Unit 43 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. He expected / to meet his mother again. 2. It s really hard / to love a person unconditional

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Unit 43 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. He expected / to meet his mother again. 2. It s really hard / to love a person unconditionally. 3. The important thing / is to appreciate / what you have. 4. I thought / it my duty to tell you the truth. 5. The best way / of predicting the future / is to study the past. 6. Sometimes / people find / it difficult to express / what they want to say. 7. Some people think / [ it is necessary / to give / at least 40,000 tons of rice / to poor countries in Africa]. 1. [ikspèkt] 2. [>nk ndí ÂnÂli] 3. [ prí; iéit] 4. [dδù;ti] 5. [pridíkt] 6. 7. 4 B 1. Is it possible / to measure beauty? 1. [mè, ] 2

2. Linda has already decided / how to spend the prize money. 3. Many film stars find it difficult / to lead a normal life. 2. 3. [li;d] [n ; mâl] C 1. to gain 2. to drink 3. to have 1. The most important reason [ students read ] / is to gain academic knowledge. 2. It was impossible / to drink from the stream / because it was all red with blood. 3. Some special televisions make / it possible to have a health check / with a doctor / without leaving home. 1. [gein] [ k dèmik] [n lid,] 2. [stri;m] 3. Unit 44 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. chances 2. be to 3. be to 4. the right 5. 2 seems 6. 5 told 1. People in the world / can have chances / to enjoy different cultures. 1. [t æns] 3

2. If we are to win the competition, / we must train much harder. 3. You are to apologize to your teacher / for lying to him. 4. They are deprived of the right / to be Korean / from the moment. 5. The university seems / to have many academic programs. 6. The captain told all the crew members / to stay calm / under any circumstances. 2. [k mpití Ân] 3. [ p l d,àiz] 4. 5. 6. [k pt n] [kru;] [sá; k mst ns] B 1. to pull others toward themselves 2. may seem to be strange in another 3. want them to agree with our actions 1. Things hold gravity / to pull others toward themselves. 2. What is fashionable in one culture / may seem to be strange / in another. 3. We want them / to agree with our actions. 1. [gr v ti] 2. [f Ân bl] [k=lt ] 3. [ k Ân] C 1. to be 2. to increase 3. to produce 1. The old approach / of multinational companies / to globalization / proved to be unsuccessful. 2. Riding a bike when you travel / is a really good way / to increase chance / to meet local people. 3. Exciting music causes the human brain / to produce serotonin / a chemical [ which makes us feel happy and secure]. your 1. [ próut ] 2. [inkrí;s] 3. [kèmikâl] [sikjù ] 4

Unit 45 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Street maps are easy / to read. 2. Chaplin used his movies / to talk about social and political issues. 3. His son grew up / to be a professional baseball player. 4. He must be a criminal / to behave in that way. 5. I m pleased / to sit here with you. 6. Jane arrived for the concert / only to find / it had been canceled. 7. He saved his money / so as to buy a brand new notebook computer. 8. Andrew saw the movies twice / never to catch the director s intention. 1. 2. [sóu Âl] [p lítikâl] 3. 4. [krím nâl] [bihèiv] 5. 6. Jane [k nsâl] 7. [seiv] 8. Andrew [dirèkt ] [intèn Ân] 5

B 1. not to mention 2. not to say 3. to tell the truth 4. to make matters worse 5. so to speak 1. She can speak French fluently, / not to mention English. 2. This task is difficult, / not to say impossible. 3. A: What did you think of the movie? B: Well, to tell the truth, / it wasn t very good. 4. He forgot to say / he would be late, / and to make matters worse, / the traffic was bad. 5. Inventions are born, so to speak, / of necessity. 1. [flù(;) ntli] 2. [tæsk] 3. A: B: 4. 5. [invèn Ân] [n sès ti] C 1. so busy studying that they cannot think about their interest 2. so nice that he can lend you his new suit 3. so clever that he can solve the difficult problem 1. Most teenagers / are too busy studying / to think about their interest. = Most teenagers are so busy studying that they cannot think about their interest. 2. He is nice enough / to lend you his new suit. = He is so nice that he can lend you his new suit. 3. The boy is so clever / as to solve the difficult problem. = The boy is so clever that he can solve the difficult problem. 1. 2. [lend] [sju;t] 3. D 1. only to find him gone 2. to get directions by drivers 3. too young to stay alone at home 4. generous enough to overlook the employees minor mistakes 1. Police arrived at the suspect s home at 6 a.m., / only to find him gone. 2. GPS is used / to get directions / by drivers. 3. Most of the students participating in after school programs / are too young / to stay alone at home. 1. [s spèkt] 2. [dirèk Ân] 3. [p ; tís péit] 6

4. My boss is generous / enough to overlook /the employees minor mistakes. 4. [d,ènâr s] [òuv lùk] [impl ií;] [máin ] E 1. to learn 2. high 1. We shouldn t feel surprised to learn / [that most young people have problems / when they are growing up]. 2. When the price of oil was too high to support the world economy, / the U.N. decided / to hold a special general meeting. 1. 2. [s p ; t] [hould] F 1. enjoy to enjoy 2. enough smart smart enough 3. to dangerous too travel too dangerous to travel 4. hearing hear 1. A great deal of people / came to the concert hall / so as to enjoy her performance. 2. Ted was smart enough / to enter Harvard University. 3. Afghanistan was too dangerous to travel around / even some years ago. 4. They were very pleased / to hear the news. 1. [p f ; m ns] 2. Ted [ènt ] 3. 4. Unit 46 Grammar Points 7

Exercise A 1. for 2. of 3. for 4. to be served 5. not to return 1. It s important / for drivers / to take care / while driving. 2. It was brave / of him / to save the drowning child. 3. The road is too busy / for the children / to cross safely. 4. I am waiting for dinner / to be served. 5. The man promised / not to return again. 1. 2. [dráuni\] 3. [kr (;)s] 4. [s ; v] 5 [pr mis] B 1. was not invited 2. I was silly 3. It, had forgotten 4. It, suffered 5. to have been caused 1. I am very disappointed / not to have been invited / to the party. = I am very disappointed / that I was not invited / to the party. 2. It was silly / of me / to forget the tickets. = I was silly / to forget the tickets. 3. They seemed / to have forgotten / about their race. = It seemed / that they had forgotten / about their race. 1. [dìs p intid] 2. [síli] 3. 8

