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3 인문대학 College of Humanities 101. 국어국문학과 Department of Korean Language and Literature < 인문대학주관 > 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 인문학세미나 (Seminar in Humanities) 국어국문학과 (Department of Korean Language and Literature) 공통과목 (Core Courses) 한국문학서지연구 (Studies in Korean Literature Bibliography) M 한국고전자료의탐구 (Exploring Classical Korean Literary Texts) M 한국현대시특강 (Topics in Korean Modern Poetry) M 한국현대소설특강 (Topics in Korean Modern Novel) 한국문학연구방법 (Methods of Research in Korean Literature) A 한국어문체론 (Korean Stylistics) A 한국사회언어학 (Korean Sociolinguistics) A 한국어학연구방법 (Methods of Research in Korean Linguistics) A 한국텍스트언어학 (Korean Textlinguistics) M 비교문학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Comparative Literature) 외국문학수용사연구 (Studies in Foreign Influence to Korean Literature) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 국어학전공 (Korean Language Major) A 한국어형태론 (Korean Morphology) A 한국어통사론 (Korean Syntax) A 한국어어휘론 (Korean Lexicology) A 한국어의미론특강 (Topics in Korean Semantics) A 한국어계통론 (Comparative Studies of Korean) A 한국어음운론특강 (Topics in Korean Phonology) A 한국어사특강 (Topics in the History of Korean Language) A 한국어학사특강 (Topics in the History of Korean Linguistics) A 한국어학연습 1(Seminar in Korean Linguistics 1) A 한국어학연습 2(Seminar in Korean Linguistics 2) A 한국어음성학 (Korean Phonetics) 훈민정음특강 (Topics in Hunminjeongeum) A 한국어방언학특강 (Topics in Korean Dialectology) 한국한자음연구 (Studies in Sino-Korean Phonology) A 한국어학서지특강 (Topics in Korean Bibliography) A 한국어화용론 (Korean Pragmatics) A 한국어사전학 (Korean Lexicography) A 중세한국어연구 (Studies in Middle Korean) A 근대한국어연구 (Studies in Modern Korean) A 현대한국어연구 (Studies in Current Korean) A 한국어음운론연습 (Seminar in Korean Phonology) A 한국어형태론연습 (Seminar in Korean Morphology) A 한국어통사론연습 (Seminar in Korean Syntax) A 한국어의미론연습 (Seminar in Korean Semantics) A 한국어어휘론연습 (Seminar in Korean Lexicology) A 한국어학사연습 (Seminar in the History of Korean Linguistics) A 한국어음운사특강 (Topics in the Historical Phonology of Korean) A 한국어문법사특강 (Topics in the Historical Grammar of Korean) 한국문자론연습 (Seminar in Korean Writing Systems) A 고대한국어연구 (Studies in Old Korean) 세계속의한국어학 (Korean Linguistics in the World) 국문학전공 (Korean Literature Major) A 한국현대작가론특강 (Topics in Korean Modern Authors) A 한국현대시인론특강 (Topics in Korean Modern Poets) 한국한문학연구 (Studies in Sino-Korean Prose) A 한국현대비평론특강 (Topics in Korean Modern Literary Criticism) M 한국고전문학과예술 (Classical Korean Literature and Art) 한국한문연구 (Studies in Sino-Korean Prose) A 한국고전소설연구 (Studies in Korean Classical Poetry) 한국고전시가연습 (Seminar in Classical Korean Poetry) A 한국고전시가연구 (Studies in the Korean Classical Poetry) M 신라와고려의문학 (Studies in Silla and Goryeo Literature) A 한국구비문학연구 (Studies in Korean Oral Literature) B 한국현대작가집중연구 (Topics in Korean Modern Author Theory) B 한국현대문학과시대 (Topics in Korean Modern Literature in Historical Context) M 한국현대드라마연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Korean Modern Drama) B 한국현대문학과이론 (Topics in Korean Modern Literature and Research Methodology) M 서사학이론연습 (Seminar in Narratology) M 한국고전문학특강 (Topics in Classical Korean Literature) A 한국현대시사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Modern Poetry) A 한국현대소설사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Modern Novel) A 한국현대비평사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Modern Literary Criticism) A 한국고전문학과세계문학 (Korean Classical Literature and World) 한국고전작품론연습 (Seminar in Classical Korean Literary Works) A 한국문학사연구 (Studies in Korean Literary History)

4 인문대학 College of Humanities 103. 영어영문학과 Department of English Language and Literature M 한국고전비평과사상 (Classical Literary Criticism and Thought in Korea) A 한국현대시론연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Poetry) A 한국현대시인연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Poets) A 한국현대소설론연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Novel) A 한국현대작가연구 (Studies in Korean Modern Authors) A 한국현대문학사연구 (Studies in History of Korean Modern Literature) M 한국학학술발표연습 (Academic Presentations in Korean Studies) 한국고전작가론연습 (Seminar in Korean Classical Author Theory) 한국고전산문연습 (Seminar in Korean Classical Prose) M 한국문학주제탐구 (Thematic Inquiries in Korean Literature) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Korean Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음 중어중문학과 (Department of Chinese Language and Literature) 중국시가연구 (Studies in Chinese Poetry) 중국희곡연구 (Studies in Chinese Drama) 중국산문연구 (Studies in Chinese Prose) A 중국고전문학이론연습 (Seminar in Theories of Literature in Pre-Modern China) 경서연구 (Studies in Confucian Classics) 중국문학사연습 (Seminar in History of Chinese Literature) 중국현대문학연습 (Seminar in Modern Chinese Literature) 중국어학연습 (Seminar in Chinese Linguistics) A 중국사곡연구 (Studies in Chinese Ci Poetry and Sanqu Literature) A 중국현대문학이론연습 (Studies in Chinese Ci Poetry and Sanqu Literature) A 중국어어법연습 (Seminar in Chinese Grammar) 중국어음운론연구 (Studies in Chinese Phonological Theories) 중국문자학연구 (Studies in Chinese Characters) 제자백가연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Hundred Schools) 중국어의미론연구 (Studies in Chinese Semantics) 중국고문법연구 (Studies in Classical Chinese Grammar) A 중국문헌학연습 (Seminar in Chinese Philology) 중국소설연습 (Seminar in Chinese Traditional Novel) 중국고전문학연습 (Seminar in Classical Chinese Literature) 중국강창연구 (Studies in the Oral Performance Arts of China) 중국소설연구 (Studies in Chinese Traditional Novel) 중국사부연구 (Studies in Chuci and Hanfu Literature) 선진문헌연구 (Studies ontexts of Pre-Qin Period) 양한위진남북조문학연구 (Studies on Literatures of Han-Six Dynasties Period) 당송문학연구 (Studies on Literatures of Tang Song Dynasties Period) 원명청문학연구 (Studies on Literatures of Yuan Ming Qing Dynasty) 중국근대문학연구 (Studies onliteratures in Modern China) 중국현대문학연구 (Studies on Literatures in Contemporary China) 현대중국어어법연구 (Studies in Modern Chinese Grammar) 한중문학교류연구 (Studies in Intercommunication of Literature between China and Korea) 중국문학연구방법론연습 (Seminar in Research Methodology of Chinese Literature) 중국어학연구방법론연습 (Seminar in Research Methodology of Chinese Linguistics) 중국어교육방법론연습 (Seminar in Educational Methodology of Chinese Language) 중국문헌전제연습 (Topics on Chinese Texts) 중국고대의문화, 지식, 텍스트 (Culture, Knowledge and Texts in Ancient China) 중국문화의원형과변용 (Archetype of Chinese Culture and its Transformation) 중국문학의사회적기제 (Social Mechanism of Chinese Literary Tradition) 중국어와중국인의사유형식 (Chinese Language and the Way of Thinking) 중국어의역사적변천 (Historical Change of Chinese Language) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음 103. 영어영문학과 (Department of English Language and Literature) 영미문학연구론 (Bibliography and Research Methodology) 고대중세영어 (Old and Middle English) 영어사 (History of English Language) 영어음운론 (English Phonology) 영어통사론 (English Syntax) 영어의미론 (English Semantics)

