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[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정





1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and



55호 1면

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

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When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no



Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

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How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

<English On The Go> currently 현재, 지금 sightseeing 관광, 구경 tourism 관광 사업 Lucy / UK 여동생이 현재 방문 중인데, 관광 투어는 너무 비싸기 때문에 자신이 직접 구경 시켜 줄 예정이라고 말하고 있습니다. So I


7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

step 1-1

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션



어법성 판단 문제

April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습







Lesson 5 1 Do you remember ~? I ll never forget ~. Don t forget to ~. 2 Let me see. Don t forget to I ll never forget ~. 3 4 I ll never forget ~. A B 5 A 1 neighbor 2 would 3 shout 4 offer 5 ambulance 6 rest 7 push 8 turn 9 pushchair 10 memory 11 forget 12 sell 13 for fun 14 hold out 15 hang on 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 hang on 2 fell down 3 took, by 4 held out 5 took, for a walk 1 bump 2 neighbor 3 trade 4 lean 5 wheelchair 7 1 remember forget forget to 2 Let me see. Don t forget to bring your lunch. I ll never forget it. 3 sure, sure 4 I ll never forget her. 5 5 A 1 B 1 was were-ing be 1 3 was 2 were Jack 8 2 was were-ing sit sitting to eat something 3 to to 4 3 weren t wasn t drink something to to write with TV 5 to do to to 9 1 were Was were 2 was reading was sitting to eat 3 I have a lot of work to do. I want a nice jacket to wear at the camp. 4 weren t wasn t drink to drink to write to write with 5 to to in to from to in at for to with to in 10 12~13

01 trade 02 turn 03 A B 04 Don t forget to Be sure to Make sure to Make sure (that) A: B: 05 A 2 06 to play time 07 something -thing hot to somethingto 08 I was-ing walk the dog A 5 B 14~15 01 02 03 04 05 06 time to play with you 07 something hot to drink 08 am walking was walking 09 10 11 12 Were you watching were listening to music [09 ~ 11] Bob Nelly Nelly Pringle Bob Bob NellyNelly 09 Nelly Bob 10 take ~ for a walk hang on 11 Bob Nelly Bob Nelly Bob Nelly Mrs. Pringle Bob Nelly 12 A we you were-ing listen to music A 8 TV B A B 01 pushchair 02 trade 03 A and B pink and gold are time and tide curry and rice bread and butter trial and error 16~17 01 02 03 04 05 06 to sit to sit on 07 08 Nelly Bob 09 was making were waiting was wearing was holding was wagging

04 you I we 05 anything to to buy 06 on to sit on 07 08 it sprinkler that 09 waswere-ing 1 3 was 2 were 18~21 01 02 kind 03 04 chain butter rice key 05 06 07 I ll never forget him. Let me see. Don t forget to bring the camera. 08 09 10 cold hot dogs 11 rained, fire 12 remember like of forget 13 are is 14 I have a lot of homework to do. 15 16 was making 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 a helping hand her hand 24 they were always together 25 was studying was listening were not weren t studying were talking 01 lean fall 02 kind kind of 03 hang on hold out 04 a watch and chain bread and butter curry and rice a lock and key 05 No, I don t No, I don t Yes, I do. Sure. Of course 06 Don t forget to A B 07 A B A B 2 A B 08 Jane 5 30 [09~11] A B A B A B 09 B B A 10 them cold hot dogs 11 12 Do you remember ~? What was ~ like? take care of I ll never forget ~. 13 bread and butter is

14 to do to a lot of homework 15 to to to to 16 3 was-ing A B 17 would Would you like ~? will 18 hang on on 19 bump sprinkler 20 Bob 21 so 22 Nelly Bob 23 one a helping hand it her hand 24 Bob Nelly 25 was / were-ing 22~25 01 02 for a walk 03 04 05 06 07 were, was doing 08 She was looking for something to eat. 09 10 something good to eat 11 12 Don t forget to write one 13 felt happy 14 15 16 17 18 19 I ll never forget her. 20 21 22 over 23 24 25 Bob took Nelly, Nelly takes Bob 26 27 Do you remember forget 01 ambulance( 02 take a walk go for a walk 03 trade Pat 30 04 TV Do you remember ~? AMeitantei Conan B TV 05 A B 06 was were were was tomorrow was were 07 yesterday doing waswere-ing do one s homework A 7 B 08 3 was-ing to eat to something look for 09 with write to write to write with 10 something -thing good to somethingto 11 12 Don t forget to ~.

