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교양과목 Courses for General Education 학문의기초 Academic Foundations 교양과목 (Courses for General Education) () 학문의기초 Academic Foundations 사고와표현 (Critical Thinking and Writing) 01.001 글쓰기의기초 (College Writing: Process & Structure) 01.00 인문학글쓰기 (Writing in Humanities) 01.00 사회과학글쓰기 (Writing in Social Sciences) 01.00 과학과기술글쓰기 (Writing in Science & Technology) 01.01 말하기와토론 (Speech and Debate) 01.0 창의적사고와표현 (Critical Thinking and Expression) 01.0 논리와비판적사고 (Logic and Critical Thinking) 외국어 (Foreign Languages) 0.001 초급한국어 (Elementary Korean) --0 0.00 중급한국어 1(ntermediate Korean 1) 0.00 중급한국어 (ntermediate Korean ) 0.00 고급한국어 (Advanced Korean) 0.005 초급한문 1(Elementary Classical Chinese 1) 0.006 초급한문 (Elementary Classical Chinese ) 0.007 중급한문 (ntermediate Classical Chinese) 0.008 한문명작읽기 (Readings in Classical Chinese Masterpieces) 0.009 역사와철학한문원전읽기 (Selected Classical Chinese Readings in History and Philosophy by Chinese and Korean Writers) 0.010 초급중국어 1(Elementary Chinese 1) --1 0.011 초급중국어 (Elementary Chinese ) --1 0.01 중급중국어 1(ntermediate Chinese 1) 0.01 중급중국어 (ntermediate Chinese ) 0.01 중국어회화 1(Chinese Conversation 1) 0.015 중국어회화 (Chinese Conversation ) 0.016 미디어중국어 (Media Chinese) 0.017 대학영어 1(College English 1) --1 0.018 대학영어 : 글쓰기 (College English : Writing) --0 0.019 대학영어 : 말하기 (College English : Speaking) --0 0.00 고급영어 : 산문 (Advanced English: Prose) --0 0.01 고급영어 : 학술작문 (Advanced English: Academic Writing) --0 0.0 고급영어 : 영화 (Advanced English: Exploring Film) --0 0.0 고급영어 : 연극 (Advanced English: Drama Workshop) --0 0.0 고급영어 : 문화와사회 (Advanced English: Culture and Society) --0 0.05 고급영어 : 발표 (Advanced English: Presentation) --0 0.06 고급영어 : 문학 (Advanced English: Literature) --0 L01.00000 기초영어 (English Foundations) 1--1 0.07 초급프랑스어 1(Elementary French 1) --1 0.08 초급프랑스어 (Elementary French ) --1 0.09 중급프랑스어 1(ntermediate French 1) 0.00 중급프랑스어 (ntermediate French ) 0.01 프랑스어글쓰기 (French Composition) - - 0.0 프랑스어말하기 (French Conversation) 0.0 시사프랑스어 (Current French) 0.0 초급독일어 1(Elementary German 1) --1 0.05 초급독일어 (Elementary German ) --1 0.06 중급독일어 1(ntermediate German 1) 0.07 중급독일어 (ntermediate German ) 0.08 독일어글쓰기 (German Composition) L01.00000 독문강독 (Readings in German Texts) 0.00 시사독일어 (Contemporary German) 0.01 초급러시아어 1(Elementary Russian 1) --1 0.0 초급러시아어 (Elementary Russian ) --1 0.0 중급러시아어 1(ntermediate Russian 1) 0.0 중급러시아어 (ntermediate Russian ) 0.05 러시아어말하기 (Russian Conversation) 0.06 러시아어로읽는문화와예술 (Readings in Russian Art and Culture) 0.07 시사러시아어 (Exploring Russian Media) 0.08 초급스페인어 1(Elementary Spanish 1) --1 0.09 초급스페인어 (Elementary Spanish ) --1 0.050 중급스페인어 1(ntermediate Spanish 1) 0.051 중급스페인어 (ntermediate Spanish ) 0.05 스페인어글쓰기 (Spanish Composition) 0.05 스페인어말하기 (Spanish Conversation) 0.05 시사스페인어 (Current Spanish) 0.055 포르투갈어입문 1(ntroduction to Portuguese 1) --1 0.056 포르투갈어입문 (ntroduction to Portuguese ) --1 0.057 이태리어 1(talian 1) --1 0.058 이태리어 (talian ) 0.059 스와힐리어 1(Swahili 1) --1 0.060 스와힐리어 (Swahili ) 0.061 몽골어 1(Mongolian 1) --1 L01.000100 핀란드어 1(Finnish 1) --1 L01.000500 핀란드어 (Finnish ) -0 L01.00000 히브리어 1(Hebrew 1) --1 0.06 산스크리트어 1(Sanskrit 1) 0.06 산스크리트어 (Sanskrit ) 0.065 고급일본어 1(Advanced Japanese 1) 0.066 고급일본어 (Advanced Japanese ) 0.067 아랍어 1(Arabic 1) --1 0.068 아랍어 (Arabic ) --1 0.069 힌디어 1(Hindi 1) --1 0.070 힌디어 (Hindi ) --1 0.071 말레이-인도네시아어 1(Malay-ndonesian 1) --1 0.07 말레이-인도네시아어 (Malay-ndonesian ) --1 0.07 터키어 1(Turkish 1) --1 0.07 터키어 (Turkish ) --1 0.075 베트남어 1(Vietnamese 1) --1 0.076 베트남어 (Vietnamese ) --1 0.077 고전그리스어 1(Classical Greek 1) 0.078 고전그리스어 (Classical Greek ) 0.079 라틴어 1(Latin 1) 0.080 라틴어 (Latin ) 수량적분석과추론 (Mathematical Sciences) 0.001 수학및연습 1(Calculus 1) 0.00 수학및연습 (Calculus )

교양과목 Courses for General Education 학문의세계 Worlds of Knowledge 0.00 고급수학및연습 1(Honor Calculus and Practice 1) 0.00 고급수학및연습 (Honor Calculus and Practice ) 0.005 미적분학및연습 1(Differential and ntegral Calculus 1) -- 0.006 미적분학및연습 (Differential and ntegral Calculus ) -- 0.007 생명과학을위한수학 1(Calculus for Life Science 1) 0.008 생명과학을위한수학 (Calculus for Life Science ) 0.009 경영학을위한수학 (Calculus for Business) 0.010 인문사회계를위한수학 1(Calculus for Humanities and Social Sciences 1) 0.011 인문사회계를위한수학 (Calculus for Humanities and Social Sciences ) 0.01 수학의기초와응용 1(Mathematics: The Basics and Applications 1) -- 0.01 공학수학 1(Engineering Mathematics 1) 0.015 공학수학 (Engineering Mathematics ) 0.016 기초수학 1(Basic Calculus 1) 1-0- 0.017 기초수학 (Basic Calculus ) 1-0- 0.018 미적분학의첫걸음 (Elementary Calculus) -- 0.019 통계학 (Statistics) 0.00 통계학실험 (Statistics Lab.) 1-0- 0.01 통계학의개념및실습 (Statistics Concept and Lab.) 과학적사고와실험 (Natural Sciences) 0.001 물리학 1(Physics 1) 0.00 물리학 (Physics ) 0.00 고급물리학 1(Honor Physics 1) 0.00 고급물리학 (Honor Physics ) 0.005 물리의기본 1(Foundation of Physics 1) --1 0.006 물리의기본 (Foundation of Physics ) --1 0.007 물리학 (Physics) 0.008 인문사회계를위한물리학 (Physics for Humanities and Social Sciences) 0.009 물리학실험 1(Physics Lab.1) 1-0- 0.010 물리학실험 (Physics Lab.) 1-0- 0.011 물리학실험 (Physics Lab.) 1-0- 0.01 기초물리학 1(Basic Physics 1) 1-0- 0.01 기초물리학 (Basic Physics ) 1-0- 0.01 천문학 (Astronomy) 0.015 천문학실험 (Astronomy Lab.) 1-0- 0.016 화학 1(Chemistry 1) 0.017 화학 (Chemistry ) 0.00 화학 (Chemistry) L0.000100 고급화학 (Advanced Chemistry) 0.0 화학실험 1(Chemistry Lab.1) 1-0- 0.0 화학실험 (Chemistry Lab.) 1-0- 0.0 화학실험 (Chemistry Lab.) 1-0- 0.05 기초화학 1(Basic Chemistry 1) 1-0- 0.06 기초화학 (Basic Chemistry ) 1-0- 0.07 생물학 1(Biology 1) 0.08 생물학 (Biology ) 0.09 생물학 (Biology) 0.00 인문사회계를위한생물학 (Biology for Humanities and Social Sciences) 0.01 생물학실험 1(Biology Lab.1) 1-0- 0.0 생물학실험 (Biology Lab.) 1-0- 0.0 생물학실험 (Biology Lab.) 1-0- 0.0 기초생물학 1(Basic Biology 1) 1-0- 0.05 기초생물학 (Basic Biology ) 1-0- 0.06 지구환경과학 (Earth and Environmental Sciences) 0.07 지구환경과학실험 (Earth and Environmental Sciences Lab.) 1-0- 0.08 대기과학 (Atmospheric Science) 0.09 대기과학실험 (Atmospheric Science Lab.) 1-0- 0.00 지구시스템과학 (Earth System Science) 0.01 지구시스템과학실험 (Earth System Science Lab.) 1-0- 0.0 해양학 (Oceanography) 0.0 해양학실험 (Oceanography Lab.) 1-0- 0.0 지구과학 (Earth Science) 0.05 지구과학실험 (Earth Science Lab.) 1-0- 컴퓨터와정보활용 (Computer and nformation Science) 05.001 컴퓨터의개념및실습 (Digital Computer Concept and Practice) 05.00 컴퓨터의기초 (Fundamentals of Computer System) --0 L0.000100 과학계산을위한컴퓨터활용 (Computer Application for Scientific Computation) L0.00000 컴퓨터과학적사고와실습 (Computational Thinking and Practice) L0.00000 인공지능입문 (ntroduction to Artificial ntelligence) 학문의세계 Worlds of Knowledge 학문의세계 언어와문학, 문화와예술, 역사와철학 영역의 로표시된교과목은해당학문분야의핵심적인내용을다루면서학생들에게밀도있는훈련을시키는권장과목임. ( 권장과목 : 6 개교과목 ) 언어와문학 (Language and Literature) 01.00 한국인의언어와문화 (Language and Culture of the Korean) L055.000500 한국문학과세계문학 (Korean Literature and World Literature) L055.000600 한국문학과여행 (Journeying in Korean Literature) L055.000700 한국문학의깊이와상상력 (The Depth and magination of Korean Literature) L055.00000 미디어언어의이해 (Understanding Media Language) 01.009 한국어어휘와표현 (Korean Vocabulary Training) 01.010 한국현대시읽기 (Reading Modern Korean Poetry) 01.011 1세기한국소설의이해 (Understanding 1st-Century Korean Fiction) L055.00100 한국의명문장 (Reading Masterpieces in Korean Literature) 01.017 한국의한자와한자어 (Korean Usage of Chinese Characters) 01.018 한글맞춤법의이론과실제 (Theory and Practice of Hangul Orthography) 01.019 동양의고전 (ntroduction to Oriental Classics) L055.000900 중국인의언어와문화 (Understanding Chinese Language and Culture) 01.01 현대사회와국제어 (Modern Society and Global Language) 01.0 서양근대문학의이해 (Understanding Western Literature, 1500-1900) 01.0 문학과정신분석 (Literature and Psychoanalysis) - -

