31 A: After all, nobody else went but me. 32 B: 네가 갔다니 기쁘다. 33 A: Excuse me, where is the customer service? 34 A: Jeff failed the exam again! 35 B: 공부

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho

새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

- 2 -

권두 칼럼 쁜 활동과 끊임없이 따라다니는 질투와 감시의 눈길을 피해 스도의 부활을 목격했기 때문이었다. 다시 사신 그리스도를 예수께서 이 집에 오시면 언제나 정성이 가득 담긴 음식을 그들이 눈으로 보고 손으로 만져 보았는데 도무지 아니라고 대접받고 휴식을 취했던 것으로

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BTM OPT Level 4 Sample Test Time: 40 minutes Please say the English lines for those in Korean. Remember NOT to translate but to say the corresponding English lines from the textbooks to the best you can. Also, please say the line number in English first before saying the respective English expressions. BTM 1 1 A: I don't like sad movies because they make me cry. 2 B: 많은 사람들은 똑 같은 이유로 슬픈 영화를 좋아해! 3 A: Mom, can you buy me a soccer ball? 4 A: Apparently, she was quite upset. 5 B: 그래, 참 안 됐어. 그녀의 외모가 많은 도움이 못됐나봐. 6 A: When can I see you again, ma'am? 7 B: I know, it's very much against the law. 8 A: John 그 문제에 대해 어떻게 생각하니? 9 B: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 10 A: How's you term paper going? 11 B: 아직까지는 좋아. 너의 리포트는? 12 A: I wish my mom was not a tiger mom. 13 A: Hey, how do you find life in the USA? 14 B: 아직까지는 좋아. 15 A: Mom, does staff mean an employee or worker? 16 A: Mom, I am already done with my homework! Don't you think I am a genius? 17 B: 잘 했다 Jessie! 그래, 너는 천재구나! 18 A: So, what's our strategy for the game tomorrow? 19 A: You are very kind and pleasant to work with! 20 B: 감사합니다. 그렇게 말씀해주시니 정말 좋네요. 21 A: Do you think the plan is feasible? 22 A: Can you give me a hand? 23 B: 물론이죠, 무엇을 도와 드릴까요? 24 A: He is incapable of telling a lie. 25 A: Would you please tell me how to get to the police station? 26 B: 내가 당신이라면, 나는 택시를 탈 거예요. 27 A: My dad is a couch potato. 28 A: I want to exercise my right to cancel the contract. 29 B: 좋습니다. 이유를 여쭈어봐도 될까요? 30 A: What do you do for exercise?

31 A: After all, nobody else went but me. 32 B: 네가 갔다니 기쁘다. 33 A: Excuse me, where is the customer service? 34 A: Jeff failed the exam again! 35 B: 공부를 열심히 안 하는데 뭘 기대하겠어? 36 A: It was kind of an aha experience for me. It really helped me with opening up my eyes. 37 A: What do you think about his proposal? 38 B: 나는 그를 정말 사랑하지만 난 아직 가족을 꾸밀 준비가 안 됐어. 39 A: How many members are in your group? 40 A: Mom, can I get a new phone? 41 B: 얘야, 지금 갖고 있는 것은 무엇이 문제니? 42 A: How high is high, Mom? 43 A: Where did you pick up your English so well? 44 B: 독학했어요. 45 A: How's that possible? BTM 2 46 Jack: I like it! The teachers are all very kind. 47 Ms. Thomson: 음, 아주 좋네요. Jack은 형제나 자매가 있어요? 48 Jack: Yes, I have a brother. 49 Jane: I put the time, date, and location of the party. 50 Ms. Thomson: 친구들과 매일 같이 놀아요? 51 Jane: Yes, almost everyday. 52 Ms. Thomson: Excellent. For review purposes, let's talk about edible fruits now. 53 Tiffany: 제가 먼저 시작해도 될까요? 54 Ms. Thomson: Of course you may. Can you list five fruits we can eat? 55 Ms. Thomson: I am sorry to hear that. 56 Jane: 괜찮아요. 아직도 할머니는 할아버지 이야기를 많이 하세요. 57 Ms. Thomson: Oh I bet! Alright, I think that is enough for today. Tomorrow, we shall discuss things about our family members! 58 Ms. Thomson: Of course. Please feel free to ask questions to anyone. Alright, Jack, would you care to start? 59 Jack: 네. 저의 가족은 4명입니다. 아빠, 엄마, 여동생, 그리고 저. 60 Jane: How old is your sister, Jack? 61 Mom: I promise. I'm sure Dad will love it. How long do you think it will take? 62 Tim: 잘 모르겠어요. 어쩌면 두 시간 정도? 63 Mom: Two hours? What time will that be? 64 Tina: That's easy! So he's eight years old! 65 Mom: 그래 잘한다. 너보다 2살 많으니까.