5 인문대학 College of Humanities 104. 불어불문학과 Department of French Language and Literature 르네상스영시 (English Renaissance Poetry) A 19세기영국시 (19th-Century English Poetry) 현대영미시 (Modern English and American Poetry) A 현대영국소설 (Modern English Novel) 현대미국소설 (Modern American Novel) A 현대영미희곡 (Modern English and American Drama) A 셰익스피어 (Shakespeare) B 문학비평이론 1(Literary Theory 1) A 미국시 (American Poetry) A 중세영문학 (Medieval English Literature) 대학영어교육 (College English Education) 영어학연습 (Seminar in English Linguistics) A 18세기영국소설 (18th-Century English Novel) A 19세기영국소설 (19th-Century English Novel) A 19세기미국소설 (19th-Century American Novel) 르네상스영문학 (English Renaissance Literature) 세기영국문학 (18th-Century English Literature) 세기영국문학 (19th-Century English Literature) 세기영국문학 (20th-Century English Literature) 세기미국문학 (American Literature up to 1900) 세기미국문학 (20th-Century American Literature) 최근영미소설 (Contemporary English and American Novel) 영미문학특강 4(Topics and Issues in English and American Literature 4) 문학비평이론 2(Literary Theory 2) 영미문학특강 1(Topics and Issues in English and American Literature 1) 영미문학특강 2(Topics and Issues in English and American Literature 2) 영미문학특강 3(Topics and Issues in English and American Literature 3) 영어학연구방법론 (Research Methods in English Linguistics) 응용영어학연습 (Seminar in Applied Linguistics) 영어학연구 (Topics in English Linguistics M 영어영문학주제연구 1(Directed Study in English Language and Literature 1) M 영어영문학주제연구 2(Directed Study in English Language and Literature 2) 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of English Language and Literature) 전공지도교수추천에의해학과장이인정하는과목 학과내규에의함 불어불문학과 (Department of French Language and Literature) 불어사연구 (Studies in the History of French) 불어통사론 (French Syntax) 불어의미론 (French Semantics) 현대불어학특강 (Topics in Modern French Linguistics) 불어학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in French Linguistics) 19세기불문학비평연구 (Studies in the 19th Century French Literary Criticism) 현대불문학비평연구 (Studies in Modern French Literary Criticism) 프랑스르네상스문학연구 (Studies in French Literature of Renaissance) 프랑스바로크문학연구 (Studies in Baroque French Literature) 프랑스실존주의연구 (Studies in French Existentialism) 현대문화와불문학 (Comtemporary Culture and French Literature) 프랑스낭만주의연구 (Studies in French Romanticism) 프랑스상징주의연구 (Studies in French Symbolism) 프랑스사실주의연구 (Studies in French Realism) 현대프랑스소설연구 (Studies in Modern French Novel) 현대프랑스희곡연구 (Studies in Modern French Drama) 세기프랑스작가연구 (Studies in 17th Century French Authors) 프랑스고전주의연구 (Studies in French Classicism) 세기프랑스작가연구 (Studies in 18th Century French Authors) 프랑스초현실주의연구 (Studies in French Surrealism) 현대프랑스시연구 (Studies in Modern French Poetry) 구조주의언어학특강 (Topics in Structuralist Linguistics) 불어학사특강 (Topics in the History of French Linguistics) 중세불문학연구 (Studies in Medieval French Literature) 불어화용론특강 (Topics in French Pragmatics) 담화분석연구 (Studies on Discourse Analysis) 불어어휘론 (French Lexicology) A 현대불어문법이론 (Contemporary Theories of French Grammar) 불어권문학연구 (Studies in Francophonic Literature) 불어번역학연구 (Studies in French Translation Theory) 프랑스계몽사상연구 (Studies in French Enlightenment) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research)

6 인문대학 College of Humanities 106. 노어노문학과 Department of Russian Language and Literature (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of French Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음 독어독문학과 (Department of German Language and Literature) 독어화용론 (German Pragmatics) 독어통사론연구 (Studies in German Syntax) 독어문체론연구 (Studies in German Stylistics) 괴테연습 (Seminar in Goethe) 세기독문학특강 (Topics in the 19th Century German Literature) 독문학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in German Literature) 독어형태론연구 (Studies in German Morphology) 독일리얼리즘과모더니즘문학 (Realism and Modernism in German Literature) 현대독문학연습 (Seminar in Modern German Literature) 독일작가연습 (Seminar in Major German Writers) 독어학연구방법연습 (Seminar in Methods of Research in German Linguistics) 독어학연습 (Seminar in German Linguistics) 독일문예학연습 (Seminar in German Literaturwissenschaft) 독일고전주의문학연구 (Studies in German Classicism) 독일낭만주의문학연구 (Studies in German Romanticism) 독일소설및이론연구 (Studies in German Novel and Its Theories) 현대독일소설연구 (Studies in Modern German Novel) 독일희곡연구 (Studies in German Drama) 독일문학과번역 (German Literature and Translation) 독일시및이론 (German Poetry and Its Theories) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) M 인지신경언어학의이론과실제 (Theory and practice of cognitive neurolinguistics) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of German Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음 노어노문학과 (Department of Russian Language and Literature) 고대교회슬라브어 (Old Church Slavic) 러시아모더니즘문학 (Russian Modernism) 러시아어형태통사론 (Russian Morphosyntax) 러시아어음운론 (Russian Phonology) 러시아어역사언어학 (Russian Historical Linguistics) 러시아어통사론특강 (Topics in Russian Syntax) 러시아어형태론특강 (Topics in Russian Morphology) 러시아문학방법론 (Bibliography and Method of Russian Literature) 러시아어학연습 (Seminar in Russian Linguistics) 러시아어문체론연습 (Seminar in Russian Stylistics) 현대러시아어학이론연습 (Seminar in Modern Russian Theoretical Linguistics) 세기러시아문학연습 (Seminar in 19th Century Russian Literature) 세기러시아문학연습 (Seminar in 20th Century Russian Literature) 러시아소설연습 (Seminar in Russian Novel) 러시아시연습 (Seminar in Russian Poetry) 러시아희곡연습 (Seminar in Russian Drama) 러시아고전주의문학연구 (Studies in Russian Classicism) 러시아낭만주의문학연구 (Studies in Russian Romanticism) 러시아사실주의문학연구 (Studies in Russian Realism) 소비에트문학연구 (Studies in Soviet Literature) 러시아문학작가연습 (Seminar in Russian Major Authors) 러시아문학작품연습 (Seminar in Russian Major Works) 러시아문학비평론연습 (Seminar in Russian Literary Criticism) 러시아문학특강 (Topics in Russian Literature) 러시아문학작품론연구 (Studies in Russian Major Works) 러시아문학작가론연구 (Studies in Russian Major Authors) 러시아문학비평론연구 (Studies in Russian Literary Criticism) 러시아문학사조론연습 (Seminar in Russian Literary Trends) 러시아어의미론 (Russian Semantics) 러시아어학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Russian Linguistics) 러시아문법이론 (Theories in Russian Grammar) 러시아어사특강 (Topics in History of Russian Language) 고대러시아문학 (Old Russian Literature) 세기러시아문학연구 (Studies in the 18th Century Russian Literature) 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research)