one a card too 13 14 onea helping hand 15 [16 ~ 17] A Jane B 5 30A B A 16 Let me see. 17 A B [18 ~ 19] A B A B A B 18 B who What was ~ like? 19 I ll never forget ~. 20 Bob Nelly 21 Bob Nelly Bob 22 (A) be over (B) lean over 23 Bob Nelly 24 Bob 25 Bob Nelly Nelly Bob 26 Nelly Bob 27 Do you remember ~? I ll never forget ~. 26~29 01 do to do good something something good are is 02 rice ham lock butter 03 many things to buy no chair to sit on something cold to drink 04 were taking out the trash were taking a shower 05 take, for a walk took, by the held out 06 was doing his homework was having dinner was playing computer games 07 Don t forget to bring a water bottle. / Be sure to bring a water bottle. / Make sure to bring a water bottle. 08 my turn to push and Bob s turn to sit Bob s turn to sit and my turn to push 09 felt happy excited 10 checked and repaired the computers at the Silver Center wants to take some pictures of the people at the Silver Center should bring her camera 11 sad disappointed walk go for a walk to take him for walks 12 Bob Nelly Nelly Bob 13 Don t forget to turn off the light. Don t forget to turn off the water. 14 was playing was sleeping was climbing was walking was looking 01 do homework to -thing curry and rice is 02 curry and rice ham and eggs bread and butter a lock and key 03 to buy things on sit to

sit on to chair something -thing cold to -thingto 04 were-ing take out the trash take a shower 05 take ~ for a walk take ~ by the hand hold out 06 3 was-ing 07 Don t forget to Be sure to Make sure to Make sure (that) Remember to 08 Bob to to push to sit turn 09 Nelly Bob Bob 10 11 Bob Nelly Bob 12 Bob Nelly Nelly Bob kind of like 13 Don t forget to ~. turn off the light turn off the water 14 waswere-ing Special Lesson A 1 thirsty 2 duck 3 field 4 glass 5 seed 6 enough 7 riddle 8 hunt 9 jar 10 well 11 watermelon 12 test 13 forget 14 get lost 15 look for 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A B 29 A B 30 B 1 looking for 2 Fill, with 3 help, with 4 into small pieces 5 how to solve 1 thirsty 2 jar 3 hunt 4 seed 5 riddle 32, 34 for from to with to about to with 1 36~37 01 02 03 04 What a wonderful day 05 06 duck, where 07 08 Do you have anything to drink? 09 10 11 12 how smart she is 13 14 15 Is it okay if I cut the watermelon into small pieces? Can I cut the watermelon into small pieces? Do you mind cutting the watermelon into small pieces? 01 riddle 02 cut ~ into small pieces fill A with B A B 03 play 04 What Whataan 31

05 hope to 06 07 Amihan 08 anything to drinkto drink anything to 09 much a lot even still far very too 10 Don t mention it. 11 Amihan 12 13 plant 14 that money I have 15 Is it okay if I ~? Can I ~? Do you mind -ing ~? cut ~ into small pieces 2 38~39 01 02 with 03 04 05 How smart you are! 06 Adovis 07 08 I ll never forget your kindness. 09 10 11 12 13 14 1. watermelon plant 2. grow, into 3. grow 4. jar 03 thirsty 04 05 how How 06 Amihan Adovis 07 08 I ll never forget ~. 09 either 10 Can you ~? 11 Just don t forget to put a big watermelon inside THAT jar. THAT jar 12 plant 13 Amihan smart 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 01 seed 02 help A with B A B fill A with B A B

