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Type HD894 / HD8944 QUICK START GUIDE - 요약설명서 Before using the machine, please read the instruction manual completely. Carefully read the safety regulations provided in the instruction manual. 본커피머신을사용하기전에, 사용설명서를꼼꼼히읽으십시오. 사용설명서에기술된안전규정을주의깊게읽으십시오. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes without prior notice. 필립스 Saeco 는사전공지없이제품사양을변경할권리가있습니다. Type HD894 / HD8944 - Cod.500470 - Rev.00 - del 5-0-0

Water tank 물탱크 Cup-warming surface 컵예열판 Pre-ground bypass doser 분쇄커피투입구 Service door 서비스도어 SBS dial SBS 다이얼 Hot water/steam wand 뜨거운물 / 스팀봉 Coffee bean hopper with lid 원두투입구 + 덮개 Grinder adjustment 분쇄조절기 Control panel 제어판 Milk carafe connector 우유통연결부 Dispensing spout 음료추출구 Full drip tray indicator 물받이교체시기표시기 Drip tray + grill 물받이 + 분리형잔받침대 Brew group 추출그룹 Milk carafe 우유통 Used grounds drawer 찌꺼기통 ACCESSORIES - 액세서리 Liquid recovery tray 내부물받이 Door opening button 도어열림버튼 Power button 전원스위치 Power cord connector 전원코드커넥터 Pre-ground coffee measuring scoop 분쇄커피용스푼 Water hardness tester 물경도검사지 Brew group lubricant 추출그룹윤활유 Descaling solution 스케일제거용액 Brew group cleaning tablets 추출그룹세척제 Power cord 전원코드 Intenza water filter INTENZA 정수필터 Cleaning brush 청소용브러시

STARTING THE MACHINE - 커피 머신 켜기 Before turning on the machine, make sure that the power button is set to 0. 커피 머신을 켜기 전에 전원 스위치가 0 에 설정되어 있는지 확인하십시오. Remove the covers. Fill the hopper with coffee beans, then close the covers. Remove the covers. Remove the water tank. 덮개를 여십시오. 원두 투입구를 커피 원두 로 채운 다음 덮개를 닫으십시오. 덮개를 여십시오. 물 탱크를 분리하십시오. 4 Insert the plug into the socket located on the back of the machine and insert the other end into a power outlet with suitable current. 커피 머신 뒤편에 있는 전원 코드 커넥터에 플러그를 꽂으시고 다른 한 쪽을 해당 전압 을 공급하는 전원 콘센트에 꽂으십시오. 7 5 Fill the tank with fresh drinking water. Do not exceed the max level indicated on the water tank. Place the water tank back into the machine. 물 탱크를 깨끗한 식수로 채우십시오. 물 탱 크에 최고 수위 표시(MAX) 이상의 물을 넣 지 마십시오. 물 탱크를 다시 커피 머신에 장 착시킵니다. 6 Adjust the dispensing spout and place a cup beneath it. Set the power button to the I position. Press the stand-by button to start the machine. 음료 추출구를 조절하고 그 아래에 컵을 놓 으십시오. 전원 스위치를 I 로 설정하십시오. 커피 머 신을 켜기 위해 대기 버튼을 누르십시오. 8 9 (Only for beverages with milk) Rotate the handle clockwise and press on the disengage buttons to allow the lid removal. Fill the carafe with cold milk. Fill milk to above the min line, but do not exceed the max level indicated on the carafe. Replace the lid. (우유가 함유된 음료일 경우에만) 핸들을 시계 방향으로 돌린 다음, 뚜껑 부분의 해 제 버튼을 눌러서 뚜껑을 분리하십시오. 우유통에 찬 우유를 넣으십시오. 우유통에 표시된 «MIN» 눈금 이상의 우유를 채우되 «MAX» 눈금은 초과하지 마십시오. 뚜껑을 제자리에 놓으십시오. When the carafe with milk is not going to be used, or after using it, store it in the refrigerator. 우유가 든 우유통을 사용하지 않을 경우 또는 사용 한 후에는 냉장고에 보관하시기 바랍니다. Insert the carafe inclined towards the front. The carafe base should be positioned on the hole (E) located on the drip tray. Insert the carafe by turning it towards the base through a round movement (as shown in the figure), until it is hooked to the hole (E) located in the drip tray. The carafe will be naturally back in place. 우유통을 앞쪽으로 기울여서 장착하십시오. 우유통의 밑부분은 잔 받침대의 잠 금 프레임(E) 위에 위치해야 합니다. 우유통을 원을 E 그리듯이 아래쪽으로 돌려서 (그림과 같이) 잔 받침 대의 잠금 프레임(E)에 연결되도록 장착하십시오. 우유통이 제자리에 장착됩니다.

