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AIA Corporation New Vision For New Millennium Contents 회사 소개 (경영이념) Philosophy 3 인사말 Greetings 4 회사 연혁 Company History 5 조직도 Organizational 6 연구개발 Research & Development 7-8 생산제품 소개 Introduce Products 9-16 + Anti-Vibration Parts + Weather Strip Parts + Hose Parts + Plastic Parts 인증서 Certificate 17

AIA Corporation 인간과 자연이 하나되는 그날을 위해 노력합니다. Thinking the environment, It is AIA corporate ideology Greetings Philosophy AIA is a entrepreneur that has been growing continuously in sales and quality ever since its establishment in 1988. AIA is specializing in manufacturing automotive components and developing rubber products such as anti-vibration parts that provide the safety and comfort and weather strips, hoses etc. and plastic components such as bumper assembly and reinforcements etc. The while, AIA has kept step with global automotive industry development and devote itself to introducing new technology and new equipment. We have the pride that growth of automotive industry is impossible without support from the professional suppliers like us and AIA will have a concentrated mind to compete with quality and develop technology competitive and to be reborn to become a advanced automotive component supplier in the 21 century. And AIA devotes ceaseless efforts to securing advanced technology through technical cooperation and new product development. We'll never forget that it is our customers' continuous support and care that made us exist today and we'll promise that we'll do our best to manage and consider that our customers' needs are our first priority. 경영방침 (Philosophy) 신뢰경영 (Faith) 현장경영 (Field) 사훈 (Company Motto) 투명경영 (Transparency) Plant 1 425-833 경기도 안산시 단원구 성곡동 636-2 636-2 Sunggok-Dong, Danwoan-Gu, Ansan-City, Kyunggi-Do, Republic of Korea 425-833 Plant 2 425-833 경기도 안산시 단원구 성곡동 638 638 Sunggok-Dong, Danwoan-Gu, Ansan-City, Kyunggi-Do, Republic of Korea 425-833 Thank you very much. 근면 (Diligence) 검소 (Frugality) 친애 (Affection) 3_AIA Corporation AIA Corporation_4

The Past, The Present & The Future Manufacturing, selling and research of Rubber product, Plastic product for automobiles. Honest & Faith AIA is a company that Honest people working together based on faith. Structure Company Profile 자 본 금 : 156억 (2007) 매 출 액 : 1,608억 (2007) 인 원 : 330명 주요사업 : 고무가공/성형, 플라스틱 압출 성형, 방진류, 범퍼류 사 업 장 : 1공장-고무 공정 / 2공장-플라스틱 공정 주거래처 : 현대자동차, 기아자동차, GM대우자동차, 쌍용자동차, 현대모비스, 위아, GM(USA) 기술 제휴 : ZF Boge(독일) Kinugawa(일본) Capital Fund : $ 16 Million (2007) Annual Sales : $ 161 Million (2007) Employees : 330 Persons Nature of Business : Manufacturing rubber & plastic components for the automotive. Plants : Plant 1 - Rubber Components / Plant 2 - Plastic Components Major customers : Hyundai Motor, KIA Motors, GM Daewoo Motors, Ssangyong Motors, Hyundai Mobis, WIA Corp, GM(USA) Technical cooperation : ZF Boge Elastmetall GmbH Kinugawa FINANCIAL ADMIN GENERAL AFFAIRES PERSONNELS PURCHASING DEPARTMENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SALES VICE CHAIRMAN PRESIDENT DESIGN 1 (RUBBER) DESIGN 2 (PLASTIC) PRODUCTION CONTRAOL 1 DIRECTOR PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTION CONTRAOL 2 QUALITY CONTROL Company History 1988 June. 25 회사설립 / Company Established 1989 January. 04 방진 & 압출 부문 영업 개시 / Anti-Vibration & Extrusion Components Sales Launch 1989 January. 13 노동조합 설립 / Labor Union organized 1991 December. 17 KS표기 허가 취득 / Acquired Korea Standard (KS) Mark 1992 February. 12 품질 동탑 산업 훈장 수상 / Awarded Bronze Industrial Medal for Quality 1992 September. 21 플라스틱 공장 가동 (범퍼 생산) / Plastic Production Started (Bumper Production Started) 1992 November. 20 전국품질관리대회 대통령상 수상 / Received President's Award for Quality Control Competition 1995 September. 01 TPO 범퍼 Fascia 생산 시작 / Thermoplastic Olefin (T.P.O) Bumper fascia production started 1996 September. 01 ISO 9002 인증 / ISO-9002 Certified 1997 February. 01 IP Core 생산 개시 / Instrument Panel (IP) Frame Production Started 1997 December. 05 TPE G / Run 생산개시 / Thermoplastic Elastomer Glass Run (TPE G/Run) Production Started 2000 Februa. 14 QS 9000 인증 / QS-9000 Certified 2003 April. 10 ISO 9001 인증 / ISO-9001 Certified 2003 April. 10 QS 9000 재인증 / QS-9000 Renewal 2003 September. 02 일본 Kinugawa와 기술 협력 체결 / Technical Collaboration Agreement with Kinugawa 2003 September. 30 GM( 美 ) 업체 등록 / Registered as a Supplier for GM (Tier 1, DUNS NO.:68-928-2804) 2004 October. 15 회사 상호 변경 - 아이아(주) 현대 자동차 그룹사 편입 / Changed company name to AIA Corp. became a member of Hyundai Motor Group 2005 November. 08 ISO-14001 인증 획득 / ISO-14001 certified 2005 December. 06 TS-16949 인증 획득 / TS-16949 certified 2006 October. 01 독일 ZF BOGE Elastmetall GmbH와 기술 협력 계약(방진부문) 및 전략적 사업 제휴 체결 / Technical Collaboration Agreement & Strategic business cooperation with ZF BOGE Elastmetall GmbH Technical Collaboration Company Item Location ZF-Boge Elastmetall GmbH NVH parts Germany Kinugawa W/Strip parts Japan Overseas Customer Customer Item Country Mando USA Strut mount USA VAN-Rob Bushing Canada ZF Boge Mounting parts Slovakia HP Pelzer Load floor Czech Fujian Spicer Bushing China Sanko Air deflector Japan ZF Sachs Bushing USA ZF Sachs Bushing Mexico 5_AIA Corporation AIA Corporation_6

