독해전략 2-1 When people move from one city or country to another, the spread of 사람들이 도시나 나라에서 다른 곳으로 이동할 때, 질병의 확산 (spread of diseases) 이 일어날 수 있다.. dise

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How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활


독해전략 2-1 When people move from one city or country to another, the spread of diseases may result. People often bring in germs which may not have been present there before. These new germs can spread quickly previously unknown diseases. If a germ is completely new to a region, people have no natural protection against it. They become ill more easily and die more often. On the contrary, new comers may catch diseases which were not present where they came from. If they go back, they may carry the disease with them and start an epidemic there, too. Changing in heating systems of buildings can also lead to disease. In the 1970s, there was a worldwide shortage of heating oil. To save fuel, hotel in the United States lowered the temperature in their heating systems. This lower temperature was just perfect for a deadly germ which grows in heating pipes. When the heated air was blown into the rooms of a hotel, it carried the germs. Many visitors became ill and several died. Pollution of the oceans can also result in the spread of disease. Phosphates and nitrates from fertilizers plus human waste eventually flow into the oceans. These pollutants result in the increased growth of tiny plants called algae. These plants provide a home of cholera, a deadly disease. The infected algae can stick to ships, which then carry the cholera germs all around the world. Germs of the disease recently rode on ships going from India to South Africa. There, thousands of people have died from the resulting epidemic of cholera. 1. Which of the following is the most appropriate for the title of the above passage? (a) How to Prevent Pollution in the Oceans (b) How the Oil Crisis Led to Diseases (c ) How Diseases Spread (d) How to Cope With the Spread of Diseases 2. Which of the following best reflects the main idea in the first paragraph of the above passage? (a) New visitors in a certain region are immune to disease present there. (b) When people move from place to place, new diseases may be spread. (c) An epidemic usually starts as animals spread deadly diseases. (d) Traveling may not be allowed to prevent the spread of diseases. 3. Which of the following best reflects the main idea in the third paragraph of the above passage? (a) It is imperative to clean the oceans which have been polluted by tiny plants called algae. (b) Pollution of the oceans can also result in the spread of diseases. (c ) Fertilizers and human waste are the main factors which may pollute the oceans. (d) Cholera spreads via ships commuting from one country to another. - 1 -

독해전략 2-1 When people move from one city or country to another, the spread of 사람들이 도시나 나라에서 다른 곳으로 이동할 때, 질병의 확산 (spread of diseases) 이 일어날 수 있다.. diseases may result. People often bring in germs which may not have been present there before. These new germs can spread quickly previously unknown diseases. If a germ is completely new to a region, people have no natural protection against it. They become ill more easily and die more often. On the contrary, new comers may catch diseases which were not present where they came from. If they go back, they may carry the disease with them and start an epidemic there, too. Changing in heating systems of buildings can also lead to disease. In 건물의 난방 시스템의 변경은 또핝 질병을 야기할 수 있다.. the 1970s, there was a worldwide shortage of heating oil. To save fuel, hotel in the United States lowered the temperature in their heating systems. This lower temperature was just perfect for a deadly germ which grows in heating pipes. When the heated air was blown into the rooms of a hotel, it carried the germs. Many visitors became ill and several died. Pollution of the oceans can also result in the spread of disease. 대양의 오염은 또한 질병의 확산을 야기 할 수 있다. 있 Phosphates and nitrates from fertilizers plus human waste eventually flow into the oceans. These pollutants result in the increased growth of tiny plants called algae. These plants provide a home of cholera, a deadly disease. The infected algae can stick to ships, which then carry the cholera germs all around the world. Germs of the disease recently rode on ships going from India to South Africa. There, thousands of people have died from the resulting epidemic of cholera. 독해전략3: 단락이 여러 개일 때 는 모든 단락의 첫 문 장들을 다 읽어라. 지문 이해도 첫 단락 : 사람들이 이동할 때 된다 두 번째 단락: 난방 시스템을 변경할 때 된다. 세 번째 단락 : 대양의 오염이 또한 을 야기한다. : - 2 -

