7 )b 아직 8 )b 본문의 9 )b 위 1 0)b 본문의 3 Yes, there are. 4 Most of them are new. 5 Not so good. 10. z 흐름상 A와 B의 관계를 한 단어의 영 어로 적으시오. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 7.

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2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628


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StorypalintrotoPenPaling - Korean


Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.




istening L T est

1. [출제의도] 정보의 내용을 사실적으로 이해할 수 있는가를 묻는 문제이다.

zb 6) 밑줄 zb 7) zb 8) zb 9) 빈칸 zb 10) 빈 zb 11) 다음 친 문장 a~ e중 대화의 흐름상 옳지 않은 것 2 b 은? 3 c A: Hey! Suji! aare your new classmates nice? B: Yes! bwe are ni


E F G H Contents The Elephant and the Eskimo The Flamingo and the Frog The Greyhound and the Grasshopper The Horse and the Hippo Review EFGH


2) How 3) 위 ) 다음 ) 다음 6 ) 빈 학년 고사종류 과목 과목코드번호 성명 1 2011 1학기 중간고사 대비 영어 511 ( ) 배명중 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령 제33조에 의한 표시 1) 제작연월일 : 2011-03-23 2) 제작자 : 교육지대 3) 이 콘텐츠는 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 에 따라 최초 제작일부터 5년간 보호됩니다. 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법 에 의하여 보호되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부 또는 일부를 무단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법에 의한 법적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. 5 Brian wants to wear uniforms. 먼저 답안지에 성명,학년,계열,과목코드를 기입하십시오. 문항을 읽고 맞는 답을 답란에 표시하십시오. 문항배점은 문항위에 표시된 배점표를 참고하십시오. 아래 지문을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Subin : Hey, Brian. What's up? Brian : anothing much, Subin. How are you? Subin : Fine. bi'm just getting ready for school. Brian : When does your school start? Subin : cit starts tomorrow. di'm so excited. Brian : Do you have uniforms there? Subin : Yeah. emost Korean middle schools has uniforms. Brian : Well, my school doesn't. But I really want to wear them. 4. zb4 두 사람의 대화가 자연스러운 것은? 1 A : What's up? B : I'm sorry. 2 A : How's it going? B : Nothing much. 3 A : How are you doing? B : Yes, thank you. 4 A : Do you have socks? B : Yes, please. 5 A : How's your new school? B : Yes, it is. 1. zb 1)어법이 틀린 문장은? 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 5. zb5 보기는 어떤 단어를 설명한 것인가? <보기> - a restaurant where you choose your food from a counter and take it to your table after paying for it - a self service restaurant 1 a cafeteria 2 a library 3 a gym 2. zb does Subin feel now? 4 a school bus 5 swimming pool 1 nothing 2 ready 3 tomorrow 4 excited 5 sad 6. zb 칸에 적절하지 않은 것은? 3. zb 글의 내용과 다른 것은? 1 Subin is getting ready for school. 2 Brian asks Subin about her school. A : Are there many old friends in you class? B : 3 Brian's school has uniforms. 4 Subin's school starts tomorrow. 1 No, there aren't. 2 Not many. - 1 -

