Smart Exhibition Smart Exhibition BizMarComm at a Glance Company History Organization Why? BizMarcomm 01. Total Space Marketing Solution 02. Project Management System 03. Reliable Global Networks Portfolio
Ideal Exhibition Concept of BizMarComm, SMART EXHIBITION 기업의 이미지와 새로운 가치를 창출할 수 있는 전략이 현실화 되는 공간, 고객과 시장으로부터 성공적인 반응을 이끌어 나갈 수 있는 기획과 준비, 전시목적을 담아내는 창조적 디자인, 다양한 기업의 이미지와 제품, 효율적인 예산관리... Total Communication 이것이 좋아 밤낮을 가리지 않고 고민하는 열정에 찬 사람들이 있습니다. 비즈마컴 = 전시가 운명인 사람들... 그들이 Smart Idea를 통해 추구하는 Smart Exhibition이 지금부터 시작됩니다. BizMarComm = Exhibit Profession To complete ideal exhibition strategy SMART EXHIBITION, we carry out the task with our passion, firmly based on smart processing. Efficien nt Budgeting We invite you to find out more about SMART EXHIBITION. Creative Design
BizMarComm at a Glance (기업개요) Company Established CEO Address Homepage Tel BizMarComm Ltd. 5 th June 2001 Jihwan Alex Yoon Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea + 82 2 539 9782 Company History (기업연혁) 2001. 06 2001. 10 2001. 12 2002. 11 2006. 08 2008. 09 2008. 2010. 06 비즈마컴 설립 전문건설업 등록 Brain International Group 한국지사 COEX 지정업체 등록 산업디자인전문회사 등록 (KIDP) 전시사업자 등록 (MKE) 전시대행 연간 100회 이상 수행 사옥 이전 (강남구 논현동) Established BizMarComm Registered in Expertise Construction Business Co-founding Brain International Group Registered as Official Vendor of COEX Registered as Industrial Design Company (Korea Institute of Design Promotion) Registered as official vendor for Exhibition Firm by Ministry of Knowledge Economy Fulfilled more than 100 projects in a year Moved to Biz Haus
Organization (조직도) Exhibit Profession Administration Accounting Human Resources 경영지원, 회계, 인사 Planning Sales & Marketing 커뮤니케이션 프로젝트 기획 Creative Space Design 전시 / 홍보관 디자인 매뉴얼 디스플레이 Operation Production 실시설계 제작감리 Subsidiary Company Organizing Agent 전시회, 컨퍼런스 주최 대행 예산관리 Graphic Design 그래픽 디자인 현장관리 Graphic Design & Printing 그래픽 디자인 & 출력 브로셔 디자인 사인 / 동영상
많은 Client들이 비즈마컴을 꾸준히 찾아주시고 있는 이유입니다 01 Total Space Marketing Solution Provider 02 Project Management System 03 Reliable Global Networks
01. Why? BizMarComm - Total Space Marketing Solution Provider 비즈마컴은 전시를 기반으로 하는 모든 영역의 업무를 기획 실행하고 있습니다. 단순한 공간 디자인을 넘어서 Space Marketing의 A부터 Z까지 모든 솔루션을 제공합니다. BizMarComm manages and executes all areas of business based on domestic and international exhibitions. Beyond the basic design of the exhibition space, we provide the complete solution from A to Z in all space marketing related activities. Exhibit & Space Marketing 공간을 통한 마케팅 Space Design [전시관, 홍보관, 상설매장] Event / Multimedia Graphic Design / Display / Decoration 참여 프로그램을 통한 마케팅 Conference / Forum Event / Sales Promotion Launching Ceremony 고객 대응을 통한 마케팅 Exhibition Management Catering Service Protocol / Hospitality
02. Why? BizMarComm - Project Management System 모든 프로젝트마다 기획/디자인/실행 세 부서에서 전담 Team을 구성하여 유기적인 역할분담을 통해 외주 없이 사내 일괄대행으로 성공적인 Smart Exhibition의 결과물을 만들어 내고 있습니다. Selected experts from each department (Planning, Design, Operation) offer systematical services based on accumulated experiences from many of projects we ve done, and create a successful outcome of smart exhibition which all conducted by in-house manpower. Project Manager를 통한 일원화된 커뮤니케이션 채널로 미스커뮤니케이션을 예방하며, 광고주의 Needs를 정확히 이해하고 실행하는 안정적인 서비스를 제공합니다. Project Managers are here for you as a unified communication channel to prevent miscommunication, understand client's request more accurately and perform reliable service. Total Communication Project Manager Production Designer Efficient Budgeting Creative Design Operation
03. Why? BizMarComm - Reliable Global Networks 전세계 어느 곳의 전시회에 참가하시더라도 BizMarComm만의 Networks를 통해 국내와 동일한 서비스를 약속 드립니다. BizMarComm guarantees the same service as domestic project at any place in the world through our own networks. Amsterdam Paris Barcelona Moscow Hannover Frankfurt Istanbul Milano New Delhi Dubai Bangkok Beijing Seoul Hongkong Taipei Tokyo Chicago Las Vegas New York Kuala Lumpur Singapore Jakarta Johanesburg Sydney Santiago Sao Paulo Buenos Aires BRAIN International Group Headquarter of Brain Int l group is located in Singapore, it has 9 offices worldwide and BizMarComm is Korea branch of it. Exclusive Partners BizMarComm has formed other exclusive partnership worldwide in exhibition management. China HongKong India Indonesia Korea Middle East Germany Italy Japan Russia Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Thailand South America South Africa Turkey USA And more
P o rt fo lio 3D Sim ula tio n 새로운 가치를 만들어 내는 크고 작은 공간들, BizMarComm은 상상이 현실이 되는 공간을 만들어내는 흥미로운 여정을 진행 중 입니다. BizMarComm s exciting journey is in progress by creating true value and transforming them into reality. 프로젝트의 규모는 중요하 중요하지 않습니다. BizMarComm m을 필요로 하신다면 세계 어디든 광고주의 N 션 공간을 만들어 드립니다. Needs 에 맞춘 열린 커뮤니케이션 It doesn't matter tthe size of the project. We, BizMarComm unication space BizMarComm, make the open communication to meet the needs of clients, no matter where here you go.
