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APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION FORM 입학신청서 Personal Information 개인정보 1.Name (on your ID or passport) I I Last(family name) 성 First(given name) 이름 Middle Nam

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이에 이렇게 되었나니 주께서 그들에게 일러 이르시되, 일어나 내게로 나아와서 너희 손을 내 옆구리에 넣어 보고, 또 내 손과 내 발의 못 자국을 만져 보아 내가 이스라엘의 하나님이요, 온 땅의 하나님이며, 세상의 죄를 위하여 죽임을 당하였음을 알지어다. 그들이 이를 행


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh


주요사항 Important Note 등록금추가납부 : 9. 1( 목 )~2( 금 ) 09:00~16:00 고지서출력후전북은행, 농협은행에서납부 2 nd Term Tuition Fee Payment : Sep 1(Thu)~2(Fri) 9AM~4PM Print out the bill and pay the fee at JB Bank or NH bank 수강신청추가 ( 변경 ) : 9. 1( 목 )~7( 수 ) 전북대포털 (OASIS 2.0) 수강신청 로그인 Course Registration : Sep 1(Thu)~7(Wed) CBNU Portal(OASIS 2.0) Class Registration Login

주요사항 Important Note 서류미제출자서류제출 : ~9. 5( 월 ) 예 : 최종학력증명서, 성적증명서원본 Submit Required Document-Students who have not yet : ~Sep 5(Mon) ex : Original Verifications of Diploma and Transcript, Certificate of Degree 입학신청시원본서류제출자찾아가기 : ~9. 30( 금 ) 예 : 졸업증, 호구부 Pick up the Original Documents for Admission : ~Sep 30(Fri) ex : Diploma, Household Register 국제협력부방문 Please visit the Office of International Cooperation(OIC).

주요사항 Important Note 외국인등록증신청, 비자변경 연장신청안한학생 : Students who have not applied for the Alien Registration, Visa Change or Visa Extension : 국제협력부박슬기선생님께신청 270-2248 Submit the applications to the Ms. Seul-ki Park at OIC. 외국인유학생보험가입증명서제출 : ~9. 29( 목 ) 보험가입안할경우 - 장학금받을수없음 - 기숙사신청불가 - 각종국제협력부출입국민원업무서비스제한 Submit a Certificate of Health Insurance : ~Sep 29(Thu) Various Restrictions for Students without Insurance - Scholarship - Residence Hall Privileges - Use of OIC s Immigration Services

주요사항 Important Note 연락처업데이트필수 : 핸드폰, 이메일변경시반드시수정전북대포털 오아시스 원스탑 마이메뉴 학적관리 학적사항조회 주소 Register your Cell Phone Number, E-mail Address in CBNU Portal. Please UPDATE your new information if there is any changes! School Register -Personal Information Address E-mail Cell-Phone

주요사이트 Useful Websites 전북대학교 Chonbuk National University(CBNU) - www.chonbuk.ac.kr / en.chonbuk.ac.kr / china.jbnu.ac.kr/ 전북대학교포털 ( 오아시스 2.0) CBNU Portal(OASIS 2.0) - http://portal.jbnu.ac.kr/ 전북대학교국제협력부 CBNU Office of International Cooperation(OIC) - http://ioffice.cbnu.edu/ 전북대학교유학생지원센터 CBNU Center for Int l Student Services(CISS) - http://ciss.cbnu.edu/

유학생지원센터밴드 CBNU CISS BAND CBNU International Students http://band.us/#!/band/56303762

유학생지원센터페이스북 CBNU CISS FACEBOOK CBNU Center for International Student Services(CISS) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472022949794647/


전주캠퍼스 Jeonju Campus 27-1. 전북대병원 CBNU Hospital 21-5. 생활관 Dormitory 16-1. 도서관 Library 분수대 Fountain 4-1. 진수당 Jinsu-dang 1-1. 본부 Headquarter 1-10. 기존국제협력부 Previous OIC 1-8. 제 2 학생회관 No.2 Student Hall (Post Office) 1-7. 제 1 학생회관 No.1 Student Hall (JB Bank) 구정문 Old Gate 25-2. 국제협력부 (3 층 ) OIC(3 rd Fl.) 1-2. 학생서비스센터 (1 층 ) Service Center(1 st Fl.) 정문 Main Gate

행정실 Administration Office 정문 Main Gate 특성화캠퍼스 ( 익산 ) Specialized Campus(Iksan) 생활관 Dormitory

도서관 Library 2014 년신축, 최신 IT 기술을적용한미래지향적디지털도서관 2014 Newly Opened, Future-Oriented Digital Library applying the latest IT Technology http://dl.chonbuk.ac.kr

