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Revista Iberoamericana 23.3 (2012): 27-55.

(Roberto Bolaño, 1953-2003) 1996 La literatura nazi en América Estrella distante. 1999 Los detectives salvajes (1998). 2003 (Rodrigo Fresan) (Herralde, 13). (Susan Sontag) (un must) (Ibid., 8), 2666 (2004) 3 El Tercer Reich (2010), Los sinsabores del verdadero policía (2011) 10 ( ). (Crack) (McOndo).,, (Bolaño 2008, 39) (Braithwaite, 90). (, Nocturno de Chile (2000)), ( Amuleto (1999)), (

,,, ), ( 2666 (2004)), ( 3 (2010)).,. 21. 1) - (Vila-Matas, 99).,,,,,,,,,.,.,, 2666,,. 2),,. (Kakaly 258).,. Revista Iberoamericana 23.3 028 029 1). (Bolaño 2004, 43). 2), Amberes (Bolaño 2002, 9)..

-.,., ( ),. (Maffesoli). 20 (86).,,.,. 1975 (Octavio Paz) ( ) (Infrarrealismo). 3) 3) (Zar) (Carlos Fuentes) (Zarevich) 70 (Braithwaite, 40; 64).

., (Bolaño 2003, 176). (Braithwaite, 99).,. (autonomía).., 1970 1930, (Ángel Rama, 66-73). 4), (Ibid., 54). - -. 5) Revista Iberoamericana 23.3 030 031 4) (editoriales culturales) 70. (Alfaguarización),,,,. (Nestor García Canclini) 8 90,,,,, (Canclini, 151).

.. (Braithwaite, 98)., (Bolaño 2003, 160) 6).... 7) 5) 2012 4 (Jorge Ibargüengoitia) El país ( ), ( ) (Calderón 2012).. 6) (Pérez-Reverte) La Reina del Sur (2002) (Rafael Conte) (El país, 2002.06.08) (legibilidad). (Bolaño 2003, 159-162). 7), (Ignacio Echevarría) 2003 Palabra de América (2004) Sevilla me mata. (Jorge Volpi). 2004 4 7 La Nación ( ).,.

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Literature of Roberto Bolaño as Nomadic Writing Kyeongmin Lee Seoul National University Revista Iberoamericana 23.3 Lee, Kyeongmin (2012), Literature of Roberto Bolaño as nomadic writing. Abstract Bolaño kept track of the pathology of the modern society and gave an in-depth portrayal of the human condition and the world of evil inherent therein, thereby joining the league of the most noticeable writers in Latin American modern literature after the Boom generation. In particular, he took issue with existing literature and literary power hierarchy, explored the fixated literary territory, and illustrated the unsettled literary features. This paper hereby focuses on the fact that Bolaño s text creates a unique connection with existing literature by attempting a literary adventure just like he did in his life. It also points out that his literary adventure not only represents the murder of literary origin of the established generation but also triggers tension with such origin. The paper clarifies that his text is a literary production as rewriting by converging his literary distinction sourced from connection and tension on the word of nomad. 054 055 Key words Connection, Distopia, Nomad, Rewriting, Sedentism