제 1 장 Introduction and History 1-l. 축산과동물번식생리학축산의目標 : 良質의축산물을적은경비와노력으로많이생산함. 이러한목표를달성하기위하여는생산효율을증가시키는기술과경영기술이필요하며그중생산효율을증가시키는기술은다음과같이세분된다. 主要形質 方法 유전적소질개선. 환경개선 육종학 생산증가 - 번식학 增殖 ( 數 ) 유전학 번식학폐사방지 - 수의학 頭당생산량및질개선 통계학 사양학. 관리학 육종학
1-2. 동물번식생리학의기초과학 해부학, 생리학, 내분비학, 발생학, 조직학, 세포학, 생화학, 미생물학, 영양학등 1-3. 번식생리현상의특이성 Reproduction ; 生殖 - 사람, 일반생물.( 현상자체 ) 繁殖 ( 일본어 )- 가축, 작물. ( 현상應用 ) -종족을보존유지하기위하여지속적으로가축을생산하는일련의증식과정 1) 종종일어나는번식실패 --- 있을수있는일수많은임신이정상분만까지성공 --- 기적 2) 번식현상은일련의생리적심리적사상이정확하게 timing 맞게일어남으로써성공적이될수있음. --- 이 timing을잘맞추는조절기능은내분비계 (hormone 생산 ) 와신경계가담당.
1-4. 생식생리에관한지식의발달 생식에관한대부분의지식 : 1950년대이후에발견됨. - Aristotle (384-322 B.C.): 발생학논문- 胚는미리생성되어있는것으로발생도중성장하는것. 無形에서分化에의하여形成됨. - Redi (1668): 胚는月經 (menstrual blood) 에서발생한다. - De Graaf (1672): 卵胞 (ovarian follicle) 관찰.( 사람 ) - Hamm and Leewenhook (1677): ( 사람 ) 精子관찰 - Wolf (1759 1769) : 鳥胚 ( 닭 ) 관찰 : Aristotle 이론반박---점진적분화 - Dreish (1900): 生命 ---수정란娘 ( 아가시낭 ) 세포분리 : 單細胞 -배발생立證
1-5. 가축번식학의연구과제 1) 번식률의향상에관련되는과제 (1) 早期繁殖 --성성숙 (2) 年中繁殖 -- 번식계절 (3) 姙娠기간의단축 밍크, 사슴, 곰, 캥거루, 족제비등착상지연 (4) 分娩후再發情, 再受胎기간의단축-- 空胎기간 (5) 産仔數의증가 (6) 育成率의개선--비유생리, 신생축의관리 (7) 번식수명의연장--수명과번식수명, 사양관리 (8) 번식장해의제거--유전, 환경 ( 사양관리, 기온, 광선, 질병기타 ) (4) 에포함도됨 (9) 性比의인위적조절-- 의數 : 증식의요인
2) 育種에기여하는과제 (1) 人工受精 --- 의선발강도높여줌육종기술--- 1 선발법 --선발강도높임, 유전력높임, 세대간격좁혀줌 2 교배법 (2) 胚移植 --- 의선발강도높여줌 (3) 번식률향상그차체---. 선발강도를높여주고세대간격도좁혀줌 3) 번식관리및경영개선에관련되는과제 (1) 번식의동기화--- 일정지역, 다두사육농가의번식시기동기화 (2) 번식계절의인위적조절--- 경영상유리한年中시기에번식유도 (3) 분만시각의조절--- 돼지 : 낮분만유도 (4) 早期姙娠診斷 (5) 태아의性진단-- 종축의일정수유지위한도태결정에도움
1-6. 家畜 ( 동물 ) 繁殖生理學과家畜人工受精學의강의내용 1) 동물번식생리학 ( 가축번식생리학 ): 가축 ( 가금포함 ) 의생식기관의구조와그기능, 번식과정에따른생리적현상과그기전번식률에영향하는요인과관리개선등 2) 應用동물번식학 ( 가축인공수정학 )( 應用동물번식학으로확대강의함 ): 인공수정및관련과제 배이식 ( 체내 체외수정란이식 ) 및관련과제 임신진단법및관련과제 번식과정의인위적조절등 각종번식관련기술이해
1-7. 암. 수. 새끼. 번식관련漢字와英語및나전어명칭 1) 암. 수와새끼의漢字암. 암컷 :, 雌 ( 암컷자 ), 牝 ( 암컷빈 ), ( 母豚, 牝豚 ; 仔羊, 雌羊 ) 수. 수컷 :, 雄 ( 수컷웅 ), 牡 ( 수컷모 ) 새끼 : 仔豚, 仔兎, 仔羊, 仔鳥, 犢 ( 송아지독 ) 牛
2) 가축의영명과소유격명칭 ( 나전어 --의) 한글 영어 --의 ( 나전어 ) 소 Cattle Bovine 돼지 Pig. Swine Porcine 말 Horse Equine 면양 Sheep Ovine 산양 Goat Caprine 3) 암. 수. 새끼등의영어명칭 축종 새끼 소 Cow (Heifer) Bull (Ox) Steer (Stag) Calf 돼지 Sow (Gilt) Boar Barrow (Stag) Pig 말 Mare Stallion Gelding Foal 산양 Goat (Doe) Buck - Kid 면양 Ewe Ram Wether Lamb 토끼 Doe Buck - Pup Eunuch
4) 분만의영어 통칭 : Parturition (Part-urition) 소 : Calve - Calving 말 : Foal - Foaling 돼지 : Farrow - Farrowing 면양 : Lamb - Lambing 산양 : Kid - Kiding 5) 번식. 번식학 : 번식 Reproduction:Breeding ( 육종 + 번식 ) 분만보다교미 Fertile ( 수태되는 ) -lity Fecund ( 다산의 ) -dity 가축번식학 Theriogenology
p1 Reproduction is a complex science, so much so that Dr. William Hansel of Cornell University told his classes, " It is not a wonder that reproduction sometimes fails, but rather a miracle that so many pregnancies terminate successfully." This is obviously an overstatement. However, it does indicate the complexity of the subject. In order to understand the science of reproduction, it is necessary to include anatomy, physiology, endocrinology, embryology, histology, cytology, microbiology, and some nutrition. Reproduction involves a series of physiological and psychological events that must be properly timed. The endocrine system, through the production of several hormones, is responsible for this timing. p2 Reproduction has at least three purposes. 1. Perpetuation of the species. The strongest desire of an individual in any species including man is to maintain itself. The strongest impulse in an individual is saving its own life. Reproduction is nature's second strongest impulse, thus, the maintenance of the species. 2. To provide food. Man has learned to manage both domestic and wild species so that surplus animals may be harvested to supply meat. Through selection he has developed the milk-producing capabilites of a few species, so that milk, too, has become an important link in the human food chain. 3. Genetic improvement. The management and alteration of natural reproductive processes have been utilized as genetic tools.
Other reproductive processes that have been or may be used as genetic tools are 1. Frozen semen 2. Separation of male-and female-producing sperm 3. Synchronization of estrus 4. Superovulation 5. Embryo transfer 6. Storing embryos 7. In vitro fertilization 8. Environmental influence on puberty *9. Transgenic animal