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01 묘사대상파악하기 W May I help you, sir? M Yes. I d like to buy a bicycle for my seven-year-old son. W How about this model? It s perfect for boys his age. M I don t think he s ready to ride a bike with only two wheels. W Then I d recommend this model which comes with training wheels. These can be easily removed after he s gotten used to riding a bike. M Sounds good. Hmm... Do you have any that come with a basket? W What do you think about this one with a basket attached to the handlebars? M It s great, but do you have the same model with a horn? W Yes. Is this what you re looking for? M That s exactly what I want. I ll take it. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases perfect recommend training wheel get used to handlebar Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 ` M Ms. Lee, I m so glad that you agreed to help design our soccer team flag. W My pleasure, Danny. So, have you had any ideas so far? M I thought about a rectangular flag with a picture of a soccer ball in the middle, but it seems too simple. W Well, let s make it more interesting. First of all, does the flag have to be rectangular? 2

www.ebsi.co.kr M Not necessarily. We can have a triangular one. W Okay then, let s go for the triangular one. And how about adding a picture of an eagle next to the soccer ball? It s the symbol of your team, right? M Yes. But they would have to be very small to fit into a triangular flag. W You re right. In that case, we can use one picture and write words. M Which picture should we include? An eagle or a soccer ball? W In my opinion, there should definitely be a picture of a soccer ball. M Then we can write Go Eagles at the top, and put a picture of a soccer ball under it. W Sounds great! Topic & Situation Solution Go Eagles Words & Phrases rectangular triangular symbol fit into definitely 2 ` W Hello. How can I help you? M I m looking for a medium-sized suitcase. W Well, why don t you take a look at this striped leather suitcase? M It looks really nice, but I d like something more practical. Do you have anything with pockets? W Sure. How about this one with two pockets? It s very convenient for small things. M I think just one pocket is enough for me. W Well, we have two designs for suitcases with one pocket. One with big stripes and the other with a checkered pattern. M Either of the patterns is fine. Can you show me the striped one with wheels? W I m sorry, but the striped one doesn t come with wheels. M Oh, then I ll take that one with wheels. W All right. Let me go get you a new one. M Thank you. 3

01 묘사대상파악하기 Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases suitcase striped leather practical convenient checkered pattern come with 3 ` W Hey, Jason. What are you doing? M I m trying to order our class T-shirts for Sports Day. W That sounds like fun. Are you going for the hooded T-shirts? M I wanted to, but they cost more than I thought. W Then how about T-shirts with collars? M My classmates said they didn t like collars. They d rather wear a plain round-neck T-shirt. W And since it s for Sports Day, you want short sleeves, right? M Yes. The only thing is, it might look too plain. W Maybe you can put our school name on the front to make it look more impressive. M I was going to put our class number in the center, but maybe it s a good idea to add in our school name, too. W You can put the school name in the center, and write your class number under that. M Yes. And I ll write Class 5 instead of putting just the number, 5. Then, everybody will know it s our class T-shirt. W Sounds good. I can t wait to see the actual T-shirt! Topic & Situation Solution Class 5 Words & Phrases hooded T-shirt T-shirt with collars round-neck T-shirt short sleeve plain actual 4 ` W Okay, now it s time to decide on our piano festival poster. M Here. These are the samples we can choose from. W What do you think about this one with the title at the top and the pictures in the middle? M It s not bad. But I don t think the pictures have to be together. I prefer the one with the star at the top and the piano keyboard at the bottom. 4

www.ebsi.co.kr W Hmm. I like the idea of separating the two pictures, but I still think the title should be at the very top. M I guess you re right. They do look more balanced that way. W Which one looks better between these two? Try to focus on the letter type. M Well, I think the title is easier to read when they re in small letters, but it stands out more when they re in capital letters. W I think it s better for the title to stand out. M Then let s choose that one. I also like the way the time and place is underlined. W All right. Let s order fifty copies of that. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases separate balanced focus on stand out capital letter underline 5 ` W Hi, I m looking for a mask. Could you recommend some good ones? M Are you trying to buy a souvenir? W Actually, I want to rent one for the mask parade this week. I heard I can do that here. M Yes, you can. Do you have any special design in mind? W Well, may I try that feathered eye mask? The white feathers look so graceful. M I m sorry, but that one is for children. How about this black eye mask with big black feathers on top? W Umm... That seems a little scary. It has too many feathers. Can I see that full mask? M The one with a tear drop below the eye? It s really popular these days. Here, you can try it on. W (pause) Oh, it covers too much of my face. Do you have any half masks that cover just the eyes and the nose? M Of course we do. Here you are. A clown mask with a big nose, and a cat mask with a cat nose and ears. W Never mind the clown one. This is perfect! I could wear it and pretend to be Cat Woman. I d like to rent this one. 5

01 묘사대상파악하기 M All right. Here you go. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases souvenir feathered eye mask full mask half mask 6 ` M Hello, I m looking for a ring for my daughter s twentieth birthday. Can you recommend some good ones? W Certainly. This one with a ribbon-shaped crystal on top is the best-selling ring at the moment. M It s very cute, but I think she already has a similar one. W Then how about this steady seller with cubic crystals set along the outside of the ring? M It looks very elegant, but the crystals are too shiny. Can you show me something without crystals? W Sure. What do you think of this double ring? The design is very simple, and yet the two rings are intertwined, so it doesn t look too plain. M It s unique and pretty. My daughter will love it. Can I have this one? W Okay. Do you know her finger size? M No, I don t know that. Can I exchange the ring later if the size is wrong? W You can do that, but you can also take a look at these free size rings. The ends of the rings are open, so you can easily adjust them to your finger. There are flower-shaped ones and heart-shaped ones. M Thanks, but I ll stick with my first choice. Can I have it giftwrapped? W Of course. Just visit us within seven days if you need to exchange it. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases crystal steady seller cubic double ring intertwined exchange adjust stick with 6