7 인문대학 College of Humanities 108. 언어학과 Department of Linguistics (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Russian Language and Literature) 학과내규로인정하는과목 학과내규에의한과목이수지침을따라야함 서어서문학과 (Department of Hispanic Language and Literature) 스페인어통사론 (Spanish Syntax) 스페인어형태론 (Spanish Morphology) 스페인어의미론 (Spanish Semantics) 스페인어학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Spanish Linguistics) 스페인어화용론 (Spanish Pragmatics) 현대스페인소설연구 (Studies in Modern Spanish Novel) 스페인문학연구방법론 (Methods of Research in Spanish Literature) 현대중남미산문 (Modern Hispanic-American Prose) 중남미문학연습 (Seminar in Hispanic-American Literature) 중남미문학특강 (Topics in Hispanic-American Literature) 현대스페인어학연습 (Seminar in Contemporary Spanish Linguistics) 스페인문학비평연습 (Seminar in Spanish Literary Criticism) 스페인문학비평방법론 (Methods of Research in Spanish Literary Criticism) 중남미문학비평방법론 (Methods of Research in Hispanic-America Literary Criticism) 중남미작가론 (Seminar in Hispanic American Authors) 스페인어번역특강 (Topics in Spanish Translation) 스페인어대조언어학 (Spanish Contrastive Linguistics) 스페인어접촉현상연구 (Studies in Spanish Language Contact) 스페인어학이론과교수법 (Spanish Linguistic Theory and Method of Teaching) 라티노문학연구 (Studies in Latino Literature) 라티노문화연구 (Studies in Latino Culture) 라틴아메리카붐소설연구 (Studies in Latin American Boom Novels) 라틴아메리카여성주의문학 (Latin American Feminist Literature) 스페인사실주의문학연구 (Studies in Spanish Realism) 스페인황금세기연극론 (Spanish Golden Age Theatre) 스페인내전과전후문학 (Spanish Post-War Literature) 세기초스페인문학 (Early 20th Century Spanish Literature) 세르반테스와스페인르네상스문학 (Cervantes and Spanish Renaissance Literature) 현대스페인문화연구 (Studies on Contemporary Spanish Culture) M 외국어로서의스페인어교육 (Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) M 스페인어습득론 (Spanish Second Language Acquisition) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Hispanic Language and Literature) 학과내규에따름. 학과내규에따름 언어학과 (Department of Linguistics) 음성학연구 1(Studies in Phonetics 1) 음운론연구 1(Studies in Phonology 1) 통사론연구 1(Studies in Syntax 1) 의미론연구 1(Studies in Semantics 1) 역사비교언어학연구 1(Studies in Historical Comparative Linguistics 1) A 실험음성학연구 (Studies in Experimental Phonetics) M 알타이언어학연구 (Studies in Altaic Linguistics) M 인도유럽언어학연구 (Studies in Indo-European Linguistics) A 문헌학연습 (Seminar in Philology) 사회언어학연구 (Studies in Social Linguistics) 언어이론연습 (Seminar in Linguistic Theories) A 음성학연습 (Seminar in Phonetics) 통사. 의미론연습 1(Seminar in Syntax and Semantics 1) A 컴퓨터언어학연구 1(Studies in Computational Linguistics 1) A 컴퓨터언어학연구 2(Studies in Computational Linguistics 2) 특수언어연습 1(Seminar in Individual Languages 1) 특수언어연습 2(Seminar in Individual Languages 2) 화용론연구 (Studies in Pragmatics) 방언학연구 (Studies in Dialectology) 언어학사연구 (Studies in History of Linguistics) 심리언어학연구 (Studies in Psycholinguistics) 음운론연습 (Seminar in Phonology) A 음성언어처리연구 1(Studies in Spoken Language Processing 1) 음성언어처리연구 2(Studies in Spoken Language Processing 2) 형태론연구 (Studies in Morphology) 음성학연구 2(Studies in Phonetics 2) 음운론연구 2(Studies in Phonology 2) 통사론연구 2(Studies in Syntax 2) 의미론연구 2(Studies in Semantics 2) 역사비교언어학연구 2(Studies in HistoricalComparative Linguistics 2) A 역사비교언어학연습 (Seminar in Historical

8 인문대학 College of Humanities 111. 동양사학과 Department of Asian History Comparative Linguistics) 언어유형론연구 (Studies in Linguistic Typology) 통사. 의미론연습 2(Seminar in Syntax and Semantics 2) 컴퓨터언어학연습 (Seminar in Computational Linguistics) 음성언어처리연습 (Seminar in Spoken Language Processing) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Linguistics) 학과내규에따름. 1 학과내규에따름. 2 타학과개설과목중은석사과정 6 학점, 박사과정 9 학점이내로제한함 국사학과 (Department of Korean History) 한국고대사연구 (Studies in Ancient History of Korea) 한국현대사연구 (Studies in Contemporary History of Korea) 한국사회사연구 (Studies in Korean Social History) * 한국대외관계사연구 (Studies in the History of Korean Foreign Relations) 한국고대사특강 (Topics in Ancient History of Korea) 조선후기사회변동연구 (Studies in Social Change of Late Choseon) 한국독립운동사연구 (Studies in History of National Independence Movements) 고려정치사연구 (Studies in Political History in Koryo Dynasty) 한국사와동북아시아 (Korean History and North-Eastern Asia) 규장각자료연습 (Seminar in Kyujanggak Collection) 한국근대사특강 (Topics in Modern History of Korea) 한국현대사특강 (Topics in Contemporary Korean History) 한국사시대구분론 (The Periodization of Korean History) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) M 한국사연구방법론 (Studies in Current Korean Historiography) M 한국고대사통론 (Survey of Ancient Korean History) M 한국근현대문화사연구 (Studies in Cultural History of Modern Korea) M 고려시대사통론 (Survey of Medieval Korean History) M 조선시대사통론 (Survey of Early Modern Korean History) M 한국근대사통론 (Survey of Modern Korean History) M 한국현대사통론 (Survey of Contemporary Korean History) M 한국금석문연습 (Seminar in Korean Epigraphy) M 한국고문서연습 (Seminar in Korean Palaeography) M 한국근현대자료연습 (Seminar in Historical Materials of Modern Korea) M 한국유교사연구 (Studies in History of Korean Confuciasnicm) M 고대문화사연구 (Studies in Cultural History of Ancient Korea) M 조선시대사상사연구 (Studies in Intellectual History of Early Modern Korea) M 한국근현대사회사연구 (Studies in History of Social Movements in Modern Korea) M 한국근현대사상사연구 (Studies in Intellectual History of Modern Korea) M 한국전근대사학사연구 (Studies in Historiography of Pre-modern Korea) M 한국근현대사학사연구 (Studies in Historiography of Modern Korea) M 한국과학사연구 (Studies in History of Korean Science) M 한국불교사연구 (Studies in History of Korean Buddhism) M 한국중세문화사연습 (Seminar in Cultural History of Medieval Korea) M 고려시대사특강 (Topics in History of Mediaeval Korea) M 조선시대사특강 (Topics in History of Early Modern Korea) M 한국경제사특강 (Topics in Korean Economic History) M 한국문화사특강 (Topics in Korean Cultural History) M 조선정치사연구 (Studies in Political History of Early Modern Korea) M 한국사회사특강 (Topics in Korean Social History) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Korean History) 학과내규에인정하는과목 해당사항없음 동양사학과 (Department of Asian History) 진한시대사연구 (Studies in Qin-Han Dynasties) 중국남북조시대사연구 (Studies in History of Nan-Bei-Chao Period in China) 명대사연구 (Studies in Ming China) 청대사연구 (Studies in Qing China) 동양사회경제사연구 (Studies in Socio-Economic History of Asia) 중국문화사연구 (Studies in Cultural History of China) 중국사학사연구 (Studies in Chinese Historiography) 중국정치제도사연구 (Studies in Political Institutions of China) 중국신사층연구 (Studies in Chinese Gentry) 중국토지제도사연구 (Studies in the Evolution of Land-Ownership in China)

