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수능 CAT


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Being friends with the face in the mirror



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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

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1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628



3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해


1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck





Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.


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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운





Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

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How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien



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55호 1면




Lesson 7 Disappearing Islands You re telling me. I feel so bad for them. to Global warming caused all this to happen. do I really do hope you can help us. Words agree almost believe boring bottle break care cause ex. The storm caused great damage to the crops. country =nation disappear ex. The plane disappeared from sight. forget global warming happen hope island level light lose melt ex. The snow was starting to melt. newspaper ocean plastic bag polar polar bear price problem recycle ex. Recycle newspaper, glass bottles, and cans. 120 rise ex. The air balloon rose slowly into the sky. save sea level sink ex. The boat sank to the bottom of the sea. the Pacific Ocean travel useful warming whole wonderful worried Phrases ask for because of ex. I couldn t go out because of the rain. clean up cut down ex. To build the motorway, they will have to cut down a lot of trees. for now How come? in danger in ~ years instead of slow down ex. Slow down, you re driving too fast! take A out of B B A turn off TV turn on

Words 01 problem 02 recycle 03 ocean 04 plastic bag 05 save 06 sea level 07 light 08 the Pacific Ocean 09 forget 10 global warming 11 happen 12 travel 13 whole 14 cause 15 disappear 16 hope 17 island 18 level 19 polar bear 20 rise 21 lose 22 melt 23 newspaper 24 sink 25 hotel 26 worried 27 wonderful 28 boring 29 price 30 bottle 31 agree 32 useful 33 country Phrases 34 for now 35 in danger 36 turn off 37 take A out of B 38 instead of 39 slow down 40 in ~ years 41 ask for 42 clean up 43 cut down 44 How come? p.193 Lesson 7 121 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 122 p.193 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Phrases 34 35 36 TV 37 B A 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

1 Stress can euasc a heart attack. 2 I enjoy the relaxed pace of silnad life. 3 She is rrwdieo we ll be late. 4 I ve just had a wdrfonule idea. 5 The magician made the bird eardsipap. boring level sank bottle agree 6 The snow will soon away when the sun comes out. 7 The water is low. 8 The boat after hitting a rock. 9 I with you. 10 I think this book is 11 Driving too fast puts people. 12 After the party, I the glasses. 13 The bride chose roses tulips for her bouquet. 14 Don t the computer. 15 They cut a tree to make a house warm. You re going too fast. Slow. p.193 heart attack relaxed pace magician rock Lesson 7 123 A: This shoe store is wonderful. B: You re telling me. You re telling me., I agree with you., I think so, too. (That s) Right. You re right. I agree on it. I agree with you. Same here. You can say that again. That makes two of us. I can tcouldn tagree more. That s exactly what I m thinking. I don t think so. I m sorry but I have a different opinion. I don t agree with you. 1 A: It s hot today. B: You re me. I can t believe it s September. 9 A: Each year it gets and. B: I know. Global warming is a big. A: Yeah. We to do something. 2 A: Look at those kids. B: They, it s not. A: again. B: Where are their? A: I don t know, but they their kids. 124

p.193 A: Sumi can t go to the concert. B: How come? A: Because she lost her ticket. B: I feel so bad for her. I feel so bad for ~., What a pity! It is a pity that ~. I m so sorry to hear that. What a pity! What a shame! I feel so sorry for him. I know how you feel. That s too bad. It is a pity that ~. 3 A: Oh, no. The polar bears are their. B: are they losing their homes? A: Because the ice is. B: That s. A: I know. I so for them. 4 A: Did you Jo? Jo B: No, what to her? A: She her in the soccer game. B: Oh, no. I m so to that. 5 A: How was your school? B: It was terrible. It the time. A: Really? B: We watched TV in the room. A: Sounds pretty. Lesson 7 125 p.193 Minjun: It s so 1. today. Jenny: 2.. I can t believe it s September. 9 Minjun: Each year it gets 3.. Jenny: Yeah. 4. is a big problem. Minjun: I know. Did you 5. the polar bears? Jenny: No. 6. them? Minjun: They are 7.. Jenny: 8. are they losing their homes? Minjun: 9. the ice is melting. Jenny: Really? I 10. for them. I feel so bad for her. You re telling me. What happened? 1 G: Jimin speaks English very well. B: She gets better and better. G: I can t believe she is just a beginner. B: I know. 2 A: Jessica is sad. B: A: She misses her parents in America. B: Oh, no. 126