1. Which of the following is the most appropriate for the title of the above passage? (a) How to Prevent Pollution in the Oceans (b) How the Oil Crisis Led to Diseases (c ) How Diseases Spread (d) How to Cope With the Spread of Diseases 2. Which of the following best reflects the main idea in the first paragraph of the above passage? (a) New visitors in a certain region are immune to disease present there. (b) When people move from place to place, new diseases may be spread. (c) An epidemic usually starts as animals spread deadly diseases. (d) Traveling may not be allowed to prevent the spread of diseases. 3. Which of the following best reflects the main idea in the third paragraph of the above passage? (a) It is imperative to clean the oceans which have been polluted by tiny plants called algae. (b) Pollution of the oceans can also result in the spread of diseases. (c ) Fertilizers and human waste are the main factors which may pollute the oceans. (d) Cholera spreads via ships commuting from one country to another. 어휘) disease spread germ low, lower epidemic pollution fertilizer infected algae immune (to) ( 해석 ) 사람들이 도시 혹은 시골에서 다른 지역으로 이사를 할 때 질병의 확산이 초래될 수 있다. 사람들은 종종 전에 그곳에는 없었던 병균들을 가지고 들어온다. 이 새로운 병균들은 이전에는 알려져 있지 않던 질병들을 빠르게 퍼뜨릴 수 있다. 만약 어떤 병균이 어떤 지역에 완전하게 처음 나타난 것 이라면 사람들은 그것에 대한 자연적인 면역력을 가지고 있지 않다. 그들은 더 쉽게 병에 걸리게 되고 더 흔히 죽게 된다. 이와는 반대로 새로운 이 주자들은 그들의 고향에서는 없었던 질병들에 걸릴 수도 있다. 그들이 돌아가면 그 질병을 갖고 갈 수도 있고 그러면 그곳에서 또한 전염병이 발생 될 수 있다. 건물들의 난방 시스템의 변경 또한 질병을 발생 시킬 수 있다. 1970 년대에는 전 세계적으로 난방용 기름의 부족 현상이 있었다. 연료를 아끼기 위해 미국에 있는 호텔들은 난방 시스템의 온도를 낮추었다. 이렇게 낮춰진 온도는 치명적인 병균들이 난방 파이프 속에서 자라는 데 이상적이었다. 가열된 공기가 호텔 객실로 들어 올 때 그 공기는 병균들을 옮겨왔다. 많은 관광객들이 병에 걸리고 몇몇은 사망하였다. 대양의 오염 또한 질병의 확산을 가져올 수 있다. 비료로부터 나온 인산염과 질산염은 인간들이 버린 쓰레기들과 함께 대양으로 흘러 들어간다. 이런 오염물질들은 조류라고 불리는 작은 식물들의 성장을 증진시킨다. 이런 식물들은 치명적인 질병인 콜레라의 서식지가 된다. 감염된 조류는 배들 에 달라붙어서 콜레라균을 전 세계로 옮긴다. 콜레라균들은 최근에 배를 타고 인도에서 남아프리카로 옮겨졌다. 그곳에서 수천 명의 사람들이 콜레라 의 전염으로 사망하였다. - 3 -

독해전략 2-2 All whales fall into two groups, those with teeth and those without. Both beluga and dolphin belong to the suborder of toothed whales known as Odontoceti, along with porpoises, narwhals, pilot whales, killer whales and the largest toothed creature in the world, the sperm whale. Size differences among the Odontoceti are remarkable. A common porpoise will run only 4 or 5 feet in length and 300 pounds in weight; a sperm whale may be 10 times as long and 300 times as heavy. The beluga falls in between, weighing up to 2,000 pounds. And it does chirp. In fact, it makes great variety of squeaking, whistling, and clicking sounds, which have earned it the name of sea canary. The toothless, or baleen whales belong to the suborder of Mysticeti. This is a group of generally large whales formerly abundant in all the oceans of the world. Through reduced by hunting, most species are still found along the coasts of the United States and Canada. All but two of the Mysticeti reach 40 feet or more at maturity, with the blue whale running up to 100 feet and tipping the scales at up to 130 tons. This whale is by far the largest creature that has ever lived on Earth, 4 times the weight of the largest dinosaur, 30 times that of an elephant. 1. With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? a. Breeding habits of whales b. Differences between whales c. Efforts to preserve whales d. The intelligence of whales 2. All of the following whales belong to the suborder of Odontoceti EXCEPT. a. narwhals b. dolphins c. blue whales d. pilot whales 3. According to the passage, the suborder of Mysticeti is distinguished from the suborder of Odontoceti by the absence of. a. color b. fins c. ears d. teeth 4. According to the passage, which of the following accurately describes the relative sizes of two whales? a. The blue whale is larger than the sperm whale. b. The beluga is larger than the blue whale. c. The killer whale is larger than the sperm whale. d. The porpoise is larger than the killer whale. - 4 -