9 인문대학 College of Humanities 113. 철학과 Department of Philosophy 동아시아국제관계사연구 (Studies in History of East Asian International Relation) 동서교류사연구 (Studies in East-West Relations in Pre-Modern Era) 정복왕조사연구 (Studies in Conquest Dynasties) 월남사연구 (Studies in Vietnamese History) 명치유신사연구 (Studies in Meiji Restoration) 일본사상사연구 (Studies in Intellectual History of Japan) A 일본무사사회사연구 (Studies in Japanese Warrior Society) 원대사연구 (Studies in Yuan China) 중국선진사연구 (Studies in History of Pre-Qin China) 동아시아고대사연습 (Seminar in Ancient History of East Asia) 동아시아중세사연습 (Seminar in Medieval History of East Asia) 동아시아근세사연습 (Seminar in Early Modern History of East Asia) 동아시아현대사연습 (Seminar in Contemporary History of East Asia) 중앙아시아사연습 (Seminar in Central Asian History) 이슬람문명사연습 (Seminar in Islamic Civilization) A 일본근대사연습 (Seminar in Modern History of Japan) 일본사회사연습 (Seminar in Japanese Social History) 중동사회사연구 (Studies in Social History of the Middle East) 오스만제국사연구 (Studies in Ottoman History) 복사와금문연구 (Studies on the Oracle Bone and Bronze Inscription) 중화민국사연구 (Studies in Republican China) 중국공산주의운동사연구 (Studies in History of Chinese Communist Movement) 수당시대사연구 (Studies in State and Society in Sui and Tang Period) 근대중국의개혁과혁명의연구 (Studies in Reform and Revolution in Modern Chinese History) 동양사상사연습 (Seminar in Intellectual History of Asia) 일본정치사연습 (Seminar on Political History of Japan) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Asian History) 학과내규에인정하는과목 비본과출신대학원진학자는학부전공과목중동양사학연구지도 ( ) 를수강하고, 동양사세미나 ( ) 혹은동양사특강 ( ) 중한과목을이수하여야한다 서양사학과 (Department of Western History) 영국사연습 (Seminar in British History) 미국사연습 (Seminar in American History) 독일사연습 (Seminar in German History) 프랑스사연습 (Seminar in French History) A 러시아사연습 (Seminar in Russian History) 여성사연구 (Studies in Women's History) 서양중세사연구 (Studies in Medieval European History) 서양근대사연습 (Seminar in Modern European History) 서양근대사연구 (Studies in Modern European History) 서양현대사연습 (Seminar in Contemporary European History) 서양현대사연구 (Studies in Contemporary European History) 서양중세사연습 (Seminar in Medieval European History) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Western History) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음 철학과 (Department of Philosophy) 113A. 동양철학전공 (Oriental Philosophy Major) 동양철학방법론연습 (Seminar in Oriental Philosophical Methodology) 동양철학연습 (Seminar in Asian Philosophy) 동양철학연구 (Studies in Asian Philosophy) 불교철학방법론연구 (Studies in Buddhist Philosophy Methodology) 불교철학연구 (Studies in Buddhist Philosophy) 한국근대철학연습 (Seminar in Modern Korean Philosophy) 중국선진고전연습 (Seminar in Classics of Pre-Qin China) 성리학연구 (Studies in Neo-Confucian Philosophy) 유가철학연습 (Seminar in Confucian Philosophy) * 중국선진고전연구 (Studies in Classics of Pre-Qin China) 도가철학연습 (Seminar in Taoist Philosophy) 성리학연습 (Seminar in Neo-Confucian Philosophy) 유가철학연구 (Studies in Confucian Philosophy) * 인도철학연구 (Studies in Indian Philosophy) A 인도불교철학연습 (Seminar in Indian Buddhist Philosophy) 중국근대철학연습 (Seminar in Modern Chinese Philosophy) 한국성리학연습 (Seminar in Korean Neo-Confucianism)

10 인문대학 College of Humanities 114. 종교학과 Department of Religious Studies A 동아시아불교철학연습 (Seminar in East Asian Buddhist Philosophy) 한국불교철학연습 (Seminar in Korean Buddhist Philosophy) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 113B. 서양철학전공 (Western Philosophy Major) 서양중세철학연습 (Seminar in Medieval Western Philosophy) 철학사연습 (Seminar in History of Philosophy) 역사철학연습 (Seminar in Historical of Philosophy) 비교철학연습 (Seminar in Comparatie Philosophy) 서양현대철학연습 (Seminar in Contemporary Western Philosophy) 인식론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Knowledge) 존재론연습 (Seminar in Ontology) 형이상학연습 (Seminar in Metaphysics) 윤리학연습 (Seminar in Ethical Theory) 사회철학연습 (Seminar in Social Philosophy) 논리철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Logic) 언어철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Language) * A 과학철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Science) 문화철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Culture) 문화철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Culture) A 철학적방법론연습 (Seminar in Philosophical Methodology) 서양고대철학연습 (Seminar in Ancient Western Philosophy) 서양근세철학연습 (Seminar in Modern Western Philosophy) 심리철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Mind) 심리철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Mind) 서양철학연습 (Seminar in Western Philosophy) 서양철학연구 (Studies in Western Philosophy) 서양고대철학연구 (Studies in Ancient Western Philosophy) 서양근세철학연구 (Studies in Modern Western Philosophy) 서양현대철학연구 (Studies in Contemporary Western Philosophy) 인식론연구 (Studies in Theory of Knowledge) 형이상학연구 (Studies in Metaphysics) 윤리학연구 (Studies in Ethical Theory) 언어철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Language) 과학철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Science) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Philosophy) 학과내규로인정하는과목 타교, 타과에서본과석사과정에서진학한학생들은철학과학생지도위원회가개별심사하여부과하는학부의전공필수과목을선수과목으로이수하여야하며, 선수과목 B 0 이상의성적에대하여이수로인정함 종교학과 (Department of Religious Studies) 유대교연구 (Studies in Jewish Tradition) A 종교학연습 1(Proseminar in the Science of Religion 1) 민족종교연구 (Studies in Ethnic Religions) 샤머니즘연구 (Studies in Shamanism) 종교학연습 2(Proseminar in the Science of Religion 2) 종교와사회연구 (Studies in Religion and Society) 종교철학연습 (Seminar in Philosophy of Religion) 교학연구 (Studies in Buddhist Doctrines) 동양종교문헌연구 (Studies in Eastern Religious Texts) 한국종교연구 (Studies in Korean Religions) 한국불교연구 (Studies Buddhism in Korea) 한국기독교연구 (Studies in Christianity in Korea) 기독교사상사연구 (Studies in the History of Christian Thought) 도교사연구 (Studies in the History of Taoism) 신화와세계관연구 (Studies in Myth and Worldview) 인도종교연구 (Studies in Indian Religion) 유교경전연구 (Studies in Confucian Classics) A 기독교경전연구 (Studies in Christian Canons) 한국유교연구 (Studies in Confucianism in Korea) 비교종교학연습 (Seminar in the Comparative Study of Religions) 종교학고전연구 (Studies in the Classics of Religious Studies) 서양종교문헌연구 (Studies in Western Religious Texts) 불교사연습 (Seminar in Buddhist History) 불교문헌연습 (Seminar in Buddhist Classics) 종교의례연구 (Studies in Religious Rituals) 현대종교변동연구 (Studies in Transformation of Religion in Modern Society) 현대종교이론연구 (Studies in Contemporary Theories of Religious Studies) 종교와문화연습 (Seminar in Religion and Culture) A 이슬람교연구 (Studies in Islam) 한국종교학사연구 (Studies in History of Religious Studies in Korea) A 종교현상학연습 (Seminar in Phenomenology of Religion) 종교사연구 (Studies in the History of Religion)