1 (A) Really? I feel so bad for you. (B) It was terrible. It rained the whole trip. (C) How was your school trip? (D) We just watched TV in the room. A: Sounds pretty boring. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 A: Jack can t play soccer today. B: How come? A: Because he is sick. B: Really? What a pity! That s too bad. I feel so bad for him. You re telling me. I m sorry to hear that. 3 You re telling me What a pity! Well, I don t think so. (1) A: TV is very useful. B: I don t watch TV. (2) A: Sci-fi movies are very interesting. B: (3) A: Amy can t go hiking with us. She broke her leg. B: 4 A: This shoe store is wonderful. B: It s great. A: They have the best shoes in town. B: I know. I really want to come here again. You re telling me. I think so, too. I can t agree more. I agree with you. I don t agree with you. terrible the whole trip boring soccer useful sic-fi movies wonderful town Lesson 7 127 5 A: The math exam is very difficult. B: I don t think so. A: My mom is an excellent cook. B: You can say that again. A: Jane broke her ankle today. B: I m sorry to hear that. A: He lost his child in an amusement park. B: How come? A: Kitty lost her brand-name wallet. B: I m bad for it. 6 I agree with you I couldn t agree more. You re telling me. I don t think so. I feel the same with you. [7~8] Minjun: It s so hot today. Jenny: You re telling me. I can t believe it s September. Minjun: Each year it gets hotter and hotter. Jenny: Yeah. Global warming is a big problem. Minjun: I know. Did you hear about the polar bears? Jenny: No. What about them? Minjun: They are losing their homes. Jenny: Why are they losing their homes? Minjun: Because the ice is melting. Jenny: Really? 7 (feel / bad) 8 Jenny 128 p.193 excellent break one s ankle amusement park brand-name wallet

to My mother told me to stay home. I wanted my friends to come over to my house. tellwantaskcauselikeadviseorderrecommendallow My mom wants me to eat toast for breakfast. Sam asked me to open the window. The earthquake caused my town to disappear. The math teacher advised his students to study every day. to The teacher told Cathy to sit down. sit down teacher Cathy My father would like you to come to my house. makehavelet My dad made me finish my study. My grandfather had me wash his car. The police officer let the beggar go away. seehearfeelwatchlook atlisten to I saw him play the violin. I saw him playing the violin. A. My mom wants me to go to bed now. James advised me to spend less and save more. She told Jimin to make pizza. The teacher asked me to make a 1-minute speech. I m going to ask Joe to bring the drinks. Lesson 7 129 p.193 do I do love you. I do hope you like this. do (1) (2) (3) do Susie does her best all the time. Do you have a pig as a pet? Subin and her boyfriend don t seem to love each other. do do I do want to have ice cream. She does need to take a rest at home. I did hand in my report yesterday. It iswasthat... It iswas that I did email you yesterday. My grandfather taught me not to lie. It was my grandfather that taught me not to lie. It was me that my grandfather taught not to lie. It was not to lie that my grandfather taught me. B. 1 You do look beautiful yesterday! 2 It do make me angry when people are rude. 3 I did went there. 4 I did to answer your email immediately. 5 A Japanese woman do want to take a picture with Bae Yongjun. 130

1 do You do like cream spaghetti. I didn t do well on the math test. What kind of problems does this cause? She doesn t like food cooked with garlic. I really don t want the people in my country to lose their homes. 2 How about telling people? recycle recycling recycles to recycle recycled [3~4] 3 I m writing this letter ask for your help. Global warming caused all this happen. I m glad meet you. 4 I really hope you can help us. My father and my brother the dishes on Sundays. 5 I did do my homework last night. Do you really love me? I don t agree with you. What did you say? You should do something to save the Earth. I do hope you like my gift. 6 Mother told me take a shower before I sleep. problem cause garlic lose one s home recycle ask for do the dishes on Sundays save take a shower Lesson 7 131 7 My country is sinking into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming caused all this to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melting. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. I m very worried. 8 My younger sister makes me crazy. Dad made me come home early. I will make my friend, Tom do his homework. Susan makes her brother go to bed early. My mom made me a lovely dress. 9 do I ( ) want ( ) Jake ( ) to blow up ( ) the balloons ( ). 10 (causes / have / a / headache / the math test / me / to) 11 His way of speaking caused all this to happen. The fire caused the damage. Warmer weather caused the ice melt. You have caused all these problems. Global warming causes very strong winds. 132 p.193 sink into melt disappear crazy lovely damage