4. He seems / to have suffered / from a great deal of debt. = It seems / that he suffered / from a great deal of debt. 5. They believe / that the illness was caused / by evil spirits. = The illness is believed / to have been caused / by evil spirits. 4. [det] 5. [ílnis] [k ;z] [spírit] C 1. We hope / that we will finish the work / as soon as possible. We hope / to finish the work / as soon as possible. 2. It seems / that she is sick. She seems / to be sick. 3. It seemed / that he had suffered from / a lot of difficulties. He seemed / to have suffered from / a lot of difficulties. 4. I was disappointed / that I had missed the party. I was disappointed / to have missed the party. 1. 2. 3. [dífik>lti] 4. [mis] D 1. for stars to express freely 2. to have caught tigers in the mountains 3. refused to give up his dream 4. of Ann to get up 1. It is difficult / for stars to express freely / their own personal thoughts. 2. Hunters are said / to have caught tigers / in the mountains / in those days. 3. Despite his enormous disabilities, / he refused / to give up his dream. 4. It is really diligent / of Ann to get up / at 6 a.m. every day. 1. [iksprès] [pá; sânâl] [^ ;t] 2. [h=nt ] 3. [dispáit] [in ; m s] [dìs bíl ti] [rifjù;z] 4. [dílid,ânt] 9

E 1. of them 2. to be spent 3. to have been built 1. It is especially stupid / of them / to quarrel about / which soccer team is the best. 2. We can cut down on the use of electricity / to be spent / on lighting and air-conditioning. 3. Stonehenge is said / to have been built / to predict the movement / of the sun and moon. 1. [ispè Âli] [kw (;)râl] 2. [ilektrís ti] 3. [mù;vm nt] F 1. to not participate not to participate 2. wants himself to be wants to be 3. 4. of parents for parents 1. Korea decided / not to participate in the meeting / in Belgium next month. 2. He wants to be a math teacher / in the future. 3. It will be necessary / for you / to learn Arab language / for a better job. 4. Experts think / it is important for parents / to keep their kids away / from digital equipment. 1. 2. 3. [nèsiséri] 4. [èksp ; t] Unit 47 Grammar Points 10

Exercise A 1. laugh 2. crawl 3. cross 4. bring 5. find 6. crying 7. to collect 1. That program was / funny. It really made / me / laugh. 2. I felt / an insect / crawl up my leg. 3. She watched / her son / cross the street. 4. I had / my mother / bring me an umbrella. 5. He helped / me / (to) find the post office. 6. Jane saw / a child / crying / next to her motorcycle. 7. The professor got / the students / to collect information / on global warming. 1. 2. [kr ;l] 3. 4. 5. 6. Jane [móut sàikl] 7. B 1. did nothing but complain 2. a shadow come from the kitchen 3. helps protect the environment 4. made some students clean the classroom 5. rest at home than help the arrogant doctor 1. She did nothing but / complain. 2. I saw a shadow come / from the kitchen. 3. Recycling helps / protect the environment. 4. The teacher / made some students clean the classroom / again. 5. I would rather rest at home / than help the arrogant doctor. 1. [k mplèin] 2. [ dou] 3. [ri;sáikli\] [pr tèkt] [inváiâr nm nt] 5. [ r g nt] C 1. leave 2. to create create 3. be 1. David will be here at five. His boss is going to let him leave work early. 1. David 5 11

2. The national train system / helped a company (to) create a market nationally. 3. We cannot but be surprised / to see / how every creature is adapted / to its surroundings. 2. [[n Ân li] 3. [krí;t ] [s ráundi\] Unit 43-47 Review Test 01. 02. 03. be to 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. to helping to help 10. to not be beaten not to be beaten 11. That It 12. to satisfy to be satisfied 13. 14. for me to give my opinion 15. of you to visit the orphanage 16. for them to take measures 17. to give up the new project 18. to sell two cars to customers 19. to believe everything he is told 20. to solve out all of the questions 21. Ato be Bto blame 22. Anot to be Bare to Cto cope with 23. to be reminded to remind so too 24. Amade to make Bdid to do do Cbeing to be 25. 26. 27. 01. 01. [tèisti] 02. 03. 03. 04. 05. 06. 05. 07. 08. Alice 09. 10. 08. 09. [reiz] [f<nd] [wel] [rimóut] 10. [èin Ânt] [bi;t] 12

11. 12. 13. 11. [riváiz] 12. [plei] [s tisfài] 13. [sni;k] [<nnèsiséri] [ví;z ] [ d=lt] [preiz] 14. 15. 14. [ pínj n] 15. [ ; f nid,] 16. 16. 17. 18. 19. Daniel 20. 21. 22. 23. 18. [dí;l ] 19. [n ;í;v] 20. 21. [óuv wéit] [tekn l d,i] 22. [f brik] [r pid] [p pj lèi n] 23. [mí;ni\f l] [priskríp Ân] [rèklis] [ b nd n] [risp ns bíl ti] [prè s] 13

24. 25. 26. 1500 27. 300 206 [swet] [st<f] 24. [ bd,ìkt] 25. [pr ses] [ ; t fí Âl] [silèk Ân] [m tδù ] [dim ndi\] [dizáiâr bl] [fí;meil] [meil] [kw l ti] [fí;t ] 26. [bíblikâl] [ r g ns] [trænsf ; m] [t<\] [fil s f ] [ sèn Âl] [l d,ik] [sk l ] [k nstr=kt] 27. [skèl tl] [fl pi] [ín ] [ ; g n] [ t t ] [d, int] 14

Unit 48 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. Attending 2. expressing 3. talking 4. being refused 1. Attending your first rock concert / is an unforgettable experience. 2. Our taste in music / is a great way / of expressing our personality. 3. Women are used to talking / about their emotions and feelings. 4. The poet admitted / being refused / by many publishing companies. 1. [>nf gèt bl] 2. [teist] [pë; sân l ti] 3. [imóu Ân] 4. [ dmít] B 1. by lowering cholesterol levels 2. for repairing the nation s road system 3. enjoy reading books about these people 4. of being scolded by Mom 1. Fiber reduces the risk of heart disease / by lowering cholesterol levels. 2. The government is running out of money / for repairing the nation s road system. 3. I hope / you enjoy reading books about these people. 1. [fáib ] [ridδù;s] [lóu ] 2. [rip ] 3. [ind, i] 15

4. Sally was ashamed / of being scolded by Mom. 4. [ èimd] [skould] C 1. training 2. giving 3. Making To make 4. starting 1. Most singers spend a lot of time / in training themselves / to improve the quality of their voice. 2. In addition to giving money to health projects, / he has given over $500 thousand / to support education / since 2009. 3. Making fashion means being creative, / but it also means / paying close attention / to the industrial and commercial sides / of the operation. 4. By starting the day one hour earlier / in the summer, / people gain an hour / of daylight. 1. [imprù;v] [kw l ti] 2. 2009 50 [pr d,ekt] [s p ; t] [éd,ukèi Ân] 3. [krièitiv] [ind=stri l] [k má; Âl] [ pârèi Ân] 4. [dèilàit] Unit 49 Grammar Points 16