CONTROL PANEL - 제어판 The control panel has been designed to allow an ergonomic use of all machine functions. 제어판은모든기능을인체공학적으로사용할수있도록고안되었습니다. Espresso button 에스프레소버튼 Opti-dose button Opti-dose 버튼 Function buttons 기능버튼 Cleaning cycle button 청소과정 (CLEAN) 버튼 Cappuccino button 카푸치노버튼 7/05/09 BEVERAGE 04:7 pm Hot water button 뜨거운물버튼 Special beverage button 특별음료버튼 Long espresso button 롱에스프레소버튼 ESPRESSO / LONG ESPRESSO - 에스프레소 / 롱에스프레소 Stand-by button 대기 (STAND-BY) 버튼 Cafe Latte button 카페라떼버튼 Latte macchiato button 라떼마끼아또버튼 ESPRESSO ESPRESSO Press the espresso or long espresso button. Press once for cup and twice for cups. If you wish to save the quantity of espresso being brewed, press and hold for seconds. The machine starts grinding the selected coffee quantity. Coffee brewing can be stopped at any time by pressing the button. Press to save the quantity. ESPRESSO ESPRESSO 에스프레소또는롱에스프레소버튼을누르십시오. 한번누르면한잔, 두번누르면두잔이추출됩니다. 에스프레소추출량을저장하려면, 버튼을 초동안누르십시오. 선택된커피양을분쇄하기시작합니다. 커피중지 ( ) 를누르면언제든지커피추출을중단할수있습니다. 커피중지 ( ) 를눌러서양을저장하십시오.

/ LATTE MACCHIATO / CAFE LATTE - 카푸치노 / 라떼마끼아또 / 카페라떼 WARNING: DISPENSING MAY BE PRECEDED BY SHORT SPURTS OF HOT WATER AND SCALDING IS POSSIBLE. 경고 : 추출에앞서뜨거운물이잠깐쏟아져나올수있으며이로인한화상에주의하십시오. AGE ENU FAST HEATING UP NGS ENU ECO MODE ON Place a cup under the dispensing spout and rotate the upper part of the carafe clockwise. Press the button corresponding to the desired beverage. The machine starts brewing. It grinds the coffee and heats up for milk dispensing. 4 MORE 5 6 The machine allows dispensing an additional quantity of milk if the More Milk button is pressed. The machine brews the coffee. At the end remove the cup with the beverage and replace the upper part of the milk carafe. The rinse cycle begins. (see the manual on page 7). AGE ENU FAST HEATING UP NGS ENU ECO MODE ON 음료추출구아래에컵을한잔놓은다음, 우유통의상단부분 ( 핸들 ) 을시계방향으로돌리십시오. 원하는음료에해당하는버튼을누르십시오. 커피머신이추출을시작합니다. 커피를분쇄하고우유를분사하기위해예열합니다. 4 MORE 5 6 더많은우유 (MORE ) 버튼을누르면우유분사량을더늘릴수있습니다. 커피를추출합니다. 추출이끝나면음료가들어있는컵을꺼낸다음, 우유통의핸들을제자리에놓으십시오. 헹굼과정이시작됩니다. ( 설명서 7 페이지를참조하십시오.)

HOT WATER DISPENSING - 뜨거운물분사 WARNING: DISPENSING MAY BE PRECEDED BY SHORT SPURTS OF HOT WATER AND SCALDING IS POSSIBLE. 경고 : 분사에앞서뜨거운물이잠깐쏟아져나올수있으며이로인한화상에주의하십시오. Place a container beneath the hot water/ steam wand. Press the hot water button to dispense the programmed quantity. When hot water dispensing is complete, remove the container. Repeat the process to dispense another dose. 뜨거운물 / 스팀봉아래에용기를놓으십시오. 뜨거운물버튼을눌러서프로그래밍된양을분사하십시오. 뜨거운물분사가끝나면, 용기를꺼내십시오. 뜨거운물을한번더분사하려면이과정을반복하십시오. STEAM DISPENSING - 스팀분사 WARNING: DISPENSING MAY BE PRECEDED BY SHORT SPURTS OF HOT WATER AND SCALDING IS POSSIBLE. 경고 : 분사에앞서뜨거운물이잠깐쏟아져나올수있으며이로인한화상에주의하십시오. HOT SP STEAM Press the special beverage to access the menu. Place a container beneath the hot water/ steam wand. Press the special beverage button to dispense steam. Repeat the process to dispense another dose. HOT SPECIAL BEVERAGES AMER COF STEAM ESPR MACCH 특별 (SPECIAL) 버튼을눌러서메뉴에액세스합니다. 뜨거운물 / 스팀봉아래에용기를놓으십시오. 스팀 (STEAM) 버튼을누르십시오. 스팀을한번더분사하려면이과정을반복하십시오.

