SESSION I : Geographical Names and Sea Names

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A Study on the Naming of Tonghae (East Sea of Korea) -Consideration about the development of a marine advance until the 19th century middle and the marine products industry in East Sea This paper stated only within East Sea Sagong Jun (Professory, Korea University, Japan) Introduction In order to see the justification of an East Sea name, the Korean ancestor considered East Sea from the standpoint how he understood, from ancient times. It is because investigating the use history of East Sea is set to one of the important means by which the Korean ancestor recognizes East Sea how, and gets to know. The Korean did fishery in East Sea from the old times. The fishing implements of the middle are not yet discovered in the Old Stone Age. However, Korea race forms a family the latter period of the Neolithic era later, and the women are seen in the trace that collected shellfish and Seaweed. In Neolithic era, the labor tool developed into a history, the production capacity, too. The picture of people and fish catching a fish is drawn on the fresco of the Neolithic era of Uljyu-gun Onyang-myon( 蔚 州 郡 彦 陽 面 ),Gyonsang-namdo( 慶 尙 南 道 ), South Korea. This shows a standard of the then fishery technology. A tool to catch a fish is discovered from first-term remains in BC5000 - BC4000age. As for the BC3000 age, the specific gravity of the fish collecting was big by occupation of inhabitants. The evidence that escalated a fishing ground from the inside of remains to the ocean is excavated. It is because a shell of shellfish inhabiting the deep sea like a bone and the scallop of the dolphin from Sopohang( 西 浦 項 ) remains Nongpo( 農 浦 ) remains is excavated. In the Ages of Bronze ware, BC2000 age understands that a new fishing and hunting method was developed. 1. The marine products industry of the Neolith time and the Bronze ware time The bones of about 11 kinds fish let you discover it from the Neolith time and remains of the Bronze ware time seen in the various places in Korea. (1) [1] Remains of Rajincyo-do(island: 羅 津 草 島 ) The bone of eight sorts of fish is excavating from the ruins of the new stone implement time unearthed in various parts of Korea, and bronze ware time. They are a Yellowtail, an Alaska Pollack, a Globefish, a Flounder, a Sea Bream, and Namely etc. (2) These fish live in the shore neighborhood of East Sea. These fish live in the shores such as Gangwon-do Tongtyon( 江 原 道 通 川 ), Gyongbuk-do Yongdok( 慶 尙 北 道 盈 德 ), Gyongbuk-do Gangrung( 慶 尙 北 道 江 陵 ). Or the Flatfish is distributed to Korea shore, Russian shore, Sea of Okhotsk, Japanese Islands outskirts, east Sea in China. 231

[2] Other areas( 他 地 域 ) There is the following thing in the report which investigated the remains of the East Sea area of the Neolith time. These research reports have shown the following. (3) 1Fish Sea bream, Saury, Salmon, Spanish mackerel, the bone of the flatfish are excavated from remains of Cyongjin-city( 淸 津 ),Nongpo( 農 浦 ). Pusan-Yongdo remains( 釜 山 龍 島 ). The bone of the Shark is excavated from a Shell Mound of Kimhae( 金 海 ) of Gyongsangnamdo( 慶 尙 南 道 ) to miss it. (4) 2Mammals(바다짐승) Five kinds of mammalian bones such as a whale, a Dolphin, a Fur seal, a Seal are found in the remains. Because these mammals live greatly in the open sea, we go out by ship, and the people must catch it jointly. It is impossible with an individual to catch. (5) 3Shellfish and Snails ( 貝 類 및 골뱅이류) The discovered shellfish is beyond ten kinds of nests from remains. The thing representative in that are 22 kinds. (6) These 22 kinds of shellfish are the shellfish which they cannot collect unless most go out by ship. In shellfish excavated in remains, a shellfish inhabiting by 30m deep in Tong Hae(East Sea)is four kinds. (7) [3] The fishery method that became clear in the Neolith-time and remains of the Bronzeware-time The method is one catching a fish with fishing, a net with the spear. Fishing: A wild boar, the tusk of the animal. (8) Net: There are many kinds of a weight excavated in each place. Use granite, diorite, and various shells to the weight of an excavated net. (9) [4] The fishery time and fishery technology From ten kinds of fish excavated from remains, we can know the fishery time. According to it, the fishery seems to have been performed through one year. (10) Because the bone of the yellowtail is discovered, it is the time when the front was chillier than the present for in those days that is 2000 years. The inhabitants had fishery technology to overcome such a disadvantageous climate condition. In addition, the knowledge standard about the marine condition was high, too. Moreover, it also turns out that the fish was caught by