02 부탁한일추론하기 M I m so tired of seeing advertisements on my computer! W What kind of ads are you talking about, James? M Pop-up ads all over the Internet. They re really bothersome. W I know how you feel. They re so irritating when you visit a website. But I don t have that problem anymore. M Really? How did you get rid of those useless ads? W Well, I installed an ad blocking program. It virtually stops all pop-ups. M Can you tell me the name of the program? I d like to use it, too. W Oh, it s on the tip of my tongue, but I can t remember it right now. M Then, could you tell me what it is later? W Sure. I ll text you when I get home. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases pop-up ad bothersome install on the tip of one s tongue text Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 ` M Come here, honey. We ve got a problem. W What s wrong? M Look at the water on the desk! The rain came in through the open window. 7

02 부탁한일추론하기 W Oh, my... My diary is totally soaked. M I ll go get some towels from the bathroom right away. W There are no towels there. I ve just put all the towels in the washing machine. M Can I take some towels out of it, then? W No, you can t. I ve already turned it on. All of them must be soaked through. M Well, what should we use to mop up the desk? W We d better use some shirts from the laundry basket. Can you bring them to me? M Okay. The laundry basket is in the utility room, isn t it? W Right. Watch your step in the utility room. The floor is slippery. M I got it. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases soaked through mop up utility room slippery 2 ` W Good morning, David. M Oh, hi, Melissa. W You look nervous. M Yeah. I always feel this way before a test. W Take it easy. If you feel nervous, you won t be able to make the most of your ability. M I know, but I can t help it. W Oh, I see some cold sweat on your forehead. Use my handkerchief. Here you go. M Thanks, Melissa. W Why don t you go out and get some fresh air? It ll make you feel much better. M Well, I don t want to waste any time. I ve got something to check before taking the test. 8

www.ebsi.co.kr W But you can t work properly if you are so nervous. M Okay. I ll follow your advice. Can you accompany me out there? W Sure. What are friends for? M Thanks. You re so kind. Topic & Situation Solution Can you accompany me out there? Words & Phrases take it easy make the most of cold sweat forehead accompany 3 ` W Mr. Baker, I ve just finished the sales report. M Oh, Denise. Good job! You ve finished it much earlier than I expected. W I stayed up late these last few days working on this report. Here you go. M Thank you very much. I know we ve been shorthanded since Bob left our company. W You re right. I ve had to do Bob s work since then. I wonder when the position will be filled. M I m really sorry about that. I promise I ll hire a suitable person as soon as possible. W Good. By the way, I have something to ask you. M Go ahead, Denise. W Can I take tomorrow off? As I told you, I haven t gotten much sleep because of this sales report. M Hmm... Okay. I know you ve done a lot of work these days. W Thank you, Mr. Baker. M You deserve a reward like that. Topic & Situation Solution Can I take tomorrow off? Okay. Bob Words & Phrases shorthanded hire deserve reward 9

02 부탁한일추론하기 4 ` M I can t find a parking space around here. W Why don t you pull up to the curb and park? M Look at the sign ahead. Neither stopping nor parking is permitted. W We have no choice. I have to borrow some books from the library. M Oh, there is a surveillance camera beside the traffic light. I can t stop here. W Where are you going? I have to go to the library. M I ll drop you off after turning around the corner. W Okay. I ll come back after I check out some books. M Well, I ll be driving out of here because this is also a noparking area. Can you call me when you re done? W Okay. Are you going to keep driving? M Yeah, but if I happen to find a parking space, I ll park. W Okay. I hope you find one soon. I m getting out. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases pull up curb surveillance drop ~ off happen to 5 ` W Hey, Richard. Do you know where Paula is? M Yeah. She is still on the road. W What do you mean? M She gave me a ring a few minutes ago, saying she was stuck in a traffic jam. W Oh, my... It s nine-forty. You know today s department meeting is at ten o clock. M What is she supposed to do at the meeting? W She is responsible for taking minutes. (pause) Well, can you take her place? M Yeah, but I m in charge of making a video of the meeting. W I ll ask Kevin to do it. You only have to take minutes. 10

www.ebsi.co.kr M Okay. The meeting is in the conference room on the second floor, right? W Yes. Are you going to take your laptop or use the desktop in the conference room? M I ll use my laptop. It will be more comfortable. Topic & Situation Solution Paula Paula Words & Phrases be stuck in a traffic jam take minutes take one s place make a video of conference room 6 ` M Honey, I m going out now. W Are you going to the airport? M Yes. The boss asked me to pick a client up and take him to Hotel Tropicana. W It s a pity that you have to work on Saturday. Will you be home late? M No. I ll be back home after taking him to the hotel. W Then, we can eat lunch out together, can t we? M Sure. What do you want to have for lunch? W I want to have salmon steak at Springfield Restaurant. M Good. Can you reserve a table overlooking the ocean? I have to leave now. W Okay. I ll take care of it. By the way, will you get some batteries on your way home? The clock in the living room has stopped. M There are some batteries in the drawer of my desk. You can use them. W Oh, really? Great. Topic & Situation Solution Can you reserve a table overlooking the ocean? Okay. Words & Phrases client salmon overlook 11