Portfolio Exhibition SK hynix @ FMS 2013 SK hynix @ FMS 2013 36sqm / Santa Clara, USA Samsung Medison @ KIMES 2013 324sqm / Coex, Korea AMORE PACIFIC @ Cosmetics & Beauty Expo 2013 135sqm / Osong, Korea
KT&G @ TFWA 2013 KT&G @ TFWA 2013 40sqm / Cannes, France SK chemicals @ K show 2013 360sqm / Dusseldorf, Germany Kyung dong NAVIEN @ Korea Energy Show 2013 270sqm / Coex, Korea
Portfolio Exhibition KPECO KPS @ 부산국제원자력산업전 2014 36sqm / Bexco, Korea 한국가스공사 @ Gastech 2014 450sqm / KINTEX, Korea Korea Rail Network Authority @ Korea Railways & Logistics Fair 2013 Korea Rail Network Authority @ Korea Railways & Logistics Fair 2013 180sqm / Bexco, Korea
Humax @ IBC 2012 200sqm / Amsterdam, Netherlands Hurom @ IH + HS 2014 56sqm / Chicago, USA Bixolon @ Euro CIS 2013 Bixolon @ Euro CIS 2013 36sqm / Dusseldorf, Germany
Portfolio Exhibition Incheon airport @ Route Forum 2012 Incheon airport @ Route Forum 2012 100sqm / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates LG Chem @ Light + Building 2014 165sqm / Frankfurt, Germany CrucialTec @ MWC 2014 108sqm / Barcelona, Spain
한국수력원자력 @ 부산국제원자력산업전 2014 72sqm / Bexco, Korea SK telecom @ MWC 2014 SK telecom @ MWC 2014 520sqm / Barcelona, Spain HAPPYCALL @ Ambiente 2014 80sqm / Frankfurt, Germany
Portfolio Exhibition Samsung Heavy Industries @ EWEA 2014 270sqm / Barcelona, Spain KIA Motors @ Auto China 2010 1,100sqm / Beijing, China Hyosung @ INDEX 2014 Hyosung @ INDEX 2014 100sqm / Geneva, Switzerland
광물자원공사 @ 대한민국 녹색에너지 체험전 2013 광물자원공사 @ 대한민국 녹색에너지 체험전 2013 90sqm / 세종특별자치시, 원주시, 의정부시 Samsung (CHEIL worldwide) @ Guangzhou Asian Game 2010 800sqm / Guangzhou, China DOOSAN @ SIMTOS 2014 1800sqm / KINTEX, Korea
Portfolio Exhibition CJ 4D Plex @ Cinemacon 2013 36sqm / Las Vegas, USA OECD Ministerial Theme Pavilion 2008 630sqm / Coex, Korea LS Cable @ Hannover Messe 2010 LS Cable @ Hannover Messe 2010 120sqm / Hannover, Germany
Seoul Tourism Organization @ IMEX 2012 72sqm / Frankfurt, Germany Volkswagen @ Busan Motor Show 2012 650sqm / Bexco, Korea LS Prospecs @ WSA 2011 36sqm / Las Vegas, USA Poongsan @ Air show 2013 300sqm / KINTEX, Korea
Portfolio Showroom 삼성중공업 거제도신한 내 풍력홍보전시관 Forest Vision Center 산림비전센터 홍보관 DAESUNG Showroom 영천시청 최무선 과학관
Portfolio Permanent Exhibition 태백시청 태백광산역사체험촌 한국수력원자력(주) 한빛원자력 홍보관 2013 한국수력원자력(주) 중앙연구원 홍보관 2013 Korea Shipping and Ports Pavilion @ Expo2012 Yeosu Korea 한국해운항만관 @ 2012 여수세계박람회
Portfolio Promotion & Conference Agilent Measurement Forum 2012 COEX, Korea HANKOOK tire @ Dealer conference 2012 HANKOOK tire @ Dealer conference 2012 Jakarta, Indonesia PL Day 2011 COEX, Korea SK hynix @ CIS Showcase 2013 Shenzhen, China Google WWW 2014 COEX, Korea Samsung Corby Launching Show 2009 Milano & Seoul
Packing list Hotel reservation Show time Transportation Contractor registration Budgeting AV item list up Badge order Internet, Electricity order Guideline Regulation Check Design concept Schedule Hall plan Email Design approval Organizer Contact Brainstorming Break down period Bird Eye View Checklist Furniture order Design Motif Sign plan Location analysis Hostess profile Aggressive Branding Spec Catering item Exhibition Strategy Invoice Brand Identity Installation period Graphic plan Detail View Giveaway
감사합니다. 합니다. 합 니다 앞으로도 미친 열정으로 일하는 (주)비즈마컴이 되겠습니다. 습 다 습니다 습니 습니다. With full of Exhibit Profession, BizMarComm never stop to create your space turn into brand.