교양과목 Courses for General Education 학문의세계 Worlds of Knowledge L055.001000 문학으로읽는서양문명 (Reading Western Civilizations through Literature) 01.05 문학과철학의대화 (Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue) L055.00000 영어대중소설읽기 (Reading Popular Fiction in English) 01.07 영시의이해 (Understanding English Poetry) 01.08 영어로읽는세계문학 (World Literature in English) 01.00 인간복제와문학 (Human Cloning and Literature) 01.01 프랑스명작의이해 (Understanding French Masterpieces) L055.001100 프랑스문학으로읽는사랑 (Love in French Literature) 01.09 말과마음 (Language in the Mind) 01.0 문학과사회 (Literature and Society) 01.0 여성과문학 (Women and Literature) 01.0 독일명작의이해 (Understanding German Masterpieces) 01.05 도스토예프스키와톨스토이 (Dostoevsky and Tolstoy) 01.06 러시아명작의이해 (Understandings Russian Masterpieces) 01.07 라틴아메리카문학과사회 (Literature and Society of Latin America) 01.08 문학과영상 (Literature and Film) 01.09 스페인어권명작의이해 (Understanding of Hispanic Masterpieces) 01.00 언어의세계 (World of Languages) 01.01 언어의이해 (Understanding Language) 01.0 알타이민족의언어 (Languages of Altaic Peoples) 01.0 그리스비극 (Greek Tragedy) 01.05 그리스 로마신화 (Greek & Roman Mythology) 01.06 고대그리스 로마문학의세계 (World of Ancient Greek & Roman Literature) L055.000100 동서양명작읽기 (Reading Masterpieces of Eastern and Western Literature) 문화와예술 (Culture and Art) 0.00 드라마의이해와감상 (Understanding Drama) 0.00 창작의세계 (Understanding Creative Writing) 0.00 한국의신화 (Korean Mythology) 0.005 한자와동양문화 (Chinese Character and Oriental Culture) 0.006 중국어권의사회와문화 (Understanding the Society and Culture of the Sinophone World) 0.007 미국문화와현대사회의이해 (Understanding American Culture and Contemporary Society) 0.008 영미문화읽기 (Reading Anglo-American Culture) 0.009 상상력과문화 (magination and Culture) 0.010 프랑스어권문화의이해 (Understanding of the Francophone Culture) 0.011 서양연극의이해 (An ntroduction to Western Drama and Theater) 0.01 독일어권문화의이해 (Understanding of the Germanic Culture) 0.01 러시아인의삶과문화 (Russian Life and Culture) 0.01 스페인어권문화의이해 (Understanding of the Hispanic Culture) 0.015 동양의미술과문명 (Art and Civilization in Asia) 0.016 현대종교와문화 (Contemporary Religion and Culture) 0.017 종교와영화 (Religion and Film) 0.018 종교와예술 (Religion and Arts) 0.019 현대문화와기독교 (Modern Culture and Christianity) L056.00000 예술의가치와비평 (Art Criticism and Values of Art) 0.01 예술과사회 (Art and Society) L056.000500 공연예술의이해 (ntroduction to the Performing Arts) L056.000600 미술론입문 (ntroduction to Theory of Fine Arts) 0.05 음악론입문 (ntroduction to Theory of Music) --0 0.08 예술과신화 (Art and Myth) 0.09 예술과과학 (Art and Science) L056.000800 영상예술의이해 (ntroduction to Film Art) 0.0 동양예술론입문 (ntroduction to Theory of Arts in Asia) L056.000700 대중예술의이해 (Understanding Popular Art) 0.0 페미니즘미학과예술 (Feminist Aesthetics and Arts) 0.05 디자인과생활 (Design and Everyday Life) 0.06 아시아미술의이해 (Perspectives on Asian Art) 0.07 서양의미술과문명 (Art and Civilization of Western World) 0.08 서양미술의이해 (Understanding Western Art) 0.09 미술명작의이해 (Understanding Masterpieces of Art) L056.000100 현대미술의이해 (Understanding Contemporary Art) L056.00000 음악과사회 (Music and Society) 0.01 현대음악의이해 (ntroduction to Modern Music) 0.0 음악속의철학 (Philosophy in Music) 0.0 음악의원리 (The Elements and Structural Principles of Music) 0.0 한국음악의이해 (Understanding Korean Traditional Music) 0.05 서양음악의이해 (Understanding Western Music) 역사와철학 (History and Philosophy) L057.00100 규장각과한국문화 (The Kyujanggak Archive and Korean Culture) 0.00 한국사의새로운해석 (New Perspective on Korean Cultural History) 0.00 근 현대한국민족주의 (Nationalism in Modern & Contemporary Korea) L057.001000 동아시아의역사분쟁 (Historical Disputes among East Asian Countries) 0.006 역사와역사재현 (History and Historical Representation) 0.007 한국사 (Korean History) 0.008 한국인의역사의식 (Historical Consciousness of the Korean People) L057.000800 한국문화와불교 (Korean Culture and Buddhism) - 5 -