66 Tina: When's Dad's birthday? 67 Dad: Exactly. 68 Tina: 우리도 개 한 마리 키울 수 있어요? 69 Mom: We can discuss that later! 70 Tina: What about monkeys? 71 Mom: 아닐걸. 그런 동물들은 사람들이 원하면 볼 수 있도록 동물원에 있지. 72 Tina: I saw all kinds of animals there last year! 73 Tina: Is it Wednesday? 74 Mom: 화요일이야. 너는 매주 월요일 수영 레슨 받는데 어제 수영 갔잖아, 기억나니? 75 Tina: Oh, yeah. I remember. 76 Dad: Nope, we'll see. 77 Tim: 우유에 씨리얼이 아니면 좋겠어요. 78 Dad: Why? 79 Tim: My shirt! 80 Dad: 어떤 것? 81 Tim: The one with cars on it. 82 Tim: I think we're going to go biking for a while. 83 Dad: 그래, 그거 좋은 것 같구나! 비디오 게임 대신 그것을 선택했다니 기쁘다! 84 Tim: Why don't you want us playing video games? 85 Dad: Hello! 86 Tim: 안녕하세요, 아빠? 아이스크림 사왔어요? 87 Dad: What do you think? 88 Tim: Thanks for the dinner, Mom. It was really good. 89 Mom: 그래, 얘야. 그 말을 들으니 기쁘구나. 90 Tina: I enjoyed the dinner, too. Thanks, Mom. 91 Mom: Yeah. Exactly. 92 Tina: 그렇지만 봄에는 정말 바람이 많이 불어요. 93 Mom: I know, but I can deal with wind. 94 Tim: Where are we going grocery shopping, Dad? 95 Dad: Costco에 간다. 96 Tim: Are we going out for lunch afterwards? 97 Mom: Wow, that seems like a few too many. 98 Tina: 엄마, 그건 너무 많은 게 아니예요. 99 Mom: Alright, if you say so. Do you have a price estimate? 100 Tina: And there's no place to play. 101 Dad: 좋아. 너는 그럼 엄마하고 집에 있으면 돼. 102 Tina: Mom? 103 Mom: Nothing. Just wait.