03 담화의세부내용파악하기 W The Walk of Harmony will take place next month on Saturday, April 10th. Your footsteps will help raise awareness for multicultural families. The distance of the walk is seven kilometers. The number seven symbolizes luck and hope for all the participants. The event will take place, rain or shine, with lots of entertainment and foods from different countries, and a free T-shirt for all the participants. Children under eight must be accompanied by an adult. If seven kilometers is too much for you, you can participate in the three-kilometer Mini Walk. Please visit our website at www.walkofharmony.org to download an application. Come celebrate the harmony of the diverse cultures. Topic & Situation Solution The event will take place, rain or shine Words & Phrases take place footstep awareness participant accompany application Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 ` W The Richardson Piano competition is one of the world s most recognized classical piano competitions. A renowned pianist, George Richardson, started this piano competition when he 12

www.ebsi.co.kr was a professor at Barclays College of Music in 1951, and the competition has been held every two years since then. The contestants are limited by age, from 17 to 50, and they are the most talented pianists in the world. One grand prize, one gold medal, one silver medal, and two bronze medals are awarded. The competition offers prize money totaling 60,000 dollars, with the grand prize winner receiving 30,000 dollars. Plus, all the prize winners are given the opportunity to play the piano at Lincoln Hall. Topic & Situation Solution 1 1 1 2 5 6 Words & Phrases recognized renowned contestant talented grand prize plus opportunity 2 ` M Notebook computers can often become hot, overheat, and finally become seriously damaged. The following measures will help keep your notebook computer cooler and make it work more reliably. The most effective measure is to adjust your power settings from the high performance to the power saver mode. Clean out the notebook s ventilator once a month, using dust remover spray. To use a notebook cooler that has a fan or two is also a good measure. Keep your work room as cool as possible. This will enhance your work efficiency as well as your notebook s. Finally, turn off your notebook computer when not in use, especially when you are not at home. These tips are not difficult ones to follow, but many notebook users forget them! Topic & Situation Solution 6 once a month Words & Phrases overheat measure reliably, adjust high performance power saver mode ventilator enhance 13

03 담화의세부내용파악하기 3 ` W Dancers, now I ll introduce one of the greatest ballerinas in the world, Nora Kaye. She was born in a Russian family and named Nora Koreff. She started her ballet training at the age of eight. She made her debut in children s ballets at the Metropolitan Opera House and danced there from age nine to fifteen. In her time, it was a trend for dancers to have Russian names, but she changed her name to an American name, Kaye. She married Herbert Ross in August 1959 and assisted him in many of his Broadway musicals. In 1977, she began to work as a member of the Board of Directors of the American Ballet Theater and remained there until her death ten years later. Topic & Situation Nora Kaye Solution In her time, it was a trend for dancers to have Russian names, but she changed her name to an American name, Kaye. Nora Kaye Words & Phrases make one s debut trend assist board of directors remain 4 ` M Hello, students! The campus of Hounds College located on the Mississippi River offers the most beautiful natural scenery. With two-thirds of Hounds students taking part in our 40 exchange programs, the students can experience the world. Also, with our close relationships with many companies, Hounds College continually enhances relevant courses to meet the needs of both students and employers. A current study revealed that nine out of ten Hounds graduates get jobs within just four months of graduation. The school year runs from August through June, and you can apply to the college twice a year, in July and in January. Your success will start from Hounds College. 14

www.ebsi.co.kr Topic & Situation Hounds College Solution ~ nine out of ten Hounds graduates get jobs within just four months of graduation. 4 Words & Phrases scenery take part in exchange program enhance relevant meet need reveal graduate school year 5 ` W Habitat for Dream is the biggest housing volunteer organization in Georgia, targeting families who earn less than 30 percent of the median income in their country. Since its foundation in 1983, Habitat for Dream has built more than 200,000 houses worldwide. It has provided shelter for over 1 million people in nearly 70 countries. Families in need of new houses are selected after a careful review process. Habitat for Dream assesses their income level, need for housing, and their willingness to participate in the volunteer work. All partner families must perform more than 250 hours of volunteer work for building houses for new partner families. Topic & Situation Solution All partner families must perform more than 250 hours of volunteer work for building houses for new partner families. 150 250 Words & Phrases habitat housing volunteer organization target median income foundation shelter review process assess willingness volunteer work 15

03 담화의세부내용파악하기 6 ` M Let me give you some information about KGM s Big World Competition. Before you upload your digital images to our website, remember the following contest rules. First, anyone over the age of 18 is eligible, with the exception of professional photographers. Second, your pictures must be taken using a KGM camera. The third rule is that the size of your image file cannot be bigger than 100 megabytes. Finally, entries must be received no later than November 25, 2011. Prize winners will be notified on December 25, 2011. All winning pictures will be displayed at the KGM gallery for a year. Failure to comply with any of the preceding rules will disqualify any entry. We hope many of you will participate. Thank you. Topic & Situation Solution Prize winners will be notified on December 25, 2011. 12 25 11 25 Words & Phrases competition eligible entry notify comply with preceding disqualify participate 16