11 인문대학 116. 고고미술사학과 College of Humanities Department of Archaeology and Art History 종교실태조사 (Field Researches of Religion) 종교사상연구 (Studies in Religious Thoughts) 한국종교문헌연구 (Studies in Korean Religious Texts) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Religious Studies) 학과내규로인정하는과목 해당사항없음 미학과 (Department of Aesthetics) 미학사연습 1(Seminar in History of Aesthetics 1) 현대미학연습 1(Seminar in Contemporary Aesthetics 1) 미술사론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Art History) 음악사론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Music History) 고대미학사상연구 (Studies in Ancient Aesthetic Thoughts) 미학사연습 2(Seminar in History of Aesthetics 2) 현대미학연습 2(Seminar in Contemporary Aesthetics 2) 미술양식론연구 (Studies in Theory of Style in Art) 미술비평사연구 (Studies in History of Art Criticism) 음악사상사연구 (Studies in History of Music Ideas) 음악비평사연구 (Studies in History of Music Criticism) 예술철학연습 1(Seminar in Philosophy of Art 1) 예술철학연습 2(Seminar in Philosophy of Art 2) 예술학연습 (Seminar in Science of Arts) 중국미학사연구 1(Studies in History of Chinese Aesthetics 1) 중국미학사연구 2(Studies in History of Chinese Aesthetics 2) 중국미학사상연습 (Seminar in Chinese Aesthetic Thoughts) 중국예술론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Chinese Arts) 현대미학연구 1(Studies in Modern Aesthetics 1) 현대미학연구 2(Studies in Modern Aesthetics 2) 예술철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Art) 예술학연구 (Studies in Science of Arts) 미술심리학연습 (Seminar in Psychology of Art) 미술사회학연습 (Seminar in Sociology of Art) 한국예술론연구 1(Studies in Theory of Korean Arts) 조형예술론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Plastic Arts) 미술비평론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Art Criticism) 음악미학연구 (Studies in Aesthetics of Music) 음악비평론연습 (Seminar in Theory of Music Criticism) 근대독일미학사상연구 (Studies in Modern German Aesthetic Thoughts) 근대프랑스미학사상연구 (Studies in Modern French Aesthetic Thoughts) 비평철학연구 (Studies in Philosophy of Criticism) 음악사회학연습 (Seminar in the Sociology of Music) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Aesthetics) 학과내규로인정하는과목 이수허용학점수의제한은없으며, 의모든과목이수는학과내규에의거하여지도교수의수강지도를받아야함 고고미술사학과 (Department of Archaeology and Art History) 116A. 고고학전공 (Major in Archaeology) A 고고학이론과방법론 (Theories and Methods in Archaeology) A 고고학논문작성연습 (Writing Seminar in Archaeology) A 역사고고학연습 (Seminar in Historical Archaeology) 석기론 (Lithic Archaeology) 선사고고학연습 (Seminar in Prehistoric Archaeology) 고고학특강 (Topics in Archaeology) A 고고학이론사 (History of Archaeological Theory) 중국고고학 (Archaeology of China) 일본고고학 (Archaeology of Japan) 유럽고고학 (Archaeology of Europe) 토기론 (Pottery Analysis in Archaeology) 고분론 (Archaeology of Burials) 동물고고학 (Faunal Analysis in Archaeology) 식물고고학 (Palaeoethnobotany) 지질고고학 (Geoarchaeology) 계량고고학 (Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) A 인골고고학연습 (Seminar in Osteoarchaeology) 선사기술 (Prehistoric Technology) 한국고고학사 (History of Korean Archaeology) 지리정보체계와고고학 (Geographic Information Systems for Archaeologists) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research)

12 인문대학 아시아언어문명학부 College of Humanities Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations 116B. 미술사학전공 (Major in Art History) 한국조각사연구 (Studies in Korean Sculpture) 한국미술사연구 (Studies in Korean Art) 한국회화사연구 (Studies in Korean Painting) 한국공예사연습 (Seminar in Korean Craft) 한국근현대미술연구 (Studies in Modern and Contemporary Korean Art) 중국미술사연구 (Studies in Chinese Art) 일본미술사특강 (Topics in Japanese Art) 인도미술사특강 (Topics in Indian Art) 중앙아시아미술특강 (Topics in Central Asian Art) 동남아시아미술특강 (Topics in Southeast Asian Art) 동양미술사연구 (Studies in Asian Art) A 불교미술연구 (Studies in Buddhist Art) A 미술사연구법특강 (Topics in Methodology of Art History) 바로크미술연습 (Seminar in Baroque Art) 세기서양미술연습 (Seminar in 18th-Century European Art) 세기서양미술연구 (Studies in 19th-Century European Art) 세기서양미술연구 (Studies in 20th-Century Art of the West) 미국현대미술연습 (Seminar in Contemporary American Art) 르네상스미술연습 (Seminar in Renaissance Art) 서양중세미술연습 (Seminar in Medieval Art of the West) 한국도자사연습 (Seminar in Korean Ceramics) 사진사연습 (Seminar in Photography) 아시아언어문명학부 (Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations) M 아시아근대문명연구 (Studies in Asian Modern Civilizations) M 아시아근대사상연습 (Seminar in Modern Asian Thoughts) M 아시아고전의근대적해석 (Modern Interpretations of Asian Classical Literature) M 아시아문학연습 (Seminar in Asian Literature) M 아시아근대문화와예술연구 (Studies in Modern Asian Cultures and Arts) M 아시아의여성과젠더 (Women and Gender in Asia) M 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) M 일본문학연습 (Seminar in Japanese Literature) M 일본문명연습 (Seminar in Japanese Civilization) M 인도문학연습 (Seminar in Indian Literature) M 인도 동남아시아사연습 (Seminar in Indian and Southeast Asian History) M 동남아시아문명연습 (Seminar in Southeast Asian Civilization) M 근대이슬람연습 (Seminar in Modern Islam) M 서아시아문명연습 (Seminar in West Asian Civilization) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Archaeology and Art History) 학과내규로인정하는과목 의이수허용학점수의제한은없으나, 모든과목이수는학과내규로정한과목이수지침에따라야함