Exercise A 1. being treated 2. getting 3. Learning 4. being caught 5. praising 6. cleaning 7. helping 8. repairing 1. He is proud / of being treated / as a member of the club. 2. Mike is worried / about getting a bad grade. 3. Learning a second language is easy / for young learners. 4. How could the thief get away / without being caught? 5. His conduct / deserves praising. 6. The room / wants cleaning. 7. All members in the club / insisted on helping children in Rewanda. 8. The MP3 player [ I bought last month ] / needs repairing. 1. [tri;t] 2. Mike [greid] 3. 2 4. [^i;f] 5. [k nd<kt] [dizá; v] 6. 7. 8. MP3 [ri;p ] B 1. being beaten 2. being recognized 3. having told 4. her 5. my me 6. being chosen 7. being regarded to be regarded 1. The enemies were afraid / of being beaten / in the end. 2. Famous people get tired / of being recognized / everywhere they go. 1. [èn mi] [bi;t] 2. [rèk gnàiz] 17

3. The teacher excused his student / for having told a lie / last time. 4. He is sure / of her winning the race. 5. My wife and I can live comfortably / without my getting a job. 6. I m looking forward to John s being chosen / as a scholarship student. 7. Nobody likes / being regarded / as a mother s boy. 3. 4. 5. [k=mf t bli] 6. John 7. [rig ; d] C 1. my me 2. having seen 3. being elected 4. being told 1. She cannot stand / my telling her / what to do. 2. Despite the persuasion, / the witness denied / having seen the accused. 3. Today s laws prevent a U.S. president / from being elected / more than two times. 4. You say / you remember telling me the news. But I certainly can t remember / being told. 1. [stænd] 2. [p swèi,ân] [wítnis] [dinái] 3. [ilèkt] 4. [sá; tânli] D 1. his winning 2. his father having his father s having 3. seeing 4. on my doing 5. changing 1. I am sure / that he will win the game. =I am sure / of his winning the game. 1. 18

2. He is aware / that his father has vast wealth. = He is aware / of his father having vast wealth. 3. The child remembers / that he saw the terrible sight. = The child remembers / seeing the terrible sight. 4. He insisted / that I should do the work / immediately. = He insisted on my doing the work / immediately. 5. I think / that I will change my job. = I m thinking of / changing my job. 2. [væst] [wel^] 3. [sait] [tèr bl] 4. [imí;di tli] 5. E 1. cleaning 2. fixing 3. rewriting 1. All the rooms in the house / need cleaning / right away. 2. The monkey s cage / wants fixing. 3. To make a good movie, / the scenario requires rewriting. 1. 2. [keid,] [fiks] 3. [sin riòu] [ri;ráit] F 1. being gotten getting 2. having fired having been fired 3. yourself having having 4. being painted painting to be painted 5. teaching having taught 6. sending being sent 1. She was sure / of her roommate getting good grades / in the mid-term exam. 2. I can t understand / his having been fired / at the company. 1. [rù(;)mméit] 2. 19

3. I thank you / for having a time with us. 4. Some part of the fence / requires painting again. 5. The man is proud of / having taught Alice / when she was in elementary school. 6. The salesperson didn t mind / being sent / to a new branch in LA. - [fái ] [k=mpâni] 3. 4. 5. Alice 6. LA [maind] [brænt ] Unit 50 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. talking 2. to tell 3. eating 4. posting 5. hurting 6. passing 7. walking 8. to know 9. to get 10. threatening 1. Sally finished talking / and sat down. 2. I regret to tell you / that he s not going to be here. - 3. The doctor suggests eating several mini meals / on high-stress days. 4. I can remember / posting the letter. I posted it / on Friday morning. - 1. Sally 2. 3. 4. [poust] 20

5. I want / to avoid hurting someone s feelings. 6. Would you mind / passing the bread? 7. Miss Temple stopped walking / and looked straight at me. 8. You need to know the difference / between an illusion and a reality. 9. Last year, / his friend Sara failed / to get onto the school basketball team. 10. The man denied threatening / to kill a policeman. 5. 6. [pæs] 7. Temple 8. [iljù;,ân] [ri(;) l ti] 9. Sara 10. [dinái] [^rètân] B 1. to ring 2. moving 3. to make 1. John forgot / to ring Susan. 2. Jenny didn t try / moving the piano. 3. He stopped / to make a phone call. 1. John Susan 2. Jenny 3. C 1. to accept what they say 2. we decided to go to bed 3. then try to develop positive thoughts 1. We refuse / to accept / what they say. 2. It was late / and we decided / to go to bed. 1. [rifjù;z] [ ksèpt] 2. [disáid] 3. If you feel depressed, / then try to develop positive thoughts. 3. [diprèst] [divèl p] [p zitiv] 21

D 1. to sit 2. to control 3. to read 4. working 5. to understanding 1. Preparing for a job interview, / remember to sit up straight. This helps you look confident. 2. Parents tend / to control all the new changes / [ that tempt children away / from schoolwork]. 3.Help me, please! I forgot / to read Romeo and Juliet, / and I have to hand in the paper / tomorrow! 4. Men prefer to work / at widely known firms, / while women don t mind / working part time / in a variety of jobs. 5. A good deal of time / was devoted to understanding / the future require- ments and how to begin / incorporating these into our system. 1. [k nfidânt] 2. [k ntróul] [tempt] 3. [pèip ] 4. [wáidli] 5. [ink ; p réit] E 1. riding 2. handling 3. removing 4. wasting 5. going 6. visiting 7. working 8. speaking 1. Did you remember riding home / on a small truck / last Friday? 2. She is used / to handling with a DSLR camera. 3. Everyone in this area / objected to removing the old park. 4. I regret / wasting my time / when I was in my twenties. 5. What do you say / to going to the Grand Canyon / this weekend? 6. I look forward / to my daughter visiting me / this winter vacation. 7. She felt so thirsty / that she stopped working / and got some water. 1. 2. DSLR 3. 4. 20 [weist] 5. 6. 7. [^Á; sti] 22

