold. It is March 27th. What time is it now? It is a new computer. It is 6:30 in the morning. 22 You take care of the cat. You not watch TV too much. TV can may have should would (23~25) Our earth is sick and we should do something. First, there is a lot of waste around us. we should recycle bottles and cans. Second, there is not enough water. we should save water. Finally, there are not many trees. We should plant trees. The earth is dying. 23

24 So But However Because For example 25 We should save water. We should turn off lights. We should plant a lot of trees. We should protect the earth. We should recycle bottles and cans. (26~28) Ms. Johnson: Do you know this symbol? It s for recycling. We can see this all over the world. There other interesting symbols about the environment. Hojin, can you tell us more? Hojin: Some farmers grow fruits and vegetables in a natural way. Then they get this symbol for their products. Ms. Johnson: Good. How about you, Semin? Semin: Products with this symbol use less energy. You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, and so on in the USA. Ms. Johnson: Very good. We should use products with that kind of symbol. Are there any others? Jina: Yes, there a symbol for animals and plants. It s about their protection. WWF in this symbol means World Wildlife Fund. 26 is - is is - are are - is are - are were - was 27 28 Ms. Johnson WWF 29 Tomorrow is the school sports day, but now. So Betty is sad. She is going to check the TV weather report. She wants fine weather tomorrow. it is sunny it is warm it is very hot it is raining it is not cold. Lesson 7 135 (30~32) What is this bird? It is a dodo bird. It looks cute. It is big, and it can t fly. You know what? There are no dodo birds in the world. We can see them only in picture books. We should protect wild animals, we are going to lose them some day. 30 They are all dead. 31 or so and but then 32 (33~35) Jina: Nice bike! Do you ride your bike to school, Chris? Chris: Yes, Jina. And my father also goes to work by bike. Jina: Really? That s interesting. Chris: Bike riders like me are usually healthy. And bikes save energy, too. Cars use a lot of gas, but bikes do not. Jina: You re right. But you be careful in the streets. Chris: Don t worry. You know what? This is wonderful weather for bike riders. Jina: Yeah. It s sunny and cool. Great weather for a bicycle race. 136 p.187 33 = Do you go to, Chris? 34 must may should ought to had better 35 Listen! How about you? You re right. What a nice day! What do you mean?

1 cool - warm hot - cold large - big gift - present sick - ill many - more 2 sunny windy cloudy weather snowy 3 a plant such as cabbages, potatoes, and onions which you can cook and eat tree animal vegetable meal symbol 4 Let s turn off lights 5 I m hungry. I want some bread. We should use water. less - less more - less many - little more - many much - less 6 How s the weather today? That s too bad. We should stay inside. It s raining. It s so cold today. It s warm and sunny. It s snowing hard. It s very windy outside. 7 It s September, but it s still hot. You what? The earth is getting really hot. 8 Is anybody there? There isn t any bread. Is there anything wrong? There is some milk in the glass. Are there six students in the classroom? 9 Are there any others? Give me some apples. We should save energy. There are a bird by the window. We shouldn t be late for school. Lesson 7 137 (10~12) Ms. Johnson: Do you know this symbol? It s for recycling. We can see this all over the world. Hojin, can you tell us more? Hojin: Some farmers grow fruits and vegetables in a natural way. Then they get this symbol for their products. Ms. Johnson: Good. How about you, Semin? Semin: Products with this symbol use less. You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, and so on in the USA. 10 There are other interesting symbols about the environment. 11 12 water money energy food waste 138 p.188 13 How s the weather today? It s snowing. You need. You know what? I have new here. cap coat sunglasses gloves an umbrella 14 There are a lot of pictures in the museum. You should are quiet and you should not take pictures. 15 Our earth is sick. There enough water. Also, there many trees. And there is a lot of waste around us. So we should do something. First, we should save water. Second, we should plant trees. Lastly, we should recycle bottles and cans. is not - is not is - are not is not - are are not - are not is not - are not

