45 2, 73 79 (2018) Korean J. Poult. Sci. Vol.45, No.2, 73 79 (2018) https://doi.org/10.5536/kjps.2018.45.2.73 73 Calculation of Replacement Price for Alternative Feed Ingredient in Consideration of Nutrient Content in Feed Ingredient Fed to Broiler Chickens Su Hyun An and Changsu Kong Department of Animal Science, Kyungpook National University, Sangju 37224, Republic of Korea ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to calculate the unit price of an alternative feed ingredient for broiler chickens in consideration of the energy and nutritive contents in the feed ingredient by using a simple Excel worksheet. A corn-distiller s dried grains with solubles (corn-ddgs) was used as an alternative ingredient and corn and soybean meal as ingredients to be replaced. The net change of feed price was calculated based on the replacement values which were estimated in consideration of energy and nutrient concentration in feed ingredients used in the calculation, the price of feed ingredients and inclusion rate of the alternative ingredient. The nitrogen corrected apparent metabolizable energy(amen) and standardized ileal digestible AA including Lys, Met, Thr, and Trp, total Ca, and available P were employed as nutritive component to calculate the replacement values for individual feed ingredients. The equation for replacement was 1 corn DDGS + 0.0334 soybean oil + 0.0182 Limestone = 0.8893 corn + 0.13 soybean meal + 0.0004 Lys + 0.0022 Met + 0.0005 Trp + 0.0028 Thr + 0.0264 dicalcium phosphate. The replacement price of corn DDGS was calculated to be 270 won/kg when the inclusion rate was 15% and the energy and nutrient contents were considered in the calculation. In conclusion, the Excel-based ingredient price calculator may be useful to determine the economic value when an alternative feed ingredient is used in diets fed to broiler chickens. (Key words: alternative ingredient, feed price, broilers, replacement value) 60% (Dozier et al., 2008).,.,,.,.,.,.,. (US Grains Council, 2012), 2015 40, 34% 13 45 (USDA ERS Database, 2015), 4.6% To whom correspondence should be addressed : changsukong@gmail.com
74 : (United Nations Corntrade Database, 2015)., (US Grains Council, 2012). St-Pierre and Glamocic(2000),., (Gabler et al., 2000; Thomson and Nolan, 2001; Roush et al., 2007),.,,.,. Sauvant et al.(2004) AMINODat 4.0(Evonik Industries, 2010),, Waldroup et al.(2007), AMINODat 4.0(Evonik Industries, 2010) Wang et al.(2007) (Table 1).,.,.,, 2. Microsoft Excel 2016 4. 1 Table 1. Nutritional composition of feed ingredients used in this study (As-is basis) 1 Ingredients AMEn (kcal/kg) Standardized ileal digestible basis Lys (%) Met (%) Thr (%) Trp (%) Total Ca (%) Avail. P (%) Corn 3,128.9 0.221 0.150 0.247 0.049 0.030 0.060 SBM 48% CP 2,221.3 2.628 0.576 1.581 0.570 0.310 0.240 Corn-DDGS 2,770.0 0.570 0.430 0.706 0.168 0.070 0.480 DCP 2 - - - - - 24.80 14.98 Limestone - - - - - 35.84 - Soybean oil 9,004.5 - - - - - - DL-Met - - 99.00 - - - - L-Lys - 79.80 - - - - - L-Thr - - - 99.00 - - - L-Trp - - - - 98.50 - - 1 The values of nitrogen corrected apparent metabolizable energy and mineral contents in feed ingredients were derived from Sauvant et al. (2004). The values of nitrogen corrected apparent metabolizable energy and mineral contents in corn-distiller s dried grains with solubles were derived from Waldroup et al. (2007) and Wang et al. (2007), respectively. The values of amino acids concentrations of all feed ingredients were derived from AMINODat 4.0 (Evonik Industries, 2010). 2 DCP = dicalcium phosphate.
An and Kong: Calculation of Replacement Price for Alternative Feed Ingredient 75 (Fig. 1)., 2(Fig. 2) (Replacement Value). (Nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy), (Standardized ileal digestible) (Lys), (Met), (Thr), (Trp), (Total Ca), (Available P). 3 4(Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) 2 kg (Fig. 3) (Fig. 4). 2(Fig. 2),,..,, 100%,,, 0 ( - - )., 3, (2016.04 ), 90%. 2 100, (15%) (%).,,. Fig. 1. Nutrient compositions of selected feed ingredients used in this trial. Composition values are on an as-fed basis. The values of nitrogen corrected apparent metabolizable energy and mineral contents in feed ingredients were derived from Sauvant et al. (2004). The values of nitrogen corrected apparent metabolizable energy and mineral contents in corn-distiller s dried grains with solubles were derived from Waldroup et al. (2007) and Wang et al. (2007), respectively. The amino acids concentrations of all feed ingredients were derived from AMINODat 4.0 (Evonik Industries, 2010).
76 : Fig. 2. Nutrient contents to calculate the replacement coefficient. Each replacement value is calculated by balancing the nutrient contents among feed ingredients..,.,,, 2016... 1 + 0.0334 + 0.0182 = 0.8893 + 0.13 + 0.0004 + 0.0022 + 0.0005 + 0.0028 + 0.0264 2 1 ( = 0.0182, = 0.0182), (0.8893) (0.13), ( = 0.0004, = 0.0022, = 0.0005, = 0.0028, 2 = 0.0264). 90%, 15% kg 9.46 (Fig. 3). 2017 7 27 US Grain Council 2017 8 206.08 /kg
An and Kong: Calculation of Replacement Price for Alternative Feed Ingredient 77 Fig. 3. A sample calculation of the difference in feed price when the price of corn-distiller s dried grains with solubles (corn-ddgs, 207 won/kg) was set at 90% of the price of corn (230 won/kg). The energy and nutrient concentration of feed ingredients were considered in the calculation and the net change of feed price by using 15% of corn-ddgs was 9.46 won (=34.8 44.26) per kg of feed. 90% 207 /kg, 15% 270 /kg, 2017 8 31% (Fig. 4).,..... %.
78 : Fig. 4. A sample calculation for the price of alternative feed ingredient (corn-distiller s dried grains with solubles; corn-ddgs) when the net change of feed price by using 15% of corn-ddgs was set at 0 won per kg of feed. The price of corn-ddgs was calculated to be 270 won per kg of feed when the energy and nutrient concentration of feed ingredients were considered in the calculation. (Nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy), (Standardized ileal digestible) (Lys), (Met), (Thr) (Trp) (Total Ca) (Available P)., : 1 + 0.0334 + 0.0182 = 0.8893 + 0.13 + 0.0004 + 0.0022 + 0.0005 + 0.0028 + 0.0264 2 15% 270 /kg.. ( :,,, ) 2017 ( ) (NRF-2015R1C1A1A02036777). Dozier WA, Kidd MT, Corzo A 2008 Dietary amino acid responses of broiler chickens: A review. J Appl Poult Res
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