MAINTENANCE DURING OPERATION - 사용중유지관리 Operations to be performed with machine turned on when the following messages are displayed: Empty coffee grounds drawer and/or Empty drip tray. 커피머신이켜진상태에서작업을수행할경우, 커피찌꺼기통을비우십시오 (EMPTY GROUNDS DRAWER) 또는 물받이를비우십시오 (EMPTY DRIP TRAY) 와같은메시지가나타날수있습니다. Press the button and open the service door. 버튼을누르고서비스도어를여십시오. Remove the drip tray and used grounds drawer. 내부물받이및찌꺼기통을분리하십시오. Empty the used grounds drawer and the drip tray, wash and replace back into machine. 찌꺼기통과내부물받이를비우고씻은후, 커피머신에다시장착시킵니다. GENERAL MACHINE CLEANING - 일반적인커피머신청소 The cleaning procedure described below must be carried out at least once a week. 아래에기술된청소과정은최소한 주일에한번은수행해야합니다. Turn off the machine and unplug it. 커피머신을끄고전원코드를뽑으십시오. Take out the water tank and wash it with fresh water. 물탱크를꺼내어깨끗한물로세척하십시오. Remove the drip tray. 잔받침대를분리하십시오. 4 5 6 Remove the dispensing spout and wash it under running water. 음료추출구를분리하여흐르는물로세척하십시오. Clean the pre-ground bypass doser with a dry cloth. 분쇄커피투입구를마른헝겊으로닦으십시오. Clean the steam wand and the display with a dry cloth. 스팀봉및제어판을마른헝겊으로닦으십시오.

MACHINE WARNINGS - 커피머신경고 Message How to Reset the Message 메시지메시지초기화방법 CLOSE HOPPER DOOR Close CLOSE HOPPER DOOR the coffee bean hopper lid. 원두투입구의뚜껑을닫으십시오. ADD Fill the coffee bean hopper with coffee beans. ADD 원두투입구를커피원두로채우십시오. INSERT BREW GROUP Insert the brew group back in place. INSERT BREW GROUP 추출그룹을제자리에장착하십시오. INSERT GROUNDS DRAWER Insert the used grounds drawer. INSERT GROUNDS DRAWER 찌꺼기통을장착하십시오. EMPTY GROUNDS DRAWER CLOSE FRONT DOOR Close Open the service door and empty the liquid recovery tray, located under the brew group, and the used grounds drawer. The used grounds drawer must be emptied only when the machine requires it and with the machine on. CLOSE the service door. EMPTY GROUNDS DRAWER 서비스도어를열어추출그룹아래에있는내부물받이와찌꺼기통을비우십시오. 찌꺼기통은반드시커피머신이요청한시점에커피머신이켜진상태에서만비우십시오. FRONT DOOR 서비스도어를닫으십시오. REFILL WATER TANK Remove the water tank and refill it with fresh drinking water. REFILL WATER TANK 물탱크를꺼내깨끗한식수로채우십시오. EMPTY DRIP TRAY Open the service door and empty the liquid tray, located under the brew group, and the used grounds drawer. EMPTY DRIP TRAY 서비스도어를열어추출그룹아래에있는내부물받이와찌꺼기통을비우십시오. ROTATE THE CARAFE DISPENSING SPOUT INTO BREWING POSITION A beverage with milk has been selected. Press the button to cancel the selection. ROTATE THE CARAFE DISPENSING SPOUT INTO BREWING POSITION 우유가함유된음료가선택됩니다. 선택을취소하려면 «종료 ()» 를누르십시오. ROTATE THE CARAFE DISPENSING SPOUT INTO RINSING POSITION The carafe rinse function has been selected. Press the button to cancel the selection. ROTATE THE CARAFE DISPENSING SPOUT INTO RINSING POSITION 우유통헹굼기능이선택됩니다. 선택을취소하려면 «종료 ()» 를누르십시오. PLACE CARAFE IN ITS HOUSING An operation has been selected that requires dispensing milk from the milk carafe. Press the button to cancel the selection. PLACE CARAFE IN ITS HOUSING 우유통에들어있는우유를분사합니다. 선택을취소하려면 «종료 ()» 를누르십시오. 7/05/09 04:7 pm BEVERAGE 7/05/09 04:7 pm BENERAGE Perform a descaling cycle on the machine. Damages caused by failure to descale the machine are not covered by warranty. Flashing red light. Machine in Stand-by. Press the button. 7/05/09 04:7 pm BEVERAGE 7/05/09 04:7 pm BENERAGE 커피머신의스케일제거과정을수행하십시오. 스케일제거과정의실패로인해발생된손상에대해서는수리가보증되지않습니다. 빨간불이깜빡입니다. 커피머신이대기상태입니다. 버튼을누르십시오. RESTART TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM (E xx) An event has occurred which requires the machine to restart. Take note of the code (E xx) shown at the bottom. Switch off the machine, wait 0 seconds and then switch it on again. If the problem persists, contact an authorized service center. RESTART TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM (E xx) 커피머신을다시시작해야합니다. 아래쪽에보이는코드 (E xx) 를확인하십시오커피머신을끈다음, 0 초후에다시켜십시오. 문제가계속되면필립스공식서비스센터로연락하십시오.