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단위: 환경정책 형산강살리기 수중정화활동 지원 10,000,000원*90%<절감> 형산강살리기 환경정화 및 감시활동 5,000,000원*90%<절감> 9,000 4, 민간행사보조 9,000 10,000 1,000 자연보호기념식 및 백일장(사생,서예)대회 10


Veritas Netbackup 4.5 설치 및 설정 [목차] 1. 설치/제거 2. 라이브러리 설정 [1. 설치/제거] <설치> funfire28.root:[/cdrom/nb_45_dc_bs]# ls Doc/ NBClients/ install* solaris/ NB-Java/ hp-ux/ linux/ funfire28.root:[/cdrom/nb_45_dc_bs]#./install VERITAS Installation Script Copyright 1993-2002 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved. Installation Options 1 NetBackup 2 NetBackup Client Software 3 NetBackup Client Java Software q To quit from this script Choose an option [default: q]: 1 패키지 예 <VRTSnetbp>(을)를 </cdrom/nb_45_dc_bs/solaris>에서 처리 중 VERITAS NetBackup and Media Manager (sparc) 4.5,REV=2002.

Copyright 1993-2002 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved. NetBackup and Media Manager 4.5GA will be installed. There is an existing link from /usr/openv to /opt/openv. NetBackup and Media Manager binaries will be installed in /opt/openv Is this okay? (y) [y,n,?,q] y The Solaris clients will be loaded. Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? (y) [y,n,?]y The Solaris clients will be loaded. Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? (y) [y,n,?] y Choose the Platform Client types you wish to install by selecting the platform type one at a time or select ALL client platforms. Platform Client Options ----------------------- 1. Alpha 2. DataGeneral 3. HP9000 4. INTEL (FreeBSD) 5. Linux (RedHat) 6. MACINTOSH (MacOSX and MacOSXS1.2) 7. NCR 8. IBM RS6000

9. SCO 10. SGI 11. Sequent 12. Solaris 13. ALL client platforms q Quit client selection Enter Choice (Default is 13) [1-13,?,q] 12 Enter Choice (Default is 13) [1-13,?,q] q You have chosen to install: Solaris Is this the list you wish to use? (y) [y,n,?] y pied files to /kernel/drv and to /kernel/drv/sparcv9. Doing add_drv of the sg driver Creating /dev/sg. Added entry in /etc/ file. Made links in /dev/sg Media Manager configuration was successful. The NetBackup and Media Manager binaries are installed. Read the release notes carefully. If you ran pkgadd instead of./install, you must run /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp to initiate NetBackup. <VRTSnetbp>(이)가 성공적으로 설치되었습니다. Running /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp

A NetBackup BusinesServer or DataCenter license key is needed for installation to continue. Enter license key: BJX3-DNR3-RWOP-NPPP-PPPP-P6CB-HP BJX3-DNR3-RWOP-NPPP-PPPP-P6CB-HP: has an invalid check-sum (223) A NetBackup BusinesServer or DataCenter license key is needed for installation to continue. Enter license key: Enter license key: BJX3-D3CR-RWCL-WPZP-PPPP-PCPP-NP62-EP BJX3-D3CR-RWCL-WPZP-PPPP-PCPP-NP62-EP: NetBackup BusinesServer Base product has been registered. All additional keys should be added at this time. Do you want to add additional license keys now? (y/n) [y] License Key Utility ------------------- A) Add a License Key D) Delete a License Key F) List Active License Keys L) List Registered License Keys H) Help q) Quit License Key Utility Enter a letter: q Installing NetBackup BusinesServer version: 4.5GA Linking /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/xnb --> /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/xnb.dt