the various fishing methods. There was also recognition to the wide-ranging fish by an ocean current. (11) Because a big fish, the small fishbone were seen from remains. In other words I caught most fish. In addition, I can know that I grasped marine conditions well. In that way there was recognition for the wandering fish by the ocean current. (12) Eight kinds of fish bones are found from Cyo-do remains( 草 島 遺 蹟 ), but, from the food chain of this fish, can know the other fish. In the case of East Sea, it is ten kinds of fish. (13) However, the fishes which were not seen are also seen at bronze ware time. It is Sea bass (fish, 農 魚 ). Sea bass is a fish which inhabits the coast of the Korean whole region. In addition, the fish which appears in old record is six sorts, such as a Shark, a Flounder, 232

and a Globefish. Fishing technology and fishing technology were developed at this time. That is, the fishing method was changed by fishes. Then, fishing with a net was also prosperous again. (14) 2. The marine products industry of the Middle Ages( 中 期 ) In the Korean Middle Ages, you should look with a period until middle in 60's in a -19 century in a BC3 century. The Korea people developed the marine products industry in the days of Three Countries( 三 國 時 期 ), Balhea( 渤 海 ), Latter period Silla ( 新 羅 ), the Koryo( 高 麗 ) time. [1] In the days of Three Countries( 三 國 時 期 ) 1The Kokuryo time( 高 句 麗 時 期 :BC277 ) Kokuryo succeeded to iron manufacture technology. Iron hooks, an iron net are excavated from Ronam-ri remains( 盧 南 里 遺 蹟 ). The bone of the whale is found from these remains, too. (15) According to the record of 56 years, that a man of power carries food preserved in salt in the East Sea coast and traded or that a man plundered it of it be written down in. (16) 2Beatjye and earlier period of Silla( 百 濟 와 前 期 新 羅 ) In the inhabitants of a coastal area and the island, the people who engaged in fishery technically increased. (17) The fish breeding developed in Beatjye( 百 濟 ), too. The record that Beatjye( 百 濟 ) exported marine products to China in 472 is left. Moreover, record that it advanced also to Japan is also seen. In fact, the people of Beatjye( 百 濟 ) went into Japan a lot. People of Beatjye( 百 濟 ), a record that came and went are left in China by ship. The record of this time is 621 in 581 for 577 years for 567 years for 521 years for 484 years for 429 years for 372 years. (18) It tells that Koreans advanced to the ocean positively and these things were carrying out fishing activities. Moreover, it proves that shipbuilding technology and voyage technology were developed. The model-of-a-ship flower vase excavated from the ruins of Gyonju( 慶 州 ) shows shipbuilding construction technology. The vessel of such a form is required in the sea around strong Korea of a wave. 3Balhae and latter period of Silla( 渤 海 와 後 期 新 羅 ) Balhae: The number of the marine products looked at by historical record are six. Second-half Silla: The number of the marine products looked at by historical record is seven. (19) 4Koryo time( 高 麗 時 期 ) The Koryo time registered the quantity of the fish of the district center, the slattern, the seaweed culture place, etc. nationwide. A foreigner's record can also check that fisheries are developed. Marine product processed goods had also appeared on the market. (20) [2] Expansion of fisheries in the 15 ~ 16th centuries The feature of this time is that record of fisheries is arranged systematically nationwide. (21) 233

(1) Fisheries in the first half of the 15th century The fishery looked at by record amounts to 354 places. The typical fishery of East Sea is Anbyon( 安 邊 ). The number of the fish which 45 sorts of fish which can be contrasted cannot contrast now in the fishes indicated in old literature is six. (22) (2)Second half of 15 century -16 century fisheries Record that the net was knit by hemp at East Sea, nine sorts of fish were caught and the livelihood was led is seen. (23) The feature of this time is as follows. 1It is having sailed the open sea more compared with 1st before. Record that Warship( 兵 船 ) of Tyung-tyong-do( 忠 淸 道 ) anchored to the Gyong-song( 京 城 ) offing in 1467 is seen. 2It is that the fishery was expanded. (24) 3It is that the number of the produced fishes increased. (25) 4It is that the producing district of fishes increased. (26) 5It is that a fishery institution became it on a large scale. Small institutions were unified, and a change happened by the distribution of the institution because it was provided equipment on a large scale. (27) (3) Marine products processing business A characteristic of the marine products processing of the 15th century is to have been correct with variety. Not to mention domestic spending, the marine products artifact was used by the foreign trade. (28) (4)The fisheries tax of the Korea kingdom As fishery developed, various taxes were inflicted. There were four kinds of fishery taxes. There were 56 kinds of marine products gifts. (29) [3] The development of the marine products industry after the 17th century After the 17th century, the Korean marine products industry developed rapidly. The cause is analyzed as follows. 