104 Dad: 물론이죠. 여기요. 105 Cashier: Thanks. Oh, I see. The Costco membership was expired as of yesterday. 106 Mom: Me too. Treat the others the way you want to be treated, alright, Tim? 107 Tim: 저는 언제나 다 잘 대해줘요. 108 Dad: Good. If anyone bullies you, tell the teacher. 109 Tim: The same as usual. Kevin and Daniel. 110 Dad: 그 애들은 뭘 잘하니? 111 Tim: Kevin's good at math and Daniel's good at science. 112 Tina: The name of the school I go to, what grade I'm in, what I do on the weekends, things I like, and things I don't like? 113 Mr. Myers: 맞아! 바로 그거야, Tina. 아주 잘했다. 114 Michelle: What kinds of questions do we ask the presenter? 115 Tina: I don't like cleaning the house. It isn't fun. 116 Victor: 집에서는 누가 요리를 하니? 117 Tina: Mostly my mom, but my dad cooks once in a while, too. 118 Mr. Myers: Very good, Victor! Let's move onto Michelle now. 119 Michelle: 내 이름은 Michelle이고, 부모님 그리고 언니와 함께 살아요. 개도 있어요. 120 Victor: About the dog, is it a he or a she? 121 Michelle: I do homework and read books. 122 Tina: 아침에는 몇 시에 일어나니? 123 Michelle: I wake up around seven, usually. 124 Daniel: I like camping a lot. 125 Tim: 나도 개울 따라 자전거 타는 거 좋아해. 126 Sam: I like to bike, too. It's really fun! Especially when you go downhill. 127 Tim: My mom's birthday is next month. 128 Daniel: 잘 됐다. 너도 그 아이디어를 네 엄마 생신 선물로 쓰면 되겠다. 129 Tim: Yeah, maybe I'll give her ten coupons to clean the bathrooms. 130 Mom: Where are you going to play? 131 Tina: 놀이터에서요. 132 Mom: Okay, watch out for traffic. 133 Tina: Yes! I love pasta!! 134 Tim: 나는 거기 피자가 좋아. 135 Dad: Are you kids ready to go? BTM 3 136 Ben: Ashley! 137 Ashley: Yeah? 138 Ben: 오늘 오후에 시간있니? 139 Ashley: Yes, why?

140 Victoria: Hey, guys. Are you all riding the bus? 141 Kyra: 나는 탈거야. 142 Jordan: Me too. 143 Ruth: No, my aunt isn't married. 144 Brandon: Ruth, 너의 이모는 몇 살이니? 145 Ruth: I don't know, but I do know she is younger than my mom. 146 Miriam: Awesome! We're getting a new car, too! A red BMW! 147 Cecelia: 와우! 내가 가장 좋아하는 차 색깔이 빨강, 노랑, 파랑, 그리고 검정색이야. 148 Miriam: Those are cool colors. 149 Orlena: How are you doing? 150 Idaline: 좋아. 그런데 너도 Ella 파티 알고있지? 151 Orlena: Yeah, I know about it. 152 Idaline: How to hold in my excitement. 153 Ella: 너도 배우게 될거야. 154 Kerri: Yeah, you learn that over time. 155 Ella: Cool name! 156 Dakota: 고마워. 어디 사니? 157 Ella: Right down the street. 158 Ginger: Can we get the check, please? 159 Waiter: 물론이지요. 곧 돌아오겠습니다. 160 Note: (in a moment) 161 Mom: Sure, what do you need help with? 162 Jacob: 시험자료에 대해 퀴즈 좀 내 주시겠어요? 163 Mom: Sure. What are you studying? 164 Destiny: Sure. 165 Waiter: 뭐 다른 것 좀 갖다드릴 것 있나요? 166 Ginger: Yeah, could I have some ketchup with my fries? 167 Jacob: What about the one with the flowers on it? 168 Mom: 그것도 가지고 가도 돼. 그렇지만 우리가 늦으면 안되겠지. 169 Jacob: I'm hurrying. 170 Jacob: Am I all done? 171 Dr. Bricker: 거의. 자, 여기 스티커 받아요. 172 Jacob: Thanks! That was an easy check-up. 173 Imogene: Yep! 174 Mom: 어떤 식당을 가고싶니? 175 Imogene: Cinzzetti's! 176 Note: (Situation 3: After kids get together) 177 Imogene: 다들 우리 엄마 차에 타자. 178 Natasha: Sure.