교양과목 Courses for General Education 학문의세계 Worlds of Knowledge L057.000700 한국근대사회와민족운동 (Modern Korean Society and National Movements) 0.01 한국현대사의이해 (Understanding Korean Contemporary History) L057.001100 한국고대사의쟁점 (ssues in Ancient Korean History) 0.016 한국의문화유산 (Cultural Heritage of Korea) --0 L057.000900 한국사속의유학 (Confucianism in Korean History) 0.019 인물로본한국사 (Korean History Viewed through Lives of Great Figures) --0 0.00 남북분단과한국전쟁 (Division of Korea and Korean War) --0 L057.001500 조선의역사적성취와유산 (Historical Achievements and Legacy of the Joseon Dynasty) L057.001600 한국중세의사회와문화 (Society and Culture in Medieval Korean History) L057.00000 중국의전통과현대 (Tradition and Modernity in China) L057.00000 동서문명의만남과실크로드 (The Silk Road and the Confluence of Civilizations) L057.001800 동아시아의왕권 (Royal Authority in Traditional East Asia) L057.001900 이슬람문명의역사 (History of slamic Civilization) L057.00100 테마중국사 (Themes in Chinese History) L057.00000 역사속의중화와그이웃 (China and its Neighbors in History) L057.001700 일본의인물과역사 (Major Personalities in Japanese History) 0.08 서양의문화적전통 (Cultural Traditions of the West) 0.09 현대서양의형성 (Modern Civilization of the West) 0.00 시민의역사 (Citizen and the Bourgeoisie in History) 0.01 유토피아의역사 (History of Utopianism) L057.0000 기독교와서양문명 (Christianity and Western Civilization) 0.0 역사란무엇인가 (ntroduction to History) 0.0 서양문명의역사 1(History of Western Civilization 1) 0.05 서양문명의역사 (History of Western Civilization ) 0.07 서양사속의제국 (Empire in Western History) 0.08 민족과국민의역사 (History of Nation) L057.0000 서양사속의젠더 (Gender in Western History) 0.01 문명의기원 (The Origin of Civilization) L057.00000 인류문화의기원 (The Origins of Human Culture) 0.0 고고학개론 (ntroduction to Archaeology) 0.0 한국미술사입문 (ntroduction to Korean Art) 0.05 동양미술사입문 (ntroduction to Oriental Art) 0.06 서양미술사입문 (ntroduction to Western Art) 0.07 서양철학의이해 (Understanding Western Philosophy) 0.08 동양철학의이해 (Understanding Asian Philosophy) 0.09 현대사회와윤리 (Modern Society and Ethics) 0.050 한국철학의이해 (Understanding Korean Philosophy) 0.05 철학자와그의시대 (Philosophy in Historical Context) 0.05 철학개론 (ntroduction to Philosophy) L057.00100 불교철학의이해 (Understanding Buddhist Philosophy) 0.058 생명의료윤리 (Bio-Medical Ethics) 0.060 사회철학의이해 (Understanding Social Philosophy) 0.06 동양철학의고전 (Classics in Oriental Philosophy) 0.065 과학과비판적사고 (Critical Understanding of Scientific Reasoning) 0.066 과학의철학적이해 (Philosophical Understanding of Science) 0.069 성의철학과성윤리 (Philosophy of Gender and Sexual Morality) 0.070 컴퓨터와마음 (Computer and Mind) 0.071 논리학 (Logic) 0.07 중국고전과중국사상 (Chinese Classics and Chinese Thought) L057.000100 도덕적추론 (Moral Reasoning) L057.000600 법과가치 (Law and Values) 0.07 동서양의종교적지혜 (Religious Wisdom in East and West) 0.075 성서와기독교사상의이해 (Understanding Bible and Christian Thought) 0.076 종교상징의세계 (Understanding Religious Symbols) L057.0000 종교학의이해 (Understanding Religious Studies) 0.078 인간과종교 (Man and religion) 0.079 신화와역사 (Myth and History) 0.080 세계종교입문 (ntroduction to World Religions) L057.00500 명상과수행 (Meditation and Practice) 0.08 미학과예술론 (Aesthetics and Art Theory) L057.00600 철학으로예술보기 (Philosophical Perspectives on Art) 0.085 자아탐색과자아실현 (Self-reflection and Self-realization) 0.086 사상과윤리 (Social Thought and Ethics) L057.00700 인도의전통과현대 (Tradition and Modemity in ndia) 정치와경제 (Politics and Economy) L058.000100 역사속의전쟁과평화 (War and Peace in History) 0.00 현대정치의이해 (ntroduction of Contemporary Political World) 0.00 정치와정치이념 (Politics and Political deology) 0.00 한국정치의분석과이해 (Understanding and Analyzing Korean Politics) 0.006 정치학개론 (ntroduction to Political Science) 0.007 국제정치학입문 (ntroduction to nternational Relations) L058.00000 영화속세계정치 (Politics and World Leaders on Film) L058.00100 지구화시대의공공외교 (Public Diplomacy in the Age of Globalization) L058.00100 한반도평화와통일의쟁점 (Emerging ssues on Peace and Unification of the Korean Peninsula) - 6 -

교양과목 Courses for General Education 학문의세계 Worlds of Knowledge 0.008 인간생활과경제 (Human Life and Economy) 0.009 현대경제의이해 (ntroduction to Modern Economy) 0.010 경제학개론 (ntroduction to Economics) 0.011 남북관계와통일의전망 (Prospects of South-North Relations and Unification) 0.01 기업과사회 (Business and Society) 0.01 경영학개론 (ntroduction to the Theory of Business) 0.015 인류와식량 (Mankind and Food) L058.000900 현대사회와법 (Society and Law) L058.001000 젠더와법 (Gender and Law) L058.001100 시장경제와법 (Market Economy and Law) 0.019 민주시민과헌법 (Democratic Citizenship, Constitution and Civil Rights) 0.00 법학개론 (ntroduction to Law) L058.000500 예술과지식재산 (Art and ntellectual Property) L058.000600 범죄와형벌 (Crime and Punishment) L058.000700 민주시민과기본적인권 (Democratic Citizen and Fundamental Human Right) L058.000800 주권국가와국제법원 (Sovereign States and nternational Courts) 0.0 국가와시민 (The State and Citizenship) 0.0 북한학개론 (North Korean Studies) 0.0 글로벌이슈와윤리적사고 (Global ssues and Ethical Thinking) 0.05 소비자와시장 (Consumer and the Market) 0.06 현대국가와행정 (The Modern State and Public Administration) 0.07 공공행정의이해 (Understanding Public Administration) 0.00 정책학의이해 (ntroduction to Public Policy) 인간과사회 (Humans and Society) 05.001 인권, NGO, 세계시민사회 (Human Rights, NGO, and nternational Community) 05.00 사회학의이해 (nvitation to Sociology) L059.001100 현대사회의생로병사 (Birth, Aging, Disability, and Death in Contemporary Societies) 05.00 인간과문화 (Man and Culture) 05.005 언어와사회 (Language and Society) 05.006 진화와인간사회 (Evolution and Human Society) 05.007 전통과일상의한국문화론 (Korean Culture and Tradition in Everyday Life) L059.000900 일본대중문화 (Japanese Popular Culture) L059.001000 문화와질병 (Culture and llness) L059.00100 흔들리는 0 대 : 청년심리학 (Mapping your life across 0s) 05.01 심리학개론 (ntroduction to Psychology) 05.01 인간관계의심리학 (Psychology of nterpersonal Relations) 05.01 세계와지역의환경문제 (Global and Regional Environmental ssues) L059.000800 공간정보와시각화 (Spatial information and Visualization) 05.016 자연환경과인간 (Natural Environment and Human) 05.017 생활공간과인간 (Geographic Space and People) 05.018 행복한삶과사회복지 (Happiness and Social - 7 - Welfare) 05.019 복지국가의이해 (Understanding Welfare states) 05.01 국제개발협력과사회복지 (nternational Development Cooperation and Social Welfare) 05.0 미디어와현대사회 (Media and Contemporary Society) 05.0 페미니즘의이해 (Understanding of Feminism) L059.000100 섹슈얼리티와성평등 (Sexuality and Gender Equality) 05.05 삶과교육 (Life and Education) 05.06 교육의이해 (Understanding Education) 05.08 부모교육 (Parenting) 05.09 결혼과가족 (Marriage and Family) 05.00 패션과사회 (Fashion and Society) L059.00100 지속가능한사회와제도 (Sustainable Society and nstitution) 자연과기술 (Nature and Technology) 06.001 문명과수학 (Mathematics in Civilization) 06.00 정보사회와수학 (Mathematics in nformation Age) 06.00 불확실성의세계와통계학 (The World of Uncertainty and Statistics) 06.00 양자개념과인류문명 (Quantum Theory and Human Civilization) 06.005 미시세계와거시세계 (Micro-world and Macro-world) 06.006 인간과우주 (Man and the Universe) 06.007 외계행성과생명 (Extraterrestrial Planets and Life) 06.008 물리학의개념과역사 (Concepts of Physics From Historical Perspectives) 06.009 우주의진화 (Evolution of the Universe) L0550.000100 에너지 (Energy) 06.010 자연과학의세계 (The World of Natural Sciences) 06.011 10 억불분자 (A Billion Dollar Molecule) 06.01 지구의이해 (The Earth: Present & Past) 06.01 화산과지진 (Volcanoes and Earthquakes) L0550.00000 자연재해의관측과이해 (Observation and Understanding of Natural Disaster) 06.01 역사속의과학 (Understanding Science in the Historical Setting) 06.015 서양문명과과학기술 (Western Civilization and Science and Technology) 06.016 컴퓨터과학이여는세계 (Computational Civilization) 06.017 기술과경제 (Technology and Economy) L0550.00000 인터넷보안과프라이버시 (nternet Security and Privacy) 생명과환경 (Life and Environment) 07.001 생물의진화 (Biological Evolution) 07.00 생명의이해 (Understanding Life) 07.00 식물과생활 (Plants and Society) 07.00 미생물과인류복지 (Microorganisms for Human Welfare) 07.005 생태계와환경오염 (Ecosystems and Environmental Pollution) 07.006 인체생물학 (Biology of Human Body) 07.007 두뇌의이해 (Understanding Brain) 07.008 인간과지구환경 (Man and the Earth Environments) 07.009 지구환경변화 (Global Environment Change)