7 )b 아직 8 )b 본문의 9 )b 위 1 0)b 본문의 3 Yes, there are. 4 Most of them are new. 5 Not so good. 10. z 흐름상 A와 B의 관계를 한 단어의 영 어로 적으시오. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 7. z A: Hey, How was your first day at school? B: Great! It's exciting. ᄂAnd, we have a gym at our school. A: You love sports. You're so lucky. B: I know. ᄃWe can play sports on rainy days. A: That's great! How are your classmates? ᄅ B: I don't know many of them ( a ). But everyone is so nice. A: I wish. ᄆ B: Thanks. Talk to you later. 반 친구들은 많이 몰라 의 의미를 지닐 때 밑줄 친 a에 알맞은 것은? 1 yet 2 still 3 too 4 either 5 later Daniel: Hey, Jina. (A)How was your first day at school? Jina : Great! Everything is new Daniel: I know. (B)There are different teachers for every subject. Jina : (C)Yeah, I'm exciting. And we have a gym at our school. Daniel: You love sports. You're so lucky. Jina : I know. We can play sports on rainy days. Daniel: That's great! How are your classmates? Jina : (D)I don't know many of them yet. But everyone is so nice. Daniel: (E)You'll make lots of friends soon. Jina : Thanks, Daniel. Talk to you later. 8. z 1 ᄀ 2 ᄂ 3 ᄃ 4 ᄅ 5 ᄆ 흐름상 다음의 문장이 위치할 가장 적 절한 곳은? You'll make a lot of friends soon 11.zb1 1) 위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 1 Daniel will make lots of friends soon. 2 Daniel and Jina are in the same class. 3 Jina already knows many of her classmates. 4 Jina has the same teacher for every subject. 5 Students in Jina's school can play sports in the gym. 9. z 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 1 B can't play sports on rainy days at her school. 2 A and B are in the same class. 3 B has a lot of old friends in her class. 4 B likes to play sports. 5 B and A don't know each other. 12.zb 1 2) (A) ~ (E) 중 어법상 어색한 문장은? 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) - 2 -

15 ) B의 13.zb 13 ) 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말은? The son does not like working They will meet school. 14.zb 다음 14 ) 중 의미가 다른 하나는? 1 What's up? 2 What's wrong? 3 What happened? 4 What's the matter? 5 What are you supposed to do? the farm. 다음 Daniel(D)와 Jina(J)의 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. D : Hey, Jina. How was your first day at school? J : Great! Everything is new. D : I know. (모든 과목에 다른 선생님들이 있다.) J : Yeah, it's exciting. And, we have a gym at our school. D : You love sports. You're so lucky. J : I know. We can play sports on rainy days. D : That's great! How are your classmates? J : I don't know many of them yet. But everyone is so nice. D : You'll ( ) soon. J : Thanks, Daniel. Talk to you later. 15. zb 대답으로 볼 때 A가 할 말로 가장 적절한 것은? A : B : I'm pretty good. 1 How much is it beautiful? 2 How long is it? 3 How's it going? 4 How much is it? 5 How do you get there? 17.zb 1 7) 본문의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오. 1 Jina's school has a swimming pool. 2 Daniel and Jina are in the same class. 3 Jina knows many of the new classmates. 4 Jina's new classmates are not very nice. 5 Jina can play sports on rainy days at her school. 18.zb 1 8) 괄호 안의 우리말과 일치하도록 올바르게 표현한 것은? 1 There is every teacher for different teachers. 16.zb16 ) 다음 글을 읽고 답을 알 수 없는 질문은? I go to Daechi middle school. We wear school uniforms. Thirty seven students are in my class. We have a native English teacher named Lynn. She is in the English Zone and I am so glad to speak English with her. We also have a baseball team at our school. I'm sad that my school doesn't have a gym. But I love my school. 1 What is the name of your school? 2 Does your school have sports teams? 3 How many students are there in your class? 2 There are different teacher for every subjects. 3 There are different teachers for every subject. 4 There is a different teacher for every teachers. 5 There are different teacher for every subject. 19.zb1 9) 위 글의 밑줄 친 문장이 너는 곧 많은 친구들을 사귈 것이다. 라는 뜻이 되도록 괄호 안에 알맞 은 표현을 쓰시오. You'll ( ) soon. 4 Why do you love your school? 5 Is there a gym at your school? 20.zb 문장의 2 0) 표현이 어법상 옳은 것은? - 3 -