1 sick - well large - big clean - dirty wind - windy little - less snowy - weather 2 He told me his name, age, and so on. etc. either too so far such as 3 a glass or plastic container in which drinks and other liquids are kept bowl pot bottle basket box (4~5) many less waste environment 4 This product uses energy. 5 A clean is very important. 6 It s raining hard. May I help you? How s the weather? What day is it today? How are you doing? What s the weather like? 7 There is not enough money in my wallet. There is not enough moneys in my wallet. There are not enough money in my wallet. There are not enough moneys in my wallet. There not be enough money in my wallet. 8 Where are they? There are three birds. How many birds are there? They re on the bench. Lesson 7 139 9 There are a few in this picture. birds trees animals water people (10~11) You look. What s wrong? Tomorrow is our school sports day, and it s raining now. Maybe the rain will stop. That would be great. I ll go and check the weather report. It s going to be sunny tomorrow, I hope. 10 sad tired good happy excited 11 Why don t you call your teacher now? Why don t you tell the truth to your friends? Why don t you try harder for your sports day? Why don t you buy an umbrella for the rain? Why don t you check the TV weather report? 140 12 Semi should takes her dog to an animal doctor. 13 Is there a cat under the chair? There are two birds in the cage. There are two beds in the room. Are there many books in your room? There is four apples in the basket. (14~16) These days many wild animals are dying, and we should protect them. Rain forests are very important, and we should know that. There is enough natural home for many wild animals in rain forests. But people are cutting down trees in rain forests and so much wild animals are losing their home. We should protect rain forests. Then we can protect wild animals. 14 wild animals home tree cutting in rain forests protecting rain forests the food of wild animals the habits of wild animals

15 19 (throw away / should / you / in the river / the garbage / not) 16 people houses trees wild animals rain forests (20~21) (17~18) Welcome to Music City. I m Erica Connor. It s sunny and cool, a beautiful afternoon. You know what? I have just the right music for this weather, Happy Sunny Days by Bill Barton. 17 It s September, but it s still hot. You know what? The earth is getting really. Maybe we re going to only two seasons in our country. Really? Yeah, and we should something about it. Like what? We should walk or ride a bike. Then we can energy and protect our environment. 20 18 It s snowing now. What time is it? It is my new bag. What day is it today? It s very cold and windy. 21 has - do - save has - does - save have - do - saves have - do - save have - does - save Lesson 7 141 (22~24) Semin: Products with this symbol use less energy. You can find it TVs, computers, washers, and so in the USA. Ms. Johnson: Very good. We should use products with that kind of symbol. Are there any others? Jina: Yes, there is a symbol for animals and plants. It s about their protection. WWF in this symbol means World Wildlife Fund. Many companies help WWF. Ms. Johnson: Thank you. Good job, everyone. A clean environment is very important to us. After all, we should love the earth. We have only one. 22 at on in with over 23 any other animals any other products any other symbols any other protections any other companies 24 142 p.188 25 Mom, when can I put these cans and bottles? W: There is boxes for them next to the tree. OK. Thanks. W: Don t puts the cans and bottles in the same box. You should finds different boxes for it. All right. No problem. when where is are Don t puts Don t put finds find it one