1 The reason is because professional work business workers increased from a method of the conventional family business. (30) 2 The reason is because pelagic fishing gradually developed. (31) 3 The reason is because the number of the fishing boats increased. (32) 4 Fishery of Walleye pollock(alaska pollack명태),pacific herring(청어),croaker(조기) increased. As for the volume of production of these fish, the rich fish period changed periodically. (33) 5 As for the marine products industry of the 17th century, a catch of fish and the kinds of fish increased. (34) 6 Article production gradually increased in the marine products industry. Fisheries processing industry developed in the 17th century. In addition, Wonsan( 元 山 ),Gang-gyong( 江 景 ) is introduced in the 18th century. The market stood, too. The market was cleared regularly every 5 th ( 五 日 市 場 ). Such market stood nationwide. That means, the reason is because marine products production increased rapidly. (35) In addition, the Hamgyong-do merchant( 咸 鏡 道 商 人 ) carried a fish artifact to Hangsong ( 漢 城 :서울) and did business. Wonsan( 元 山 ),Ganggyong( 江 景 ) was not a big fishing ground, 234

and it was the accumulation place of marine products, and it was the Big-emporium ( 一 帶 商 業 中 心 地 ) which sent out marine products in the district. (36) 7 the cooking method of fish developed in the eating habits. The book of the fish food method was published. (37) 8 Constant development was seen in ship building technology. 7,000 ships were constructed in Gyongsang-do( 慶 尙 道 ). Researchers consider 50% of these ships to be a fishing boat. In other words, the Alaska Pollack, the Herring, and the White Croaker were caught by the ship fishing. (38) [4] Fishery of the 18th century A characteristic of this time is that a management form of the capitalism did a portent in fishery, the mine work, the manual industry. However, the time and the basic change were not seen before in the fishery section. [5] It is the marine products industry of the middle in the 19th century from 18 end of the century Fishery The concept called this then fishing ground that emerged for historic documents was different from the concept that we used now. It was used in two meanings with the fishing ground. One means it as the fishery which we are using now. Another is the water area which is catching the individual fish with various fishing means, and a meaning. (39) Fishing boat It is the time which the kind of fishing boat diversified. It is because the fishing boat corresponding to the natural conditions of the sea of each district was built. There were a common vessel and a special ship. There were a log ship and a skeleton ship in East Sea. The people of East Sea built the vessel corresponding to the strong ocean navigation of the billow, loaded a lot of rice, and sailed without an accident. The log ship was never a small vessel. 9ton-18ton of rice was actually loaded, and it sailed. The log ship stretched the sail and went to the ocean. ( 萬 機 要 覽 財 用 篇 2해서조) A skeleton ship is a warship of those days. The design is solid and there was no possibility that it might be capsized also by the strong wave. (40) The ship with a quick speed is Bison-ship( 飛 船 ). It could be equal also to the strong voyage of winter of a wave also in the ocean. Moreover, the voyage in a shallow sea was also possible. There was a vessel of about 10 kind in addition to an oceangoing vessel or Bison-ship ( 飛 船 ). (41) It having to mention specially by the marine engineering in the second half of a Korean dynasty is that vessel technology was developed. (42) The feature of vessel technology is having built the vessel in consideration of standardization of the boat form and a vessel, and North Koreans' bodily features and lifestyle. This vessel technology was a level which is accepted even now. Thus, since there was development of shipbuilding and marine engineering, ocean navigation became possible and deep-sea fishing also developed. (43) 235