04~05 실전모의고사 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1 ` W You re supposed to design the layout of our school newspaper, aren t you? M Yes, I m working on the cover page now. Would you like to help? W Sure. Where are you going to put the school name? I think you should place it horizontally. M Horizontally? I m thinking of placing it vertically. W That s not a bad idea, but I don t think it will be easy to read. M Yeah, that makes sense. I ll place the school name horizontally, then. Next, I have two main articles to put on the cover. W How about arranging them in columns? M That s what I think. And I have two pictures related to the articles. W Where do you want to put them? M I ll place them on the right hand side. What do you think? W I think it s one-sided. It s out of balance. How about placing the pictures between the articles? M Umm... That s a lot more eye-catching. Now everything is settled. Thanks for your help with the design, Rachel. W My pleasure. Topic & Situation Solution I ll place the school name horizontally, then. arranging them in columns placing the pictures between the articles Words & Phrases be supposed to layout place horizontally vertically make sense article arrange column related to one-sided out of balance eye-catching 2 ` M The new semester will begin next Monday, so I m leaving tomorrow, Mom. W I see. Well, how are you getting to California? 17

04~05 실전모의고사1회 M I m driving alone. The ten-hour drive isn t too difficult. W Still, you should always be careful. Nobody can predict when an accident will happen. M I know what you mean, Mom. You don t have to worry too much about it. I will watch out. W If you get tired while driving, you should stop at a rest area. M Okay, and I ll get a cup of coffee every few hours. W That s a good idea. And don t stop to pick up strangers. It could be dangerous. M Of course, I won t. W And remember to call me as soon as you get to the dorm. M I will. Mom, stop giving me so much advice, please. As you know, I m 22 years old. W Try to understand. I m your mother. If you were a parent, you would understand me. M I do, but please don t treat me like a little child. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases semester predict pick up dorm dormitorytreat 3 ` M In a land where hamburgers, pizzas, and fried chicken are among our favorite foods, why do some of us become vegetarians? Worldwide, vegetarianism is often part of religious faith, especially to Buddhists and Hindus. But the reasons for becoming vegetarians are more diverse than people usually think they are. Some people choose vegetarianism for health reasons. They say that diets lower in animal fats and higher in fiber decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Ethical beliefs also bring other people to vegetarianism. They object to the ways that some animals, such as cows and chickens, are confined and that they are often fed various chemicals, such as growth hormones and antibiotics. In addition, there are people who object to killing animals for consumption or for their decorative body parts. 18

www.ebsi.co.kr Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases vegetarian vegetarianism religious faith Buddhist Hindu fiber diabetes ethical object to confine feed chemical antibiotic consumption decorative 4 ` W Come over here, Thomas. There is something we need to talk about. M What is it, Mom? W I got a letter from your homeroom teacher, Mrs. Elster, today. She says you haven t been studying these days. M I ve been studying, Mom. I just keep forgetting to turn in my homework. W She says you don t pay attention in class, either. M That s not true. I do pay attention in class. Maybe Mrs. Elster misunderstood me. Sometimes I don t look at her in class, but it doesn t mean that I m not paying attention to what she s saying. W You must focus in class, anyway. And I want you to study every evening from 8:00 until 10:00. By the way, did you finish your homework today? M No, not yet. Okay, I am going to do my math homework right now. W Go ahead, Thomas. M Can I still watch TV and play computer games? W Not during the week until your grades improve. You can t have any friends over during the week, either. M Mom, please. That s too cruel. Topic & Situation Solution did you finish your homework today? No, not yet. Okay, I am going to do my math homework right now. Go ahead, Thomas. TV Words & Phrases keep -ing turn in pay attention misunderstand focus have ~ over 19

04~05 실전모의고사1회 5 ` W These fruits and vegetables look very fresh. Do you grow all of them yourself? M Yes. My farm is about fifty miles from here. I sell my own fruits and vegetables at this farmer s market. W I see. How much is a pineapple? They smell so sweet. M They are five dollars each. These pineapples are juicy and full of vitamins. How many do you want? W Umm... I ll get two. How much is a pack of strawberries? M They re ten dollars each. They re very delicious, too. W I ll take one pack. How about these watermelons? M They are seedless and very sweet. Large ones are twenty dollars each and small ones fifteen dollars each. W Well, I ll take a small one. That s enough. M Okay. So, two pineapples, one pack of strawberries, and one small watermelon... I can give you a 20-percent discount if you have our membership card. W Your membership card? Unfortunately, I don t have one. Here you go. M Thank you, ma am. So... 40 dollars, and here s your change. Topic & Situation Solution 10 15 2 5 1 10 1 1535 20 Words & Phrases farmer s market sweet, watermelon seedless 6 ` W Good morning, everyone! Today is the third day of our tour. I hope you re all ready for a wonderful day today. Our first stop will be at a beach where you can swim or snorkel. Then we ll visit Penguin Island in the morning. Don t worry about lunch today because a full lunch will be served by our staff. After lunch you are scheduled for some surprise entertainments. Then we ll visit two other islands, with swimming and lots of photo opportunities. Make sure you don t forget your sunscreen because we ll have lots of sun on 20