179 Mathew: I saw a coupon for Pizza Hut in the mail. 180 Mom: 그걸 쓰면 되겠구나! 181 Mathew: I like Domino's better. 182 Pizza Hut: Sure, what would you like on it? 183 Dad: 버섯, 소시지, 양파, 피망 그리고 새우 고명 피자 하나와 파인애플 피자 하나를 하기로 한 것 같아요. 184 Pizza Hut: Alright, anything else for you today? 185 Dad: Okay, there are twenty four breadsticks total. 186 Mathew: 우리가 10명이니까, 대강 한 사람이 2개씩이란 뜻이네. 187 Brandon: That sounds good. 188 April: Mmmm, these are good wings! 189 Brandon: 그래. 피자도 맛있는데. 190 Jasmine: I like the breadsticks better. 191 Grandma: Me neither! 192 Mom: 알아요! 두 분은 어떻든 가셔서 구경하실 거니까. 193 Timothy: They're lucky. 194 Grandpa: I don't need goggles! 195 Grandma: 나도 그렇다. 196 Mom: I know that! You're just going to watch anyway. 197 Mom: You can bring that too. But we don't want to be late. 198 Jacob: 서두르고 있어요. 199 Note: Story 2: Visiting a doctor for checkup 200 Dad: I believe we agreed on a pizza with mushroom, sausage, onion, bell pepper, and shrimp and a pineapple pizza, please. 201 Pizza Hut: 좋습니다. 뭐 다른 것은 없습니까? 202 Dad: Twenty four breadsticks and thirty six chicken wings also, please. 203 Waiter: Is there anything I can get for you guys? 204 Ginger: 계산서 좀 주실래요? 205 Waiter: Sure. I'll be right back. 206 Mom: Oh yes, of course. 207 Dad: 저녁 먹고 가서 한 개 사도록 하자. 208 Elaine: Thanks! 209 Elaine: What a coincidence! 210 Madeline: 그래. 내 홀치기 염색은 노랑색과 초록색이야. 211 Elaine: I like that color combination. 212 Dakota: Thanks. Where do you live? 213 Ella: 저 길 바로 아래쪽에. 214 Dakota: Don't you like this park? I think it's fun. 215 Note: (Situation 4: Next night) 216 Mom: 자 얘들아, 잘 시간이다.

217 Jacob: Can we play a little more? Please? 218 James: As I said, it's math. 219 Dad: 좋아, 분명 도와주도록 시도는 해보지. 220 James: Thanks, Dad. 221 James: Twice. 222 Miss Robin: 세 번 더 풀어봐라. 223 James: Okay. 224 Note: (a little later) 225 James: 엄마, 언제 올거예요? 226 Mom: After I do the dishes! 227 Ms. Kent: Go on. 228 James: 제가 밖으로 나갔는데 Sam이 또 그 공을 갖고 놀고 있어서, 내가 공을 가져도 될지 물어봤어요. 229 Ms. Kent: Good, I'm glad you talked first. 230 Jeff: Yeah, why? 231 Victor: 이제 막 잠이 든 것 같은 기분인데. 232 Jeff: Well, it's time to get up. 233 Mom: Fine. 20 more minutes. 234 Audrey: 끝낼 지 못끝낼 지 모르지만 해볼게요. 235 Mom: I'll be reading, so holler when you need something. 236 Faith: I'm going first, remember? 237 Mom: 나갔다 올게! 재미있게 놀아라! 238 Cherilyn: I wonder where she's going? 239 Dad: In the closet, first floor. 240 Collin: 나는 그 진공청소기가 마음에 들어. 241 Dad: Well, it's new. 242 Joseph: I'm going to build a sand castle. 243 Jane: 나도 도울게! 244 Dad: Do you want to make a sand castle we can all live in? 245 Joseph: Oh, yeah I forgot about calling things. 246 Jane: 이런 건 미리 생각해야 되는거야. 247 Joseph: Good for you, since you can do that. 248 Note: (Situation 1: School gets out) 249 Ms. Kent: 얘들아, 숙제는 112 페이지까지 읽고, 독서일지를 끝내는 거다. 250 Cliff: Again? 251 Kimberly: Shush up! 252 Cliff: 왜 shut 이라고 안하고 shush라고 하냐? 253 Olivia: That's how we talk. 254 Lucinda: Everyone does.