Checking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpcd entry. Original /etc/inetd.conf saved as /etc/inetd.conf.nbu_030905.19:46:06. Checking for a vnetd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding vnetd entry. Checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding vopied entry. Checking for a bpjava-msvc entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpjava-msvc entry. Checking /etc/services for the needed NetBackup and Media Manager services. Copying original /etc/services file to /etc/services.nbu_030905.19:50:05 Editing /etc/services to update NetBackup and Media Manager services. /etc/services will be updated to add the following entries for NetBackup/Media M anager. bprd 13720/tcp bprd bpcd 13782/tcp bpcd bpdbm 13721/tcp bpdbm vnetd 13724/tcp vnetd vopied 13783/tcp vopied bpjobd 13723/tcp bpjobd nbdbd 13784/tcp nbdbd visd 9284/tcp visd bpjava-msvc 13722/tcp bpjava-msvc vmd 13701/tcp vmd acsd 13702/tcp acsd tl8cd 13705/tcp tl8cd tldcd 13711/tcp tldcd ts8d 13709/tcp ts8d odld 13706/tcp odld tl4d 13713/tcp tl4d tsdd 13714/tcp tsdd tshd 13715/tcp tshd tlmd 13716/tcp tlmd tlhcd 13717/tcp tlhcd lmfcd 13718/tcp lmfcd

rsmd 13719/tcp rsmd To change these entries modify the file /tmp/services.ov_edited.10893 and enter <RETURN> when ready to continue: RNING: ypwhich: the domainname hasn't been set on this machine. WARNING: ypcat: the domainname hasn't been set on this machine. Sending SIGHUP to inetd process. To make NetBackup and Media Manager startup automatically when the system is restarted, the netbackup script found in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup has been placed in /etc/init.d, with links to it placed in the /etc/rc2.d directory. To make NetBackup and Media Manager shutdown automatically when the system is restarted, the netbackup script found in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup has been placed in /etc/init.d, with links to it placed in the /etc/rc0.d directory. Extracting NetBackup-Java product files. Installing NetBackup-Java, and the Java runtime environment for SunOS 5.9. Configuring NetBackup-Java runtime environment. The installation of the NetBackup-Java product on funfire28 is complete. Set global device configuration host failed.

Starting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm). Creating policy and schedule examples that you can view or use when you are configuring your own policies and schedules.... creating policy template_normal... creating schedules for policy template_normal... creating policy template_weekend... creating schedules for policy template_weekend Done creating example policies and schedules. Creating Directive Set for LotusNotes Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_5.x Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_Mailbox Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_2000 Creating Directive Set for Windows2000 Running index_clients process in background mode. Output from the process will be written to /tmp/index_clients.output. The global device database version is incompatible Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes. Starting the NetBackup request daemon process (bprd). VERITAS Installation Script Copyright 1993-2002 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved. Installation Options 1 NetBackup 2 NetBackup Client Software 3 NetBackup Client Java Software

q To quit from this script Choose an option [default: q]: A trace of the install can be found in /tmp/install_trace.10279 That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful. funfire28.root:[/cdrom/nb_45_dc_bs]# <제거> unfire28.root:[/opt/openv/netbackup/bin]# funfire28.root:[/opt/openv/netbackup/bin]# pkginfo grep netbp application VRTSnetbp VERITAS NetBackup and Media Manager funfire28.root:[/opt/openv/netbackup/bin]# pkgrm VRTSnetbp [2. 라이브러리 설정] 1. netbackup program install 2. 패스 설정 /opt/openv/netbackup/bin /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies /usr/openv/volmgr/bin 3. bpstop, bpstart 스트립트 생성 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin 밑에 생성한다. #bpstop /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all #bpstart /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/initbprd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid

4. netbackup server 와 clinet에 모두 /etc/hosts 파일에 아이피를 등록해 준다 5. tape 장치 인식 시키기 sgscan tape conf -v Tape device types enabled in the Solaris tape driver, st(7d), configuration file: HP Ultrium:Ultrium Tape devices recognized by the SCSI Generic (sg) driver: /dev/sg/c1t5l0: (/dev/rmt/0): "HP Ultrium 1-SCSI E33A" : Ultrium 위와 같이 장치가 제대로 인식이 되어야 하는데 위와 같은 식으로 나오지 않을 경우에는 아 래의 파일들을 확인해 본다. vi /kernel/drv/st.conf "HP Ultrium","HP Ultrium","Ultrium", Ultrium = 1,0x36,0,0xd639,4,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40,3; tape-config-list= 처음것은 추가를 시켜주고 두번째것은 # 표시를 제거을 시켜 준다. 위에 "HP Ultrium","HP Ultrium","Ultrium", Ultrium = 1,0x36,0,0xd639,4,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40,3; 이것은 HP 장비의 LTO1일 경우에는 쓰는 것이고 LTO2일 경우에는 "HP Ultrium","HP Ultrium","Ultrium", Ultrium = 1,0x36,0,0xd639,4,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x42,3; 로 쓰면 된다. 그리고 이것은 장비마다 다르기에 확인해서 장비에 맞는 것을 추가 시켜 주면 된다. 그러면 이제 본격적으로 장치를 netbackup 프로그램에 인식 시켜 보겠다. 일단 명령어로 로보과 미디어를 인식시키기 위해서는 netbackup에 관련된 모든 데몬을 죽 이고 vmd라는 데몬만 살려놓은 상태에서 해야 한다.

sunfire280.root:[/]# bpstop sunfire280.root:[/]# bpstop Looking for Media Manager processes that need to be terminated. Stopping vmd... Looking for NetBackup processes that need to be terminated. sunfire280.root:[/]# bpps -a NB Processes ------------ MM Processes ------------ sunfire280.root:[/]# vmd sunfire280.root:[/]# bpps -a NB Processes ------------ MM Processes ------------ root 17425 1 0 19:38:33? 0:00 vmd sunfire280.root:[/]# 이 상태에서 tpconfig 로 세팅을 해주면 된다. Device Management Configuration Utility 1) Drive Configuration 2) Robot Configuration 3) Volume Database Host Configuration 4) Print Configuration 5) Help 6) Quit

Enter option: 순서는 로버을 먼저 세팅을 하고 드라이버를 세팅을 하면 된다. 2번을 선택을 한다. Robot Configuration 1) Add 2) Delete 3) Update 4) List Configuration 5) Help 6) Quit - return to main menu Enter option: 1번을 선택을 한다. 1) RSM - Removable Storage Manager (Windows platforms only) 2) TL4 - Tape Library 4MM : DAT 3) TL8 - Tape Library 8MM : AIT 4) TLD - Tape Library DLT : DLT, LTO 장치일때 선택 5) TS8 - Tape Stacker 8MM 6) TSD - Tape Stacker DLT 4번을 선택을 한다. sunfire280.root:[/]# sgscan changer conf -v /dev/sg/c1t0l0: "ADIC FastStor 2 A11r" SM - Removable Storage Manager (Windows platforms only) 2) TL4 - Tape Library 4MM 3) TL8 - Tape Library 8MM 4) TLD - Tape Library DLT 5) TS8 - Tape Stacker 8MM 6) TSD - Tape Stacker DLT

Enter Robotic Type (1-5): 4 Enter robot number or <RETURN> to use default (0): Enter SCSI path for TLD robotic control: /dev/sg/c1t0l0 Robotic definition added for TLD(0) Press any key to continue 그런 다음에 드라이버를 세팅을 한다. Device Management Configuration Utility 1) Drive Configuration 2) Robot Configuration 3) Volume Database Host Configuration 4) Print Configuration 5) Help 6) Quit Enter option: 1번을 선택을 한다. Drive Configuration 1) Add 2) Delete 3) Update 4) List Configuration 5) Help 6) Quit - return to main menu Enter option: 1번을 선택을 한다. Enter drive name or <RETURN> to use default (Drive0): 1) 1/4" Cartridge (qscsi) 2) 1/2" Cartridge (hcart) : LTO 장치 미디어일때 선택

