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< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>

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2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

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Check U p 1 N.O.T.E [1-3] 다음인사말에맞는대답을찾아연결해보세요. 1 How are you? a Good morning. 2 Good morning. b So long. 3 Good-bye. c Fine, thanks. [4-5] 다음그림을보고, 대화

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1. 청소년의 이해


I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien

FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No



2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628





3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해





안부를묻고답하는표현과헤어질때하는인사말을듣고이해할수 있다. 안부를묻고답하는표현과헤어질때하는인사말을말할수있다. A : How are you doing? B : I m doing great. How about you? A : Have a nice day, everyone.






3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


230 한국교육학연구 제20권 제3호 I. 서 론 청소년의 언어가 거칠어지고 있다. 개ㅅㄲ, ㅆㅂ놈(년), 미친ㅆㄲ, 닥쳐, 엠창, 뒤져 등과 같은 말은 주위에서 쉽게 들을 수 있다. 말과 글이 점차 된소리나 거센소리로 바뀌고, 외 국어 남용과 사이버 문화의 익명성 등

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유


Unit 1 Meet the Twins A: What s your name? I m Han Junha. Call me Junha. Hi, my name is Kim Jiho. I like music. He is a teacher. He is not a teacher. Is she American? No, she isn t. Words address American Australia basketball best ex. She is my best friend. bookworm brother call Canada China comic book cool ex. He s cool! elementary e-mail favorite ex. My favorite color is green. first name = given name friend funny good grade ex. I m in seventh grade. kind ex. Kevin is very kind. last name = family name like many meet middle ex. I m a middle school student. 6 monkey movie Mr. Ms. music nice ex. Nice to meet you. nickname number ex. What s your phone number? old ex. We are 14 years old. PE(Physical Education) pretty rap(rap music) really ex. I really like books. shoe sister soccer spell ex. How do you spell it? student teacher twin Phrases be from = come from ex. I m from France. That s all right. This is ~. ex. This is my sister, Jiwon.

Words 01 comic book 02 soccer 03 Australia 04 e-mail 05 meet 06 twin 07 brother 08 teacher 09 Canada 10 China 11 bookworm 12 first name 13 address 14 cool 15 elementary 16 basketball 17 favorite 18 last name 19 friend 20 nickname 21 good 22 grade 23 old 24 monkey 25 kind 26 funny 27 like 28 many 29 best 30 middle 31 number 32 movie 33 spell 34 Ms. 35 shoe 36 music 37 pretty 38 Mr. 39 PE 40 really 41 sister 42 nice 43 student 44 call 45 rap 46 American Phrases 47 That s all right. 48 This is ~. 49 be from p.170 Unit 1 7 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 = given name 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 8 p.170 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Phrases 47 48 49

1 She s in seventh ( grade / rap ). 2 What s your ( many / name)? 3 Junha is my ( best / middle) friend. 4 They ( nice / like) basketball very much. 5 Katie is 13 years ( old / kind ). 6 Is Mr. Blake ( Australia / American )? 7 You can ( call / really ) me Bookworm. 8 What s his phone? 9 He is to everyone. 10 She s my English. 11 Who is Jiwon s brother? 12 My address is 13 She likes very much. 14 Can you his name? this is be from last name first name 15 I Seoul, Korea. 16 My name is Yun Sujin. Yun is my. 17 my best friend, Kim Jiwon. 18 Tony Brown? Is Tony your? p.170 seventh my A: What s your name? My name is Lee Yujin. friend very much bookworm first name given name last name, family name surname ex) Kim Jiwon: first name Jiwon / last name Kim ex) Katie Blake: first name Katie / last name Blake phone everyone brother address can his What s your name? / Who are you? My name is ~. / I am ~. How do you spell ~? Nice to meet you. / Glad to meet you. Nice[Glad/Pleased] to meet you, too. Hi. A: Hi, I m Jang Minho. What s your name? My name is Sue Smith. A: Nice to meet you. What s your name? Hi, I m Park Chanho. Call me Chanho. 1 A: Hi. Jiwon. you, Jiwon. I m Matt. Matt A: Nice to meet you, too, Matt. Matt 2 A: Hi, I m Kang Jinsu.? Seoul Korea Katie Simpson. Katie Simpson 3 A: What s? I m Lee Soyeon. A: I m Kevin Blake. Nice to, Lee. Kevin Blake Lee is my. me Soyeon. Unit 1 9 10

p.170 A: Hi, my name is Kevin. I m from Canada. I like basketball. And this is my sister. be from ~ / come from ex) I m from Chicago. = I come from Chicago. ex) I come from Sydney, Australia. like, love like ex) I like comic books. I like movies very much. This is ~. this ex) This is my twin sister, Jiwon. ex) This is my English teacher, Ms. Parker. beyearsold. beingrade. ex) I m 14 years old. I m in seventh grade. 4 A: Hi, Kim Jiho. I m 13. Seoul,. I have a. Her is Jiwon. She is a here, too. I, and my is Rap Boy. 5 A: my best, Junha. He Incheon. basketball. He is to everyone. I him much. good friends. Unit 1 11 p.170 A: Hi, I m Han Junha. 1.? 2. Katie Simpson. you, Han. Katie Simpson A: Han is 3.. Junha. Oh, 4.. Junha? you that? A: JUNHA. JUNHA A: What s 5., please? 6. is Yun Yujin. A: How 7. that? YUN, YUJIN. 8. is. YUNYUJIN A: YUN, YUJIN. 9. last name. OK. YUNYUJIN What s your 10., Yujin? It s A: And what s 11.? 12., three nine one six. 12

