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2 佛敎學報 第 48 輯 서도 이 목적을 준수하였다. 즉 석문의범 에는 승가의 일상의례 보다는 각종의 재 의식에 역점을 두었다. 재의식은 승가와 재가가 함께 호흡하는 공동의 場이므로 포 교와 대중화에 무엇보다 중요한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 믿음을 지니고 있었다. 둘째



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_KF_Bulletin webcopy

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카테고리 시리즈 명 SME 컨텐트 에센스 심화 컨텐트 탬플릿 평가 대 분 류 중 분 류 개수 평균 시간 개수 총 시간 개수 총 시간 유 형 개수 유무 경영일반 경영기법 Performance Management를 위한 전략적 성과면담 김정일 20 0:43:09 8 6:3



Output file

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보



Lesson Festivals around the World 5 Preview 1 소재 세계 여러 나라의 축제 의사소통 기능 좋아하는 것 표현하기 I enjoy watching movies. 제안, 권유 하기 Can you make it at four? 언어 형식 Holi is the most exciting day of the year for Indian people. Chun Jie, the biggest holiday in China, is a celebration of the beginning of the lunar new year. 2 72 Lesson 5

3 4 5 Warm Up 1 그림에 나오는 축제가 다음 중 어떤 것인지 이야기해 봅시다. Songkran (Water Festival) Thanksgiving Day La Tomatina (Tomato Festival) Gangneung Dano Festival 2 Halloween 그림의 축제에 대해 조사하여 이야기해 봅시다. Festivals around the World 73

Listen & Speak 1 Listen and Do 1. What kind of movies does the boy like? 2. What are they going to buy? They are going to buy ( tennis shoes, a classical music CD) for their mom. B Look and Talk What do you like to do? Talk with your partner and fill in the blanks. What do you like to do in your free time, Minji? B I enjoy reading books. How about you? I enjoy playing computer games. I enjoy... reading books Name Minji playing soccer going to the movies playing computer games listening to music Your own 74 Lesson 5

Listen & Speak 2 Listen and Do 1. Where and when are Sujin and Junho going to meet? Where? When? 2. What are Eric and Narae going to do this Saturday? They re going to go. B Look and Talk Can you make it at five? Talk with your partner and fill in the blanks. I m going to go to the movies. Can you join me, Hojun? B Sure. What time? Can you make it at five? B Sounds good. Where should we meet? Let s meet at the movie theater. What With whom (Name) When Where go to the movies play soccer ride a bike go to the library Hojun five at the movie theater at the movie theater / at the playground / at the park / at the school gate Festivals around the World 75

ct Out Watch and nswer Where are Bora and Brian going to meet this Saturday? B Listen and Complete Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Bora Brian, these cookies. I made them myself. Brian Really? They look so. re you good at? Bora No. I m not a good cook, but I really enjoy. Brian I want to learn to make cookies, too. Is it difficult? Bora Not at all. I m going to make some more this Saturday. You can come to my house and me if you want. Brian Thanks, Bora. What time should I come? Bora Well, how about three? Brian Sorry, but I have to visit at three. Bora Then can you make it at one? Brian Sounds good. See you then. my grandmother cooking try join delicious C Role Play ct out the dialog with your partner. 76 Lesson 5

Let s Communicate 자신과 공통된 취미를 가지고 있는 짝을 찾아 약속을 정하는 대화를 해 봅시다. 자 Step 5명이 한 모둠이 되어 좋아하는 일이 적힌 카드를 오려서 섞은 후, 하나씩 나누어 갖습니다. 1 play basketball Let s play together. play computer games Let s go to your house. read books Let s go to the library. go shopping Let s go to Dongdaemun Market. cook Let s cook together. 부록 p. 255 참고 Step 2 두 모둠씩 한 그룹을 이루어 다음과 같이 대화를 하며 자신과 취미가 같은 친구를 찾아봅니다. What do you like to do in your free time? B I enjoy reading books. How about you? I enjoy reading books, too. / I enjoy playing basketball. Step 3 같은 취미를 가진 친구를 찾으면 다음과 같이 그 취미 활동을 함께 하자고 약속을 정하는 대 화를 한 후, 그 내용으로 아래 빈칸을 채웁니다. Let s go to the library. B Sounds good. What time? Can you make it at five? B Sure. and I are going to together at. Festivals around the World 77

Before You Read Look and Write fun Festivals parades holidays B Look and Write 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Chuseok is one of the biggest in Korea. 2. We gifts at Christmas. 3. I opened the to read the letter. 4. The sky is full of beautiful on New Year s Day. 5. The city has a every 4th of July. parade fi reworks celebrations exchange envelope 78 Lesson 5 Go to Play with Words. p. 198