www.ebsi.co.kr this three-island tour today. We re leaving here in about twenty minutes. The bus is leaving at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Topic & Situation Solution Our first stop will be at a beach ~. / Then we ll visit Penguin Island in the morning. / After lunch you are scheduled for some surprise entertainments. Then we ll visit two other islands, ~. Words & Phrases snorkel staff entertainment sunscreen sharp 7 ` M What are you working so hard on, Jeehee? W I don t understand this paragraph. M Oh, you re studying English literature for the midterm exam. W Yeah. I ve looked up all the new words, but I still don t understand the ideas. Do you have a few minutes? M Sure. I was just about to take a break. W What do you think the paragraph means? M Okay, let me see... Hmm, first of all, you should be able to guess the meaning of the words from the context. W I see, but it s not so easy to do. M In some cases, it s very hard to grasp the underlying meaning of a paragraph. So, a dictionary doesn t always help so much. W I understand what you mean. M Now, let s do it together. We ll go back to the first line. W Okay. Thanks, Minsoo. Topic & Situation Solution I still don t understand the ideas. Do you have a few minutes? What do you think the paragraph means? Words & Phrases paragraph English literature look up be about to take a break context grasp underlying meaning 8 ` W You know we have to turn our cell phones off here. Did you turn yours off? 21

04~05 실전모의고사1회 M Yes, I did. I m a little bit excited. W This is my second time here. Last Saturday I saw a talk show here. That s one of my favorite TV programs. M Is it? By the way, it s unbelievable that we re going to see famous singers here in person. W Oh, look over there! They re clearing the stage. I think the broadcast is just about to begin. M This program is aired live for an hour and a half, so I think masters of ceremonies are a little bit nervous. W Who do you think will get the first prize today? For the last four weeks Power Guys has won with the song of Once Again. M You re a big fan of them. I hope Grace Girl will get first place this week. She has a powerful voice and outstanding singing ability. W Oh, they re turning off the stage lights. M Let s be quiet. Topic & Situation TV Solution I saw a talk show here. That s one of my favorite TV programs. / I think the broadcast is just about to begin. / This program is aired live for an hour and a half TV Words & Phrases turn off in person broadcast be about to be aired live master of ceremonies 9 ` M Good afternoon. May I ask you a favor? I m looking for a gorgeous restaurant for dinner tonight. W May I ask what your budget is, sir? M One of my foreign customers is very important to me, so I want nothing less than the best. W In that case, what do you think about our own hotel restaurant? M You mean the restaurant on the top floor of this hotel? W Yes. The chef, the food, and the service are world-class. What is better, the guests of our hotel can get a 10-percent discount. Why don t you get the discount? M Thank you, miss, but I don t want to stay in the hotel for dinner. How about another excellent restaurant around here? 22

www.ebsi.co.kr W Okay. Well, I suggest Rosemary for its fantastic night views. M Rosemary? You mean the restaurant on Fifth Avenue? I ve heard it s quite popular. W Yes. It s highly rated and it has live jazz. The food is truly exquisite. M Sounds great. I d like to reserve a table for two at seven o clock right now. W I hope you ll have a great time with your important customer tonight, sir. M Thanks a lot, miss. Topic & Situation Solution what do you think about our own hotel restaurant? You mean the restaurant on the top floor of this hotel? the guests of our hotel can get a 10-percent discount. Why don t you get the discount? I don t want to stay in the hotel for dinner. Words & Phrases gorgeous budget nothing less than chef suggest fantastic night view be highly rated exquisite reserve a table 10 ` M Do you have any plans tonight, Kathy? W Why? Do you want me to go see a movie with you tonight too? We saw a movie two days ago. M Not a movie this time. I have two tickets for the concert tonight. Would you like to come with me? W Umm... I already have plans for tonight. Who is performing? M Lady Rose is playing. You like the singer, don t you? W Sure. I really love her. M These are also great seats. They are only three rows from the stage. W Three rows? Okay. I ll cancel my plans to have dinner with my co-worker and come with you. By the way, how did you get such great seats? M My brother works for an entertainment management agency. He gave me the tickets. W That s super. M By the way, why don t you cancel your plans for tonight right away? W Okay. Where s my cell phone? Let s see... Oh, here it is. 23

04~05 실전모의고사1회 Topic & Situation Solution why don t you cancel your plans for tonight right away? Okay. to call her co-worker Words & Phrases perform row stage cancel co-worker entertainment management agency right away 11 ` M Jenny, don t you think we need to buy a new TV set before we move into our new apartment? W Wow, you read my mind. Actually, I was looking at the Rainbow website. It has all the best selling models. Come over here. M Okay. (pause) How about a 40-inch TV? The price seems reasonable. W But we already have a 40-inch TV. It s better to have a wider screen for watching movies. M That s right. Well, what do you think of a 60-inch TV? That would give us a movie theater experience. W The wider, the better. But it s too expensive. You know that our budget for a TV set is under $3,500. M All right. Well, there are three options available. Do you want the TV to be on a stand or on the wall? W Our living room is not that big, so a wall-mounted TV sounds better. M You re right. W Do you want to watch 3D movies? It d be cool to watch 3D movies at home. M Absolutely. Now, which one do you prefer, an LCD model or an LED model? W An LED TV has much sharper images. M Okay, then, let s order that one right now. Topic & Situation TV Solution 40 60 our budget for a TV set is under $3,500. a wall-mounted TV sounds better. It d be cool to watch 3D movies at home. An LED TV has much sharper images. LED50 3D 3,400 TV Words & Phrases reasonable budget option available wall-mounted sharp 24