1 is your phone number? How What When Why Where [2~3] 2 A: What s your? My is Han Junha. nice name call spell meet 3 A: Where are you? I come Canada. to of from with in 4 A: Good morning, Yujin. Good morning, Kevin. How are you doing? A: And you? I m fine, too. Pretty good. I m fine. Great! Fine, thanks. I m doing. 5 A: I m 14 years old. How old are you? How do you do? How are you? Hi, are you Jiho? Nice to meet you. your phone number where come Canada good fine year old Unit 1 13 6 I m Korean. I m 13 years old. I like comic books. I have a twin sister. This is my best friend, Minho. 7 A: Hi, I m Kevin Blake. What s your name? My name is Kim Jiwon. Kim is my name, and Jiwon is my name. 8 I m from Sydney, Australia. My name is Sue Smith. What s your name, please? Where are you from, Sue? [9~10] Minho: Hello. I m Nam Minho. I m from Korea. I have a brother. He s an elementary school student. I like baseball, and my nickname is Top Hitter. 9 10 14 p.170 Korean comic book twin sister best friend be from Sydney Australia brother elementary baseball nickname top hitter

I am a monkey. You are not a monkey. be amareis I am a doctor. I am in the park. You are pretty. That is your chair. They are in the classroom. bebenot ~. be be not I am pretty. I am not pretty. She is at home. She is not at home. They are students. They are not students. I am from Canada. I am not from Canada. You are my friend. You are not my friend. He is fourteen. He is not fourteen. She is nice. She is not nice. It is a nice picture. It is not a nice picture. We are middle school students. We are not middle school students. You are my friends. You are not my friends. They are funny. They are not funny. are not aren t, is not isn t am not 1 I ( am / are) happy. 2 You ( is / are ) a nice girl. 3 That ( is / am ) my ball. 4 We ( is / are ) good friends. 5 Jiho and Jiwon ( are / is ) twins. 6 She ( not is / is not ) an English teacher. 7 They ( aren t / isn t ) 13 years old. 8 Han ( am not / is not ) my name. Unit 1 15 p.170 Am I funny? Yes, you are. Are you OK? No, I m not. bebe be be be She is nice. Is she nice? be Yes No Yes, be Nobenot Question & Answer Am I late? Yes, you are. / No, you aren t. Are you thirteen? Yes, I am. / No, I m not. Is he in the bedroom? Yes, he is. / No, he isn t. Is she late? Yes, she is. / No, she isn t. Is it your ball? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. Are we late? Yes, we are. / No, we aren t. Are you OK, Jiho and Matt? Yes, we are. / No, we aren t. Are they twins? Yes, they are. / No, they aren t. 9 A: you in seventh grade? Yes, I. 10 A: she Jiho s twin sister? Yes, she. 11 A: Mr. Jang a PE teacher? No, he. 12 A: they from China? Yes, they. 13 A: you hungry? No, I. 14 A: he your best friend? Yes, he. 15 A: we good friends? No, we. 16

[1~2] 1 A: late for school? Yes, I am. Am I Am you Are I Are you Is you 2 A: your sister? No, she isn t. She is my friend. Is she Is he Am I She is Are you 3 I am from Canada. I am not from Canada. I not am from Canada. Not I am from Canada. Am I not from Canada. 4 Are they funny monkeys? Yes, it is. Yes, they is. No, they aren t. No, they are. Yes, we are. 5 Jaemin and I from Seoul, Korea. Mr. Parker American? am Is am Am is Is are Is are Are late school your sister be from Canada funny monkey American Unit 1 17 [6~7] 6 (is, e-mail address) 7 Kelly Kevin (be from, Australia) 8 My nickname am Rap Boy. 9 He is a PE teacher. I m in seventh grade. Mr. Jang not is a student. Am you a student here, too? They aren t good friends. 10 You are not a monkey. 11 Yes, they are. Are they hungry? Am I hungry? Are we hungry? Are they not hungry? Are you not hungry? 18 p.171 e-mail address from Australia my nickname rap seventh grade PE here too good monkey hungry