21 ) 다음의 1 There are a map on the wall. 2 Are there your parents at home? 3 There aren't a ball in the basket. 4 Are there a teacher in the classroom? 5 How many books there are in the library? 23.zb 2 3) 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 1 Jina and Daniel are in the same class. 2 Jina can't play sports at a gym. 3 Jina likes to play sports. 4 Jina has a lot of old friends in her class. 5 Jina doesn't know the students in her class at all. 21. zb 끝말잇기를 완성하시오. love eraser rose elephant tree ( a ) mother roll lion nose ( b ) train nest teach harm ( c ) exam mask knight ( d ) last 24.zb 2 4) 다음 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳은? I don't know many of them. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e a : b : c : d : * tip : You have to start with the last letter of the very preceding(선행하는 앞에 나오는) word. 22.zb22 ) 문장에서 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것은? 1 Are you getting ready for school? 2 He'll make good friends in his class. 3 Why don't you meet at the Cafeteria? 4 Most middle school students wear uniforms. 5 My school has a library so we can eat some snack and have lunch there. 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Daniel : Hey, Jina. How was your first day at school? Jina : Great. Everything is new. a Daniel : I know. There are different teachers for every subject. b Jina : Yeah, it's exciting. c And we have a gym at our school. Daniel : You love sports. You're so lucky. Jina : I know. We can play sports (A) rainy days. Daniel : That's great! d Jina : I don't know many of them yet. But everyone is so nice. e Danial : You'll make a lot (B) friends soon. 25.zb 2 5) 위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 1 Jina's first day was nothing new. Daniel : How was your first day at school? a Jina : Great. We have a gym at our school. b Daniel : You love sports. You are so lucky. c How are your classmates? 2 Jina's school doesn't have a gym. 3 One teacher teaches every subject. 4 Jina's new classmates are so nice. 5 Jina has many old friends in her class. Jina : d But all the students are so nice. Daniel : e You'll make a lot of friends soon. Jina : Thanks, Daniel. Talk to you later. 26.zb 2 6) 위 글의 흐름상 a ~ e 중 주어진 문장이 들어 가기에 가장 알맞은 곳은? - 4 -

30 ) 다음 How are your classmates? 5 hamster 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 27.zb 27 ) 빈 칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말이 차례로 짝지어진 것은? 1 on - for 2 on - of 3 in - from 4 for - in 5 for - on Brian : My show and tell is tomorrow. I don't know a to bring. Subin : Why don't you bring a photograph? Brian : Well... I have a picture of a famous singer. Subin : What's so special about that? Brian : I bam in the picture with her. Subin : Cool! Tell me more. Brian : She's wearing my cap. Sunmi has a show and tell in her English class. She brings her family picture and her puppy. She talks about her father, her mother, her older brother, and her younger sister. She says, "My younger sister is Sunny, my puppy." The whole class laughs. The teacher says,"you have a lovely family. I like your family picture." Subin : Great! That's going to be an interesting show and tell. 31.zb 3 1) 위 글의 a에 들어갈 알맞은 말은? 1 When 2 Where 3 Who 4 What 5 Why 28.zb28 ) 위글에서 언급된 실제 가족 수는 얼마인가? 1 Two people 3 Four people 5 Six people 2 Three people 4 Five people 29.zb 29 ) Sunny에 대한 설명으로 잘못된 것은? 32.zb 3 2) 위의 밑줄 친 b와 그 의미가 같은 것은? 1 Who am I? 2 I am your new teacher. 3 I am Mrs. Brown's daughter. 4 I am always happy. 5 Where am I? 1 Sunmi는 가족이라고 생각한다. 2 실제로는 사람이 아니다. 3 Sunmi가 마치 가족처럼 소개하는 애완동물이다. 4 Sunmi는 Sunny를 매우 좋아한다. 5 Sunny는 Sunmi의 오랜 친구이다. 30. zb 중 나머지 다른 단어를 모두 포괄하는 단어 는? 1 puppy 2 pet 3 cat 4 bird Mr. Brown : What are you going to show a today? Mina : (가)of/ is/ this/ family/ a/ my/ picture. This is my father. He's a pilot. This is my mother. She's a science teacher. This is my older brother, Jiho. He's a high school student. Next to him... That's my younger brother. Subin : b is your younger brother? I don't see him. Mina : Right here. c name is Spot. - 5 -