Disappearing Islands Dear World, Hi, my name is Taukelina. I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. Have you heard of Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. Have you p.p. ~?: It s a very small but beautiful island. I m writing this letter to ask for your help. My country is sinking into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming be-ing caused all this to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the cause to who is be to make melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. I m very worried. 1 Q: Who is writing this letter? A: is writing this letter. 2 Q: Where does Taukelina live? A: She lives in, an in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. 3 Q: Why does she ask for help? A: Because her country is the sea. 4 Q: Why is her country sinking into the sea? A: Because of global warming, the ice is and the sea rises. disappear island ocean the Pacific Ocean near ask for sink global warming cause happen melt sea level rise worried Lesson 7 133 inyears: I really don t want the people in my country to lose their homes. Here are some things we do to slow down global warming. We always turn off the lights, the television, and the computer when we are not using them. wantto to turn on to to not never We try not to cut down trees. Trees take CO2 out of the air. try to cf. try take A out of B: B A We usually don t travel by car. We walk, ride a bike, or take the bus. We recycle bottles, cans, plastic bags, and newspapers. When we recycle, we help save the Earth. helpto Oh! I almost forgot. There is one more thing. Could you please show this letter to your friends? show A to B: B A Thanks for reading my letter. I really do hope you can help us. Bye for now. do do Love, Taukelina T F 5 They always turn off the computer when they are not using it. ( ) 6 Taukelina wants the people in her country to lose their homes. ( ) 7 They try not to cut down trees. Trees take O2 out of the air. ( ) 8 They walk, ride a bike, or take the bus. ( ) 134 p.194 lose -lost-lost slow down turn off cut down take A out of B B A travel recycle plastic bag newspaper save almost forget thanks for for now

1 you of Tuvalu? 2 It s an in the Pacific Ocean Australia. 3 I m writing this letter to your help. 4 My country is the sea. 5 Global warming all this. 6 Warmer weather makes the ice. 7 the melting ice, the sea level. 8 Some scientists say my country could 50 years. 9 I really don t want the people in my country to 10 Here are some things we do to global warming. 11 We always the lights, the television, and the computer we are not using them. 12 We try trees. Trees take CO2 out of the air. 13 We don t by car. 14 We bottles, cans, plastic bags, and newspapers. 15 When we recycle, we the Earth. 16 Could you please this letter your friends? 17 I really you can help us. p.194 1. Tuvalu 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 50 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Lesson 7 135 Tuvalu Tuvalu 50 136.

Words + Reading p.194 Lesson 7 137 recycle forget light whole island level lose kind melt sink hope problem cause disappear hotel warming kind : a group of people or things that are the same : 1 : a piece of land completely surrounded by water : 2 : to go or fall below the surface of water : 3 : something that produces light, such as lightbulbs or lamps. : 4 : height above ground : 5 : to process and use again things like papers, plastics, and cans : 6 : to become unable to find : 7 : complete, entire : 8 : a building with bedrooms for rent and food and other services : 9 : to want something to happen : 10 : relating to all the world, worldwide : 11 : to make something happen especially something bad : 12 : to be unable to remember : 13 : a difficult situation or person : 14 : to go out of sight : 15 : to change from a solid to liquid state : My country is sinking into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming caused all this to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melting. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. I m very worried. 138

p.194 1 1 Have you hear of Tuvalu? 2 It s an islands in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. 3 I m writing this letter asking for your help. 4 Global warming caused all this happen. 5 Warmer weather makes the ice to melt. 6 I really don t want the person in my country to lose their homes. 7 Here is some things we do to slow down global warming. 8 We try not cutting down trees. 9 When we recycle, we help save the earth. 10 I really does hope you can help us. (A)(B)(C) Have you heard (A) of / from Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. It s a very small but beautiful island. I m writing this letter to ask (B) for / of your help. My country is sinking down into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming caused all this (C) happen / to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. (A) (B) (C) of for happen of of to happen of for to happen from of happen from for happen Lesson 7 139 1 rise sink whole part boring interesting appear disappear save dangerous 2 can recycle bottle newspaper plastic 3 The boat had a hole, so it into the sea. sank traveled melted recycled appeared 4 The of the car accident is not known. Warmer weather s the ice to melt. put make burn cause reason 140 5 To save the Earth we usually recycle. cans food bottles plastic bags newspapers 6 A: This apple pie is good. B: You re me. It is very delicious. 7 A: B: I feel so bad for you. Do you feel bad? I like to play soccer. I had a really bad cold. I can make kimbap by myself. My class is always at the top in our school. 8 A: Brian is really nice today. B: I think so, too. I agree with you. You re telling me. I can t agree more. You can say that again. That s not what I m talking. Grammar + Reading