독해전략 2-2 All whales fall into two groups, those with teeth and those without. (1) + (2) 모든 고래 (whales) 는 두 가지 그룹으로 나뉜다, 이가 있는 것과 이가 없는 것. Both beluga and dolphin belong to the suborder of toothed whales known as Odontoceti, along with porpoises, narwhals, pilot whales, killer whales and the largest toothed creature in the world, the sperm whale. Size differences 문제풀이전략 14: 세부사항 문제를 대비해서 최상급을 체크해라. among the Odontoceti are remarkable. A common porpoise will run only 4 or 5 feet in length and 300 pounds in weight; a sperm whale may be 10 times as long and 300 times as heavy. The beluga falls in between, weighing up to 2,000 pounds. And it does chirp. In fact, it makes great variety of squeaking, whistling, and clicking sounds, which have earned it the name of sea canary. The toothless, or baleen whales belong to the suborder of Mysticeti. (3) 이가 없는 또는 baleen 고래는 Mysticeti 의 하위에 속한다. (toothless 에서 'less 는 ~ 이 없는 ' 이라는 뜻 ) This is a group of generally large whales formerly abundant in all the oceans of the world. Through reduced by hunting, most species are still found along the coasts of the United States and Canada. All but two of the Mysticeti reach 40 feet or more at maturity, with the blue whale running up to 100 feet and tipping the scales at up to 130 tons. This whale is by far the largest creature that has ever lived on Earth, 4 times the weight of the 문제풀이전략 14: 세부사항 문제를 대비해서 최상급을 체크해라. largest dinosaur, 30 times that of an elephant. (1) 독해전략 1: Key word: (2) 독해전략 21: 고래는 두 가지 그룹 이 있다고 했으므로 지금부터 두 가지 고 래에 대해서만 나온 다. 어디까지가 첫 번 째 고래에 대한 것이 고 어디 부터가 두 번 째 고래의 시작인지 그 찾아내 라. (3) 독해전략 2: 두 번째 고래 종류를 이 야기하기 위해서 을 바꾸었다. 지문 분석 첫 단락 : 고래는 로 분리 된다. 이가 있는 고래와 이가 없는 고래. 두 번째 단락: 독해 전략 2: 단락이 바뀌었다는 것은 큰 주제 속에서 다른 스토리가 전개된다는 것을 의미한다. 모든 단락의 첫 문장을 목숨 걸고 읽어라. 1. With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? a. Breeding habits of whales b. Differences between whales c. Efforts to preserve whales d. The intelligence of whales - 5 -

( 독해전략 21): ( 독해전략 2): 2. All of the following whales belong to the suborder of Odontoceti EXCEPT. a. narwhals b. dolphins c. blue whales d. pilot whales ( 독해 전략 2): 문제풀이전략 14: 세부사항에 자주 빈출되는 코드들을 지문을 읽을 때 미리 체크해 두어라. ( ) 3. According to the passage, the suborder of Mysticeti is distinguished from the suborder of Odontoceti by the absence of. a. color b. fins c. ears d. teeth ( 독해전략 2): 4. According to the passage, which of the following accurately describes the relative sizes of two whales? 문제풀이전략 2: 문제풀이전략 14: a. The blue whale is larger than the sperm whale. b. The beluga is larger than the blue whale. c. The killer whale is larger than the sperm whale. d. The porpoise is larger than the killer whale. ( ) 어휘) suborder remarkable abundant maturity ( 해석 ) ( 차 시험) 모든 고래들은 이가 있는 것과 이가 없는 것의 두 개의 그룹으로 나뉜다. 흰돌고래나 보통 돌고래는 모두 참돌고래나 일각고래, 큰머리고래, 범고래 그리고 세상에서 가장 큰 이를 지닌 동물인 향유고래와 함께 Odontoceti 로 알려져 있는 이가 있는 고래의 아목에 속한다. Odontoceti의 크기 차이는 주목할 만하다. 보통의 참돌고래는 약 4~5피트의 길이와 약 300 파운드의 무게가 나간다. 향유 고래는 열 배 더 길고 300 배 더 무겁다. 흰 돌고래는 그 중간으로 거의 2000 파운드까지 나간다. 그리고 그것은 울음소리를 낸다. 사실 그것은 끽끽거리거나 휘파람 소리를 내거나 혀차는 소리를 내는 등 매우 다양한 소리를 내어 바다 카나리아라는 이름을 얻었다. 이가 없는 혹은 수염이 난 고래는 Mysticeti 아목에 속한다. 이것은 옛날에는 세계의 모든 대양에 많이 살고 있었던 일반적으로 크기가 큰 고래들의 그룹이다. 고래잡이( 포경산업) 로 줄어들기는 했지만, 대부분의 종류들이 아직도 미국과 캐나다의 연안을 따라 발견된다. 두 가지를 제외한 모든 Mysticeti 고래들은 긴수염 고래가 100피트의 길이와 130 톤에 이르는 무게가 나가는 것을 포함하여, 성숙했을 때 40피트 또는 그 이상의 길이나 된다. 이 고래는 지구상에 존재했었던 가장 큰 생물체로 공룡보다 4배나 무거우며 코끼리보다는 30 배나 크다. - 6 -