ex) Katie s Shoe Jiho: Hi, I m Jiho. What s your name? Katie: My name is Katie. be be Jiho: I m in seventh grade. Are you in seventh grade, too? Katie: Yes, I am. ingrade be Be Jiho: Oh, there s Jiwon. She s my twin sister. Jiwon, this is Katie. there is Jiwon: Hi, Katie. Nice to meet you. Katie: Nice to meet you, too. = (I m) Glad to meet you. = (I m) Happy to meet you. = (I m) Pleased to meet you. Jiho: Look, it s Ms. Parker. She s my English teacher. it is Jiwon: Is she American? Katie: No, she isn t. She s from Canada. is not Jiho: Is that your ball, Katie? be from = come from Katie: Yes, it is. I like soccer. Look. Oh, no! My shoe! I m sorry. Mr. Lee: That s all right. Here s your BALL. = That s okay. = Katie s shoe = No problem. = Never mind. Katie: Thank you, Mr....? Ms. Parker: Mr. Lee. He s a PE teacher. Katie: Wow! He s cool! Jiho: Yes! 1 Katie and Jiho are in seventh grade. 2 Jiho and Jiwon are friends. 3 Ms. Parker comes from Canada. 4 Katie likes soccer, and she has a ball. 5 Mr. Lee has Katie s ball. p.171 your name seventh grade my twin sister nice look Ms. teacher American Canada ball like soccer sorry here thank Mr. PE = Physical Education cool Unit 1 19 Listen and Talk 1 A: Hello. My name is Haemi. What s your name? = Hi. I m Matt. Glad to meet you, Haemi. A: Glad to meet you, too. Where are you from? I m from Sydney. Where are you from? = Nice to meet you. A: I m from Busan. But I live in Seoul now. Listen and Talk 2 A: Hello. I m Nam Minho. I m 13 years old. I m from Daegu, Korea. I have = My name is Nam Minho. a brother. He s an elementary school student. I like baseball, and my nickname is Top Hitter. Read and Do (1) I m Kim Jiho. I m from Seoul. I m in seventh grade. last namefirst name ingrade (2) I m Katie Simpson. I m from the USA. I m in seventh grade, too. first namelast name America (3) I m Olivia Parker. I m from Canada. I m an English teacher. Think and Write I am Hong Minsu. I am in seventh grade. I am from Jeonju. I like music = I m very much. like This is my best friend, Kim Jiwon. She is in seventh grade. She is from 3 Kim Jiwon Seoul. She likes movies very much. like 20 Listen and Talk 1 glad too Sydney where live now Listen and Talk 2 old brother elementary baseball nickname Read and Do seventh grade teacher Think and Write music very much best movie

Jiho: 1. Hi, Jiho.? Katie: My is Katie. Jiho: 2. I m. in seventh grade,? Katie: Yes,. Jiho: 3. Oh, Jiwon. my. Jiwon, Katie. Jiwon: Hi, Katie. Nice. Katie: 4. Nice to meet you,. Jiho:, it s Ms. Parker. my teacher. Jiwon: 5. American? Katie: No,. She s Canada. Jiho: 6. Is that, Katie? Katie: Yes,. I. Look. Oh, no!! Mr. Lee: 7.. Here s your BALL. Katie: you, Mr....? Ms. Parker: 8. Mr. Lee. He s a. Katie: Wow!! Jiho: Yes! p.171 1. Katie Katie 2. Katie 3. Katie Katie Katie4. Parker 5. Katie 6. Katie Katie Mr. Lee7. Katie Ms. Parker8. Katie Unit 1 21 Katie 7 Katie Katie 22 p.171.

Listen and Talk 1 A: Hello. Haemi.? Matt. Glad to, Haemi. A: Glad to meet you,.? Sydney. Where you? A: I m from Busan. I Seoul Listen and Talk 2 A: Hello. Nam Minho. I m. I m Daegu, Korea. I. He s an. I, and Top Hitter. Read and Do (1) I m Kim Jiho. I m. I m (2) I m. I m. I m seventh,. (3) Olivia Parker. I m. an. Think and Write Hong Minsu. I am. I Jeonju. I my, Kim Jiwon. in seventh grade. She is from Seoul. She very much. p.171 Listen and Talk 1 A: Matt A: A: Listen and Talk 2 A: 13 Read and Do 7 Katie Simpson 7 Olivia Parker Think and Write 7 7 Unit 1 23 24... Words + Reading brother 1 : a boy or man who has one or both of the same parents as you : 2 : a person who you like and enjoy being with : 3 : to enjoy something; to get pleasure from something : 4 : a recording of moving images that tells a story : 5 : sounds that are sung by voices or played on musical instruments : 6 : a person who attends a school, college, or university : 7 : two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother : 8 : a name that is different from your real name : 9 : very fashionable, stylish, or appealing in a way that is generally approved : 10 : a group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age : 11 : an outer covering for your foot : 12 : causing laughter : 13 : to say, write, or print the letters of a word or name : brother spell funny friend movie shoe nickname cool music twins grade student like This is my best friend, Junha. He is (A) of / from Incheon. He likes basketball. He is (B) kind / cool to everyone. I like him very much. We are good (C) friends / brothers. (A) (B) (C) of kind friends of kind brothers from cool friends from kind friends from cool brothers

