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입니다. 그라츠 중앙역 근처의 Greenbox도 괜찮다고 하지만, 수업을 듣거나 행정적인 일들을 처리할 때 트램을 타야 하기 때문에 수업 개수가 2~3개 이상이라고 하면 많이 불편할 것입니다. 룸메이트나 기숙사의 분위기(파티가 얼마나 자주 열리는가==얼마나 시끄러운 가


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27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability


국제캠퍼스 합격자유의사항 - 1 -

2017-2 학기 (1 차 ) 학부외국인신 편입학전형국제캠퍼스합격자유의사항 Ⅰ. 합격통지서및예치금 ( 등록금 ) 고지서출력및납부 1. 합격통지서및예치금고지서출력및납부기간 : 2017. 5. 8( 월 ) ~ 2017. 5.12( 금 ) 16:00까지 2. 잔여등록금고지서출력및납부기간 : 2017. 7. 3( 월 ) ~ 2017. 7. 7.( 금 ) 16:00 까지 3. 출력방법 : 본교홈페이지 www.khu.ac.kr > Links > 2017-2 외국인신편입학합격자조회 [ 신입생 ] 입학전형에서우수한성적을거둔합격자및한국어우수합격자는장학생으로선정되며 < 합격여부확인 > 화면에표시됨 입시장학생은수업료일부를감면받으며, 이는등록금고지서의 [ 학비감면 ] 에서확인가능 Ⅱ. 등록금납부 합격자발표이후진행절차 예치금 고지서출력및납부 잔여등록금 고지서출력및납부 표준입학허가서 수령및비자신청 수강신청및 오리엔테이션 개강 2017. 9. 1( 금 ) 1. 납부방법 : 하나은행 ( 전국지점 ) 방문납부가. 고지서출력및납부기간 : 2017. 5. 8( 월 ) ~ 2017. 5.12.( 금 ) 16:00까지나. 납부장소 : 하나은행전국지점 해외에서등록금을납부할경우에는사전에국제교류처외국인지원팀으로연락 ( 문의 : 외국인지원팀 +82-31-201-3961~7, ciss_gc@khu.ac.kr) D-2 비자로체류자격변경시등록금납입영수증이필요하므로, 합격자는반드시은행에서등록금을납부한후은행의확인도장이있는영수증을보관해야함 ( 등록금납부는 ATM 기기에서납부불가, 은행방문을통해서납부해야함 ) 2. 유의사항가. 합격자는반드시본교가지정한등록기간및하나은행에서등록을완료해야하며, 등록기간내에등록을필하지않을경우합격이취소됩니다. 나. 등록금은반드시지정된은행 ( 하나은행전국지점 ) 에서등록금고지서출력본을구비하여함께납부하시기바랍니다. 무통장입금은등록처리가되지않으므로유의하시기바랍니다. Ⅲ. 의료보험료납부 / 가입 1. 외국인학생의유학생보험가입은의무사항이며, 등록금고지서를통해서등록금과함께납부를하고가입이이루어집니다. 2. 국민건강보험또는기타유학생보험에가입한학생은입학후외국인지원팀에보험증서사본을 2017년 9월 20일 ( 수 ) 까지제출해야하며, 2017학년도 2학기동안보장이되는유효한보험인것이확인되면납부한보험료는환불해드립니다.