교양과목 Courses for General Education 선택교양 General Education Electives L0551.00000 바다과학기행 (Voyage to the Sea) 07.010 물의위기 (Water Crisis) 07.011 생활원예 (Home Horticulture) --0 07.01 숲과인간 (Forest and Man) 07.01 삶의혁명-생명공학 (Revolution of Life Biotechnology) 07.01 곤충과인간 (nsects and Humans) 07.015 영양과건강 (Nutrition for Health) --0 07.016 식생활과환경 (Food and Environment) --0 07.017 약과건강 (Drug and Health) 07.018 우리몸의이해 (Understanding the Human Body) 07.019 사람뇌의구조와기능 (Structure and Function of Human Brain) 07.00 인간생명과학개론 (ntroduction to Human Life Science) 07.01 참살이의학특강 (Topics in Well-being Medicine) 07.0 죽음의과학적이해 (Understanding Death: A Scientific View) 07.0 비만과건강관리 (Obesity and Health) L0551.00000 환경과기후변화의미래 (The Future of the Environment and Climate Change) 07.05 환경과건강 (Environment and Health) 07.06 생활구강건강관리 (Understanding Oral Health in Life) 07.07 녹색생활과소비 (Green Life and Consumption) 07.08 녹색에너지 (Green Energy) 07.09 기후변화와건강 (Climate Change and Health) 선택교양 General Education Electives 체육 (Physical Education) 051.001 체육 1(Physical Education 1) 1-0- 051.00 체육 (Physical Education ) 1-0- 051.00 축구 (Soccer) 1-0- 051.00 배구 (Volleyball) 1-0- 051.005 양궁 (Archery) 1-0- 051.006 야구 (Baseball) 1-0- 051.007 태권도 (Taekwondo) 1-0- 051.008 에어로빅 (Aerobics) 1-0- 051.009 한국무용 (Korean Dance) 1-0- 051.010 현대무용 (Modern Dance) 1-0- 051.011 레크리에이션 (Recreation) 1-0- 051.01 수영 1( 평영 )(Swimming 1) 1-0- 051.01 수영 ( 평영 )(Swimming ) 1-0- 051.01 수영 ( 자유형 )(Swimming ) 1-0- 051.015 수영 ( 자유형 )(Swimming ) 1-0- 051.016 수영 5( 접영 )(Swimming 5) 1-0- 051.017 호신술 (Martial Arts) 1-0- 051.018 체력단련 (Weight Training) 1-0- 051.019 테니스초급 (Beginner s Tennis) 1-0- 051.00 테니스중급 (ntermediate Tennis) 1-0- 051.0 골프초급 (Beginner s Golf) 1-0- 051.0 댄스스포츠 (Dance Sport) 1-0- 051.0 농구초급 (Beginner s Basketball) 1-0- 051.05 배드민턴초급 (Beginner s Badminton) 1-0- 051.06 탁구초급 (Beginner s Table Tennis) 1-0- 051.07 탁구중급 (ntermediate Table Tennis) 1-0- 051.08 인라인스케이트 (nline Skate) 1-0- 051.09 건강과삶 (Health and Life) 1-1-0 051.00 운동과영양 (Exercise and Nutrition) 1-1-0 051.01 운동과건강 (Exercise and Health) 1-1-0 051.0 현대사회와스포츠 (Modern Society and Sports) 1-1-0 예술실기 (Art Practice) 05.001 도예의기초 (ntroduction to Ceramics) -0-05.00 수묵화의기초 (ntroduction to Sumukhua) -1-05.00 수채화의기초 (ntroduction to Watercolor) -0-05.00 소묘의기초 (ntroduction to Drawing) -0-05.005 교양연주-합창 (Music performance- Chorus) 1-0- 05.006 교양연주-색소폰 1(Music performance- Saxophone 1) 1-0- 05.007 교양연주-색소폰 (Music performance- Saxophone ) 1-0- 05.008 교양연주-가야금 (Music performance- Gayageum) 1-0- 05.009 교양연주-거문고 (Music Performance- Geomungo) 1-0- 05.010 교양연주-단소 (Music performance-danso) 1-0- 05.011 교양연주-해금 (Music Performance- Haegeum) 1-0- 대학과리더십 (College Life and Leadership) 05.001 신입생세미나 (Freshman Seminars) 1-1-0 L065.000100 한국수화언어의이해 (Understanding Korean Sign Language) --0 05.00 사회봉사 1(Volunteer Social Service 1) 1-0- 05.00 사회봉사 (Volunteer Social Service ) 1-0- 05.005 사회봉사 (Volunteer Social Service ) 1-0- 05.006 글로벌인턴십 1(Global nternship 1) 1-0- 05.007 글로벌인턴십 (Global nternship ) -0-6 05.008 직업세계의이해와진로설계 (Career Development: Exploration and Planning) -1-05.010 그린리더십 (Green Leadership) 05.011 그린리더십인턴십 (Green Leadership nternship) -0-6 L065.00000 지속가능한생활디자인 (Sustainable Living Design) 창의와융합 (Creativity and Convergence) 05.001 학생자율연구 1(Undergraduate ndependent Study 1) -1-05.00 학생자율연구 (Undergraduate ndependent Study ) -1-05.00 학생자율세미나 (Peer Group Seminar) 1-0- 05.00 관악모둠강좌 ( 인물 )(Gwanak Omnibus Course (Historical Figures)) 05.006 관악모둠강좌 ( 주제 )(Gwanak Omnibus Course (Themes)) 05.007 창의적사고와삶 (Creative Thinking and Life) L0655.00000 독서세미나 - 고전에길을묻다 (Great Books Reading Seminar) L0655.00000 인간학개론 - 나는누구이며어떻게살것인가 (Human Nature and the Good Life: An nterdisciplinary Approach) L0655.000500 융합주제강좌 : 행복 (Happiness: An nterdisciplinary Approach) L0655.000600 융합주제강좌 : 생명 (Life: An nterdisciplinary Approach) 05.008 소그룹고전원전읽기 1(Readings in Classics 1) 1--0 05.009 소그룹고전원전읽기 (Readings in Classics ) 1--0 L0655.000100 고전으로읽는인문학 1 - 인간과사랑 (Reading - 8 -

교양과목 Courses for General Education 선택교양 General Education Electives Classics in the Humanities 1 - Human being and Love) L0655.00000 고전으로읽는인문학 - 개인과세계 (Reading Classics in the Humanities - ndividuals in the World) 05.01 주제로읽는고전 : 성과사랑 (Classics Theme: Sexuality and Eros) 05.019 현대도시건축산책 (A Glance at Korean Contemporary Urbanism and Architecture) 05.00 소리의과학과악기제작체험 (The Science of Sound, and Experience of Music nstrument Design and Evaluation) 05.01 창조와디자인 (Creativity and Design) 05.0 테크놀러지와예술 : 전시예술공학 (Technology and Art: Exhibit Art Engineering) 05.0 과학기술과대중문화 (Science, Technology and Popular Culture) 05.0 과학기술과사회 (Science, Technology and Society) 05.05 공학윤리와리더십 (Engineering Ethics and Leadership) 05.07 창업과경제 (Entrepreneurship and Economy) 05.08 특허와기술창업 (Patent and Technology Entrepreneurship) L0655.000700 빅데이터의이해 (Understanding Big Data) 05.00 신체활동의이해와실습 (Understanding and Practice of Physical Activity) -1-05.01 산과인생 (Mountain and Life) -1-05.0 자전거와스포츠과학 (Bicycle and Sports Science) -1-05.0 도시의이해 (nterpreting Cities) L0655.000800 사진속지리여행 (Geographical Understanding through Geophotos) 한국의이해 (Korea in the World) (Courses in English) 055.001 한국어 (Korean Language) --0 < 국제하계강좌 > 055.00 한국의언어 (The Korean Language) 055.00 한국어와한국문화 (Korean Language and Culture) 055.00 동아시아의문인문화 (Literati Culture in East Asia) 055.005 한국근대소설의이해 (Modern Korean Fiction) 055.006 현대한국의삶과문화 (Life in Contemporary Korea) 055.007 한국문학입문 (ntroduction to Korean Literature) 055.008 동아시아불교문화 (Buddhist Culture in East Asia) 055.015 현대한국사회론 (Contemporary Korea) 055.016 두개의한국 : 근대한국의역사와사회 (Two Koreas: Modern Korean History and Society) 055.019 한국법의이해 (Korean Law) 055.00 세계음악 (Music of the World) 055.01 한국음악개론 (ntroduction to Korean Musical Culture) - 9 -