Jinho : Oh, your younger brother is a puppy? 2 What - Where - When - Who Class : Ha ha ha. 3 What - When - Where - Who Mr. Brown : Thank you, Mina. You have a lovely family. 4 When - Where - Why - How 5 Who - When - What - Where 33.zb 33 ) 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 1 미나의 어머니는 교사이다. 2 미나는 가족사진을 보여주고 있다. 3 미나는 가족 이름을 모두 소개하였다. 4 미나의 오빠는 고등학교를 다닌다. 5 미나는 강아지를 기른다. 37.zb 3 7) 다음 <보기>의 대화에서 묘사하고 있는 사람으로 가장 알맞은 것은? <보기> A : Is it a man or a woman? B : It's a woman. A : Is she holding books? 34.zb34 ) 밑줄 친 a ~ c에 들어갈 말로 바르게 짝지어진 것은? a b c a b c 1 our Where My 2 us Where His 3 us Where My 4 our Why His 5 them Where He B : No, she isn't. A : Does she have a short hair? B : Yes, she does. A : Is she wearing skirt? B : Yes, she is. A : Is she wearing glasses? B : Yes. 35.zb 35 ) 밑줄 친 (가)의 단어들을 이것은 나의 가족사진 이다. 라는 뜻의 문장으로 바르게 나열하였을 때 네 번째에 오는 단어는? 1 of 2 family 3 my 4 is 5 picture 36.zb 36 ) 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 적당한 의문사가 순서대로 배열된 것은? A : do monkeys like? B : They like bananas. A : did they come to this zoo? B : They came here last year. A : are the lions? B : Next to the monkeys. A : is that man? B : He's an animal trainer. 1 Who - When - What - How 38.zb3 8) 빈 칸에 공통으로 들어갈 수 있는 단어를 고르시 오. do you want? is your favorite food? animal do you like? 1 What 2 Can 3 How 4 Who 5 When - 6 -

39 ) 다음 5 The reason I like my hamster 39. zb 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은? Let me tell favorite music. I like classic. I like listening to classical music in room. favorite musician is Beethoven. 40.zb 40 ) 다음은 Brian이 자기 가족을 소개한 글이다. 밑줄 친 부분 중 틀린 것을 고르시오. This is my family. The elderly man is 1my grandfather. 2His name is Brian Wilson. The woman next to me is my mom. 3Her name is Jennifer Wilson. The man next to her is my father. 4Her name is Don Wilson. Do you see the two cute children? They are my brother and sister. names are Nick and Nicole. 5Their 43.zb 4 3) 다음을 읽고 빈 칸에 각각 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요. Tiffany and Jessica are my best friends. a house is near my house. We go to the same school. b school is in Dogokdong. It is Daechi Middle School. They have an older brother. c name is Andy. He is really handsome. So I like him. I asked Tiffany. Does d brother have a girlfriend?" She said "yes". I am so sad. 44.zb 4 4) 주어진 대화에서 a에 들어갈 말로 알맞지 않은 것은? Ji-yeon : How many people are there in your family? Ho-min : Seven. 41.zb 41 ) 다음 에 알맞은 말은? W : What day is it today? M : It's Friday? Ji-yeon : a. You have a big family. 1 Oh, really? 2 It's surprising! 3 It's pretty cold! 4 I can't believe it! 5 Wow, it's amazing! W : Oh, it's your birthday! M : No, it's not. My birthday is tomorrow. W :. I did not know that. 1 No problem 2 I'm sorry 3 Fine, thanks 4 I'm sure 5 Happy birthday 45.zb 4 5) 다음 중 성격이 다른 단어를 하나 고르시오. 1 grandmother 2 pilot 3 teacher 4 pianist 5 police officer 42.zb 42 ) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은? This is my hamster, Happy. She is brown and white. My dad gave me the hamster for my birthday. She likes to play with a ball. she also likes to run. She loves to sleep. Sometimes, she sleeps all day long. She is very cute and I like her very much. 1 My favorite gift 2 My hamster, Happy 3 My hamster's hobby 4 The best present of this year 46.zb 4 6) 다음 대화의 빈 칸에 들어갈 충고의 말로 가장 어 색한 것은? A : I have a bad cold. B :. 1 Why don't you go see a doctor? 2 How about going to bed early? 3 Why don't you get some sleep? 4 I think you should give her persents. - 7 -