Research & Development Development Process Organization 연구소장 (DIRECTOR) 설계 1부 (DESIGN 1 TEAM) 설계 2부 (DESIGN 2 TEAM) Our highly qualified researchers are continuously devote themselves to developing new products with advanced technology, which will lead to a better world environment. The variety of instruments and euqipment are utilized in simulation processes and applied to rapid product development to manufacture perfect products. We hold many technical patents and are also trying to work and cooperate with the advanced manufacturers around world to obtain the most state-of-the-art technology through joint venture and technical cooperation. 방진설계/개발팀 (NVH DESIGN TEAM) 압출 설계/개발팀 (EXTRUSION DESIGN TEAM) 재료개발팀 (MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT TEAM) PL 개발팀 (PLASTIC DEVELOPMENT TEAM) PL 설계팀 (PLASTIC DESIGN TEAM) AIA Corporation Test Facility Our testing facility is equipped with advanced testing instruments to evaluate quality and reliability of our products. Two axial durability tester One axial durability tester Viscosity tester Tensile strength tester Glass run durability tester Micro hardness tester MTS Dynamic characteristic tester 7_AIA Corporation AIA Corporation_8

Product Introduction_Anti-Vibration Parts Anti-Vibration Parts Anti-Vibration components produced by using ideal processing are engineered and dynamically tested to assure comfortable ride in a vehicle and the highest level of safety and quality. Suspension Links Located underneath of vehicle body. Absorb impact from the road surface and improve soft traveling. It functions mainly to connect between sub frame and axle. Suspension Bushings Connect auto body and frame. Absorb vibration and impact to provide more comfortable ride in a vehicle and improve safe travelling. Engine Mounts Located on front/rear, left/right side of Engine. Absorb noise, vibration and impact caused by key on/off, acceleration and provide more comfortable ride in a vehicle and improve safe traveling. Transmission Mounts Located Low & Upper parts of Transmission. Absorb noise vibration and impact and provide more comfortable ride in a vehicle and improve safe travelling. Hydraulic Mounts Located on front/rear, left/right side of Engine. Absorb noise, vibration and impact by using high loss factor and provide more comfortable ride in a vehicle and improve safe traveling. Lower Arms Located underneath of auto body. Absorb impact from the road surface and improve safe travelling. Strut Mounts (Top Mounts) It supports coil spring and shock absorber and reduce vibration & impact from wheels. Dynamic Dampers Act to reduce the vibrations of a certain object. 9_AIA Corporation AIA Corporation_10

Product Introduction_Weather Strip Parts Weather Strip Parts Weather strips produced by using state-of-the-art multi-extrusion system help protect noise & water from the outside. AIA manufactures the products that have high performances from the R&D of new technologies, recyclable material development, the variation movement prediction and load distribution prediction. Door Seal Glass Run(P.V.C, Rubber, TPE) Tail Gate W/Stirp PVC Molding Body Seal (3,4 Folded Extrusion) It fits into the vehicle body to buff impacts from door open & close and to seal dust, noise and water from the outside. Glass Run (P.V.C, Rubber, TPE) Provide decorative function and prevents the inflow of any foreign objects or airflow from the outside by the installing on all openings. Body Seal Door Seal (Single, 2 Folded Extrusion) Features a sectional weather-strip design that fits the door structure and body cabin to seal water, dust and noise from the occupants of vehicle. Others (Upper seal, Parting seal) AIA Corporation 11_AIA Corporation AIA Corporation_12

Product Introduction_Hose Parts Hose Parts With customer satisfaction as our goal, we utilize process controls and high quality control standards to assure that product coming off our production lines meets our standards for consistently high quality. AIA Corporation (A) Oil Hoses (B) Fuel Hoses (C) Heater Hoses (D) Air Hoses (E) Water Hoses (F) Power Steering Hoses 13_AIA Corporation AIA Corporation_14

Product Introduction_Plastic Parts Plastic Parts With Plastic products playing an significant role in both automotive safety and economy, we have focussed our automated injection molding and coating lines. Bumpers Material : PP (Polypropylene) AIA Corporation Reinforcements Material : GMT (Glass Fiber Mat Thermoplastic) Under body Skid Plate Material : PP (Polypropylene), GMT (Glass Fiber Mat Thermoplastic) Trims Material : PP (Polypropylene) 15_AIA Corporation AIA Corporation_16

Certificate Environmental Responsibility is AIA's Corporate Ideology Environmental Responsibility is AIA 's Corporate Ideology 17_AIA Corporation www.aia21.co.kr