255 Kimberly: 내가 팝콘을 좀 살게. 큰 것 2개면 될까? 256 Olivia: Okay. Two of us could share a large. 257 Kimberly: So, what's there to do? 258 Olivia: 나무집에 들어가 볼래? 259 Ashley: You have one? 260 Ashley: Yeah. 261 Ben: 너는 어떤 음식을 좋아하니? 262 Ashley: Umm American or foreign food? 263 Brandon: How old is your aunt, Ruth? 264 Ruth: 몰라. 그렇지만 엄마보다 어리다는 건 알아. 265 Brandon: Younger than 20? 266 Cecelia: Wow! My favorite car colors are red, yellow, blue, and black. 267 Miriam: 그건 다 쿨한 색들이야. 268 Cecelia: Yeah, they make the car look good. 269 Ella: You'll learn. 270 Kerri: 그래, 그건 시간이 지나면 배우게 되는 거야. 271 Idaline: I still don't know how. BTM 4 272 Christina: With what? (in a careless voice) 273 Sunny: 왜 그렇게 투덜거려? 274 Christina: Maybe that's just how I am. 275 Sunny: No. 276 Ellie: 문장에서 쉴 수 있도록 하는 게 뭐지? 277 Sunny: A period. 278 Faith: Yo. 279 Selena: 응, 금요일에 파티가 있는데 올 수 있니? 280 Faith: Friday the what? 281 Charles: Hey, John! I need some help spreading the word about the fundraiser I m holding for the tennis walls. 282 John: 좋지. 여동생 Ali가 같이 가도 되니? 좀 도와줄 수 있을 거야! 283 Charles: That d be great. See if you can bring any other kids that can help, including your sister's friends. 284 Avaleen: We sure won t! Sierra and Janet are both outgoing, so just follow their example! 285 Charles: 그래서 너희들 모두 서로 알고 있니? 286 Janet: Pretty much. 287 John: Alright, I think we need to send a letter to the city council and tell them what we are doing. 288 Madison: 좋아. 나는 전에 이런 일을 해본 적이 있어. 기금마련 말이야. 289 Miles: Great! Then you can give us some tips!

290 Madison: Later, maybe. Okay. Let s start! 291 Charles: 모두들, 시작하자. 그리고 도와줘서 고마워! 292 Book 4, Skit 4: Birthday Party 293 Lola: Where is everyone, Pam? 294 Pam: 아직 오지 않았어. 295 Lola: Cool. I like being the first one! 296 Pam: Yep. I only wanted to invite a few people so that they could keep it to themselves. 297 Tina: 나라면 그런 생각을 못했을 거야. 298 Pam: Well, let's get going on the activities! 299 Tina: Alright, well here I go! 300 Pam: 거의 열릴 뻔했다. 내 차례다. 준비, 때리고! 301 Lola: I think after my turn, it'll open. 302 Pam: Oh, they were all in a pack together. Now, we're going to see who's the best at using chopsticks! 303 Lola: 어떻게 할 건데? 304 Pam: We have a bowl of jellybeans and with chopsticks, we are going to see who can get the most jellybeans into the other bowl. 305 Tina: What if you fall asleep first? We don't know what to do! 306 Pam: 안그렇겠지만 그렇다면 나를 깨워. 307 Lola: What if you don't wake up? 308 Pam: Put it in Tina's hand, and tickle her nose with a Q-tip. 309 Lola: 그러면 어떻게 되는데? 310 Pam: It'll make her sneeze, and she'll put her hand with whipped cream in it to her mouth! 311 Pam: Well, I know that Tina sleeps early, so I was watching her to see if she covered her mouth with her right hand or her left hand when she sneezes. 312 Lola: 네가 Tina를 살펴보고 있었다는 것을 몰랐어! 313 Pam: Well, I kind of wasn't. 314 Lola: Sorry, but it was fun. Anyway, the pancakes are almost ready! 315 Tina: 다음엔 내가 너희들에게 복수해 줄거야. 316 Lola: As you wish Let s have pancakes now. 317 Amy: Come on! 318 Megan: 나도 하나 갖어도 돼요? 319 Dad: No, you are too young. Amy is twelve, and you are only four! 320 Amy: Dad! Can we go get my phone today? 321 Megan: 나도 갈거야! Amy가 어쩌면 내가 전화를 고를 수도 있다고 했어. 322 Amy: I said maybe! 323 Dad: Yes. 324 Worker: 그러면, 오늘 패밀리 플랜에 새로운 번호를 추가하실래요? 325 Dad: Yes, please.