13 뭉 사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 216. 정치외교학부 Department of Political Sciences and International Relations < 사회과학대학주관 > 216. 정치외교학부 (Department of Political Science and International Relations) 정치학전공 (Political Science) 216A.507A선거연구 (Studies in Elections) 216A.512 북한정치연구 (Studies in North Korean Politics) 216A.513 계량정치분석 (Quantitative Political Analysis) 216A.514 비교정치연구 (Studies in Comparative Politics) 216A.515 의회정치연습 (Seminar in Parliamentary Politics) 216A.516A 거버넌스연구 (Studies in Governance) 216A.517 비교정치경제 (Comparative Political Economy) 216A.518A 동아시아정치경제연구 (Studies in Political Economy of East Asia) 216A.601 정치학방법론 (Scope and Methods of Political Science) 216A.604A 중세서양정치사상 (Medieval Western Political Thoughts) 216A.606A 동아시아정치사상연구 (Studies in East Asian Political Thought) 216A.607 한국정치연구 (Studies in Korean Politics) 216A.608A비교정당론 (Comparative Political Parties) 216A.609A 시민정치연구 (Studies in Civil Society and New Politics) 216A.610 한국정치사상연구 (Studies in Korean Political Thoughts) 216A.612 정치와외교 (Politics and Diplomacy) 216A.618 공공정책분석 (Public Policy Analysis) 216A.619A 근대-탈근대국제관계 (Modern and Postmodern International Relations) 216A.621 현대정치학특강 (Topics in Contemporary Political Science) 216A.622 현대정치학연습 (Seminar in Contemporary Political Science) 216A.623 한국정치학특강 (Topics in Korean Politics) 216A.625 미국정치연구 (Studies in American Politics) 216A.626 서구정치연구 (Studies in West European Politics) 216A.627 일본정치연구 (Studies in Japanese Politics) 216A.628 중국정치연구 (Studies in Chinese Politics) 216A.630 공공선택이론연습 (Seminar in Public Choice Theories) 216A.631 고대서양정치사상 (Ancient Western Political Thought) 216A.633 특수지역정치연구 (Seminar in Area Studies : Government and Politics) 216A.634 국가론연구 (Studies in State Theories) 216A.636 러시아정치연구 (Studies in Russian Politics) 216A.637 성과정치연구 (Studies in Gender and Politics) 216A.638 근대서양정치사상 (Modern Western Political Thought) 216A.702A 탈근대정치사상연구 (Postmodern Political Thoughts) 216A.705A 근대-탈근대비교민주주의 (Comparative Democratic Studies in Modern and Postmodern Contest) 216A.706 근대-탈근대변혁이론 (Modern and Postmodern Radical Theory) 216A.707 지구시민사회와거버넌스 (Global Civil Society and Governance) M 정치사상방법론연구 (Methods in Political Thought) M 정치사회이론 II: 현대이론 (Theories of Political Sociology II Modern Theories) M 정치사회이론 I: 고전연구 (Theories of Political Sociology I Classic Studies) M 현대민주주의이론 (Contemporary Democratic Theory) 216A.803 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) M 정치철학연구 (Topics in Political Philosophy) M 법과정치연구 (Studies in Law and Politics) M 중국과글로벌거버넌스 (China and Global Governance) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Political Science) 인문대, 사회대, 법대, 사범대, 행정대학원, 국제대학원소속각학과의에서제공하는과목중정치학전공주임이인정하는경우전공과목으로인정받을수있다. 타학과개설교과목의전공인정은오직사전승인을통해서만이루어지며, 적어도수강신청기간 1 주이전에수강하고자하는교과목의강의계획서를첨부하여전공분야배정신청서를제출해야한다. 석사과정대학원생은정치사상, 이론및방법론, 비교정치, 한국정치, 국제정치다섯분야중네분야이상을선택하여각분야마다한과목이상을이수해야한다. 박사과정대학원생은위다섯분야를모두선택하여각분야마다두과목이상을이수해야한다 ( 석사과정이수과목포함 ). 전공필수과목, 타학교 타학부 ( 과 ) 졸업생들의과목이수등에관한구체적인사항은학부내규를따른다. 외교학전공 (International Relations) 216B.501A 국제정치학방법론 1(Research Methods in International Politics 1) 216B.502 국제정치학방법론 2(Research Methods in International Politics 2) 216B.503 국제관계사 (History of International Relations) 216B.508A 국제정치경제연구 (Studies in International Political Economy) 216B.510A 비교국제사회연구 (Studies in Comparative International Society) 216B.512A 동북아국제관계론 (Studies in Northeast Asian International Relations) 216B.513 연방주의비교연구 (Studies in Comparative Federalism) 216B.602 국제정치이론연습 (Seminar in the Theory of International Politics) 216B.603 국제정치방법론연습 (Seminar in Research Methods in International Political Studies) 216B.608 국제기구연구 (Studies in International Organizations) 216B.618 한국외교정책연구 (Studies in Korean Foreign Policy) 216B.623A 전쟁과평화연구 (Studies in War and Peace) 216B.633A 국제문화연구 (Culture and Ideology in International Relations) 216B.637A 유럽지역연구 (Europe in World Politics) 216B.638 남북한관계연구 (Studies in North-South Korean Relations)

14 사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 212. 경제학부 Department of Economics 216B.639A 국제정치사상연구 (Studies in International Political Thoughts) 216B.640A 동아시아국제정치사상연구 (Study on East Asian International Thought) 216B.654 탈근대세계정치연구 (Studies in Postmodern World Politics) 216B.709B 정보세계정치연구 (Studies in the global Politics of Information) 216B.714 미국지역연구 (America in World Politics) 216B.715 중국지역연구 (China in World Politics) 216B.716 일본지역연구 (Japan in World Politics) 216B.719B 지역학과국제정치이론 (Area Studies and Theory of International Politics) 216B.720 안보정책연구 (Studies in National Security Policy) 216B.731 중국외교정책연구 (Studies in Chinese Foreign Policy) 216B.733 러시아 유라시아지역연구 (Russia and Eurasia in World Politics) 216B.734 환경 에너지의국제정치 (Energy and Environment in World Politics) 216B.736 금융과발전의국제정치경제 (International Political Economy of Finance and Development) 216B.803 대학원논문연구 (Dissertation Research) M 현대국제정치사상연구 (Studies in Contemporary International Political Thought) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of International Relations) 인문사회계 ( 법대, 국제대학원포함 ) 각학과 / 대학원에서개설되는과목중학부외교학전공주임이인정하는과목. 해당사항없음 경제학부 (Department of Economics) 미시경제학연구 (Studies in Microeconomics) 거시경제학연구 (Studies in Macroeconomics) 경제통계학연구 (Studies in Statistics for Economists) 화폐금융론연구 (Studies in the Theory of Money and Finance) 노동경제학연구 (Studies in Labour Economics) 서양경제사연구 (Studies in Western Economic History) 한국경제사연구 (Studies in Korean Economic History) 공공경제학연구 (Studies in Public Economics) 국제무역론연구 (Studies in International Trade) 국제금융론연구 (Studies in International Monetary Economics) 경제성장론연구 (Studies in Economic Growth) 산업조직론연구 (Studies in Industrial Organization) 응용거시경제학연구 (Studies in Applied Macroeconomics) 고급계량경제학연구 (Advanced Studies in Econometrics) 고급노동경제학연구 (Advanced Studies in Labor Economics) 고급산업조직론연구 (Advanced Studies in Industrial Organization) 기술및발전경제학연구 (Studies in Technology and Development Economics) B 기업구조와성장론연구 (Studies in Corporate Organization and Growth) 국제경제론연구 (Studies in International Economics) 경제학방법론연구 (Studies in Methodology of Economics) 비교경제사연구 (Studies in Comparative Economic History) 공공정책연구 (Analysis of Public Policies) 응용미시경제학연구 (Topics in Applied Microeconomics) 경제사분야별연구 (Topics in Economic Theory) 고급경제이론연구 (Advanced Economic Theory) 고급미시경제학연구 (Advanced Microeconomics) 고급거시경제학연구 (Advanced Macroeconomics) 계량경제학연구 (Studies in Econometrics) 미시경제학특수연구 (Topics in Microeconomics) 거시경제학특수연구 (Topics in Macroeconomics) 계량경제학특수연구 (Topics in Econometrics) 화폐금융론특수연구 (Topics in Money and Finance) 국제금융론특수연구 (Topics in International Monetary Economics) 공공경제학특수연구 (Topics in Public Economics) 경제성장론특수연구 (Topics in Economic Growth) 산업조직론특수연구 (Topics in Industrial Organization) 국제경제사연구 (Studies in History of International Economy) 인구와경제연구 (Studies in Population and Economy) 금융경제학연구 (Studies in Financial Economics) 금융경제학특수연구 (Topics in Financial Economics) 응용금융경제학연구 (Studies in Applied Financial Economics) 수리금융경제학연구 (Studies in Mathematical Financial Economics) 수리금융경제학특수연구 (Topics in Mathematical Financial Economics) 계산경제학연구 (Studies in Computational Economics) 이행기경제와경제체제론연구 (Studies in Transition Economies and Economic Systems) 응용계량경제학연구 (Studies in Applied Econometrics) 실증적산업조직론특수연구 (Topics in Empirical Industrial Organization) 시계열분석특수연구 (Advanced Topics in Econometrics Time Series Analysis) 동태적경제학연구 (Studies in Dynamic Economics)