5 1)b 위 5 2)b 위 5 I think you should get some rest. 49.zb 4 9) 위 글의 제목으로 적합한 것은? 1 Mina's show and tell. 47.zb 47 ) 다음 그림의 인물을 두 문장으로 묘사하세요. 2 Mina's pet. 3 Mina's classroom. 4 Mina's parents. 5 Mina's classmates. 50.zb 5 0) 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 1 미나는 애완견을 기르고 있다. (1) He. (2) He. 2 미나의 실제 가족은 4명이다. 3 미나의 언니는 고등학생이다. 4 미나의 부모님은 모두 직업을 갖고 있다. 5 미나는 남동생이 한 명 있다. 48.zb 48 ) 다음 단어의 영어 풀이가 바르지 않은 것은? 1 clothes : something you wear like jackets etc. 2 get some rest : to relax, or sleep 3 pilot : a person who can fly airplanes. 4 younger brother : little brother 5 put on : to be unable to find something 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Sudong : Do you know how to play chess? Mina : a Sudong: Wow, it's amazing because I don't know ABC in chess. Mina : I can be your teacher if you want. 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Mr. Brown : What did you bring for your show and tell? Mina : This is a picture of my family. This is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother. She's a nurse. This is my older sister, Jina. She's a high school student. Between she and I... That's my younger brother. Subin : Where is your younger brother? I don't see him. Mina : Right here. His name is Spot. Jinho : Oh, your younger brother is a puppy! Class : Ha ha ha. Mr. Brown : Thank you, Mina. You have a lovely family. 51. z 대화의 빈 칸 a에 적절한 말은? 1 Absolutely. 2 You know what? 3 Of course not. 4 How do I know? 5 Be my guess. 52. z 글에 대한 사실로서 옳지 않은 것은? 1 Sudong doesn't know how to play chess at all. 2 Sudong needs to learn alphabets. 3 Mina wants to inform Sudong how to play the game. 4 Sudong is surprised to know that Mina can play chess 5 Mina knows the rules in chess very well. - 8 -

5 6)b 다음 53.zb 53 ) 어법에 맞는 문장은? 1 A bird flys in the sky. 56. z 그림을 정확하게 묘사하고 있는 문장은? 2 Peter finishes his homework. 3 Jane and Ellen doesn't like their work. 4 His sister go to work every morning. 5 John don't do well on the English exam. 54.zb 54 ) 괄호 안의 단어를 어법에 맞는 형태로 고치시오. 1 One student is raising his hand to ask something. 2 All students stand up. 3 Two students are talking over something. 4 A boy is now dancing. 5 All students sleep on the chairs. best. David does not try his best. But, Susan 1(try) her A rich man wants to teach his son an important lessons: not everyone is rich. So, ahe takes his son to a farm and lets bhim work on the farm. TV. Susan 2(watch) TV, but David does not watch 55.zb 55 ) 글의 흐름상 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 곳은? The son answers his family is really poor. A rich father wants to teach his son about the world. So, he stays at a farm with his son for three days. (A) The father asks a farmer to let his son work on the farm. (B) The son thinks it's fun to work on the farm. (C) When the son and the father go back home, the father asks the son what he learns from the farm. (D) However, the farmer's family has many things around them. (E) The son thinks they are really rich. 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) Father : Let's stay at this farm. Son : Yippee! This is going to be fun. Father : My son doesn't know much about the Son world. Can che work on the farm? : I'll try my best. Farmer : Can dyou give some food to the cows? Son : Sure. Sounds like fun. After three days, ethe father and his son go back home. The father asks his son. Father : What did you learn, Son? Son : Lots of things. We only have one dog. They have four. We have a pool in our backyard. They have a very big lake. We have lights in front of our house. They have stars in the sky. We have high walls around us. They have friends around them. Dad, thanks for teaching me. Now I know that we're really poor. 57.zb 5 7) 지시하는 대상이 서로 다른 것 끼리 짝지어 진 것 - 9 -