인문대학 101. 국어국문학과 College of Humanities Department of Korean Language and Literature 100. 인문대학 (College of Humanities) 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 100.165 삶과인문학 (Life and Humanities) 1-1-0 ( 신입생을위한과목 ) 전공탐색과목 (Pre-major Tracks) 100.100 한국어연구입문 (ntroduction to Korean Linguistics) 100.10 한국문학연구입문 (ntroduction to Study of Korean Literature) 100.10 한국문학과한국사회 (Korean Literature and Korean Society) 100.105A 한자의세계 (Understanding Chinese Character) 100.106 중국의대중문학 (Chinese Popular Literature) 100.107 중국현대명작의세계 (Masterpieces of Modern Chinese Literature) 100.108 중국고전문학탐색 (n Search of the World of Chinese Classical Literature) 100.109 영어학입문 (ntroduction to English Linguistics) 100.110 영문학서설 (ntroduction to English Literature) 100.11 영미명작의세계 (The World of English Masterpieces) 100.11 세계속의프랑스어 (French in a world perspective) 100.115 프랑스문학과예술의흐름 (Trends in French Literature and Arts) 100.118 독일의언어문화 (German Language Culture) 100.10A 독일어권의문학과예술 (Literature and Arts in the German Speaking World) 100.11 세계속의러시아어 (Russian Language in the World) 100.1A 러시아문학과사상의흐름 (Trends in Russian Literature and Thought) 100.1 러시아예술과문화 (Russian Art and Culture) 100.15 현대라틴아메리카의대중문화 (Mass Culture of Contemporary Latin America) 100.16A 스페인영화의이해 (Understanding Spanish Cinema) 100.17 스페인어의세계 (World of Spanish Language) 100.18 스페인사회와문화 (Spanish Society and Culture) 100.19 언어와언어학 (Language and Linguistics) 100.10 언어와컴퓨터 (Language and Computer) 100.11 말소리의세계 (Phonetics) 100.1 세계의언어 (Languages of the World) 100.1 한국사를보는관점과자료 (Korean Historiography and Sources) 100.1 0 세기한국사 (Korea in the 0th Century) 100.15 한국사를이끈사상가들 (Leading Thinkers in Korean History) 100.16 한국사와생활문화 (History of Life Style in Korea) M169.00700 아시아사입문 (ntroduction to Asian History) 100.18 개관일본사 (Survey of Japanese History) 100.19A 몽골세계제국사 (History of Mongol World Empire) - 10-100.10 동남아시아의역사와해상무역 (Southeast Asia History and Maritime Trade) 100.11 서양사를보는시각 (Perspectives on Western History) 100.1 사료로보는서양사 (Western History in Primary Sources) 100.1 서양의지적전통 (ntellectual Traditions of the West) 100.16A 인도불교철학 (ndian and Buddhist Philosophy) 100.19 세계종교 (World Religions) 100.150 불교개론 (ntroduction to Buddhism) 100.151 기독교개론 (ntroduction to Christianity) 100.15 종교와종교학 (Religion and Religious Studies) 100.15 미학원론 (Fundamentals of Aesthetics) 100.15 예술철학 (Philosophy of Art) 100.155 미학사 (History of Aesthetics) 100.156 동양예술론 (Theory of Arts in Asia) 100.158 고고학연구의기초 (Foundations of Archaeology) 100.159 한국의미술문화 (Korean Art and Culture) 100.160 미술사와시각문화 (Art History and Visual Culture) M1.00000 러시아영화와현대사회 (Russian Film and Modern Russian Society) 100.166 러시아학입문 (ntroduction to Russian Studies) 100.167 EU 와독일어권문화 (EU and German Culture) 100.168 인도문명의이해 (Understanding ndian Civilization) 100.169 서아시아문명의이해 (Understanding West Asian Civilization) 100.170 동남아시아문명의이해 (Understanding Southeast Asian Civilization) 100.171 일본문명의이해 (Understanding Japanese Civilization) 100.177 서양고대철학 (Ancient Western Philosophy) 100.178 중국고대철학 (Ancient Chinese Philosophy) 101. 국어국문학과 (Department of Korean Language and Literature) 101.1A 한국어음운론 (Korean Phonology) 101.15 한국고전시가강독 (Readings in Classical Korean Poetry) 101.18 한국현대희곡론 (Korean Modern Drama) 101.1* 한국고전문학사 (History of Classical Korean Literature) 101.* 한국현대문학사 (History of Korean Modern Literature) 101. 한국고전산문강독 (Readings in Classical Korean Prose) 101.01A* 한국어의역사 (History of Korean Language) 101.0A 한국어문법론 (Studies in Korean Grammar) 101.08 한국고전소설론 (Classical Korean Novel) 101.09A 한국현대시론 (Korean Modern Poetry)

인문대학 10. 중어중문학과 College of Humanities Department of Chinese Language and Literature 101.10 한국현대시인론 (Korean Modern Poets) 101.11A 한국현대소설론 (Korean Modern Novel) 101.1 한국현대작가론 (Korean Modern Authors) 101.15 한국한문학론 (Studies in Sino-Korean Literature) 101.16 한국고전시가론 (Classical Korean Poetry) 101.17 한국어정보의전산처리 (Computational Treatment of Korean Language nformation) 101.01A 한국어방언학 (Korean Dialectology) 101.0A 한국어학사 (History of Korean Linguistics) 101.0A 한국어의미론 (Studies in Korean Semantics) 101.05 한국구비문학론 (Korean Oral Literature) 101.10 한국현대소설강독 (Readings in Korean Modern Novel) 101.19 한국현대문학비평 (Korean Modern Literary Criticism) 101. 한국현대시강독 (Readings in Korean Modern Poetry) 101.6 한국어어휘론 (Korean Lexicology) 101.8 한국영상문학론 (Korean Film and Television Drama) 101.77 한국어학자료읽기 (Readings in Korean Linguistics) M1.000100 한국비교문학론 (Korean Comparative Literature) M1.00000 세계속의한국문학 (Korean Literature in Global Context) 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 1 100.10 한국문학과한국사회 100.100* 한국어연구입문 100.10 한국문학연구입문 101.15 한국고전시가강독 101.0A 한국어문법론 101.09A 한국현대시론 101.1* 한국고전문학사 101.01A* 한국어의역사 101.1 한국현대작가론 101.15 한국한문학론 101.6 한국어어휘론 101.17 한국어정보의전산처리 101.0A 한국어학사 101.05 한국구비문학론 101.10 한국현대소설강독 101.19 한국현대문학비평 101.18 한국현대희곡론 101.8 한국영상문학론 101. 한국고전산문강독 101.11A 한국현대소설론 101.1A 한국어음운론 101.* 한국현대문학사 101.10 한국현대시인론 101.16 한국고전시가론 101.01A 한국어방언학 101.08 한국고전소설론 101.0A 한국어의미론 101. 한국현대시강독 101.77 한국어학자료읽기 M1.00000 세계속의한국문학 M1.000100 한국비교문학론 전공탐색과목 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 교과목이수규정 해당사항없음. 해당사항없음. 10. 중어중문학과 (Department of Chinese Language and Literature) 10.0* 한문강독 1(Readings in Classical Chinese 1) --0 10.0A 한문강독 (Readings in Classical Chinese ) 10.15 중국역대시가강독 1(Readings in Traditional Chinese Poetry 1) 10.16 중국역대시가강독 (Readings in Traditional Chinese Poetry ) 10.17A 중국어학개론 (ntroduction to Chinese Linguistics) 10.0 중국어강독 (Readings in Chinese) 10.1 한문문법 (Classical Chinese Grammar) 10. 현대중국소설 (Contemporary Chinese Fiction) 10. 중국소설과문화 (Chinese Novels and Culture) 10.17A 현대중국의문학과사회 (Literature and Society of Modern China) 10.18A 중국현대문학강독 (Readings in Modern Chinese Literature) 10.1* 고급중국어 (Advanced Chinese) 10. 중국문학사 1(History of Chinese Literature 1) 10.* 중국문학사 (History of Chinese Literature ) 10.5 중국역대산문강독 1(Readings in Traditional Chinese Prose 1) 10.6 중국역대산문강독 (Readings in Traditional Chinese Prose ) 10.7 중국전통문화의의미와현대중국 (mplication of Chinese Traditional Culture and The Contemporary China) 10.8 중국어문법 (Chinese Grammar) 10.9 중국어번역연습 (Practicum in Chinese Translation) 10.05 중국현대문학론 (Studies in Modern Chinese Literature) 10.1B 중국역대소설강독 (Readings in the Traditional Chinese Novel) 10.1 중국사곡강독 (Readings in Chinese Ci Poetry) 10.15A 중국공연예술 (Performing Arts of China) 10.1 시경 초사 (Reading in Shijing and Chuci) 10. 중국사회문화론특강 (Topics in Socio-cultural Aspects of China) 10. 중국어글쓰기 (Writing in Chinese) 10. 중국어발표와토론 (Presentations and Discussions in Chinese) - 11 -

인문대학 10. 영어영문학과 College of Humanities Department of English Language and Literature 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 1 100.105A 한자의세계 100.106 중국의대중문학 10.0*## 한문강독 1 10.15## 중국역대시가강독 1 10.1 한문문법 10. 현대중국소설 10.17A# 현대중국의문학과 사회 10.1*# 고급중국어 10. 중국문학사 1 10.5## 중국역대산문강독 1 10.7 중국전통문화의의미와 현대중국 ( 영어강의 ) 10.8 중국어문법 10.007A 중국어교육론 10.010 중국어교과논리및 논술 10.05 중국현대문학론 10.1B 중국역대소설강독 10.1 중국사곡강독 10. 중국어글쓰기 100.107 중국현대명작의세계 100.108 중국고전문학탐색 10.0A## 한문강독 10.16## 중국역대시가강독 10.17A 중국어학개론 10.0 중국어강독 10. 중국소설과문화 10.18A# 중국현대문학강독 10.1*# 고급중국어 10.* 중국문학사 10.6## 중국역대산문강독 10.7 중국전통문화의의미와 현대중국 ( 영어강의 ) 10.9 중국어번역연습 10.008 중국어교재연구및 지도법 10.15A 중국공연예술 10.1 시경초사 10. 중국사회문화론특강 10. 중국어발표와토론 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Korean Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 교과목이수규정 해당사항없음. 해당사항없음. # : 중국어시험대체과목 ## : 한문시험대체과목 교직과목은짝수년에개설 ( 10.010 중국어교과논리및논술 은홀수년 1 학기에개설 ) 10. 영어영문학과 (Department of English Language and Literature) 10.01A* 고급영문법 (Advanced English Grammar) 10.07B* 근대영국문학개관 (English Literature from Restoration to Reform Bills) M16.000100* 중세르네상스영문학개관 (English Literature up to Milton) 10.1B 19 세기미국소설 (19th-Century American Novel) 10.16A* 영어통사론 (English Syntax) 10.19 영작문 (English Writing) 10.0A* 현대영국문학개관 (0th-Century English Literature) 10.* 영어음성학 (English Phonetics) 10.* 영어와사회 (English and Society) 10.5* 영어담화분석 (English Discourse Analysis) 10.6* 낭만주의영시 (English Romantic Poetry) 10.06B* 근대미국문학개관 (American Literature up to 1900) 10.0 영어발달사 (History of English Language) 10.5 셰익스피어 (Shakespeare) 10.6B 18 19 세기영국소설 (18th- and 19th-Century English Novel) 10.1 영미문학특강 (Topics in English and American Literature) 10.A 0 세기영국소설 (0th-Century English Novel) 10.5A 0 세기미국소설 (0th-Century American Novel) 10.7 현대영미희곡 (Modern English and American Drama) 10.8A* 현대미국문학개관 (0th-Century American Literature) 10.9* 영어의미론 (English Semantics) 10.0* 코퍼스영어학 (English Corpus Linguistics) 10.1A 중세영문학 (Medieval English Literature) 10. 르네상스희곡 (English Renaissance Drama) 10. 르네상스영시 (English Renaissance Poetry) 10. 17 18 세기영시 (17- and 18-Century English Poetry) 10.5 현대영미시 (Modern English and American Poetry) 10.6* 응용영어학특강 (Topics in Applied English Linguistics) 10.0 미국시 (American Poetry) 10.07 영미문학비평 (English and American Literary Criticism) 10.19 영미작가연구 (Studies in English and American Authors) 10.0* 영어학특강 (Topics in English Linguistics) 10.1 최근영어권소설 (Contemporary Novels of the English-Speaking World) 10. 소설의이론과서사전통 (Theories of the Novel and Narrative Tradition) 10. 여성문학의전통 (Women Writers and Literary Tradition) - 1 -