Lesson 6 1 Have you heard about ~? I heard about ~. It s surprising! 2 I heard about ~. Have you heard about ~? It is surprising! 3 4 Have you heard about ~? A B 5 can can t 41 A 1 face 2 yard 3 observation 4 feather 5 wet 6 fair 7 post 8 flight 9 surprisingly 10 nest 11 hatch 12 dry 13 look forward to 14 set up 15 keep a diary 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 forward to 2 set up 3 prepare for 4 Even though 5 keep a diary 1 post 2 feather 3 nest 4 hatch 5 flight 43 1 Have, heard heard about surprising 2 I heard about this plant. Have you heard about the school festival? It is surprising! 3 surprise, believe 4 Have you heard 5 1 mistakes few salt a little time much 2 3 has HaveHas 3 HaveHas 3 has haven thasn t 4 money a little your sister 3 Has eggs a few 5 last night have seen saw 45 1 few a little much 2 has been Have, ridden have, arrived 3 Has he finished his homework? I haven t have not seen the movie before. 4 a few a little Have Has a little a few 5 46 on on from on to to from

01 flight 02 face 03 A B 04 A 05 B G B G B G B 06 A Kevin B 48~49 about to about in from with of 50~51 01 02 03 04 05 06 gone left 07 have you lived 08 09 10 11 12 Have you heard Jia she is going to Africa for volunteer work surprising 07 have has I you A B 3 08 friends a lot of(=lots of many) butter a little [09~11] 5 23 09 eggs a few 10 2009 11 The First Meeting 12 Have you heard about ~? 01 hatch 02 have visited visited 03 have 04 52~53 01 02 03 have forgotten 04 05 06 living to keep 07 08 has finished has eaten has broken has climbed

05 apples a few / many / a lot of water little a little a little money little a little little 06 fish want to 07 08 havehas 01 fear the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried 02 get set set set up 7 CCTV 03 prepare for pull out at first 04 look forward to 05 No, I haven t. Yes, I have. 06 It s surprising! / What a surprise! / How surprising! / How amazing! / I can t believe this! / Unbelievable! A B 54~57 01 02 set 03 04 forward to 05 06 07 No, I haven t. It s an elephant. It s surprising! 08 09 10 when people make a sound 11 12 heard about kept surprising 13 14 hasn t has not seen 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (A) fear (B) difficulties 23 24 a few little a little 07 A B A B 08 A Jenny B 20 B [09~11] B G B G B 09 10 11 dancing plants 12 Have you heard about ~? I heard about ~. have kept keep a diary That s surprising! 13 HaveHas

14 haven thasn t 3 hasn t 15 have gone to 1 16 books a few manya lot of work little a little 17 diary observation diary 18 set up a camera 19 20 21 They 22 (A) fear (B) difficulties 23 24 egg 4 a few water little( cream milk a little 58~61 01 02 03 04 Have you heard about our school field trip? 05 06 a few few 07 have lived 08 have been to has gone to 09 10 little, much, few 11 Have you, written 12 13 14 has kept an observation diary for 2 months 15 16 I m looking forward to their first flight. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a few lots of a little 01 set up the camera set up 02 even though 03 It s surprising! / I m so surprised! / What a surprise! / How surprising! / How shocking! / I can t believe it! / Unbelievable! A B 04 Have you heard about ~? A B 05 it he that A A 06 worries few a few a few few 07 5 have lived 08 have been to have gone to 3 have has 09 since for yet 10 water littlemoney much friend few

11 HaveHas 12 20 13 14 15 so 16 look forward to 17 18 at first prepare for 19 they 20 21 it 22 fear 23 face 24 the others 25 apple a few bread lots of lots of milk a little 62~65 01 a little a few has bought bought has had have had 02 came has lived has gone 03 a few a little 04 has worked 05 have stayed have known have tried have been 06 waiting for, to hatch have never seen looking forward to 07 has just come home hasn t has not finished his homework yet has already eaten dinner 08 little milk in the bottle a few apples few students in the library use a little butter 09 It s surprising! / What a surprise! / How surprising! 10 sun cups open in the evening has kept an observation diary for 2 weeks 11 She dried her babies wet feathers. 12 have you heard can joke surprising 13 14 got has done has cut Has your mom been 15 found, named, pulled out, cover, flew down 01 weeks a little a few last year 1 I have 02 a few years ago 5 have gone to 3 have has 03 book a few milk a little 04 Jane 2011 has worked 05 havehas 06 wait for A to do A have never look forward to 07 have has just have has not yet have has already 08 milk butter