외국인유학생자료실 Learning Resource Center for Int l Students 제공자료 : 각국의단행본및 DVD 자료 ( 중국, 몽골, 베트남, 필리핀, 유럽및북미권등 ) Collection : International books & DVDs (China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Philippines, Europe, North America, etc.) 시설 : 중국어, 몽골어, 영어등사용가능한 PC Facilities : PCs with language programming to write like Chinese, English and Mongolian

도서관이용시간 Library Hours 실명 Room 층 Floor 이용시간 Hours 월-금토요일 (Mon-Fri) (Sat) 연속간행물실 Periodicals Room 외국인유학생자료실 Learning Resource Center for International Students B1 9AM - 6PM x 멀티미디어센터 Multimedia Center 1F 과학기술자료실 Natural Science & Technology Collection 2F 9AM - 9PM 9AM - 5PM 인문사회자료실 Humanities & Social Science Collection 3F 일반열람실 Reading room/laptop Zone/Group Study Room 4F 6AM - 12AM

모바일도서관 Mobile Library 도서관홈페이지로그인 Login Library Homepage http://dl.chonbuk.ac.kr 모바일도서관클릭 Click the Mobile Library 본인사진업로드후발급 Issue after upload your photo 스마트폰어플리케이션 전북대학교중앙도서관 다운로드 Download CBNU Library App on your smart phone

생활관 ( 기숙사 ) Dormitory 모집공고 : 학기시작약 3 개월전생활관홈페이지 Notice for Application : Announcements will be made on the Dormitory Homepage about 3 months before the semester begins. 신청방법 : 전북대포털 ( 오아시스 2.0) 생활관 신청 How to Apply : CBNU Portal(OASIS 2.0) Dormitory Application 생활관입주합격자입주전결핵진단서필수제출 ( 매학기 ) Dormitory residents SHOULD submit the Certificate of TB Testing (Tuberculosis) in advance. (Every semester) 생활관비 : 약 1,000,000 원 / 학기 (2 인실, 주중식비포함, 주말식비제외 ) Fee : about 1,000,000 KRW/semester (2 persons/room, meals included except for Weekends)

생활관 Dormitory 방에서흡연, 음주, 요리절대금지, 적발시강제퇴관 No SMOKING, NO DRINKING, NO COOKING in your room. If caught, you must move out IMMEDIATELY. http://likehome.chonbuk.ac.kr 문의 Inquiry 270-4723, 4798

생활관신청 Dormitory Application 전북대포털 ( 오아시스 2.0) 생활관 신청 CBNU Portal(OASIS 2.0) Dormitory Application Dormitory Application

학생서비스센터 Student Service Center 각종증명서발급 Issuing Certificates 재학증명서 Certificate of Enrollment(Korean, English) 휴학증명서 Certificate of Leave of Absence 수료 ( 예정 ) 증명서 Certificate of (Expected) Completion 졸업 ( 예정 ) 증명서 Certificate of (Expected) Graduation 학위수여 ( 예정 ) 증명서 Certificate of (Expected) Degree Granting 성적증명서 Official Transcript 학적부사본 Certificate of Currently Registered Student 재적증명서 Certificate of Studentship 장학생확인서 Certificate of Scholarship 등록금납입증명서 Certificate of Tuition Fee Payment 이용시간 : 월 ~ 금 09:00~18:00 Office Hours : Mon~Fri 9AM~6PM 위치 : 1-2. 본부별관 1 층 Location : 1-2. 1 st Fl. Headquarter Detached Hall 문의 Inquiry 270-2700

건물번호 Building Number 1-1. 대학본부 Headquarter 2-1. 공과대학 College of Engineering 1-2. 본부별관 Headquarter Detached Hall 1 st Fl. : 학생서비스센터 Student Service Center 2 nd Fl. : 학사관리과 Academic Affairs Office

강의실 Classroom 예 : 공대 2403 호 공대 2-2 건물 4 층 2403 호또는 403 호로가세요. ex : College of Engineering, Room No. 2403 Find 2-2 Bldg. and go to 4th Floor and look for No.2403 or No.403 4 층 (4 th Floor) 공대 2 4 0 3 호 단과대학이름 Name of College 공대 2 호관 (2 nd of Engineering Bldg)


등록금납부 Tuition Fee Payment 전북대포털 ( 오아시스 2.0) CBNU Portal(OASIS 2.0) portal.jbnu.ac.kr Tuition Fee

등록금납부 Tuition Fee Payment 등록금홈페이지 Tuition Fee Homepage http://fees.jbnu.ac.kr/ Notice : Print Out the Bill

등록금납부 Tuition Fee Payment 등록금고지서출력 Print Out the Bill Click this button

등록금납부 Tuition Fee Payment 로그인 Log-in Application No. Date of Birth Name in Korean If you do not know your application number, click this button. You can log-in with your Alien Registration ID.