Ⅳ. 등록포기및환불 1. 합격자가등록을포기하고자할경우에는본인혹은대리인이경희대학교외국인지원팀에방문하여등록포기각서및요청서류를제출해야합니다. 2. 등록금환불가. 본대학의합격을포기하고등록금환불을원할경우아래의서류를제출해야합니다. - 등록금 ( 예치금 ) 납입영수증원본 - 등록포기각서 ( 본교소정양식 ) 1부 -> 외국인지원팀개별문의 - 본인및보호자서명 - 본인신분증및본인명의의통장사본 1부 다. 등록포기는 2017년 7월 31일 ( 월 ) 까지가능하며, 그이후에는등록금 ( 예치금 ) 전액환불이불가함 3. 해외송금을통해납부한합격자의경우, 관련송금및환전수수료를제외한금액만환불됩니 4. 2017학년도 1학기신편입학모집에중복합격한학생들은반드시하나의대학교에만등록해야하며, 이중등록시에는등록한모든대학교의합격이취소됩니다. Ⅴ. 표준입학허가서수령안내 1. 등록금을납부한합격자중비자발급을위해표준입학허가서가필요한경우아래의기간동안외국인지원팀에방문하여수령하시기바랍니다. 가. 수령기간 : 2017. 7. 21( 금 ) 14:00 이후 ~ 나. 수령장소 : 국제교류처 ( 예술디자인대학관 103호 ) 다. 유의사항 : 반드시본인또는대리인이신분증을지참하고방문해야합니다. - 대리인의경우반드시위임장을지참해야함 - 해외체류중으로방문이불가능한경우외국인지원팀 (ciss_gc@khu.ac.kr) 로연락하며, 수령후에는개별적으로 D-2비자발급을위한절차를진행해야함 - 한국에체류중인합격생은표준입학허가서와각종필요서류를구비하여개별적으로출입국관리사무소를방문하여비자변경을신청해야함라. 졸업예정자의경우 2017년 7월 14일까지졸업증명서 ( 번역공증본 ) 를외국인지원팀으로제출해야합니다. 비자신청관련절차및제출서류에대한세부내용은추후별도이메일을통해안내예정이므로지원서상에기재한이메일을확인하기바람 Ⅵ. 학번확인및수강신청 1. 학번확인 : 2017년 8월중 ( 신 편입생수강신청전에발급예정, 별도안내 ) 가. 확인방법 : 본교홈페이지 (www.khu.ac.kr) 를방문하여수험번호와이름, 생년월일 (6자리숫자, 예 ) 1989.05.15 890515 ) 을입력하여본인의 학번 을확인합니다. 2. 수강신청기간 : 신입생, 편입생 2017. 8. 25( 금 ) 3. 종합강의시간표조회및수강신청 : http://sugang.khu.ac.kr - 수강신청전위홈페이지를방문하여강의시간표를확인필요 - 2 -

각단과대학행정실위치및연락처 ( 한국국가번호 82) 단과대학명위치연락처 공과대학공과대학관 225 호 031-201-2401~3 전자정보대학전자정보대학관 203 호 031-201-2501~2 생명과학대학생명과학대학관 216-1 호 031-201-2601~3 국제대학국제대학관 302 호 031-201-2280 외국어대학 외국어대학관 208 호 031-201-2201~2 외국인전용학습실 031-201-2238 예술 디자인대학예술 디자인대학관 214 호 031-201-2672~4 체육대학체육대학관 210 호 031-201-2701~2 Ⅶ. 졸업증명서및성적증명서영사확인본 / 아포스티유제출마감 - 등록을마친합격자중외국학교졸업자는 2017. 05. 26.( 금 ), 17:00까지졸업증명서및성적증명서를해당국가의한국영사관또는주한자국공관에서발행하는 재외교육기관확인서 또는 영사확인 을제출해야함. 아포스티유협약가입국의문서일경우아포스티유관련기관에서 아포스티유확인서 를발급받아첨부할수있으며중국의 ( 전문 ) 학사학위의경우교육부에서발행한 China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center 의학력인증서를제출해야함 ( 서울공자아카데미 02) 554-2688) Ⅷ. 의무수강강좌안내 1. 한국어의이해 1, 2 ( 각 3학점 ) - 지원시점에 S-TOPIK 4급이상의성적표를미제출한합격생은첫학기에 6학점에해당하는 한국어의이해 1, 2 과목을의무수강해야하며, 수강후에도 S-TOPIK 4급이상의성적을취득하지못한학생은두번째학기에추가적으로 6학점에해당하는 한국어의이해 3, 4 과목을의무수강해야함 ( 단, 국제학부및편입생은제외 ) 한국어능력시험 (S-TOPIK) 에응시하여 S-TOPIK 4급이상을취득한경우 2017. 08. 18 ( 금 ) 까지국제교류처로성적표를제출하면 한국어의이해 1, 2 과목의무수강면제 ( 제출 : 국제교류처 ciss_gc@khu.ac.kr / 이메일로사본제출시추후원본제출해야함 ) 2. 글로벌세미나 (2 학점 ) - 학교제도전반에대한내용과해당계열교육과정, 진로안내등의밀착관리를통해외국인학생의성공적인유학생활을지원하고자개설되었으며매학기입학하는외국인학생은의무수강해야하는강좌임 - 3 -