15 사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 206. 인류학과 Department of Anthropology 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) M 행동경제학연구 (Studies in Behavioral Economics) M 개발경제학연구 (Topics in Development Economics) M 실험경제학연구 (Topics in Experimental Economics) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Economics) 학부장이승인하는과목을전공선택으로인정함. 학부의내규에따름 사회학과 (Department of Sociology) 계량분석 (Seminar on Quantitative Analysis) A 종교사회학세미나 (Seminar on Sociology of Religion) B 세계화와사회발전연구 (Studies in Globalization and Social Development) C 가족과생애세미나 (Seminar on Family and Life Course) A 사회사연구세미나 (Seminar on Social History) A 정보사회학세미나 (Seminar on Information Society) A 사회사상사세미나 (Seminar on the History of Social Thoughts) A 도시사회학세미나 (Seminar in Urban Societies) A 인구변동과고령사회연구 (Seminar on Population Change and Aging Society) A 성과사회세미나 (Seminar on Gender and Society) 환경사회학연구 (Seminar on Environment and Society) A 몸의사회학세미나 (Seminar on Sociology of Body) 사회조직론연구 (Studies in Social Organization) A 사회정책과복지세미나 (Seminar on Social and Welfare Policies) 사회학특수연구 (Special Research in Sociology) A 다문화와사회통합세미나 (Seminar on Social Integration and Multiculturalism) 사회학이론연구 (Topics in Sociological Theories) A 사회학이론구성세미나 (Seminar in Sociological Theory Construction) A 공동체와아이덴티티세미나 (Seminar on Community and Identity) A 시민사회와사회운동세미나 (Seminar on Civil Society and Social Movement) A 경제사회학세미나 (Seminar on Economic Sociology) A 세계지역사회세미나 (Seminar in Area Studies) 문화사회학연구 (Studies in Sociology of Culture) 사회계층연구 (Studies in Social Stratification) 과학기술사회학연구 (Seminar on Sociology of Science and Technology) A 지식사회세미나 (Seminar on Knowledge Society) 사회학방법론연습 (Research Practicum in Sociological Methodology) 사회연결망분석세미나 (Seminar on Social Network Analysis) B 정치사회학연구 (Seminar on Political Sociology) A 인권사회학세미나 (Seminar on Sociology of Human Rights) A 빈곤과불평등세미나 (Seminar on Poverty and Inequality) 사회구조연구 (Seminar on Social Structural Analysis) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) M 사회변동론세미나 (Seminar on Social Change) M 사회발전세미나 (Seminar on Social Development) M 전환기노동과고용세미나 (Labor and Employment in the Context of Social Transformation) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Sociology) 인문사회계각학과에서개설되는과목중학과장이인정하는과목 학과내규에의함 인류학과 (Department of Anthropology) B 민속학연구 (Studies in Folklore) A 박물관과인류학 (Museum and Anthropology) 언어인류학 (Linguistic Anthropology) A 생태사와자원인류학 (Ecohistory and Anthropology of Resource) 심리인류학 (Psychological Anthropology) 경제인류학 (Economic Anthropology) 인지인류학 (Cognitive Anthropology) 사회언어학 (Sociolinguistics) 한국문화연구 (Studies in Korean Culture) A 인류학과식민주의 (Anthropology and Colonialism) 정치인류학 (Political Anthropology) A 역사인류학 (Historical Anthropology) 도시인류학 (Urban Anthropology) C 생물인류학연구및실습 (Studies in Biological Anthropology and Lab) A 중국의사회와문화연구 (Studies in Chinese Society and Culture) 일본문화연구 (Anthropology of Japan) 동남아문화연구 (Anthropology of Southeast Asia) 유럽문화연구 (Anthropology of Europe) 의료인류학 (Medical Anthropology) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) 인류학이론사 (History of Anthropological Theory) 음식의인류학 (Anthropology of Food) 성의인류학 (Anthropology of Gender)