독해전략 4-1 Moving about seems to give Americans a great pleasure. This mobility is exhibited not only in the matter of housing. Even when Americans are not moving from one home to another, they are constantly traveling. Many people travel by train, and airplane travel is very popular. However, travel by automobile is by far the most common. The car is used for the Sunday afternoon ride for the family as well as for social engagements and business purposes. To have a good car is almost a symbol of success for many people. 1. Which of the following is the best title? a. Americans and Car b. Traveling by Train c. How to Succeed in America d. Why Americans Love to Move 2. Why do Americans think to have a car is important? a. It determines one's intelligence. b. Other vehicles are not convenient. c. Americans love traveling and moving about. d. It is least useful for the Sunday afternoon ride. - 7 -

독해전략 4-1 1Moving about seems to give Americans a great pleasure. This mobility is (1) 돌아다니는 것(Moving 것 about)은 미국인에게 많은 즐거움을 준다. exhibited not only in the matter of housing. Even when Americans are not moving from one home to another, they are constantly traveling. Many people travel by train, and airplane travel is very popular. However, travel by automobile is by far the most common. The car is used for the Sunday (2) + (3) 그러나 자동차 (automobile) 에 의한 여행이 가장 흔하다. afternoon ride for the family as well as for social engagements and business purposes. To have a good car is almost a symbol of success for many people. 독해전략 1: Key word: 미국인 돌아다니기 지문의 방향: (+) 독해전략 4: 반전을 체크해라.. ( ) 문제풀이 전략 4: 세 부사항 II: ( ) 지문 분석 독해전략 1: 첫문장 돌아다니는 것(moving about) 은 미국인에게 많은 즐거움을 준다. Key word: 독해전략 4: 반전 을 체크해라 독해전략 12: 최상급 을 체크해라 그러나 자동차(automobile) 에 의한 여행이 가장 흔하다. Key word: 추가됨 1. Which of the following is the best title? a. Americans and Car b. Traveling by Train c. How to Succeed in America d. Why Americans Love to Move 문제풀이전략 11: 주제문 제 공략하기 1-2 2. Why do Americans think to have a car is important? a. It determines one's intelligence. b. Other vehicles are not convenient. c. Americans love traveling and moving about. d. It is least useful for the Sunday afternoon ride. - 8 -

( 구문분석 1) 전치사, 부사의 중요성 moving moving about, moving around away around run away dance away fool around ride around drive away sleep away get around walk around fly away listen around get around melt away sleep around walk away travel around boil away talk around How can we get around the problem of the tax laws? off up turn off stand up clean up switch off wake up drink up kick off spring up eat up press off sit up fill up cut the branch off pay off my debt sleep off the effects of last night's party He married off two daughters. I dieted off 20 pounds. out went out blew out, vote out stepped out rub out blot out Sony has brought out a new portable music system. take out 어휘) mobility pleasure exhibit automobile engagement ( 해석 ) 돌아다니는 것은 미국인들에게 큰 즐거움을 주는 것처럼 보인다. 이러한 이동성은 주거 문제에서 만 나타나는 것이 아니다. 심지어 미국인들이 이 집에서 저 집으로 이동하고 있지 않을 때조차도 그들은 끊임없이 여행하고 있다. 사람들이 기차로 여행하고 비행기로 하는 여행은 매우 대중화되어 있다. 그러나 자동차 여행이 단연코 가장 흔하다. 자동차는 사교적 약속과 사업 목적뿐만 아니라 가족을 위한 일요일 오후의 교통수단으로 사용된다. 좋은 차를 소유하고 있다는 것은 많은 사람들 에게 거의 성공의 상징이 되고 있다. - 9 -