[6] Development of fishing technology and diversification of the fishing method The thing characteristic by development and the fishing method of] fishing technology of this time is as follows. 1fish oil was scattered to the sea and sea tangle was collected. This collected seaweed using the leather film of oil softening a wave and as a result transparency was becoming good. (44) 2The technology of obtaining the mammals and large-sized fishes developed The group was not found although the bone of a whale, an eyeball, fat, etc. were dispatched from Korean primitive ruins and the ruins of Kokuryo( 高 句 麗 ). The group who whales specially appeared from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century. 林 園 十 六 志 It carried out by the large-sized fish and like a shark spreading. 3Fishing experience and technical exchange were performed rural areas. (45) In East Sea, the fishing method with a net was developed for many years. That is because the depth of water of a whole Wonsan Bay( 元 山 灣 ) is shallow and it was easy to stretch a net. It was the method of knitting a bamboo( 竹 防 簾 ) those days and inviting a fish using an ebb-and-flow difference. (46) 4Rational use of a fishing institution and fishing implements The fishing method with the net which can move easily from the 18th century end of East Sea at the beginning of the 19th century was also prosperous, and was catching seven or more sorts of fish. (47) 5Diversity of the fishing method( 漁 撈 方 法 의 多 樣 性 ) The fishing method became diversity. That is because the fishing method was devised in this time and Korea in consideration of bottom topography, a current, fishing season selection, a climate condition, processing conditions, a fish catch, the marine product market, etc. According to old literature, a torch is attached and record that the fish was guided is also seen. (48) [7] Expansion of marine product goods, and development of marine product processing industry The processing industry developed more as the quantity of production of a marine product increased. The number of the fishes which especially the quantity of production increased is four. (49) The finny tribe of the newly developed sea amounts to 21 sorts. The number of freshwater fish is 26. (50) If the feature of marine product processing industry is based on marine product goods, it can be raised two. One is mass production. They are fishes, Mullusc, Crustacea, and Seaweed especially.(51) Two are that commercialization of the fish processing thing progressed. It applied about the middle of the way 19th century at the end of the 18th century, and was in East Sea at least tens of periodical markets. And some were synthetic, and these markets had the thing according to fishes. (52) 236

[8] Modern fishing (from the 60s the century 19th to 1926) If modernization comes - fisheries - exploitation almost progressed in all the fields. Then, the fishing means also developed. However, Pillage of Japanese imperialism to a marine product became intense, and development of fisheries was controlled. However, Korean fishermen have developed fishing activities continually. Especially, a fishing method, a fixed net fishing method, and drift-net fishing were performed briskly. (53) There were more marine resources and they were developed as modern times came and fishing technology developed. Naturally this made the fishery quantity of production increase rapidly. The fishes which the quantity of production increased by leaps and bounds are an Alaska Pollack, a White croaker, a Codfish, and a Herring. It is mackerel in it. (54) 3.The factor of the increase in the marine product quantity of production The main factors are considered as follows. 1Since the large-sized fishing boat was built, deep-sea fishing developed 2The vessel in consideration of the sea conditions of the coast and an ocean was built. 3New-fishing-technology was devised. 4The fishing method using ebb and flow was developed. 5Many fishermen can maintain a livelihood now by small district fishing 6Experience of fishing activities with fishery conditions, sea conditions, a fishing boat size and a kind, and various kinds of fishing implements can be yielded to the younger generation now. That is, the thing fishing experience is accumulated and more scientific fishery activity came to be able to carry out 7The fishing experience by a fish stock was accumulated. 8The storage technology of a marine product has been improved and processing technology developed. 9The market according to fishes was reclaimed. That is, the thing which the management method that it could make its living by fisheries established. 10The recipe using a marine product is developed and it came to eat more marine products. Conclusion Korean people have lived with East Sea from ancient times to the present age. The life of the Korean who left East Sea was not able to exist. It was a part of life to tell East Sea. It was glad with East Sea and history has been built with East Sea. East Sea was sung, it worked by East Sea, the fish was caught, and it has made its living. East Sea was not the ocean natural merely only but Koreans' strong emotional attachment. Koreans were able to check existence of self as they heard the name of East Sea. A name called East Sea is a name accompanied by nostalgia. Once again, although emphasized, without interrupting Koreans from ancient times to the present age, succeeding, East Sea is reclaimed, begins a voyage and is performing the fishing briskly. East Sea is a place of the important life of Koreans. 237