16 사회과학대학 College of Social Sciences 207. 심리학과 Department of Psychology 사회분화론 (Social Differentiation) B 스포츠와여가의인류학 (Anthropology of Sport and Leisure) C 종교인류학연구 (Studies in Anthropology of Religion) A 러시아문화연구 (Anthropology of Russia) 교육의인류학 (Anthropology of Education) A 인류진화심리연구 (Studies in Evolution and Human Behavior) 전쟁과인류학 (Anthropology and War) 초국가적이주와디아스포라 (Transnational Migration and Diaspora) 한국의언어문화 (Linguaculture of Korea) A 자아, 몸, 퍼포먼스 (Self, Body, and Performance) 언어와젠더 (Language and Gender) 문화와언어예술 (Culture and Verbal Art) 과학기술의인류학 (Anthropology of Science and Technology) 한국민속연구 (Studies in Korean Folk Culture) M 인류학특강 (Topics in Anthropology) M 가족과친족의인류학 (Anthropology of Family and Kinship) M 미국사회와포스트모더니티 (Seminar on American Culture and Society) M 에스노그라피방법론 (Ethnographic Methods and Methodology) M 논문설계세미나 (Designing Anthropological Research and Writing) M 인류학글쓰기 (Writing in Anthropology) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Anthropology) 학과장이인정하는전과목 1 석 박사과정은각졸업이수학점중 1/2 이상을본과개설과목으로이수해야함.( 논문연구학점은포함되지않음 ) 2 인류학이론사 를필수과목으로함 심리학과 (Department of Psychology) 고급심리통계 (Advanced Psychological Statistics) 고급사회심리학 (Advanced Social Psychology) 고급성격심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Personality) B 정신병리학 (Psychopathology) 고급지각심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Perception) 지각심리방법론 (Research Methods in Psychology of Perception) 고급언어심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Language) 고급발달심리학 (Advanced Developmental Psychology) A 심리평가 (Psychological Assessment) B 정신병리학세미나 (Seminar in Psychopathology) A 심리치료와고급상담이론 (Theories of Psychotherapy and Advanced Counseling) 고급생물심리학 (Advanced Biopsychology) 고급조직심리학 (Advanced Organizational Psychology) 다변량분석법 (Multivariate Analysis) 고급산업심리학 (Advanced Industrial Psychology) A 긍정사회심리학 (Positive Social Psychology) A 고급임상신경심리학 (Advanced Clinical Neuropsychology) 고급인지심리학 (Advanced Cognitive Psychology) 실험심리세미나 (Seminar in Experimental Psychology) 실험심리방법론세미나 (Seminar in Methodology on Experimental Psychology) 계량심리학세미나 (Seminar in Quantitative Psychology) 정신병리학 : 신경과학적접근 (Psychopathology : A Neuroscience Approach) 인지노화와치매 (Cognitive Aging and Dementias) 긍정임상심리학세미나 (Seminar on Positive Clinical Psychology) A 성격연구세미나 (Seminar in Personality Studies) A 고급응용발달심리학 (Advanced Applied Developmental Psychology) B 인지치료 (Cognitive Therapy) C 임상및상담현장실습 (Practicum in Clinical and Counseling Psychology) 집단상담및치료 (Group Psychotherapy) 치료적면접및실습 (Therapeutic Interviews) 생물심리학세미나 (Seminar in Biopsychology) 산업및조직심리학의주요문제 (Critical Issues in Industrial and Organizational Psychology) 고급조직개발론 (Advanced Organization Development) 고급정서심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Emotion) 발달심리학세미나 (Seminar in Developmental Psychology) 고급학습및기억의심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Learning and Memory) 사회심리학의주요문제 (Main Topics in Social Psychology) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) M 고급주의와수행세미나 (Advanced Seminar in Attention and Performance) M 정서과학 (Affective Science) M 고급판단과의사결정의심리학 (Advanced Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making) M 조직심리학의최근연구주제들 (New Research Topics in Organizational Psychology) M 긍정조직심리학 (Positive Organizational Psychology) M 응용심리학세미나 (Seminar in Applied Psychology) M 성인및노인심리학 (Adult Development and Aging) M 실험정신병리학 (Experimental Psychopathology) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Psychology) 철학과, 언어학과, 경영학과, 정치학과, 사회학과, 인류학과, 산업공학

17 사회과학대학 209. 사회복지학과 College of Social Sciences Department of Social Welfare 과, 전기컴퓨터공학부, 통계학과, 생명과학부, 의학과의과목중학과장이인정하는과목 각전공별이수과목및학점은대학원이수지침에따른다 지리학과 (Department of Geography) 한국지리연구 (Studies in Geography of Korea) A 도시지역정책연구 (Studies in Urban and Regional Policy) 계량지리학연습 (Quantitative Geography) A 기후환경변화세미나 (Seminar in Global Climate and Environmental Change) A 공간사상사세미나 (Seminar in the History of Spatial Thoughts) 지역연구방법론 (Methodological Issues in Regional Studies) M 공간빅데이터와머신러닝 (Spatial Big Data Analysis based on Machine Learning) M 스마트도시연구세미나 (Seminar of Smart Cities) 원격탐사세미나 (Seminar in Remote Sensing) 지도학세미나 (Seminar in Cartography) A 지리정보과학세미나 (Seminars in Geographic Information Science) A 보건지리학세미나 (Seminar in Geography of Health) 환경정보시스템 (Environmental Information Systems) 자연지리학세미나 (Seminar in Physical Geography) 지형학세미나 (Seminar in Geomorphology) 하천유역관리 (Watershed Management) 환경지리학 (Environmental Geography) 경제지리학세미나 (Seminar in Economic Geography) A 공간최적화세미나 (Seminar in Spatial Optimization) 기업지리학 (Corporate Geography) B 토지주택론연구 (Studies in Land Use and Housing) 도시경제지리학 (Urban Economic Geography) A 젠더다문화지리학세미나 (The Geography of Gender and Multiculturalism) 도시지리학세미나 (Seminar in Urban Geography) 문화지리학세미나 (Seminar in Cultural Geography) 사회지리학세미나 (Seminar in Social Geography) 세계도시론 (Studies in Global Cities) 역사지리학세미나 A 생물지리학세미나 (Seminar in Biogeography) (Seminar in Historical Geography) 인구지리학세미나 (Seminar in Population Geography) A 교통과정보통신지리학세미나 (Seminar in Geographies of Transportation, Information and Communication Technology) 정치지리학세미나 (Seminar in Political Geography) B 아시아지역연구세미나 (Seminar in Asian Regional Geography) A 개발도상국발전문제연구 (Studies in Geographies of Developing Areas) 장소마케팅세미나 (Seminar in Place Marketing) A 지정학과공간정치경제세미나 (Seminar in Geopolitics and Political Economy of Space) 지표시스템분석론 (Analytical Methods for Earth Surface Systems) 제4기환경론 (Studies in Quaternary Environment) A 경영지리학연구 (Studies in Business Geography) 입지론연구 (Studies in Location Theory) 대학원논문연구 (Reading and Research) (Credited as Major Elective for Dept. of Geography) 지도교수및학과장이인정하는서울대학교전과목 학과내규에의함 사회복지학과 (Department of Social Welfare) A 사회복지실천모델과기술 (Social Work Practice Models and Skills) A 사회복지통계 1(Social Welfare Statistics 1) 복지국가론 (Studies on the Welfare State) A 고급사회복지실습 1(Advanced Field Work in Social Welfare 1) 사회복지통계 2(Social Welfare Statistics 2) A 사회복지경제학 (Economics of Social Welfare) B 사회복지실천이론 (Social Psychology and Social Welfare) 장애인복지서비스론 (Social Services for the Disabled) A 사회복지정책특강 (Topics in Social Welfare Policy) 보건및의료복지론 (Public Health and Medical Welfare) D 사회보장제도론 (Theories of Social Security System) 고급사회조사자료분석론 (Advanced Social Research Data Analysis) 사회복지, 경제성장그리고소득불평등 (Social Welfare, Economic Growth, and Income Inequality) 사회복지프로그램평가와분석 (Evaluation and Analysis of Social Service Programs) 고급사회복지서비스특강 (Advanced Topics in Social Welfare Service) 임상사회복지분야론 (Studies in Social Work Fields) 고급임상사회복지특강 (Advanced Topics in Clinical Social Work) 사회복지정책세미나 (Seminar in Social Welfare Policy) 사회복지실천분석론 (Analysis of Social Work Practice) A 사회정책효과분석

<28C7D0BBE7B9D7B4EBC7D0BFF B1B3B0FAB0FAC1A42E687770>

<28C7D0BBE7B9D7B4EBC7D0BFF B1B3B0FAB0FAC1A42E687770> - 147 - 인문대학 College of Humanities 101. 국어국문학과 Department of Korean Language and Literature < 인문대학주관 > 100.501 300. 공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses) 인문학세미나 (Seminar in Humanities) 1-1-0 101. 국어국문학과 (Department

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