p.171 Grammar + Reading 1 I m on seventh grade. 2 He a is PE teacher. 3 Is she America? 4 Ms. Parker is comes from Canada. 5 Is that you ball? 6 Nice meet to you. 7 I am middle school student. 8 We not are 13 years old. 9 Where is you from? 10 What do you spell it? 11 My color favorite is green. A: Am I funny? Yes, you are. You re funny. A: I m a monkey. No. You are not a monkey. I am a monkey. A: Are you OK? No, I amn t. Unit 1 25 1 She is from. Korea Japan China Brazil Canadian 2 English PE math subject Korean 3 Britain British China Chinese Germany Greece Japan Japanese Brazil Brazilian 4 nickname: a name that is different from your real name teacher: a person who teaches, usually as a job at a school grade: a group of classes in which all the children are of a different age spell: to say, write, or print the letters of a word or name friend: a person who you like and enjoy being with 26 5 He is my English teacher. Tom is his English friend. Can you speak English? Ms. Kim teaches English in my school. I studied English. 6 A: Hi, I m Yujin. What s your name? My name is James. 7 Is Susie Korean? She is Ms. Lee. Yes, she is American. Yes, you are. It is American. No, she isn t. 8 A: I m from New York. How are you? Where am I from? Where are you from? What are you doing? What s your name?

(9~10) 9 A: Hi, I m Kim Bora. What s your name? I m fine. How are you? I m from America. My name is Kevin. Nice to meet you, too. 10 A: Hi, I m John. Nice to meet you, John. I m Tommy. A: How are you? What s your name? Nice to meet you, too. I m from Canada. I m fine. 11 A: Oh, I m sorry. You re welcome. No problem. That s okay. That s all right. Don t worry. 12 How do you spell it? Hi, I m John. What s your name? KIM, JIWON. My name is Kim Jiwon. 13 A: What s your name? My name is Hojin. A: Are you in seventh grade? Yes, I am 7 years old. A: What s your e-mail address? It s A: What s your phone number? 1234567. A: How do you spell it? KIM, JIWON. 14 Hi, my name is John. I like books, and my nickname is Bookworm. Hello, my name is Yujin. I like chocolate, and my nickname is Choco Girl. This is my best friend, Kim Sora. She likes rap music, and her nickname is Rap Girl. What is my nickname? My first name is Olivia. I like soccer. Hi, nice to meet you. I m Brown. I like baseball, and my nickname is Top Hitter. Unit 1 27 15 is an elementary student. He My friend Your brother His sisters Kevin 16 Kevin Kevin is from America. Kevin am from America. Kevin is not from America. Kevin re not from America. Kevin am not from America. 17 Yes, I are. I is Kim Minsu. He am from Jeonju. Is you in seventh grade? Is she Jiho s twin sister? 18 A: you an American? Yes, I. Am is Is am Is are Are am Were am 28 19 He[he] Hi, my name is Kevin. I am from Sydney, Australia. I like books, and my nickname is Bookworm. (20~21) 20 He a student. My aunt beautiful. Yujin my classmate. Brown and Jane tall. Your sister a pretty girl. 21 She a teacher. Your brother happy. You a middle school student. Yujin s friend from America. My sister an elementary student. 22 A: Are you from Japan? I m from China. Yes, I am. No, I m not. Yes, I do. No, I don t. It s not okay.

(23~24) 23 It is a good movie. Ben are from America. I not a middle school teacher. My brother am very handsome. Yujin and Kevin is classmates. 24 Are it not a good book? Your dad am a pilot. Be Tony from Australia? He is not in seventh grade. Bora and Kevin is 14 years old. 25 M: Hi, my name is Kim Jiho. I m 13 years old. I m from Seoul, Korea. I have a twin sister. Her name is Jiwon. She is a student here, too. I like music, and my nickname is Rap Boy. Jiho 13 years old Seoul, Korea Music Boy a sister (26~29) Jiho: Hi, I m Jiho. What s your name? Katie: My name is Katie. Jiho: I m in grade. Are you in grade, too? Katie: Yes, I am. Jiho: Oh, there s Jiwon. She s my twin sister. Jiho: Jiwon, this is Katie. Jiwon: Hi, Katie. Katie: Nice to meet you, too. 26 27 seven seventh seventy seventeen seventies 28 Nice to see you. I m nice to meet you. I m happy to see you. I m pleased to meet you. I m from Mexico. 29 Katie 7 7 Katie Katie Unit 1 29 (30~31) This is my best friend, Junha. He is from Incheon. He likes basketball. I like my dog, Snoopy, and I love baseball very much. He is kind to everyone. I like him very much. We are good friends. 30 31 (32~34) Jiwon: Katie: Yes, it is. I like soccer. Katie: Look. Oh, no! My shoe! I m sorry. Mr. Lee: Here s your BALL. Katie: Thank you, Mr....? Ms. Parker: Mr. Lee. He s a PE teacher. Katie: Wow! He s cool! Jiho: Yes! 32 is that your ball, Katie? Is that your ball Katie? is That your ball Katie? Is that your ball, katie? Is that your ball, Katie? 33 That s right. That s good. That s nice. That s cool. That s all right. 30 p.172 34 Mr. Lee Katie Parker Katie Katie 35 Jiho: Look, its Ms. Parker. She s my English teacher. Jiwon: Is she American? Katie: No, she isn t. She s from Canada. Jiho: Is that your ball, Katie? Katie: Yes, it is. I like soccer.