www.ebsi.co.kr 12 ` M Good afternoon! It s been 50 years since our high school was founded. As you know, as part of the celebration, we re going to have a hiking trip for the first graders this Saturday. I d like to make an announcement concerning the trip. The students who have already signed up for the trip should go to Ms. Bradley to receive their group number. The students who wish to sign up for the trip should go and speak to Mr. Maxwell. The cost for the trip is $15 for each person and that includes two meals and the transportation expenses. Please remember, today is the last day to sign up for this trip. For the students who are going, you re to meet at the schoolyard at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and the buses are scheduled to leave at 8:30. I hope that you have a good hiking trip! Topic & Situation 50 Solution Please remember, today is the last day to sign up for this trip. Words & Phrases as part of celebration announcement concerning sign up for transportation expense schoolyard 13 ` W The wind is blowing hard. You d better use your tripod. M You re right, but I forgot to bring my tripod. W You re not allowed to take pictures from the middle of the lotus flowers. M Oh, I m sorry. I didn t know that. W Look over there! There s an interesting white lotus flower. M I see it. Just a second. I am adjusting the lens until I bring the flower sharply into focus. W May I ask you a favor? This camera isn t working. M Sure. I ll have a look at it. W Stand still there, please. Wow, you look fantastic against this pond. M Oh, that beautiful lotus flower makes me look more handsome. 25

04~05 실전모의고사1회 Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases blow tripod lotus flower adjust bring ~ into focus fantastic 14 ` W I m confused about some TV shows. M What kind of TV shows do you mean? W For example, quiz shows. How do people know all the answers on the programs? Somebody must give the contestants the answers ahead of time. M That s not true. It s illegal to do so. W Then they must be very intelligent. M Oh, yes. They are. W What about the prize money? Do the winners really win all that money? M Yes, they do. W Well, it must feel great to win so much money. M Topic & Situation TV Solution TV TV 100 Words & Phrases contestant ahead of time illegal intelligent prize money 15 ` M I heard that you ve changed jobs lately. How do you like your new job, Rachel? W The work is okay, but I can t stand the commute or working overtime. M How do you get to work? W I carpool with one of my neighbors, but it takes about one and a half hours to get to my office. 26

www.ebsi.co.kr M Wow, that s terrible. What time do you get to work? W I have to be there by 8:00. M Then you probably have to get up real early. What time do you get up in the morning? W I usually get up at about 5:40, and leave the house before 6:20. M Wow, that cannot be easy every morning. How about your evening? Do you leave work early? W I usually get off work at six, but I have to work overtime about twice a week. M Oh, that s too bad. Perhaps you should think about jobsearching again for better conditions. W Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases stand commute work overtime carpool real leave work get off work 16 ` M I m getting married this Saturday. W Oh, really? Congratulations! Are you marrying the woman you met at Peter s birthday party two years ago? M Oh, no. I broke up with that woman a long time ago. W Then, who are you marrying? I m wondering who she is. M I met her in my biology class when we were in college. W What s her name? I know some of the people who took biology with you. M Susan Frazer. Do you know her? W I think I know her. Is she the woman who got a scholarship at that time? M Yes. She always got an A on every test. She works for a leading pharmaceutical company now. W Wow, you re a lucky man. Well, where are you getting married? M In Central Park. It ll be really nice to get married outside. 27

04~05 실전모의고사1회 W You know what? My husband and I made plans to get married outside too, but we had to change plans because it rained that day. M Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases get married Congratulations! break up with scholarship work for pharmaceutical company 17 ` W Elizabeth doesn t have time for herself these days. She and her husband Roger used to spend time together, but since they have three kids, they never have time for themselves. They both work, but Roger hardly helps Elizabeth with the housework or with the kids. She has to do almost everything all by herself. Today, Elizabeth is busy washing the dishes after work, while two of their kids, who have fought with each other, are crying beside her. Unfortunately, Roger isn t caring for the kids since he feels tired because of the hard work he did at the office today. Elizabeth can t stand his attitude any longer. In this situation, what would Elizabeth most likely say to Roger? Elizabeth: Topic & Situation Solution Roger Roger Elizabeth Elizabeth Roger Words & Phrases all by oneself wash the dishes care for 28

06 화자의심정추론하기 (Telephone rings.) M Hello. Genie s Bookstore. W Finally. I ve been put on hold for the past twenty minutes. M I m very sorry. We ve been getting a lot of calls today. How may I help you? W I m calling to check on the order that I placed two weeks ago. M May I have your name, please? W Lucy Hopkins. M Yes, Ms. Hopkins... Can you wait a moment while I pull up your records? W Wait? It seems that s all I ve been doing lately. I was supposed to receive my books a week ago. M Oh, I m terribly sorry. Let me check... It looks like your books will arrive within the next seven days. W Seven days? So I have to wait for another week? Cancel my order. I m going to find another bookstore. M But I guarantee your order will be delivered in a week. W Just forget it! Topic & Situation Solution 20 2 1 annoyed Words & Phrases be put on hold lately cancel guarantee Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 ` W Hi, Jason. How are you? M Hi, I m good. How about you, Cathy? You look very tired. W Yes, I feel exhausted. I didn t get a wink of sleep because of the soccer match last night. 29