재학생등록금 Enrolled Students Tuition Fee 고지서출력방법 : 전북대포털로그인 등록관리 고지서출력 How to Print out the Bill : CBNU Portal Log-in Tuition Fee Tuition Fee Print out the Bill

수강신청 Class Registration 기간 : 매학기개강약 3 주전 Period : about 3 weeks before a semester starts 방법 : 전북대포털 ( 오아시스 2.0) 수강신청 Process : CBNU Portal(OASIS 2.0) Class Registration (On-line Academic Administration Service) 소속학과 ( 부 ) 조교선생님지도를받아신청 Register classes AFTER counseling with a staff in the department office. 문의 : 학과사무실, 학사관리과 270-2102~5( 학부 ), 2117( 대학원 ) Inquiry : Department Office, Registrar & Class Management Office 270-2102~5(Undergraduate), 2117(Graduate)

수강신청방법 Class Registration 전북대학교홈페이지 CBNU Homepage www.chonbuk.ac.kr CBNU Portal (OASIS 2.0)

수강신청방법 Class Registration 전북대포털 ( 오아시스 2.0) CBNU Portal(OASIS 2.0) portal.jbnu.ac.kr Class Registration

수강신청방법 Class Registration 로그인 Log-in 학번 Student No. 비밀번호 Password

수강신청방법 Class Registration 정규학기수강신청 Class Registration 계절학기수강신청 Summer/Winter Class Registration 장바구니수강신청 Preliminary Class registration 특별학기수강신청 Summer/Winter Special Class Registration

강의평가 Lecture Evaluation 강의평가를해야성적을조회할수있음 If you don t participate the evaluation, you cannot access your grade. 수강관리 Course Enrollment 학생강의평가등록 Lecture Evaluation

휴학 Leave of Absence 신청방법 : 학과 ( 부 ) 사무실에신청서제출 How to Apply : Submit the Applications to the department office. 출국 : 휴학과동시에학생비자 (D-2) 효력을잃게되므로반드시휴학시작일이전에출국하여야함 Leaving a Country - Student Visa (D-2) turns void at the time the leave of absence is submitted, and students need to depart from Korea before the leave of absence period starts. 문의 : 학과사무실, 국제협력부김경희 270-4757 Inquiry : Department Office, Ms. Kyung-hee Kim at OIC

복학 Returning to School 복학을위해 D-2 비자를다시받아야하며, 비자발급을위해국제협력부에서표준입학허가서를발송함 Int l students need to get a Student Visa (D-2) for returning to school. OIC issues a Certificate of Admission and sends it to student. 신청시기 : 복학희망학기시작 3 개월전 Application Period : 3 months before the desired return semester 신청방법 : 학과 ( 부 ) 사무실에신청서, 은행잔고증명서 (1800 만원이상 ) 제출 How to Apply : Submit the Application, Certificate of Balance(more than USD 18,000) to the department office. 문의 : 학과사무실, 국제협력부김경희 270-4757 Inquiry : Department Office, Ms. Kyung-hee Kim at OIC

장학금 Scholarship 자격 Qualifications 학부 Graduate 종류 Type 1~3 종 5 종 1~3, 5 Level 자격조건 Qualifications - 직전학기성적평점평균 2.75 이상 - TOPIK 4 급이상소지자 - 보험가입자 - 직전학기성적평점평균 2.75 이상 - TOPIK 3 급이상소지자 - 보험가입자 - Students whose previous semester's G.P.A is 3.63 or higher - Insurance Holder 1종 : 등록금전액감면 1 st Level : Whole Tuition Fee Exemption 2종 : 등록금의약 70% 감면 2 nd Level : about 70% of Tuition Fee Exemption 3종 : 등록금의약 40% 감면 3 rd Level : about 40% of Tuition Fee Exemption 5종 : 등록금의약 25% 감면 5 th Level : about 25% of Tuition Fee Exemption 학부 : 최대 8 학기까지장학금지원가능 Graduate : Available for 2 years for graduate students at most.