인문대학 10. 불어불문학과 College of Humanities Department of French Language and Literature 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 1 100.109 영어학입문 100.110 영문학서설 100.11 영미영작의세계 10.07B* 근대영국문학개관 M16.000100* 중세르네상스영문개관 10.#* 영어음성학 10.#* 영어와사회 10.6 낭만주의영시 10.8A* 현대미국문학개관 10.01A#* 고급영문법 10.1B 19세기미국소설 10.5 셰익스피어 10.A 0세기영국소설 10.5 현대영미시 10.9#* 영어의미론 10.0* 영어발달사 10.1 영미문학특강 10.07 영미문학비평 10.1# 최근영어권소설 10.# 소설의이론과서사전통 100.109 영어학입문 100.110 영문학서설 10.19 영작문 10.0A* 현대영국문학개관 10.5#* 영어담화분석 10.06B* 근대미국문학개관 10.7 현대영미희곡 10.0 미국시 10.16A#* 영어통사론 10.6B 18 19세기영국소설 10.5A 0세기미국소설 10.0#* 코퍼스영어학 10.1A# 중세영문학 10.# 르네상스희곡 10.# 르네상스영시 10.# 17 18세기영시 10.6#* 응용영어학특강 10.1 영미문학특강 10.19 영미작가연구 10.0* 영어학특강 10. 여성문학의전통 전공탐색과목 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of English Language and Literature) 11.06, 11.07, 사범대학영어교육과에서제공하는전과목 ( 단, 700.111 영미어문교육의기초는제외 ) 교과목이수규정 10.05 영어학개론대신다음 10 개과목중한과목을선택필수교과목으로인정한다. 10.01A 고급영문법, 10.16A 영어통사론, 10. 영어음성학, 10. 영어와사회, 10.5 영어담화분석, 10.0 영어발달사, 10.9 영어의미론, 10.0 코퍼스영어학, 10.6 응용영어학특강, 10.0 영어학특강 해당사항없음 * 선택적필수과목임. # 격년개설과목임. 10. 불어불문학과 (Department of French Language and Literature) 10.19B 시청각프랑스어연습 (Laboratory Practice in French) 10.5B 프랑스어권문학강독 (Readings in Francophone Literature) 10.7A 프랑스연극 (French Drama) 10.8A* 프랑스어문법과작문 (French Grammar and Composition) -- 10.0B 프랑스어학개론 1(ntroduction to French Linguistics 1) 10.05* 프랑스어학개론 (ntroduction to French Linguistics ) 10.15B 18 세기프랑스문학 (18th Century French Literature) 10.16A* 프랑스문학개론 1(ntroduction to French Literature 1) -- 10.1 19 세기프랑스소설 (19th Century French Novel) 10. 0 세기프랑스소설 (0th Century French Novel) 10.B 프랑스어문법과텍스트 (French Grammar and Text) 10.5B 19 세기프랑스시 (19th Century French Literature) 10.7 프랑스문학개론 (ntroduction to French Literature ) 10.06 현대프랑스문화분석 (Analysis of Contemporary French Culture) 10.1B 프랑스비평 (French Literary Criticism) 10.18A 고급프랑스어회화 (Advanced French Conversation) 10.5B 프랑스문화와예술 (French Culture and Art) 10.6 0 세기프랑스시 (0th Century French Poetry) 10.9 현대프랑스언어학 (Contemporary French Linguistics) 10.0 프랑스언어학특강 (Topics in French Linguistics) 10. 중세 르네상스프랑스문학 (French Medieval and Renaissance Literature) 10. 현대프랑스문화현상과이론 (Cultural Phenomenon and Theory of Contemporary France) M19.000100 프랑스어권문화특강 (Topics in Francophone Culture) - 1 -

인문대학 105. 독어독문학과 College of Humanities Department of German Language and Literature 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 1 100.115 프랑스문학과예술의흐름 10.5B 프랑스어권문학강독 10.8A* 프랑스어문법과작문 10.19B 시청각프랑스어연습 10.0B 프랑스어학개론 1 10.7 프랑스문학개론 10.15B 18세기프랑스문학 10.1 19세기프랑스소설 10.6 0세기프랑스시 10.18A 고급프랑스어회화 10. 중세 르네상스프랑스문학 10.9 현대프랑스언어학 10.06 현대프랑스문화분석 100.11 세계속의프랑스어 전공탐색 과목 10.7A 프랑스연극 10.B 프랑스어문법과텍스트 10.16A* 프랑스문학개론 1 10.19B 시청각프랑스어연습 10.05* 프랑스어학개론 10.5B 19세기프랑스시 10. 0세기프랑스소설 10.1B 프랑스비평 10.5B 프랑스문화와예술 10.18A 고급프랑스어회화 10.0 프랑스언어학특강 10.# 현대프랑스문화현상과 이론 M19.000100# 프랑스어권문화 특강 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of of French Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 교과목이수규정 해당사항없음. 해당사항없음. # : < 현대프랑스문화현상과이론 > 과 < 프랑스어권문화특강 > 은교대로격년개설 105. 독어독문학과 (Department of German Language and Literature) 105.00 독일문학개론 (ntroduction to German Literature) 105.A* 독문번역연습 1(Translating German Texts 1) 105.18 독문번역연습 (Translating German Texts ) 105.1 독일의신화, 민담, 동화 (German Myth, Folklore and Fairytales) 105.00B* 고급독일어 1(Advanced German 1) 105.7 독어학의이해 (Understanding German Linguistics) 105.1A 독일희곡 (German Drama) 105.B 독일시 (German Poetry) 105.A 독일소설 (German Fiction) 105.9A 독문학과공연예술 (German Literature and Performing Arts) 105.1 독일어의구조 (Structure of German Language) 105. 독일문화이론 (Theories of German Culture) 105.8* 독문법및작문 (German Grammar and Composition) 105.9 독일어집중회화 1(ntensive German Conversation 1) 105.0 독일어집중회화 (ntensive German Conversation ) 105. 독일문학사 (History of German Literature ) 105.9B 고급독일어 (Advanced German ) 105.00 영화로보는독일문화 (German Culture in Film) 105. 독일어의역사 (The History of the German Language) M11.000100 응용독어학의이론과실제 (Theory and Practice in Applied German Linguistics) 105.1 독일문학사 1(History of German Literature 1) M11.00000 독어독문학특강 (Topics in German Literature and Language) 105. 독일매체이론의이해 (Understanding German Media Theory) 105. 현대독일작가론 (Modern German Authors) 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 1 100.118 독일의언어문화 100.167 EU와독일어권문화 105.00 독일문학개론 105.A* 독문번역연습1 105.9 독일어집중회화 1 105.1 독일문학사 1 105.18 독문번역연습 105.1 독일의신화, 민담, 동화 105.00B* 고급독일어 1 105.1A 독일희곡 105. 독일어의역사 M11.000100 응용독어학의이론과실제 105. 독일매체이론의이해 105. 현대독일작가론 100.10A 독일어권의문학과예술전공탐색과목 105.7 독어학의이해 105.8* 독문법및작문 # 105.0 독일어집중회화 105. 독일문학사 105.B 독일시 105.A 독일소설 105.9A 독문학과공연예술 105.1 독일어의구조 105.9B 고급독일어 105. 독일문화이론 105.00 영화로보는독일문화 M11.00000 독어독문학특강 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of German Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 교과목이수규정 해당사항없음. 해당사항없음. # : 인문대외국어시험대체과목임 - 1 -