8. In addition to speaking Spanish fluently, / he can also make himself understood in Chinese. 8. [flù(;) ntli] Unit 51 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. without saying 2. without quarreling 3. On seeing it 4. no use complaining 5. felt like having 6. on the point of leaving 7. makes a point of taking 8. far from being sincere 9. What do you say to having 10. worth reading 1. It is needless to say / that overeating is not good. = It goes without saying / that overeating is not good. 2. Whenever they meet each other, / they quarrel. = They never meet each other / without quarreling. 3. As soon as I saw it, / I sighed / because there was so much mess. = On seeing it, / I sighed / because there was so much mess. 4. It s of no use / to complain / that there is not much / to laugh about. = It s no use complaining / that there is not much / to laugh about. 5. I suddenly felt inclined / to have a cup of coffee. = I suddenly felt like / having a cup of coffee. 6. He was about to leave / when she came back. = He was on the point of leaving / when she came back. 7. My mother always makes it a rule / to take a walk / after dinner. = My mother always makes a point / of taking a walk / after dinner. 1. [ní;dlis] [òuv rí;ti\] 2. [kw (;)râl] 3. [sai] [mes] 4. [k mplèin] 5. [s=dnli] 6. 7. 23

8. He is never sincere. = He is far / from being sincere. 9. Why don t you have a party / this Friday night? = What do you say to having a party / this Friday night? 10. It is worthwhile / to read the book. = The book is worth / reading. 8. [sinsí ] 9. 10. B 1. talking 2. (in) building 3. worrying 4. preparing 5. predicting 6. reads 7. to laugh 8. reading 1. We spent a lot of time / talking with friends. 2. They had difficulty / (in) building the bridge / over the river. 3. It s no use worrying / about what has not happened. 4. She was very busy / preparing for the test. 5. There is no predicting / which country will win in the World Cup. 6. Tiffany never reads the diary / without recollecting her happy school life. 7. Everybody had no choice / but to laugh at what he said. 8. All of his poems / are worth reading. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [pridíkt] 6. Tiffany [ri;k lèkt] 7. 8. C 1. feeling 2. playing 1. I could not help feeling / that there was a certain suspicion. 2. Breaking my arm in training / prevented me / from playing in the competition. 1. [s spí Ân] 2. [k mp tí Ân] 24

D 1. had difficulty in getting accustomed to 2. couldn t help rejecting the offer 3. no use fixing the car 4. make a point of reading the newspaper 1. Brian had difficulty / in getting accustomed / to his new life in Korea. 2. He couldn t help rejecting the offer / because he didn t want to leave his family. 3. It is no use fixing the car. You d better / buy a new one. 4. I make a point of reading the newspaper / at least for 30 minutes every day. 1. 2. [rid,èkt] [ (;)f ] 3. 4. Unit 48-51 Review Test 01. 02. 03. 04. not studying 05. to help 06. filling 07. my quitting 08. admitting 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. On hearing 14. no solving 15. say to 16. Usain BoltUsain Bolt s breaking the world record in the 100 m race 17. CathyCathy s attending the meeting 18. help accepting his offer but accept his offer 19. 20. 21. to achieve, becoming 22. being frustrated 23. (A) using (B) being confused (C) adopting 24. 25. 01. 01. [ n làiz] 02. 03. 04. 02. [kru;] [ v id] [kræ ] 03. [bri;"] 05. John 06. 06. 07. Jane 07. [kwit] 08. 08. [ædmít] 25

09. 10. 11. 12. 09. [^èr pi] [kju ] [ílnis] [ná; v s] [i;pæl] 10. [k mplèin] [ t k] 11. [t pstik] 12. [krítisàiz] 13. 14. 14. [tr fik] 15. 16. 100 17. Daniel Cathy 18. - 19. - 20. 8 11 21. 16. [breik] [rèk d] 17. [ tènd] 18. [ tr ktiv] 19. [ign ; ] [plèzântli] [pridíkt bl] [k ri] 20. 21. [ t í;v] [bij nd] [>nfèivâr bl] 26

22. 23. Felis cattus Felis cattus Susan coneflower Rudbeckia triloba 24. 25. [k ndí Ân] [d,<d,i\] [ínflu ns] 22. [k n s] [ grèsiv] [riflèkt] [fr=streit] 23. [prisáis] [k nfjù;z] [ d pt] [bai l d,ist] [igz ktli] 24. [t u;] [sip] [hju;d,] [fè" ] [k stδu;m] [èin Ânt] [p lis] [dèkâréitiv] [p t i] 25. [èd,ukéit] [lóukâl] [répj (;)tèi Ân] [k mjù;n ti] [kw l fàid] [ eip] [pr p li] 27

Unit 52 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. injured 2. endangered 3. leading 4. fallen 5. covered 6. isolated 7. pierced 8. smiling 9. understood 10. called 1. An injured person / should seek medical help. 2. There is / a long list of endangered animals. 3. Even leading companies / went out of business. 4. In late fall, / they burn the fallen leaves. 5. The Rosetta Stone is a large stone / covered in writing. 6. The tourists still remain isolated / in the mountains. 7. You cannot have your ear pierced / here. 1. [si;k] [mèdikâl] 2. 3. [lí;di\] 4. 5. 6. [tù(;)ârist] [rimèin] 7. 8. She sat smiling brightly / on her father s knees. 9. He made himself understood / in sign language. 8. [bráitli] [ni;] 9. 28

10. I heard my name called / behind my back. 10. B 1. shared 2. living 3. named 4. blowing 5. astonished 6. bursting 7. polished 8. worried 9. tiring 1. Neil Armstrong had a dream / shared by many Americans. 2. In 1900, / there were around five million chimpanzees / living in the wild in Africa. 3. In China, / there lived a man / named Cha Buduo, / which means not much difference. 4. Waves are caused / by the wind / blowing over the surface of the sea. 5. She stood astonished / at the sight of the destruction / of the building. 6. The father watched him / and felt his heart bursting / with joy. 7. We should have these shoes polished. 8. Some people get worried / about eating wild mushrooms. 9. The journey took all day and night. They found it very tiring. 1. [ ] 2. 1900 5 3 Cha Buduo [dífâr ns] 4. [k ;z] [sá; fis] 5. [distr=k Ân] 6. [b ; st] 7. 8. [m= ru(;)m] 9. [tai ] [d,á; ni] 29

C 1. Magma moving inside a volcano 2. watched the enemy destroying our city 3. made with locally grown vegetables made with vegetables grown locally 4. had his daily schedule cancelled 1. Magma moving inside a volcano / causes lots of small earthquakes. 2. I watched the enemy destroying our city / before my own eyes. 3. It is a fresh menu item / made with locally grown vegetables. 4. David had his daily schedule cancelled / by his secretary. 1. [v lkèinou] [Á; ^kwéik] 2. [èn mi] 3. [vèd,it bl] [lóuk li] [grou] 4. [dèili] [sèkr téri] D 1. drowning 2. too surprised 3. discovered 4. confused 1. There s a superstition / among sailors / that dolphins save drowning men / by pushing them / to the surface. 2. Parents shouldn t feel too surprised / about behavior of teenagers; / they are all parts of growing up. 3. He was the first person to realize / that the continent discovered by Columbus / was not part of Asia. 4. An individual may feel frustrated and confused / if he or she doesn t know / the language of the country / where he or she is living. 1. [sjú;p stí Ân] - 2. [bihèivj ] 3. [rí(;) làiz] [k ntân nt] [disk=v ] 4. [ìnd víd,u l] [fr=streit] [k nfjù;z] 30