3) 4mm Cartridge (4mm) : DAT 미디어일때 선택 4) 8mm Cartridge (8mm) : 5) DLT Cartridge (dlt) Enter Drive Type (1-5):2 (미디어가 LTO장치이기 때문에) Enter drive name or <RETURN> to use default (Drive0): 1) 1/4" Cartridge (qscsi) 2) 1/2" Cartridge (hcart) 3) 4mm Cartridge (4mm) 4) 8mm Cartridge (8mm) 5) DLT Cartridge (dlt) Enter Drive Type (1-5): 2 Enter NonRewindDrivePath: /dev/rmt/0cbn : cbn은 꼭 붙어야 한다. Enter drive status - (u)p or (d)own: u Do you want to configure this drive in a robot? (y/n) n: y을 선택을 한다. Enter drive name or <RETURN> to use default (Drive0): 1) 1/4" Cartridge (qscsi) 2) 1/2" Cartridge (hcart) 3) 4mm Cartridge (4mm) 4) 8mm Cartridge (8mm) 5) DLT Cartridge (dlt) Enter Drive Type (1-5): 2 Enter NonRewindDrivePath: /dev/rmt/0cbn Enter drive status - (u)p or (d)own: u Do you want to configure this drive in a robot? (y/n) n: Drive being added to: TLD(0) robotic path = /dev/sg/c1t0l0, volume database host = sunfire280

Enter TLD robot drive number (1-2): 1 : 로보이 하나이기에 당연이 1번을 선택을 한다. Drive name Drive0 has been added *************Drive Information**************** Drive Name Drive0 Index 0 NonRewindDrivePath /dev/rmt/0cbn Type hcart Status UP Shared Access No TLD(0) Definition DRIVE=1 Press any key to continue 그러면 이제 장치 구성은 모두 끝났다. 이제 bpstop 후 bpstart로 데몬을 다시 시작한후 netbackup을 시작해서 netbackup안에서 구성 사항들을 정리해 보겠다. 프로그램 실행후 1. media -> inventory robot -> perform volumn configuration update -> start 하면 미디어가 잡힌다. 2. 그러면 이제 full에 미디어을 할당을 해준다. 기본적으로 netbacukp을 설치를 하면 media->volume pools에 netbacup, datastore, none 3가지가 있는데 datastore와 none은 삭제를 해도 상관이 없지만 netbackup을 삭제을 하면 netbackup 프로그램이 제대로 작동을 하지 않는 다.

media는 기본적으로 netbackup가 다 포함되어 있다. 다른 full에 옮길 미디어를 선택을 한다음 change을 눌러서 이동을 시키면 된다. media-> volume pools -> netbckup -> 미디어 선택 -> change -> volume pool의 new pool을 선택후 오른쪽에서 풀을 선택을 한다. 3. 카테고리 설정 catalog -> configure netbackup catalog backup -> mediate type은 removeable 선택하고 volume에서 미디어를 선택을 한다. 4. mager server 설정 host propertites -> 서버 목록을 더블 클릭하고 -> media 을 선택후 allow media overwrite을 모두 선택을 한다. host propertites -> 서버목록을 선택을 하고 -> logging을 선택을 한후 global logging level 을 5로 선택을 한다. 그러면 일단 기본적인 세팅은 끝났고 이제 새로운 풀과 백업 정책을 수립을 해서 테스트를 해보면 된다... storage unit에서 storage unit 생성 robot type : TLD-Tape Library DLT robot number : 0 drive density : hcart-1/2 inch cartridege 다른것은 1 1로 세팅 hostpropertites에서 마스테 서버와 클라이 언트 세팅을 해야함.

추가내용 drive가 down 상태일때 up시키는 방법(drive number가 0일 경우) # vmoprcmd -up 0