인문대학 107. 서어서문학과 College of Humanities Department of Hispanic Language and Literature 106. 노어노문학과 (Department of Russian Language and Literature) 106.A 러시아문학강독 (Readings in Russian Literature) 106.5* 러시아문학사 1(History of Russian Literature 1) 106.9 러시아시와노래 (Russian Poetry and Songs) 106.0 기초러시아어회화 (Beginners Russian Conversation) 106.A 러시아문예학개론 (ntroduction to Russian Literary Theory) 106. 러시아인의세계와언어 (Russian Language and Society) 106.9 러시아시의이해 (Understanding Russian Poetry) 106.B 맥락속의러시아어 (Russian Language in Context) 106.B 러시아어발음과회화연습 (Practicum in Russian Pronunciation and Conversation) 106.6A* 러시아어의과거와현재 (Past and Present of the Russian Language) 106.8* 러시아문학사 (History of Russian Literature ) 106.5 러시아문학작가연구 1(Studies in Russian Authors 1) 106.6 러시아문학작가연구 (Studies in Russian Authors ) 106.8* 러시아어학개론 (ntroduction to Russian Linguistics) 106.6 러시아연극 (Russian Theater) 106.8 러시아문학특강 (Topics in Russian Linguistics) 106.9 러시아문학비평론 (Russian Literary Criticism) 106.1 러시아문학과역사 (Russian Literature and History) 106. 러시아연극연습 (Practicum in Russian Drama) 106. 러시아환상문학 (Russian Fantasy Literature) 106.0 러시아어에세이연습 (Russian Essay Writing) 106.1 러시아어와인지 (Russian Language and Cognition) M1.000100 러시아학특강 (Topics in Russian Studies) M1.00000 러시아영화와현대사회 (Russian Film and Modern Russian Society) 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 학기sem. 학년yr. 1 교직 100.1 러시아예술과문화 100.166 러시아학입문 106.9 러시아시와노래 106.1 러시아문학과역사 106.0 기초러시아어회화 106. 러시아인의세계와언어 106.5* 러시아문학사 1 106.B# 맥락속의러시아어 106.8* 러시아어학개론 106.6 러시아연극 106.9 러시아시의이해 106.5 러시아문학작가연구 1 106.1 러시아어와인지 106.8 러시아문학특강 106.7A 러시아어교재연구및지도법 106. 러시아어교과논리및논술 100.11 세계속의러시아어 100.1A 러시아문학과사상의 흐름 M1.00000 러시아영화와현대사회 106.A# 러시아문학강독 106.A 러시아문예학개론 106. 러시아연극연습 106.B# 러시아어발음과회화연습 106.6A* 러시아어의과거와현재 106.8* 러시아문학사 106. 러시아환상문학 106.9 러시아문학비평론 106.0 러시아어에세이연습 106.6 러시아문학작가연구 M1.000100 러시아학특강 106.6A 러시아어교육론 106.1 러시아어평가 전공탐색과목 전공과목 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Russian Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 교과목이수규정 1 * 는전공필수과목임. 러시아문학사 1 을수강하기위해서는노어노문학과개설의교양과목인중급러시아어 1, 를선수강하여야하며, 이외에도 0.06 러시아어로읽는문화와예술 을선수강혹은동시수강해야함. 과목 1 은 의선수과목임. 다음의 과목의경우러시아어원어민및러시아어권재외국민입학생들은수강할수없다. 106.0 기초러시아어회화, 106.B 맥락속의러시아어, 106.B 러시아어발음과회화연습 ( )# : 외국어시험대체과목임. 해당사항없음. 107. 서어서문학과 (Department of Hispanic Language and Literature) 107.0 스페인어문법 1(Spanish Grammar 1) 107.0* 스페인어문법 (Spanish Grammar ) 107. 스페인문학사 (History of Spanish Literature) 107. 중남미문학사 (History of Hispanic American Literature) 107. 중급스페인어회화 (ntermediate Spanish Conversation) 107.5 중급스페인어작문 (ntermediate Spanish Composition) -- 107.6 스페인어권문화강독 (Readings in Hispanic Culture) 107.7 중남미문화비평 (Hispanic American Culture Critics) - 15 -

인문대학 108. 언어학과 College of Humanities Department of Linguistics 107.06 스페인어학개론 (ntroduction to Spanish Linguistics) 107.7A* 중남미소설 (Hispanic-American Novel) 107.8A* 스페인소설 (Spanish Novel) 107.9 스페인희곡 (Spanish Drama) M1.00000 고급스페인어작문 (Advanced Spanish Composition) -- 107.A 고급스페인어회화 (Advanced Spanish Conversation) 107. 스페인시강독 (Readings in Spanish Poetry) 107.5 중남미시연습 (Seminar in Hispanic American Poetry) 107.1B 스페인어학연습 (Spanish Linguistics ) 107.5A 스페인어번역연습 (Seminar in Spanish Translation) 107.7A 스페인문학특강 (Topics in Spanish Literature) 107.8A 중남미문학특강 (Topics in Hispanic American Literature) 107.7A 라틴아메리카영화와현대사회 (Latin American Cinema and Contemporary Society ) 107.0 스페인어학연습 1(Spanish Linguistics 1) 107. 스페인어교과논리및논술 (Logic and Writing in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) --0 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 학기sem. 학년yr. 1 교직 100.15 현대라틴아메리카의대중문화 100.16A 스페인영화의이해 107.0 스페인어문법 1 107. 스페인문학사 107.5 중급스페인어작문 107.6 스페인어권문화강독 107.06 스페인어학개론 107.8A*# 스페인소설 107.A 고급스페인어회화 107.# 스페인시강독 107.5A# 스페인어번역연습 107.8A# 중남미문학특강 107.0 스페인어학연습 1 107.1A 스페인어교재연구및지도법 100.17 스페인어의세계 100.18 스페인사회와문화 107.0* 스페인어문법 107. 중남미문학사 107. 중급스페인어회화 107.7 중남미문화비평 107.7A*# 중남미소설 107.9# 스페인희곡 M1.00000 고급스페인어작문 107.5# 중남미시연습 107.1B 스페인어학연습 107.7A# 스페인문학특강 107.7A 라틴아메리카영화와현대사회 107.0A 스페인어교육론 107. 스페인어교과논리및논술 (Logic and Writing in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) 전공탐색과목 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Hispanic Language and Literature) 학과내규에따름. 교과목이수규정 1 * 는전공필수과목임. 107. 스페인문학사, 107. 중남미문학사, 107.06 스페인어학개론중 1 과목을필수과목으로이수하여야함 01 학년도입학생부터적용함. 학과내규에따름. 학과내규에따름. ( )# : 외국어시험대체과목 108. 언어학과 (Department of Linguistics) 108.08 음운론 (Phonology) 108. 만주어 (Manchu) 108.5 언어학사 (History of Linguistics) 108.6 형태론 (Morphology) 108.11 의미론 (Semantics) 108.1* 역사비교언어학 (Historical Comparative Linguistics) 108.15* 통사론 (Syntax) 108.17 사회언어학 (Sociolinguistics) 108.19 언어조사및분석 (Field Linguistics) 108.0 심리언어학 (Psycholinguistics) 108.1 특수언어특강 (Topics in ndividual Languages) M16.000500 알타이언어학 (Altaic Linguistics) M16.000600 인도유럽언어학 (ndo-european Linguistics) 108.1A* 컴퓨터언어학 (Computational Linguistics) 108.1A 언어학연습 1(Seminar in Linguistics 1) 108.15 응용음성학 (Applied Phonetics) 108.16 일본어의구조 (Structure of Japanese Language) 108.17 언어와정보처리 (Language and nformation Processing) 108.18 언어학연습 (Seminar in Linguistics ) 108.19 언어장애및치료 (Language Pathology) 108.0 화용론 (Pragmatics) - 16 -

인문대학 College of Humanities 111. 동양사학과 Department of Asian History 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 학기sem. 학년yr. 1 100.19 언어와언어학 100.11* 말소리의세계 108. 만주어 108.5 언어학사 108.6 형태론 108.11 의미론 108.0 심리언어학 108.1 특수언어특강 108.1A* 컴퓨터언어학 M16.000500 알타이언어학 108.1A 언어학연습 1 108.16 일본어의구조 108.19 언어장애및치료 100.10 언어와컴퓨터 100.1 세계의언어 108.08 음운론 108.1* 역사비교언어학 108.15* 통사론 108.17 사회언어학 108.19 언어조사및분석 M16.000600 인도유럽언어학 108.17 언어와정보처리 108.15 응용음성학 108.18 언어학연습 108.0 화용론 전공탐색과목 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Linguistics) 학과내규로지정. 타학과개설교과목중은 6 학점이내로제한함. 교과목이수규정 학과내규에따름. 학과내규에따름. 학과내규에따름. 109. 국사학과 (Department of Korean History) 109.19 한국고대사 (Ancient History of Korea) 109.0 한국근세사 (Early-modern History of Korea) 109. 한국근대사 (Modern History of Korea) 109.01 한국중세사 (Medieval History of Korea : Koryo) 109.07 한국고대사상사 (ntellectual History of Ancient Korea) 109.08 한국대외관계사 (History of Korean Foreign Relations) 109.11 한국사특강 1(Topics in Korean History 1) 109.16 한국사회경제사 (Socio-Economic History of Korea) 109.17 한국현대사특강 (Topics in Contemporary History of Korea) 109.18 한국근세사상사 (Korean Pre-modern ntellectual History) 109.19B* 한국사논문쓰기 (Thesis Writing on Subjects of Korean History) 109.1* 한국사한문강독 (Classical Chinese Readings in Korean History) 109.5 한국사와멀티미디어 (Multimedia Tools and Methods in Korean Historical Studies) 109.6 한국상공업사 (Commerce and ndustries in Korean History) 109.7 한국사세미나 1(Seminar in Korean History 1) 109.8 한국과학기술사 (Science and Technology in Korean History) 109.06 한국중세사상사 (ntellectual History of Medieval Korea) 109.08 한국사특강 (Topics in Korean History ) 109.09 한국독립운동사 (History of National ndependence Movements) 109.1 한국사학사 (Korean Historiography) 109.1 한국정치사회사 (Korean Politico-Social History) 109.16 한국현대사 (Contemporary Korean History) 109.17 한국사세미나 (Seminar in Korean History ) M18.000100 동아시아문헌과규장각 (East Asian Classical Literature and Kyujanggak) 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 1 100.1* 한국사를보는관점과자료 100.1 0세기한국사 100.15 한국사를이끈사상가들 100.16 한국사와생활문화 109.19 한국고대사 109.0 한국근세사 109.07 한국고대사상사 109.11 한국사특강 1 109.16 한국사회경제사 109.1*# 한국사한문강독 109.5 한국사와멀티미디어 109.06 한국중세사상사 109.09 한국독립운동사 109.1 한국정치사회사 109.16 한국현대사 109.17 한국사세미나 109. 한국근대사 109.01 한국중세사 109.18 한국근세사상사 109.6 한국상공업사 109.19B* 한국사논문쓰기 109.7 한국사세미나 1 109.8 한국과학기술사 109.08 한국대외관계사 109.17 한국현대사특강 109.08 한국사특강 109.1 한국사학사 전공탐색과목 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Korean History) 학과내규에인정하는과목 교과목이수규정 (1) 한국사한문강독, () 한국사학개론 또는 한국사를보는관점과자료, () 한국사논문쓰기를전공필수로이수해야한다. (00 학번부터적용 ) # : 외국어시험대체과목 - 17 -