9 (A) By the way, did you hear the news? The park is going to close. (B) Really? I feel so bad about it. (C) Me, too. I come here every week. (D) This park it so beautiful. I like it very much. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (C) (B) (D) (D) (C) (A) (B) (D) (B) (A) (C) (D) (B) (C) (A) 10 A: Susan can t go to the movies. B: How come? A: I think health is more important than money. B: You can say that again. A: This hamburger is great! B: Well, I don t think so. A: Sci-fi movies are very interesting. B: I agree. A: We should slow down global warming. B: I can t believe it. 11 A: Did you hear about Amazon? B: No. Why? Not really. Really? It sounds like puppies. Yeah. I heard it is disappearing. No. What is it about? 12 Julie: We should save energy. Let s turn off the lights when we re not using it. Charles: We should protect the nature. Let s try not to cut down trees. Natasha: We should save water. Let s leave the water running. Mary: We should recycle. Let s recycle papers, cans and bottles. Jack: We should make the air clean. Let s try not to ride cars. Julie Charles Natasha Mary Jack 13 I m writing this letter ask for your help. My country is sinking into the sea. Global warming caused all this happen. 14 She asked he to open the door. She asked him to open the door. She asked to him to open the door. She asked him open the door. She asked him opening the door. Lesson 7 141 15 How often you go to the mountain? We hope my dad s business will succeed. 16 I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. Have you hear of Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. (17~18) 17 Because melting ice, the sea level rises. 18 If you didn t study hard, you ll fail the exam. 19 I want to. So, I will try to take a bus when I travel. 142 20 She requested me the boxes. He know the secret of success. move do to move does to move do move did moving does (21~22) 21 I try not to spill anything on my computer. She tried doing her homework. He was trying hard finish the work on time. They try to not drive too fast. We were trying to not step on snakes. 22 My mom wants me be a doctor. She asked him to carry this box. The heavy rain caused my house disappearing. Global warming caused the sea level rise. I like him because he makes me laughing. (23~24) Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say the island could in 50 years. I don t want people in my country to lose their homes. 23 alive appear save disappear melt

24 happy thankful worried thoughtful excited 25 A: Each year, it s getting hotter and hotter. B: Yeah. G is a big problem. A: I know. Polar bears are losing their homes because the ice is melting. (26~27) Have you heard of Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. It s a very small but beautiful island. I m writing this letter to ask for your help. My country is an island in the Pacific Ocean. It is going down into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming caused all this to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. I m very worried. 26 27 Tuvalu Tuvalu 28 A: How can we help save the Earth? B: Let s leave the water running when you are not using it. Let s turn off the TV when you finish watching it. Let s turn on the lights when you leave a room. Let s use paper towels instead of cloth to clean up. Let s cut down trees in the rainforest. (29~31) Minjun: It s so hot today. Jenny: You re telling me. I can t believe it s September. Minjun: Each year it gets hotter and hotter. Jenny: Yeah. Global warming is a big problem. Minjun: I know. Did you hear about the polar bears? Jenny: No. What about them? Minjun: They are losing their homes. Jenny: Why are they losing their homes? Minjun: Because the ice is melting. Jenny: Really? I feel so bad for them. 29 Lesson 7 143 30 What are Minjun and Jenny talking about? Friends Houses Globalization September Global warming 31 9 Jenny Jenny (32~33) We always turn off the lights, the television, and the computer when we are not using them. We try not to cut down trees. We walk, ride a bike, or take the bus. We recycle bottles, cans, and newspapers. 32 Here are some things we do to slow down global warming. 33 144 p.195 (34~35) It s getting hotter and hotter. Global warming is a big problem these days. What kind of problems does this cause? Because of this, polar bears are losing their homes. This causes very strong winds and heavy rain in some countries. Some scientists say. 34 this 35 (many / disappear / this / cause / to / islands / will)

1 To save the Earth we usually recycle. glass food clothes plastic bags magazines 2 We couldn t sleep at all because of the hot weather. Each year it gets hotter and hotter. That old house could disappear in 50 years. 50 People in Tuvalu need to move out. Use cloth instead of paper towels to clean up. 3 The teacher told Susan to be quiet. My mom wanted me to clean my room. Jenny asked him to open the window. My brother wants to me to help his homework. Mary told me to email her. 4 (A) Oh, no. I feel so bad for him. (B) Why? (C) Jack can t play baseball today. (D) Because he has a bad cold. (D) (C) (B) (A) ) (B) (A) (C) (C) (B) (D) (A) (B) (C) (A) (D) (A) (C) (B) (D) 5 Amy: This park is so beautiful. I like it very much. Jenny: You can say that again. I come here every week. Amy: By the way, did you hear the news? The park is going to close. Jenny: Really? I feel so bad about it. You re telling me. What did you say? I don t think so. I m glad to hear that. Can you say that again? 6 We recycle bottles, cans, plastic bags, and newspapers. we recycle, we help save the Earth. Oh! I almost forgot. There is one more thing. you please show this letter to your friends? When May When Could Who May Who Will When Shall 7 A: Jimin Speaks English very well. B: You re telling me. A: Jiho s team won! B: How did he come here? A: Brian won the math contest. B: Really? A: Semin studies Science for three hours every day. B: He studies really hard. A: I can t believe she is just a beginner. B: I agree with you. Lesson 7 145 8 A: B: Really? I feel so sorry for them. Tom s parents had a car accident. Polar bears are losing their homes. Many people in Africa are starving. Wild animals are sick because people gave them food. Jenny and Harry said they were sorry for pushing Ann. 9 Many ships near Alaska. Many islands because of the global warming. 10 Same here. I agree with you. I couldn t agree more. You can say that again. You did a good job. 11 They him to wash the dishes. let tell have make feel 146 p.195 12 I do did my homework last night. She did call you yesterday. He does do love me. They do took pictures with people. We want do save the animals. (13~14) Dear World, Hi, my name is Taukelina. I m a middle school student (A) living / to live in Tuvalu. Have you heard of Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. It s a very small but beautiful island. I m writing this letter to ask for your help. My country is (B) sinks / sinking into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming caused all this (C) happen / to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. I m very worried. 13 complaint essay letter application diary 14 (A)(B)(C) (A) (B) (C) living sinks happen living sinking to happen living sinking happen to live sinks to happen to live sinking to happen 15 Tuvalu Taukelina

