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UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION THYROID UPTAKE AND SCAN KOREAN 갑상선섭취율과스캔 스캔을위한준비 갑상선방사능약섭취와스캔은 2 일동안갑상샘의구조와기능을연구하는검사입니다. 이안내서를읽고검사를위하여어떻게준비해야하는지, 어떻게하는지, 어떻게진행되는지, 검사를하는동안무엇을느낄수있는지, 그리고결과를어떻게얻을수있는지를알아보십시오. 갑상선방사능약섭취와스캔이무엇입니까? 갑상선방사능약섭취와스캔은환자분의갑상샘이어떻게생겼고어떻게작용하는지를검사하는것입니다. 첫번째약의섭취는첫날할것입니다. 두번째섭취와스캔을하기위하여그다음날다시오실것입니다. 두부분의검사를워싱턴대학종합병원영상서비스과에서합니다. 검사를어떻게합니까? 섭취 섭취율검사를위해서작은량의방사능물질 ( 추적자 ) 을복용할것입니다. 이추적자는환자분의갑상샘에모이고감마와베타선을방출합니다. 측정기가갑상샘에흡수된추적자의양을탐지할것입니다. 스캔 갑상샘환자분이섭취를위하여삼킨추적자는갑상샘에모일것입니다. 검사의둘째부분은흔히팔에있는정맥안으로적은량의추적자를주사합니다. 그런다음환자분의갑상선을카메라로영상촬영을하게됩니다. 섭취율과스캔을위해서어떻게준비해야합니까? 6 주전 지난 6 주동안요오드조영제 { 예를들어경정맥성신우촬영술 (IVP) 또는 CT} 를주사받는연관된엑스레이촬영을하지않았어야합니다. Page 1 of 3 Thyroid Uptake and Scan

4 주전 대부분의사람들은검사하기 4 주전부터갑상선호르몬약 ( 신뜨로이드, 싸이토멜, 레로따이록신, 리따이로닌 ) 복용을중단할것입니다. 복용을중단하시기전에담당의사선생님과상의하십시오. 1 주전 검사하기 5 일전부터정제요오드약 ( 예를들어루골스쏠루션또는 SSKI 와같은 ) 을복용하지마십시오. 검사가완료될때까지복용하지말고계십시오. 검사 5 일이전부터요오드가함유된비타민제를복용하지마십시오. 검사 5 일이전부터요오드가함유된음식들을들지마십시오. 이것은해초, 김밥, 그리고거의모든해물들을포함합니다. 대부분의사람들은검사하기 4 일전부터항갑상선호르몬이나, 프로포따이유라씰 (PTU) 이나메티메졸또는타파졸과같은갑상선약복용을중단할것입니다. 이와같은약의복용을중단하기전에꼭담당의사선생님과상의하십시오. 스캔하는날 예약 2 시간전부터금식하십시오. 물은마셔도됩니다. 2 가지종류의신분확인증 (ID) 을가지고오십시오. 만일임신중이면, 인공유산을계획하고있더라도반드시우리에게알려야합니다. 만약섭취율과스캔이후에요오드 I131 (I131) 요법을받을수도있고임신이가능한연령의여성이면, 검사첫날임신여부를확인하기위해혈액검사를받을수도있습니다. 검사에소요되는시간을감안해서 1 시간 30 분정도일찍오십시오. 만약현재수유를하고계시면말해주십시오. 방사성추적자를받고나면수유를계속할수없습니다. 스캔은어떻게진행됩니까? 첫날 핵의학과영상서비스에오시면, 추적자가들은캡슐약을드실것입니다. 이약을드신후 2 시간더금식하셔야합니다. 물은드셔도됩니다. 2 시간금식시간이지난후에는섭취율검사를위해돌아오시기전에음식을드셔도됩니다. Page 2 of 3 Thyroid Uptake and Scan

섭취율검사를위해추적자를드신 3-4 시간이후다시오시도록예정되어있을것입니다. 이검사는 10 분정도걸릴것입니다. Day 2 다른섭취율측정을위해서다음날다시오실것입니다. 두번째섭취율측정이후갑상선스캔을받으실것입니다. 갑상선스캔을위해추적자정맥주사를맞고그다음 10 분에서 15 분정도지난후영상촬영이시작됩니다. 전체소요시간은 1 시간에서 1 시간 30 분정도걸립니다. 만약 24 시간섭취와스캔이후치료를위해 I131 약을복용할예정이면고형음식은예약 2 시간전부터들지마십시오. I131 치료를받으시면예약시간이 1 시간더길어질것입니다. 섭취율과스캔이후치료약이도착하기까지는 1 시간정도걸릴것입니다. 만약섭취율과스캔이후 I131 치료를받을예정이시면, 방사능안전정보를다시읽어보십시오. 갑상샘기능항진증으로방사능요오드치료를받는환자를위한설명서 를보십시오. 검사하는동안무엇을느낄수있습니까? 질문있으십니까? 환자분의질문은매우중요합니다. 질문이나걱정스러운점이있으시면담당의사선생님이나건강관리담당자에게전화하십시오. 어떤환자분들은검사대에움직이지않고누워계시는것이힘드실수도있습니다. 대부분의추적자는소변을통해서몸밖으로나갑니다. 그나머지는시간이지나면서없어집니다. 누가검사결과를해석하고제가어떻게해야받게됩니까? 핵의학과의특별수련받은의사선생님께서영상을재확인하시고담당의사선생님께보고서를보내드립니다. 그결과를담당의사선생님께서환자분께알려드릴것입니다. UWMC 핵의학과 / 영상 서비스 : 206-598-6200 하버뷰영상서비스 : 206-744-3105 University of Washington Medical Center Thyroid Uptake and Scan Korean Published PFES: 12/2005, 05/2009, 04/2011, 10/2012 Clinician Review: 10/2012 Translation by UWMC Interpreter Services Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu Page 3 of 3 Thyroid Uptake and Scan

UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Thyroid Uptake and Scan How to prepare A nuclear medicine thyroid uptake and scan is a 2-day test that studies the structure and function of the thyroid gland. Read this handout to learn how to prepare for the test, how it works, how it is done, what you may feel during the test, and how to get your results. What is a nuclear medicine thyroid uptake and scan? A thyroid nuclear medicine uptake and scan checks how your thyroid gland looks and works. The first uptake will be done on day 1. You will come back the next day for another uptake and the scan. Both parts of the test are done in the Imaging Services department at University of Washington Medical Center. How do the tests work? Uptake For the uptake, you will swallow a small dose of radioactive material (tracer). This tracer collects in your thyroid gland and gives off gamma and beta rays. A sensor will detect how much of the tracer your thyroid absorbs. Scan In the second part of the exam, a small amount of tracer is injected into a vein, usually in your arm. Images of your thyroid are then taken with a camera. The tracer you swallow for the uptake will collect in your thyroid gland. How should I prepare for the uptake and scan? 6 Weeks Before You must NOT have had X-ray exams involving iodine contrast (such as IVP or CT) in the last 6 weeks. Page 1 of 3 Thyroid Uptake and Scan

4 Weeks Before Most people will stop taking thyroid hormone medicine (synthroid, cytomel, lerothyroxine, lithyronine) 4 weeks before their tests. Check with your doctor before you stop taking this medicine. In the Week Before Do not take any oral iodides (such as Lugol s solution or SSKI) for 5 days before your exam. Remain off them until tests are completed. Do not take vitamins that contain iodine for 5 days before your tests. Most people will stop taking anti-thyroid hormones, Propothyouracil (PTU), Methimazole, or Tapazole thyroid medicine 4 days before their tests. Be sure to check with your doctor before you stop taking these medicines. Day of Scan Do not eat for 2 hours before your appointment. You may drink water. Bring 2 forms of identification (ID) with you to the scan. You must tell us if you are pregnant, even if you plan to end the pregnancy. If you might receive Iodine 131 (I131) therapy after the uptake and scan and you are a female of childbearing age, we may send you for a pregnancy blood test on Day 1 of the exam. Plan to be here 1½ extra hours to get the results of the pregnancy test. Tell us if you are currently breastfeeding. You cannot continue to breastfeed after you receive the radioactive tracers. How is the scan done? Day 1 When you arrive at Imaging Services, you will swallow a capsule that contains a tracer. You must fast for 2 more hours after swallowing this capsule. You may drink water. You may eat after this 2-hour fasting period, before you return for your uptake study. You will return for an uptake study 3 to 4 hours after you swallow the tracer. This part of the visit will take 10 minutes. Day 2 You will return the next day for another uptake measurement. After this second uptake measurement, you will have a thyroid scan. Page 2 of 3 Thyroid Uptake and Scan

For the thyroid scan, a tracer will be injected in your vein. You will then need to wait 10 to 15 minutes before imaging begins. The entire visit takes about 1 to 1½ hours. If you are going to be treated with a therapeutic dose of I31 after the 24-hour uptake and scan, do not eat any solid foods for 2 hours before this appointment. Treatment with I131 will add 1 more hour to your appointment time. After the uptake and scan, it will take about 1 hour for your therapy dose to arrive. If you will be treated with a therapeutic I131 dose after the uptake and scan, please review the radiation safety information. See Instructions for Patients Receiving Radioactive Iodine Therapy for Hyperthyroidism. What should I expect during and after the exam? It may be hard for some patients to lie still on the exam table. Most of the tracer passes out of your body in your urine. The rest simply goes away over time. Who interprets the results and how do I get them? A doctor with special training in nuclear medicine will review the images and send a report to your doctor. Your doctor will share the results with you. Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or health care provider if you have questions or concerns. UWMC Nuclear Medicine/Imaging Services: 206-598-6200 Harborview Imaging Services: 206-744-3105 University of Washington Medical Center Published PFES: 12/2005, 05/2009, 04/2011, 10/2012, 04/2013 Clinician Review: 04/2013 Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu Page 3 of 3 Thyroid Uptake and Scan