인문대학 College of Humanities 11. 서양사학과 Department of Western History 111. 동양사학과 (Department of Asian History) 111.15A 동양사원전강독 (Readings in Primary Sources of Asian History) 111.15A* 동양사한문사료강독 (Readings in Chinese Source Materials of Asian History) 111.B 중동사회의전통과근대 (Tradition and Transformation in Middle Eastern Societies) M19.00000 일본의국가와문화 (Japanese State and Culture) 111.7A 일본의무사사회 (The Warrior Society in Japan) 111.9 중국문명과제국의형성 (Formation of Civilization and Empire in China) 111.0 민족이동과수당세계제국 (Vlkerwanderung and Sui-Tang World Empire) 111.1 전통중국의사상과종교 (Thought and Religion in Traditional China) 111. 근세무슬림제국과그유산 (The Early Modern Muslim Empires and Their Legacy) M19.000100 중앙아시아사논저강독 (Readings for the Study of Central Asian History) M19.00000 일본의국가와문화 (Japanese State and Culture) M19.00000 동아시아사료강독 (Readings in Historical Documents of East Asia) M19.00000 동아시아역사고전독해 (Readings in East Asian Historical Classics) 111.6 일본근대국가의성립과전개 (Formation and Unfolding of the Modern State in Japan) 111.7 동양사특강 (Topics in Asian History) 111.9 동남아시아근대와제국주의 (Modern Southeast Asia and mperialism) 111.0 사대부사회의성립과신유학 (Formation of the Literati Society and Neo-Confucianism) 111.1 신사와중국사회 (The Gentry and Chinese Society) 111. 동양사세미나 (Seminar in Asian History) 111. 전통중국의역사인식과역사서술 (The dea of History and Historiography in Traditional China) 111.0 동양사회경제사 (Socio-Economic History of Asia) 111.0* 동양사학연구지도 (Supervised Research in Asian History) 111.1 근대중국의개혁과혁명 (Reform and Revolution in Modern China) 111.1 근현대중국의사회와문화 (Society and Culture in Modern and Contemporary China) 111.15 0 세기일본의역사 (Japan in 0th Century) 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 1 M169.00700* 아시아사입문 100.18 개관일본사 111.15A*# 동양사한문사료강독 M19.00000 일본의국가와문화 111.9 중국문명과제국의형성 M19.000100 중앙아시아사논저강독 111.15 0세기일본의역사 111. 근세무슬림제국과그유산 111. 동양사세미나 111.0 사대부사회의성립과신유학 111.9 동남아시아근대와제국주의 111. 전통중국의역사인식과 역사서술 111.0* 동양사학연구지도 111.1 근대중국의개혁과혁명 100.19A 몽골세계제국사 100.10 동남아시아의역사와 해상무역 111.15A# 동양사원전강독 111.B 중동사회의전통과근대 111.7A 일본의무사사회 111.0 민족이동과수당세계제국 111.1 전통중국의사상과종교 111.1 신사와중국사회 111.7 동양사특강 111.6 일본근대국가의성립과 전개 111.0 동양사회경제사 111.1 근현대중국의사회와문화 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Asian History) 학과내규에인정하는과목 교과목이수규정 학과내규에따름. 전공필수과목 111.15A, 111.0, 100.17 이상 과목. (Course Requirements for Double Majors) 전공필수 과목을포함한전공 학점이수 전공필수 과목을포함한전공 학점이수 11. 서양사학과 (Department of Western History) 11.06 미국사 (American History) 11.07 영국사 (History of England) 11.10 서양근대사 1 : 르네상스에서프랑스혁명까지 (Modern Western History 1 : From the Renaissance to the French Revolution) 11.11 서양근대사 : 긴 19 세기의역사 (Modern Western History : The Long 19th Century) 11.1A 영문사적강독 1(English Readings in Historical Literature 1) --0 11.1B 영문사적강독 (English Readings in Historical Literature ) --0 11.01 서양사학사 (European Historiography) 11.10 독일사 (History of Germany) 11.11 프랑스사 (History of France) 11.0A 역사속의여성과여성문화 (Women in History) 11.1 서양의고대문명 (Ancient Greece and Rome) 11.A 서양중세사 (Medieval Europe) 11. 0세기전반의역사 (Contemporary Western History 1) 11. 0세기후반의역사 (Contemporary European History ) 11.6 독문사적강독 (German Readings in Historical Literature) --0 11.8 불문사적강독 (French Readings in Historical Literature) --0 11.05 러시아사 (History of Russia) 11.5 서양지역사특강 (Topics in Western Regional Studies) - 18 -

인문대학 College of Humanities 11. 서양사학과 Department of Western History 11.1 서양사특강 (Topics in Western History) 11. 서양사연습 (Seminar in Western History) 11. 해양팽창과근대의형성 (Maritime Expansion and Modern Times) 전공과목이수표준형태 (Recommended Tracks for Undergraduate Majors) 학기sem. 학년yr. 1 100.11* 서양사를보는시각 100.1* 사료로보는서양사 100.1 서양의지적전통 11.10 서양근대사 1 : 르네상스에서 프랑스혁명까지 11.1 서양의고대문명 11. 0세기전반의역사 11.06 미국사 11.1A 영문사적강독 1 11.10 독일사 11.8 불문사적강독 11.1 서양사특강 11. 서양사연습 11.11 서양근대사 : 긴 19세기의역사 11.A 서양중세사 11. 0세기후반의역사 11.07 영국사 11.1B 영문사적강독 11.11 프랑스사 11.6 독문사적강독 11.05 러시아사 11.01 서양사학사 11.0A 역사속의여성과여성문화 11.5 서양지역사특강 11. 해양팽창과근대의형성 전공탐색 (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Western History) 학과내규로인정하는과목 교과목이수규정 1 전공필수과목인서양사를보는시각 (100.11) 과사료로보는서양사 (100.1) 을이수해야한다. 영문사적강독 1(11.1A) 혹은영문사적강독 (11.1B) 중에서한과목을택일하여이수하고, 독문사적강독 (11.6), 불문사적강독 (11.8), 노문사적강독 ( 연계전공러시아학 1061.01) 중에서한과목을택일하여이수해야한다. 졸업논문과목으로서양사연습 (11.) 을이수해야한다. 동양사학과및국사학과전공과목중최소한과목을이수해야한다. [ 경과조치 ] 위규정은 01 학년도입학생부터적용하고, 01 학년도이전입학생은종전의규정또는현행규정을선택하여이수할수있다. 1 를모두충족 (Course Requirements for Second Major) 1 를충족 11. 철학과 (Department of Philosophy) 11.6* 한국철학사 (History of Korean Philosophy) 11.7* 기호논리학 (Symbolic Logic) 11.00 철학교육을위한논리학 (Logic for Teaching Philosophy) 11.18 철학교육론 (Theories of Teaching Philosophy) 11.19 철학교재연구및지도법 (Materials and Methods in Teaching Philosophy) 11.* 윤리학 (Ethics) 11.5 사회철학 (Social Philosophy) 11.5 인식론 (Epistemology) 11.57 한국불교철학 (Korean Buddhist Philosophy) 11.60 서양근대철학 (Modern Western Philosophy) 11.6 서양중세철학 (Medieval Western Philosophy) 11.65 언어철학 (Philosophy of Language) 11.66 실존철학 (Existentialism) 11.67 현대프랑스철학 (Contemporary French Philosophy) 11.68 현상학 (Phenomenology) 11.69 불교철학특강 (Topics in Buddhist Philosophy) 11.70 제자백가철학특강 (Topics in the Hundred Schools) 11.71 신유학특강 (Topics in Neo - Confucian Philosophy) 11.5 중국근현대철학 (Modern and Contemporary Chinese Philosophy) 11.55 송명대신유학 (Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties) 11.61A 서양고중세철학특강 (Topics in Ancient and Medieval Western Philosophy) 11.6 서양현대철학특강 (Topics in Contemporary Western Philosophy) 11.6 과학철학 (Philosophy of Science) 11.6 심리철학 (Philosophy of Mind) 11.65 사회철학특강 (Topics in Social Philosophy) 11.66 형이상학 (Metaphysics) 11.67A 윤리학특강 (Topics in Ethics) 11.70 서양근대철학특강 (Studies in Western Modern Philosophy) M15.000100 문화철학 (Philosophy of Culture) M15.00000 도가철학 (Taoist Philosophy) M15.00000 역사철학 (Philosophy of History) - 19 -