326 Megan: Amy said that I'll like the pink Benus. 327 Amy: Benus라고! 너 무슨 말하는 거야? 328 Megan: Your pink Benus! 329 Lillian: (gibberish) Macoo ga. 330 Amy: 그래, 그러면, 여기 있다! 아니, 만지지는 말고. 331 Mom: I wouldn t let her touch it if I were you. 332 Dad: I wasn't that excited when I got my phone! 333 Megan: 아빠도 그랬을 거예요. 334 Dad: Well, I wasn't. 335 Lucas: Fine. Thank you. 336 Mary: 잠깐만 기다려라 Mark 바꿔줄게. 337 Lucas: Thank you. 338 Mark: Wow! I really like this racquet. 339 Lucas: 나도 그래. 우리 엄마한테 전화해야겠다. 340 Mark: Yeah. 341 Mary: Wonderful. I'll pick you guys up right now, since it's twenty till. We can stop by at our house, so you can take a fast shower or something. 342 Mark: 그럼 알았어요. 조금 있다 봐요. 343 Mary: Bye. 344 Jacob: He's one month old, and very cute. 345 Mom: 얼마니? 346 Calvin: Geez Mom, why do you always ask the price first? 347 Jacob: Oh! I didn't see that. Sorry. 348 Mom: 내 크레딧 카드가 필요하니? 349 Jacob: Yeah. 350 Calvin: I won't. Don't worry. 351 Vivian: 난 장담못해. 352 Jacob: Let's just hope. 353 Vivian: (Next day, talking to Kim, a friend) Guess what happened last night! 354 Kim: 무슨 일이 있었어? 왜 그렇게 들떠있니? 355 Vivian: I got a new puppy. It's really cute. 356 Vivian: Ralphy, do you want to walk on the ground? Okay, here (lets Ralphy down). 357 Calvin: Ralphy는 땅을 더 좋아하는 것 같아. 358 Vivian: Why does Jacob have to think like that? 359 Jacob: Uhh, what did you tell me? 360 Calvin: 개줄이 필요할거라고. 361 Jacob: Oh, well 362 Vivian: Why did you run away? 363 Jacob: 개줄 여기있어.

364 Vivian: So, for once you agree with us? 365 Vivian: Mom, Calvin loves dogs. 366 Mom: 알고 있다. 그렇지만 한 마리면 충분해. 367 Vivian: I think it'd be good for Calvin, though. 368 Dad: Of course. Don't worry about it, honey. 369 Mom: 두고 보면 알겠지요. 370 Dad: Okay. Let's go get his own dog! 371 Sarah: Yeah, why? 372 Mom: 나도 그곳을 생각하고 있었단다. 373 Sarah: Maybe we should really go there, then. 374 Dad: I do. I m just teasing you. 375 Mom: 잡담 그만하고, 이제 출발해야 돼요. 376 Dad: Are you ready, Sarah? 377 Dad: Wow, I think Sarah really deserves this trip. 378 Mom: 그러게. Sarah가 캠핑에 관심이 있는 줄 전혀 생각도 못했는 걸. 379 Dad: Me neither. 380 Dad: No, it s been a good few hours! I m glad to see that you got some good sleep. 381 Sarah: 저도요. 기분이 아주 상쾌해졌어요. 382 Dad: We already got checked in and all that good stuff. We just need to set up the tent. 383 Sarah: We don t already have one? 384 Mom: 집에서 잊고 가져오지를 않았어. 385 Sarah: Oh, okay. Jeez, Mom, trying to get me even more anxious? 386 Mom: Really? Thanks. 387 Sarah: 아니면 아빠 한테 받았을 수도 있지요. 388 Dad: Bingo! In our family, I was the smart one. 389 Dad: We ll probably have to ask locals for our way around. 390 Mom: 그러면 되겠네요. 391 Sarah: I m tired again. 392 Sarah: Thanks, that s very comforting. 393 Dad: 약 10분 후에 Boulder에 도착하게 될거야. 394 Mom: Already? 395 Dad: Ok. Brittany, are you alright with it? 396 Mom: 그럼요. 나는 아무거나 좋아요. 397 Dad: Good. 398 Note: (Getting the pump) 399 Dad: 어떤 것을 골라야 할까? 400 Jeff: (worker) Are you guys finding everything alright today? 401 Mom: Okay, well, we better hurry up because it s getting dark. 402 Dad: 좋아요. 이걸로 사겠어요.