6 0)b 다음의 6 1) 다음 은? 1 a, c 2 a, e 3 b, c 4 b, d 5 c, d 58.zb 58 ) Which is not true? 1 The farmer needs help on the farm. 2 The son stays at the farm for three days. 3 The son has high walls around his house. 4 The son thinks working on the farm is fun. 5 The father asks the son to give food to the cows. <Jasmin> <Jinny> 59.zb 59 ) 다음 중 어법상 맞는 문장으로 묶여진 것은? (A) Mom don't like him. 1 2 (B) I sees Susan every day. (C) The robot can speak English. (D) Tom and Jane go to the library. (E) Peter look around the shopping mall. 61. zb 빈 칸에 알맞은 것은? 1 (A), (C) 2 (D), (E) 4 (B), (C) 5 (C), (D) 3 (A), (B) Sudong to listen to rock music. 60. z 보기를 참조하여 두 사람 Jinny, Jasmin 의 차이점을 두 문장으로 쓰시오. <보기> Jinny wears a hat, but Jasmin doesn't wear a hat. 1 like 2 does likes 3 likes 4 is liking 5 don't like A : Hi, Minjun. What are you doing? B : I'm reading a comic book. A : Can I see it for a asecond? B : Here you go. Do you know how to read Korean? A : Yes. It says, "Can you help me with this?" B : Wow! Good Job. Do you like reading comic books? A : Of course. Comic books are fun. B : Yeah, why don't we read them together? A = Jenny B = Minjun - 10 -

62.zb 62 ) 밑줄 친 asecond와 같은 뜻으로 쓰인 문장을 고 르면? 1 Wait a second please. 2 He is their second child. 3 I want to buy second one. 4 The party is still the second strongest in Italy. 5 The places is the second-largest city in the United States. 63.zb 63 ) What is Minjun doing? 1 He sits at the desk. 2 He is learning Korean. 3 He is reading a comic book. 4 He is drawing a comic book. 5 He is helping others with reading a book. 65.zb6 5) 다음 주어진 글이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 알맞은 곳 은? So, his father takes him to a farm. Mike is rich. He has lots of things - a house with a swimming pool, a farm with cows, and great cars. a But, he doesn't know much about the world. And, he doesn't learn how to work on a farm. b He can't do anything by himself. He always needs a helping hand. c He wants to teach him an important lesson. d But, his son, Mike, thinks it's not exciting to work on the farm, and only plays around the cows. e He doesn't get ready for learning something yet. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 64.zb64 ) 대화가 가장 자연스러운 것은? 1 A : What are you doing? 66.zb 6 6) 다음 그림을 보고 질문에 가장 적절하게 답한 것 은? B : I'm reading a comic book in Japanese. A : Really? Do you learn English? B : Of course. 2 A : Do you like playing tennis? B : Yes, I do. I love tennis. A : Great. Do you want to play tennis with me this Friday? B : Sure. I'll play baseball with Jim this Friday. 3 A : Can you draw a cartoon well? B : A little. Why do you ask? A : I need some help with my art homework. B : Okay. No problem. 4 A : Can you play the guitar? B : Yeah. I took piano lessons last year. Q : What is she doing? 1 I'm wearing socks. 2 It is raining outside. 3 She is reading a book. 4 She is drawing a picture. 5 There is a picture on the wall. A : Cool. Can you teach me? B : I'm not that good but I'll try. 5 A : Hey, what were you doing? B : I'm reading a comic book in Chinese. A : Really? Can you read Chinese? B : Certainly. Jenny : Hi, Minjun. What are you doing? Minjun : I'm reading a comic book. - 11 -