a little little apple student a few few 09 It s surprising! / I m so surprised! / What a surprise! / How surprising! / How shocking! / I can t believe this! / Unbelievable! 10 Jenny sun cups 11 12 Pattie Have you heard about ~? Patti It s surprising! 13 14 last weekend HaveHas 3 has 15 5 23 5 24 6 22 Lesson 7 1 Are you interested in ~? in -ing Can you make it at ~? I m afraid sorry I can t. 2 I m interested in ~. Can you make it at ~? I m afraid I can t. 5 67 A 1 empty 2 waterproof 3 secret 4 banner 5 artist 6 simple 7 express 8 decide 9 respect 10 recycling 11 cap 12 work 13 cloth 14 go hiking 15 be interested in 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 interested in 2 make it 3 out of 4 goes well with 5 it a try 1 waterproof 2 express 3 banner 4 sketch 5 simple 69 1 in cooking make it afraid sorry 2 I am interested in recycled art. Can you make it at five? I m afraid I can t. 3 sorry 4 interested in 5 3 4 be interested in A: B: 5

71 1 My grandmother is too old to travel. I m so sleepy that I can t do my homework. The lion was fast enough to catch the deer. 2 so, that too cold to swim themselves 3 too, to smart enough to 4 enough old old enough to heavy too too heavy to me myself 5 1 too to so that enough to 2 so that too to enjoy oneself 3 too to enough to 4 enough to too to 5 72 for with from for about of for 74~75 for in about at to for of 01 banner 02 a pair of 03 A: 5 B: 04 A: K- pop 3 5 05 2 5 06 enough to too to 07 [08 ~ 10] Amy Sally 08 76~77 01 02 a pair of 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 so early, can 12 are you interested in Korean gardens Can you make it at 2

09 unique 10 11 ~ enough ~ that can could 12 Are you interested in ~? Can you make it at ~? 01 unique 02 tooto enough to sothat enough fast fast enough 03 help oneself to: you myself I yourself 04 too to so that can t couldn t 05 2 4 Jenny Jenny Jenny 2 06 78~79 01 02 03 yourself you myself yourself 04 so, that 05 06 07 decided making decided to make express me express myself 08 too weak to strong enough to too slow to fast enough to 07 decide to 08 tooto enough to Mr. Hill Eric 1 80~83 01 02 two pairs of 03 04 well with 05 06 Are you interested in history 07 08 09 10 11 12 interested make about 13 enough to 14 15 16 He is so rich that he can buy a big house. 17 18 19 20 21 There s no other bag like it in the world. 22 23 Just give it a try! 24 looking at herself enjoying themselves herself 01 simple without a lot of decorations; plain 02 two pairs of 03 make A out of B: B A make A into B: A B 04 match = go well with 05 I m afraid I can t. I m sorry I can t. A: 7 B: A: 06 Are you interested in ~? A: B: 07 A: Jenny? B: 2 4 B:

[08 ~09] G: B: G: K- pop B: 3 G: 5 B: 08 09 K-pop K-pop [10 ~ 11] A: B: A: B: A: 10 11 A (banner) 12 I m interested in ~. Can you make it at ~?: How about ~? 13 enough to 14 of itself: by oneself (= alone) A: B: A: B: 15 ourselves enjoy oneself 16 enough to so that can could [17~18] Sally 17 but then 18 Amy [19 ~ 21] 19 it a used cloth banner from the school 20 go well with 21 [22 ~23] 22 a bright idea 23 give it a try: 24 herself enjoy oneself