Unit 53 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. Being thirsty 2. Quickly running to the train station 3. Always looking on the bright side of life 4. Being in college 5. Being old and crippled 6. Arresting a person 1. As he was thirsty, / he had some water. Being thirsty, / he had some water. 2. Because I quickly ran / to the train station, / I could catch the train. Quickly running to the train station, / I could catch the train. 3. Because I always look on / the bright side of life, / I am an optimistic person. Always looking on the bright side of life, / I am an optimistic person. 4. While they are in college, / students are asked / to create documents. Being in college, / students are asked to create documents. 5. Though he was old and crippled, / he had enough courage / to complete the mission. Being old and crippled, / he had enough courage / to complete the mission. 6. When they arrest a person, / the police must tell the suspect / what his or her rights are. Arresting a person, / the police must tell the suspect / what his or her rights are. 1. [^Á; sti] 2. 3. [ pt místik] 4. [d kjum nt] 5. [krípl] [ká;rid,] [k mplí;t] [mí Ân] 6. [ rèst] [s spèkt] [rait] 31

B 1. As Because I felt sorry for their misfortune 2. WhenBecause I felt somewhat miserable and sad 3. WhenIf it is compared to Columbus s voyage 4. and reminded me of my mother 5. When I entered the room 1. Feeling sorry / for their misfortune, / I used to give a lot of money to them. AsBecause I felt sorry for their misfortune, / I used to give a lot of money to them. 2. Feeling somewhat miserable and sad, / I started / listening to the music. WhenBecause I felt somewhat miserable and sad, / I started / listening to the music. 3. Compared to Columbus s voyage, / Magellan s expedition was a greater adventure. WhenIf it is compared to Columbus s voyage, / Magellan s expedition was a greater adventure. 4. Her voice was a little rough, / reminding me of my mother. Her voice was a little rough, / and reminded me of my mother. 5. Entering the room, / I saw the man / sitting on the sofa. When I entered the room, / I saw the man / sitting on the sofa. 1. [misf ; t Ân] 2. [s=m w t] [mízâr bl] 3. [v iid,] [éksp dí Ân] 4. [r<f] 5. C 1. bursted into tears, hearing the sad news 2. leaving many employees unemployed 3. forcing more blood to flow into the brain 1. Scarlet bursted into tears, / hearing the sad news. 2. The firm went bankrupt, / leaving many employees unemployed. 3. Yawning momentarily raises the heart rate, / forcing more blood into the brain. to flow 1. 2. [f ; m] [impl ií;] [>nimpl id] 3. [j ;n] [móum ntâr li] [reiz] 32

D 1. increasing 2. Located 3. helping 4. Making 5. Realizing 1. One way to use the energy of waves / is to focus them / into a narrow channel, / increasing their power and size. 2. Located on the Bay of Naples / in southern Italy, / Pompeii was a favorite spot / for wealthy Romans / to build their country villas. 3. The new gene may improve crop quality, / helping the plant to resist disease, insects, and extreme temperatures. 4. Making a decision / based on incomplete information, / some of us go to these people / to seek their advice. 5. Realizing / his boss wouldn t be ready, / he sent me an e-mail / at 8:30 p.m., / telling me / that we needed to reschedule. 1. [fóuk s] [t nâl] 2. [sp t] [víl ] 3. [d,i;n] [rizíst] [ikstrí;m] 4. [ìnk mplí;t] 5. 8 30 [rí; làiz] [rì;skèd,u;l] Unit 54 Grammar Points 33

Exercise A 1. Not believing what she heard 2. Not knowing French 3. Having photocopied all the papers 4. AsBecause she was green with envy 5. If it is used economically 6. After he had repaired the car 1. When Emily didn t believe / what she heard, / she raised her eyebrows. Not believing what she heard, / Emily raised her eyebrows. 2. Because he didn t know French, / he found it hard / to communicate. Not knowing French, / he found it hard to communicate. 3. After she had photocopied all the papers, / she put them back / in the file. Having photocopied all the papers, / she put them back in the file. 4. Being green / with envy, / Sarah bit her lip. As she was green with envy, / Sarah bit her lip. 5. Used economically, / a tin will last / for weeks. If it is used economically, / a tin will last for weeks. 6. Having repaired the car, / the mechanic took it out / for a road test. After he had repaired the car, / the mechanic took it out for a road test. 1. Emily [áibràu] 2. [k mjù;nikéit] 3. [fóut k pi] 4. Sarah [bait] 5. [ì;k n mikâli] [tin] [læst] 6. [rip r] [m k nik] B 1. Not wanting 2. Having spent 3. Pleased 1. Not wanting to frighten her, / I phoned / before I went round. ( As I didn t want to frighten her, I phoned before I went round.) 2. Having spent all his money, / Daniel couldn t afford to buy a new jacket. ( As Daniel had spent all his money, he couldn t afford to buy a new jacket.) 3. Pleased with the atmosphere, / we enjoyed our stay on the ship. ( As we were pleased with the atmosphere, we enjoyed our stay on the ship.) 1. [fráitân] 2. Daniel 3. [ tm sfì ] [stei] 34

C 1. 2. 3. 1910 1. (Being) Left free to fill their time / according to their own choice, / most people tend to be embarrassed. 2. Not having heard the terrible weather forecast, / we could not help it. 3. (Being) Originally launched in 1910, / the Olympic was the largest ship / in the world / at that time. 1. [imb r s] 2. [tèr bl] 3. [ ríd,ân li] [l ;nt ] Unit 55 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. The car having broken down 2. There being no subway service 3. BecauseAs the last train had gone 4. If other conditions are equal 5. Generally speaking 1. As the car had broken down, / I had to walk to work. The car having broken down, / I had to walk to work. 2. As there was no subway service, / Joan had to take a taxi. There being no subway service, / Joan had to take a taxi. 3. The last train having gone, / we had to walk home. BecauseAs the last train had gone, / we had to walk home. 1. 2. Joan 3. 35