1 Canada Canadian (1) China (2) British (3) Brazil 2 a recording of moving images that tells a story nickname music grade movie address 3 He s cool. That s all right. Nice to meet you, too. I like him very much. He is from Incheon. 4 My name is Kang Jihun. I am 12 years old. This is my best friend, Minsu. I live in Seoul, Korea. I like basketball very much. (5~6) 5 A: Hello. I m Katie Simpson. Hello. I m Yun Yujin. A: I m from Sydney, Australia. How do you do? What s your name? Where are you going? Where are you from? Are you from Australia? 6 A: My name is Kim Jiwon. A: K I M, J I W O N. Nice to meet you, Jiwon. How are you doing? What s your address? What s your name? How do you spell it? 7 A: Good morning, Yujin. Good morning, Kevin. How are you doing? A: Pretty good. And you? I m fine, too. Great! That s right. Terrible! So-so. Very good, too. 8 A: Glad to meet you. I m glad to meet you, too. A: How old are you? I m thirteen years old. A: Where are you from? I m from France, Paris. A: What s your e-mail address. It s A: What s your phone number? It s one five two, three six nine two. Unit 1 31 9 A: Hi, I m Han Junha. I m Kelly Blake. Nice to meet you, Han. A: is my last name. Call me Oh, sorry. 10 My PE teacher from China. Jinho and I baseball players. am is is am is are am are are am 11 I am a middle school student. (I m) I am not a music teacher. (amn t) You are my best friend. (You re) You are not kind to me. (aren t) He is not in seventh grade. (isn t) 12 A: Is Ms. Parker my English teacher? Yes, she is. No, she is. Yes, she is not. No, she isn t. She is a teacher. 32 p.172 (13~14) Hi, my name is Kim Jiho. I m 13 years old. I m from Seoul, Korea. I have a twin sister. Her name (be) Jiwon. She is a student here, too. I like music, and my nickname is Rap Boy. 13 am are is be was 14 13 (15~16) Jiho: Hi, I m Jiho. What s your name? Katie: My name is Katie. Jiho: I m seventh grade. Are you seventh grade, too? Katie: Yes, I am. Jiho: Oh, there s Jiwon. She s my twin sister. Jiwon, this is Katie. Jiwon: Hi, Katie. Nice to meet you. Katie: Nice to meet you, too. 15 from in on to with 16.

1 China Chinese Britain British Canada Canadian France Fred Australia Australian 2 I m Olivia. I m the USA. I m sixth grade. at from in from into in for at from in 3 two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother friends twins shoes brothers students 4 You are my best friend. He is my old friend. We are good friends. She is not my friend. My friend is American. 5 I m from Canada. No. I live in Seoul. I teach English in the middle school. Do you live in Canada? Where are you from? 6 A: Hello. I am Geonwoo. Hi, Geonwoo. Nice to meet you. My name is Geonwoo. How are you, Geonwoo? My brother is Geonwoo. Geonwoo is from Korea. Hello, Geonwoo. 7 Hi, my name is Matt Douglas. I m from Sydney, Australia. I m fourteen years old. My dad likes books very much. My nickname is Bookworm. Unit 1 33 8 A: Hi, I m Lee Sumin. What s your name? I m Kevin. Glad to meet you, Lee. A: Lee is my last name. Call me Sumin. How do you spell that? A: S U M I N. Excuse me? Oh, sorry. Sumin? Pardon? What? I ll call later. (9~11) 9 A: Hello, how are you? Good-bye. Fine, thanks. How are you? Nice to meet you. I am from New Zealand. 10 A: Hi, I m Katie. Nice to meet you, Katie. I m Thomas. A: I m fine. How are you? I m from Canada. What s your name? I m glad to meet you, too. 34 11 A: Hi, I m Lee Minho. Glad to meet you. My name is Sue Smith. How do you do? What s your name? Where are you from? How do you spell it? What do you like? 12 Minho aren t a student. Minho isn t a student. Minho is a student. Minho am a student. Minho am not a student. 13 He my classmate. My uncle handsome. Mary a student. Betty and Julia short. Your sister a pretty girl. 14 I m Katie Simpson. You re from Japan. He s a music teacher. She s a beautiful girl. They s classmates.