06 화자의심정추론하기 M What? Did you watch the semifinals of the World Cup between Brazil and Germany at 3:30 in the morning? W Yeah, that s right. M You must be a soccer-holic. Was the game exciting? W No. It was one of the most boring games I d ever seen. It was a bad decision to watch the game. M Maybe. Moreover, you have a marketing presentation in front of the directors this morning. Can you handle it? W No, I don t think I can do that well. I just feel like going home and sleeping as soon as possible. M You ll have to find a way to energize yourself for the presentation. You know, if you don t make a good impression and answer questions confidently during the presentation, your career in this company may be in trouble. W Yeah, you re right. Oh, why did I watch the game? I shouldn t have stayed up all night. Topic & Situation TV Solution It was a bad decision to watch the game., I shouldn t have stayed up all night. Words & Phrases exhausted I didn t get a wink of sleep. semifinals soccer-holic moreover director impression confidently 2 ` W Hey, Brian. Where are you going? M Hi, Stella! I m going to the multimedia center. I have to return these CDs. What about you? W To J&K Department Store. M Now? It s only 10:20 in the morning. Don t you think it s a bit early to go shopping? W Well... I m going there not to go shopping but to get my prize. M To get your prize? What do you mean by that? W You know I participated in a giveaway event held by the department store, don t you? I won the second prize. M Really? Wow, you re so lucky. In fact, I ve never won any prizes. Anyway, what is the prize? W A brand-new notebook computer. In fact, I was about to buy a new one. But now I don t have to. M That s great! Ah, you were selected as the first prize winner at another event last month, weren t you? 30

www.ebsi.co.kr W Yeah, that s right. It was organized by Rainbow Computer. At that time I got a digital camera. M I think you re a really lucky girl. If only I were half as lucky as you are! Topic & Situation Solution I think you re a really lucky girl. If only I were half as lucky as you are! Words & Phrases a bit participate in giveaway don t have to select organize 3 ` M Cindy, are you still reading this novel? W Yeah, it s really interesting. Once I finish reading it, let me lend it to you. You ll also be fascinated by its touching story. M Okay, thanks. Anyway, can you stop reading for a minute? I have something very important to tell you. W Something important? What is it? M I was just at the main library. The library put the names of the people they hired as assistant librarians on the board. W Did they? Hey, tell me. Is my name on the board? M Yes, it is. You ve just got a part time job that will pay $12 an hour. And you re supposed to work from next week. W Really? Thanks for letting me know. Oh, what a relief! I was really worried that I might not be able to get this job. As you know, I may have a hard time paying tuition without a parttime job. M I know. That s why I came straight to you as soon as I saw the result. W Thank you, Daniel. Topic & Situation Solution 12 Words & Phrases be fascinated by touching put ~ on the board hire assistant librarian be supposed to have a hard time -ing tuition 31

06 화자의심정추론하기 4 ` M Honey, I m home. W Hi, sweetie. Back home so late. What happened? M My boss called an urgent meeting when I was about to leave the office. W I see. By the way, did you book the ship tickets to Green Island this weekend? M Sure, I did it during the lunch hour. You know, we got a 30% discount off the regular price because it s the low season. W That s great. What about accommodations? Did you also reserve a room? M Yes, I did. Can you guess which hotel I booked? W No, I can t. Just tell me which hotel you booked. M Don t be surprised. We re going to stay at Kingdom Hotel. W Kingdom Hotel? Oh, that s one of the most luxurious hotels in Green Island and where I wanted to stay. But I think the hotel is pretty expensive, isn t it? M Don t worry about the price. I also got 30% off for the same reason as the ship ticket discount. W Really? That s really nice. Now all we have to do is enjoy our trip, then. Topic & Situation Solution Green 30% 30% Now all we have to do is enjoy our trip, then. Words & Phrases urgent be about to book (=reserve) regular price accommodation luxurious 5 ` W Albert, can I talk to you for a minute? M Sure, Miss Redford. W Last night, I finished reading your short story on friendships within your generation. M You did? How d you like it? W In the beginning it was a little bit boring, and the description of the characters was somewhat unclear. M Well... I m sorry to hear that. In fact, I was hoping to get some positive feedback from you. 32

www.ebsi.co.kr W Please let me finish my comment. As I kept on reading the story, I found that the storyline was quite impressive and really interesting. I also thought that the ending was really touching. M Really? Thank you for saying so. Then, you think there s a possibility that I can win the story contest if I submit it? W Absolutely! You re sure to win. Topic & Situation Solution Words & Phrases generation in the beginning description character somewhat feedback storyline impressive possibility submit 6 ` W Honey, I went to the police station this afternoon. M I see. What did they say? W Nothing, really. They just told me that they would contact me if they found our pet. Where on earth is she now? M Did you give them a picture of her? W Yes, I did. What about you? Did you put lost pet posters on the walls around the neighborhood? M Yeah. But I think we need more posters... about 100 copies. I covered only half of the neighborhood. W I see. I ll ask the copy store to print about 100 more copies. M Okay. As soon as the posters are available, I ll put them up. W I ll come with you. M I hope someone will take good care of her until we find her. W What if she gets in a serious accident or we never find her? M Don t talk like that. I m afraid it may become a reality. W Yeah, but I just can t stop thinking that the worst case scenario can happen to us. Topic & Situation Solution What if she gets in a serious accident or we never find her?, Yeah, but I just can t stop thinking that the worst case scenario can happen to us. Words & Phrases contact copy store available 33