01 bright 02 give it a try: 03 Sounds great. I m afraid I can t. 04 Are you interested in ~? in 05 by oneself(= alone) 06 too to 07 so that 08 so that can could enough to so that can t couldn ttoo to 09 84~87 01 02 it a try 03 04 Are you interested in playing soccer? 05 06 too young to 07 so expensive that 08 She was hungry enough to eat the whole pizza. He is too old to run fast. 09 10 11 12 recycled trash like empty bottles, cans or old newspapers 13 14 new 15 16 17 18 It is strong enough to carry books and notebooks 19 20 21 22 23 a paper doll 24 25 a pair two pairs pairs of sneakers sunglasses 10 be interested in make A out of B: B A 11 A 2 12 13 A: 7 6 Lee s Kitchen 5 30 A: 14 new 15 16 Amy her friend her sister bigger smaller after before doesn t like likes 17 make A into B: A B 18 enough to 19 What is better 20 21 but too to so that can t couldn t 22 a bright idea 23 one paper dolls 24

25 a pair of two pairs of 88~91 01 enough small small enough carry to carry me myself 02 himself yourself themselves 03 make it afraid interested 04 smart enough to solve too heavy to carry 05 She was so sick that she couldn t go out. He is so tall that he can reach the top of the bookshelf. 06 I can make cookies myself. / I can fix my computer myself. 07 pairs a pair three pairs pairs of 08 I m afraid I can t. / I m sorry I can t. 09 They re going to see a recycled art festival (in Nuri Park). They will meet at 4 in front of the library. 10 she couldn t go shopping for her sister s birthday present she couldn t buy a present for her sister make some dolls out of cardboard paper dolls are good presents for little girls 11 It s so easy that anyone can do it! 12 It is strong enough to carry books and notebooks. Its color goes well with Hyeonsu s school uniform. It s very unique (because there s no other bag like it in the world). 13 too, to old enough to so, that, couldn t so, that, get 14 cute enough to catch put some money into it enough money to buy 01 enough to too to me myself 02 himself you yourself enjoy oneself 03 Is okay for you?can you make it at I m sorry I can t. m afraid I can t. Do you have an interest in ~? Are you interested in ~? 04 enough to too to 05 too to so that can t couldn t enough to so that can could 06 myself myself 07 a pair of two three pairs of 08 I m afraid I can t. / I m sorry I can t. 09 Jenny 4 10 11 so that 12 13 Nick Jack tooto enough to so that 14 enough to put A into B A B enough enough to

Lesson 8 1 How interesting! I enjoy -ing ~. Let me 2 I don t know what you mean. Let me I enjoy ~. 3 mean A: B: A: 4 Let me ~. / May Can I ~? 5 I m sorry? 93 A 1 proverb 2 helpful 3 secret 4 simple 5 service 6 post 7 twisted 8 weekday 9 lesson 10 expression 11 unexpected 12 sometimes 13 story 14 thought 15 by the way 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 1 worried about 2 long face 3 big mouth 4 real card 5 cloud nine 1 cartoon 2 lesson 3 joke 4 proverb 5 secret 95 1 interesting riding Let 2 I don t know what you mean. Let me tell you a joke. I enjoy making movies with my cellphone. 3 mean 4 May Can I 5 1 to it be by him Kevin 2 it to benot be 3 be by be by benotby Be by 4 be be notby me 5 it it it 97 1 It sent him 2 It, to watch wasn t invited was, built 3 This house was built by my grandfather. The yard wasn t cleaned by Dad. Were the thieves caught by the police? 4 fixed was fixed not was was not I me 5 of to at for in with in at on about at in 98 100~101

01 proverb 02 fun funny 102~103 01 02 03 04 Let me show you my picture. 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 It, to exercise 12 was invited was served was broken was fixed looking 03 09 miss 10 11 it to exercise regularly 12 be being A: B: A: 04 Let me 05 06 be break broken Tom 07 me be by [08 ~10] miss 08 miss 104~105 01 02 built, was built 03 04 is too dangerous to drive in the snow 05 06 07 08 It, to lose It, to learn It, to solve 01 fun funny funny fun 02 built 2002 be be was 03 be by caught was caught she her stole stolen sang sung 04 it to drive in the snow 05 (B) (C) (A) (D)