15 I m not tall. He isn t a teacher. Your grandpa aren t 60 years old. Are they not good friends? Is your uncle not from England? 16 This is my best friend, Kim Jiwon. She is in seventh. She from Seoul. She likes very much. movies grade is movies is grade grade is movies grade movies is is movies grade 17 (1) My cousin is from Britain. (2) You are 14 years old. 18 (1) A: in second grade? Yes, I am. (2) A: Is he a PE teacher? No,. 19 Jiho: Is that your ball, Katie? Katie: Yes, it is. I like soccer. Look. Oh, no! My shoe! I m sorry. Mr. Lee: That s all right. Here s your BALL. Katie: Thank you, Mr....? Ms. Parker: Mr. Lee. He s a PE teacher. Katie has a soccer ball. Katie likes soccer. Jiho has Katie s ball. Mr. Lee is a PE teacher. Mr. Lee has Katie s shoe. 20 Hello. I m Yujin. I m 14 years old. I m from Busan, Korea. I have a brother. He s a high school student. I like basketball, and my nickname is Pretty Woman. My brother s hobby is playing computer game. basketball Busan nickname Pretty Woman computer game Unit 1 35 (21~23) Jiho: Hi, I m Jiho. What s your name? Katie: Jiho: I m in seventh grade. Are you in seventh grade,? Katie: Yes, I am. Jiho: Oh, there s Jiwon. She is my twin sister. Jiho: Jiwon, is Katie. Jiwon: Hi, Katie. Nice to meet you. Katie: Nice to meet you,. 21 This is Katie. Her name is Katie. My name is Katie. I m twelve years old. I m Katie. 22 Write the correct words for and. 23 She is tall. This is pretty. He is in the garden. Today is Sunday. Tony is handsome. 36 p.173 (24~25) (A) Hello. My name is Louis. I m from France. I like rap music, and my nickname is Rap Boy. (B) I m Olivia Parker. I m from Canada. I m an English teacher. 24 Which question CANNOT you answer? Where is Louis from? Does Louis like rap music? What s Louis nickname? How old is Olivia? Does Olivia come from America? 25 Louis is my friend, Louis. He from France. He likes rap music, and nickname is Rap Boy.

1 brother sister twin parents family 2 A: Are you from China? No, I m not. I m from Korea. 3 be from be kind to seventh grade7 all right last name 4 A: Is your sister an elementary student? She goes to Hanguk elementary school. Yes, I am. No, I am not. Yes, she is. No, she isn t. Yes, she does. 5 LOUIS. Are you Louis? Do you know Louis? Is your name Louis? What s your fist name? How do you spell your name? 6 Hi. What s your name? SAWYER. How do you spell your last name? My name is Tom Sawyer. (7~8) 7 A: Hello, Kevin. I m Minho. Hello, Minho. Glad meet you, too. I m glad to meet you. Happy to meet you. Sorry to meet you. Nice to meet you. I m pleased to meet you. 8 A: Good morning, John. Good morning, Mike. How are you doing? A: Fine, thanks. Pretty good. Not good. Nice to meet you. I m fine. Unit 1 37 9 A: Where are you from? I am from China. A: Hello, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. A: What s your name? My name is Suyeong. A: Is your friend from England? Yes, they are from England. A: How do you do? How do you do? 10 I am hungry. Are you a teacher? They are very happy. Your daddy is a pilot. Yujin and Kevin is soccer players. 11 Hi, my name am Kevin. I m from Sydney, Australia. I like books, and my nickname is Bookworm. 38 12 Hello. I m Hong Mira. I m 14 years old. I m from Busan, Korea. I have a brother. He s a high school student. I like knitting, and my nickname is Pretty Woman. My brother s hobby is playing tennis. 14 (13~14) Hi, my name is Kim Jiho. I am 13 years old. I m from Seoul, Korea. I have a twin sister. Her name are Jiwon. She is a student here, too. I like music, and my nickname is Rap Boy. 13 14 14

(15~17) Jiho: Hi, I m Jiho. What s your name? Katie: My name is Katie. Jiho: I m seventh grade. Are you seventh grade, too? Katie: Yes, I am. Jiho: Oh, there s Jiwon. She s my twin sister. Jiho: Jiwon,. Jiwon: Hi, Katie. Nice to meet you. Katie: Nice to meet you, too. 15 in at on to by 16 it is Katie this is Katie that is Katie she is Katie you are Katie 17 Katie 7 Katie 7 6 (18~20) A: Hi, I m Jang Minho. is your name? My name is Sue Smith. A: do you spell your? SMITH. A: Are you from the USA? No, I m not. I m from Canada. 18 What How What Why Who Why Who How Which When 19 = Sue Smith. = Sue Smith. 20 first name full name middle name last name nickname Unit 1 39 (21~23) Jiho: Look, it s Ms. Parker. She s my English teacher. Jiwon: Is she? Katie: No, she isn t. She s from. Jiho: Is that your ball, Katie? Katie: Yes, it is. I like soccer. Look. Oh, no! My shoe! I m sorry. Mr. Lee: That s all right. Here your BALL. Katie: Thank you, Mr....? Ms. Parker: Mr. Lee. He s a PE teacher. Katie: Wow! He s cool! Jiho: Yes! 21 America Canada American Canada America Canadian American Canadian Canada America 22 That s OK. No problem. Don t worry. I m fine. You must be wrong. 23 Which is NOT true about the above dialog? Katie likes soccer. Jiho doesn t like soccer. Ms. Parker is Canadian. Ms. Parker is an English teacher. Mr. Lee is a physical education teacher. 40 p.173 (24~25) This is my best friend, Kang Junha. He is from Incheon, Korea. He likes basketball. His nickname is Jordan. He is kind to everyone. I like him very much. are good friends. 24 I You He We They 25 First name: Junha Last name: Kang City: Korea Hobby: basketball Nickname: Jordan