Jenny : Can I see it afor a second? Minjun : Here you go. Do you know how to read Korean? Jenny : Yes. It says... b 이것 좀 도와줄래? Minjun : Wow! Good job. Do you like reading comic books? Jenny : Of course. Comic books are fun. Minjun : Yeah. Why don't we read them together? 67.zb 67 ) a의 표현과 의미가 같은 것을 고르시오. 1 for a minute 3 for a long time 2 for an hour 4 for a week 1 옥희 : Sara is married to Daniel. 2 민정 : Emily is Felix' nephew. 3 현숙 : Alice is Helen's daughter. 4 자영 ; Eddie is Carol's cousin. 5 명희 : Sue is David's mother. 5 for a day 71.zb 7 1) Which is the best for the blank? 68.zb 68 ) 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분의 의미가 되도록 주어진 단 어를 순서대로 배열하시오. <me can you this help with> 69.zb 69 ) 다음 글에 이어질 문장으로 알맞은 것은? Yuri speaks Korean. She can also speak English, but she cannot speak Japanese. Tom speaks English. He can also speak Korean, but he cannot speak Chinese. 1 So Yuri and Tom speak English. This is a story about a very rich man and his son. The son doesn't know much about the world. The father wants to teach his son an important lesson. So, he takes his son to a farm. The son works hard on the farm. After three days, the father asks his son, "What did you learn?" The son says, "The farmer and his family have so many things. They have dogs, a lake, stars and friends." The son also says, "We are really poor.". 1 The son is very happy. 2 The father is very happy. 3 The son wants to be poor. 4 The father likes to hear that. 5 The father can't say anything. 2 So Yuri and Tom can speak Chinese. 3 So Yuri and Tom can speak Japanese. 4 But Yuri and Tom cannot speak Korean. 5 But Yuri and Tom can also speak Japanese. 70.zb 70 ) 다음 가계도를 맞게 읽은 학생은? 72.zb 7 2) 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? After three days, the father and his son go back home from a farm. The father asks his son. The father : What did you learn, Son? The son : Lots of things. We only have one dog. They have four. We have a pool in our backyard. They have a very big lake. We have lights in front of our house. They have stars in the sky. - 12 -

We have high walls around us. They have friends around them. Dad, thanks for teaching me. Now l know that we're really poor. 1 The son did not learn lots of things. 2 The father and his son have a big lake. 3 The father and his son have two dogs. 4 The father and his son have many friends. 5 The father and his son have lights in front of their house. 수고 하셨습니다. - 13 -

족보닷컴에서 제공하는 학교별 족보는 전국 중 학교의 기출문제들을 분석하여 자주 출제되는 유 형들로 구성하였습니다. 비슷한 유형이나 동일 지 문의 문제가 반복되는 것은 출제 빈도가 높은 유 형의 문제이니 반복하여 학습하시고 좋은 성적 거 두시기를 바랍니다. [해설] B의 대답으로 보아 A는 인사말을 해야 함. How is it going? How are you doing? How are you? What's up 모 두 만났을 때 사용할 수 있는 인사말임. 16) [정답] 4 [해설] 왜 학교를 좋아하는지는 알 수 없다. 17) [정답] 5 18) [정답] 3 19) [정답] make a lot of friends 1) [정답] 5 정답 및 해설 [해설]3인칭 현재 단수문제 복수형은 have를 쓴다. 20) [정답] 4 21) [정답] a exam b east c make d travel [해설] 그 외에도 각 빈칸의 조건에 맞으면 정답으로 인정 할 수 있음. 2) [정답] 4 [해설] 새학기를 앞두고 마음이 설레인다. 3) [정답] 3 [해설] 브라이언 교복을 입고 싶다는 것으로 보아 브라이언 의 학교는 교복을 입지 않는다. 4) [정답] 2 5) [정답] 1 [해설] 계산대에서 음식을 고르고 계산을 한 후 탁자에 가져가 서 먹는 음식점 6) [정답] 5 [해설] There are 질문에 대해 1~4까지는 모두 대답 가능 한 답변이나 5은 말이 통하지 않음. not many는 많이는 아니야, Most of them 그들 대부분은 이라는 의미임. 7) [정답] 1 [해설] yet: 아직 8) [정답] 5 9) [정답] 4 [해설]A가 B에게 You love sports. You're so lucky. I know 라고 말하는 점으로 볼 때 B는 운동을 좋아한다고 말 할 수 있다. 10) [정답] Friend 11) [정답] 5 [해설] 지나 학교의 학생들은 체육관에서 운동을 할 수 있다. 12) [정답] 3 [해설] 나는 흥분되 라고 말할 때에는 I'm excited.라고 한다. 13) [정답] at 14) [정답] 5 [해설] 5는 뭐 할 예정이니? 의 뜻이다. 15) [정답] 3 22) [정답] 5 [해설] 점심과 간식을 먹는 곳은 library가 아니라 cafeteria이 다. 23) [정답] 3 [해설] Jina는 운동을 하는 것을 좋아한다. 24) [정답] 4 [해설] 주어진 문장은 나는 그들 중 많은 아이들을 알지는 못 한다. 이다. 25) [정답] 4 26) [정답] 4 27) [정답] 2 28) [정답] 3 [해설] Sumi, father, mother, and brother이다, sister는 강이 지이므로 가족이 아니다 29) [정답] 5 [해설] Sunny는 Sumi의 애완 강아지이다. picture: 사진, puppy: 강아지, laugh: 웃다 30) [정답] 2 [해설] puppy, cat, bird, hamster를 포괄하는 단어는 2 pet : 애완동물임 31) [정답] 4 32) [정답] 5 33) [정답] 3 34) [정답] 2 35) [정답] 5 36) [정답] 3 [해설] what - 무엇, when - 언제, where - 어디에, who - 누 구 - 14 -