4. Other conditions being equal, / I will choose the job. If other conditions are equal, / I will choose the job. 5. If we speak generally, / children learn more quickly and easily. Generally speaking, / children learn more quickly and easily. 4. [k ndí Ân] [í;kwâl] 5. [d,ènâr li] B 1. left 2. shaking 3. turned 4. fixed 1. The children were playing computer games / with the door left open. 2. I was caught in the rain, / with my body shaking / with cold. 3. Susan didn t say a word, / with her face turned away / from me. 4. She made her speech / with her eyes fixed / on the script. 1. 2. [ eik] 3. Susan 4. [fiks] [skript] C 1. It raining all day long 2. with his eyes closed 3. There being no oil left 4. The weather not getting better 1. It raining all day long, / I could not go out. ( As it rained all day long, I could not go out.) 1. 2. Ken was sitting on the chair / with his eyes closed. 3. There being no oil left, / we had to light the candles up. ( As there was no oil left, we had to light the candles up.) 4. The weather not getting better, / we will have to cancel the reservation. ( If the weather doesn t get better, we will have to cancel the reservation.) 3. 4. [k nsâl] [réz vèi Ân] 36

Unit 52-55 Review Test 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. There being no objection 09. Not knowing how to swim 10. Discouraged 11. Having seen the movie 12. The door being opened by him 13. with the rain falling on his hat 14. her dog following her 15. Having spent all the money 16. saw her younger sister punished 17. (A) Rutter (B) 18. (A) (B) 19. 20. not realizing that 21. respected 22. Using 23. having been cut away 01. 02. 01. [reiz] [k=ntrisàid] 03. 04. 03. [swet] [íritéit] [sti\] 04. [fá; nit ] [inst ;l] 05. 06. 07. Paul John Mark 05. [bæ^] 06. [ mèizi\] [rihá; s] 07. [s práiz] [dai] [iksáit] [m g zí;n] 37

08. 08. [ bd,èk Ân] [s=mit] [trí;ti] 09. 10. 09. [draun] 10. [diská;rid,] 11. 11. [póuit] 12. 12. [s=dnli] 13. 13. [skip] [p=dl] 14. 14. [f lou] 15. 16. 17. Rutter 26 18. 19. 4 3 3000 16. [p=ni ] 17. [kèmistri] [lèsân] [pjù;pâl] [fr<nt] [b ; ] [breik] 18. [émp ^ètik] [k nèktid] [áis léitid] [k nèk Ân] [^rètând] [t l ntid] [dr ;] 19. [bài l d,ikâl] [daivá; s ti] 38

20. 20. [f ] [s=mdéi] [k míz réit] [ind,=stis] 21. 4 1 21. [d kjumènt ri] [<njù;,u l] [tr dí Ân l] [h ; vist] [vjù; ] [ditèil] [nóutis] 22. World Wide Web 22. [k nèkt] [ kses] [gloub] [s ; f] [mísi\] 23. 23. [tímb ] [fel] [insá; kl] [fleim] [tr<\k] [sá; kj l ] [lèi ] [pr sí;d, ] 39

Unit 56 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. (1) pick (2) to pick 2. (1) caused (2) causing 3. (1) it (2) which is 4. and 5. you 1. (1) Right now, / go to Seoul Station / and pick up your mother. (2) Right now, / go to Seoul Station / to pick up your mother. 2. (1) Recently, / a severe disease hit Asian nations hard / and (1) several hundred deaths. (2) Recently, / a severe disease hit Asian nations hard, / causing several (1) hundred deaths. 3. (1) Driving is fun and convenient, / but it is also dangerous. (2) Driving, [ which is fun and convenient,] / is also dangerous. 4. They were great builders and engineers / and built a beautiful city / on an island in a lake. 5. If you had taken my advice, / you could have beat him. caused 1. 2. [siví ] [hit] 3. [k nví;ni nt] [dèind,âr s] 4. [bíld ] 5. [ dváis] [bi;t] 40

B 1. Just believe you can do it, / and you can do it! If you just believe you can do it, / you can do it. 2. A little more capital, / and they would have been successful. If they had had a little more capital, / they would have been successful. 3. The situation looked hopeless, / but they didn t give up. Though the situation looked hopeless, / they didn t give up. 4. Take a vacation, / or you will get sick. If you don t take a vacation, / you will get sick. 1. [bilí;v] 2. [k pitâl] [s ksèsf l] 3. [sìt uèi Ân] [hóuplis] 4. C 1. are 2. wins 3. has 4. were 1. Both English and French / are widely used. 2. Slow and steady / wins the race. 3. Either you or Tom / has to go with Jane. 4. Not only the boss but also all the other employees / were invited. 1. [wáidli] 2. [stèdi] 3. Tom Jane 4. [impl ií;] D 1. act 2. cloud 3. by carrying 4. killed 5. solving 1. Now, the search engines on the Internet / give us a way / to easily share, and act on information / in new ways. get, 1. [ ] 41

2. No one has to let errors of the past destroy his present / or cloud his future. 3. Many pests are harmful / either by destroying crops / disease. 4. If you aren t careful / when you do it, / you could be hurt badly, / or even killed. 5. Humans do not absorb knowledge / like sponges. We learn formal skills, / like learning a foreign language / and doing a proof in mathematics, / not by by carrying reading a textbook / but by actually solving problems / in those fields. or 2. [klaud] 3. [pest] [kr p] [k ri] 4. 5. [ bs ; b] [f ; mâl] [fi;ld] E 1. seemed 2. confidence 3. it gets 4. steal 5. receiving 6. but 1. The streetlight in front of the house / did not work, / and so this house seemed to disappear / from the street into a pool of darkness. 2. If you do extreme sports often, / you will have less stress / and more confidence about yourself. 3. If you feel pain / and it gets worse / as you continue to work out, / you re doing / and get some rest. stop 4. Hyenas often wait for a lion to kill an animal / and then steal the animal / from the lion. what 5. After being introduced and receiving her warm greetings, / I began to interview her. 1. [w ; k] 2. [k nfidâns] 3. 4. 5. [grí;ti\] [ínt vjú;] 42

6. Not only do bats eat insects [ that annoy us], / but they help many flowers and plants reproduce. 6. [ n i] [rì;pr dδù;s] Unit 57 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. He is a genius. It is believable. That he is a genius / is believable. It is believable / that he is a genius. 2. I told a lie to my mom. I regret it. I regret / that I told a lie to my mom. 3. She is guilty. The fact is obvious. The fact / that she is guilty / is obvious. 4. Will he be able to come? We are not sure about it. We are not sure / whetherif he will be able to come. 1. [d,í;nj s] [bilí;v bl] 2. [rigrèt] 3. [gílti] [ bvi s] 4. 43