Footnote 1. 방어,명태,돔발상어,보가지,고무망챙이,참가재미,대구,삼치,은숭어,도미,납치 2 羅 津 草 島 遺 蹟 原 始 遺 蹟 發 堀 報 告 書 咸 鏡 北 道 (1949) 방어,명태,돔발상어,보자기,열기,나루매,고무망챙 이,참가재미 3. 弓 山 原 始 遺 蹟 發 堀 報 告 平 南 溫 泉, 朝 鮮 史 蹟 24 號, 雄 基 松 坪 洞 貝 塚 에 대하여, 釜 山 府 絶 影 島 東 山 門 貝 塚 調 査 報 告 溫 泉 郡 : 高 句 麗 時 代 의 壁 畵 古 墳 遺 蹟 인 狩 獵 塚 ( 朝 鮮 國 寶 13 號 ), 龕 神 塚 (감신총; 朝 鮮 國 寶 14 號 ), 星 塚 ( 朝 鮮 國 寶 15 號 ), 秥 蟬 縣 神 祠 碑 (점제현시사비, 朝 鮮 國 寶 16 號 ), 弓 山 原 始 遺 蹟 ( 朝 鮮 國 寶 24 號 ), 於 乙 洞 古 城 : 土 城 (( 朝 鮮 史 蹟 25 號 ) 於 乙 洞 古 城 : 土 城 :BC108 年 부터 AD421 年 까지 421 年 동안 大 同 江 流 域 에서 發 展 한 樂 浪 時 代 의 文 化, 大 同 江 南 岸 에 자리잡고 있는 土 城 은 東 西 709m, 南 北 599m, 面 積 39 6,605m 2 의 城 地 釜 山 府 絶 影 島 東 山 門 貝 塚 調 査 報 告 : 金 海 貝 塚 의 出 土 物 물로 볼때 樂 浪 文 化 의 影 響 을 크게 받고 있다. 4. 대구 ( pacific cod/cod ),삼치 ( Japanese Spanish mackerel ),숭어 ( lathead mullet Mugil cephalus),도미(pagrus major),상치,넙치(flatfish),상어(shark) 5. 고래(Whale),곱등어,:( 先 烽 郡 屈 浦 里 西 浦 項 遺 蹟 ), 바다말:( 先 烽 郡 屈 浦 里 西 浦 項 遺 蹟, 舊 雄 基 郡,1947 年 發 見,연구보고5회), 바다사자:( Stellers sea lion / Eumetopias jubata 羅 津 草 島 遺 蹟, 西 浦 項 遺 蹟 )(1949) 6.함작조개,귀조개,밥조개,참굴,털섭조개,섭조개,바다와라,전복,소라,배꼴발굽골뱅이,배들조개,싸리조개,재빛 피조개,뽈알골뱅이,백합,원숭이볼조개,긴소라,상아골뱅이,우렁가무레기,보라섭조개,큰뱀골뱅이,큰우렁 이 7.함박조개,털섭조개,밥조개,참굴 8. 咸 鏡 北 道 先 烽 郡 屈 浦 里 西 浦 項 마을 遺 蹟 古 考 民 屬 論 文 集 (1960~ 64 年 硏 究 報 告 )4,p114,p126 ( 羅 津 草 島 遺 蹟 에서는 묶음식낚시가 출토, 靑 銅 器 時 代 의 유적과 水 南 遺 蹟 에서는 뼈낚시가 出 土 9. 羅 津 草 島 遺 蹟, 咸 鏡 北 道 一 帶 의 海 岸 原 始 遺 蹟 西 浦 項 마을 遺 蹟 ( 先 烽 郡 屈 浦 里 ), 羅 津 草 島 遺 蹟, 平 壤 樂 浪 區 域 猿 岩 洞 遺 蹟 ( 石 製 작살:harpoon),무산유적 (돌창) 작살과 찌르개살: 곱등어,넝에,바다말,바다사자(1960~ 64연구보고) 10. 羅 津 草 島 遺 蹟 (1949) 11. 表 層 ;명태,방어,돔발상어, 中 間 層 ;참가재미, 深 層 ;고무망챙이, 淺 海 底 ;나루매 12. 暖 流 : 東 朝 鮮 海 流 를 따라 北 上 ; 방어(yellowtail/Japanese amberjack),고등어,멸치,삼치,송어,공치 (pacific saury) 寒 流 : 리만해류들 따라 回 游 :명태,대구,청어 13. 食 鎖 環 ( 食 連 鎖 ) 방어 명태,청어,가재미,새우,게,낙지 명태(walleye pollock/alaska pollack) 멸치,도 루메기,곤쟁이,새우 14. 古 記 錄 說 文 解 字 注 (중국의 사전,18세기말~19) 後 漢 : 농어, 모래무지,사어,상어,첩어,국어,시어, 우어,락어(?),준치 15. 盧 南 里 遺 蹟 ( 平 北 道, 舊 江 界 仲 岩 里 遺 蹟 址 )(1952) 出 土 쇠낚시,잉어,자라,바다에서는 고래(Whale) 16. 三 國 志 魏 志 東 夷 傳 東 沃 沮 國 條 (동옥저국조), 三 國 志 魏 志 東 夷 傳 舊 句 麗 條 三 國 志 (189~280): 中 國 魏 蜀 吳 三 國 正 史, 晋 나라의 陳 壽 (:233 297)가 編 簒 17. 三 國 史 記 卷 一, 新 羅 本 記 第 一 解 尼 師 今 條 ;고래잡이(Whale) 三 國 史 記 (1145) : 高 麗 時 代 金 富 軾 등이 紀 傳 體 로 編 簒 한 三 國 의 歷 史 書 : 本 紀 28 卷, 志 9 卷, 年 表 3 卷, 列 傳 10 卷 三 國 史 記 卷 二, 新 羅 本 記 第 二 解 尼 師 今 條 ;고래잡이 三 國 史 記 卷 三, 新 羅 本 記 訥 祗 王 (눌지왕15 年 3 條,419 年 ) 訥 祗 王 ( 新 羅 第 19 代 王, 在 位 417 458). 牛 車 法 을 制 定, 百 濟 와 攻 守 同 盟 맺어 高 句 麗 를 攻 擊. 三 國 遺 事 卷 三, 興 法 3 法 王 살생금한다조(599 年 ) 百 濟 三 國 遺 事 (1281) 高 麗 忠 烈 王 때 普 覺 國 師 一 然 (1206 89)이 新 羅, 高 句 麗, 百 濟 의 三 國 의 遺 事 를 모아서 지은 歷 史 書 三 國 遺 事 卷 二 四, 百 濟 本 記 第 二 仇 首 王 9 年 夏 6 月 (222 年 ) 仇 首 王 (? ~ 234): 旱 災, 水 災 에 대비하여 堤 防 을 修 築 하고, 農 事 를 권하여 民 生 의 安 定 을 꾀함 三 國 遺 事 卷 二 八, 百 濟 本 記 第 六 義 慈 王 ( 599 ~ 660 年, 在 位 : 641 ~ 660 年 )6 年 5 月 條 三 國 遺 事 卷 二, 新 羅 本 記 第 二 解 尼 師 今 條 ;고래잡이 三 國 史 記 卷 三, 新 羅 本 記 訥 祗 王 (눌지왕)15 年 (419 年 )3 月 條 三 國 遺 事 卷 三, 興 法 三 百 濟 法 王 不 殺 生 條 (599 年 ) 三 國 遺 事 卷 二 四, 百 濟 本 記 第 二 仇 首 王 9 年 夏 6 月 (222 年 ) 三 國 遺 事 卷 二 八, 百 濟 本 記 第 六 腆 支 王 (전지왕)6 年 5 月 條 (410 年 ) 238

18. 三 國 遺 事 卷 一, 第 二 延 烏 郞 과 細 烏 女 條 ( 延 烏 郞 과 細 烏 女 說 話 ) 日 本 書 記 卷 一, 第 二 延 烏 郞 과 細 烏 女 條 ( 延 烏 郞 과 細 烏 女 說 話 ) 日 本 書 記 (720 年 ) 일본 나라[ 奈 良 ]시대에 官 撰 으로 이루어진 日 本 歷 史 書,조선과의 관계는 외곡됨것이 많다. 日 本 書 記 道 顯,?~? ( 高 句 麗 末 期 의 僧 侶 로 日 本 에 건너가 佛 法 을 專 授 ) 19. 渤 海 (698~926 年 ):숭어,붕어,모래무지,낙지,문어,대계,바다범,다시마 新 羅 後 期 : 바다범,넝에,담라조개,석발,곤포,대엽조,물개(fur seal / Callorhinus ursinus) 新 羅 는 三 國 史 記 에 따르면 다음과 같이 三 期 로 나누어 고찰할 수 있다. 1 上 代 : 始 祖 28 代 眞 德 女 王, BC 57 AD 654 原 始 部 族 國 家 氏 族 國 家 를 거쳐 古 代 國 家 로, 骨 品 制 圖 가 成 立 된 시기 2 中 代 :29 代 武 烈 王 36 代 惠 恭 王, 654 780 三 國 을 統 合 하고 專 制 王 權 이 確 立, 文 化 가 發 展 한 시기 3 下 代 :37 代 宣 德 王 56 代 景 順 王 780 935 年 骨 品 制 圖 의 崩 壞, 族 黨 의 形 成 및 王 權 의 衰 退 로 豪 族 海 上 勢 力 이 登 場 하고 滅 亡 에 이르는 時 期. 이밖에 29 代 武 烈 王 이전을 三 國 時 代, 그 以 後 를 統 合 新 羅 時 代 로 크게 區 分 하는 硏 究 者 도 있다. 20. 水 産 物 : 미꾸라지,전복,주모( 朱 母 ; 眞 朱 貝 ),왕새우,대합조개, 자게,거부기다리,해조( 海 藻 ),다 시마 水 産 物 加 工 物 : 고래기름,말린전복,말린거부기껍질,새우가공품,조개가공품 21. 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 ; 正 式 名 世 宗 莊 憲 大 王 實 錄 (1473) 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 (1530)의 郡 縣 編 ;15 世 紀 後 半 記 16 世 紀 22. 민어,고등어,웅어(위어),준치,조기,청어,전어,연어,황어,뱅어,빙어,증고기,까귀기고기 世 宗 實 錄 卷 117,29년 9월 壬 子 世 宗 實 錄 (1418~50년의 기록) 東 海 의 水 産 業 고등어(chub mackerel); 高 原, 北 靑, 咸 興, 永 興 ( 金 野 ), 文 川,여원( 定 坪 ), 安 邊,의천( 德 原 ), 龍 津 (기원) 청어(Pacific herring); 東 萊, 迎 日, 慶 源 (현재의 羅 津 地 方 ) 연어(chum salmon/keta salmon); 咸 興, 定 坪, 北 靑, 高 原, 文 川, 安 邊, 龍 津 ( 高 原 ), 吉 州 慶 源 (현 새별,현재의 라진에 있던 경원의 飛 來 地 ), 端 川, 鏡 城, 穩 城 특히 高 原 德 池 川 의 연어생산는 15 世 紀 前 半 記 咸 鏡 道 의 水 産 業 에서 首 位 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 咸 南 道 高 原 郡 條 ( 現 ; 江 原 道 ) 민어,고등어,웅어(위어),준치,조기,청어,전어,연어,황어,뱅어,빙어,증고기,까귀기고기 世 宗 實 錄 卷 117,29년9월 壬 子 황어; 北 靑, 高 原,여원( 定 坪 ), 吉 州, 慶 源 ( 羅 津 ), 端 川 西 海 의 水 産 物 물고기와 오징어,소라,전복,민어굴(로화),큰새우,횐새우,해삼,거부기류,포유 23. 