1 important - unimportant clean - dirty warm - cool much - more outside - inside healthy - unhealthy 2 a person who owns or manages a farm washer stranger company farmer fisherman 3 It s rainy. Do not go out. After all, the war took place. The copying machine is in use. Turn off the radio. It s noisy. You should not throw away the garbage in the river. (4~5) 4 It s a little hot, but very fine. What day is it today? How do you like it? How do you go to school? What are you going to do? What s the weather like today? 5 How s the weather today? It s snowing. You need gloves. I have new gloves here. Be quite. You know what? That s too bad. Beg your pardon? That s a good idea. 6 What do you do for the earth? I save water. I recycle old newspapers. I turn on lights. I recycle bottles and cans. I eat all of my food at every meal. 7 I got a fish! Look at this. Well, it s too small. I have a cold. You shouldn t take a rest. What are you making? I m making a bird house. Let s take a walk. But it s raining. That ll be good for the birds. Yeah. We should protect wild animals. Lesson 7 143 8 There a little milk in the cup. There many children in the park. is - was is - are are - are are - were are - is 9 (are / computers / there / classroom / ten / your / in) 10 There are a lot of animals. I hope we get there in time. There is a pond in the park. There isn t a big playground. There are a few parks in the city. 11 Tom prepares for the exam. (should) 144 12 You should save water. There is a table in his room. She should not turn on the radio. There aren t a book on the desk. Are there many students in the playground? (13~14) Boy: Mom, where can I put these cans and bottles? Mom: There are boxes for them next to the tree. Boy: OK. Thanks. Mom: Don t put the cans and bottles in the same box. You should find different boxes for each. Boy: All right. 13 No problem. I don t think so. I have no idea. You know what? That s too bad. 14

(15~17) There are so paper cups on the desk. Yeah. Can we recycle them? I m not sure, but many people just (them / away / throw). You re right, and paper cups make waste. You know what? Paper cups are also not good for our health. Really? Then we shouldn t use them. 15 many - many many - a lot of much - a lot of much - much a lot of - many 16 17 Because they are dirty. Because they are expensive. Because they are not strong. Because they are difficult to make. Because they are bad for our health. (18~20) Ms. Johnson: Do you know this symbol? It s for recycle. We can see this all over the world. There are other interesting symbols about the environment. Hojin, can you tell us more? Hojin: Some farmers grow fruits and vegetables in a way. Then they get this symbol for their products. Ms. Johnson: Good. How about you, Semin? Semin: Products with this symbol use less energy. You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, and so on in the USA. 18 recycle recycles recycling recycled be recycled 19 old easy natural hard important 20 symbols some farmers computers their products fruit and vegetables Lesson 7 145 (21~23) Jina: Nice bike! Do you ride your bike to school, Chris? Chris: Yes, Jina. And my father also goes to work by bike. Jina: Really? That s interesting. Chris: Bike like me are usually healthy. And bikes save energy, too. Cars use a lot of gas, but bikes do not. Jina: You re right. But you should be careful in the streets. Chris: Don t worry. You know what? This is wonderful weather for bike. Jina: Yeah. It s sunny and cool. Great weather for a bicycle race. 21 ride rides rider riders rode 22 Bikes save energy. Bikes use a lot of gas. Bikes are good for our health. Bikes are not safe in the streets. You can ride a bike only when it is cool. 23 = bikes do not 146 p.189 24 It s September, but it s still hot. You know what? The earth is getting really hot. Maybe we re going to have only two seasons in our country. Q: How is the weather? It s, but it s still hot. spring summer fall winter early September 25 What is this bird? It is a dodo bird. It looks cute. It is big, and it can t fly. You know what? There are no dodo birds in the world. They are all dead. We can see them only in picture books. We should protect wild animals, or we are going to lose them some day. Can dodo birds fly? Do dodo birds look cute? Are dodo birds big? Where do dodo birds live? Can we see dodo birds in picture books?