403 Jeff: Great. I can help you here at register six. 404 Dad: Sarah, there s nothing to worry about. 405 Sarah: 돈을 돌려받을 수 있나요? 406 Mom: I don t know why you should care, Sarah. 407 Sarah: Really? I haven t been on a roller coaster in years! 408 Dad: 야, 소리 지르는 연습할래? 409 Mom: No. 410 Sarah: I don t know if Mom would like to. 411 Mom: 무슨 얘기야? 물론 좋지! 412 Dad: Well, there s already one thing on our calendar for next summer. 413 Kevin: It is! 414 Mom: 진정해라! 티켓을 사야지. 415 Zoe: I want to go. 416 Ralf: Yeah, we didn t. 417 Dad: 솔직히, 나도 몰랐어. 418 Mom: WOW! I thought everyone knew, so I didn t tell anyone. 419 Dad: In a sense. 420 Elizabeth: 아마도 우린 많은 옷이 필요할거야! 421 Ralf: Good point! 422 Elizabeth: We already did. Ralf will help Zoe, and I will help McKenna. 423 Mom: 알았다, Elizabeth! 하나 더, McKenna 'Bubbah'도 챙겨라. 424 Elizabeth: Bubbah? Ah, McKenna's blanket! Okay. 425 Zoe: I want this shirt, this one, and that one, the red one, the blue one, the one in the back, the one in front of you, and the one to your right. 426 Elizabeth: McKenna가 이 셔츠를 좋아할 거야, 그렇지 McKenna? 427 McKenna: Yeah. 428 Alex: So, may I check it? 429 Mom: 물론이지요. 그런데 그게 뭐지요? 430 Alex: We ll have to see! 431 Mom: Let's go get some food. 432 Kevin: 파스타 먹을래! 433 Mom: So you want pasta and I want Italian pizza. 434 Elizabeth: A shower then bed. 435 Mom: 어, Zoe와 McKenna는 잠들었는데. 436 Dad: The little ones must be tired after such a trip. 437 Ralf: Me too. 438 Mom: 나도 피곤하구나. 439 Ralf: I'd like to rest until late tomorrow. 440 Dad: Yup.

441 Elizabeth: Ralf, 가서 Zoe 데려와. 나는 McKenna 데려올게. 442 Ralf: Okay. Zoe isn't heavy, is she, Mom? 443 Elizabeth: I got McKenna in her pajamas. 444 Ralf: Zoe도 다됐어. 445 Elizabeth: I like brushing McKenna's teeth with the little toothbrush. 446 Elizabeth: Ready, aim, throw! Cool! I made it onto the center! 447 Mom: 난 특별난 것을 못했어. 448 Dad: Me neither. 449 Ben: I think I like the things you like. 450 Ashley: McDonald 감자 튀김은 정말 맛있어! 451 Ben: Yes, I know! But it s fast food.