장학금 Scholarship 절차 Procedure 국제협력부 OIC 외국인유학생자격조건확인 Check the Qualifications of International Students 단과대학, 소속학과 College, Department Office 단과대학에서장학생선발및추천 Each college or department selects scholarship students according its own policy 별도신청필요없음 No need to apply individually. 2017 년 1 학기부터장학금지급방법변경될수있음 From Spring 2017, Scholarship procedure may be changed.

드림프렌드쉽장학금 Dream Friendship Scholarship 가족이나친구에게전북대를소개하여입학하는경우, 소개해준외국인유학생에게장학금을드립니다. Chonbuk National University will award scholarships to students whose family or friends successfully admitted CBNU as a result of their introducing CBNU to them made. 장학금 : 30 만원 /1 명 ( 최대 5 명 /1,500,000 원까지가능 ) Scholarship : 300,000 KRW/person (up to 5 people/1,500,000 KRW) 추천방법 : 지원서 [ 서식 2] 지원경로에지인추천 추천자이름작성 How to Recommend : Application[form 2] Enter your information as the recommender after you indicate the family or friends you want to recommend.

드림프렌드쉽장학금 Dream Friendship Scholarship 장학금지급방법 : 추천한친구나가족을잘돌봐주고활동보고서작성 Method of awarding scholarship : Write a Report on how you took care of your recommended family or friends during their first semester period at CBNU. 장학금지급일시 : 첫학기후 When Scholarships are awarded : After the family or friend s first semester 본국의많은친구들에게전북대학교를홍보해주세요 : ) Please recommend Chonbuk National University to your friends in your home country.

학부주요사항 학점신청제한 - TOPIK 3 급이하 : 최대 12 학점까지가능 - TOPIK 4 급이상 : 12 학점 ~ 상한학점까지가능 TOPIK 3 급만있다면? 12 학점 x 8 학기 = 96 학점졸업에필요한학점은? 130 학점이상 ( 학과마다다름, 140 학점인학과도있음 ) TOPIK 3 급이없다면졸업할수없겠죠? 외국인유학생은 8 학기이내에졸업해야하며, 학점부족 성적미달로인해졸업을못하면비자연장이힘들어요. 따라서꾸준히한국어공부를해서더좋은 TOPIK 성적을받았다면즉시민소희선생님께제출하세요! 졸업자격인정제 - 졸업전까지 TOPIK 4 급취득하지못한자졸업불가 문의 : 국제협력부민소희 270-4653

Degree Requirement for Graduate Degree Requirements Master - 24 Credits Regular Exam/Grade Point Average of B(3.0) Doctoral - 36 Credits Regular Exam/Grade Point Average of B(3.0) Passing of the Foreign Language and Comprehensive Exam Passing of Thesis Review Supervising Professor's Recommendation Doctoral : Record of Research Paper Publication Foreign Language Exam Qualification : Completion of 12+ major classes Subject : English or Korean * Authorized Foreign Language Certification or Korean Language Program at the CBNU Language Education Center (during the period of attendance at school) can substitute it. Master - Passing : 60+ out of 100 points Doctoral - Passing : 70+ out of 100 points

Degree Requirement for Graduate <MASTER> Comprehensive Exam Qualification : Completion of 24 credits Subject : 4 or more major classes Passing : 140+ out of 200 points <MASTER> Thesis Review Reviewed by 3 or more judges Accepted by two-thirds(2/3) of the Judges' Approval <Doctoral> Comprehensive Exam Qualification : Completion of 36 credits Subject : 6 or more major classes Passing : 210+ out of 300 points <Doctoral> Thesis Review Reviewed by 5 or more judges Accepted by four-fifths(4/5) of the Judges' Approval * Thesis must be printed and published within 1 year from the date the degree was received. Inquiry : Department Office, Registrar & Class Management Office 270-2117

Completion of Research Ethics Education Website http://rndpetition.jbnu.ac.kr http://rndpetition.jbnu.ac.kr/e_index.html Research Ethics : http://ethics.jbnu.ac.kr CBNU website Links Visit 연구신문고 (voicing complaints regarding research) and consult or report on misuse of research funds or nonfulfillment of research ethics Students are required to take Research Ethics course and complete it in their 1st year in order to receive degree Students must take an on-line course Research Agreement and Managing R&D Costs before participating in a research project Inquiry : R&D Petition 270-2186

Completion of Research Ethics Education CBNU Homepage Banner 연구신문고 (R&D Petition)