대구,연어,송어,방어,은어,고등어,황어,숭어,삼치,넙치 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 卷 45 江 原 道 高 城 郡 風 屬 條 (1530), 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 江 原 道 高 城 郡 土 産 條 (1530) 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 (1481)50 卷 完 成,1486 年 에 다시 증산( 增 刪 )수정하여 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 35 卷 을 刊 行 1499년의 개수를 거쳐 1530년( 中 宗 25)에 李 荇, 洪 彦 弼 의 증보에 의해 완성 24. 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 비하여 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 바다물고기의 특산물생산지역의 기록이 헐씬 많다. 25. 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에는 없는 물고기가 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 나타난다. 全 國 的 範 圍 ;필어,이면수,무래어,공치(정어),보구치(보개어),전어,황조기,망어 地 域 的 範 圍 ;먼어,반댕이,수어,준치,조기,전어,황조기,농어,뱅어 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에는 상어,가화어가 실려있다.경상도 곤남(곤양)의 경우는 문어만 아니라 숭어,조기,대구,전어,홍어가 기재되여 있다. 26. 慶 尙 道 와 咸 鏡 道 의 경우 1 慶 尙 道 조기(Croaker) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 ;기재가 없다 世 宗 實 錄 (1418~50년의 기록) 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 ;진주,곤양,남해,사천,하동,창원,게제,고성,칠원,진해,웅천 청어(Pacific herring) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 ; 東 萊, 迎 日 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 :경주,울산,홍해,동래,청아,영일,장기,가장,영덕, 남해,김해,창원,거제,고성,칠원,진해,웅천 2 咸 鏡 道 청어(Pacific herring) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 ;경원(현새별) 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 ;한흥,영흥(금야),정평,안변,덕원,문천,북청,리성(리원),홍원,경원 (새별),회령 종성,경흥(현재 은덕),부령 中 宗 實 錄 卷 13(1511년): 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 의 記 載 보다 더 많은 記 錄 이 보인다. 中 宗 實 錄 朝 鮮 11 代 王 中 宗 의 在 位 ( 1506 1544) 39 年 間 의 實 錄 239

東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 記 載 된 어량소재지 27 個 所 中 慶 尙 道 의 어량소재지는 10개소 경주,울산,홍해(포이진),동래,기장,녕해,진주,곤양,남해,하동 그러나 어량이 축소,통합신설되여 더많은 어종과 물고기를 생산하였다. 특히 무테어(방어),공치,황조기(참조기),이면수가 증산 참굴(석화)(Giant pacific oyster) 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 72 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 慶 尙 道 ;울산,동래,곤양,사천,하동,김해,창원,고성,진해,웅천 咸 鏡 道 ;함흥,영흥(금야),안변,덕원,문천,경원(새별),부령 민어굴 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 10 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 72 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 慶 尙 道 ; 金 海 문어 (Giant octopus/giant north pacific octopus) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 11 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 40 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 慶 尙 道 ;경주,울산,녕해,영덕,진주,곤양,남해,사천,하동,김해,거제,고성,진해,웅천 江 原 道 ;삼척,양양,강릉,평해,간성,고성,통천,월진,삽곡 咸 鏡 道 ;북청,단천,리성(리원),홍원,경성,길성(길주),명천,경원(새별),회령,종성,온성,경 흥(은덕),부령 낙지 (Octopus variabilis) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 9 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 49 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 경상도;울산,진주,곤양,남해,사천,하동,창원,거제,고성,진해,웅천 오징어 (cuttlefish) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 4 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 43 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 전복( 全 鰒, abalone) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 37 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 65 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 慶 尙 道 ;경주,울산,흥해,동래,영일,장기,기장,녕해,영덕,진주,곤양, 남해,사천,하동, 김해,거제,고성,진해,웅천 江 原 道 ;강릉,삼척,양양,평해,간성,고성,통천,월진,섭곡 咸 鏡 道 ;함흥,영흥(금야),정평,안변,북청,단천,리성(리원),홍원 게(crab),새우(shrimp),해삼(sea cucumber) 푸른게; 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 부평 1개군현, 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 거의 모든 군현에서 생산 자게; 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 경흥(현은덕)1개군현, 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 녕해,영덕 등 11 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 慶 尙 道 ;녕해,영덕 江 原 道 ;평해,울진 咸 鏡 道 ;부령,함흥,북청,단천,홍원,길성(길주),명천,경흥(은덕) 보통게 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 80 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 慶 尙 道 ;곤양,사천,하동 咸 鏡 道 ;함흥,영흥(금야),정평,안변,덕원,문천,북청,단천,리성(리원),홍원,경성,길성(길 주),명천 새우; 生 産 은 15 世 紀 後 半 期 에는 급속히 增 大 백하 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 8 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 11 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 중하 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 4 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 9 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 대하 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 9 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 16 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 건뎅이 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 3 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 20 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 해삼 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 5 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 50 個 郡 縣 에서 生 産 慶 尙 道 ;울산,흥해,동래,장기,영덕,진주,곤양,남해,사천,하동,창원,고성,칠원,웅천 江 原 道 ;강릉,양양,평해,간성,고성,통천,월진(울진),섭곡 咸 鏡 道 ;함흥,영흥(금야),안변,덕원,문천,북청,단천,리성(리원),홍원,경성, 길성(길주, 명천,경원(현;새별),회령,종성,온성,부령 각종미역 해조류의 분류법이 현재와 다르므로 각종미역으로 대비하기록 하였다 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 15 個 種 의 미역을 생산 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 68 個 種 의 미역(해조)이 생산 240