1 he movies is are grade This is my best friend, Kim Jiho. He is in seventh. from Seoul. He likes very much. 2 (1) (from / Canada / not / am) (1) I. (2) (an / not / teacher / is / English) (2) Mr. Jang. 3 (1) Hi, Tom. My name is Yujin. (1) I. (1) 13 (2) This is Jiho. I like him very much. (2) We. (2) 4 Jiho: Is that your ball, Katie? Katie: Yes, it is. I like soccer. Look. Oh, no! My shoe! I m sorry. Mr. Lee: That s all right. Here s your BALL. 5 (1) She is my English teacher. (1) She. (2) We are 14 years old. (2) We. (6~7) 6 You are my friend. A: Yes,. 7 It is a nice picture. A: No,. 8 I am Kim Jiwon. My name is Kim Jiwon. Q: (9~10) 9 A: Are you hungry? I m full. 10 A: Are your parents at home? They are at home. Unit 1 41 11 A: Is this your soccer ball? No, That is not My ball. 12 (1) My name am Kim Jiho. (2) Sally not is busy today. (3) I amn t late for school. (4) Is Jack and Matt friends? (13~14) A: Hello, my name is Haemi. What s your name? My name is Matt. Glad to meet you, Haemi. A: Glad to meet you, too. I m from Sydney. A: I m from Busan. But I live in Seoul now. 13 14 Where does Haemi live now? Answer in English. 42 p.174 15-1 This ( be ) my best friend. ( She ) name is Jisu. I like her very much. We (be) middle school students. 15-2 A: you in seventh grade? Yes,. How about you? A: I in seventh grade, too. Oh, there is Jiwon. my twin sister. 15-3 Hi, my name is Matt Douglas. I m from Sydney, Australia. I like chocolate, and my nickname is Choco Boy. I have twin sister. Her name is Megan. A: What s his name? A: Is he from America? He is from Australia. A: His nickname is Choco Boy. A: Is Megan his sister?

Unit 1 Meet the Twins p.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 p.8 1 really 2 nice 3 movie 4 spell 5 sister 6 student 7 call 8 comic book 9 soccer 10 address 11 cool 12 favorite 13 twin 14 brother 15 elementary 16 China 17 bookworm 18 first name 19 Australia 20 e-mail 21 meet 22 number 23 grade 24 old 25 basketball 26 teacher 27 Ms. 28 Canada 29 best 30 last name 31 friend 32 nickname 33 good 34 middle 35 American 36 kind 37 funny 38 like 39 many 40 rap(rap music) 41 monkey 42 PE(Physical Education) 43 Mr. 44 shoe 45 music 46 pretty 47 This is ~. 48 That s all right. 49 be from p.9 1 grade 2 name 3 best 4 like 5 old 6 American 7 call 8 number 9 kind 10 teacher 11 twin 12 e-mail 13 movies 14 spell 15 am from 16 last name 17 This is 18 first name p.10 1 I m, Nice[Glad/Pleased] to meet 2 What s your name, I m 3 your name, meet you, last[family] name, Call 4 my name is, years old, I m 170 form, Korea, twin sister, name, student, like music, nickname 5 This is, friend, is from, He likes, kind, like, very, We are p.12 1 What s your name 2 I m, Nice to meet 3 my last name, Call me 4 sorry, How do, spell 5 your name 6 My name 7 do you spell 8 Yun, my last[family] name 9 Yun is your 10 e-mail address 11 your phone number 12 One five two p.13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 last[family] first[given] 8 9 10 1 what 2 name 3 B be fromcome from from 4 How are you doing? 5 B How old are you? 6 This is ~. 7 last[family] name first[given] name 8 Sue Smith Sue 9 10 an elementary school student p.15 1 am 2 are 3 is 4 are 5 are 6 is not 7 aren t 8 is not 9 Are, am 10 Is, is 11 Is, isn t[is not] 12 Are, are 13 Are, am not 14 Is, is 15 Are, aren t[are not] p.17 1 2 3 4 5 6 What s[what is] your e-mail address? 7 Kelly and Kevin aren t[are not] from Australia. 8 am is 9 10 Are you not a monkey? 11 1 1 2 Are you 2 she she be Is she ~? 3 bebenot ~. 4 Are they ~? be They are ~. Yes, they are. No, they aren t. 5 Jaemin and I be are Mr. Parker 3 be Is 6 be be 7 be be not 8 My nickname 3 be is 9 be be not not is is not you be Are Am Are 10 be be 11 they Are they ~? p.19 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F p.21 1. I m, What s your name, name 2. in seventh grade, Are you, too, I am 3. there s, She s, twin sister, this is, to meet you 4. too, Look, She s English 5. Is she, she isn t, from 6. your ball, it is, like soccer, My shoe, I m sorry 7. That s all right, Thank 8. PE teacher, He s cool p.22 1 What s[what is] your name? 2 My name is Katie. 3 Are you in seventh[7th] grade, too? 4 She s[she is] my twin sister. 5 Jiwon, this is Katie 6 Nice[Glad/Happy/Pleased] to meet you. 7 She s[she is] my English teacher. 8 Is she American? 9 She s[she is/she comes] from Canada. 10 Is that your ball, Katie? 11 I like soccer. 12 He s[he is] a PE[Physical Education] teacher. p.23 Listen and Talk 1 My name is, What s your name, I m, meet you, too, Where are you from, I m from, are, from, But, live in, now Listen and Talk 2 I m, 13[thirteen] years old, from, have a brother, elementary school student, like baseball, my nickname is Read and Do (1) from Seoul, in seventh grade (2) Katie Simpson, from the USA, in, grade, too (3) I m, from Canada, I m, English teacher Think and write I am, in seventh[7th] grade, am from, like music very much, This is, best friend,,she is, likes movies p.24 Words + Reading 2 friend, 3 like, 4 movie, 5 music, 6 student, 7 twins, 8 nickname, 9 cool, 10 grade, 11 shoe, 12 funny, 13 spell, Grammar + Reading 1 I m in seventh grade. 2 He is a PE teacher. 171