1 to be able to no longer see them discuss discover disappear disagree disappointed 2 We should the lights when we are not using them. get on take off put on turn off get off 3 We recycle all our. papers bottles newspapers cans trees 4 Samantha really married her first love. = Samantha her first love. (5~6) 5 You can magazines. When we, we help save the Earth. recycle return cycle throw buy 6 I so bad for her. I like going to sleep. feel hear think do get 7 Amy: This park is so beautiful. I like it very much. Jenny: You can say that again. I come here every week. Amy: By the way, did you hear the news? The park is going to close. Jenny: Really? I feel so bad about it. Sue closed her eyes and tried to sleep. The store closes at six. Anne closed her book. Where is the closest hospital near here? I m very close to her. Lesson 7 147 8 Hi, my name is Taukelina. Have you heard Tuvalu? It s an island the Pacific Ocean. in at on in at in about of of in 9 A: The man sitting in front of us is too talkative. B: You re telling me. A: How was your trip to Cheju Island? B: That s too bad. A: You know what? Brian won the math contest. B: Really? He is good at math. A: He works twelve hours every day. B: He works really hard. A: I can t believe she is just a beginner. B: I know. She speaks French very well. 10 (A) Do you like swimming? (B) I want to live in a big house with a swimming pool. (C) Yes, I love it. (D) What kind of house do you want to live in when you grow up? 148 11 I want my friends to take me out. He asked Jane to explain things more clearly. Jack wants his girl friend call him. They want Santa Claus to give them gifts. I let my sister pay for the food. 12 A: (make/what/the sea/rise/level) B: Because of warmer weather, the ice is melting. So, the sea level rises. 13 did Where are my car keys? ( )I( ) put them( ) right( ) here( ). 14 Global warming all this happen. Global warming all this to happen. Global warming caused all this happen. Global warming all this caused happen. Global warming caused all this to happen.

15 A: Animals in the zoo are sick. People gave them too many cookies. B: We should not give snack to them. You re telling me. You can say that again. I can t agree more. I agree with you. I don t think the same. 16 My mom wants me to go to bed now. asks orders tells makes allows (17~18) A: How was your school trip? B: It was terrible. It rained the whole time. A: Really?. B: We just watched TV in the room. A: Sounds pretty boring. 17 I feel so bad for you. I feel so sick today. I want to be there. It was sunny here. I had a good time with you. I don t know how the rain comes down. 18 I m pretty sure I ll be going. The game was pretty good. It s pretty hard to explain. You look so pretty in that dress. That performance was pretty impressive. (19~21) Dear World, Hi, my name is Taukelina. I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. Have you heard of Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. It s a very small but beautiful island. I m writing this letter to ask for your help. My country is sinking into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming caused all this to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say 50 I m very worried. 19 He has worked here for two years. How long have you been in Korea? She has left the park. I have never been to New York. I have just finished my homework. 20 (could/my/disappear/in/years/50/country) Lesson 7 149 21 Who is writing this letter? And why? is writing the letter to others help. 22 Taukelina Tuvalu (23~25) I really don t want the people in my country their homes. Here are some things we do down global warming. We always turn off the lights, the television, and the computer when we are not using them. We try to not cut down trees. CO2 We usually don t travel by car. We walk, ride a bike, or take the bus. We recycle bottles, cans, plastic bags, and newspapers. When we recycle, we help save the Earth. 150 p.196 23 lose slow to lose to slow lose slowing to lose slow losing to slow 24 Trees take out of CO2 the air. Trees take the air away CO2. Trees take CO2 out of the air. Trees take away the air from CO2. Trees take CO2 into the air. 25 How do people usually travel? They usually take airplanes. They usually take their cars. They usually walk, ride a bike or take the bus. They never travel. They are used to being at home.