Read & Do Festivals around the World Different countries have different festivals. We can learn a lot about a country s traditions and its culture through its festivals. Here are some big festivals around the world. Chun Jie in China 5 Chun Jie, the biggest holiday in China, is a celebration of the beginning of the lunar new year. It lasts for fifteen days. Before the festival, people clean their houses to get rid of the bad luck from the previous year. During the festival, all the family members get 10 together and eat special foods such as long noodles, oranges, and sticky rice cakes. Parents give their children money in red envelopes. There is a wonderful Chinese New Year Parade in the streets, and the lion dance and the dragon dance are the most popular parts of the parade. Q1. Why do Chinese people clean their houses before Chun Jie? tradition celebration lunar rid such such as envelope dragon get rid of previous get together Festivals around the World 79

Holi in India Holi, an Indian festival, falls on the full moon of the twelfth Hindu month. It is in February or March in the Western calendar. On that day, some people visit a Hindu temple to forget bad feelings. Neighbors exchange good wishes, sweets, and gifts. The best part of the festival is coloring other people s clothes. People wear white clothes and go out in the streets to throw colored powder and water on one another. Their clothes become colorful and everybody is happy. Holi is the most exciting day of the year for Indian people. Q2. What do people throw on one another on Holi? fall on on that day powder everybody 80 Lesson 5 neighbor exchange gift go out 5

5 10 Saint Patrick s Day in Ireland Saint Patrick s Day is one of the most popular celebrations in the world. It started in Ireland because Saint Patrick is the person who brought Christianity to Ireland. On the 17th of March every year, people in Ireland wear green jackets or hats with clovers on them. The clover is the symbol of Saint Patrick. The color green is also important because it is the national color of Ireland. People play Irish music and dance in big parades in the streets. t night, there are beautiful fireworks, and thousands of people go to watch them. Q3. Why do Irish people wear green jackets or hats with clovers on them? bring... to clover symbol national firework Festivals around the World 81

fter You Read Read and Choose 1. It is on March 17th. 2. People throw colored powder and water. 3. Children get money in red envelopes from their parents. 4. People wear green jackets or hats with clovers on them. 5. You can see the lion dance and the dragon dance. 6. People exchange good wishes and sweets. Chun Jie Holi Saint Patrick s Day B Read and Complete Chun Jie Holi when the first day of the lunar new year twelfth Hindu month of the events visiting family members and a Chinese New Year Parade to forget bad feelings throwing on one another C Read and Write Saint Patrick s Day 1. Date: 2. Place: In the streets of Ireland 3. Clothes: jackets or hats 4. Events: You can see big. t night, you can see. 82 Lesson 5

Focus on Language Holi is the most exciting day of the year for Indian people. Minjae is the fastest of the four. Dowon is the tallest of the four. Hojun is the slowest of the four. Jinho is the most popular boy in my class. Dowon Hojun Minjae Jinho Practice Q What is the most interesting sport to you? B Chun Jie, the biggest holiday in China, is a celebration of the beginning of the lunar new year. This is my dad Kim Seungjin. My mom, an English teacher, cooks very well. My brother, a high school student, is very funny. My dog Perry is so cute. Practice 1. My teacher is very nice. 2. My friend plays soccer very well. Go to Play with Language. pp. 199-200 Festivals around the World 83

Think & Write Read and Match 1. Seollal, Korean lunar New Year s Day, 2. It falls on 3. On that day, people 4. Eating tteokguk means that 5. Family members play the traditional Korean board game you become one year older. visit their families and eat tteokguk. is one of the biggest holidays in Korea. the first day of the lunar calendar. yunnori and have fun. B Read and Write Seollal, Korean lunar New Year s Day,. It falls on. On that day,. Family members play the traditional Korean board game yunnori. C Think and Write Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving Day,. It falls on day, songpyeon means that often. On that. Eating. Children and have fun. people visit their families and eat songpyeon do the traditional Korean dance ganggangsullae is one of the biggest holidays in Korea the full moon day of the eighth lunar month you hope for a better future 84 Lesson 5