07 수치정보파악하기 (Telephone rings.) W Hello, Roger s Office Supplies. Would you like to place an order? M Yes. I d like to order a fax machine. W May I have the model number, please? M It s FX-1000. W Alright. That model is $150. Which color would you like? M I d like the black one, please. And I d also like to order a scanner. The model number is SCN-2000. W That s $250. Would you like to order anything else? M No. That s all for today. W Then, your total comes to $400. Do you have any discount coupons? M Yes. I have a special 10% discount coupon. W Okay. We ll apply that to your order. Would you like to take advantage of our three-month or six-month installment plan? It s interest-free. M I ll pay using the three-month installment plan. Topic & Situation Solution 150 250 400 10 360 3 120 Words & Phrases office supplies place an order apply take advantage of installment plan interest-free Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 ` W Hi, I m looking for some gifts for my family. M Well, look around the shop. We have a large collection of souvenirs. 34

www.ebsi.co.kr W Hmm, I think my parents will love these postcards. How much are they? M It s eight dollars per set of postcards. W Okay. I d like to buy two sets. Oh, these key-rings are cute. M They are six dollars each. Would you like to buy them, too? W Yes, I ll buy three key-rings for my three sisters. Well, I have a younger brother, but I can t decide on a good gift for him. M How about this pencil sharpener? It s small, so he can carry it with him in a pencil case. W Cool! I think he ll like it. How much is it? M It s two dollars, but I ll give it to you free of charge. W Really? You re so kind. Here s forty dollars. M Thank you. Here s your change. Topic & Situation Solution 8 6 34 2 Words & Phrases souvenir postcard key-ring pencil sharpener free of charge change 2 ` (Telephone rings.) M Hello, Smart Print Shop. How may I help you? W Hi. I d like to print a fifty-page pamphlet. I want it printed in color on A4 paper. M For fifty pages, it will cost two dollars per pamphlet. How many copies are you going to order in total? W Well, about four to five hundred copies, I think. Is there any discount available for a large quantity order? M Yes. If you order 500 or more, it s just one dollar per copy. W Really? It s a half-price deal! Then it would be more profitable to print 500 or more. M Right. It can save you some money. W Then please make 500 copies. Oh, wait a minute! I think I ll order more. I have to send them to our sponsors, too. M Then how many more copies do you think you need? 35

07 수치정보파악하기 W Well, I d like to order an extra 100 copies. M Alright. If you bring your pamphlet today, we can get the copies ready by this Thursday. W I see. I ll be there with the pamphlet around 3 o clock today. Topic & Situation Solution 2 500 1 500 100 600 Words & Phrases copy quantity profitable sponsor extra 3 ` (Telephone rings.) M Hello. Mom, it s me. W Oh, Tom. Are you ready to go? M Yes, I m in the train station now. I ve just bought a ticket. W Great! What is the departure time of the train? M It leaves at 1:30. I ll have a light lunch around here while I m waiting for the train. I have 30 minutes left. W Good idea. I ll be at the station to pick you up at 2:30. It takes one hour to get here by train, right? M Oh, no! I couldn t get a ticket for the high-speed train this time. There were no seats available. So I m going on a normal-speed one. W Oh, my! Then the train will stop at almost every station. M Right. So I think I m arriving late, but don t worry. I won t be late for the appointment at 5 o clock. W I see. So how long does the train take? M They say it takes two and a half hours from this station. W Okay, I ll be there on time. Topic & Situation Solution 1 30 4 Words & Phrases departure light lunch pick up available appointment 36

www.ebsi.co.kr 4 ` M Good evening, ma am. Can I help you? W Yes, please. I d like to buy some night cream for my mother. M Is there a particular product she prefers? W I m not sure, but I know she has sensitive skin. M Then, how about this organic night cream? It s chemical-free and it s only $250. W Oh, it s far more expensive than I expected. M Okay, then, how about this one? It s one of the best-selling items in this store. W Oh, it s from Beautyshop. My mother often uses this brand. How much is it? M It s originally $150, but it s on sale now so you can get a special twenty percent discount. W Great! Then I ll buy two of those creams. Please gift-wrap them separately. M No problem. Just a second, ma am. Topic & Situation Solution 150 20 120 240 Words & Phrases particular prefer sensitive organic chemical-free originally 5 ` W Daniel, let s check on the plans for our housewarming party this Sunday. M Okay. Let s see. We ve already decided on what food to prepare. W Right. Now we need to know exactly how many people are coming. M Well, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson told me they could join. W Yeah, and I heard Neil would bring his wife and his two daughters with him. M Cool! It s been a long time since I saw those little ladies. Then we have six guests in total. W Well, don t we have two more? You said Lucile would come with her boyfriend. 37

07 수치정보파악하기 M Oh, I forgot to tell you. She called me this morning to say that they couldn t make it because of her business trip. W I m sorry to hear that. I wanted to meet her boyfriend. M Me, too, but there will be another chance. Then including us, we should prepare food for eight servings, right? W Yes. Let s go shopping for groceries this evening. Topic & Situation Solution Wilson Neil 6 Lucile Words & Phrases housewarming party exactly in total business trip serving 1 grocery 6 ` W Danny, how is it going with the preparation for the school festival? M So far so good. I ve finished designing the poster. W Wow, this is great! It looks professional. Did you design it yourself? M I got some help from my sister. She s good at computer graphic design. W Great! So, how many copies of the poster should we order? M Well, let me see. You said we were supposed to send the posters to thirty other high schools, right? W Yeah, it can be a kind of invitation to those schools. M Right. And we also need to put up the posters on the walls of the buildings on campus. W For that, twenty-five copies will do, I think. M But I think we d better order 10 more copies just in case. W That sounds good. I ll place an order for them this afternoon. Topic & Situation Solution 30 25 55 10 65 Words & Phrases professional be good at be supposed to put up just in case 38