1 We are going too fast! We should slow in on about up down 2 My country is sinking into the sea. Some scientists say my country could in 50 years. I m very worried. appear disappear discover rise melt 3 This toy is made of. We need to stop using bags. country plastic sink try plants 4 A: What are you worried about? B: I couldn t sleep at all last night. Don t worry about it. Your concerns make me happy. I m going to write a letter to ask for help. I m worried about the future of our children. 5 A: Did you hear about the people in the Maldives? B: What about them? A: They need to move out. The islands are sinking into the sea. B: Really? I feel so bad for them. 6 (A) We should turn the air conditioner off. (B) You re telling me. Let s turn it off. (C) People should stop wasting energy. (D) Why is it so cold in here? (A) B) (C) (D) (A) (C) (B) (D) (C) (B) (A) (D) (D) (A) (C) (B) (D) (C) (B) (A) 7 A: Jessica is sad. B: What happened? A: B: Oh, no. I feel so bad for her. She misses her parents in America. She broke her cell phone. She has a bad cold. She lost her dog. She made new friends. Lesson 7 151 8 A: This store is wonderful. B: You re telling me. It s great. A: They have the best shoes in town. B: I know. I really want to come here again. Well, I don t think so. Please tell me the truth. How can you say that? You can say that again. Tell me what you see. 9 = I unnecessary things. not try to buy not try buy try not to buy try to not buy try to buy not (10~11) A: The classroom is so dirty. B: You re telling me. A: I don t understand. They just throw papers on the floor. B: I know. They don t care about other students. A: Shall we clean it up together? B: Sure. 10 152 11 I disagree. I don t get it. You re right. Let s clean it up. That s a good idea. 12 There is a big problem at the North Pole. Polar bears are in danger because the ice is melting. The ice is very important for the polar bears because it is their home. Without the ice, the polar bears don t have a place to live. So they could disappear in the future. The ice is melting because of global warming. Why is global warming happening? It is because we use too much energy. We should try to save energy to help the polar bears. Global Problem The Ice Is Melting Polar Bears Are in Danger A Big Problem in Korea Polar Bears Don t Have a Place to Live (13~14) Dear World, Hi, my name is Taukelina. I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. Tuvalu is an island in the Pacific Ocean. It is going down. I really don t want the people in my country to lose their homes. Bye for now. Love, Taukelina 13.

14 I really do hope you can help us. I really hope do you can help us. I you do really we can help want. I want you really hope can help. I want can help you really hope. (15~16) Dear World, Hi, my name is Taukelina. I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. Have you heard of Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. It s a very small but beautiful island. I m writing this letter to ask for your help. My country is sinking into the sea. Do you know why? caused all this to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. I m very. 15 the sea this letter your help Pacific ocean Global warming 16 satisfied worried surprised impressed ashamed (17~19) We always turn off the lights, the television, and the computer when we are not using them. We try to / cut / not down trees. Trees take CO2 the air. We usually don t travel car. We walk, ride a bike, or take the bus. We recycle bottles, cans, plastic bags, and newspapers. 17 18 out of by out of on without by because of by without on 19 How to Cut Down Money How to Slow Down Global Warming How to Slow Down the Speed in Daily Lives How to Travel by Bus How to Get a Better Score at School Exam Lesson 7 153 (20~22) Here are some things we do to slow down global warming. We always turn off the lights, the television, and the computer when we are not using them. We try not to cut down trees. Trees take CO2 out of the air. We usually don t travel by car. We walk, ride a bike, or take the bus. We recycle bottles, cans, plastic bags, and newspapers. When we recycle, we help save the Earth. Oh! I almost forgot. There is one more thing. Could you please show this letter to your friends? Thanks for reading my letter. I really do hope you can help us. Bye for now. 20 We usually don t travel by car. I really do hope you can help us. Please show this letter to your friends. We try not to cut down trees. Thanks for reading my letter. 21 do I do love you. I did leave it here. I did want my friends to come over to my place. I did some research about the problem. He does need a good sleep. 22 Turn off the lights, the television, and the computer when you are not using them. Don t cut down trees. Don t travel by car. Walk. Ride a bike, or take the bus. Don t use bottles, cans, and plastic bags. 154 p.196 (23~25) The people in the Maldives have a problem. They need to move to other countries. Do you know why? The islands are sinking into the sea. Because of global warming, the ice is melting. It causes the sea level rising. Some scientists say the islands could disappear in the near future. People living there are very worried. 23 24 It the ice the sea a problem the sea level the ice is melting 25 Janet: Oh, boy, it s so hot today. Mary: You re telling me. It s getting hotter and hotter. Janet: I know. Global warming is a big problem. Mary: That s true. Did you hear about the people in the Maldives? Janet: What about them? Mary: They re losing their homes. The islands are going down into the sea. Janet: Really? I feel so bad for them. Janet is talking to a boy. Janet knows already about the Maldives. Mary didn t know about the problem in the Maldives. The people in the Maldives are losing their homes. Mary says global warming is a big problem.

