Preface 이책에앞서서 수년동안대학에서영어학개론을가르치면서느낀점은학생들이기본개념을어려워한다는것이다. 이점을염두에두고이번개정판에서는기본개념을가급적쉽게이해하고중등교사임용시험기출문제를통해정립해나갈수있도록하였다. 특히학부생이나대학원진학을위한준비생, 유학을꿈꾸는사람, 혹은중등교사가되기위해임용시험을준비하는수험생등, 이책을필요로하는모든이들에게조금이나마도움이되었으면한다. 임용고사의형식이객관식으로바뀌고네번의시험이치러졌다. 해를거듭할수록영어교사를선발하는시험으로서어느정도높은수준의난이도와적절한패턴을보여주었지만, 영어학의경우합격당락을결정하는영역으로수험생들이입을모아가장까다로운문제였다고꼽았다. 그래서영어학에서당황하지않고고득점을받을수있는방법을몇자정리해보았다. 우선, 가장출제빈도가가장높은 Syntax와 School Grammar에관한기본이론을충실히공부한뒤관련원서를꼼꼼히여러번강독하는것을추천하고싶다. Syntax는범위가방대하고조금만깊이들어가면매우까다로운내용이많기때문에여러번반복학습하여내것으로만드는것이중요하다. 또한작년시험의경우지문에서충분한정보를빠른시간내에얻어내기가어려웠던문제가많았기때문에이론을충분히숙지하고있지않으면지문에서의도하는문제가무엇인지조차파악할수없다는사실도유념해야한다. School Grammar 문항도점점난이도가어렵고까다롭게출제되는경향을보이고있으므로 School Grammar에서자주등장하는용어를완벽히이해하고이를설명하는연습을자주해야할것이다. 이는 2차서술식시험을위해서도반드시필요한과정이다. 작년 2차시험같은경우앞서언급한 Syntax 영역뿐만아니라 Semantics, Phonology 영역까지아우르는통합식문제가출제되었으므로다양한영역의기본이론을숙지한뒤많은문제를풀어볼것을권유한다. 객관식시험초반에는특정영역에서많이출제된반면, 시간이지날수록 Morphology, Pragmatics 등의영역에서여러문제가고르게출제되고있기때문에기본적인개념과이론들은반드시정리하여시험에서좋은결과를얻었으면하는바람이다.
이제일반영어실력만좋다고해서교사가될수있는시험이아니라전공공부를충실하고꼼꼼히한이들에게반드시유리한시험유형으로자리를잡아가고있다고생각한다. 이는우리에게매우반가운소식이다. 내가충실하게공부만열심히하면합격할수있는시험... 그얼마나공정한게임인가!! 하지만무조건공부를많이하는것이중요한것은아니다. 가장중요한것은얼마나효율적으로, 임용고사의패턴에맞는공부를할수있는지의여부이다. 수년간임용시험을준비하는예비선생님들을지도해오면서보아왔듯이, 우리는합격을하기위한방법은알지만그것을실천하지못하는경우가많았다. 위에서제시한내용대로개정된 Vision 영어학개론 책으로기본이론을꼼꼼히숙지한뒤, 영역에맞게분류된기출문제를풀어보면서자신의학습을확인해가는과정을묵묵히견뎌낸다면합격의관건인영어학영역에서고득점을받을수있을것으로기대한다. Vision 영어학개론 책을개정하는과정에서많은분들의도움을받았다. 우선, 책개정과정을기획 편집해주신에듀스파 ( 주 ) 의임직원여러분과부족했던부분을첨가하고기출문제분석및점검을해준서윤동선생님께감사드린다. 아울러, 항상우리팀을잘이끌어주고계신유희태선생님과항상따스한관심을가져주시는박현수선생님, Lauren Chang 선생님, Sean Maylone LSI 책임연구원들에게도고마움을전하고싶다. 끝으로임용고사를준비하는모든수험생들에게합격의영광이함께하기를간절히기도한다. 2012 년을시작하며김영문드림
Contents 이책의차례 01 통사론 (Syntax) 01 변형생성문법 12 1. 변형생성문법의발달 12 2. 변형생성문법이론 (ST, EST, REST) 의 문장구조규칙 (Phrase structure rules) 26 3. ST, EST에서나타난변형규칙 (Transformational rules) 의종류 41 4. ST, EST, REST에서나타난통사제약 (Syntactic constraints) 64 5. ST, EST, REST 이론에나타나는여과 (Filters) 74 6. 지배결속이론 (Government and binding theory) 79 02 문장의구조 130 1. 어순과성분 130 2. 문장 (Sentence) 140 3. 구 (Phrases) 147 4. 전치사구동사와구동사 (Prepositional verb and phrasal verb) 200
02 영어사 (History of English) 01 고대영어 232 1. 고대영어의시작과발전 232 2. 고대영어의특징 234 02 중세영어 237 1. 중세영어의발달 237 2. 중세영어의특징 237 03 현대영어 239 1. 현대영어의발달 239 2. 현대영어의특징 241 04 영어사관련연구 246 1. Language Family( 어족 ) 246 2. Grimm의법칙 248 3. Verner의법칙 249 4. 의미상의변화 250
Contents 이책의차례 03 음성학 (Phonetics) 01 음성학 (Phonetics) 의이해 256 1. 음성학의개념 256 2. 음성학의분류 256 3. 조음음성학 (Articulatory phonetics) 257 02 음의분류 258 1. 자음 (Consonants) 258 2. 모음 (Vowels) 262 03 초분절음소와음절 266 1. 초분절음소 266 2. 음절 279 04 음운론 (Phonology) 01 분절음운론 (Segmental Phonology) 284 1. 음운론의기초 284 2. 영어의음성적자질 294 3. 음운규칙 (Phonological rules) 300 02 강세및음절 333 1. 초분절음운론-강세 (Stress) 333 2. 운율음운론적접근 335 3. 음절 336
05 형태론 (Morphology) 01 형태소 (Morpheme) 344 1. Word-Lexeme-Morpheme 344 2. Root, Stem, Base 346 3. 이형태소 (Allomorph) 348 4. 형태소의종류 350 02 조어법 (Word Coinage) 361 1. 복합어 (Compound) 361 2. 두자어 (Acronym) 363 3. 역성법 (Back formation) 363 4. 혼합어 (Blending) 365 5. 생략어 (Clipping/Shortening/Abbreviation) 365 6. 전환 (Conversion) 366 7. 동음이의어 (Homonyms;Homophones) 368 8. 중복 (Reduplication) 368 9. 고유명사에서온단어 (Words from proper names) 368 10. 뿌리생성어 (Root creation) 369 11. 범주확장 (Category extension) 369 12. 파생 (Derivation) 369 13. 민간어원 (Folk etymology) 369
Contents 이책의차례 06 의미론 (Semantics) 01 어휘의미론 (Lexical Semantics) 380 1. 의미론의주요이론 380 2. 성분분석 (Componential analysis) 384 3. 의미의관계와단어의의미 387 02 의미론의이해 395 1. 의의 (Sense) 와지시 (Reference) 395 2. 의미 (Meaning) 397 3. 중의성과모호성 401 4. 전제 (Presupposition) 와함의 (Entailment) 402 03 담화분석과화용론 410 1. 담화분석 (Discourse analysis) -대화격률 (Maxims of conversation) 410 2. 화용론 (Pragmatics) 413 3. 기타 430
