Microsoft PowerPoint - Idea Generation_2012 [호환 모드]

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Value Curves Value Innovation Business Launch 86% 14% Revenue Impact 62% 38% Profit Impact 39% 61% Launches within Red Oceans Launches for Creating Blue Oceans - Study on business launching effects of 108 companies - Blue Ocean Businesses > Red Ocean Businesses -19-

Value Curves Value Innovation Buyer Utility Map: Mobile Phone Buyer Experience Cycle Supplem Maintena Purchase Delivery Use Disposal ents nce Utility levers Productivity Simplicity Convenience Risk Fun Environmental Friendliness Value Factor 도출 Risk reduction in use Environmental friendliness Maintenance convenience Cells for Red Ocean Cells for Blue Ocean -22-

Value Curves Value Innovation Four Actions Framework ERRC Grid Cost Reduction Reduce Eliminate 스타 곡예사 동물 쇼 통로 영업권 복합 공연장 Raise 독특한 공연장 Eliminate Value Curve Create Reduce Create Raise Differentiation 스릴/위험 재미/유머 테마 세련된 관람환경 다회 공연 예술성 있는 음악과 춤 -23-

Morphology Analysis Underlying ideas Decomposing a system into subsystems Providing new mutations of promising technology Yielding structured models for complex problems rather than offering solutions Dimensions: Energy Source Motor Regulator Indicator Manual Winding Spring Motor Balance Wheel Dial Hands Shapes: Battery Electric Motor Pendulum Silde Marks Solar Liquid Quarz -24-

Morphology Analysis Basic procedure Step 1: defining the fundamental functions of technology Step 2: listing all possible shapes in each dimension Step 3: investigating all possible combinations Step 4: attempting to find existing instances for each combinations Step 5: eliminating infeasible combinations Step6: listing the remaining undeveloped combinations in order of importance -25-

TRIZ Definition Theory on creative problem solving Methodology for systemic problem solving on the basis of human knowledge -> Use of small number of Heuristic to solve creative technical problems Components Substance-Field Model Contradiction Matrix 39 Parameters 40 Principles Separate rules: Time, Space, ARIZ Standard Solutions -26-

Kano model Kano model의 기본 개념 고객의 요구사항을 특성의 차이에 따라 분류 각 요구사항의 특성을 신서비스 아이디어 창출과 설계에 반영 과정과 절차 (1/2) 단계 1: 고객 요구사항의 분류 필수적 요구사항 일차원적 요구사항 매력적 요구사항 무관심 요구사항 모순적 요구사항 회의적 요구사항 단계 2: 고객반응의 조사 고객의 요구사항을 분류하기 위한 작업 Functional 양식 Dysfunctional 양식 Functional 양식 Dysfunctional 양식 거래 수수료가 낮으면 어떻게 느끼십니까? 거래 수수료가 높으면 어떻게 느끼십니까? 1. 아주 좋아한다. 2. 좋다고 느낀다. 3. 모르겠다. 4. 싫다고 느낀다. 5. 아주 싫어한다. 1. 아주 좋아한다. 2. 좋다고 느낀다. 3. 모르겠다. 4. 싫다고 느낀다. 5. 아주 싫어한다.

Kano model 과정과 절차 (2/2) 단계 3: 설문지의 분석 각 요구사항이 어느 경우에 해당하는지를 판정 Kano 평가표 CR Functional Dysfunctional 1 2 3 4 5 1 Q A A A O 2 R I I I M 3 R I I I M 4 R I I I M O : 일차원적 요구사항 M : 필수적 요구사항 A : 매력적 요구사항 I : 무관심 요구사항 R : 모순적 요구사항 Q : 회의적 요구사항 단계 4: 평가표의 작성과 활용 5 O R R R Q 설문 결과를 집계하여 종합적인 평가 최종 평가표 요구사항 A M O R Q I 합계 최종평가 1 1 2 24 1 1 1 30 O 2 28 1 1 30 M...............

QFD Definition A structured method to integrate various processes of service products and processes Clear relationship between CTQ/Functions/Service & Process Importances Customer Needs 3 5 2 5 1 Roof Matrix Design attributes Relationship Matrix Relationship between customer needs and design attributes Design measures -33- CTQ (Critical To Quality) Customer Perceptions Ratings of competitive services

FAST Definition A hierarchical approach to model a function of a service Extraction of important functions by prioritizing the objectives or functions of the service Basic Function HOW NEEDS Essential to the performance of the task/function Fulfills basic needs of the users Secondary Function Secondary Function Enabling the Secondary Function Enabling the Secondary Function WANTS Essential to project acceptability Fulfills the wants of the user Solution Solution WHY -40-

FAST Process List Desired Outcome and Requirements of Customer in Verb Singular Noun Form List Services that satisfy Desired Outcome on Post-it notes List all functions in Verb Noun format and processes that would satisfy or produce each service in the previous step Select each function from the previous step starting with what you believe to be the basic function Continue to answer the HOW and place a post-it directly to the right. Diagram High level functions Requirements, Outputs Low level functions Level of detail, Inputs -41-

FAST -42-