(1~2) Last night, people in Tuvalu couldn t sleep at all. The sea water was coming into their houses. Because of global warming, the ice is melting. So, the sea level is rising. We talked to some people in Tuvalu. A fourteen-year-old girl said, I m going to write a letter and ask people help us. An old man said, I m worried about the future of our children. They may have to leave off this island. 1 2 What happened last night in Tuvalu? (3~5) Hi, my name is Taukelina. I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. Have you heard of Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. It s a very small but beautiful island. I m writing this letter to ask for your help. My country is an island in the Pacific Ocean. It is going down into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming caused all this to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. I m very worried. 3 What is happening in Tuvalu? 4 What is Taukelina worried about? 5 What is Taukelina doing about it? (6~8) 6 Global warming 7 We down trees because they take out of 8 When we recycle, 9 2 Janet: Oh, boy, it s so hot today. Mary: You re telling me. It s getting hotter and hotter. Janet: I know. Global warming is a big problem. Mary: That s true. Did you hear about the people in the Maldives? Janet: What about them? Mary: They re losing their homes. The islands are going down into the sea. Janet: Really? I feel so bad for them. Lesson 7 155 (10~11) Dear World, Hi, my name is Taukelina. I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. Have you heard of Tuvalu? It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. It s a very small but beautiful island. I m writing this letter to ask for your help. My country is sinking into the sea. Do you know why? Global warming caused all this to happen. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. I m very worried. 10 Why is Taukelina s country sinking into the sea? caused her country to the sea. 11 I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. (12~14) 12 We always / off / lights / turn / the, the television, and the computer when we are not using them. We, the television, and the computer when we are not using them. 13 We don t / car / travel / by / usually. We. 156 p.197 14 We walk, / a / bus / bike, / ride / or / take / the. We. 15 A: Did you hear about Sumi? B: No. What happened to her? A: She had a car accident. B: Oh, no. I m so. (sorry, hear) 16-1 Jane asked / Jane / boxes / to / move / the / me 16-2 I recommended him have dinner at the hotel restaurant. 16-3 (weather, melt)...

Lesson 7 Disappearing Islands p.121 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 p.122 1 save 2 global warming 3 melt 4 plastic bag 5 problem 6 sea level 7 light 8 the Pacific Ocean 9 forget 10 recycle 11 happen 12 travel 13 whole 14 cause 15 disappear 16 hope 17 island 18 level 19 polar bear 20 rise 21 lose 22 ocean 23 newspaper 24 sink 25 hotel 26 worried 27 wonderful 28 boring 29 price 30 bottle 31 agree 32 useful 33 country 34 in ~ years 35 instead of 36 turn off 37 take A out of B 38 in danger 39 slow down 40 for now 41 ask for 42 clean up 43 cut down 44 How come? p.123 1 cause 2 island 3 worried 4 wonderful 5 disappear 6 melt 7 level 8 sank 9 agree 10 boring 11 in danger 12 cleaned up 13 instead of 14 turn off 15 down p.124 1 so telling hotter hotter problem need 2 running on the street shouldn t do that safe You can say that parents should watch 3 losing homes Why melting terrible feel bad 4 hear about happened broke leg sorry hear 5 trip rained whole I feel so bad for you. just boring p.126 1 hot 2 You re telling me 3 hotter and hotter 4 Global warming 5 hear about 6 What about 7 losing their homes 8 Why 9 Because 10 feel so bad I feel so bad for her. 1 You re telling me. 2 What happened? p.127 1 (C) (B) (A) (D) 2 3 (1) Well, I don t think so. (2) You re telling me. (3) What a pity! 4 5 6 7 I feel so bad for them. 8 1 (C) (B) it was terrible (A) (D) 2 3 (1) TV TV (2) (3) 4 I can t agree more. 5 bad feel bad 6 7 feel so bad for ~ Polar bears for them 8 p.129 A. B. 1 do did 2 do does 3 went go 4 to answer answer 5 do does p.131 1 2 3 to 4 do 5 6 take to take 193 7 8 9 10 The math test causes me to have a headache. 11 1 2 tell 3 to ask: to happen: cause to to meet: 4 hope 5 hope 6 tell to to take 7 make 8 make 11 cause to p.133 1 Taukelina 2 Tuvalu island 3 sinking into 4 melting level 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 T p.135 1 Have heard 2 island near 3 ask for 4 sinking into 5 caused to happen 6 melt 7 Because of rises 8 disappear in 9 lose their homes 10 slow down 11 turn off when 12 not to cut down 13 usually travel 14 recycle 15 help save 16 show to 17 do hope p.136 1 I m a middle school student living in Tuvalu. 2 Have you heard of Tuvalu? 3 It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. 4 It s a very small but beautiful island. 5 I m writing this letter to ask for your help. 6 My country is sinking into the sea. 7 Global warming caused all this to happen. 8 Warmer weather makes the ice melt. 194 9 Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. 10 Some scientists say my country could disappear in 50 years. 11 I really don t want the people in my country to lose their homes. 12 Here are some things we do to slow down global warming. 13 We always turn off the lights, the television, and the computer when we are not using them. 14 We try not to cut down trees. 15 Trees take CO2 out of the air. 16 We usually don t travel by car. 17 We walk, ride a bike, or take the bus. 18 We recycle bottles, cans, plastic bags, and newspapers. 19 When we recycle, we help save the Earth. 20 Oh! I almost forgot. There is one more thing. 21 Could you please show this letter to your friends? 22 Thanks for reading my letter. 23 I really do hope you can help us. p.138 1 island 2 sink 3 light 4 level 5 recycle 6 lose 7 whole 8 hotel 9 hope 10 global 11 cause 12 forget 13 problem 14 disappear 15 melt 1 Have you heard of Tuvalu? 2 It s an island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia. 3 I m writing this letter to ask for your help. 4 Global warming caused all this to happen. 5 Warmer weather makes the ice melt. 6 I really don t want the people in my country to lose their homes. 7 Here are some things we do to slow down global warming. 8 We try not to cut down trees. 9 When we recycle, we help save the Earth. 10 I really do hope you can help us.