Appendix 부록 01 학교문법 (School Grammar) 436 02 기출문제 (2009~2012 학년도 ) 483
VISION 01 01, 1950 (Noam Chomsky, 1957, 1965) (deep structure) (surface structure). (Harris) (transformation).,. (deep structure), (surface structure).,.., (innate) (language competence). (describe),, (visible data, parole) (language competence, langue)., ( ) (Universal Grammar; UG).,,.
01 English Linguistics By ( ) competence, we refer to the ability to control pronunciation, morphology, and syntax, by ( ) competence, we mean the ability to use language to achieve a particular purpose. linguistic communicative grammatical communicative communicative linguistic linguistic grammatical,., (Semantic Interpretation ; SI). (1965) (Standard Theory). (ST) (syntactic component), (phonological component), (semantic component). (SI) (Deep Structure), (transformation) (Surface Structure).,.
VISION 01 (Ambiguity). 1 a. Mary picked the flower up. b. Can John come to the party tomorrow? 1-a picked up 1-b can come,., 1-a 1-b picked up can come? IC. 2 Flying airplanes must be dangerous. 2., 3-a Flying airplanes, 3-b airplanes flying.
01 English Linguistics Structural ambiguity results when more than one phrase-structure tree can be assigned to a sentence. In other words, if the sentence is associated with more than one surface structure representation, it is structurally ambiguous (e.g., The father of the boy and the girl will travel to India.). Here the sentence can be associated with two different surface structure representations. In one representation, only one person, the father, will travel. In the other representation, two people will travel: the girl and the father of the boy. a. Mrs. Coleman gave her dog biscuits this morning. b. My brother told the teacher that he ran into something. c. Who do you think Jim believes Judy wants to meet the mayor? d. The boys have been waiting for more than an hour by the bank. e. Under no circumstances are passengers permitted to open the doors. f. The pilot said that flying airplanes is really dangerous. a, b a, b, f a, c c, d, e c, d, f
VISION 01 3 a. [ NP [ AP Flying [ NP air planes]]] must be dangerous. (Airplanes that are flying) b. [ VP [ VP Flying [ NP air planes]]] must be dangerous. (To fly airplanes ) 3-a 3-b 2, 3-a 3-b. 2. IC,.. 4 a. John is eager to please. b. John is easy to please. 4-a John please (John pleases somebody), 4-b John please (Someone pleases John). (2, 3-a, 3-b), (4-a, 4-b)., 5-a 5-b. 5 a. The man killed the woman. b. The woman was killed by the man.. IC.
01 English Linguistics. 6 a. Mary picked the flower up. b. Mary picked up the flower. 6-b (Deep Structure), (particle), 6-a (Surface Structure).,, picked up.. 7 a. The man killed the woman. b. The woman was killed by the man., 7-b 7-a. 7-a 7-b. 7-a, 7-b.,., (Deep Structure), (Surface Structure),?.,,,., 2
VISION 01 3 a, b., 3 a, b 2. 2., 3-a, 3-b. 1. Fred will say whatever you will tell him to say. Keith will read whichever book you leave for him. Ronnie may keep whichever of the toys he likes. Rhoda dances with whoever asks her to dance. 2. S NP AUX VP N tense V NP NP <+N> <+past> Det N <+to> She bought him a book. It cost me lots of labor. I envy him his good fortune. Mary sent Richard a message.