3 Is she American? 4 Ms. Parker is[comes] from Canada. 5 Is that your ball? 6 Nice to meet you. 7 I am a middle school student. 8 We are not 13 years old. 9 Where are you from? 10 How do you spell it? 11 My favorite color is green. p.26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 3 4 grade: a group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age 5 8 Where be from 10 Nice to meet you. 11 You re welcome. Thank you. 12 John KIMJIWON 13 14 15 be is 16 3 is not 17 are am is am am is Is Are 172 18 1 (I) am2(you) are 19 Hi, his name is Kevin. He is from Sydney, Australia. He likes books, and his nickname is Bookworm. 20 3 are 3 is 21 2 are is 23 are is[comes] I not I am not am is is are 24 Are Is am is Be Is is are 25 Rap Boy 26 Katie 27 28 29 Katie 31 33 35 it is it s it s it p.31 1 (1) Chinese (2) Britain (3) Brazilian 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Han Junha 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 movie 3 very much very much 4 5 Where are you from? 6 How do you spell it? 7 I m fine. Great! So-so.Terrible. That s right. 8 FranceParis ParisFrance 9 (last name)(first name) last name Han first name Junha 10 My PE teacher 3 be is, Jinho and I 1 are 11 be not am not 12 be Yes No Yes not 14 15 ingrade 16 This is p.33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (1) My cousin is not[isn t] from Britain. (2) Are you 14 years old? 18 (1) Are you (2) he isn t 19 20 21 22 too this too 23 24 25 This, is, his 1 4 5 6 My name is ~. I am ~. 8 (I m) Fine[Great/Good], thanks. 11 12 be benot 3 is 13 3 is are 14 3 They be are They re classmates. 15 3 aren t isn t 16 grade is like movies 17 be be not be be 18 Yes, I am. Are you ~? be No 19 Katie 22 too this is ~ 23 25 This is ~. He 3 be is he his p.37 1 2 Chinese 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I am, I m 20 21 22 23 24 25 City: Korea City: Incheon Country: Korea 173

2 Chinese 3 last name first name 4 your sister 3 she be be is 5 6 Tom Sawyer SAWY ER 7 9 your friend 3 he she 10 is are 11 my name 3 is 12 14 14 13 15 ingrade 18 20 Smith last name first name 21 American Canada 22 (I m) Sorry. 23 24 We 25 City Korea Country 174 p.41 1 grade, He is, movies 2 (1) am not from Canada (2) is not an English teacher 3 (1) am thirteen[13] years old (2) are good friends 4 Katie s shoe 5 (1) is not[isn t] my English teacher (2) are not[aren t] 14 years old 6 Are you my friend?, I am 7 Is it a nice picture?, it isn t[is not] 8 What s [What is] your name? 9 No, I am[i m] not. 10 Yes, they are. 11 No, it is not my ball. 12 (1) am is (2) not is is not (3) amn t am not (4) Is Are 13 Where are you from? 14 She lives in Seoul now. 15-1 is Her are 15-2 Are, I am, am, She is 15-3 His name is Matt Douglas., No, he isn t., What s his nickname?, Yes, she is. 1 7 (grade)(he) (is) (movies) 2 be be not 3 yearsold be good friends 4 BALL Katie 6 be be Yes 9 11 This it 12 your parents they be not am not Jack and Matt be are 13 where be from 15-1 This 3 be is name We 1 are 15-3 Matt DouglasMatt Megan