Project Work Festivals around the World 세계의 다양한 축제를 소개하는 포스터를 만들어 봅시다. Step 1 4명씩 한 모둠을 이루어 인터넷에서 세계의 축제 에 대해 조사해 보고, 축제 소개 포스터에 넣 을 내용을 적습니다. 검색 세계의 10대 축제 Name of the Festival: Date: Place: Special events: Things to know: Step 조사한 내용을 이용하여 모둠별로 포스터를 만들어서 발표를 합니다. 2 Tomato Festival (La Tomatina) Date: The last Wednesday of ugust, at 11 o clock Place: Valencian town of Bunyol, Spain Special events: People throw tomatoes at one another to have fun! fter the tomato fight, people clean the streets together. Things to know: You should bring your old clothes. You shouldn t bring your camera. It is one of the greatest Spanish festivals and the world s largest tomato fight. Step 가장 흥미로운 축제 포스터를 한 개 골라서, 게시판에 전시합니다. 3 Festivals around the World 85

Let s Check 대화를 듣고, 메모를 완성해 봅시다. t 7 pm this Rock Concert! Meet Jason at the B. at four. 대화를 완성하고, 짝과 대화해 봅시다. I m going to watch a baseball game at the ball park this Saturday. B Of course. What time should we meet? The game starts at two. B No problem. See you then. Can you make it at one? I really enjoy watching baseball games. Can you join me? C 글을 읽고, 물음에 답해 봅시다. On Holi, some people visit a Hindu temple to forget bad feelings. Neighbors exchange good wishes, sweets, and gifts. The best part of the festival is coloring other people s clothes. People wear white clothes and go out in the streets to throw colored powder and water on one another. Their clothes become colorful and everybody is happy. (the most, Holi, day, exciting, is) of the year for Indian people. 1. 윗글을 읽고 알 수 없는 것을 골라 봅시다. What color of clothes do people wear on Holi? Why do people visit a Hindu temple on Holi? Why do people throw colored powder and water on one another? 2. 윗글의 내용에 맞게 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 배열해 봅시다. D 86 표를 보고, 문장을 완성해 봅시다. Lesson 5 Tom Sumi John 170 cm 160 cm 158 cm 1. Tom is 2. John is of the three. of the three.

Culture Plus ChunJie,Holi,SaintPatrick sday에대해더알아보기 붉은 봉투에 돈을 넣어 주는 Chun Jie의 풍습 중국에서는 새해에 홍빠오 라는 붉은 봉투에 돈을 넣어 주면서 받는 사람을 축복합니 꽁시 파 차이. 다. 붉은색이 잡귀를 쫓고 복을 가져온다고 믿기 때문입니다. 중국에서 흰 봉투는 장례식 에서만 쓰이기 때문에 우리나라에서처럼 세뱃돈이나 축의금을 흰 봉투에 넣어 주면 아주 큰 실례입니다. 우리나라의 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 에 해당하는 중국 덕담은 돈을 많이 벌기를 바랍니다. 라는 뜻을 가진 꽁시 파 차이(恭禧發財). 입니다. Holi에 대한 전설 옛날, 악마 히라냐카시프(Hiranyakashipu)라는 왕은 파괴의 신 시바를 열광적으로 숭배했 고, 아들 쁘랄라드(Prahlad)는 세상을 유지하는 신 비슈누를 섬겼습니다. 왕은 자신의 신을 섬기지 않은 아들을 못마땅하게 여겼고, 급기야는 그를 없애기 위해 불에 타지 않는 능력을 가 진 여동생 홀리카(Holika)에게 부탁합니다. 그녀는 조카를 안고 불에 뛰어들 지만 그녀의 놀라운 능력은 온데간데없고 자신만 불에 타 죽고 맙니다. 마음 속의 사악한 기운 탓에 영험한 능력은 사라져 버리고, 왕자만 그가 신봉하는 비슈누 신이 구해 준 것이었습니다. 이것에서 비롯되어 인도에서는 사악한 홀리카를 태운다는 의미로 Holi 전날, 자정에 가까워지면 나무나 짚더미, 혹은 사람 형상의 인형을 태우는 모습을 마을 어디서나 볼 수 있습니다. Saint Patrick s Day가 여러 나라에서 기념되는 이유 아일랜드 민족의 축제인 Saint Patrick s Day는 현재 북아메리카, 유럽, 남 미 등 세계 전역에서 기념되고 있는데, 이는 아일랜드의 이민 역사와 관계가 깊습니다. 19세기 중엽 아일랜드에 감자 대기근이 들자 수십만의 굶주린 아일랜 드 인들이 미국을 포함한 다른 나라로 건너가기 시작하여 아일랜드계 이민자의 숫자는 기하급수적으로 늘어나기 시작했습니다. 아일랜드 이민자들은 차츰 자신들의 세력을 형성하면서 이민지에서 Saint Patrick s Day를 기념하기 시작하였고, 이제는 이민자뿐 아니라 현지인까지 같이 즐기는 거대한 축제가 되었습니다. Festivals around the World 87