1 (1) other interesting symbols about the. (2) We should products with that symbol. 2 (1) You should stay at home today. (2) There is a doll on the bed. 3 (1) Q: Are there books on the table?, there. (2) Q: Is there a ball under the table?, there. 4 We should save water. = We shouldn t. 5 (1) (like / what / the / is / weather) in Paris? in Paris? (2) You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, (so / the / in / and / USA / on). You can find it on TVs, computers, washers,. 6 I have a lot of old newspapers. You should recycle them. (1) I m tired. (2) I m often late for school. 7 Jina: Nice bike! Do you ride your bike to school, Chris? Chris: Yes, Jina. And my father also goes to work by bike. Q: How does Chris go to school? 8 The earth ( We should protect it. Lesson 7 147 9 What should I do from now on? You should walk or rides a bike. Then you can save energy and protect our environment. (10~11) It s September, but it s still hot.. The earth is getting really hot. Maybe we re going to have only two seasons in our country. Really? Yeah, and we should do something about it. 10 Q: How is the weather? 11 12 This is our kitchen. There is a round table. There are four chairs. There is a basket on the table. There is some apples in the basket. 148 p.189 13 We shouldn t use paper cups. (1) (2) 14-1 (1) There (is / are / be) a lot of bananas in the basket. (2) There (is / are / be) not enough water. 14-2 (1) Is there a bed in your room? (2) Are there many books in your room? 14-3 a desk, a computer, a lamp, a chair, a lot of books, two balls under the bed There is a desk in Minho s room. (1) (2) (3)

Lesson 7 Small Steps for a Better Tomorrow p.115 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 p.116 1 important 2 die 3 wild 4 washer 5 energy 6 finally 7 sunny 8 waste 9 more 10 cool 11 protect 12 environment 13 gift 14 inside 15 vegetable 16 touch 17 sick 18 wall 19 recycle 20 bath 21 warm 22 save 23 farmer 24 product 25 dying 26 less 27 grow 28 symbol 29 meal 30 windy 31 cloudy 32 company 33 bottle 34 strange 35 healthy 36 earth 37 lastly 38 natural 39 after all 40 in use 41 turn off 42 these days 43 throw away 44 that kind of 45 all over the world 46 and so on p.117 1 windy 2 healthy 3 recycle 4 waste 5 save 6 less 7 weather 8 grow 9 environment 10 meal 11 These days 12 all over 13 after all 14 turn off 15 16 17 p.118 1 should throw, should protect 2 are, making, We should protect wild animals. 3 what 4 know what 5 It is cold 6 What swhat isthe weather, It s windy, the weather there, It sit iscold. p.120 1 Do you ride 2 by bike 3 That s 4 save energy 5 a lot of gas 6 you should be careful 7 know what 8 It s sunny, cool, weather (C) - (E) - (A) - (D) - (B) p.121 1 (1) know what (2) the weather like 2 3 How 4 5 6 7 We shouldn t touch strange animals. 8 9 2 have a cold take a rest should 3 What is the weather like? How is the weather? 4 5 You should 6 It s crowded. 7 You shouldn t 8 should must have to 9 No problem. No way. p.123 1 are 2 a boy 3 four chairs 4 Is 5 are 6 Are 7 aren t 8 We should love the earth. 9 We should save water. 10 We should plant trees. 11 You should ask people for help. 12 We should not use paper cups. 13 We should do something. 14 You should not be late for school. 185 p.125 1 (1) have (2) Are (3) should not lie 2 Are there many trees in the park? 3 You should notshouldn tthrow it away. 4 5 6 7 are is 8 You should take care of the poor cat. 9 10 11 1 should IsArethere ~? should not 2 be there IsArethere ~? 3 should should not 4 There are 5 6 water, milk There are 7 milk There is some milk ~. 8 should 9 10 There is There are 2 There are two students in the classroom. 11 Are there any others? p.128 1 Do you know 2 for recycling 3 all over 4 There are, environment 5 tell us more 6 farmers, in a natural way 7 their products 8 less energy 9 can find, on, and so on 10 should use 11 Are there 12 There is a symbol, plants 13 It s about, protection 14 in, symbol means 15 companies help 16 very important 17 After all 186 p.129 1 WWF in this symbol means World Wildlife Fund. 2 Are there any others? 3 You can find it on TVs, computers, washers, and so on in the USA. 4 There is a symbol for wild animals and plants. 5 A clean environment is very important to us. 6 Products with this symbol use less energy. 7 After all, we should love the earth. 8 Some farmers grow fruits and vegetables in a natural way. 9 We should use products with that kind of symbol. 10 We can see this all over the world. 11 Then they get this symbol for their products. 12 There are other interesting symbols about the environment. p.130 Words + Reading 2 symbol / 3 healthy / 4 earth / 5 company / 6 recycle / 7 washer / 8 protect / 9 bath / 10 product / Grammar + Reading 1 What s the weather like there? / How s the weather there? 2 We should plant trees. 3 There is a lot of waste around us. 4 The rain is bad these days. 5 There is not enough water. 6 Are there any others? 7 You should turn off lights not in use. 8 There are not many trees. 9 Our earth is sick and we should do something. 10 There is a yellow bird in the garden.