5. What are you talking about? I don t know. I don t know / what you are talking about. 5. B 1. whether 2. Whether 3. whether 1. The question is / whether or not he has the right / to do so. 2. Whether he likes the gift / is not clear / to me. 3. She didn t know / whether to laugh or to cry. 1. [rait] 2. 3. C 1. that 2. if 3. that 4. that 5. that 6. What 7. I should 8. makes 9. is 10. is 1. My only regret is / that I m not what I used to be. 2. James asked me / if he could borrow some money. 3. Fashion magazines promote the message [ that to be stylish, / we must buy things]. 4. Imagine / that you are taken / to a beautiful seaside world. 5. Scientists believe / that a cure for the disease will be discovered. 6. What causes the human body to age / is a matter of debate. 1. 2. James [b rou] 3. [pr móut] [stáili ] 4. [im d,in] [sí;sàid] 5. [kju ] [dizí;z] [disk=v ] 6. [dibèit] 44

7. I didn t know / how I should respond / to it. 8. That John likes books / makes his mother happy. 9. The fact [ that volunteering can bring wonders ] / is seen / in many places. 10. Whether he has many enemies or not / is not important. 7. [risp nd] 8. John 9. [v l ntí ] 10. [èn mi] Unit 58 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. when because as 2. As When 3. As Since Because 4. As When 5. After 6. Since As Because 1. The little children were shocked / to hear the news. = The little children were shocked / whenbecause they heard the news. 1. [ kt] 45

2. Growing older, / we could do our part / in the household. = AsWhen we grow older, / we could do our part / in the household. 3. Situated upon the hillside, / the house commands a fine view. = AsSince, Because the house is situated upon the hillside, / the house commands a fine view. 4. Approaching an intersection, / we stopped / at a red light. = AsWhen we approached an intersection, / we stopped / at a red light. 5. Introduced in 1476, / printing made rapid progress. = After printing was introduced in 1476, / it made rapid progress. 6. America being a cultural melting pot, / all Americans need to learn / about each other. = SinceAs, Because America is a cultural melting pot, / all Americans need to learn / about each other. 2. 3. [sít uéit] [hílsàid] 4. [ próut ] [ìnt sèk Ân] 5. 1476 [ìntr dδù;s] [prínti\] 6. B 1. because of 2. so that 3. No sooner, Hardly, On 4. Not until 1. Books could be / within everyone s reach / because printing was invented. = Books could be / within everyone s reach / because of the invention of printing. 2. He moved to a smaller apartment / in order to save money. = He moved to a smaller apartment / so that he could save money. 3. As soon as he left home, / he began to run / toward school. = No sooner had he left home / than he began to run / toward school. = Hardly had he left home / when he began to run / toward school. = On leaving home, / he began to run / toward school. 4. He did not know that fact / until he was twenty years old. = Not until he was twenty years old / did he know that fact. 1. [invèn Ân] 2. [mu;v] [seiv] 3. 4. 46

C 1. when 2. As soon as 3. On 4. until 5. After their 6. should 7. because of 8. used 9. agrees 1. Thousands of years ago, / people made maps / when they went to new places. 2. As soon as we changed the boat s direction, / the oar broke. 3. On pulling back the blanket, / the nurse screamed / to find a chimp. 4. You will just have to wait / until they call your name. 5. After their kids were grown / and out of the nest, / they decided to take a trip / around the world. 6. He didn t say much, / lest he should be misunderstood / by others. 7. It was all because of her / that we got into trouble. 8. When used in the right way, / TV can even speed up / the learning process. 9. I ll persuade her / until she agrees with me. 1. 2. [dirèk Ân] [ ; ] 3. [skri;m] [t ímp] 4. 5. 6. [mìs<nd st nd] 7. 8. TV [pr ses] 9. [p ; swèid] D 1. use 2. because 3. as 4. discussing 5. because of 1. How long will it take / if I use the subway? 2. Conflict can arise in teams / because individuals have basic differences / in values, attitudes and personalities. 1. 2. [k nflikt] [ ráiz] [v lju;] 47

3. They are getting more knowledge and experience / as they continue to try more possibilities. 4. The ancient Greeks were much more precise / when discussing the of love. 5. I m trying to stop eating hamburger / because of the fact / that it could make me fat. subject [pë s n l ti] 3. [n lid,] [ikspí(;)âri ns] [p s bíl ti] 4. [èin Ânt] [prisáis] [s=bd,ikt] 5. [fæt] Unit 59 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. Although 2. If 3. Although 4. Unless 5. as 1. Despite its slow development, / cancer is not something / [ you can ignore]. = Although it develops slowly, / cancer is not something / you can ignore. 2. Walk down this street, / and it ll take 20 minutes to go / to the bank. = If you walk down this street, / it ll take 20 minutes to go / to the bank. 3. You try to catch me, / but you will never succeed. = Although you try to catch me, / you will never succeed. 1. [divèl pm nt] [k ns ] [ign ; ] 2. 20 3. 48

4. If you don t make them work, / many machines won t work. = Unless you make them work, / many machines won t work. 5. Though it was late, / we decided to go there. = Late as it was, / we decided to go there. 4. 5. B 1. is 2. will come 3. Even if 4. discovered 5. despite 6. unless 7. convinces 8. However 9. Though 1. If it is fine today, / I will go on a picnic. 2. I don t know / if he will come or not. 3. Even if you can only write a single sentence, / it s far better than nothing. 4. Cancer can be cured, / if discovered in time. 5. The outstanding achievements of African-Americans / have been overlooked, / despite their great significance. 6. Many expressions / [ that we use] / make little sense / unless you know the story / behind them. 7. No positive results can be achieved / unless the individual convinces himself / that loneliness is just a state of mind. 8. However tired you may be, / you must do it. 1. 2. 3. [sèntâns] 4. [kju ] 5. [àutst ndi\] [ t í;vm nt] [òuv lùk] [signífik ns] 6. [iksprè Ân] 7. [p zitiv] [ t í;v] [k nvíns] 8. 49

9. Though poor, / he supported his family. 9. [s p ; t] Unit 56-59 Review Test 01. if 02. whether 03. that 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. While she was at school 09. if you park here 10. both intelligent and generous 11. Although they went through many hardships 12. Whenever 13. not until 14. unless 15. whether 16. recorded 17. of the fact that that 18. improving 19. tries 20. be 21. (A) if (B) that 22. 01. 01. [k nfr=nt] [læk] [stìmjulèi Ân] 02. 30 02. [rikwái ] [gaid] 03. 03. [k=mi\] [rú;m ] [dai] 04. 04. [m t ] 05. 05. [ ráiv] 06. 06. [w ;l] [keiv] [hèl^i] 07. 07. [p láit] [rent] [vout] 50

1 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 08. [ ktivli] 10. [d,ènâr s] [intèlid,ânt] 11. [h ; d ip] [rilíd, s] 12. [p ; ] 14. 14. [ ; tid,] 15. 16. 1982 4 6 15 17. 18. 7 2001 16. [reiz] [rik ; d] 17. [táini] [sítistèit] [krù; Âl] [ná; t ] [l ;nt ] 18. [g=v n ns] [p ; tìs pèi Ân] [rí;d, nâl] [métr p litân] [ dmìnistrèi Ân] 51