p.140 1 2 3 4 5 6 telling 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 to 14 15 do 16 17 Because Because of 18 didn t don t 19 make air clean 20 21 22 23 24 25 Global warming 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 global warming 35 this will cause many islands to disappear 1 dangerous safe 2 3 4 6 You re telling me. 7 I feel so bad for you. 8 9 (A)(B)(C) (D) (C) (Me, too.) (A) (By the way,) (B) (Really?) 10 I can t believe it. I can t agree more. 11 12 Natasha Let s not leave ~. 13 to ask for causeto 14 ask/causeto 15 do do 16 have Have you heard ~? 17 Because Because of melting ice Because of 18 if 19 make 20 request to does 21 try tryto not to tried to do was trying hard to finish try not to drive were trying not to step 22 want/ask/causeto make melt 23 the sea level rises 50 24 I don t want people in my country to lose their homes. 25 hotter and hotter, ice is melting 26 27 I m writing this letter to ask for your help. 28 Let s Let s not 29 30 so hothotter and hotter 31 32 We always 33 We try not to cut down trees. 35 causeto p.145 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sink 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 A instead of B: B A 195 3 want to me me 4 (C) can t play (B) (D) (A) 5 Youre telling me./you can say that again. 6 7 B Good job! 8 Jenny Harry Ann 9 sink = go down 10 11 tell to 12 do did did do does do does do took did take want do want to 13 I m writing this letter to ask for your help. 14 (A) (B) sinking (C)causeto 15 50 p.147 1 2 3 4 did marry 5 6 7 8 9 10 (D) (B) (A) (C) 11 12 What makes the sea level rise? 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 my country could disappear in 50 years 21 Taukelina ask for 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 trees 4 really do 5 6 196 7 Sue 6 Anne 8 of in 9 A: B: B It was great. It was terrible. 10 (D) (B) (A) (C) 11 want/ask to to call let 13 did put 14 cause cause to happen 15 16 want/ask/order/tell/allowto make 17 18 19 Tuvalu havep.p. 20 could disappear / 50 in 50 years 21 I m writing the letter to ask for your help. Hi, my name is Taukelina. 22 I m very worried. Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. my country could disappear in 50 years 23 want to to 24 A B take B out of A 25 p.151 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 not to cut 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 slow down 2 disappear 4 A: B: 5 I feel so bad for them. 6 7 8 9 to notto 10 11 12 in danger 13 Dear ~, I m writing this letter ~. 14 do 15 Warmer weather makes the ice melt. Because of the melting ice, the sea level rises. Global warming 16 50 17 to to not never 18 take A out of B: B A travel by: 19 20 one more thing Could you please show this letter to your friends? 21 do hope do some research 22 Recycle bottlescansand plastic bags. 23 cause to rising to rise 24 the ice is melting 25 Oh, boy Janet Mary knew about~. Janet Mary p.155 1 I m going to write a letter and ask people to help us. 2 The sea water was coming into their houses. So they couldn t sleep at all. 3 It is going down into the sea. 4 She s worried her country could disappear in 50 years. 5 She s writing this letter to ask for others help. 6 caused all this to happen 7 try not to cut CO2 the air 8 we help save the Earth 9 You can say that again. I agree with you. 10 Global warming sink into 11 who is 12 always turn off the lights 13 usually don t travel by car 14 walk, ride a bike, or take the bus 15 sorry to hear that 16-1 Jane asked me to move the boxes. 16-2 I recommended him to have dinner at the hotel restaurant. 16-3 Warmer weather makes the ice melt. 1 ask to help to help 2 Tuvalu 3 Tuvalu 4 Taukelina 50 5 Taukelina 6 causeto 7 to try not to cut down 8 help (to) 9 I can t agree more.i think so, too. 10 Global warming caused all this to happen. 11 12 turn off 13 usually travel by car 14 ride a bike take the bus 15 16-1 ask to 16-2 recommend to 16-3 makelet 197