사곽;경상도에서는 9 個 邑 곽;경상도에서는 59 個 邑 김(laver/ purple laver) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 6 個 邑 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 42 個 邑 에서 生 産 청각: 靑 角, 황각: 黃 角 (sea staghorn:) 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 청각은 6 個 邑,황각은 7 個 邑 에서 生 産 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 에는 청각은 6 個 邑,황각은 14 個 邑 에서 生 産 27. 저장법은 건조법,빙고( 氷 庫 )리용,각종젖갈 주되는 가공품은 말린 물고기,건조물:(문어,낙지,조개)말린 해삼 각종 조류건조물: 김,미역,다시마 각종 적갈: 식혜류 식품생산용가공품: 가죽,기름,갖골 약재용수산물가공: 매우 다양하며 수산물종류가 많다 28. 世 宗 實 錄 地 理 志 에 의하면 수탈된 공물은 56 種 이다. 漁 業 稅 金 ( 海 稅 )는 선세,곽세,염세,어세의 4 種 均 稅 節 目 의 기록; 총세액은 114,300량 29. 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 :15 16세기에는 담수어가 많은 비준을 차지하고 있었으나 17세기에서는 조기,청 어 등의 토산물이 많아지고 바다물고기의 생산비중이 증가 30. 承 政 院 日 記 仁 祖 7 年 (1629 年 )2월21일 承 政 院 日 記 조선시대에 王 命 의 出 納 을 관장하던 承 政 院 에서 매일매일 취급한 文 書 와 事 件 을 記 錄 한 日 記. 1623~1894년까지 270여일간의 기록만이 현존 31. 正 宗 實 錄 : 卷 36 16년(1792 年 )경상도의 漁 船 은 6163 隻 太 陽 曆 으로는 1800년12월~1805년8월의 기록 기타 사료: 1807년의 慶 尙 道 의 均 役 海 稅 는 2만3356량 18세기 50년대에는 2만7400량 均 役 海 稅 가 많아졌다는것은 어선뿐만아니라 어로 설비들이 더욱 많아지고 기술장비도 높은 수준이였다는것을 이미하며 18세기중업의 경상도의 어선수는 7000척정도로 추정된다. 18세시 50년대의 전라도의 균역해세는 4만2900량. 어선수는 경상도와 전라도를 합한다면 10000척이상이 된다.전국적으로 보면 어선수는 수만척이 된다. 32. 명태,청어,조기의 기록 명태( 明 太, walleye Pollock /Alaska Pollack) 日 省 錄 정종7년(1782년) 日 省 錄 1760~1910년까지의 기록 BC2000년의 羅 津 草 島 遺 蹟 에 出 土 하는 명태뼈이후 우리 나라 기록에서는 명태가 나타나지 않는 다.그러나 17세시기가 되여 명태가 나타난다.18세기에는 생산량이 급속히 증가 명천,길주지방에서는 대구 40발이 명태 90발로 교환 林 下 筆 記 (1871) 에 명태라 하였고, 新 增 東 國 輿 地 勝 覽 (1530)에는 무태어( 無 泰 魚 )라 기록되 여 있다. 蘭 湖 漁 牧 志 (1820)에는 명태를 명태어라 하며 생것을 명태, 말린 것을 북어라 기록되여 있다. 청어(Pacific herring) 中 宗 實 錄 卷 13,6년4월 中 宗 實 錄 :조선 제11대 왕 중종(재위 1506 1544)의 재위 39년간의 실록 芝 峰 類 說 卷 20 린개조(1614) 宣 祖 實 錄 卷 164 36년7월 宣 祖 實 錄 (1616) 星 湖 僿 說 類 選 (성호사설류선) 卷 1 下 생재 조선후기의 학자 安 鼎 福 (1712 1791)이 李 瀷 의 星 湖 僿 說 중에서 특히 중요한 글들을 가려 재 편집한 책. 청어는 해양조건에 따라 주기적으로 어획량의 변화가 심하다 16세기초,1570년경은 어획량이 적었다.1603년,1614년,1629년경은 어획량이 많았다 1614년7월 嶺 南 ( 慶 尙 道 와 全 羅 道 )과 咸 鏡 道 에서 청어가 풍어로써 商 船 들이 구름처럼 모여들었다는 기록 1629년에는 청어가 서해에서 다시 나타나기 시작하였다 이상의 記 錄 들을 보면 리조시기에는 청어의 어획량은 週 期 的 인 變 化 가 있었다는것을 알수 있다. 특히 4월이 풍어시기였다. 조기(croaker) 經 世 遺 表 卷 14 균역사목 經 世 遺 表 :조선 후기의 실학자 丁 若 鏞 이 지은 책, 全 南 康 津 에 유배 중인 1817년(순조 17)에 서 술 조기가 가장 많이 잡힌곳은 西 海 / 全 羅 道 이지만 慶 尙 道 에서도 어획량도 많았다 33. 慶 尙 道 의 漁 場 241

漁 稅 節 目 에 의하면 특히 全 羅 道 와 慶 尙 道 의 어세와 종류 및 등급이 다양해지고 또한 복잡해졌다 漁 稅 節 目 : 1881 年 (고종24) 統 理 交 涉 通 商 事 務 衙 門 에서 일본 어선의 조선근해에서의 불법적 어 로행위를 규제하기 위하여 만든 절목. 이 글에서는 東 海 利 用 과 관련하여 慶 尙 道 에 限 하여 고찰하였다 慶 尙 道 에서는 어채를 어장,어조,방렴으로 구분하였다. 1 漁 場 : 대구어장,청어어장,문어어장,하천물고기 주리장 홍해,영일,장기,울산(청어어장),진주(문어어장),사천(문어어장),창원(강어장;어획고 의 5분의1) 2 魚 條 : 바다에 설치한 반이동하는 그물어장이다.주로 청어,대구를 잡았다. 3방렴: 바다에 설치한것은 렴,강에 설치한것은 전,미세기를 리용하여 설치한것은 건방렴로 불었다. 34. 李 重 煥 擇 里 志 (1751) 咸 鏡 道, 擇 里 志 복거총론 생리 魚 種 은 명태,청어,조기(서해),굴비 35. 리익저서 星 湖 僿 說 類 選 :성호사설류선 卷 1 下 생재 安 鼎 福 이 李 瀷 의 저술인 星 湖 僿 說 :성호사설 을 정리한 편서 명태,청어,여러가지 물고기를 싣고 한성까지 나가 장사를 하였다 36. 山 林 經 濟 卷 9 치선(하) 農 學 者 洪 萬 選 (1664~1715), 朴 世 堂 (1629~1703)의 著 書 37. 명태,청어,조기 등은 주로 선박어업에 의하여 생산되였다 38. 日 省 錄 정조6년5월28,29일 日 省 錄 崔 益 鉉 의 글과 史 實 을 모은 책(1752~1910) 正 祖 實 錄 정조16년12월 무자조 正 祖 實 錄 (1776/3/10~1800/6/28의 記 錄 ) 漁 場 ;물고기를 잡기 위하여 어선이 모이는곳.당시의 기록에서 본다면 대구어장,청어어장,문어어장,강에서는 강후리=강어장 당시 전국적인 큰 어장은 25개소. 東 海 의 大 漁 場 은 明 川 漁 場 과 吉 州 漁 場 이며 명태와 대구를 잡았 다. 어조 ;물고기가 지나가는 길목에서 그물로 잡는 어장 방렴 ;대나무로 살을 만들고 물고기길을 막아 물고기를 잡는 어장 어기 魚 基 또는 어기( 魚 磯 ): 물고기가 모이는 어장 망기 ;그물을 친 어장 온돌 ;기슭바다의 물고기를 잡는 곳 39. 承 政 院 日 記 純 宗 9 年 17일 承 政 院 日 記 1623년( 仁 祖 1) 3월 12일부터 1910년 8월 29일까지 의 기록 萬 機 要 覽 軍 政 編 4 주사 총례(1808) 萬 機 要 覽 은 1808년( 純 宗 8)에 編 簒. 사본에 따라 권수는 일정하지 않다. 가장 정확한 것으로 뽑히는 集 玉 齋 本 은 財 用 編 이 6 卷 에 6편62절목, 軍 政 編 이 5 卷 에 5편 23절목으로 구성. 財 用 編 의 례를 보면 국왕의 일상식사에 들어가는 수많은 식품 중 1년에 멥쌀은 14석 2두 4승, 메기 장쌀은 2석1두 8승6홉, 대구는 588마리였고, 그 중 대구는 한 마리에 7전 2푼으로 계산되여 있다. 40. 攷 事 撮 要 :고사신서 卷 9 무비문 攷 事 撮 要 徐 命 膺 이 魚 叔 權 의 攷 事 撮 要 를 수정 증보한 책 (1771) 41. 18세기이후 船 舶 理 論 에서 대표적인것은 신경준( 申 景 濬, 1712~1781)의 旅 庵 集 卷 18, 론 선차비어 申 景 濬 은 朝 鮮 後 期 의 文 臣 實 學 者. 八 道 地 圖 와 東 國 輿 地 圖 (1770)를 完 成. 대표적인 저서에 는 旅 庵 集 素 砂 問 答, 儀 表 圖, 訓 民 正 音 韻 解 (1750), 疆 界 志, 山 水 經, 道 路 考, 山 經 表, 證 正 日 本 韻, 水 車 圖 說 이 있다. 42. 林 園 十 六 志 예규지 卷 2, 經 世 遺 表 卷 14 ; 산천조 經 世 遺 表 丁 若 鏞 이 행정기구의 개편을 비롯하여 관제 토지제도 부세제도 등 모든 제도의 개혁원 리를 제시한 책. 林 園 十 六 志 :규장각도서. 16부분으로 나뉘어 있어 ( 林 園 十 六 志 ) 또는 林 園 經 濟 十 六 志 라 고도 한다. 순조 때의 실학자 서유구( 徐 有 榘 ;1764~1845)가 만년에 저술한 것, 일상생활에서 긴요한 일을 살펴보고 이를 알리고자 하여 山 林 經 濟 를 토대로 조선과 중국의 저서 900여 종을 참고, 인용하여 편집한 농업 위주의 백과전서 萬 機 要 覽 海 稅 條 43. 본초습유( 本 草 拾 遺 ): 신라시기에는 잠수하여 해초류(미역), 다시마와 전복을 채취하였다. 1596년대 18세기가 되면 고기기름을 바다에 뿌리고 미역,다시마,전복을 채취 44. 日 省 錄 정조14년30일. 北 道 ( 咸 鏡 道 )암행어사인 서유구( 徐 有 榘 )의 보고서(1790년) 청어잡이의 경상도의 방렴이 원산지방에 보급되였다. 45. 1469년(예종 1년) 慶 尙 道 續 撰 地 理 志 南 海 縣 條 編 에 나오는 가장 오래된 업법의 하나 林 園 十 六 志 이전의 원산지방에서의 청어잡이 242