19. 24 TV 2001 11 6 Jack BauerLA 24 LA Jack 24 20. 21. 22. 19. [ ] [k=v ] [fèdâr l] [do mèstik] [tèr rist] [ t k] [k li;g] [káunt ] [riká; ] [tr d,ik] 20. [plau] [pènitréit] [prí;vi sli] [sá; fis] [intí(;)âri ] [rév ljù; Ân] [ sèsm nt] [mír kl] [ìnsp rèi Ân] [k ntènt] 21. [ikskjù;s] [kaunt] 22. [pázânt] [b ] [h ; b ] [sp rou] [gr sh p ] [riz lv] [æks] [bould] [strouk] [entrí;t] [ èlt ] [sp ] [h=nikòum] [sèikrid] 52

Unit 60 Grammar Points Exercise A 1. could 2. weren t 3. would accept 4. did 5. wouldn t 1. If I had more time, / I could exercise / after work. 2. He is busy / right now, / but if he weren t, / he would take us / to dinner. 3. If I were you, / I would accept / their invitation. 4. I don t have / a driver s license. But if I did, / I would buy a car / right away. 5. If they had enough money, / they wouldn t live in an old house. 1. 2. 3. [ ksèpt] [ìnvitèi Ân] 4. 5. B She is nice, / so I like her. If she weren t nice, / I wouldn t like her. 1. I m not employed full time, / so I cannot afford a bigger house. If I were employed full time, / I could afford / a bigger house. 2. He doesn t take a shower every morning, / so it s not easy to work with him. If he took a shower / every morning, / it would be easy / to work with him. 1. [ f ; d] 2. 53

3. My computer is not out of order, / so I can finish my work / in time. If my computer were out of order, / I couldn t finish my work / in time. 4. Ocean water is salty, / so it is dangerous / for us / to drink. If ocean water weren t salty, / it wouldn t be dangerous / for us / to drink. 5. My grandpa is not wearing his hearing aid, / so he cannot hear well. If my grandpa were wearing - his hearing aid, / he could hear / well. 3. 4. [óu Ân] 5. C 1. would tell 2. taught 3. wouldcould donate 4. spoke, listened 5. would not be 1. If I were you, / I would tell my parents the truth / as soon as possible. 2. If I taught this class, / I wouldn t give tests. 3. If I were healthy, / I wouldcould donate my organs. 4. If you spoke less and listened more, / you would be / much more popular. 5. If there was a screen / on the window, / there would not be so many bugs / in the room. 1. [tru;^] 2. 3. [ ; g n] 4. 5. [skri;n] [b<g] Unit 61 Grammar Points 54

Exercise A 1. had 2. would have been 3. would have 4. had realized 5. have left, hadn t lied 1. If you had told me, / I d have saved you a ticket. 1. 2. If I d taken that dangerous job, / I would have been very unhappy. 3. My father would have come / right away / if I had called him. 4. If I had realized / that the baby was asleep, / I wouldn t have made / so much noise. 5. You can t blame Janet / for leaving you. She would not have left / if you hadn t lied to her. 2. 3. 4. [rí(;) làiz] 5. B 1. had not been on sale 2. had not lent me money 3. would have run out of gas 4. would have bought 5. would never have guessed 1. Jason wouldn t have bought the jacket / if it had not been on sale. 2. If you had not lent me money / last night, / I wouldn t have been able / to go on a date. 3. If we hadn t stopped / at the gas station, / we would have run out of gas. 4. Carrie would have bought the dress / if it had not been so expensive. 5. I would never have guessed / that he was 30 if he hadn t told me. 1. Jason 2. 3. 4. Carrie 5. [ges] 55

C 1. he wouldn t have missed the bus stop 2. if he had heard the alarm go off 3. If Kevin hadn t had a blister on his foot 4. you could have bought the car Joe was so stubborn, so his wife yelled at him. If Joe hadn t been so stubborn, / his wife would not have yelled at him. 1. The boy wasn t paying attention, / so he missed the bus stop. If the boy had been paying attention, / he wouldn t have missed the bus - stop. 2. Melvin was late for work, / because he didn t hear the alarm go off. Melvin wouldn t have been late for work / if he had heard / the alarm / go off. 3. Kevin had a blister on his foot, / so he couldn t continue walking. If Kevin hadn t had a blister on his foot, / he could have continued walking. 4. You didn t save your money, / so you couldn t buy the car. If you had saved your money, / you could have bought the car. Joe Joe [st=b n] 1. 2. Melvin Melvin 3. Kevin Kevin [blíst ] 4. Unit 62 Grammar Points 56

Exercise A 1. were 2. were 3. didn t have 4. had studied 5. had been 6. understood 7. had met 8. were 9. had 10. had happened 1. I miss my friends. I wish / they were here / right now. 2. I need some help / with my homework. I wish / Tom were here now / to help me. 3. It s such a beautiful day. I wish / we didn t have to work. 4. I failed the exam / because I did not study. I wish / I had studied. 5. You re the best teacher / I ve ever had. I wish / you had been my teacher / last year / as well. 6. I don t understand / how this program works. I wish / I understood it / better. 7. He acted / as if we had met / before. 8. I know someone / [ who talks to his pets / as if they were people]. 9. How could he do / such a thing! He always acts / as if he had no brain. 10. Nadine was caught / while cheating / on the exam. But she behaved / as if nothing had happened. 1. 2. Tom 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. [pet] 9. 10. Nadine [t i;t] [bihèiv] 57

B 1. came 2. had paid 3. were 4. were 5. hadn t acted 6. did 7. were 8. had been 1. My father always comes home / late. I wish / he came home / earlier. 2. I didn t get / good grades. I wish / I had paid more attention / to the class. 3. I m so freezing and tired. I wish / I were at home / in bed. 4. I m not very good-looking. I wish / I were good-looking. 5. Bill acted very rudely. I wish / he hadn t acted / so rudely. 6. I hate / being a counselor. I wish / I did / something more interesting. 7. He always acts / as if he were the boss here. 8. Her eyes looked / as if she had been crying. 1. 2. [greid] 3. [frí;zi\] 4. [gùdlùki\] 5. Bill [ru;dli] 6. [káunsâl ] 7. 8. C 1. he had been in the army 2. Korean were his native language 3. my wife were a full-time housewife 4. he had tried hard enough to make a reservation 5. I could go traveling during winter vacation 1. In fact, he was not in the army. But he behaves / as if he had been / in the army. 2. In fact, Korean is not his native language. But he speaks / as if Korean were his native language. 1. [ ; mi] 2. [nèitiv] 58