(B) (C) (A) (D) 06 Brian day 07 to that it 08 it to 01 secret proverb 02 fun funny Tom 03 miss 04 get it 05 I post them on the Internet. them stories A: B: A: [06 ~ 07] A: John B: A: 106~109 01 02 funny, fun 03 04 05 06 Let me tell you something. 07 08 09 10 11 12 Let mean It get 13 It is important to follow the rules. 14 wasn t stolen by 15 16 It is not easy to learn a foreign language. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 followed was caught by were eaten by 06 Let me 07 John has a big mouth. John [08 ~ 10] A: B: A: B: A: B: A: 08 09 long face long unhappy sad 10 the long face 11 12 Let me I don t know what you mean. it to find it get it 13 it to follow the rules 14 benot by the ring be was 15 eaten was is eaten Did Was was made made paint painted 16 it to learn a foreign language

17 Why are jokes funny? What are the secrets of jokes? 18 the same meaning two different meanings [19 ~ 21] 19 However 20 21 [22 ~23] 22 it make a joke on your own 23 Laugh, and ~. and ~. 24 followed be by be by mushrooms be were 110~113 01 02 early bird 03 04 weak days 05 06 07 08 It, to learn 09 not written, are written 10 The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 puts put 18 unexpected answers can make situations funny 19 20 eaten 21 22 23 24 25 was painted was written by was built in 01 real card lose one s mind be on cloud nine be like a fish out of water drive ~ up the wall 02 early bird 03 A B I don t know what you mean. 04 weekdays weak days 05 A: A: 06 Be 07 was taken made was helped 08 it to learn computers 09 benot be 10 be by 11 it it

it it 10 12 story 13 stories 14 If not If you don t think this cartoon is funny 15 16 17 if 18 make 19 X X cute and simple 20 be eat eaten 21 However 22 it life 23 on =about on your own 24 Laugh, and ~. and If 25 be by 3 be was by in the Joseon Dynasty in 114~117 01 writing written That It he him 02 fun funny funny fun 03 sung stolen broken 04 cloud mouth card 05 The dishes weren t washed by my sister. Is this magazine read by many people? 06 enjoy taking was locked up 07 on his own how to make worried about him 08 I don t know what you mean. / What does that mean? / Excuse me? / Pardon me? / Could you repeat that, please? 09 10 (Because) Her dog is sick. 11 say sorry to her the woman was worried about his finger being in the soup 12 Brian Rome was not built in a day. day 13 was played were cleaned by an elephant was led by a mouse were baked by a bear 14 funny different about on top of 01 be it to by him 02 fun funny: 03 be 04 be on cloud nine have a big mouth real card 05 benot by Be by 06 enjoy take a picture be be was 07 on one s own how to be worried about: 08 09 =look unhappy Why the long face? long face

10 11 12 Brian day 13 be by 14 funny different about on top of 120~121 take, for a walk Hang on would as on to walk took, by the hand the coldest Before long was getting older held out One day fell down to take ended with was gone are over how to leaned over to was pushing turn to push turn to sit Lesson kind of 01 took, by the hand held out her hand can go for are over 02 He would take her for a walk in her pushchair. An ambulance came to take him to the hospital. Mrs. Pringle leaned over to them. Seems just like yesterday when Bob was pushing you in the pushchair. 03 The neighbors called them ham and eggs. Nelly was in school and Bob was getting older. Bob went out alone and fell down the stairs. The smile was gone from his eyes. Now it s my turn to push and Bob s turn to sit. 01 take ~ by the hand hold out one s hand so (that) ~ can go for a walk be over 02 take ~ for a walk to take take A to B A B lean over to Seems like ~. It 03 call A B A B 5 waswere-ing get go out fall down the stairs be gone to push to sit to turn 122~123 a few have never seen set up pulled out to cover to hatch worried about So looking forward to at first there was each other prepared for get hurt stood up to meet Like the others without fear Even though lots of Lesson 01 have never seen looking forward to prepared for Even though 02 I posted its pictures on a website. I m waiting for the babies to hatch. I thought they were talking to each other. They did their first flight without fear. 03 I named the bird Angsun. Angsun pulled out her own feathers to cover her eggs. My house is on the 9th floor. Surprisingly, it didn t get hurt. I ll face my difficulties just like them. 01 have never look forward to prepare for even though 02 post ~ on a website wait for A to do A I thought (that) ~. each other without 03 name A B A B 5 pull out one s own to cover to be on the floor surprisingly get hurt face just like