IX. 기숙사및국제학생도우미 1. 신청기간 : 2017. 07. 03( 월 ) - 2017. 07. 14( 금 ) 까지 2. 신청방법 : 아래의기숙사내용확인후입사를희망하는기숙사를선택하여첨부 1의 기숙사및외국인학생도우미신청서 를작성, 국제교류처 (ciss_gc@khu.ac.kr) 로제출 경희대학교국제캠퍼스기숙사정보 ( 참고자료 ) 기숙사 입사대상 수용가능인실 우정원 2 학년이상내국인학생및외국인학생우선 2 인실또는 3 인실 호실면적 18.15m 2 기숙사비 (1 학기 ) 입사일 편의시설 입점상가 (2 인실 ) 1,606,000 원 / (3 인실 ) 1,214,000 원 ( 보증금및식권포함 ) 2017 년 8 월말예정 휴게실 ( 층별 1 개소 ) 코인세탁실 ( 남, 여동 1 개소씩설치됨 ) 편의점, 빨래방, 식당, 문구, 레스토랑, 약국, 서점등 연락처 031-201-3640 홈페이지 www.woojungwon.net Ⅺ. 신입생신체검사 오리엔테이션 1. 일시 : 2017년 8월 25일 10:00 예정 ( 세부일정은추후별도안내 ) 2. 외국인학생만을대상으로신체검사 오리엔테이션이운영되며오리엔테이션을통해각종학교생활에필요한학사및생활정보안내와수강신청이진행됨. 개인사정으로입국이지연되어참석이불가할경우사전에국제교류처로연락해야함 ( 문의 : 국제교류처 +82-31-201-3961~3967) ⅫI. 기타유의사항 1. 학칙에규정된사항을제외하고는입학후첫학기는휴학할수없음 2. 입학후의제반사항은본대학교학칙에따름 2017. 05. 08 경희대학교국제교류처 - 4 -

Congratulations on your admission! Information for Fall 2017 Kyung Hee New International Students Notice to Newly Admitted Students: Global Campus Please check your email(same as in your application form) as often as you can for further notice from KHU. I. Print out Letter of Admission and Tuition Invoice 1. Deposit Payment : Mon. May 8th ~ Fri. May 12th 2017, (~16:00) 2. Tuition Payment : Mon. July 3th 2017 ~ Fri. July 7th 2017, (~16:00) 3. Method to Print out : www.khu.ac.kr > Links > 2017-2 International Admission [Freshmen Scholarship] Applicants who received high scores on their admission evaluation will receive scholarships and students can check their status of scholarship on the final result. The scholarship amount will be automatically deducted from the tuition fee and this can be confirmed in the link of [Tuition Reduction]. Ⅱ. Tuition Payment Process after Notification of Admission Deposit Payment Tuition Payment Receive Certificate of Admission & Visa Application Freshmen Orientation & Course Registration Classes begin on Fri. September 1 st 2017 1. Venue : Hana Bank branches (in Korea) a. If students pay the tuition via overseas wire transfer, please contact Office of International Affairs for bank information and guidance. (Office of International Affairs : Tel +82-2-961-9286~7, globalcenter@khu.ac.kr) b. When changing visa status to D-2, students are required to submit the receipt of tuition payment. c. Please note that applicants should NOT pay their tuition via ATMs. 2. Important Notes a. If you fail to complete the tuition payment during the designated period and venue, admission will be revoked. b. Tuition payment has to be paid at an appointed bank(hana bank, Korea) with tuition bill. Ⅲ. International Students Medical Insurance 1. It is mandatory for all international students to join an insurance, the tuition fee includes international students insurance. Therefore, all international students who pay their tuition fee will automatically join insurance. 2. If a student is already insured independently, then he/she needs to submit the insurance certificate to the Office of International Affairs by Wed. September 20th 2017 in order to receive refund. - 5 -