상담 Counseling 유학생지원센터는여러분의고민해결사! CISS is your Problem-solver! 학교생활부터한국생활까지어려운일, 힘든일등고민이있을때누구나언제든지상담가능 We will counsel you with any problems including school life and Korean life. 대상 Target 내용 Detail 비고 Note 유학생지원센터 CISS 학부, 대학원신입생 Whole students (Undergraduate, Graduate) at the beginning of the semester - 설문조사 Questionnaire - 학교생활 Academic affairs and School life 의무 Mandatory 분야별전문상담교수 학부재학생 3 학년 (Junior in Undergraduate) - 진로 취업상담 의무 ( 상담안하면졸업불가 ) 권역별책임운영교수 학부신입생 재학생 (Undergraduate) - 입학부터취업까지다양한언어로외국인유학생관리 지원 요청시

상담 Counseling 신청방법 : 유학생지원센터홈페이지 http://ciss.cbnu.edu/ 상담 상담신청 How to Apply : CISS Homepage Counseling Application 상담 Counseling 상담신청 Application

비자 VISA 신청가능요일 : 월, 수, 금 09:00~18:00 Application Days : Mon, Wed, Fri 9AM~6PM 신청장소 : 국제협력부박슬기 270-2248 외국인유학생은직접출입국관리소에서신청할수없음 Application Place : Ms. Seul-ki Park at OIC International Students cannot apply directly to the Immigration Office. 국제협력부제공서비스 : 외국인등록, 비자변경, 비자연장, 논문연구생비자연장, 시간제취업허가 ( 아르바이트 ) OIC s Immigration Services : Alien Registration, Visa Change, Visa Extension, Part-Time Job 자세한정보홈페이지참고 Please visit below websites for detailed information 국제협력부 OIC : http://ioffice.cbnu.edu/ 유학생지원센터 CISS : http://ciss.cbnu.edu/

보험 Insurance 외국인유학생보험가입의무 : 예기치않은사고나질병이발생할경우대비 Obligation to Acquire Insurance : It is mandatory that all International students purchase insurance that covers any unforeseen medical expenses. 유학생단체보험 Insurance for International Students http://foreignerdb.com/jbnu 보험료 : 약 130,000 원 /1 년 Fee : about 130,000 KRW/1 year 문의 : 국제협력부박슬기 270-2248 Inquiry : Ms. Seul-ki Park at OIC 국민건강보험 National Health Insurance http://minwon.nhis.or.kr/ 보험료 : 약 40,000 원 /1 개월 Fee : about 40,000 KRW/1 month 문의 : 전주국민건강보험공단 1577-1000 Inquiry : Northern Jeonju Office of National Health Insurance Corporation

CBNU Int l Buddy Program 한국인친구를만나고싶나요? Would you like to make Korean friends? 외국인유학생과한국인학생이팀이되어서로간의문화교류는물론학교및한국생활에도움을받는프로그램 We match international students and Korean students with the purpose of providing the opportunity to share the different cultures and helping international students adapt to school and Korean life. 활동비 : 30 만원 /1 팀 Activity Support Fund : 300,000 KRW/1 team 신청기한 : ~9. 2( 금 ) Application Deadline : ~Sep 2(Fri) 신청방법 : 방문또는이메일신청 happy62335@chonbuk.ac.kr How to Apply : Visit OIC or vis Email 문의 : 국제협력부김경희 270-4757 Inquiry : Ms. Kyung-hee Kim at OIC

Study Assistant 공부하다모르는게있다면? What if you have questions when studying? 전북대의한국인학생들이직접논문및과제의한국어표현을교정해주고기초과목의모르는부분도알려주는프로그램 This is a program that CBNU Korean students proof-read your writings and consult with your lectures. 시간 : 월 ~ 금 10:00~17:00 Hours : Mon~Fri 10AM~5PM 장소 : 유학생지원센터 Center for Int l Student Services(CISS) 문의 : 국제협력부최시영 270-4758 Inquiry : Mr. Si-young Choi at OIC

MT (Membership Training) 외국인유학생친구들과여행가자! Go on a trip with international students! 여름엔바다겨울엔산으로유학생과함께여행을가는프로그램 International students travel to the sea during summer and the mountain during the winter. 1 년 4 회 (3,6,9,12 월 ) 4 times per year (Mar, June, Sep, Dec) 참가비 : 무료 ( 식사, 숙박제공 ) Fee : Free (Foods, Accommodation are offered)

MT (Membership Training) 신청방법 : 유학생지원센터홈페이지 http://ciss.cbnu.edu/ How to Apply : CISS Homepage 문의 : 국제협력부최시영 270-4758 Inquiry : Mr. Si-young Choi at OIC

언제든지문을두드리세요! 유학생지원센터는여러분을위한공간입니다. Please knock the door anytime you want! Center for International Student Services exists for you. : )