124~125 but at first decided to make look better with enjoy wearing express myself which used into strong enough to goes well with What is better like too busy to was thinking out of want to so, that put, together Why don t you Lesson give it a try 01 express myself enough to goes well with What is better 02 My sister Sally gave them to me. There s no other bag like it in the world. It s so easy that anyone can do it! Just give it a try! 03 I decided to make them look better. I have a very special bag which my mom made. My mom made it into this beautiful bag. I was too busy to go shopping. It s so easy that anyone can do it! Why don t you make one for your sister? Lesson 126~127 enjoy making Let s read didn t you that make us laugh as if worried about that like eaten by that make you see help you enjoy a few how to on your own to do and 01 making, laughing make you see how to make on your own 02 Unexpected answers can make situations funny. The early worm is also eaten by the early bird. You ve learned that proverbs teach you lessons. It s not so difficult to do it. 03 Some words that have two different meanings can make us laugh. Would it be okay if a waiter put his finger in your soup? Kids have cute and simple thoughts that can make people laugh. But the early worm is also eaten by the early bird. It s not so difficult to do it. Laugh, and the whole world will laugh with you. 01 express oneself: ~ enough to.. go well with what is better 02 give A to B: A B There is no like so that give it a try 03 decide to make look which a very special bag make A into B: A B too to so that Why don t you 01 enjoy making laughing and make how to on one s own 02 make be by that teach it to do it 03 that some words make if put that thoughts make be by it to do it and...

Lesson 128~129 01 02 03 04 05 06 I ll never forget his happy face. 07 08 was watching 09 Why don t we buy something cold to drink? 10 11 his hand Bob and Nelly 12 she didn t want any help from Bob 01 take ~ for a walk for fun Tom 02 A B 03 A [04 ~ 05] G B G B G B 04 safe 05 [06 ~ 07] G B G B G B G B 06 I ll never forget ~. 07 08 I was-ing A B TV 09 Why don t we -thing to -thingto 10 take ~ by the hand 11 it his hand them Bob Nelly 12 Nelly Lesson 130~131 01 02 03 Have you heard about an observation diary 04 05 06 has worked for a bank 07 08 09 to cover her eggs 10 11 12 01 dry 02 [03 ~ 04] A: B A B A B A 03 Have you heard about ~? 04 05 money a little Mike 06 20 havehas 3 has

07 finally too they 7 08 kind 09 10 So So 9 11 9 12 (B) (A) (C) (B) (A) (C) Lesson 132~133 01 (r)ecycle 02 03 interested interesting 04 05 06 07 08 enough money to buy 09 10 11 12 01 recycle 02 5 6 [03 ~ 04] A: B: A: B: A: B: 10 A: 12 B: 03 04 A B 10 12 05 06 too to not enough to so that can t [07 ~ 08] 07 so 08 enough money [09 ~ 11] 09 it them 10 so that 11

12 (B) (C) (A) (A) What is better (A) (C) (B) (C) (A) Lesson 134~135 01 02 03 04 I don t know what you mean 05 06 It is important to eat 07 08 Hangul was made by King Sejong. 09 10 The early bird catches the worm. 11 12 01 be like a fish out of water here comfortable uncomfortable 02 I m sorry? I m sorry. [03 ~ 05] A: B: A: B: A: B: A: 08 be by 09 [10 ~ 12] 10 The early bird catches the worm. 11 lesson 12 twisted different 03 04 I don t know what you mean. 05 06 it to eat breakfast every day 07 (A) led (B) is cleaned