37) [정답] 2 38) [정답] 1 [해설] 빈칸에는 무엇 을 의미하는 의문사가 들어가야 한다. 39) [정답] my 40) [정답] 4 [해설] father 이므로 His 가 와야한다. 41) [정답] 2 [해설] 생일을 몰랐으므로 사과의 표현이 와야 한다. 42) [정답] 2 [해설] 주어진 글은 햄스터 Happy에 대한 소개의 글이다. 43) [정답] a Their b Our c His d your [해설] a their - 그들의 b our - 우리의 c his - 그의 d your - 너의 44) [정답] 3 45) [정답] 1 58) [정답] 5 [해설] 아들에게 소에게 음식을 주라고 말한 것은 아버지가 아 니라 농부이다. 59) [정답] 5 60) [정답] Jinny wears a short skirt, but Jasmin doesn't wear it. Jasmin has a cellular phone, but Jinny doesn't. Jasmin wears sunglasses, but Jinny doesn't wear it. [해설]두 사람의 차이점을 주어진 보기처럼 어법에 맞게 묘 사했을 경우는 정답처리 할 수 있다. 61) [정답] 3 [해설] 주어가 3인칭 단수일 경우에는 동사의 기본형 + s 62) [정답] 1 [해설] for a second는 잠시 동안 이라는 의미이다. 63) [정답] 3 [해설] 민준이는 무엇을 하는 중이니? - 만화책을 읽고 있는 중이야. 46) [정답] 4 47) [정답] (1) is wearing a cap (2) is holding a ball [해설] (1) 그는 모자를 쓰고 있다. 48) [정답] 5 (2) 그는 공을 들고 있다. 64) [정답] 3 [해설] 3 A : 너는 만화를 잘 그리니? B : 조금. 왜 묻는데? A : 나는 미술 숙제를 도와줄 사람이 필요하거든. B : 알았어. 걱정 마. 65) [정답] 4 49) [정답] 1 [해설] 주어진 글은 미나의 자기 소개이다. 50) [정답] 5 [해설] 미나의 남동생은 강아지이다. 51) [정답] 1 [해설] Absolutely: 당연히 그렇고 말고 52) [정답] 2 [해설] don't know ABC in chess. 체스의 A, B, C도 모른 다라는 말은 영어의 알파벳을 모른다는 뜻이 아니라 체스를 둘 줄을 전혀 모른다는 의미이다. 66) [정답] 3 67) [정답] 1 68) [정답] Can you help me with this? 69) [정답] 1 70) [정답] 4 [해설] Eddie는 Carol의 사촌이다. 71) [정답] 2 72) [정답] 5 53) [정답] 2 [해설] 1 flys flies 3 doesn't don't 4 go goes 5 don't doesn't 54) [정답] 1tries2watches 55) [정답] 5 [해설] 주어진 문장은 아들은 그의 가족이 정말 가난하다고 답 한다. 는 의미이다. 56) [정답] 1 [해설] 그림:한 학생이 손을 들로서 질문을 하는 듯한 모습 57) [정답] 1 [해설] a a rich man c son - 15 -