Ⅳ. Withdrawal of Admission 1. In the case of withdrawal of admission(abandonment), a student or his/her deputy must visit the Office of International Affairs, Kyung Hee University and submit designated withdrawal forms required by the university. 2. Refund of tuition fee will be processed only if all of the required documents written below are submitted. - An original copy of a tuition payment receipt - Designated withdrawal form with the signature of the student and the guardian - Original and photocopy of ID card of the student and the guardian - Copy of one of the Korean bank account in student name The deadline for withdrawal is, July 31 st 2017 after this period, there is no full refund. 3. If tuition fee was paid via overseas wire transfer, the refund will be made after the deduction of charges due to exchange rate and wire transfer. 4. If a student is accepted by two or more universities, he or she MUST be registered to ONE university ONLY. Simultaneous registration at more than one university may result in revocation of admission to all enrolled university. Ⅴ. Information on Issuing Certificate of Admission 1. After full payment of tuition fee, Kyung Hee University will issue the Certificate of Admission to apply for visa. Please visit Office of International Affairs to do so. a. Issuance date : July 21th 2017, 14:00 ~ b. Venue : Office of International Affairs, Kyung Hee University (#103, College of Art & Design) c. Important Notes : Students or his/her deputy must visit with identification (eg. passport, alien registration card) Certificate of Admission will be mailed to international students who are outside of Korea. Students must reconfirm the correct mailing address with Office of International Affairs. To apply for D-2 visa, students should visit the Korean embassy nearby their residence with the Certificate of Admission and other required documents. If an applicant is already in Korea, he/she MUST apply for visa at Immigration Office before September, 2017. d. Applicant who has submitted the graduation expectation certificate, he/she must bring the graduation certificate by July 14th 2017. The detailed information on visa application including application process and required documents will be informed through e-mail. Please check the email (as in your application form) regularly for further notice. - 6 -

Ⅵ. Student ID & Course Registration 1. Student ID will be announced on August 2017 - Method to Check Student ID : Visit Kyung Hee University Website(www.khu.ac.kr), and input application ID, Full name and Date of Birth(6 digits) (Eg) 1989.05.15. 890515 2. Course Registration Period - Freshmen & Transfer students : Fri. August 25th 3. Course Timetable & How to apply for classes (URL) : http://sugang.khu.ac.kr - Please check the timetable on the website above before course registration Contact Information of Departments (Country Code : 82) College Location Contact College of Engineering #205, College of Engineering 031-201-2401~3 College of Electronics and Information #203, College of Electronics and Information 031-201-2501~2 College of Life Sciences #216-1, College of Life Sciences 031-201-2601~3 College of International Studies #302, College of International Studies 031-201-2280 College of Foreign Language and Literature #208, College of Foreign Language and Literature 031-201-2201~2 College of Art and Design #214, College of Art and Design 031-201-2672~4 College of Physical Education #210, College of Physical Education 031-201-2701~2 VII. Submission of diplomas verified by the non-korean academic institutions (Authentication / Apostille) - After the enrollment, students who received diplomas issued by non-korean academic institutions must submit the verification of the diploma issued by the Korean Embassy by no later than May, 26(Fri), 2017. If the diploma is issued by a member of APOSTILLE, the APOSTILLE Verification could be submitted. - If admitted applicant who have studied from college/bachelor degree program in China, applicant must submit degree verification issued by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center under Ministry of Education. VIII. Oblitagory Courses 1. Understanding Korean 1, 2 (3 credits each) - Admitted students who haven't submitted S-TOPIK 4 and above at the time of application must take Understanding Korean 1, 2 (total 6 credits) during their first semester. If student fails to acquire S-TOPIK level 4 and above after taking these courses, student must take Understanding Korean 3, 4 additionally during the following semester. (Exception applies to transfer students and students admitted to College of International Studies) - 7 -