p.132 1 2 3 off 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 How s the weather 14 15 16 You should go to bed early. 17 18 19 20 (1) more (2) less 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 school by bike 34 35 1 2 recycle 3 turn off take off 4 after all 5 6 A 7 it It isit s snow It snows. It s snowy snowing 8 9 You know what? 10 11 How many ~? Yes No 12 You should ~ 13 What s the weather like? How s the weather? 14 There are 15 IsArethere ~? Yes, there is are No, there isn taren t 16 should 17 waste a lot of 18 are are were 19 dolls much many a lot of, lots of 20 more many much less little 21 It 22 should should not 23 First, Second, Finally 24 So 26 are is 27 28 WWF World Wildlife Fund 31 or 32 It is big, and it can t fly. 33 ride a bike to school go to school by bike 34 may 35 Listen! 187 p.137 1 2 3 4 not in use 5 6 7 know 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 weather 3 vegetable 4 in use not in use 5 more less 7 You know what? 8 There isare 9 are is There is 11 It s for recycling. 12 TV energy 13 A coat a coat 14 should are be 15 water is not trees are not p.139 1 2 3 4 less 5 environment 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 takes take 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 You should not throw away the garbage in the river. 20 hot 21 22 23 24 25 188 1 2 and so onetc. and so forth 3 bottle 4 less 5 environment 6 How s the weather? What s the weather like? 7 There isare There isarenot ~. money be is money 9 There isare be There are 12 should takes take 13 four apples is are 14 15 wild animals much many a lot of, lots of 16 their wild animals 18 It 19 should should not 21 be going to, should, can 22 on TVTV and so on 23 symbol 25 each

p.143 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Are there ten computers in your classroom? 10 11 Tom should prepare for the exam. 12 13 14 15 16 throw them away 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 use a lot of gas 24 25 1 more many, much 2 farmer 3 turn offtv 4 What s the weather like(today)? How s the weather(today)? 5 A You know what? 8 milk There is many children There are 9 There isare IsArethere ~? 10 There isare 12 a book isn t 14 15 paper cups many a lot of waste much a lot of 16 throw away 2 18 for -ing 19 21 bike riders 24 9early September 9 fall p.147 1 (1) There are, enviromment (2) use, kind of 2 (1) You should notshouldn tstay at home today. (2) There is notisn ta doll on the bed. 3 (1) Yes, are (2) No, isn t 4 waste water 5 (1) What is the weather like (2) and so on in the USA 6 (1) You should get some rest. (2) You should get up early. 7 He goes to school by bike. 8 is dying 9 rides ride 10 It is hot. / It s hot. 11 You know what? / Guess what? / Can you guess? 12 There are some apples in the basket. 13 (1) We should protect the animals. (2) We should protect rain forests. 14-1 (1) are (2) is 14-2 (1) Yes, there is. / No, there isn t. (2) Yes, there are. / No, there aren t. 14-3 (1) There is a computera lamp / a chairin Minho s room. (2) There are a lot of books in Minho s room. (3) There are two balls under the bed. 1 There are should that kind of 2 should shouldn t There isare be not 3 IsArethere ~? Yes, there isare No, there isn taren t 4 shouldn t save waste 5 What is the weather like? and so on 7 by bike 8 be -ing die -ing dying 9 should 11 You know what? Guess what? Can you guess? 12 There are There are some apples in the basket.: 189