46. 동해에서도 어조망어로 청어,명태,연어,방어,대구,조기,준치,민어 등을 잡았다 47. 대표적이것은 다음과 같다. 林 園 十 六 志 전어지: 얼음을 까고 하는 어로: 잉어,빙어,가물치,뱅어 日 省 錄 순조14년7월2일, 備 邊 司 謄 錄 순조25년11월21의 우의정 심상교의 상소문:주로 海 女 에 의한 잠수어로,섭조개,해삼,전복,미역 備 邊 司 謄 錄 비변사가 설치된 1510년(중종 5)에서 1555년(명종 10)까지 임시기구로 있을 당시의 등록 작성 여부는 알 수 없고, 1555년에 국가의 상설기구로 확정된 때부터 등록이 작성되었을 것으 로 보이나 임진왜란으로 소실되어 그 후 1616년(광해군 8)까지 등록이 남아 있지 않다. 1617년부터 1892년(고종 29)까지 276년간의 등록 273책만이 남아 있다. 불빛등에 의한 유도어로: 고등어,행어,멸치,고징어 48. 급속하게 증대한 수산물;명태,대구,조기,청어 명태(walleye Pollock/ Alaska Pollack): 松 南 雜 識 卷 14 어조류 북어명조에는 다음과 같이 기 록되여 있다 청어( 靑 魚, Pacific herring): 玆 山 魚 譜 1750년,1802년,1805년의 기록 玆 山 魚 譜 丁 若 銓 이 1814년(순조 14) 저술한 어보. 辛 酉 迫 害 로 인해 귀양가있던 黑 山 島 서 近 海 에 回 游 하는 魚 類 의 分 布 習 性 形 態 등을 記 錄 한 책 조기(croaker): 玆 山 魚 譜 卷 1 린류 조기조 49. 급속하게 증대한 수산물;명태,대구,조기,청어 명태: 松 南 雜 識 卷 14 어조류 북어명조 청어: 玆 山 魚 譜 1750년,1802년,1805년의 기록 조기: 玆 山 魚 譜 卷 1 린류 조기조 50. 林 園 十 六 志 전어지 卷 4 어명고 해파리( 水 母 )를 전어지 에는 뭍알로 기록,플랑케톤로 분 류 牛 海 異 魚 譜, 玆 山 魚 譜 牛 海 異 魚 譜 조선 후기 학자 김려가 지은 수산부문 전문서적. 鎭 海 之 魚 貝 志 담정집외서 라고도 한다 김려는 1801년(순조 1)부터 1806년까지 진해에서 유배생활, 이 책은 그 기간 동안 직접 관찰하고 백 성들에게 들은 바를 체계적으로 정리, 저술한 것. 내용은 물고기 게 조개 소라류 등을 이름과 모양, 별종, 생태적 특성, 어로방법, 식용가치 등의 순으로 서술. 어류 53종, 갑각류 8종, 조개류 10여 종 등을 수록. 물고기의 이름은 기본 이름과 다른 이름이 모두 자세히 기록 새로 개발된 바바물고기 보굴치,취치,가오리,도루메기(은어),횟대어,명치,장뚱이,무럼생선,청다래,수거리,서대, 선비,범고기,가어,잠방어,쇠꼬틀이,군뢰고기,일애,닷벼개,죽근이,닻벼개 새로 개발된 민물고기 살치,버들치,메기,가물치,두렁허리,망둥이,납작이,독너울이(송어),참파리,잠마자,까나리, 미수감이,불거지,야회어,마디,돗고기,치리(어희),독지게,가사어,동자게,공지,그리치,밀 어,국식어,날피리(필압이) 51. 蘭 湖 漁 牧 志 魚 名 考, 海 魚 名 이태조 乾 燥 品 ;명태(북어,동태는 생것),청어,대구,조기( 慶 尙 道 鎭 海 등) 해삼,문어,낙지,전복(건조형태에 따라 인복,추복),조개(경주에서 팔림) 오징어(죽근) 김(해의,이자채), 염장품;청어,고등어 뭍에 오기전 배에서 직접 적갈로 가공 생산 은구어,연어,청해,전태이,게,대구고지, 고등어,웅어식헤,반댕이식헤,명태알,대구알,조기알,연어알 52. 18세기말-19세기중엽 동해안지방의 장시 명태(walleye pollock/alaska pollack) 명태는 충청도;은진 황해도;신계까지 수송되였다 慶 尙 道 ;녕해,동래,순흥,거제,거창,영천 江 原 道 ;양양 청어( 靑 魚, Pacific herring) 慶 尙 道 ;창원,녕해,김해,동래,안동,순흥,하동,거제,거창,영천( 永 川 ),흥해,영덕,청하, 진해,장기 江 原 道 ;양양 黃 海 道 ; 新 溪 조기 (croaker) 慶 尙 道 ;창원,남해,인동,림천,비인,람포,결성,온양,량광,부안,흥덕,해남,거제, 거창,양천,남해,진해,칠원 黃 海 道 ; 新 溪 平 安 道 ;강계 대구(pacific cod/cod): 慶 尙 道 ;진해,경주,김해,녕해,동래,인동,순흥,거창,영천,흥해,영덕,청하동문,진해, 장기응천 진해에서 가장 많이 생산 江 原 道 ;양양 기타 고등어,황조기,보라어,말공치,미갈(메갈;경상도) 새우,도미,숭어,민어,넙치,농어 243

(주로 서해),방어,준치, 전복,굴,섭조개,낙지,문어,오징어,해삼,미역,김 五 日 市 場 (the market of 5 day by day) 원산,진두,강경,마산 53. 낚시어로 농어,고등어,조기,칼치,수조기,도미,장어,삼치,보자기,민어,명태,준치,항알치, 상어,가재미,망등어,조부락 그물어로 삼치,고등어,준치,조기,고등어,준치,조기,농어,가재미,반지,숭어,전어,뱅 어,멸치,까나리,잡어,가재미,우래기,망등어,도미,방어,칼치,삼치,새우,강달어,게, 건뎅이,백하숭어,백하,모쟁이,항알치,민어 덤장어로 건뎅이,숭어,새우,강달어,망등이,가재미,게,뱀장어,맥개 조기,삼치,청어, 점어,멸치,까나리,민어,농어,준치,반지,봄숭어 54. 명태(walleye pollock/alaska pollack): 1902~3년경부터는 명태어장은 咸 鏡 南 道 洪 源 으로부터 태나루(현재의 단천시룡대)까지 확대.겨울철에기에는 수천백척의 어선들이 집중되여 1척당 50~200태(1태=2000마리)의 명태를 잡았다. 어획고에서 우리 나라 제1위 조기(croaker): 주목망(정치망),중선망(미세기 리용),궁선망(미세기 리용),정망으로 잡았다 대구(pacific cod/cod): 조선전역에 잡았다. 남해에서는 대규모적으로, 동해에서는 지예망으로 잡았다. 청어: 어진( 江 原 道, 咸 鏡 道 ),어장( 魚 張 ; 江 原 道, 咸 鏡 道 ),자망( 咸 鏡 道 ),주목망( 黃 海 : 현 朝 鮮 西 海 ) 고등어( 古 登 魚, chub mackerel): 慶 尙 北 道, 元 山 地 方 : 遠 洋 漁 場 朝 鮮 水 産 開 發 史 12p 漁 場 ; 咸 鏡 南 道 425 個 所, 咸 鏡 北 道 52 個 所, 江 原 道 287 個 所, 慶 尙 北 道 91 個 所, 漁 船 ; 咸 鏡 北 道 50 隻, 江 原 道 250 隻, 慶 尙 北 道 500 余 隻, 慶 尙 南 道 200 余 隻 참고자료: 최근시기 조선의 물고기 생산량(순위): Fishes production ranking of the latest Korea Ranking 1941년 1960년 1970년 1980년 1 정어리 명태 명태 명태 2 명태 낙지 도루메기 멸치 3 조기 도루메기 청어 맥개 4 청어 까나리 낙지 까나리 5 고등어 가재미 멸치 도루메기 6 까나리 조기 가재미 정어리 7 칼치 멸치 이면수 가재미 8 대구 공치 까나리 낙지 9 도루메기 칼치 망챙이 이면수 10 가재미 횟대어 줄고기 송어 Bibliography Cyang Guk-tyong: The History of Fishery Korean Industrial publishing company: Pyongyang 1990 Sagong Jun; A Korean River and Korean Freshwater Fish Breeding Newspaper "Race Educational" Japan1977 Sagong Jun: Formation of East Sea Magazine New Generation Youth publishing company Japan1979 Sagong Jun; The Remodeling-of-Nature Plan in Korea Korean university gazette: Japan 1981 Sagong Jun; The East sea of Korea and Use Magazine Today's Korea Japan 1981 Sagong Jun: Resources of the East Sea Quarterly Japan-DPR of Korea trade No290, 291 Japan 1984 Sagong Jun; Korea Fisheries and Korea 10 Big Fish,"Korean new news" Japan 1989 Sagong Jun; The Name Problem of East Sea is Discussed TBS- TV; Performance. Japan 1995 Sagong Jun; On the Naming of East Sea, and International Practice and Historicism,"Korean New News" Japan 1997 Sagong Jun; A Dokdo-Island is An Island Peculiar to Korea. Research magazine Life and Social Science Japan 1997 244