Admitted student who has applied for and acquired S-TOPIK level 4 and above, student must submit official certificate to Office of International Affairs by August 18th, 2017 (Fri) to get exemption of the above obligatory courses. (Submit to ciss_gc@khu.ac.kr / Student must submit soft copy via email and original certificate to Office of International Affairs) 2. Global Seminar (2 credits) - Admitted students must take this course on their first semester. This course is specifically designed for international students to help them understand school system and academic programs, provide career advisement, and etc. IX. Application for Buddy Program & Dormitory Information 1. Application Period : July 3rd, 2017 (Mon) - July 14th, 2017 (Fri) 2. Procedure : Complete the application form (Attachment 1. Application for Dormitory and Buddy) and submit it to Office of International Affairs (ciss_gc@khu.ac.kr). Information on KHU Dormitory Woojungwon Qualification Type of rooms Korean Sophomore or above & All International Students priority Twin room / Triple room Dimension 18.15m 2 Accommodation Fee for Semester period (4 months) (Twin)KRW1,606,000 / (Triple)KRW1,214,000 (Deposit & Meal Coupon included) Date of Check-in End of August Facility Shops Lounge (1 per each floor) Coin Laundry room (1 located each in male and female building) Convenience Store, Laudry room, Restaurant, Stationary, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Book store, etc Contact Number 031-201-3640 Website www.woojungwon.net X. Orientation for International Students 1. Date : Fri. August 25th, 2017 (Details and changes will be announced) 2. There is an orientation that is especially organized for international students at the beginning of the semester. Through these orientations, students can gain information about scholarship, insurance, course registration, and club activities. All newly admitted international students are required to attend. Those who will not be able to attend it due to inevitable reasons should contact the Office of International Affairs - 8 -

XII. Others 1. Leave of absence is not allowed for the first semester after admission except for the case regulated by the university regulation. 2. Students should follow the university regulation after the enrollment. May 8th 2017 Office of International Affairs Kyung Hee University - 9 -

< 붙임 1> 2017-2 학기학부외국인신 편입생 기숙사및외국인학생도우미신청서 (Application for Dormitory and Buddy) 성명 (Name) 성별 (Gender) 남 male( ) 여 Female ( ) 수험번호 (Application No.) 모집단위 (Major, Admission Unit) 국적 (Nationality) 사용언어 (Languages You Can Speak) - 모두기재하여주세요. 1. 한국어 Korean 2. 영어 English 3. 중국어 Chinese 4. 기타 etc. ( ) 기숙사신청 (Dormitory) 우정원 Woojungwon 2 인실 (Twin) ( ) / 3 인실 (Triple) ( ) Meal Coupon included ( ) 신청안함 No need ( ) 외국인학생도우미신청 (Do you need a Korean buddy?) 입국일자 ( 년 / 월 / 일 ) Date you arrive(d) in Korea.(yy/mm/dd) 1. 신청함 ( ) Yes, I need 2. 신청안함 ( ) No, I don't 신청을희망하는학생은위신청서를 2017. 07. 14( 금 ) 까지제출하시기바랍니다. For those who are interested in the program above, please send this form no later than July 14(Fri), 2017 to Office of International Affairs. < 연락처 Contact Information > 경기도용인시기흥구덕영대로 1732 경희대학교예술 디자인대학관국제교류처 (103호) The Office of International Affairs, Kyung Hee University 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 446-701, Republic of Korea Tel: 82-31-201-3961~3967 Fax: 82-31-201-3969 E-mail: ciss_gc@khu.ac.kr - 10 -